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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1917)
MONDAY, HKITKMHKH IT, IIHT DAILY ROOITI BJYKB COURIXB rAaa era DESECRATION OF THE AMERICAN FLAG WILL PROVE A DANGEROUS BUSINESS A Little Stick of Makes the Whole World Kin I No climate affects it for the package protects it VLWGLEY'S goes to all parts of the worldin all seasons, to all classes. Fresh, clean, wholesome and delicious always. It aids appetite and di gestion, quenches thirst, keeps the teeth clean and breath sweet After every meal" The Flavor Lasts Fine kCMs. SQUMta w tuoe JAWM.1ML 0lt IM TWW )1 o cyvtw m iiwowCTn i SCHOOII Peas, Pencils, Tableta i(hrr Rclimd ' Supplies. v Rook for the itrNilo. ami th 1!lih Mhh.1 IMIMT OM sale. . BOOKS Demaray's Drag and Stationery Store MAHONIO TKMl'LK,' G HANTS PASS OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM SEPTEMBER 24-29 Agricultural Exhibit, Grand Live Htook Parade, Harness and Saddle Horses, Runnng and Trotting Races, Hogs, Cattle and Poultry, Farm Machinery Exhibits, Portlnnd Day, Sulom Day, Bcapdluavlan Day, Re formation Day and many other ape rial eventa. Something of Interest every minute. r UtW ItOl'M) TIUI FA MM . ,m sale September mil to Sttth, from all points In Oroum, Klnnl iiMiirn limit October llnl. - V All trulo dlrvcKto fair groumla, Ask local aitcnt for particular John M. Scott, Ooneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Southern Pacific: Lines .Washington, Sept. 17. Warning against desecration of the American flan by enemy alien and an order for their summary arrest and pun ishment has been Issued by Attorney Ooneral Gregory and In the hand of U. 8. attorneys throughout the country today. "Any alien enemy tearing down. mutilating or desecrating the United Htatea flag In any way," aaya the or der, "will be regarded a a danger on flag pole. For purposes of dec- to the public peace or safety and will oraton be recommends bunting, but be subject to summary arrest and1 never the flag. punishment." n (his connection Adjutant Gen eral 'McCain has Issued a pamphlet devoted to the traditions and use dilating commencement and cessa tion of the activities of the day. ' "It I displayed at half mast Mem orial Day, May 30, until noon and at full mast from noon until sunset. This also Is done on other day nam ed by army authorities from time to time, The flag la always hoisted to full staff before being lowered to half mast." ' ' General McCain recommend that the flag should never to used except "If you must use It for decorative purpose other than on a pole," said McCain, "It should always to bung flat, with the unon to the north or Classified AiSyerttsing KM )AL. ANGEL oak (0e; order by phone. No. lfO-J. 87tf 0. ft C. GRANT LANDS Blue print plau showing landa la Josephine county, f 1.50. Address A. E. Voorhle, Grant Paw ', tf PHYSICIANS TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Made . Motor Gaa, 1 quart equals (0 gal lons gasoline. Guaranteed by Auto Remedy Co., Cincinnati, O., and Mafic Sale Co., Minneapolis. Beware of Imitation. Inquire , Cha. Mee, A.pplgt, Ore, and M. Clemens, Drag gist, : Grants Pas. ' it 8. LOUOHRIDGE. M. D.. Pbyslclaa and surgeon. City or country call attended day or night Beeldener phone 369; office phone 182. Sixth and H. Tuff Building. of the Htars and Stripes for the In-; east. However, il should not be dis- formatlon of the general public. I played horizontally or laid flat. There is neither federal law nor. "Under no circumstances should It rule for the manner In which the j be hung where it will be contaml- clvll population displays, hangs or, noted, or be draped over chairs or salutes the flag, General McCain ; benches. No object or emblem of pointed out. Such rule there are j any kind should be placed above or apply only to the army and navy, i upon It. The only national laws there are "There Is no objection to flying governing the use of the flag." said the flag at night on civilian property he, "are those providing that 'nojif It Is not done for advertising pur trade mark ran be registered using, poses. the flag, coat of arms or other Inslg- The flag Is generally dlplayed or nia of the United States or any sl- Lincoln's and Washington's blrth mulatlon thereof and providing pen-j day. Mother's Day, Memorial Day, altlea for misuse, of the emblem Flag Day and Independence Day. within the district of Columbia.' "i "Where several flags or emblems There are however, etate laws g'ov-j are displayed, the American flag erning the uae or abuse of the flag. should be In the center at the top. The attorney general's orders, In any parade the flag should have tnke It authority from section 12 the place of honor. of President Wilson's proclamation; "The ,flag shoul of April 6, 191.7, concerning the ae- played Iivuie ana government or aliens. "In the army," said General Mc Cain. "It I the practice, each day re gardless of weather, to hoist the nag briskly at sunrise and lower It slow ly and ceremoniously at sunset. In- FOR SALE Oak dining Utile and chairs, rocker, library table, kitchen cabinet, dresser, carpet weeper, baby baggy and house bold rood at repair shop No. 401 North Sixth street. Phone 832-R. DR. ED. BTWATER Specialist oa diseases of the eye, ear, bom and throat; glasses fitted. Office) Hour to 12 a. m,. ! to I p. m. Phones Residence 20-L; office - 260-J; Masonic Tempi, Grants Pass, Or. CRAWFORD peaches for sale, three boxes for 11.00 Phone 610-F-84. FOR SALE Chalmers 8f auto, only run 7,000 miles, looks like new, sell very cheap or win exchange , for Income property. C. A. Grif fin, phone 145-L. . 