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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1917)
daily mooi nvnat ccttara & hkit. i a, mi. ainu nnnnr niiirn ftMirft t ! ' "" ' " MMMaMBBSBSSSSTl n Will IIL ml SUB. MM a ft lILH ... nuQut nuin tu.i.tnii Published Dally Kxopt Betarday A. m. VOORHIB8. Pab. ui Propr. MJNJ. C. SHELDON. Bdltor! 1 1 iMwtiit thooa; QriatapaasT On,' aa econ4 class mall matter.! ADyEIa pATBQ. , nap say apee jW Inch ,, iMd wptralcoIunw,pertinaia ssaaflera, per yaa....-. ( l i DAILY 00U3IBR , By aill or Carrier, par year....M.0O By mall or carrier, pa saoath.... .10 MSUBKR fittU' Idjtortal, Aaaodatloo. Dram bally Nawepaper Pub. J Aadtt BoroM of Circulation. ew une Pompeian Olive Sauce An Old One H. P. Sauce FRESH MILK AND CREAM KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QUALITY FIRST WEDNESDAY, SKIT. 18, 10t7, I " COURT HOUSE NEWS Farnbtad by W. B. Hihm o i Grants Pmo Abstract Co, 4 ORBQOK WBATHKB . . . Weather tomorrow: South- f arty wind; probably showers. September 10, 191-7.1 Transfer Geo. W. Lewis, aherlff, to Frst Na tional tank, deed, SB4 of N'KVi See. 3S and 3H of NW4. See. JS-36-6. $1,231.91. Mining Locntloa ' Wo. W. Pry on Hellen Placer mine In Althouse district. GIVE BOOKS in taese days or strenuous war preparations, the average cltisen baa many and varied appeals made upon him. Moat of them arc -worthy, Most of them are opportunities of whloh the a re rage American 'gladly avails himself to the extent that he feels able. . One of the latest appeals seems to as to offer a splendid opportun ity to every citizen, young or old, rich or poor. , It la good because It Is so easy to meet; good because It gives so much of real happiness to the 'men in the' army and navy. , The1 'secretary of war has asked tba good people of the country to supply the training camps and garri sons and even, to soma' extent, the man at the front, with good reading matter. He has appointed a war li brary committee and, pursuant to his request, the governors of the the several states have appointed similar local committees. Governor Wlthy eombe has appointed as chairman of the Oregon ' committee Wm. U Brewster, formerly city commission er ot Portland. It is planned to erect at each can tonment a library building equipped and managed by trained librarians. From this central building the sev eral dlvispn buildings, operated by Yonng Mens' Christian Association, Knights ot Columbus, .Toung Mens' Hebrew Association and other Ilka organisations, will be supplied. All post,' training camp' and place where men of the army and navy are as sembled will be taken care of. It 'is estimated that 150,900 books are needed to start work In the 32 cantonments. This Initial collection irlir. be supplemented as fast as the books ran be assembled.' Books are needed and some funds must be available to permit duplications and replacements necessary to keep a library really efficient. The local librarian In each com munity Is made a receiving and for warding agent for this splendid work. Josephine county hss not yet fatt ed to do her full share In every effort Inaugurated since the out-break of the war. Let us see that aha does her share in lbs laudable undertak ing as she has in the psst. Eaoh person can give at least one book, perhaps more. Let them come in. DIGNITY OF LAW IN LIQUOR CASE UPHELD The sheriff's office, - and that of the county clerk have occason to shoot little pleasantries In the direc tion of eaoh other semi-occaaionally. The clerk's force had a good deal to say about the order upon Sheriff Lewis to 'destroy "publicly and at a certain hour" a five gallon keg of whiskey." The sheriff "came back" In the official return which under the law he Is required to file with the clerk. The return reads: k State of Oregon , ) Josephine County) " Whereas, by an order Issued out of the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Josephine, duly made and entered on the 5th day of September. A. D. 1917, I. Geo. W. Lewis, duly elected, quali fied and acting sheriff of Josephine county, state of Oregon, was com manded by d G. Gillette, the Judge of the said court to publicly des troy that certain whiskey contained in a keg more particularly designat ed In the original order hereto at tached and made a part hereof, on the 8th day of September, A. D. 1917, at 1 o'clock p. ni. of said day. Now, therefore, be It remembered that, after assuring myself, the said sheriff, that naught but the absolute and actual destruction of the said whiskey would appease the said court, I attended In by own proper person at the time and place desig nated by the said court for the pub lic destruction of the said whiskey, and exposed the same, to the full view ot. those there assembled.' 