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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1917)
rioa foca( TTTrTTTITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT FER52NAL' II. I. Hiil nt to Ahlnd Ihli morning to allsnd th rualoa. Albert iiehe lie Ims, I tor l. 04 at tba vVhlt Houm Orocar. N. II. Kilrd rrlvd har from Florem and lH thl morning tor Medford. "Ooodywr W" combs, Snbln ha th. JJ Wm, CuriMln. cr Inspector, r trip lo lrtl. pcirrl Gunning ltl Ul night, re turning lo th urntrton nnvy yard, lit furlough having aaylrod. ,; A fin selection ot ldl' coal Just rrlvd. Mr. K. Rehhopt. If Mr. John Patrick and Mr Martha J want to Ashland thl morning lo Uud iht rnunloa. Mm. m Wlltoa arrlv4 thla morning from OolUg Qrova to tlalt hr daughter, Mr, ft, J. NMor. Aibart ehe a (or 11,00 at lb Whit Houm Urocry. lira, Mry Sllvr returned ,to Rwoburi thl morning, after pnd hut vrI month la th city. Vctor M. llrown, ownr of eon ttdrbl property In thl county, ar Tlvd trow PMbur Ust night. New wmV weter coat Jut An tor cool day. Mr, K. Uh goof. Mt Mr. J, R, Drr nd two children, who vlltd Mr, Barr mother, Mr, Stephen Jwtl. ten nim ' returning to thlr horn t 8hrtdn. Albert r a 3 for 11.00 t th Whit Hons Orocy. WUr IUUIr towd oft hr lhl morning on hi way from Port land to Chleo. nd I apndtng th dy with hi ouin, Klmr Rbtgr. Mr, F. T, Proa nd daughter. ' Jdr. Ad P. Mrrlll, ttr vWUng th chlldre ot Mr. Parson. A. N, Pawn d Dr. Carrl P. Anderson t Helm far thre wk. hv re turned lo lo( Reack, OK Cow to th Rtvrld Orchrd and usr your rche In bulk nd r ony. Good canning peaches aa h secared al I per pound. frk from Ik tree, or ilck thm jarlf al lkr-nartr nt pr pound. Jut t ot ur hl tt rf fl A. Hamilton" rl ,' Tk Wklt H Orvry U lay Wt lloa Mm lt-llni i lara a do. M Mr. Jaal Kmm tt rrldat f W w, v". T. i, wno npoc , tk tlrit MUnc Friday, and ,k iwmI Java k Vr. J. K. Hlr. Itt thl nwrolnt tor Toawlla, kr h mk tonight Tomorrow k pk at 8utkrtl. and tk MtaVng day at Pur. Joy Theatre Tt kIAY wml WX)X2UT WUUm A. ttrndy ta ewctar lie wttn WU ticlrea fr. P:!:ut Wmrck ami IHtKRM KSXYOX ka "A Girl's FoWyw lwtd ev VaA rw TW Mva kv tM( eWM. w vi t wt wne eM Ifikaji nr mttlfX. kiva4 W rtier el hkg eH etwdw 4 trea4 inerr ka We 05 kMMkVVU avxt V tr a mU tWMthM Ktd A trmm va the N4e PiaV ! ix a Av t wwa wruac th Nk'wreM(e Ik 3W ad U t ikCIfcV.'Jtuv - ROWERT nVARWICK .?,-eeew ' LOCAL : Mr. R. T. UMon and oji ltt Utt night tor Niori. Thy will 10 vlnlt at Hlm, Portlnnd nd Bign, MitlnK l m wy for bo lit lx Wvk, Mor tv V. M. mMt'lnHltt Homer Whit nd Hort P.uvr of lh IlllnoU valley hv enllotetl- In th quartermNRtfr' ileartment nd left Monday evening for Portlnnri and Vancouver. " llcmemlior tlu IHih Courier lUrteln IXv. on ' which day H.50 ty on yr' ubcrlp lion to lh llly Courier. Arrer g mut b pld to 8ptmbr at lha regular rat. R4 (Vimm HuUetli Th Chamber ot Commerce la la rrUt of rtgular weekly Red Crow bulletin which r kept on file In thlr rending room. Th nntrl nnhllr U cordUUy Invited to ntnke line of lh m. Are YM rtvfnl If yon re mall a ckck r I4.R0 to th Courier to b held until th tilth, when It will be rredlted and a receipt lnd. A don or mor kv nlready don o, Ited CVom lJinH'he WhiwuUy Th director ot the local Red Croat will meet al luncheon In the Chamber of Commerce room to morrow (Wodneeday! noon. Im portant matter wilt be brought be tor th meeting. Rmum (lm, K. A, M. Rgulr communication Reamet ekaptr, No. si, R. A. M. vrill be hld at Monlc hall Wedneeday venlng, September 1 1. Ry oiler of M. K. High Prion. 