. : ( DAILY EDITION VCOI VIIH No. 1M4. , granti pam, Mtfenoin oocwrr, oreo, Wednesday, sept, ib, imt. wholb numzzs SIM. V MAN 1? Ml. LEAVE PAHS AIHUJNTIXK HANI PAHNPOHTH TO OUST Ll'XM'lUl AM IM. REIT HINT TO UKIIMAKY (imwwf Must lUwtale HubmarW Position Which Mu4 ll NatUfa tnry lu Ruutli Americans llurnoa Aire. Hev- i'J. The Ar--gmtine foreign onVe today handed Count lahurtc, Omtmii flwrw d" sir sirs, hi MMwparO' Huenos Aire. tt. 11. The tlon of the Argentine government kii reopened the entire nbinrlne controversy and hints at breaking off or relations with the Carman na tion. Germany will ! Mked to re-4aU her 'eubmarlne plant, If Argentina hold theae to be tUfartory, tier many will be permitted to send an other mlnUler to Bucno Aire. Otherwise Argentine will withdraw her mlnleter from Berlin. IIODY OF KliAMATH KNGIXKKIt FOUND AFTK.H THKKK WF.KKH Klamath PalU. 8eil. ' 12. Newa that the body of Horace Marshall the engineer at the Klamath Agency who wi lout while bunting In the Red Blanket country three weeks ago, hs been' recovered here, and the report that he wa shot through the mouth about live mile from Korl Klamath, where he wa appar ently headed. Ii bringing out dU cusslon aa to whether he shot him elf. or met with foul play from noma other aourre. .Mswhsl had realded Jn the rounly for the aat ten year, and had a liont of friend He ra an engineer of considerable ability, having constructed the dam at the Klamath Agency. He waa a veteran of the Spanish war, and had served more than ten year In the United State navy. TROUBLE IN FORMING Parle, Sept. 12. M. Palnleve ha formally announced that he la tin ble to form a new cabinet and him requeued President Polncalre to re lieve him of that duty. The presl -dent, however, la urging him to eon tlnue hla effort, feeling thnt he I the mot likely to gather a work able government around him. : MAIN K Tl'KNH DOWN HI'miKIK FOR WOMEN Portland. Maine, Sept. U. Muine -will not Join the states giving women the riirht to rote, In ft apeelal eloc--tlon held Monday throughout the t stats woman auffrage wa over whelmingly defeated. The estimated vote will give the iuffraglta about 15,000 against about 55,000 . for 'their opponent. SENATE VOTES DRAFT Fl Washington, Sept. 12. The aen to this afternoon puHxiwI the Cham berlain resolution aulhorlxlng the conscription of friendly aliens. Tho reHolutlon provides that all alien Of allied countrloi may be drafted unless troatlea "with their home governments exempt them. Tint soldiers' Insurant bill I ri-hrrtii'.otl to ;r.M! t!n linw .Vvti' today. miiiioTr JYIIMIdltlt REOPENS SUBMARINE QUESTION UY ALIENS CREDIT REPORT OF SEA F T New York Hears of Naval Itattle In Whlrh Americana Are Victors 1 Raiding Hulmutrlne llasa New York, Sept. 12, It U per- alNtently reported her that the United State fleet of detroyer abroad have engaged In several bat tle. The -New York Time print a letter declaring that the American destroyer raided German lubmsr- Ine base, alnklng Ave submarines. Another destroyer I reported to have' aunk the German warship Ulan., Many detail are given of thla engagement aome of them tear ing the evidence of being genuine. FORM Kit YYAK DEPARTMENT , y Omt'KH NOW IN AllMT Camp Lewi, American Ijike, Waah., Sept. 11. 'Major Henry Breckrlniidge, former aaalatant eo retary of war, la one of the battalion commander here. He quit Presi dent Wltnon' cabinet becaue of a disagreement with Secretary of War Garrison over the question of pre parednes. "My uniform U my answer to whether 1 relieve n this war," be aald today. GERMANS ENLARGE LI BrlllKh Headquarter In Prance, Sept. 1). Seeking palliation tor their ioeses around len, the German ta!T ha aeot a wireless nieasajce claiming British losses a the tans sector to a number that la greater than the total number of British who are actually engaged thttre. The German staff estimated the British dead, wounded and mlasing at 200,000; while the British staff assert that It haa reliable Informa tlon to the effect that German losses were double those of the 'British. ViiVK HAN HOI'KH It HI PKACK UKIXltK KNU OK YKMt Home, Sept. II. The pope I ofr tlmfctlo In the hope of success of hi negotiation for peace before Christ ma. He ha been quoted a saying that the war will end thla year. KftKNCH KIUVK WICIKJK INTO TKl'TON ItsHITIONH Paris. Sept. 12. The French penetrated to the third German line of defense in a brilliant raid upon St. Souplet. The official atatement dda that the enemy'a garrison was annihilated. AVIATORS COLLIDE WHILE San Diego, Sept. 12.