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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1917)
MONDAY, HF.ITKMIIKK 10, 1017 . OAILT IlOOn! JOYBB COCTUZB n xp if, (n the Great War are uslntf VRIGLEY5 regularly. ' It steadies stomach and nerves, allays thirst, puts "pep" Into tired bodies. Aids digestion. Lasting refreshment at small cost. Chew (t after every The Flavor Lasts C. it 1 H 1 f '.1 W r K n fi A jb - i r- Comply with the law and use printed Butter Wrappers According to llm ruling of the Oregon I miry unit Kooil ( ciiiimiI-hIihi nil dairy tnillci' niiIiI nr evpum-il fur hale In ilil kIiiik 'imiHi lie snipped In butler pnper upon ulilrli 1 rltilt-tl l lie woiiK "Oroiom Dairy ItuU. r, irt (or :tli) Olllll'e full WI'lullli" Willi tllO IIIUIIO llllll IllllflVN llf till' maker. , I'd liable p:ituli: uf till" Courier Id l-iihlly comply nltli tin ruling tltlx oilier will supply MMinliiiil nI.o mill nolglit liitllcr paper printed vllli nkm'IiiI waterproof Ink, urn) delivered by pfc'ln itrl . nt tin- (iillmil'in prlivm I lit) KlieoH, I fl ur XI ounce $1.00 JIM) Shoot, o nr ;tli ounces I.. '1.1 llllll Sheets, 111 or HI ounce 1.7(1' noil Sheets, 10 or Hi mi neon 2.40 l',trn charge for special designs. Scud orders by limit iircoinpmilcd ly the pi Ice iim above find iiiHr will bo pnnnptly forcnnlod to you liy parcel post, prepaid. , Wo use Hid bent butter inKr obtainable, nndj our work nnwiNlilp I of the bint Rogue River Courier Ounts Pass, Oregon WRAPPED IN meal. Goodyear Tires L. Hobart Company E Oftlclal at ths court bouM mow a much t Ma a aver over the Identity of the person who cut down the locust tre to the north of the main walk loading up to the new court bouo. The matter boa stirred connldorab. omilp about th city. It will, In a) probability require the cutting down of the companion tree on the eonth tilde of the walk. ' The Kiieiuiea and rumor afloat i nit a widely and Include automation of the fueling a us I nut the '"county court for cutting down n many tree a they did, uKeatfon that the court did not cut down enough, and UKKt1on that person erfcoM Intoreat In the new court houne haa only to do with the building Jtaelf, wanted that to be plainly vlalble in tho mintaken Idea that It beiutle would be more man rent If unobacur ed liy tree. The Chamber of Commerce re colvin many Intereating communi cation of a decidedly varied char acter, among the recent one being the following, which apeak for It elf: JOneWoro:ARK::l:l17 Dour Sir WIU, YOU Il Kind A NTPP To Civ .Mo V Dcucrlplon Of Vour Town A What Your Country I 'A Dwpted to If It WII.I, Ral Corn Hay & A Vorfyed Crop I, Want To Come Out There With 5:Famlye Plxiane let Me Here At Wenite Here U a 8tunici Kiivlop Pur Rtt.irn Younio:Truly. HUGO Mlat Dama Sexton left for Port land Thumday morning, where he ox.;Ttit to train for a nurae. Mlaa Krmn Vandwrllt I visiting In Grants Paxa Ui1 week. George Tarvla returned home from Hjirrlalmrs. whora hc'upent the Rummer. ' ffli'Mil- c,w:n 9c;)'er.ilier 10 untfor the aupervlulon of Minx Mary Oukcs of rrultdaU', and Mlas Ilertha Mc Callieter of Ci.yy, !':'. Tho liulloR or tl:i' Hod rr.-r; doing Rood wcrk. quite a n!imer knil'ltiK'. An all-iiav n;omlng Is held each AVedncaday for sewing. MONTANA KDITOKS MOST I'ltOSl'Mtors OK THE (It A IT Mlmmla, Mont., Sojit. .Envy tin lot of the Montma editor. Homo tinny noul haa fluured out ; that tlimc nc more typoae'tlng m.-.-i chines In Montana than- n ti v ufato In tho iinlor of :. .mll!on i tn.