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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1917)
iiivnir.ii, rfii nn linn ji, I If 17 Oh srnUant t1or thin Hi M Nb al or dual oft1 Oial rimmIi to iliroo-tlil Uu lour Uumm M loaf u say other. U la t riaa ht toutf. It' on rarrymiuM And made Hum MMrMfl, Try It m ra wto Mv, rMrfwuMtiwvtt 0000 oetios. A tieerJ dtod li nvr loit. , H wt-o Mwt eoorUsy rM friend, lilp, snd h whs plarti Miv.lriM rn'nor lev. PUaaur fco-itaweO ' upon cratotul mind i rvir llrllt, but Jr.rjly gr.-.titude be;oU reword. Do not b mloar 1 el oeort dtli lor (t-lr fruit - I IWHk The California and Oregon ! Coast Railroad Company rati CARD Effective June 1, HIT. Dally exospt Sunday. ' fraln 1 It. Grants Paaa.. 1:00 p. m. rain I Iv. Witen Creek 1:00 p. m. All ttalna leave Grand Piu from he corner of 0 end Eighth streets. kpposlts the Southern Pacific depot. For all Information regarding relght and passenger aervlc call at he office of the company. Publle Br rice building, or phone 111 for lame. V- r 11 a(i T II Let Electricity Save You Labor arid Money BililiiiiiiiiiiiliiiUiililJlllW : . . CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY . . ,08-J 623 G STREET, , : ... m am, ........ '...JL El TILLER CUTOFF ROAD A Kossburg dispatch to the Port land papers, referring to the road work 4ilng conducted In that coun ty, Including the letting of three contract! on section of the Pacific highway entailing 'a font of about $160,000, nd work on the Rose burg, Cooa Day rend, adds: A erew of men lit now at work on the Tiller-Crater Ike cutoff, which will furnlah tourlata a acenlc route to the Crater Uke National park. Thla road la ' being constructed through the heavily timbered Mic tion! of southard Douglss county, and upon It complexion will divert considerable tnftte from the Pacific highway. The coat of thla Improve ment li being paid for by the gov ernment and Dn'uglsa county. N Out of the 1555,000 road bond aothorlud by the people of Douglaa county June 4, more than 1300,000 will soon tie available for the Im provement of the laterala. Shrewd. Jawk-Flue trick Ootrox played on hla tilled nou-lii litw. nana-What did be do? . Jack-O re lilm a 10 wr cent margin on 10,000 share lit I. I. Q. a a wed ding prcw'iil, then loured the market and Mild (he poor olt out when he couklu't covfr.-WaJ) Street Journal. Why He Loved It ' "lie uned to vow lie loved the ground he walked on." "The ui'FMti'nl domain, eh T "Ye I'reiiqiilcd lie 1'ivrtl the ground she w.i' ril oiiNnd now he's trying to inortituiit a ll of It,; -Kannas City Jnurual. , ) Hod Enough Trouble. "Parting. I have ili-U1i-d tii'!xak to your father foiilulit." " . "Oh.lioi tonight. Alfred, lie baa cut himself ulinrliiR, missed a train, broken hla elm and lot an Vmlirella-11 ulnce Ihla Miirtiliig."-llrowuliig'f Mag axlne. ONE ADVEaTI8ElLE.NT WILl WOT MAKE TOO A FOHTUNE, BUT It WILL SERVE AS A STONE tS THE FOUNDATION OF ESC SUCCESS it t: .-VI-, ' GRANTS PASS. OREGON Goodyear Tires DAILY nOaVm MARINES HOLD AWAY FROM REGULAR TROOPS E RECORD CI TAKING FRENCH WAR BONDS American Field Headquartara Pranie, Aug. 10-(By malll Way up at the end of thla camp, apart from "thoM army people," are the United, Btatea marine, the . fellowa who bought $60,000. worth of French war loan Juat aa atarter. . Army fellowa have to come up to the marine camp occaalonally to have their teeth fixed or their feet repaired ty the marlnea' chlropodlat. Aalde from thene few Invaalona the marlnea don't auffer the prenence of their ancient rival. i The chlropodlat la a Doaton boy