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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1917)
DAJELT. ROGO MVKR OOVKDUI MONDAY. HKPTKMIIBR IT, ltlT U PER52NAL LOCAL ' Courier Bargain Dy tomorrow. . George Billings went to Ashland tbls morning. C D. Moor, ot Wonder, was In the city today. Lux washes tine woolens and silks. Sablu has It. 58 H. O. IMess, of Rogue River, was In the city today on business. 1 ' Mrs. Naomi Dlllen, of Hugo. Is anenrilna- the dT Itt tOWU. , i Mrs. Frank McFartand returned lut nlrht from Gold Beach. . i N line of Swiss and American bracelet watches at latcher Son's, Jewelers. M Kn. N. r. Inman arrived thle morning from Millwood to visit rela- . tlves.: MU Nellie Baber left this morn ng tor Santa Rosa to remain tndeftn- Englewood milk and cream for sale t Homing's Shack. 58 - iMtss Mlnne Ireland Is spending the day In Medford and Ashland on business. Courier Bargain Day tomorrow. Mrs. W. Diffendarfer arrived this morning from Los Angeles and will wit her sister-in-law, Mrs. C M. Lathrop. A tine selection ot ladles coats Just arrived.' Mrs. B. Rehkopf. (tf C, P. Wise, who spent the paM tour weeks with his sons, B. C CyrU and Frank 'Wise, left last night for his home at . St. Louis. Miss Edna Crawford returned this morning from a vacation ot several weeks spent st Portland and other points. Mrs. Robert S. Adams and little daughter returned this afternoon from Glendsle. where they spent several days witb friends. Mrs. Ernest Banfleld sad two chil dren arrived here Sunday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Banfleld. Mrs. Banfleld ws formerly Miss Vsda Swlnney. Large line of lavallleres In stock at Letcher Son's. 6S C. I. Flock arrived Friday from Kellogg, Ids., and will spend the winter here. He - was accompanied by his son. Hester, who stsrted In high school this morning. New wool sweater coats Just fine for cool days. Mrs. E. Reh kopf. 5"' John F. Bane and family arrived Saturday night from Bsndon and will make their home in Takilma section. Miss Martha Bane will re main In this city to attend high school. W. S. Barnes, who with Mrs. Barnes visited their dsughter, Mrs. A. N. Parsons, left tbs morning re turning to Chicago. Mrs. Barnes will remain here several weeks mure. The latest ophUlmometer, the kind,, used in the larger cities for examining the eyes, Is In use by Letcher & 8on, registered optome trists. 5 R. B. Baber returned Saturday night from the Coos bay country, where he spent two months. He drove his German coach stallion "Fiddler" over the mountains, re turning by the Dlllard route. Tnmflmtw'w the lny , The Bargain day, when you save 11.50 by paying Dally Courier sub scription. , Sniuta Orill Tomorrow An extra drill for the Boy Scouts has been called for tomorrow, (Tuesday) evening. Meet at Cham ber of Commerce rooms at 7 sharp, Or. Bywatee.Out of City ' Dr. Bywater. eye, ear, nose and throat surgeon, will be out ot the city until October 1st. 6 V.v M. t A. Worker Mere John H Rudd ot Portland, one of the .army Y. M. C. A. workers, will be In Granta Pass tomorrow and will speak at the Chamber of Commerce rooms at 8 o'clock to those who are Interested In hearing ot the army T. M. C. A. work. He wishes especially to meet the members or the army Y. 'M. .C. A. committee. New Flags Displayed The local recruiting office and the post office are both displaying bright new United States flags and recruiting banners. It Will Pay Tot To borrow the money It you do not happen to have It handy and save 25 per cent on Dally Courier subscription. Tuesday la the day Cornea Gets limit A. B. Cornell, a few- nights ago went to West Fork, and the next morning spent a few hour la the woods with a friend and by the mid dle of the afternoon had bagged the limit, and now the Cornells have canned venison enough to last tor the entire year. Courier Bargain Day tomorrow, Subscribers in Ai A limited number ot Dally Courier subscribers 1 are several months in arrears tor subscription Arrangements should be- made at the office for payment or subscrip tions will have to e discontinued. Interesting Pamphlet The Chamber of Commerce Is In receipt of a pamphlet (The Work In Europe of the American Red Cross.) It is a most Interesting ac count of the stupenduous task being performed by this organization and will furnish interesting reading to any citizen. It Is on Me at the Chamber of Commerce rooms for the use of the ptrbllc. Dont Forget Tomorrow It is Bargain day and the Daily Courier costs 14.50 that day only. On Wednesday the nrlce is tft. Ilramwell at KotwtMtrg Motel- Arthur (Butch) Bramwetl of this city, brother of Frank C? Itramwell, has accepted a position , as night clerk at the I'mpqua hotel, Rose burg. The I'mpqua Is by all means the tost hotel In Dougtus county. The Roseburg Review, sieaktng ot Mr. Brsmwell, says: "Mr, Bram- well's father is connected with the beet sugar factory iU Grants Pass snd has visited In Roseburg upon severs 1 occasions. The