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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1917)
TAOS TWO milt moQim urn oooksb 1 tloa ot these otessage carrying gran adea and shells to the troops n th western front began about June 1. JUUUl IIIIUI UVUm ebUshed Dally Uwept Batardey A. K. YOORHIB8, Pab. ut Propr. ! K). a SHELDON, Bdltor 1 at the PoetoStee, Greata Peas, j Or, m second class mall matter, j ADYKKTBINO RATES j Display apnea, per took.....-le Lesni arpereanal column, per line lte. eadera, Mr Unc . ee! , , DAILY COURIER Sryf audi er carrier, per yeer.....00 By BtU or carrier, per month.... .10 ; . WBBKLT COURIER 7 mail, per rM 1.M MEMBER 8Ut editorial AMMtoUM, Orecoe. Dal It Newspaper Pub. Audit Bureau ol OrcalaUoa. TTRRDAY, SKPTKMUKK 11, 117 I Only 112 More Days in 1917 INSIST IPOS HAVIXU Number 18 Coffee t, KYKKY MOKNINU ENajCVOOl MILK AMt OtKA.M KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Ql'ALITY FIRST ORBQOlf WBATHXB . " i.. . ' " Weather tomorrow: Probably 4 fair. 1 and tore representatives have so tar stood loyally behind the admin-1, tstrattoa In a full recognition of the' fact that' In time of crisis, a dtvtd-' ed leadership would be fatal. ) PRUNE TREES Toe American Forestry association has sent broadcast over the country, especially to all lovers of the city beautiful, a reminder ot the fact that September is the great month for shade tree pruning. Trees should not be pruned unnecessarily, but every dead branch should' be removed. ro I0RC SWOLLEN, TIRED RET Demig Eucalyptus Ointment I UBS VD nana ow HURRT CP We liave heard a good deal 1 at one time or another ot congressional courtesy. As the expression hss one down ta us. tt refers to sort ot you-help-me aud IHlhelp-you ex change between various members of congress. This courtesy is carried tittle further and results ordinari ly la the treatment of a member ot congTcca by bis fellows, even in the enldst of a most heated debate, with courtesy that is often assumed rather tban genuine. " W rise to remark that it would cuts being made as close to the trunk or main limbs as practical, aad if possible, cuts should be cov ered orer with cold tar or asphal turn paint. September Is also the best month for. transplanting evergreens. They should be moved with a ball of soil, II OF MEET AT CLEVELAND ' Cleveland, Sept. 11. Delegates from practically every important port and terminal In the I'nlted State and Canada attended the opening session of the annual con vention of the American Association of Port Authorities here today. During their three-day meeting the members will consider recom mendations for legislation requiring common carrier to separate their terminal and through charge and to requited common carriers and steam ship lines to use their terminal fa cilities In such Joint manner as will permit the utmost handling of all commodities. Wednesday will be devoted lo the discussion of Increasing port and terminal efficiency. Thursday the delegates will In- sped Cleveland's river and harbor facilities. Friday will be given orer entirely to business meetings. I liew'kiTtMiiX7iTaTr,l ii ihiiiiii itiiMiM an mil' i ujuiti nuiioL nnto Fwrnlehvd by W. B. Baaaoa of Great Pas Abstract Co. , ! September 8. 1917. Mining Location Alln Ui.nlAi An KMk nmitntaln aot harm the members of congress at . c. . Marriage License James Alexander McMartln Mary Francis Conner. and GERMANS PLANNED TO aTI aad might help the narioa a great deal If members ot that august body should carry their courtesy rules a little further and put In force a genuine courtesy to the peo ple of the country from those whom they bare honored by sending them to Washington as their representa trrea. . A little group of congressmen, mostly in the senate, are ItTeffect barring defiance into the faces of 5 per cent of the people of this na tion aad giving expression, both in debate and by their votes upon vital measures, to their own sweet wills rather than showing a respect to publie opinion. It is time that members of con gress should cease their bickering and petty squabbling and put through the administration's war program speedily. There