who atudled foot-culture In Phlladel-' phla and enllited there when war waa declared. Hla book of opera tion! ihowi a record of thounanrtK of marohlng-bllatorera, hundreda of troulileiome corna and a long Hat of mlacnltaneotia foot troublei cured alnce the expedition came to Franc With ' their own headquarter, their own billet, their own Instruc tor and a training ground all to themaelvea, the marlnea are manag. Ing to keep the line drawn between themaelvea and the army. They claim their atreeta are a little clean er, their mannera a little better than than1 those of the army. And It waa.iort of a challenge to the fel lowa In khaki when the marine off their audden financial drive with that contribution of gold to the French war fund. To get to the marlnea' camp you pan all along the line of the flnt contlngeut. At the, road aide you aee the lean-to cook, tent, covered The Past Week in Oregon PortlandFailing building to to altered at cost of 1200,000 to make home for Pacific Power A Light Co. and It subsidiaries the Portland. Oas A Coke end Walla Walla Ry. Co. Structure will hereafter be known a "Oaaco Bldg." Alaska salmon pack totals 455,000 caaea agalnat 500,000 In 1116. Corvallla -jdovle theatre closed on Sunday here. Thla la a good way to kill business. "Blue Laws", aim-pi- force people Into deceits and questionable pleasure. Portland Employee of P. R. 1 ft F, Co. petition state utility com tnlsilon to consider favorably tho pe tition of the company for an increase In fares. Portland 9,500 head' of sheep were shipped from Elgin, Wallowa. Lostlne and other AVallowa county pointa to Chicago. w. 4 '"S. Reed sport New aawmlll ( to be built here. Hermlaton $9,000 Boardman school faonse to oe built. gtayton New building for lie plant and 8-ton loo machine pur chased. Corvallla Construction of new Congregational churchy under way. Happner First . National Bank building nearing completion. North Bend Work being rushed on two new ship way. Heppner Approximately 19,000 cattle and 99.600 more aheep being grasod this seaaon on national for est of Oregon and Washington. Roaeburg Work on North Ump qua dam will fcegln aoon. Hatchery to he enlarged, trout and .aalmon to be propagated, sawmill la bought. JBandon 1,100 acre 8tar ranch gold to Hood River man for 91 85. 000. ' Klamath Fall Btrahorn road now laying rails. First locomotive arrived here Juat one year after first proposal to build railroad. Baker may build new hotel. ( Oregon Ctty Temporary plant for wood preparation work planned by Hawley Pulp ft Paper Co., for Immediate construction, cost 120, 000. BJugene Contract! let . for two hrhlKCB on county roads, cost $3. 270.515. 8alem Seattle Timber Co. to mine and operate quarries near Snlnm. Capitalised at, $100,000. North Rend On account of In hor shortage irlrle are working In box factory here.' North BendJ-Survey for Winches ter bay road completed.1 Springfield Local planing mill has order for 1,000.000 lent pins. Vale Nitrate properties opened In Vale district. Tacoma company will InstnM $40,000 plant. ' ' St. ' Helena New Rutherford ; building to open aoon. Rosoburg $3,000 street Improve ment! here, , Redmond Irrigation power plant ; " . i . V - v ; " i : . ; '. KTFKB COTRXXB with camouflage and paint and leavea to prevent aerial apottltig. Cooki are preparing 'bjg pani of ateak, cauldron of atew and rowi of peitdi plea for the time when thoae tiny figure visible on the ridge of the diatant hill will form Into column and come trooping back into town with loud demand for grub and a whole lot of It. Khaki dlaappear from