young man assumed his duties at the hotel last night. MARK1KO SMITH-SMITH At the homeNrf J K. Manuel, Saturday evening at 9:15, Earl Smith and Miss Flor ence Smith, Rev. J. H. Harmon officiating. The wedding was performed lu the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel and Miss Ethel Wllkerson, the young people stealing a march on their fsmilles and friends. They left the same evening for San Francisco for a 10 days' trip. H MINTED FOR THE STATE FAIR Josephine county Is to have an exhibit at the state fair. It goes without saying that those In charge ot the work want the exhibit to be one of which the county may be proud. That means first-class speci mens are desired. Any grower having unusually fine specimens of any agricultural pro duct Is earnestly requested to bring them to the office of County Agent Thompson on or before Thursday or this week. The committee wants unusually excellent specimens rather than abnormalttes or freak; and quality rather than quantity. The reputation of this county de pends upon these exhibits', and the committee, while working faithful ly and vigorously, must depend to a large measure upon voluntary con tributions. On Friday, the J 1st. the exhibits will be packed for shipment to Salem. Growers are earnestly re quested to taring in their contribu tions before that day. Full credit will be given to each grower. DIED KAYSBR At the home of his son nesr Merlin. Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Ieopold H. Kayser aged 79 years. 2 months and 19 days. Chas. W. Kayser. the son. who spent several weeks at his Merlin ranch, was on his way to Chicago when notified or his lather's death The remains will be shipped to Port land tonight for cremation. Boy Earn Red Cross Our There Is one small boy in Grants Pass who is proudly displaying bis receipt for membership in the Red Cross chapter; proud of the fact that he is a member but still prouder that he earned the money to pay his dues. He did so by washing dishes for. his mother st 5 per mesl. 20 meals, and the dollar was earned. The Wardrobe Cleaners At SIS North 'Sixth street Phone 147. Receiving oce with Peerless) Clothing Co. Cleaning, pressing and repairing, We call for and deliver, tf September 18, Courier Bargain Day. Hi THE UNIVERSAL CAR WHKRICYKIt Ford cars have pioneered, Ford service has kept pace. It Is the factor which strengthens the personal, relation be tween Ford owners and the Com pany. To get the beat possible ser vice from your Ford car, bring it nam when it needs attention and get the benefit of Ford supervision throughout. We use the gennlne Ford parts and give yon the bene fit of the regular standard Ford prices. Touring Car SftAO, Runnhont Sedan t4o, Connelet tnoS, Town Car f3S ail f. o. b. Detroit. On display and for sale by C. L. HOB ART CO. GRAVER P.tHH, OIUWOX if ' COMING EYIXTS Sept. IS Tuesdsy Courier Bar gain Day. Sept. 22, Saturday Pomona Grange at Williams. Sept. 29-30. Saturday and Sunday C. E. district convention at Ash land. NKW TOD4.T (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two Issues. 25c; six issues, 50c: one month. 11.50, when paid In advance. When not paid In advance, 5c per line per Issue. I WANTED One team to haul ore 1 team to sled ore, $8.50 and $7 per day. Phone 191-J or see Ceo. S. Bsrton. 740 North Eighth street. P. O. Box 646. 59 FOR RENT McKtbben house and garage on Tokay Heights, cheap to right parties. Also good house on Third street, close In. See H H. Allvu. city hall. 59 WANTED Young man who has hsd printing office experience Steady Job If satisfactory, Courier office. 58 GREEN GAGE plums three-fourth cents per pound. Pick them your self. 731 South Eighth street Phone 251-J. 57tf YOl'NO MEN who want to get In U. 8. survey apply to me. Will have a few vacancies soon. Fred Mensch, U. S, surveyor, Dotham, Ore. 58 E IS Gold Hill, Ore.. Sept. 17. Anoth er old-time noted producing mine or this district has been sold. J. W. Wakefield, ot Med ford, and his as sociates, who are eastern people, have bought the Billiard gold mine, lying two miles north of Gold Hill, snd will reopen the old works st once. " They contemplate the erec tion or s five-stump mill on . the premise. The nilunrd wss s producer of $40 ore In the early ', but later became Involved In litigation and since then has been closed until two years ago I. W. Ray. or Gold Hill whose rather, Ellshs Rsy, wss the orlginsl discoverer, acquired the property.