8S MMhodM AM M Tker will b n Important bue ln meeting of th Method!! Idl' aid aociety at th home of Mr. C. C. Prely, TOO North Fourth treel, Wedneaday at 3:30. All memlem nre requeeted to be pre ent and bring their needlework. Tke Wardrwh CWeere At 111 North Stttk it reel. Phoa 1T. Reeelvlag o9r with Pwerie Ctothlag CV Cleaalag. prelag nad repairing. We call for nd deliver. If U, A. M Kaaka Tlilaal AdJntaat J. E. linon of tiranta Pa a waa la tk city today en route to Attend th annual encampment of th Southern Oregon Soldier' and Sailor' aaeocUtloa lit .Wolend. He rportd that there will be Urge Ueadaac at the encampment but with fwer vtrn than vr. I tk Qmau Paa Omnd Army jKt aloa thl year 1 1 member died, ke ! rrt.ledrord 3u. MwekeJ lwarrtlo- Ml Wolk aaoum- tkat ah i will now receive pepll la ptaa and , karat oar . Irla th nmmer h haa a aptoi atadr of graded ;raureee la mak" and kindergarten i work, and r ow repred to give wtt-grded. .vlmatlc eoare of , iMtrwctKui. PrMpeetlv pp4l aiay call at ker home. TOO North rtfth etreet. or pkoe her. NV JOi-U St jtW la t-irwa The focal evemptki bord ha )aad and certified Uvt aervtc ; Wed lMd Wlla. wkuee addree jt aHrtfvwd, Own It U probaM ! tkat h will be permlttd t eater ', ne ot th weetera dtviaiv. A N I day ago Wallace Rm4 of Yrela t I peered Sfv.v the bord ad wa 'tvwfled en t gra4 t having deeadeat wtf. iMtr4e Rargaia ly. It. DIAMOND TIRES VXKK MAUM PO HWtT DIAMOND TUBES We tatee eeejaejee hwg aew eeclev Grants Pass Hardwsure A daily Roar nivcn courier mini vi i ii, imiii'iiii i M iwlitvT iwwmrmni.itfcv-jjrr.-fr Honor (lunnl Tonlghe . Th airl' Honor Ouard mt to night at 7:10 In th Cuaulr ot Commerr room. IM UreaA Wrtm Uo Bunok, th roust ton ot 0. O, Bunch, will t laid up for om week with broken wrtit, th lad having fall oft th porch at th Hunch home. Saturday. lco w plnnnln; on nUrtlng to (chool on Monday, , NimwUI Train TihiIkM Th )cl train for th "So Long ltty" prformni, at AahUnd will leave Ornt P nt I: IK o'clock tonight, arriving at Athtand nt 8:10. leaving Anhland t 11:30 and ar riving nt Oranta I'aaa at 1:35 a. m. Th train arrives and depart at th up-town depot at Anhland. CO CROP IS BEST FOR MANY SEASONS Th prent eon haa been al. moat an Ideal on for the corn grower. In th middle west, the crop eattniM on oorn ha leaded to on that will brk th country' record due to th favorable warm wather, Th am condition prevail In thla valley. A trip Into the Murphy-Wtl-llama district ahow field ot corn that, to dcacrllte to one who cannot ee them, I to mak statements that will not lie believed. Ira Sarlln ha 0 acre of Tur vey'a MUtnre of yellow dent that will average 13 feet In height. There nre two and three er to each tock. Th field ha a heavy foliage, mak ing It good dlo cutting, ; W. F, Rarne of Murphy haa S acre that will average 13 feet high. He gathered 50 buahela to th ai re lust year and eot about 00 thl tea son. Jam Tnrvey ot William ha 10 crea that wilt average 10 frCt high a ad will run 3, 3 and 4 ear to the alock. Thla field wat planted late and la on granite shot toll. This corn has SO rows to th ear and many of th ars run IS nnd It Inch long. roinxa imn 4 ( Sept. 13. Wednesday-t-Meetlng of Women's Council of lfen at Chamber of Commerce. Sept. IS, Saturday Red Crue dene at" Murphy. S Sept. 14 Tuesdy Corlr Rar gala Day. Sept. it. Saturday Pomona Oraag t William. v Sent. 30-30, Saturday and Svady C. K. district coaventloa at Aah- laad. t'AKI OF THANKS We wish to express sincere thanks aad apjfrectatloa to our friends wto during tke lckaea aad death of our loved one, assisted as by lortag word of sympathy, acta of kladaea ad th ma ay beautiful floral trtb te. MR. aad MRS. RARRT SMITH nad FAMILY. CONQUERING THE CRAMP. fKde twier OXmW Peilev Wt aa Attach Cswsa On. A cramp k aaerely osarrvA-tkx of tk BMW ved by tk pro ratio et the cvM. ObTexatiy K ceaVd W kMt ca' drewaiitg It wvng etfer. cvvrdrag t tbe Pupuaar tkarm Meatnly. k t ruuc wai. k throw th salsa 4f bis gaard. -: ktas t M iW sir eil t U temt aad tktsa alw the air pavwe I twvwsae tl'ed etii a:vr. TW safle gwards sakti stwa r"' are abautwte rwklMewe la Ike vilikX kveve nt IM kt aa4 dftcvW jW lswfkc et tk pevpec ay U 03 tW Vmjft ajaavti re al vxhjkut ua aic. TV m'nea a vrasy b frT ta tat tmr sool t tfa lua ravk at Nnf ji N tt tke atf. imI!k est rffvrt u '. tw alnmrtf fs atnttnc A tial ke wk-wf eaVn ssaJke wtc. ' tk.-VUKS tW ONUkk. W.b Ik gf 'pieeed a fve wkrtft4 If (t hi a , Mvo.k vrasu tt keea wUt W itrawe ; a titM ia aaVase. hag tW wta aer &m'4 fjo e two . pn4!jg , (Wot kwk l wshg a t J ; .-exxb smal tk.T are rt3Cy ei'.WJ. ' T tt thrift at p N V wvswfcv k wv a 14 - knc- are cvsrte4 eat IV eaaa a s4 tte K. ew4 i y O S l-s knit wtt 8w i tl snr'j.-. TVrce, stiU WiurUta; kt fttkitivi iv. tl se'mvier max. wi ) ic ks tTaKth ee " s. ' U -.i t vra to ti fit a.a tie ; a rcta f keecSia tJltwwvJ. ; aa4 U Tv.-tv4 ran Is service! j eat tjt ar cxea? ISTS ME Kv, J. H. VanFoasen of Ash land, district uprlntndnl, con dueUd th 4 th quarterly conference ot Nwmn Mthodlt Episcopal church last night at tha prong. 110 B trt. OlflMr wer elected for th new onfernc year, which bgln October 1, and reports of lh yr'a work wr read. Excellent re port wr nirhmltted. During th conference yenr & new member have Tieen received Into full connec tion. Of thl number 48 nre adults or above th age ot 15 years; It wer beibw that age. Th ldle Aid society reported $340 raised to paint the church and parsonage. Ilcsld thl 10 hnv been Pld on paving assessment and 1335 for r-rooflng th church. By unanimous vote th annual confrnc soon to eonvvn, was pe- tltlond to return Rv. Melville T. Wlr aa pastor of tha church, and Dr. VanFtn to th dlstrlot. FIGHTING THE CLOUDS. One f the Perils With Whleh an Air man Ha t Canvand. - CaptNln B. C Hui ka, th fmou lr amu, during n lecture tut three yean' dying protirvea t th Royal HocMy of Art tirtlHM thrilling adveutur la t di'iixe cloiHl. He was explalulng lb need for aoute Instrument which will ahow an airman up In lb cloud that he Is dying on n level keel. " "I set out on very chmdy, windy day to do a teat climb to PW feet on late tyi two sealer. On reaching t.'.Mi) feet w got into a dens rata cloud, but carried on to beyond 8,000 feet, still In the cloud, when th com pute prntly liegan to swing (really It hi the machine that begin awfnglng, not the cotuasat, and clT.iri to check the cvmM bad th effect of causing ' It to swing mor violently In th other dlrectbut. ' "The air speed then rushed up far be yond normal Bjlng aieed. ' All effort to pull her up checked her only light ly. Then Hi mdder wss tried: hack weut tin lr tved to aero. There waa an uuunual, uucauuy feeling of being detx'hed rrm th machln. and I knew bcr to be literally tumbling about In the clouds. All effort to settle down .'again to a alralvht flhlit seemed to be unavailing not II we emerged from th dud very nearly wtd down. As suming coutrol again ass then an y msiter"-l.mulou Mall. Pi;trjr Nats "She miV iiT herelf." "Trying to a.