view and ,tbe grey-green of the marine corpa ! takea It place In the echnme of tne camp when you break Into the tone of the soldler-aallora. At the road lde there'a a long low roof, ohelter ( Ing marine mule, while over the road hang an arch with the worda "Honor and Glory to the American Soldlera" written In letter of wild flowera by the French townspeople. ! OfBcera quietly encourage the rV ' velry between the marine and the army, partly because of pride In th'elr own arm of the service and partly because they know It's a good thing to have competition between ; two forcea that are nearing perfec tion In the buslncas of killing ier 1 man a. I Juat at present the marines are model boys, In caring for their cloth ing oecauae there's an order out that when the present Issue of uni forms li gone the marlnei win drop their grey-green and adopt the army khaki. No marine want to wear the army suit. But'the present mar ine uniform has long trousers which won't do for the kind or fighting that goea on In the trenches. with gigantic capacity being con structed at Oden Falls. , Hubbard Construction on new 3. P. station here progressing. . Portland Columbia river high way will be completed June 1, 191k. Oregon la expected to Increase Its acreage of fall aown wheat 50 per cent over the aame acreage of 1917. An Increase of 41 per cent In the acresge of rye Is also asked for. Preewater Rash season now on at Walla Walla Valley Canning and Pickling works. 100 barrels of cat sup made now 900 barrels pickles and 20 barrels kraut shipped. - ' A Foathorbod Bsauty. , The qucxul of Uoulcniiiln la conolder ed the most beautiful Mnl In' tin world. It iluimi(.'p vUn with I lie rululHiw und shine Willi uf uietnlllc luster. 1'utll wlthlu Hie last few jcnrn It was un known to Hvlntee. innioly owing to the Ufftct tlmt It la n lii-rinlt ainottg the fcatli- erea rreatunf. tii-iiKiuuig in me aueucc of high oltltudcs. It dwells mi nioun Ulu height above 7.000 feet In eleva tMH. Tbe quctal was the Toyal bird of the AztiH-s, and It plutues fere need to decorate tbe besddresaes and ..cloaks of tbe Mug off tbut bind. . Its breast la a lirilliaut wilflet. while It J green tall attain a lengjli of three feet. It la about the nlxd'of the common ' pigeon. It nesra In holes lu rotten trees, which tt enlarges with Its bill, so aa to make a roomy and comfortable residence. The young are hatched totally devoid of feathers. . . 4, ; . - - Impromptu Raplloe. Macready, who thrrw himself Into bla acting heart und soul, used to tell fanny stories about tbe effect of bis easy, colloquial manner upon the play ers colliMeO. for bis company In amall provincial town's. Once in the play of "Wnilatn Tell" be turned to one of (bene Ktnpld rustics aud put the ques tion, "Do you shoot V so naturally that tbe man was quite thrown off bla guard and, to hla horror, replied, .fA little, air, but I've never bad to go with one of them crossbowa." Another1 time, In "Vlrgtnlua," he naked, "Do rob wait for mo to lend Virginia In. or will you do so J" ouly to be greeted unexpect edly by tlis actor who played lolllu with, "Why. really, sir, I don't care Just as you do It lit London." Not 6o Smart Mr. Flutbush It's the name old story. Sirs. rintliush-Wlmt'! wrong now? "I painted the front gnte and bung a sign on It, 'Fresh Paint.' " "Wclir "The tint man who came along put his hand on It to see If the paint waa really frcah." "Pon't be so smnet." ' ' "Wliy?" "That wasn't ! man that put his hand on the paint to aee if it waa fresh: that waa me." Yonkera Statesman. Doubtful Now. Jones Our courtship began lu a most romantic way. My wife saved me from drowning. Hue' a magnificent swim mer, Smith I notice yon don't go out very fnr now. Jones No; I don't know If she would save me ikkIii. Pitts burgh Prota. x , September IS, Courier Bargain Classified A FOM SALE'. ANOEL eakaa $0e; order by phone. No. 199-J. I7U O. ft C. ORAMT LANDS Bluo print Plata showing lands in Josephine county, $1.