-MCdward Walsh of Oakland and Theodore Lyman ot St. Helen. Cat., were killed today in the moat sensational aviation accident In American hi tory. ' The aeroplane, piloted toy these two aviator, crashod together 400 feet above the earth. Both machine bunt Into flame and fell to the ground, Both men were found dead when' removed from the wreckage. An Investigation of the accident waa Immediately begun, It I be lieved that neither of the aviator aaw the -other approaching. TUX AH (MH'NTY JOIXH. bl'HKAIMNd DHY TKIIIUTWtY Diillns, Toxna, Sept. 12. Dallnii county, Including Dallas, Texas' Urg ent city, voted dry- In yesterday' lo cnl option election by nearly 2,000 votes, according to return early to day..' ., ,' ON BRITISH .'" ssssBBBSssssssmsaasBaBi ScTcraJ Amy Divisions fohwxi KcixilcJ h Attack (Ipsa Pctrograd asd Kcressky Gsrercztst Wfci!t Khay Scctio:$ ct Ccctry Scppcrt Preizar Petrograd, September 11. Tsarkoe-aelo, where the ciaf, form erly spent much ot hla time, will probably be the scene of the , flrsl battle between he revolter and the provisional government's troops. General Kornltoff' forces are rapid ly Bearing that city and report of a claah are expected here any Hour. ' The public' chief anxiety seem to be settled around the food situa tion. Petrograd'a food supply ha been severely depleted. The provisional government late today Issued, ft proclamation Calling Kornlloff. Denlkln, Mtkomsky, Mar koff and KUIIakoff, traitor the Russian government and outlaws to ibe punished later. Martial law has been decreed for the Moscow dis trict. tandon. Sept. 12. General Kor nilott plana to place the head of the Dolgoroukt family on the Rnaslan throne. It Unreported here today. .Moscow, Sept. 12. The Moscow garrison haa pledged absolute fidel ity to the provisional government. The municipal council haa Issued a proclamation demanding that all the cities of Russia support the Keren- sky government. , Petrograd, Sept. J2. The pro visional government "baa proclaimed a general state of martial law throughout Ruesla. , Vice-Premier Nekrssoff announced that all gen erals In the army except those on the southwestern front have pledg ed full allegiance and loyalty to the government. STORY TOLD OF GERMANY'S LIQUID RRE BATTALION'S WATERLOO III VERDUN FIGHT Wth the French Armies, Aug. 10, (By mall) The story of how Ger many's model battalion ot "Stoss truppen" met It Waterloo at the hand of 40 dismounted French dra goons In the recent desperate fight ing tor the possession of Hill 204 at Verdun haa just com to light. This model battalion of "Stross- truppen" waa commanded by no leu a person than Captain Rohr, the In ventor ot "Stromtruppen" fighting. The 40 dragoon lost half their number, but they effected the com plete destruction ot two whole com panics of "StrOMtruppenV and Af ter being driven backwarda for 200 yard regained all the ground lost. During the three weeks In which the crown prince prepared hla as sault ot June 28 and 2 ou Hill 104, Frenoh aviator succeeded In secur ing photographs of the precise spot back of the German line where Cap tain Rohr'a model battalllon ot "Strosstruppen" wa undergoing It dally rehearaal tor the attack. It waa at 6: SO In the evening that the 40 dragoon holding one of the most Important advance posts be fore Hill 204 saw the "Strosstrup pen" leap uneiectedly to the at tack. First ot all at Intervals or 20 paces came three crews of pioneers and liquid flame thrower. Follow ing them, at mathematical Interval three crews of hand grenadiers; still farther behind a line of troop arm ed with Intrenching tools and rifles; then the occupation troops, whose duty. It Is to orgunlxe and hold the ground conquered by the "Strosn truppen" and finally the tiurreylng troop bringing up grennde, muni tions and sandbag for the Hunt. The .first onslaught ot tho "Slross truppen" was