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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1917)
Msatfwai daw Roan mm ooansa riUUAY, MKITRMIIWI tl. ItIT I ? 1 1 11 is- A 1 i wonder Clothes IM Wonders yOY may not be going to France-you may be help 1 ing Uncle Samuel right here at home, but you can get that smart, upstanding, military appearance if you wear a Wonder suit X" ft" appearance of these two rliape; they've a awing and a dash dear to the masculine (or femlnUe) heart. Get the Wimdor ha. bit it pays. We're doing pur bit, too, for we mII WoihW clothes at $15 und $20; their equal coets you 93 to IO more at ordinary store. "Wander the Wonder Way" SB i IIIIIM SBP Grants pAss PER52WL 25 LOCAL Help the Soldier Hoys Red Cross dance at Murphy, Sat urday, September 15 th. 56 Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Donnell re turned to their home In Cow creek canyon thii morning. Mrs. R. E. Talbot and baby left last night for Bremerton, to Join Mr. Tarbot, who li employed at the nary yard. "Jap Rose Soap." Sabin has It. Henry Break returned I an I night after an absence of several weeki ipent In various parta of California. . Misses Grace, Margaret and Ruth Taylor of Medford visited Rev. and Mrs. Robert Leslie this morn Ins. returning home this afternoon. 0. W. Morrow stopped off here last night to visit his son, M. C. Morrow. He is returning to Port land from a San Francisco trip. A fine selection of ladles' ..coals just arrived. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. tf Miss Lavelle Boozer left last night for Walla Walla, Wash., to resume her studies at. Whitman college. She will spend a few days with relatives in Portland. Joy Tonight Pallas Pictures Present The Spirit of Romance by Adela Harris Mrs. Violet Clements went to Portland last night on professional business. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Russell, ol Ogllby, Cal., and '.Mr. and Mrs. Sul livan, of Glamls, Cal., who spent the past few weeks camping In the Cave camp section, left this morning for their home. The gentlemen are railroad telegraph operators. W. F. Taylor, who spent several months wltht his sister, Mrs 8tephen Jewell, left this morning for his home at Canadian, Texas. Mr. Taylor visited Grants Pass nearly 30 years ago. New wool sweater coats Just fine for cool days. Mrs. K. Reh- kopr. 5itf Mrs. Martha Jess. Mrs. K. A. Wade and Mrs. W. A. Hood, while In Ash land attended the meeting of pio neers of Oregon, those who havs lived in the stuto for r0 yean, or more. They rfrnd home . last night. Sergt. IS. B. Brown, U. 8. A., formerly a resident of Grants Pass was In the city this afternoon call ing on old friends. Mr. Brown Is In the summary court stationed at headquarters, He went to Medford to accompany a number of prxoners returning to their company after serving sentence. license IsNueri ' A marrage license has been Issued to William Kenneth Trmi 11 nil Myrtle Ellen Her, both of Grants Pass. Williams Couple 'Married Daniel Benton Watters and Ger trude Sellna Dixon, both of Wil liams, were married at 11 o'clock Thursday morning by the Rev. 3. A. Douglas. The young people will make their future home at Williams. Ily water Out of City Dr. Bywater, eye, ear, nose and 1 roat aurgeon, will be out of the ity until October 1st. 6 Uli fury AsNoclatlon Meeting The Grants Pass Library ausoda Hon will hold a very important meeting Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock In the library rooms. Every member Is urgently requested to be present. ..Mrs. James Tuffs, presl- dent. Remember the I Nth Courier Bargain Day. on which day $4.60 pays one year's subsorln- tlon to the Daily Courier. Arret r ages must be paid to September at the regular rate. Women Kefftsier Saturday Every woman of Grants Pass above 16 years Is requested to reg ister tomorrow, September 16. Two registration places will be open all day, one at the Chamber of Com merce rooms and one at the Public Market on North Sixth street. The Wardrobe Cleaners At 315 North 'Sixth street. Phone 147, Receiving office with Peerless Clothing Co. Cleaning, pressing and repairing. We call for and deliver, tf A tlasslfied ad brings results. Dally Courier $4.50 Sept. 1$. Save an lVr Oat The Courier Bargain Day offers you an opportunity to save 9$ per cent from the regular rate. To take advantage of this rate all arrear ages must be paid. ' SulMerlnrr In Arrears A limited number of Dally Courier subscribers are several months In arrears for subscrlntlon Arrangements should be made at the office for payment or subscrip tions will have to oe discontinued. PAY SUBSCRIPTIONS TO Josephine county did herself proud In making subscriptions to the Red Cross. Most of those sub scrlptions are paid. The