-t PVe a chl. Sh.-Ro. too Transcript. Courier Bargala Day. Sept. 1. NEW T004T (CtASSIFlltD AD RATF.8 3 i word, two Isane. 3ic; ti tasae. 10: oa month. ll.S. when paid la d ranee. Wfeea mot raid la advaae. m per in per am.) CtCCTRIC VACUCM CLKANXR lor real, lie for a half day. Bwk Etectric More. tt FOR SALS Rip Crawford peach nt 1 per pound, freak from trees. or pick tkeaa yourself nt three-quarters ceata per pom a Ceo. Ham- lltoa. Eaat of aagx factory. 54 VR RENT Partly furalshed Irauae. ka good wall, serosa from Riverside srkool k. eoavea teat for erkool chlldrea. lagnlr TO Soatm Btgkth street. FOR AUXIMI fiT pajmager Stndebaker. Jat orerkanled. Klee tHc starter aad tight. Good cm dttlca. tt lagutr Ford Oar ag. Jt FOR SAL Fix eavaaeacer BaWk autoasobile. good eeaditio. 115. talr Ford Oarage $4 FOR SALKOak dining tahfe aad cfcairs. necker. hbrary tab). kitrhe raMt. dresser, mrv I weecer. twhy higtjr aaa kM kaOd reoda at rvtr shoo Ne. t Kortk Stxtk stfwet. Pheaj Ut-K tl CR-tWFORD resaee tee ,. thre Wiea fer II PWe (tO-F-lt. II OOOO cajag axh. t gee poiai aatU TktrHiat (kt. at CMar rahOL TAa.t HetgMs. Brag year eav SI FVVt SILK OR TnVMAC Fr re' Waae. Urg ket vaJawd al t')t Cve Ray. stoat? wer. irae ; tlaa m'.'je t SatAk aad s &i yxrt. ia tra4 as rt tgimeat t 21 te exrre sear Rmh .ie r Ci4 Hul VM I few fnn treee d at W 1 j acre tt'XsM Ut t wa-r I for I were er Vr N n-ere taa e sal eae-kawt mu t caVwi. Will atanaate awiu r f kad-4 ateOar at Irm ' hater- B. 1. Real SC J- C KeO-l iajl Tfn4?.i4. Or Good Drcsscrsv Like Our Toggery JtHT WHAT A MAN WANTS IN H'llNIKHINtm IIH IM MfllK TO ' .I.M. HKItH! -' WK HIMtKAII IIKHHU-: Ol'lt PA TltONH, K.U'11 HK.INON, A nN. TINl'Ol'H 8THKAM ' OK1' KIlKHir ' TtkUGKItV THAT Iri Kit HIT IN HTYI.K, vyAIJTY AND PHUK. Our Furnishings arp Ditterent MTK THrK HPIJCMHH VAI-l Ml , ' , ' ' ' e'l KUXIA.XT NIIIRTH T.V Tt IRTtM) CHOUTR MNTKWKAH fWr. Tt RlLKNlIU I NDKHWKAH TV Ttl ;' S5.00, ie WK HAMtliK O.M.V TIIK IIKKT. GRANTS PAU, OUEOON SOAPS Dob Whlt Crystal White White Borax Naptha Swift's White THE BASKET GROCERY 417 G St TOiiG PEACE NOI 10 -AFFECT f.'URDER TRIAL Porrlaad. Sept. Iltf-The receatly signed Chinee long ec part will kave ao effect oa th yroserulloa ot th Chines gunmoa charged with recent toag kllllaga. Thl waa Bade plala kere tody ha th trial ef Tee Oak opad Th state's attorney prepared to wag a vlgoron proeeeutloa. Oa the other ed. tke Chtaes nre well represented with legal talent, aad a trial lasting a asbr ot day with THE UNIVERSAL CAR HMtEYKK faeawienl. hraw fanrax II at the fjar whir anwagUknai lh puriiiaul retauiosi k Hm resnl era aaad taw twaw pasty. Te g th heat pwlhhr ee. fkwaai wawr FW4 rev. beta hi wkjeaj at Bw4a uewtinsi aaJ a taw fcvakeni eT fwd sitperrMoa) threw at. W e awa lh gewaia Owe art aaad gr ) lh kia Rfn NOW iaamaarw rwd tees. Teajsha, Caw 03. Raail eBwa PMl, raaaavtet gvttW. Tw Casr L e. V. rwtreat. On dHvAaj aakl aa eUe hy C L. HOBART CO. TVKHIIAV, HKPTKMHKK tl. IBIT -Why Pay More very legal point hotly contended U th general forecast. ! Ye Ouk. with Suey Kong and. Low l.u. alleged Suey Sing gunmen, are charged with the murder of Oh I j riuaa. Jun . Mor thn a (core of Chinee gna men will be tried on murdet charge her during th last few month, lh trial opening her toj day being the first. t Circus Sc;;!t W Mk a Study of th atteatlnn Cempeinac Kind aad Print Twentl Quickly. j 0'erd tar. haie 'rd aetufce haa