1 the sai'J sheriff, then demanded In a loud vi'lce' of 'one or all to' show cause why the said order ot the said court suould not be executed by me literally and in Its entirety, and. re ceving no suggestion which to me did not appear either collusive or. co lourable, I at once, and with great vigor bored two holes In the said keg containing the whiskey as aforesaid. The first of said holes I bored In the top of the said keg and the second of said holes I bored also in the top of the said keg. But the second of said holes, I the said sheriff, In tended using not aa an outlet for the said whiskey but to accelerate It! flow through the ftrst of said boles With due solemnity snd with a full knowledge or the significance of my action, I gently placed the aforesaid keg upon Its side, and at DIAMOND TIRES MOKE MILKS FOR LEM . MONEY . ; '.. . it . .' DIAMOND TUBES Will outlast several casings We prefer selling Mamoad tires because Ussy are better Grants Pass , . Hardware At yoar service ul TO BE PUSHED HARD Comity Commissioners W. K. rit John and n. F. NU-hola left here early today for Drain and other northern Pongta county points where they will spend tha next few days obtaining rights of way for the new Pacific highway In Douglas county. ' The contracts for the Improve ment of the first three units of the road have been awarded, and the commissioners feel that It Is up to them to got tha right ot way as soon as possible, It la understood that all of the route, with ihe excep tion ot that owned by two persons, will be donated to tha county. Ac tual work on the first three units of the highway will, begin within the next two weeks, and Ihe Improve ment will probably be completed early next June. These three units of the road will eliminate practic ally all of the bad spota between Oaklaad and the le county line. Roaehurg Review. once, as I had forseen, the beauti ful amber fluid at once coursed through the first bored hole quite freely and altogether merrily, oe- cantoning thereby ' much groaning and lamentation from the thirsty ones assembled. As the fumes from Old John Barleycorn were wafted upon the afternoon breexe. the effect was Im mediate and astonishing. Old war horses scented the battle from afar and appeared aa If by magic Tired workmen lifted their weary heads and sniffed the tainted air hungrily. Vague, almost forgotten memories began crowding, and a strange sweet desire stirred each hairy breast. One by one as they slowly resumed their dally tasks, an expression of wistful sadness crept unheeded into) each honest face. Others there were in that strange throng, never having known John Barleycorn, viewed the cereuiony with indfference or un concern. But many were gathered there who had, in the past, witnessed those wrecked homes and ruined lives, those sorrowing wives and pa tient mothers, those besotted fathers and those starring babes, those bit ter, burning' wrongs, imposed upon a trusting world In the name of fa by this old arch sinner, and these wept not. Their faces bore mute testimony to the belated realUaton of a fond dream, evidenced by the modern humane Innovation of po ; Ing booze in gutters Instead of down men's throats. Those who viewed the remains and assisted In performing the Isst sad rites for tha departed were: A. B. Voorhles, Dr. Bywater, 'Mrs. A. B. Cornell, Joseph Hokenyos, Vina Opdycke, D. O. Hayes, Mat thew C. Riddle, H. M. Pfefferle, W. A. Hood, Geo. E. Landburg, E. L. Churchill, E. L. Osburn, Eva Coffen berry, Eclus Pollock, E. H. Lister, Ben. C. Sheldon and many others. In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hsnd this 10th dsy or September, A..D. 1917. OEO. W. LEWIS, .Sheriff for Josephine County, Ore.: By E. H. LISTER, Deputy. Reyal Tennis Champion. King QiiHtav of, Sweden la on of the best tenuis players In Europe. One room lu the royal palace at Stockholm la devoted to his trophies as such, many of them won agalust all corners, snd the court wbhh ha hns constructed In the moat salubrious neighborhood of the capital la the most perfect covered one In Europe. When ihe king la In the courts there la no ceremony, notb lug to suggest that a royal exponent la uuu ulug bis aUli agalust a commoner. Not even a ball lioy la engaged to pick np the balls, a fixed attribute of every English touroanwui. Warmeuth lass. The Wermouf.'i bass, called by tha google eye. redeye and bream, Is really a sun ash shaped very much like the rock bass. U grows to ten Inches and prefers shillow ponds and low land, sluggub streams. It Is not a vsry gsme flsti stid generally carrlea the fla vor of the mud bt'm wlieu used a a f"d.