number re maining unpaid leaves the local chapter where It questions Its abil ity to help In one of the most laud able appeals that haa ever come to this community. The director and officers of the Grants Pasa chapter would greatly appreciate having those whose sub' scrlptions are yet unpaid, send their rherks to Roy K, Hackett, treasurer, care of First National Bank, without delay'. AUTO REGISTRATION IN STATE AND COUNTY Automobile owners will be Inter ested In knowing how the various makes of cars range in popularity In Oregon. It must be remembered that the number of a certain kind of car sold in this state may deeiid upon the strength and energy of the selling organisation, and also that several makes of cars have been unable to supply the demand. Fur thermore, the most popular car In Oregon may be quite otherwise In other states. , Those cars of which there sre more than 800 registered with the secretary of state, September 1, 1917. are as follows: Ford. 16.143; Overland, 3.2.p6 Rulck. 3,053; Studebaker, 3.01 it; Maxwell. 2.160; Dodge, 2.131 Chevrolet. 1.744; Cadillac; 1.034 Reo. 986; Chalmers, $11. The following statement shows how Josephine county's registratluh compared with the total of the state: Ford. 2XH; Overland, 3f; Bulrk, 39; Studebaker. 14; Muxwell. 40: DoilKe. 2f; Chevrolet. 51; Cadillac, 11: Reo. 9: Chalmers. R. Flamel Shirts MONTHS AIO VK CONTIUCTKD WITH TIIK HUNT OF HHIKT MAKF.IM Tl) MARK Ot It LINK Or FIUNXKI. HIIIHTH." IF YOl' AUK. IXTKKKNTKO IV I'AltTKTMKI.V tHW FMWF.I. NillltTM, TltV OI'IIM! '' All Sizes $2.50 to $6.50 TIIK IIKMT HHIItTrt AUK IIMtK. IMIX'T OVKHMMHC THAT FACT. PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. Cth Clothier HOI.IMF.K'H WIFF. HOMHH IMVYN HIS JOB WF.IX Spokane, Wash., Sept. 14 While Ben Clark, Spanish-American war veteran and playground supervisor Is away at war, his wife. Mrs. Stella M. Clark, today Is successfully holding down his Job. Clark secured a leave of absence from the park board. Mrs. Clark was then appointed to the Job for the duration of the war. She Is holding the position to the satisfaction of everybody. Courier Bargain Day. Sept. 18. Joy Theatre SATl ltHAV OVI.Y The t'lilvrnta! Hrren Miigit.lnft, Hmii1s, F.nglnrrrltiK, New In. ventlons. The tlrcat t'nlvmsal Serial MliKUTY 'Strife and Sorrow' Tangled Thread." : Tn 'strangv adventure of a young playwrite Gale Henry That Funny Woman I "What the -...?" In Uroeerlrs Fr I'J.AO AdMiMlon le and 1A Adirondack Syrup 34? Maple Full Pints L. ..28c Full Quarts 55c THE BASKET GROCERY 417 G St. fOUH-MINUTE-MEN SPEAK U NAIII OF OUR ENEMY Th third appearance of the Jose phine county Kour-MlBiite-Meii was made at the local picture theaters last evening. Fred A. Williams spoke at the Joy and O, S. BUa chard at the HIJou theater on the subject. "What Our Enemy Really Is." The patrons of the movies seem ed to take to the Innovation, as the speakers were applauded heartily. Why sre etn, chops better one than IS PUN FOR SOLDiERS Washington, Sept. 14. A nation wide co-operation between the Red Cross, Young Men's Christian Asso ciation, Knights of Columbus and kindred organisations has been ar ranged to give the soldiers In the American cantonments a real Christ mas. A million dollars has 'been assured for this work. NEW TOD4T (CLASSHnffD AO RATKS5K words, two Issua. 9Kai si laatiM COo; one month, 11,50, when paid In aarance, wnen not paia in aavsace, So per line per Issue.) OREBN OAOE and egg plums, pe tite prunes, de Anjou pears, le lb, 731 South Eighth street. Phone 2B1-J. , S4tf bDriova'cousT EbcXSmTtm rent, 60o for a half day. Bush Blsctrlo store. tf ORKKN OAOB plums, petite prunes, lc lb. 381 South Hlghth Street. Phone 251-J. E4tf FOR SALE Rabbits, some grown Flomlsh Qlant does, $1 and $1.36 each. Two dozen weighing 4 to 6 pounds each, 10 o per pound, A pair of Angoras nearly grown, $1.50. 8. H. Pottorf, 716 North Ninth street. 57 lOST )old watch with letters D. C, between North Fifth street and Presbyterian church, Leave at Courier office and receive re ward, 57 Because there are more of them? THF.HK IH NO LIMIT TO TIIK M MIIKH OF CHOI WK II. HF, IIFItK H)lt roll ifiiiK cHoi-H, vkai. mom, ..IMH (HOI'S, MI TTOX CHOI..' WK IIAVK THF.M IX l'UM HHN, TO VOI K AI'I'KTITF.'H (XFC HIOX. WK Hl tiOKNT AH A COXCUSIOX, HKTWKKX VOf AXH THFJM, COIiMNlOX! CITY fJARKET llime S3 far Qelc rMlvery OFItMAXV HIDKNTIQ'IINO l.l-Xlll IUI XOTK ArT.lIH Berlin, Sept, 13.-Hermany holds that the revelations made ibv Am. erica respecting the Luirburg notes niaKes the matter an exclusive dish affair, Diplomatic authnnii.. imlnt out the fact (hat (lermany did not follow nxburg's advice". JAR CAPS Economy KerrV Self-sealiri j White Crown Matdri Golden State ' Schram Rogue River Hiw. thw ma mom 4