quickly repulsed. One drairoon named T.edun wss hnrtnrt Ihv ft torpedo clear to Ms hip. Twice' two (roups of four Germans each tayal troop hold Packoff, origin ally KornlloB'a headquarter. Premier Kerensky 1 in hourly communication with hu eommbv sarles at the front who are Instruct ed frDly to oppose the pro-Kornl- loS agitation among the aoldlera and In particular, to prevent the Infec tion cpreadlng among regiment aa ar known belong to the aide of the government. , While the cabinet waa debating the form the new government ihould assume the central executive com mittee of the all-Ruulan council of deputies held an excited session, at which the determination to support the Kerensky government was unan imously expressed. Speeches were delivered In behalf of all the parties represented and resolutions as to necessary measures were passed. Kornlloff has declared that hla re volt against Kerensky I animated by the highest patriotism, and by a de sire to "save Russia from a govern ment dominated toy the German gen eral aUff." It la declared that Kornlloff' em issary, Vladimir t,voff. Is one of the organisers of the revolt. It Is added that Kornlloff 1s under his Influ ence and In order to make a breach Inevitable he exaggerated to Pre mier Kerensky, Kornlloff'a demands. I.voff Is striking personality. He sneat 1 2 years as ayiember..of the duma, championing reform and 1 the organiser of the Moscow ecumen leal congress. During hi occupancy of the post of procurator of the Holy Synod he cleansed the country of Rasputin.. advanced to take him prisoner add twice he forced them back with his hand grenades till his companions could come to bla rescue. With nearly all the officer quick ly killed, Sergeant iBendenant seis ed the command and began the or ganisation ot the trench. At every angle ot the trench crew ot six men were left, two to throw gre nadea from above whilst the others passed them up. ' Down this trench the Germans fought their wajt angle at ft time. In the meantime "two French dra goons Gout-ham and LeBouider had succeeded, although each waa badly wounded, In concealing themselves, well knowing that sooner or later their comrades would counter-at tack. . i After three hours and half of thla hand to hand fighting, the French dragoons had been driven down the trench for 200 yards. Over half their number was killed or missing, but with the first sign of weakening Sergeant Bendeant order ed the remainder, of his little hand ful to the attack. The dragoons went to It. Gourhmm and LeBouder, still bleeding from their wounds, rose up from their concealment and opened with their hand grenades a rear at tack on the retreating Germans. In fewer minutes than there were re maining dragoons the latter' had fought their way back to the orig inal position, while what was left of the "8trosstruppen" and the "Waves of occupation" melted back Into the Gorman lines. FRONT IN MlllLH WEST lJl RK8 GARDEN CHOI'S Chicago, Sept. 12. A. frost ex tending as fur south a the middle or-ninola and most ot Iowa visited this eetCon last night. L WILL HELP OT HoMpiUl Corp of Stan UaJversity to He Assisted by Greats pavsa Red twi Chapter , Tho directors of the local chapter, American Red Cross met this boob at tb Chamber of Commerce rooms, In a resumption of the lunchon-u-iness meeting1 series which were so successful Isst spring. ) A thorough review of the chap ter's financial situation was present ed. There remains about $2,500 of "War Drive' subscriptions yet un paid. The directors earnestly re quest persons making these sub scription to pay the balances due as the 'funds are. urgently needed. The sum of $250 was voted to aid In the formation and equipment of the University of Oregon hospital unit which Is to be sent to France Just at soon as supplies sre furn ished. .:. ' ' ; V.; .:)', The matter of ft baxaar or other entertainment for the raising of ad ditional needed funds, was brought up and referred to the finance com mittee with power to act. The further sum of $250 was voted for supplies, mostly yard for the use of local women in knitting the 150 sets of. knitted articles for whkh sa urgent appeal waa recently received. The matter of Red Cross work b) students at the high school -was dis cussed and the poller of encouraging outside groups to organise auxiliar ies to the chapter endorsed. VILLA IS AGAIN IP TO OLD TIME TRICKS . El Paso. Texas, Sept. -12. Led by Psycho -VHlav!