are evi dences that the German government wants peace before the, organized effectiveness of the United States can be brought into the balance. Then the sooner that help arrives, the sooner will the war end. The ac tual money cost of two weeks of the great war across the water would build a paved highway from Maine t i to , Oregon. Somebody, sometime, must pay this fearful cost. Even If l.rge pun 01 il ib ".g , wl,j w dollari reward Kt the debts of foreign nations. Amert-: Information leading to the arrest cans will suffer through the lnabll-jnd conviction of the party who cut Ity of those nations to purchase down the ha,le ,rM ,n froDt tn new court duuh ou ins mgni oi September 6th. GEO. W. LEWIS, Sheriff. London, Aug. 25. By mall) Carborundum "bombs" are the lat est development of German plotters' ingenuity for crippling the war effort of America. They were discovered la a recent German bomb haul In Christiana, Norway. Carborundum is a manufactured composition resembling a sharpening stone but is harder than almost any steel made today. - American army was the German plan to have these carborundum "bombs," disguised In chewing tobacco and cigars, slipped Into the axle cups of troop and sup ply trains and into oil cups and other vital parts ot trans-Atlantic steam ship engines. Half an hour of this composition grinding against car and engine bearings sad in stesm would cripple railway With the French Armies, Aug. tu. (By mail) The French artillery barrage fire has now been perfected to such a degree ot density and In tensity, that the Germeni. In order to keep In communication with their lines back of the barrage have been forced to adopt the expedient of en closing their messages In a grenade or a shell and firing it through the barrage. In the early part of the war, the Germane used the system of running J back field telephones from ; the ad vancing troops. When these lines were constantly cut by shell fire, ef forts were msde to run the lines underground. But here again the French high explosive shells were developed to a degree where the lines could not be conveniently buried at a depth beyond , their reach. Wireless telegraphy has since :been tried by the Germsns together with low flying airplanes while the nse of Individual soldiers who en deavored to run back through a bar rage with messages came likewise to prove both too costly from the point of view of human life and of uncertainty is to the eventual ar rival of the message. Germany's new system of endeav oring to shoot hack her communica tions with trench mortars and trench ' cannon has only recently been hit upon. ' 1 The grenades or shells In which the messages are enclosed are re-! ferred to In the German orders as "Nachrkhtongesrhoese" or "pro jectiles for messages.'; I The ; 'Welde-Wurfgransten" or' "message carrying bombs" are fired I from the 1 Big model of mechanical' officers believe ujtrc throw. This ha S STOLEN. LOST SOLD, STOLEN. FOUND London, Ang. 11. (By mail) They have found the missing bonds. At the beginning of the war a British printing' plant near ' Paris was commandeered by the French government for use as a hospital. The Arm left a number ot bonds, not completely printed. In the office safe. A wounded French soldier stole them. The French soldier was killed In battle. A German soldier found the bonds under the dead man's coat and placed them under his own. The German soldier was killed -, for our cars" CHEVROLET V I. W. L CV, l FuikW ur eihsuetlve ten of Zeroiras, we think k Is the f ' best ew for mm w our cms." . REO J AsMrkas Cs.,Tm "tried ZeroleM la lUo cei rwulu w rood (Wri n have bm tmiptly converted." t DORT Usch-rmwUy Mo Co., U TnMtma "smbUwH aiUsaga with minimum C!uWiMlio., PACKARD ; , ' ' Cvrlff Let, OtkUn. 