- KENTUCKY HORSES FOR A ROGUE RIVER FARM Cold Hill. Sept. 17. The fact that Rogue river Is fast becoming a uteres for eastern captallats who are looking for s residence section was again made evdent when Mrs. Kan nle Wlthlngton, or Cleveland, Ohio, and Santa Bar burn, Cal., bought a IM-arre rami on Itogue river, east of Tolo. which belonged to Benton Bowers, of ths city, says the Ash land Tidings. The price wss $16, 000 cash. Mrs. Wlthlngton. who Is a woman of considerable means, will build a handsome residence on the bank or the Rogue river where she will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Ruth W. Clemens, and children. The farm "11 be planted to al falfa and be made a stock ranch, with full-tolooded I'ercherona and ssddle horses a speciality. Mrs. Wlthlngton Is an enthualastc eques trienne snd will have several full blooded Kentucky saddle horses shipped at once to her new home. The Best Underwear V ! . HOMK MKM NTK.'K TO COTTON . I XDKKW K A It TUN Y K A H ItOIND; HOMN WANT WOOL IN WINTKK. VK ANTIt'IPATKO .WD NtOVlOMI FOR KVKIlY M.tN'H WANTS. Two piece Suits 50c to $1.50 gtrcest fea Scits $1.00 to $5.00 .. : MK H r.'HK FOR THE IIKHT IW I'M DFItWKAK PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. . Cth ChthUn TKAjM HOKSK3 for sale, In good condition, weight about 1,060 each, wagon and harness. All for $100 cash. Clifford Costsin, 306 West I street. 63 MEN WANTED If you went a Job or if you have a Job and want more money Inquire at Spa con fectionery or phone at my ex pense if you mean business. $3.50 a day up. Phone 262-R. (This means you) C. E.Hendricks. 60 WANTED Man and wife for ranch work, wife' to board the men. River Banks Farm. 63 FOR SArRPoland " Chins" pigs (both sex.) Price $40 each Warren D, i.Mee, Applegste, Ore. 69 Joy Tonight nsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsn . HOt KK PKTKHH and f MYRTIjK HTKDMAX In 'As Men Love' he and I fa TOO MUCH FOR DEWEY. He Frankly Admitted There Wsa One Thing Hs Ceuldn't De. A curious coincidence surrounds the entering of George Dewey as a csdet at the naval acsdemy, from which he graduated with great honor In 18&8. His appointment was that of slternste to snother Monlpeller (Vt.) boy, son of a Vermont physician, also named George, They had pleyed together and fought many sham' battles side by aldp In the little old red schoolhouse. George I. received the nsval appoint ment, but for family reasons decid ed, to enter the ministry, and. the vs csticy , ws. ,tsken by. the . alternate, George Dewey, who wss ready for, any flgbt on Isnd or ses. as lie many times proved In, the little Monlpeller school house. No one remembers better than the writer the great demonstration In Bos ton Oct, 14, 1800, when Admiral Dewey wss the hero of the hour. Congratula tions were telegraphed from . the old playmate, George,, of the Monlpeller days: "Bully for you, George. Have you ceased swearing as you did In the old boyhood days? I could not have fought that battle of Manila, but I am sending you s sermon. I preached II Isst Sunday In my Syracuse church." The reply csms: Oor, I may have fnus ht like a bulldog, and I may still awssr st tlmea but I could not hsvs pnachad that sermon. OBOltOH DBWKT. --Button Tranm'rlut. It's Reasonable With LowRent No Deliveries No Credits We Should and Do Save You f.Iccey THE BASKET GROCERY 417 G St. We Received a Carload of Fords Last Week They are all sold. We exnert uuother t-ar load next week. If you want a Vortl let us have your order as soon as jiosHible so that we may know how to assign them. Price $420.70, Grants Pat C. L HOBART CO. P OF ARGENTINE IS Buenos Aires. Aug. 25. (Hy mall) Reviewing crop estimates for the current season, the Buenos Aires Standard draws the conclusion that the republic seems likely to have a record-breaking yield, but it questions whether this will do the country much good under cir cumstances. "The outlook would 1e most en couraging," ssys the Standard, "If we could count upon freighters to carry the grain to 'hungry Europe.' "But will Europe be hungry enough to purchase Argsntlne's grain In bulk? That will depend upon what the allies think will be Argentine's position politically when the harvest Is gathered. They are making every effort now to so har monlie their pooled produce as to make purchases from neutrals as light as possible, not because neu trality Is a crime-o be punished, but s policy that will not be encouraged. '"Freighters will be very scarce when neutrals aak for them to carry their produce to the war-bitten markets." If Wfialhcr forecast for the wek be ginning September 16, 1917: Paciflo States: Fair, except occa sions! ruins over northern ' districts. LAND GRAN? TAXES WILL BE: PAID SG0;, Washington. Sept. 17. Rep. Slnnott today called on the land commissioner to urge prompt pay ment of occrued taxes to the various Oregon and California land grant counties or Oregon, it having been decided olTirlally that taxes with rosts and penalties up to the dsts of revest tnent of title were Justly due. The commissioner told Mr. Slnnot, papers providing for the payments are now In course of preparation and will be forwarded through the Hecretary ot the Interior to the tress ii ry department,, which will draw warrants In settlement ot these ac counts. The commissioner thinks all pay ments will have 'been made within the next 30 days. A classlflod ad will give results. JAR CAPS Economy Kerr's Self-sealing White Crown Mason Golden State Schram Rogue Rhrcr Hdw. thh bio ran rao