-nln-tlon. And, thlB btiay ;nir.'on .lerl.ires there am morn editors o.vr'in auto motillen in this state than any state of 2,00(1.000 pop-ilatioti. Mon tana has 27." tit-'-' -..tapirs, ranging . from tlio citiinlrv s-eekly the one man shop to the - Ky dally. The prer;-i rt t-i e llmrn mem-' ItorN rf the Montana Stele I'ref u.s-, snt'latlnn will mi'i't' nt tliclr an nual con rent ton here October 2, 3 and 4. . Washington. Sept. 10. To licnr- tun Uni'lo Sam's hoys In Franco and j glvo their Frondi comrades n real I token of Anierli'iuv co-tiperatlon, the I American Rod Cross Is establishing ' j cantoeiiH and rest stations buck of: the firing lino, Nowaday when the l-Vm h sol-', tilers come from tho trenches, they' are sent to the nearest railway June-j Hon, whore they wait, dirty, tired and reslloNu, for the tralim that take them buck home. Shower linths and laundries will i ii'inovo the ticcumtilnlod filth of the1 tranches. Qtilot rest rooms wui be provided with plenty of bonks, m n jjn slnes, writing materials and gnms. In many of tho stations they will bo lunch rooms and dormitories. It is to meet the needs of these mon, as well as the American sol dlera that tho stations are to be established by means of u $70S,(HH) fund set asldo by tho Hod Croa war council, Dally Courier $4.50 Sopt, 18. TOMMIES WILL HAVE i RNE REST STATIONS; i r you ccin offord tobuy LESLIE S A LT and enjoy the ; luxury of the fin? free running salt flowing fro the convenient side 3pOllt KHIXI.KV CHKKK DIMTKHT Hal Truax and Allen L'nderwood of Grant f'aa paaiied through here Thumday, returning from a few week vacation on the cewst. The trip waa made In the former' "pa triotic bug." Mr. E. A. McPheraon made a b,m Inem trip to Creacent City laxt week. j. C. Colo and John Taggert, of Diamond creek, came out for a load of provlalon Wednesday. Mr. Martin Uldall. of 8a n Fran cisco, vlalted two day lat "week at Monumental with Mr. McPheraon. Mm. Uldall la spending a few week at Crescent City with her husband, he having charge of large chrome properties In the Low Divide dis trict, which are now In operation. J.'T. Cllmore and W. E. Gllmore. of Kerby, have been prospecting In this district for some time. V. C. Klndel and family, of New- berg, spent several day outing near Monumental. O. O. Olum Is now making regular trips between Grants Pass and Cres cent City. K. J. Koheery, of Takllma, Is man aging chrome properties In the Low Divide district and la shipping many tons dally. A party of Takilma boys spent 'a few days In Crescent City last week The trip was made In Chas. McClay's car. The people In this district who are interested in mining, greatly ap preciate the pood articles written by R. Kellosg, of Gold Hill. Miases Irene Eddy and Ethel I -aw were the dinner gttesta of Otto An- derion Sunday night. ; , ' The Smitry. . lu the ron;;-:o. r;Ii , ;inprer. r-elftli veisp. of l.aliia i tit's il-scrlptloti of Miilihy: The Miiitli ivliti ilu- touM inih wiirKelti in Ho' iou!t mid tusliioiieil it ivttli uaintti"iM iiimI 'Aii. ..,'i;i m Un ibe streuvtli I'." tii.-o a ois; lie U tiuijr;, . and Ins K!ieir.-'h fu'eth. lie ilrinliotli u--v:iler auil Is faint. DIAMOND TIRES MOHK MILKS KOlt LESS MONEY .: DIAMOND TUBES Will out laxt several cnMiigi We prefer ci-UIiik lllamoiul tlre lipcmiKe they are bettor Grants Pass , Hardware At yuiir M-rvlct- Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD ' Effective June 1. 