7f oUna has given us perfect MiUfiKtioa." lie Standard Oil for Motor Cars Endorsed by LeadinB Car DUtributore -becauM the records el their tervlce Hepirtrnenc thow cwTSCtiv tehned trom lattiurni aapnan. baae crude, gives perfect lubriralion power, be carboa dipoalw Una wear, more nki (. f V i Sfl STANDARD OH t W Vfl COMPANY yi--'"'" For ttttltin, Xitvls Neevy.lhiiy cw()r tttvmtntndiih and a' French artillery aergiMut found the bonds. The sergeant sold them to a comrade for a few francs. The comrade presented (hem to his bank for payment. The rastiler paid, him the money. Lator the bank discovered the bonds were not num. be red and otherwise Incomplete. War' Cries. - la the very early days the French bad , bad their 'Vri de guerre," toe Scotch -their slogan aud the Kugllah their war cries, but so msuy cries were launched by the different great lirlilub lords that In NIC. rllameut psaeed a le lal law forhlild'ng tlue cries on the ground They started an Investigation and j ttt lliey pnidm-ed dlie.rder, sltowlng their detectives met the detectives of the printing firm half way on their respective trails, clearing up the mystery. Courier Bargain Day, Sept. 18. but niie list i lo ry, kingr 'Hi. Ceorge and the A few Grants Pass pennaate at lOe ' each, I for 10c. Put one on your ear. lltf range of about 600 yards and is ) counted upon for maintaining com-i i munlcatton between the first line ' I and the commanders of battalions i and regiments, who under the Ger-j 'man system, always remain at the 1 rear of the advancing and fighting ' troops. The second class used, the "Lot- cylinders chte-Nachrlchtenmlne" or "message cars and carrying shells" are to be fired from steamships for weeks, requiring en tirely new axles and engine parts, engineers say. ItXWARD abundantly of America's surplus commodities. If the plea for haste on the part of congress came only from the army and navy authorities, it might be re garded with some suspicion, but the home government of every allied na tion Is pleading with the I'nlted 8tates, "For Ood'a sake, hurry up." We are not one of those who believe that the members of con gress who are delsytng the wsr pro gram are Intentionally playing into the hands of kslserlsm, but In effect they ere, and It Is the effect of their acts rather than their Intents which count. It should be a matter of pride to Oresonians that their two senators the "Mlnenwerler" or trench mortar for firing torpedoes. These have a range of about 1,300 yards and with them the Germans hope to keep up their communications through the French barrage fires between the battalion and regimental comman ders In the rear of the advancing troops and the artillery, brigade and divisional hesdqusrters still fur ther to the rear. According to the Cerman orders thst hsve been found the dlstrlbu- SCHOOL IWtoks for the grade and the Hlgti School now on sale. Pens, read!, TaMota other flrhool wapptie. BOOECS Demaray's &afe'sLe MASONIC TEMP LB, OH A NTS PASS Courier My SEPTEMBER j i ;.. . - . . . , . Tha above announcement means money saving to hundreds of Daily Courier subscribers, for Courier Bargain Day has become an institution and an increasing number take advantage of it from year to year. Courier Bargain Day occurs on September 18, the Anniversary of the es tablishment of the Daily issue of the Courier. On that day, and that day only, the price for one year's subscription is reduoed to FOUR FIFTY Strictly in advance. Present subscribers may take advantage of this op portunity to save money if their subscription is paid to at least September 1; others may secure this privilege by paying all arrearage! at the regular rates. ' These rules are held to strictly, and no subscription will be received at' the $4.50 rate after the 18th unless sent by letter, the postmark bearinir the date of the 18th. 6 To accommodate those who can not rely on their own memory, we will ac cept checks now, but they will not be cashed nor receipts issued until the 18th, although subscriptions may start at any time. $6 per year 50c per month Bargain Day Sves you $1.50 Saves you 25 Oa previous years M was the r ate. The Increase In price Is made ncccxMi-y on scrim nt of the Increase in cost of production, the white pa per alone costing 70 cents per year for each salncriher more time In previous years. , Last year dosens were disappointed, owing to forgetfulness, and were obliged to pay the regular price. This year they will remember, but others ma v fnrorAt Tf vnn frtrorat If nnata WrMI tM AM At 4 '.. ,w.Us V '- V: