Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, September 11, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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. I, . , ., '. i i' i . i . t ? .
VOf VII- o. Utt.
WHOue mvkzs sua
Deposed General Leads' Dirbiszs of Followers Agabl
Petrcsrad icd Kerecsky GoVercJeEt Russia s Da$est
Hciu' Approaches With Dcrnestic War Abcst Certain
Pelrograd, Sept. 11. (Late dle
patca) Russian divisions former
ly under 0nrl Kornlloff have
rehd Vyrll, l mile from Pet
Iwgrad. Want their disposition i
ragardlag th rebellion against Pr
mlr Kerensky headed by Kornlloff.
a not yet been divulged.
Ruaela' womn oldlr announc
ed this afternoon that they were
wiling to die (or the Kerensky gov
rnmanl. Th Tuition of Death,
fully reorganised, stand randy to
fight wenevar ordrd.
Th provisional government thli
afternoon announced receipt of a
wlrelea telegram from the ofhVcr
aad stair of tha entire Baltic flMt,
placing themselves at the disposal
of the provisional government.
Stockholm, Sept. 11. The newe
paper Aftonbladet thla" afternoon
printed a report that Premier Ker
naky of Ruaala was killed Saturday
by aa aeaaesla named Kotakevlkl.
: Patrograd, 8pt 11. Newa of the
8 nit battle between the forcee of
democracy and mllltarlam at Lug.
II mllea from Pelrograd, la expected
heraaay N -
General , Kornlloff'e revollers
reached Lugs, The provisional gov
ramnt' troop at that point were
instructed to atop any further pro
gress of Kornlloff and hla follower.
The entire gorernment haa re
signed to enable Premier Kerensky
full freedom of action. Their renin
natlone havo not been accepted.
. Member of the cadet party bv
refused . further participation In the
provisional government, expressing
Indignation that Kerensky had not
consulted them In making hla "pre
paratlnne for control of the Kornl
loff revolt. Kurt her more General
Vaaolofaky, military governor " of
Pelrograd. haa resigned. ',' .
' Kerensky 's supporter eipreaa
eonfldenca In hla aWlltjrtO nope ultb
the situation. A lara delejttUm
of Coseacks pledged their auipoTt t
any measured Kerensky "might' In
voke. "',
eighty Kornlloff ' leader her
bare been arrested. The provisional
Taooma, Sept. II.- Mayor
ttt la Tacotna'a first slacker.
, Tbat today la the brandy placed
on tha city' executive by. Kev,
frank Dyer, pastor of the First Con
gregational church.
A week or two ago Mayor Fnwrelt
refused to Interfere with Judge
Butherford, of the International
Bible Students' association, although
Rutherford took occasion to, te
tare that Liberty loan bonds were
valuelea and to make a few sllKht
tng remark about ministers.
- "I luggeat, that Mayor wcoit
tick out hi ears so that ha run
learn something to keep,hliu out of
Mayor Thompson' claaa.'l.Dyer aald
today. ; , .; '
Cnu I-ewls, American Ukn,
Wash., Hopt. .11. The first contin
gent of conncrlpt here today are
cleaning house,
, Tlarracka are Hieing ' awept out,
men lialls cleaned and the camp put
in good order made ready for the
aarond contingent whloh will begin
to arrive In about a week. '
, Tha men, however, are drilling, ai
well a housa cleaning and akeloton
ompantea organliad. .
i' t fi 1AM W '
i ....,.,, ... 1 1
xoverainent i b asked General
Aleiff, chief of staff under Grand
Duke' Nicholas, to aaaunie the post
of commander.
