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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1917)
KIUDAV. HKITKMIIKII 14, 1017 , daily tiomm vm ooraca TIC3 MEAT IS CHEAP III Classified Advertisim? ALSACE-LORRAINE rOat SAL. PHYSICL1HS V. ' , ' 4 rr. Be I i II . II I C ICIS - 111 f i u u u o o I do not claim to suit the man who prefers a strong cigar. M. A. CUNST BRANCH MNMAl A CO., UN, Hu-d a a $ III! ... THE UNIVERSAL CAR Will Kit Kurd cat have ptiimvrvil, Kurd acvl-e lias kept pare. It I Ih factor wlilrh KirrnRthrim (lie prrwonal rvlnlloii lc I wwii Kurd on iter null the Com . prtny. To itrt (hit beat poMllile mf vlcfrm your Kurd ear, hrlng h 'rrlicn It ncwln attention and get , the benefit of Ford ihtIIob throuRhoiif. We nan the grnuine Kurd parte and give yon Ihe bae fll of the regular standard rNird price. Touring Cur .KH), Runalmnl $.1in, HedaoKMS, (Yxtpelet Won, Town Car ABA all f. n. b. Detroit. On dlaplnjr and for ante by C. L. HOB ART CO. (WANTS PAHH, OREGON CHICHESTER S PILLS WViT TMK IIMUHMI 'IIUANU, A . I'll) m a. 4 4 JU ..iiiuAV sftfrKn aXUrtiT atlMl A. a. VMMC ll-Ualll IW 'nlhaawtew UieieNel II r Kurt, taatrii tk It I. HtW.m, fclAlloNlft MM s NM I I MX t a mm n Brat, mm. Ar ti SOtO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE .0 ?.Trsr' HI WRACK AMKNDMKNT NOT TO UK PHKHNKD NOW Washington, Sept. 14. favor able report on the 8uaan B. Anthony suffrage amendment to the consti tution was today ordered hy the innate suffrage Vommlttee, It will not be pressed to a vote this mi- j Ion, the committee decided. Courier Bargain Day, Sept. 18. State Highway Engineer N'unn bag put two 10-hour ihlfta of men at work on the Siskiyou grade In an effort to finish the mncailumlxlng work this aeaaon so as to permit Iti nettling during the winter, making the road ready for hard surfacing next year. A new truck and two rollnri were recently received from the atate highway equipment, and laborers are being gathered In attracted by the wage of 3.60 per day. Goodyear Tires C. L. Hobart Cez?any With the French Armlet, Aug. 2 (By mall) The cheapest place In the world to "buy meat la precisely where the ordinary mortal- might consider It the desrest namely, In the German occupied portlona . of A luce and Lorraine. While meat In all other portion of '(lormany lg lolling at an average of 6 and 7 marks a pound. It li be ing sold, on the order of the Ger man government, In Alaaee and Lor raine at 10-cenU a pound, The In habitant! of the two provinces are allowed to have It In any reasonable quantity and the great bulk of Uiem are now buying and eating more meat than before the war. While the motives of the flerinan government In this matter are quite apparent, Swiss Investigators who have recently looked Into the affair and whose reports have Just reach ed France, declare that the ultimate effect upon both the population and the meat supply of the two .. pro vinces will be disastrous In the ex treme. - . Under the ' system the German military authorities purchase' from the fsrmers of Alsace and Lorraine all of their livestock at very high price, giving them In payment a gov ernmental certificate, which, up to the present time, however, none of the farmers have succeeded in cash ing. The animals are then turned over to the local butcher who must kill, sell, and account to the military au thorities for every pound. His re port must provide for the disposi tion of all the meat at two 'marks a pound, which Is the price estab lished for those who are wealthy enough to pay It, and which Is still several marks below the prevailing price In the rest of Germany. To the poor, however, the meat la sold for 30 pfennings a pound, and the difference between this and the two marks Is charged by the Ger man military authorities to the mu nicipal treasury of each locality. In some of the larger villages the mu nicipal authorities are thus obliged to pay several thousand marks every week. Inlqultlous as-, this Is from the atandpolnt of "high financing," Swiss inresllgatora declare that it is by no means the worst aspect of the case. While the less than cost price at which the meat is being sold to the poorer people Increases the consumption far above normal, the peasants and farmers, tempted by the high price which Is paid them by the military authorities in certificates, are selling all of their livestock at a rate that In a few months must wipe out entirely the entire livestock of the two provinces and completely ruin that industry. I BRUISH ARE AFTER IHEIRJUNTRYMEN The British government Intends combing the United States tnorougniy tor nmisn or lannumn citizens who axe qualified for army service and are not yet enllHted. The work on the Pacific coast Is under the direction of Captain F, L. Qoord, whose headquarters are 268 Murket street, San Francisco. It, Is planned to have a recruiting officer visit every little town and hamlet on the Pacific coast. Prior to the