- "T-ske end Stream (lama Fish tne " by nivli. i nrroll THE UNIVERSAL CAR WHI.I plofi '.IlKYKH r'onl rant have net!, Font sen Ice hits kept ce. It U the factor which strengthens tha eriinl rrlitflnn ba tween rrl owners ami the (Vm ixtny. To get the best pl!le er vice front your Kurd rar, nriiiK H Here when II need attention ami get the benefit of Ford .uiervUlon. throughout. We use the grnuliie Kord part awl give you lh bene fit of the regular sinndiird Kord prices. Touring (W g.'trto, Runabout Mill, Kedatl IUM3, C'oileM f.KNl, Town far tnlMW all f. o. Ii. Detroit. On display and for sale by C. L. HOBART CO. (Jilt NTH IMSM, OHM JON Tha Buyer Was Wise" Tea. ' There is a certain store which Is auU to make a practice of buying good from tba smaller tusiiufarturers and wholesalers st the usual cssh dta-ount. plus a liberal discount "for trade... A fur salesmau working for n small house was "put wise to this fuct and fixed his selling prices accordingly, lie made his call and sold a pretty fair bill to the buyer, who announced that the or der would tie subject to-the usual UN counts plus IS per ceut "for trade." To this tha aalesiunu Inadvertently re plied. "I knew thut." ; Otu you did. eh?" came back the buyer. "Well, then, you csu caucvl that ot!er." New York Timet , The White Nights. June la the mouth of the -white nights" In the fur mirth. In Finland oue can read a newsaier in Ihe twli nlr st midnight, and the sky Is bright with a tender, geutle radlnuce. There Is no I'Tik Ix-tnieu the sunset aud duwn. and the sjihio iosy flush rervea fur both. Hi riot ly siwiklug. rummer lu FlulHiid : Juki oue long iluV. The mi. went the first star glluuni r In the soti'.h II I a sign llinl autumn Is at tin till. The long of !!ht exer cises a marvrluue effect iikhi vegeta tion, snd the leaves of trees grow t an mormon slse. The development of plant life I crowditl Into a lew weeks, but It is none the ls ierfecl for that. 2C OOT ADVERTISEMENT WILL HOT MAKE YOU A FORTUNE, BUT IT WILL SERVE A8 A STONE IN THE FOUNDATION OF BUSINESS SUCCESS : :: KLAMATH Itlllll lHNTINO HKAHO HF.MAINN I NCH V(iKH Klumnth Palls, Sept. 1 2. Kfforts , of the Klamath Sportsmen's associa tion to secure an earlier date fori the hunting season on migratory j waterfowl this yenr were unsuccess ful', although the nintter will. lie sat-1 Isrsctorlly adjusted by next year, i and the season hereafter will open on September 16th and run to De cember (1st. SCHOOL Rooks for the grades and the High School now on sale. Pens, Peacils, Tablets other School Happlie. BOOKS Demaray's Drug and Stationery Store MASONIC TKMPLB, QUA NTS PASS Co oner Jay' SEPTEMBER IjMRM'I ItMjJjfl ( . The above announcement means money saving to hundreds' of Daily ;, Courier, subscribers, for Courier Bargain Day has become an institution and ' an increasing number take advantage of it from year to year. Courier Bargain Day occurs on September 18, the Anniversary of the es i tabhshment of the Daily issue of the Courier. On that day, and that day only the price for one year's subscription is reduced to I '.. FOUR FIFTY " Strictly in advance. Present subscribers may take advantage of this on ... portunity to save money if their subscription is paid to at least September 1 others may secure this privilege by paying all arrearages at the regular rates! These rules are held to strictly, subscription will be received at the $4.50 rate after the 18th unless sent by letter, the postmark bearing the date of the 18th. - 6 To accommodate those who can not rely on their own memory, we will ac cept checks now, but they will not be cashed nor receipts Issued until the 18th although subscriptions may start at any time. ' $6 per year 50c per month Bargain Day Saves you $1,50 Saves you 25 On previous year M was the r nle, The lm reuse In n l. e Is mmlo iiereasary on account Of the Iiiiiuuko 1st cost of product Inn, tlin.Hlilto p. we nlone costing 70 cent per year for null sutitrilier mole tlmH n previous years, Last year dozens were disappointed, owing to forgetfulness, and were obliged to pay the regular price. This year they will remember, but othera may forget. If you forget, it costs you money. 0 1C aaU.'isl