Premier Kerenaky'a proclamation
lamed yesterday reads: ;,
"On Beplember I a member of .the
duma. M. Ltoff. arrived In Petro
rad aad ealled upon men, la (he
name of Oeneral Kornlloff, to hand
over all civil and military power
to the generallsalmo, who would
(orm a now government at hla plea
aura. The authenticity of this sum
mons waa afterward confirmed by
Oeneral Kornlloff himself, who had
a conversation irttb me over the di
rect talearraphlo wire between Pet
rofrad and mala headquarter. '
"Coaalderlng tha aummons, ad
draaaod through me to the provl
alonal government, aa an attempt by
certain quartern to profit by the dif
ficult altuatlon of the country, and
eatabllah a state of thing contrary
to the conquests of the revolution,
tbe provisional government baa re
cognised the necessity of charging
me, for tbe aafety of tha republican
regime, to Uka the urgent, indispen
sable measures necessary to cut at
tha : root all ' attempU awalnat the
supreme power and right of the
cltlaeas won by the revolution.
"I therefore, for the maintenance
In the country of liberty and putolle
order, am taking all measure which
I shall announce at the proper mo
meny'to the people. At the same
time I order General Kornlloff, to
hand over hla function to Oeneral
Klembocaky, commander In chief of
the arm lea of the northern front.
vNcb bar the way to Petrograd. and
order General Klembacaky to aaeame
provisionally the functions of gen
erallaalmo. while remaining at Pskov.-!
- "8eoondly, I declare a Ut of
war In the town and district of Pet
rograd. )
i Ml. appeal to all cltlsena to re
main calm, maintain tha order ne
ceaaary for the faith of the father
land,' army and navy, and tranquilly
and faithfully fulfill their duty In
the defense, fatherland against the
foreign enemy,"
Ix)ndon, Aug.. 30. (By mall)
Iondon echool girl have discovered
a connection between old street car
tlcketa and cork laga for legless sol
diers. , of rather, they nave found
a relatlonahtp between one cork leg
and 11,000 tlcketa. That number
turned In at a London hospital buy
a cork leg for a crippled Tommy and
the girl are now picking them up
off the aldowalka and begging them
from paaaengera . '' s. t,
t M ir 'v n . . n 1 ft .
Ashlnnd, , Sept. 11. Two-score
tenta are being pitched In what waa
formerly "Chautauqua park, for the
aiith annual reunion of tha old aol
dlersand sailor of 8opthrn Ore
gon. Tbe saver a I campa will b
designated a .'' Ashland, Medford,
Central Point and Qranta Paaa. The
reunion began Monday and ends On
Friday nighty September U.
Today la Grants Paaa day, with
appropriate exercises under the aus
pice of John A. liOgnn Post, Q. A. H.
Thunday' will' be Central Point
day, with veterans of Harrison Post,
No, 67, In charge, assisted by the
W. R. C. organisation,' No, 27, Re.
M.OReed of this city will dellvor
the afldress, ' ,
i Friday will be Medford day.
.ew Germsa Policy Disclosed of
Hen (I lag (tuamsarino Fleet Again
1 Convoyed Tmop Ship
Waablngton, 8opt. 11. Secretary
Daniel late today announced that,
through ,89 error la tha , transml
aion of tha report on tb submarine
battle; tha atatemsnt that alt ut
nMurlaea -ware sunk ahould read that
on aobmarlna waa aunk. ;. f n.. t
Tha American .., merchantman,
Waatwego, reported tha atil to
tha navy department from Parla to
day, .i-
The of9c(al atatement did not re
veal whether the attacked ship were
transport or supply ships. It I
believed . that American warablpe
convoying the merchantmen fought
off tba eubmarlne. -'
Tbe attack reveals the fact that
Germany haa adopted a new policy
In handling her submarines and I
ending, them In group to. attack
group of merchant ships convoyed
by war veeaela. ;v.
It I believed no lives were lost
However official circle here aieak
of tbe battle" the moat severe that
ha occurred oa water for eeveral
month. : i '
Washington, Sept. 11. -The navy
department today announced a bat
tle between a fleet of ' American
ateamera and alg German aubmar
tnea off tbe French coast on the 6tb
of September. Two vessels and prob
ably all of the submarines were
Ixindon. Sept. 11. General Halg'a
report from the front today referred
merely to local fighting around Bar
glcourt i l" f )'. ft
' aBaaaBBBBan - t ,
Eleventh How Ctuwgea Strike Owt
Extra Th oa Pmbtlsber aad Sao
- ca4 OIom PUa :
Waablngton, Sept. 11. Tbe war
tax bill tba largest alngle taxation
meaaurela American history was
paaaed yeetorday by tba senate. It
provide for a levy somewhat under
11,400,000,000 aa compared with
$1,87,870,000 proposed In the bill
a U paaaed tba noua May 21. .
