r AG TWO tunr iioocti una coram. MONDAY, KKITKMIIMI 10, IIHT iar rogue A. m. VOORH1E8, Pab. ui Prpr. UNJ. & SHELDON, Editor 1 tt the Poetofflce, Qruto Ps, Or., m second cUm iwUMtUr.1 ADVERTISING RATES ! Ctoplty pace, per Inch -...lee' LmH er personal col um, per Us 10c w dsra, per UK. i ! DAILT COURIER j 7 tuM or carrier, pr yMkr.....00 Bj mu or carrier, por ... .0 v WKKKLT COURIER Br Mil. per yu . .; Orecoa Dolly Newspaper Pub. Aesn. Audit Bureau of Circulation. Fresh MilK and Cream KttOM THK KNGUiWOOI DAIRY GOLD DT 1'8 GUARANTEED 11Y 18 WB CHARGE FOB ALL IWTTLKH AND THEY MXT3T..BK RKUTRNK1) B PAID KOR. THK INCRKA8KD tXXST OK IK)T TIJC8 MAKKS THIS NWK8HAWY. MQXDAY, SKPTKMBKK 10, 1MT OREGON WEATHER ... . ' Weather tomorrow: Probably fair. . A DEMOCRATIC ARMY The charge of "slacking" does not lit against sons of members of the nfRWal rimll In Washington. One of the president's sons-in-law Is In T. M. C. A. work at the front In HTI1.M hiva tliMa anna AS r In thn service. Josephus Daniels Jr., Is In the marine corps. Franklin K. Lane, Jr., In the army ablation corps, Darid F. Houston, Jr., In the navy and Humphrey Redfield in the naval reserve. Young Houston slipped away from Harvard to enlist John Sharp Williams, the bril liant democrat from Mississippi, is not one of those who fear that fa voritism plays a part In the selec tion of men for commissions at of ftcers training camps. His two sons took the course at Fort Myer, both failed to land commissions and both are ready to enter the service else where. Senators Sutherland and Under wood have sons in the service. Six of the ten representatives from Vir ginia are so honored Clark's son obtained a KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY ' QUALITY FIRST . the piping for which amounted to j more than SO miles. Ten general warehouse with the necessary trackage, have been pro vided for each camp. Oompleti re frigerating and laundry camp have also been built for each cntoument. It was necessary to o ipte on an average of one building per hour, for all the cantonments, an average of one building every four minutes. Fifty thousand car loads of material have been transported to the camp sites at a time when the railroad fa cilities were taxed to the utmost with other traffic. Each camp has re quired the building and installation of a transmission line for electric current. At one camp this line was 80 miles long. The belief among many American statesmen that this country need never go to war proved fallacious, but the belief that the nation would rise , promptly and energetically to meet any emergency has proven well founded. 1 "What does. f. o. b. mean?" asked the fair typist, as she looked at one of the circulars urging people to provide food f. o. b. the kitchen door. "It's n abbreviation made up to show folks how Important It is to save food for the use of our sol diers," said the young woman at the next desk, with an earnestness that betokened her good faith. "It means feed our boys and it's mighty good." An enterprising automobile pub licity agent has asked that the name of the commission be chunked to the national emergency Ford garden rnamPjeomnljggi0j because it has so coui- llentenant's . pietely covered the country. I.Ike commission at Fort Myer. Repre- the automobile the' food gardens are kinds whose lights might have been hidden by the bushel of private li'e sentative Bacon of Michigan has i ,VPrVwhere " lonK lnPy "Pa 11 " """" ' . j .v I for the war. given two sons, and other represen- -. .. . . .... . 1 IIW6ICtfc.VltWTl ' tatlves who have reason to be prond nnimi rWI liniTimi athletics." said Fosdlck today re Temple of Penn.. Shallenberger UN JIi rAmhl! I 1 that they develop n few me of Neb., Campbell of Kan., Greene., I slvoly nnd the tnimy not at nil. of Vt.. Taylor of Colorado, and Kit- OUCCTV HDD! IAMPCC "The draft ,""n'" ,ralnl"S ,H chin, democratic floor leader. I 011 LI I hi UMIIULO "r"c "' ' I everv man will lie hroimht out. An,!. Nearly all of these youm? men aroj wh, you consider that none ,,r the volunteers. , i New York, Sept. 10. The sixth fl$7,nnfl Is accepted lMiles )' Ip pby- Such farts as these, laid alon?! annual national safety mnKress and sliallv rrfc?f. which Is tin' tru- of i f.