-si- force -of bandits raided the outskirts of Par- ral today, according to reports re ceived here this afternoon. Stores were looted and It was re ported the bandits carried off a num ber of women. NORTHWESTERN' ATHLETES TO MEET AT SEATTLE Seattle. Wash., Sept 12. The an nual meettnr of the Pacific Northr west Association bi the Amateur Ath letic union. Will be held her October 7, when plane for the coming; season will fed md.; The meeting was or iginally Ichedoled for September SO at Spokane. v . ' GERMANY HAY ASK FOR SEPARATE PEACE iRonie, Sept. 12. Germany and AuBtrla may aeek a separate peace with the United States. , Persons close to the Vatican and In touch with Information being brought to the Holy Sea, believe that the German government U speculating on how far the . allies will be guided by the attitude ot the United States. In thla connection It Is pointed out that the United State has never signed the London compact. CRITICS DRAFT LAW Washington, Sept. 12. Critics of the selective draft law are placing the United States in an extremely portions position, the senate mili tary committee was warned today. The committee unanimously re commended the rejection ot Senator Harwlck'a amendment, declaring the amendment would disorganise the army and leave the nation powerless, thus making the United States the world's laughing stock. . Senator Harwlck'a amendment would prevent the sending ot con script troops to Europe. Harwlck promUes vigorous tight tor his amendment. LOCA CHAPTER LIFE PU TERM GIVE!! ill MTBDERKB OK WILLIAM MeCAIo LISTER GIVE EXTREME LE GAL PENALTY NStignmoT Record Made 1st Bring- Jastles) SwtfUy sad Sorely to YowtOfml MsTderMt of Fellow Wo . Ralph Turpin, who was found guilty of murder in tb second de gree, late yesterday afternoon, was sentenced to life Imprisonment la ' the state penitentiary at Salem. Turpin took hla sentence with the coolness which has cbftracterlsed hut conduct since his arrect three days after the crime. To Sheriff LewU he said last night, "it doesn't seen possible that I am to spend the rest of my life In states prison. , I can't realls If , Sheriff LewU will take Turpin to Salem on tonight's train. The coarse of Justice la thU csm, quite contrary to many case un der American court procedure, has been both swift and certain. The crime was committed August 10. Ia practically one month, the offender is behind prison bars for life. BUTTE STOERS TOTE Anaconda.' Mont. Sept. 12. The smelter men's union of the Anacon- da mill tonight agreed by an almost unanimous vote to accept the com pany's terms and that : the men should return to work at once. , -. This action. It U believed, will mean a settlement of the strike thst hss tied up the Butte mines and thai smelter here since August 24, clos ing of the smelter because ot : a walkout of many employes sad a stfli.?t down of the mineTid l had been working with reduced force tor two months. . CHICAGO PHYSICIAN IS ' SHOT BY HIS EX-WIFI Chicago, Sept 12. Or. O. J. Eis enbrand. with offices at lilt Repub lican building, was shot sad killed early today, while in hi office, by his wife, a beautiful woman from whom he had been separated for some time. .."--.' GO AGfJITS FALL MEMO San Diego, Sept 12. The Anvil. a so-called "slacker" ship, with al leged "slacker" German agents aboard, arrived at this port thU morning in charge of United States authorities. An American warship seised the Anvil as the vessel waa making tor the west coast of 'Mexico. Secret service men believe that the Anvil has on board the agents who are responsible for the Mare Island explosion. . Another boat load ot slackers are reported at sea with an American warship chasing the craft. HAIG REPORTS THAT GERMANS REPULSED London, Sept. 12. General Halt reported the repulse ot t formidable German attack this morning. The Teuton's launched their offensive un der cover of a violent barrage fire after considerable artillery prepara tion. . Ml TIP