Tba vote waa f to four. Senaton
Borah, Gronna, LaFolletta and-Nor-ria
were recorded la opposition. .
Tb great bill .nearly four months
In the making, win be returned to
tbe bonne tomorrow, and tbea go
to conference with enactment within
tea day 'or, two 'week - probable.
Senator Slmmooa, Stone and Wil
liams, democrats, and Penrose and
Lodge; republican, of th finance
committee were appointed tha sen
ate conferees. , i
Of th 91.400.000.000 new Use
provided In tb tax Mil for the dura
tie of th war, S4,s00,00 la ta
be taken from "Incomes, corporate
and- Individuals and fl.OOO.OOO.OOO
from war -profit. Most of the re
mainder Is levied' on llqnor. tobacco
and pnblte utltltle. ' , ' , m.
In last night' len-np the prin
cipal eleventh-bour action of the
senate-were 'the -elimination of all
provision for taxing publisher and
Increasing aecond-claa periodical
postage rate and all oonsumptten
taxes on sugar, ti coffee and cocoa,
the latter reducing the bill $84,000,
000. The senate alio atntck out the
clauae proposing repeal of the "draw,
back" or re-export allowance given
agar ref Iner and defeated pto add Inberltanca taxes. . .
In a last effort of tha high., tax
group to Incraaam vat profits .taxes
the annate rejected tba LaFollette
amendment to raise $3,100,000 mora
In tax. ',, ," '" -V '
, , t;.i 1 i . '. i :.i.',i i i
Break b Relp K;t IVcHIe b:t rj cf f
,Sweica ly AE: Tlsrjjl Afciit Ccrtb . ,
Stockhoba, Sept. 11-Swedea W
adoalttad that abe acted aa aa bt
tatwaedlary tor Oeranaay ba cMaasa-
-wtth ArgeaUaa, jaaMtfykag
with the daJoa tbat she
adopted the aaaae atUtuto xegard-
baaj eoaaaaBudcatkma with other am
tralnatfeM. ' '
Tha Swedish forcigB office la a
foraaal atateauetaV, explalaed that ha
ItlaV oa reqaeat of thS BritUh for
atga aanoa Rwedea dfaMoatlaawd the
traaanalasioa of ..aaeaaagc ..betweea
Gwinany aad North America, Jbat
that that wan not roadderw) by
Sweden a a bar against th coatla-
nation r4 ttsuaaaritttag nsesaage to
other aeaitioJa .
Th atateaaent adds that Swedea
ast goat leara whether the coo-
ton ta of the an range; waa aa report
ed aad that, if so, It nraat tbea get
Germany' explanation of It
The trial ot Ralph Torpin, charg
ed 'with th murder of Wm. McCal-
Udtar at tha Spaulding saw mill
Mac Salma. th .10th ofuwairnjmy. Tha Sepxaa &m&r
waa started before Judge Calklna
yesterday . afternoon aad continued
thla morning.
The Jury1 waa secured by 11
o'clock after Ut veniremen . had
been i examined. -. The Jury consists
of: W. O. Vanderbllt, Three Pines;
Geo: v: KelIogg, Mnrphya ;W. G.
White, Varphy: W. C. Long. Qranta
Paas; Theo. M. Renshaw, Grants
Pass; Mike McBriety. Takllma; C.
H. Hall. Wonderf. Will Scoville,
Grant a Paaa; H. Wood, Qranta Paaa;
F. G.. Olson, Grant Pas; kD. W.
Hearn, Granta Paa and Geo. W.
WaRon,' Drydeoi '-'h, ,i,'.. r. -
The first witness called by the
tat was D. 8. Fisher -and follow
Ing bim came F. B. McOalllater no
relation to the murdered man.)