opening of the reorult'i office at each place, an army officer, Invalid ed home from the front, will speak 'briefly in the moving picture thea ters, aettlng forth the reasons every citizen of Britain should 1 Join the colors. FIERCE FIGHTING AS FRENCH MEET TEUTON ' lxndon, Sept. 13. The ' offlolal ntutement issued thla morning re ports a very violent band-to-hand engagement marking the French re pulse of a formidable offensive by the Germans against Casemates plateau north of the ' Alsne. The statement also mentioned a general aitlvlty of artillery along the French front. General Hnlg's report Indicates that the British front la oomparB' ttvely Inactive. , ' Letterheads that will please you, at Ihe feurlen . - ?use so little SALT ihtdyoxxcm veil afford ihe besi LESLSS SALT DIAMOND TIRES MORB MILKS FOB LESS -MONEY DIAMOND TUBES WUI outlast several casings ' We prefer selling , Diamond tires because they are bettor Grants Pass Hardware At your aerriee WOMEN TO REGISTER. (Continued from -page 1) Present occupaton Specify pre cisely, if one Is keeping house state It so. Education Specify amount and kind of education. Emergency service Indicate if one Is willing to serve In an emer gency at any time. Time of starting Specify how soon after notice atari can be made for point of service. Give this In hours only. Training and experience It one has been trained In any occupation draw circle around number at left of that occupation. If one wishes training In any occupation, draw line under that one. Under "miscellaneous" one, may specify any other knowledge or skill of possible value to the government. There is no fee or contribution required. Do not fill out back of card at all. 8POKANB KID GANG IS BROKEN I P BY POUCH 8pokane, Wash., Sept. 14. The Bevo gang Is broken up. After a number of robberies, the police believe theyhave rounded up the entire gang, and that the aeries of petty crimes will stop. The Bevo gang Is not an ordinary collection of crooks. The oldest member of It is 11 years old. The average age Is about eight. Eight arrests have been made. DULL AND SHARP SHOOTING PAINS fffidiifu Lad Suffered Sock Paiai In Back and Head, But Says Cardui Stopped TkeM Bad Spelk. Palmrrn. Mich. Mrs. Chat, T. Ful ler, of this place, writes: "In 1911 I got run-down, and I suffered great pain... with both dull and sharp shooting pains... also back and head. I was weak and could onlyvdrag around, and should have been In bed, for I really wasn't able to be up. At times I would have spells that would be so bad I'd have to go to bed, and suffered Intensely... I decided to try Cardol, and saw a great Improvement In less than a month's tlme. I used T or 8 botttes and was stronger... I got to much better that my strength returned and my woric was easy for me. Cardul did me a world of good. It built me up In health and strength. I haven't had one of those bad spells since. I havent had to take any more medicine since or have any- doctors either and have been able to do my work right along ...I recommend It to other women highly at the best medicine I know of for women who surfer from (email trouble." ... It you suffer from female troubles, follow this advice. Get a bottle of Cardul today and give It a thorough trial. It should help yon, as It has helped thousands of other women n the part 4 yeara. At U druggists. BB-14 ANGEL eakes ; order by phone, No. 10-J. I7tf 0. C. GRANT LANDS Blue print plat showing land In Josephine county, Il.tO. Address A. B. Voorbles, Oruii Pass U TO AtOMOBILB OWNERS Magic Motor uaa, l quart equals to gal lons gasoline. Guaranteed by Auto Remedy Co., Cincinnati, 0 and Magic Sales Co., Minneapolis. Beware of Imitations. Inquire Chas. Mee, Applegate, Ore, and M. Clemens, Druggist, Grants Pass. t FOR SALE A Bargain. Black hortecoming 4 years old, weight, 1,100. . Bay horse 8 years old weight, 1,100. Well broke single or double. Nearly new 1 wag on. Good set of heavy harness. Good set of single harness. $35 worth of new 16-os. canvas. Price $180 for all or will seU any part Inquire Myers Barber shop, 09 O streeL 57 FOR SALE Oak dining table and chairs, rocker, library , table, kitchen cabinet, dresser, carpet sweeper, baby buggy and honse hold goods at repair shop No. 401 North 8lxth street Phone It 2-R. it L. O. CLCMXNT. ML D. Pra3e ' limited to diseases of Ue 070, ear. nose and threat Glass as tttet. Offloe hours MS. t-l, w lr poiatmenL OOoe phone. It; rest- ' deaes phone lil-J. a LOUOHRIDGJC, M. D., PhrsteUa and surgeon. City or country eaUav 1 "'. attended day or night Besides) eo phone fit; oBee phone lit. Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. DR. ED. B Y WATER Specialist on , diseases of the eye, ear, sow and throat; glasses Itted. Oflee hoars: to 1: a. m., J to 5 p. m. Phone. Residence 8IO-L4, offlee JI0-J; . Masonle Temple, Grants Pas, Ore. A. A. WITHAM, M. D., Pnyskiaa and , surgeon. Offlee: Hall Bldf., corner" : Sixth and 1 streets. Phones: Omee IK; residence 188-J. Hours; a a. m. to 4 p. m. ' ' '' ' DENTISTS E. C. MACY..D. M. D. Ftrst-claa-dentistry. ' lOstt South Slstn street, Grants Pass, Oregon. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorney-t-ln ' : Practice in all State and Federal. Courts. First National Bank Bids.. CRAWFORD peaches foreale, three ooxes for 11.00 Phone 610-F-S4. '-.'v.-- '68 FOR SALE Chalmers J auto, only run 7,000 miles, looks like new, sell very cheap or will exchange for income property. V. A. Grif fin, phone 145-L. 59 TO RENT FOR RENT -room bouse and fine garden spot on river bank, ' 4 blocks from Sixth street, at 14 per month. Inquire at Chas. Mor rison's grocery, 503 South Sixth street. .gitf TREMONT ROOMS -i Now under managment of. Mrs. L. C. Arm strong; 28 clean rooms t 15c and 50c; special rates by week or month; also light housekeep ing rooms. Would like your pat ronage. 40tf PARTLY furnished house for rent. Inquire Courier-office. ; 46tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, also furnished single room, reasonable rent, close In. 6 2 ID, corner Seventh. Opposite Baptist church. ' CI PIANOS, new and second-hand for rent or sale on easy monthly pay ments; first year's rent to apply on purchase price. - Rowell's music and Photo House. '. 76 FOR RENT Partly furnished bouse, has good well, across from Riverside school house, conven ient for school children. Inquire 709 South Eighth streeL 58 FOR RENT Remodeled 5-room bouse on G street, modern plumbing. Three or four well furnished, comfortable housekeeping rooms at 639 North Second street. K IT. A. Grlffln. ' 59 WANTED WANTED 10,000 customers to ride dally In Jitney Luke's taxi at 10 cents each. Inquire at The Spa confectionery, or phone !62-R. Country trlpa a special ity. , J6tf COLVIO 4 WILLIAMS ' Attemeyn . at-Law Grants Pass Banking Co. BIdg, O rants Pass, Ore. E. & VAN DYKE. Attorney. Praetlo In aU eourta. First National Beak Building.: V ; ..,!:,r DURHAM A RICHARD. at-Law. Offlee Masonic Tempi Grants Peas. Ore. - W. T. MILLER, Attoraey-eu-Lnw. County attorney for Josephine ' County. Offlee: Scksilnora Bldg O. 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney-At-Law Grants Pass Banking Co. BIdg. ' ' Phone 270. Grants Pass, Ore. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorn ey-et-Lew Practice In atate and federal courts. Rooms 2, and I. over Golden Rule store. ' ' ' , "; - BLANCHARD BLANCHARD, At torneys, Albert block, phone 2II-JF. Practice la all courts; land boar attorneys. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL. Veterinarian. Offlee In WInetront Implement BIdg. Phone 11S-J Restdenee Phone 806-R, DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Ail kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. . Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot A. Shade, Prop. F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, planoa and furniture moved,' , packed, shipped and stored. Phone) n;jtrk ft Holman, No. SO. ,IUaV .eaos phone 124-R. wia. V.URLD MOVES; so do we. Jtinch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone S97-R. -. : -;:;" : ASSAYEltS E. R. CROUCH Asaayer, chemist, metallurgist Rooms 201-201 Pad dock Building, Grants Pass. CAMPING RESORTS 20 MEN WANTED for road work at ' Yreka, Siskiyou county, Cal. Ad dress Albert Anderson, Yreka, Cal. 56 A FEW good men wanted for saw mill work at Wlldervllle. Inquire 0. H. earner. Phone 27J-J. 67 WANTED Three experienced truck drivers, good .wages, steady Job. Inquire at Collins Auto Co. 115 H street. 67 WANTED Good girl or woman for ' general work, or man and wife no children. Phone or write Mrs. ' B. A. McPherson, Monumental, Cal. - 58 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION J. 8. MACMURRAY. tetcher of vole, culture and singing. Lessons glvr at home of pupil If reiueited. Ad lit s Til Lee street. 861ti MISS ALMA WOLKE, teacher of piano and harmony. Special courses' given In kindergarten music. Address 706 North Fifth , street. Phone 308-L. 76 GASQUET RESORT At the edge of ' the redwoods, accommodations for ' tourists, hotel $2 per diy, electrle lli'.ted camp grounds, garage and accessories, groceries ' and sun plies, fishing and hunting. E. R. Price, Propr. j U7tf MISCELLANEOUS KINDERGARTEN Miss Telferd'a kindergarten opens Monday, Sep tember 10th, at 411 C St. ' tf Engraved calling cards 100 oardi and plate. Va script, 11.50; if, plate Is furnished, 1M eards for $1. ". CLOTHES REPAIRED Mending and darning neatly done at 411 0 St Sltt The California and Oregon Coast Sailroad Company ran oabd ' EBecUve June 1, HIT. ... J Dally except Sunday. 'J Train 1 lv. Grants Pass.. 1:00 p. m;. Train I It. Waters Creek 8 : 00 p. mv AU trains leave Orants Pass from the corner of Q and Eighth streets, . opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at . the offlee of the company, PoWle Ser vice building,' or phone 111 for-same. Daily Courier 4.60 Bent,. II.