1917. Dally except Sunday. Train 1 lv. Grants Pass. 1:00 p. m. Train 3 lv. Waters Creek 3; 00 p. m AH trnlna leavo Grants Pans from the corner of Q nnd Eighth stroetu. opposite tho Southern Pacific depot. For. all information regarding freight and pasxenner service call at the office of the company, Public Ser vice building, or phono 131 for same. TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE 42 A, ono and one miles to Wlldeivlllo, RA. Irrigated bottom laud In cultivation, 7 A. bottom, host of nlfalfn soil, on main hUhwny, cveok end rail road, Price 81,100, Mortgnge $300, draws no Interest, Lots of water. Want clear house In town. L. A. Lauuer, real estate, 53 t Classified Advertising rOM MALE ANUEL eaka (Oe; order by phone. No. 110-J. I7U O, ec C, OEAMT VJLSDB Blue print plat bowlng land In Josephine county, 11.60. Addrea A. B. Voorble. Oranta Pass U TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Magic Motor Oaa, 1 quart equal (0 gal lon gasoline. Guaranteed 4y Anto Remedy Co., Clndnnatl, 0., and Magic Sale Co., Minneapolis. Beware of Imitation. Inquire Chaa. Mee, Applegate, Ore , and M. Clemen, Druggist, Grants Paa. ' ii VOH SALE Silo, 4 5-ton, at Dlm- mlck ranch. ' St FOR SALE a 1 yearling White Leg horn bene, from high laying strain tock, for I30, Geo. P. Cramer. 62 FOR SALE Peaches, plums and apples. Phone 0-P-24. 54 FOR SALE Bluebelle three-burner oil stove witb oven, good as new, cost $18.60. -will sel) for f 10. In qnire Fred Cos tain, 806 West J street 62 FOR SALE 16 H. P. second-hand upright boiler; 12 H. P. (team en gine; 1 H, P. gasoline engine, pump and other machinery. Grants Pass Iron 'k Steel Work. 62 FOR SALE Automobile, trailer, camping outfit, cheap, at Maxwell Garage. j '52 FOR SALE Household goods, Mrs. R. E. Talbot, 702 North Fourth street. Pbone 205-L. 52 FOR SALE Peaches in bulk for canning and preserving at 1 cent per pound. Bring your boxes. George Hamilton, just east of sugar factory. 52 TO RENT FOR RENT I-room house and fine garden spot oa river bank, 4 block from Sixth itreet, at 14 per month. Inquire at Chaa. Mor rison's grocery. 503 South Sixth treet. Jltf TREMOXT. ROOMS i Now under managment of Mrs. L. C. Arm strong; 28 clean rooms at 35c and 50c; special rates by week ir month; also light housekeep ing rooms. Would like your pat ronage. 40tf PARTLY furnished house for rent. Inquire Courier office. 46tf FOR RENT Partly furnished house, has good well. 713 South Eighth street Inquire 709 South Eighth street. 52 FOR RENT 4 or 5 room furnished apartment, lower floor, close in, modern. 112 C street. ' Phone 329-L. . . 53 FO RRENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, also furnished single room, reasonable rent, close in. 621D, comer Seventh. Opposite Baptist church. 61 PIANOS, new and second-band for rent or sale on easy monthly pay ments: first year's rent to apply on purchase price. Howell's inusle and Photo House. "G WANTED WANTED 10,000 customers toj rldo dally in Jitney Luko's taxi at 10 cents each. Inquire at The 8pa 'confectionery, or phdne "(62-R. Country trips a speclal-j 'Ity. .' J6tfi COMPETENT lady rir.hes work la hotel or bachelor or widower's hoii'o. Will stay at lioaie nights. Address No. lflofi, care Courier. -.. ' 55 WANTKU---Middle used lady to help! in More and In hotiSo, must be j cvn; i'U-nt for store p'Ut of work. : Wasos $ii per week, chance for! l. oic. Address S, E. Tallmaa, R. ; V. D. No. 1. No. 1 10. Rosrburg.l Oreson. 52 WANTED Boy 10 to IS to work on farm by the mouth, must be able to milk. Phono 612-F-23. Ed. L. Schmidt. ' 54 WANTED-' Cook for Mining camp. Man end wife, preferred. . Man to work In mine. Stnto age and ex perience. Austin Wilson, Murphy, Oregon. 