(0. Address A. E. Voornles, Oraau Pass - U TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Magic Motor Oas, 1 quart equala to gal lons gasoline. Guaranteed by Auto Remedy Co., Cincinnati, 0 and Magic Bales Co., Minneapolis. Beware of Imitations. Inquire Cha. --Alee, Applegate, Ore , and M. Clemens, Druggist, Grant Pas. ; ., . . :' - , il FOR 8ALE-Peaah, ; plum and apples. Pbons OOt-F-24. 54 POR SALE Oreen gags and egg plums, petite prunes, cooking ap ples all lc. Sweetwater grapes. 731 South Eighth street. Phone ; 251-J. ':' Jiff FOR SALE A Bargain. . . Black horse coming 4 year old, weight, 1,100. Bay horse 'g ye r ', old weight, 1,100. Well broke etngle . or double. Nearly new 1 "4 wag on. Good set of heavy harne. Good set of single harness. $35 worth of new K-oi. canvas. Price $180 for all or will sell any part Inquire Myei-s Barber shop, 609 ty G street., 57 Letterheads that will please you, at tbe Courier'. TO RENT FOR RENT 2-rpom bouse and fine . garden spot on river bank, 4 blocks from 81xth street, at $4 per month. Inquire at Cha. Mor rison's grocery. 603 South Sixth street . Sltf TREMONT ROOMS t Now under managment of Mrs. U C, Arm strong; 28 clean- room at 35c and 50c; special rates by week r Or month; also light housekeep ing rooms. Would like yonr pat ronage. f 40tt PARTLY furnished house for rent, Inquire Courier office. 4Stf FOR RENT 4 or 5 room furnished apartment, lower floor, close in, modern. 112 C street Phone .. 329-lfc ..; ,..-. 62 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, also furnished single : room, reaaonaibls rent, close In. 62 ID, corner Seventh. Oppotke Baptist church. , (1 PIANOS, new and aecond-band for rent or sale on easy monthly pay ments; Drat year'a rent to apply on purchase price. iRowell's music and Photo House. ' ' 70 WANTED WANTED 10,000 customers to ride dally In Jitney Lake's taxi at 10 cents each. Inquire at Th . Spa confectionery, ' or ' phone 302-R. Country trip a apedal Uy. , 2ltf COMPETENT lady wishes work in hdtel or bachelor or wldower'a borne. Will stay at home nights. . Address No. ' 1058, cars Courier. 1 V - '.: " 66 WANTED Boy 1 to 18 to work on farm by the month, must be able to milk. Phone I12-F-23. Ed. U Schmidt ' '- 54 WANTED Cook for .Mining camp. Man and wife preferred. Man to work In mine. State age and ex perience. Austin Wilson, Murphy, ' Oregon. s 64 20 MEN WANTED for road .'woriTat Yreka, Siskiyou county,' Cal Ad dress Albert Anderson", Treks, Cal. 56 A FEW good men wanted for saw mill work at Wlldervllle. Inquire G. H. Corner. Phone 27J-J., 57 WANTED Three experienced truck i drivers, good wages, steady Job. Inquire at Collins Auto' Co. 115 H street. 57 TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE 42 A, one and one miles to Wlldervllle, 5A. irrigated bottom land. In cultivation, 7 A. bottom, best of alfalfa soil, on main highway, creek and rail road. Price $1,100. Mortgage , $300, draws no Interest. Lots of water. Want clear house In town. L. A. Launer,' real estate. ' 63 Ml'HICAli INSTRUCTION J. 9. MACMURRAY, tether of vote enlture and singing. Lessons given at bom of pnptl If reinested. Ad dries Til Lee street.', 51" MISS ALMA WOLKE, teacher of , piano ' and . harmony, Special courses . given In kindergarten music. Address 701 North Fifth street. Phone 208-L. T6 PA4J3 rHTxacujrs L. o. CLEMENT. M. Umlted to diseases of UM sys. , nose sad throat. Olasses tttoi. Office how -t, l. sr m pots tm eat Offle phoae. It; sTeaee) hona ttt-J. 8. LOOOHRIDOE, M. P.. Payskiai and surgeon. CUy or country saJsj . attended day or might Restdastos pbos . 