Both of th men -were fellow em
ployees of 'McCalllatar-aad k Turpi
and war eye witness to the shoot
ing. '' .'-j-ir a.
Following AtoCallleter, the state
called J. R. Gunning and A. M.
Rhode,' who were alio eye witnesses
to th tragedy. ' J
The trial la progressing rapidly
and. If the unexpected does not .oc
cur, should be concluded tomorrow.
The defendant 1 represented by
J. D. Wurtsbaugh. . .
The Jury returned a verdict of
murder In the second degree at
5:16 thla evening, -after being out
about an hour.
Chicago, Sept. 11. Immediate
and extehelve expansion of tba ahp
raising Industry waa urged at th
opening aesslon of tha Great Lake
Wool convention here today. .Tha
convention, will be In session two
days, ' s
The National More 8hep, Mora
Wool association with headquarters
In Philadelphia la co-operating with
the National Sheep and Wool bureau
of Chicago In formulating plan for
more activity In the sheep Industry.
' Plans are 'being arranged for the
leasing of vast acreages suitable to
sheep raising. , t
Scarcity of wool for clothing 1 re
sponsible tor agitation In the sheep
Industry." . . '
Swedea has received
of th Jranrrakarfawa of tba
Waablagtoa, Sept. 11 It la latl
mated la semi-official elrel bara
that tba alllae Intaad to dlaetpBa
8wdn aevarely lor tba AJgeaUaa ,
affair. The exact trend of thla die- -etpline
I aot yet dtoeloaed tboagb
It 1 generally beliered it will mean m.
abortanlag of ratloaa aad a
-tab oa S wad lab aaNegramt.
Londoa, Sept. -11. Tha
urea made by th state depart meat
of tb United State to the affect that
tha. Swadlab foralgn, office acted am
maanangor for German aplonaaatc
eommnnl cations, may sweep a liberal
cabinet Into power la Stockholnv K
eordlag to ;dlpatehea received hera, ,
from Swedea today., , K ;.
-pokAxr souhkb wnx
.; ' t ; .l-JI -.1.1 r: VI
. Camp . Lewis, ; American . lakw
Wash., Sept. 11. Fred A. CeacfcBk.
of Spokane, who la training here for
Tthe new national army, will flgh
hi own relative whea ha get t
tVurop with tha America. , H baa
two uncles and eight eonalaa in
tlon board denied bl exemptioa pa
tltion that he didnt want to fight bis,
own relative.- :i;..J-.V
fn-1 K.-vi '
Portland, Sept. : It. Oregoa'sj,
food conservation program la. beta!
mapped out, her, this afternooa at
a conference between "WV B. Ayr
state food administrator, sjid repra
aentatlv hotel men' and resUnraat1
proprietor from every part- of i tb
atatertv,it"i '.; ,.i;i-'Vif
Particular attention ia being paid
method of working .out plan a
reducing the us of wheat and aaw- .
Ing food which heretofore 'baa be.
thrown- away."1 M . ,
Mk large art ot tba food used n
any community- passe through tha
hand ot tb. hotel men and reataa- '
rant proprietor," Ayer explained to
day. ' "If we are going to adopt food
conservation, we must have their
oo-ope ration and aupport. They ara
pledging ther aid here today.-. . ,
il IS
.. f
Washington, Sept 11. Utter coat-
fusion exists regarding tb coal ta-
dustry of tba country and the ahut- .
ting down ot a number ot large la-s
dustrlal plants la threatened, - i .
Public utilltle are facing coal
famine In many place thla winter.
Coal .Administrator Garfield I
facing a threatened strike ot 400.
00 coal miners, shortage of ear
for carrying the coal where needed,
an Increased demand from abroad
and exceptional demanda. at home,
all of which help to complicate th
.' Gresham,, Ore., Sept. 11. Th
Multnomah county fair one of the
largest' county fairs in the west
opened here today for a four-day ses
sion. The quantity and duality of
thla year' exhibits broke all re
cord. ' V. - . .-
tetegra naeatloaad. .
.!.. I .v. 'it .r. I
-Klrby In New York World,