59 A classified ad bring reanlts. to bent FOR RENT t-room house and fine garden spot on river bank, 4 blocks from Sixth street, at 14 per month. Inquire at Cha. Mor rison's grocery, 501 South Sixth street ; lltf should never be dls- the union down except enemy i as a signal of distress at sea., , "Old or worn flags should not be used, ever. They should be burned, privately, without Irreveranre or dis respect. "These view are merely sugges tive and not authoritative." CIA'S ASTUTENESS MADE HER ENTER WAR TREMOXT ROOMS i Now under managment of Mr. . L. C. Arm- , strong; 28 clean rooms at 85c and 50c; special rates by week or month; also light housekeep ing room. Would like your pat ronage. 40tf U O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practlo limited to disease of the eye, ear, nose and throat. ' Glasses nileo. Office hours t-12, 2-5, or on ap pointment. Office phone, (2; resi dence phone 858-J. A. A. W1THAM. M. D., Physician and surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner . Sixth and I streets. Phonee: Of fice, 116; residence, 288-J. Honrs, I a. m. to 4 p. m. , DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-class dentistry. 10V South Sixth street, Grants Pass, Oregon. ATTORNEYS H. D. Norton, Aitorney-et-law. Practice in all Slate and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIG ft WILUAMS Attorneya- at-Law Grant Pas Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice . in all courts. First National Bank Building. -; , DURHAM ft RICHARD, Attomeys-at-Law. Office Masonic Tempi. . Grants Paaa Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law '- County attorney for Josephine County. Office: SchaUhorn Bldg. PARTLY tarnished house Inquire Courier office. for rent. 46tf Tofclo. Aug. 20. (By mall) China smashed precedent' of centu rlea when she entered the world war. Sim cast aide the axe-old nun-reslstunt, laolaton policy' of her ancestors. Moreover, although a re public since 1911, and bearing all tho trappings and machinery gen erally approved for tho conduct of a republican government, China went Into the wur without a single nood of asKcnt from ber national congress. The reason was that there Is no purllatnenl today. It disappearance came about through effort to coerce It In the troublous days when Chang Hsun and his ptg-talled soldier marched on Peking. Then came tha "rca- toratlon" lasting Just one week, the: downfall of Chang Hsun and dem-, orracy again. ,Why did China decide on warT Uocause even disorder and, chaos, so frequent In China have not des troyed the Chncman'a astuteness. Above all things China needs money She beleves avowed declaration of hor eympathy for the allied cbubc will help her got the financial aid necessary to put her house In order. How well this hope Is being borne out Is Illustrated In reoorta that Eng land, Japan, Russia and France the "Four Power Syndicate" la con sidering a loan of 550.000.000 (gold) Not only this, but China hopes for revision of her customs duties, post ponement of payments on the Boxer indemnities, a voice at the peace council table whore settlement of Tslngtao will be made, expulsion of German Interests and German In trigue from her borders and lncreaa-had expressed ther support. the southern districts, wnicu Newspapers 5 & 10c Bundles- Courier food is more daintily se&soned when you use LESLIE SALT Intho convenient sidespout f ln frlrfmtahlit Anil M frnm k mri can people. Incidentally, if aid In men la de sired, China has 458,600 soldiers under arms, four great arsenals, a great supply of Iron, antimony and j other metals and inexhaustible man power. Some of these coolies ore aircauy at voi k in rranre. If Premier Tiian-chl, who has favored war since the break with Co. many, and Feng Kuochang, tie real president, have really decided to act together and support each other, China and war should get along- very well. Tuan. the man who vanquished Chang Hsun and his Im perial dreams, began shortly after his return to office to prepare his war plans. These Included the for mation of a national council, which will be the only form of popular rep resentaton to have a hand In Chna's war activities. Some officials pro posed to await the convention of the national assembly submitting the war proposal to this body, but Tuan atronxlv onnosed this. Insisting on the necessity of Immediate action. The national council, composed of ministers, vice-ministers, councilors of the various departments, and two representatives from each province, endowed Itself with the following powers, duties and limitations: It will take the place of the pro visional legislature organ; ts ses sion Bhall not exceed one year; It will confirm the cabinet's war dec larator modify the parliamentary election law and aid In the organixa tlon of parliament. At the close of the national coun cil, parliament will Immediately con vene. Thus, Premier Tuan has pro vided some form of popular approval for his polices. War against Germany today re ceives practically the unanimous support of the provinces. As early as August' 10th, four-fifths of them Even have been threatening revolution and a new government, have rallied to the cause. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, also furnished single room, reasonable rent, close In. 021 D, corner Seventh, Opposite Baptist church. '.' 61 O. S. SLANCHARD.Attorney-at-Law Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. : Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon V, -A. CLEMENTS Attorney-t-Law ' 'Practice in state and federal courts. Rooms 2, and 3, over Golden Rule Store. riANOS,' new and second-hand for rent or sale on easy monthly pay ments; flrst year'a rent to apply on purchase - price. Rowell's music and Photo House. 76 FOR RENT Partly furnished house, has good well, across from Riverside school bouse, conven , lent for school children. Inquire 709 South Eighth street 58 FOR RENT Remodeled 6-room house on G street, modern plumb ing. . Three or four well furnished comfortable housekeeping rooms at 639 North Second street. C. A. Griffin. - ' . 59 WANTED WANTED 10,000 customers to ride dally In Jitney Luke's taxi at 10 cents each. Inquire at The Spa confectionery, or phone 162-R. Country trips a special ity. 86tf A FEW good men wanted for saw mill work at Wlldervllle. Inquire G. H. Carner. Phone 87S-J. 57 BUAXCHARD ft BLANCHAiRD, At torneys, Albert block, phone 236-J : Practice In all courts; land board attorneys.''.' ' , .' ' VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. iBESTUL, Veterinarian. . Office . In Wlnetrout Implement Bldg. Phone 11 3-J. Residence Phone 305-R. IHIAYAC.K AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRAN8FBR CO. All . kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly don. . Phone 181-J. Stand at - freight depot. .A. Shade, Prop. . F. G. IS HAM, drayage and transfer. Sates, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phone Clark and Holman, No. 50. Resi dence phone 124-R. , TUB WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch 4 Bros. Transfer Co Phone .397R. ASSAYEKS E. R. CROUCH Asaayer. chemist metallurgist. Rooms 201-203 Pad dock Building, Grants Pass. WANTED Good girl or woman for general work, or man and wife no children. .Phone or writ Mrs. E. A. McPherson, Monumental. CAMPING RESORTS Cal. 58 .MVKICAi, INSTRUCTION J 7sM AOMURR AY, teacher of voice culture and singing. Lessons given at home of pupil If requested. Ad dress 716 Lee St. 851tf OA9QUET RESORT At the edge of . the redwoods, accommodations for " ' tourists, hotel 2 per day. electric ' lighted camp ground, garage, and ' accessories, groceries and supplies ' fishing and hunting. E. Rv Price, Propr. ' ' V ' 117tt MISCELLANEOUS CLOTHES REPAIRED , Mending and darning neatly done at 411 c st. i - f ' sett MISS ' AUMA WOLKE, teacher of piano and harmony. Special courses given In kindergarten , , n ; music. Address 706 North Fifth iTJie CalllOniia and OTSgOD Phone 20S-L. '76 Stupid Fish. . Professor Harold Russell, the Lon don sooUiglst, alwaya rejected the pop. ulur yarn about the wonderful thing llsh will do him put to It. He say they are deaf, dumb and virtually col or blind. When the calcareous toue are tukeu out uf the curs of fish they lose all sense of equilibrium aud roll about a If cruzy. Most fish hunt their 'food, by only defective slpht, but the eels by cvwi mure defective smell. A ximgn eel with which pmtvHsor ltus bell expcrlnieiiled (levonreil with the same avidity 1UU Cwyd w'.th cheese, anchovy, vnutptior, s:r'.ts of tun eiilluo aud u lllK-Mi (.'u-f of Iwlofornt-Mmi-cheater Ouintliuii. Dally Courier 4,60 Sept. 18. Coast Railroad Company Endtd the Kicking. A traveler nt a small hotel. In a back wuW eoacmiBt ti.wn of New England ceuiplalned to the clerk of the Inn con wtiitng the food, the beds,, the rooms lu fact, there wa nothing In the house that pleased him. When .be unlshed the old, long bearded proprietor of the place drawled: "Young mun, did any one ask you to .oui0 here!" "No, I don't know that any on? really did.'.' . . - , , ; i. ",Wal, did any one ask you to era,v herW after you camef' , t "No, I dou't know that they .did." ' -"Wal, they wnn't!" Manufacturers' lb-cord, , Engraved calling cards 100 cards and. plate, la script, . 81.80 ; It plate Is furnished," l0 sard lor 31.. TIME CARD Effective June 1, HIT. . , Dally xcept Sunday. ' ? i Train 1 IV. Grant Pass.. 1:00 p. Train 8 lv Waters Creek 8:00 p. m. All train leave Grant Pas from th corner of Q and Eighth street, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. ' ; 4 i , -i j,.- ' For ' all information regarding freight and passenger service call at ' th office of th company, Public Ber vie building, or phon 181 , lor , am. ' ; , J: . Letterhead that Will pleas you, at th Courier. '' -i :h ..i '