99; offloe phoss 111. 81xU and H. Tat Boildlag. DR. ED. BTWATER SpedaUas. a ' diseases of tit eye, ear, boss aa throat; glasses fitted. Offle fcosuw: . 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to I p. as, Phcasa Rasldeaos 290-L; offies 110-J; Masonla Tempi. Grants Pass, Or. A, A. WITHAM. M. D., Poystdaa aad surgeoa. Office: Hall Bldg., eorser Sixth and I streets. Phones: OOes HI; residence 288-J. Hoori: t a. m. to 4 p. m. V:" - DENTISTS E. C. MACT. V. H. D. Flrst-eias- dentlstry. 109 Sooth, itroet. Grants Paaa, Oregoa. ASTOBI.KYS H. D. NORTON, Attoney-Mw , PraeUce In an Stat aad Federal Courts, first National Beak Bldg. COLVIG A WILLIAMS AttoTasys- at-Law Grants Pass Baaklac Co, Bids, Greats Pass, Ore, E. & VAN DTKE, Attorasy. ' Praettoa la all eourU. First Nattoaal Baak BnlldlBg. ' , DURHAM ft RICHARD, Attoraay. at-Law. Offloa Maaosjls ,Templa . Graats Pass, Or. W. T. MILLER. AttoTBy-tLaw., County attorney for Josspkra ' County. Offloe: Srhallhora Bldg. O. S. BLANCHARD, AttorBey--Lw Grants Pas Banking Co. BMeV Phone 270. Oraata Pass, Or. V. A. CLEMENTS Attoraey-t-La,w Practloe la ;. stata aad fad era! courts. Rooms t. and 2. over Colden Rule store. , 'l.'l ' BLANCHARD aV BLANCHARD, At-; toraeys, Albert block, phone 2tsM. , Practice la all courts; land board attoraeya. ' ... -.'' VKTEBTlf ART SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTTJL, Veterinarian. Offle la Wlaetroot Imple Bldg, Phoae U2-J Resld , Phono I06-R. ... DRATAGB AND TRANSFER COMMBRCIAL TRANSFER CO. AM; kinds ,of drayage aad traasfec J work carefully and promptly do.' Phone lll-J. Stand at freight -( depot A. Shade, Prop..r o-; " " F. G. ISHAM. drayage and Sraaater., Safe, plaaoa aad furniture moved, ; packed. (Mpped and storod. rzxtk ft Holmaa. No. 6. aa hoa 124-R. iHa. WORLD MOVES; so do w. ; ; Jnach Bros. Transfer Co. Phoae ' I97-R. ' v-'-' : "'(., i A8SATKR8 E,' R. CRODcm Asaayer. ahsatist. metaUurglaC ' Rooms 201-291 FasV. dock Building, Graats Paaa. CAMPING RBBOftTS QASqUET RESORT At th dg.ot th redwooda, aooomnSodatlop wt tourlata. hotel $2 pr diy. electrie lighted camp grounds, garag aad accessor!, groceries aad ap pile, fishing and hasting. K. R. PrioSbFropr. - 117U REMOVED RAYMOND Second-hand store mov ed to 405 O street, next to City Market Phone J 5 2-R. '. 61, MISCELLANEOUS KINDERGARTEN Miss Teltord's kindergarten opens Monday, Sep tember 10th, at 411 C St. 6tt CLOTHES REPAIRED Mending and darning neatly don at 411 : c st. - ,$t Olive Oil Can Prevent Fog at Sea. I OR. though loug known to be sffee- ttv In cslmlng a sea, bu only rocont b beau Droved of value hi preventing fog, says the Popular Science Monthly. Air Is prevented from comlug lu direct contact with water which Is warmer than the air. Thus condensation of water vapor Is hindered. v It bss been found that oliv oil when spread out over a calm aes will begin Immediately to lift the fog. "Grass ls. lsnds" eutlrely obscured by the fog hank at only a few yards have been, discerned as far away aa a mile, In Us with the clearing mads by th o&. , . Wind, of course, tends to counteract, the effect of th oil, except In th dK racUoa at which It la blowing. , . ; , I