54 20 MEN v7NT57o7"roaTwo7k"nt Yieka, Siskiyou county, Cat Ad dress Albert Anderson, Yreka', Cul. 58 WANTED Experienced help in! store; steady job for right mnn. J. Pardee. 52 HIOMOVED RAYMOND Second-hand store mov ed to 405 G Rtreet, next to City Market Phone 352-R. 53 FHTHCtAJfS L. O. CLIMXNT. M. D. Preetiee limited to dlaeaeee of Ue eye, eej-, noee aad throat Olaeeee KteeV Ofleo boere -13, or os pointaeaL Office pbooe, 12; res deaeo ebone llZ. 8. LOUOHRIDOB. M. D., nnUtm and surgeon. City or country oaQi attended day or night Reetdeoe phone lit; ofio pbone Iti. Sixth and H. Tata BulMln. DR. ED. BI WATER SpeciaUet OA diseases of tho eye, ear, bom aa throat; glaeee 1 tied. Oflee ho: I to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 p. m. Pboaeo Bealdenee 210-L; ofleo 2I-J; Maaonle Temple, Graat Paaa, Ore. A. A. WITHAM, M. D., PhyaleUa M surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., coraer Sixth aod I atreeia. Phoneo: Ofleo 111; residence 288-J. Honrs: a. m. to i p. m. DENTISTS B. C. MACT, h. M. D. Flrt-claa dentistry. 10IH South Sixth street, GranU Peas. Oregon. AiTOfU.EYS H. D. NORTON, Attorney-aWaw Practice la all state and Federal Courts. Flrat National Boak Bids. COLVIQ ft WILLIAMS Attoraeya-at-Law Grant Pass Banklnx Co. . Bldg, Grants Pass, Ore. E. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practloe in all eonrta. Flret National Bonk Balldlng. DURHAM ft RICHARD, Attarner at-Law. Office Maaonle Temple Grants Pa, Ore. W. T. MILLER, Attorney-X-Lsw. County attorney for Joeephime County. Office: Schallhorn Bids. - O. & BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Lnw Grants Pass Banking Co. Bids. Phone 270. Grants Paaa. Ore. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-et-Law Practice In atat and federal eonrta. Room 2, and 2, ore ntden Role store. ' BLANCHARD A. BLANCHARD, At torney. Albert block, pbone 2IC-J. Practice In all eonrta; land board attorneys. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. PESTUU Veterinarian. . Office In- Wlnetrout Implement Bldg. Pbone 113-Jj Heeidene Phone 205-R. : DIUYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kind of dray age and tranafer work carefully and promptly done. Pbone 18 1-J. SUnd at frelsht depot. A. Shade, Prop. F. G. ISHA1T, dray age and tranafer. Safe, piano and furniture moved, packed, shipped and itored. Phone yk Holman. No. 50. Real uuaeo phone 124-R. Uw. WORLD MOVES; so do we. 2uncb Bro. Transfer Co. Pbone 397-R. - ASSATEltS E; R. CROUCH Assayer, chemist, metallurgist Rooms 201-203 Pad dock Building, Grant Pass. CAMPING RESORTS GASQUET RESOPwT At the edge of the redwoods, accommodations for tourists, hotel $3 per dt y," electrle lU'.ted c.mip grounds, garage and i.cccssorles. groceries and , up- , piles, fishing and,, hunting. - E. R. Price, Propr. 117tf Mt'HICAL INSTRUCTION J. 8. MACMURRAY, tocher of vole - (culture and slnjln?; Lessons given, at home of pupil If requested. Ad dress 718 street 851M MISS ALMAWOLKE, tTacher"of piano and harmony. Special .courses given In - kindergarten music. Address 706 North Fifth street Phone 208-L. 75 LOST LOOT Auto top dust cover, lost on Cresent City road. Finder please loave at Golden Rule store or Courier office. , .53 MISCELLANEOUS KINDERGARTEN Miss Telford' kindergarten opens Monday, Sep-. tember 10th. at 411 C St. 36tf CLOTHES REPAIRED Mending and darning neatly done at 411 C 8t 3ttt Circulars Supplement News paper Advertising, i We Make a Study of the Attention . Compelling Kind nnd Print Them Quickly.