-fi side of the manifest fart that ttie j exhibition of safety and sanitation '. the raw material roll... i.i!i!hI-k : $ a ned r.t the (ivar.d Central I'aiare j has to choose from, It is not iinre.i-, W day, thousands of safety eninet onM" to expect srreat thlocs of 'fl ro CROUP Dtnirit Eucalyptus Olntnmrt t au oe.ua stoats Tueca 860 Jss boo show how the Uvea of our soldiers and sailors are being guarded. Dem onstrations of the weird-looking gas mask for contending against suf focating and lachrymose gusos, the various types of camouflage, or methods of painting scenery and ar ranging foliage so as to hide bat teries and transports to deceive the enemy, and modern sanitary methods at war hospitals form an interesting detriment. E Furnlehd by YY. B. Hanson of Grants Paaa Abstract Co. September , 1 J 1 7. Transfers Oscar C. Dixon to Campeydell Hart, W. n Jits 1 Ki 2, blk. 2, Kerb j vllle, flO. Emma C. Anient to Charles Dana Ament. W. D.. 71 Ac. In 8ec. 20-S6-5, 1500. Tl (MX1AL ' 4 H 4i 4" The Mlaaes Ella Anderson and Ruth dealer entertained with a pro gressive rarewsll party lu honor of the Misses Florence and Mildred Daw kins, who are leaving In the near future for Bremerton, whom they win make their future home. The early part of the evening waa spent at the Birchard home at 10S A street where cards were enjoyed. lAter the, guests repaired to the home of Mlsa Anderson, where games were played on the lawn, followed by a luncheon. Those present were: Florence and Mildred Dawklua, Flor ence Riddle, Dorothy Qllflllan, Dora Blrohard,. Nora Anderson, Lynn Ru bin. Karle Voorhles. Arthur Cramer, Wallace Nllea. Ted Birchard, Ruth Otesler and F.lla Anderson. , Training RaW Rssrults. An army oltlcer, sMktiig of the oeHsity for Ihe rluld Irnhtliig of re- "mm' delude yournelvea with the (ilea that a limn won't be frtchtetiMl tttuler Are. because he will lie. He'll be badly frltthieiiri If he Is a iioiuml h'l man Miitf. "Now. If a mail rsu lie made to brln hit rllln up to Ills shoulder In buttle and lire It I miiiwUhI by military au thorities Unit a soldier Ima been made out of him. "Hut If you aiK-ceed III liNirlilng men ot only to bring the weapon to their almuldcr. but to take a p ivu-r al-.ht-If hard training aevnmplMitvi IhN til umpli over Ibelr tiutnral fnrs then you have troops Unit are milNitihe."-r'at-unlay Kveiilntf 1'ivtt, Courier Bargain Day, Se;it. IS, JAR CAPS Economy Kerr's Self-sealing White Crown Mason Golden State ( Schram Rogue River Hdw. TUM wa 1UCD FRONT ; A few Grants Pass pennants at 100 sarb. 1 for toe. Put one on your oar. ' lit The home of Mrs. M. C. II. Day ws the scene ot a very pleasant gathering Saturday afternoon, Soo- temuer ist, wnen a nu inner or the ladles called to help Mrs. Day with a comforter. A few had offered their J help, but the news noon spread nnd : In the course of the afternoon a large j company had gathered, A very, pleasant afternoon was spent, and a ! very enjoyable feature was the mir-1 prise luncheon of lee cream nnd cskei which the ladles supplied unknown to Mrs. Day and which was served at the close of the afternoon. Those : Mrs. present were Mrs. Goo. Fox Scott Hamilton. Mrs. Shlnn, Mrs. Feldmaler, Mrs. J. C. Calhoun, Mrs. F1 field. Mrs. F. Q. Isbam, Mrs. Isen berger, Mrs. Youngblood, Mrs. Mel ville T. Wire, Mr. Pratt, Mrs. Uw mnoa, Ifai H. K. Miller, Mrs. Dan McFarland, Mrs. O. A. Savage ofj Ixs Angeles, and Mrs. M, C. H. Day. . Mrs. IKiy leaves for Bremerton, Wash., in the near future, where' she will Jolu her husband. j UaWAUD t will pay ten dollars reward f... ' information leading to' the arrest' end csnvictlon of the party who cut j down the shade tree in front of the : new court house on the night of' September 6th. j OEO. W. LEWIS. Sheriff. I Regal Aufoffiobile $825.00 Grants Pass Sot then? on display t the C. I. Ilolmrt (tartip J. H. DENISON :!...:. r EMM PLANNED P I FOR CANTONMENT BOYSjq ) Ui iCl broken hvivJ I I Rardam n rw tv tzi a n u m m i ii in i Iwiwhiii mmtmnw umm Wtiinnl I II - - .. - . . 1 Br u I..ter.-;K JJ M . up I 31C a Washington, Sept. sports records may be drafted soldiers of the new national army in cantonment camps through out the country this f.i!'. ' Chairman Knymond D. FonlS'k i.f tne war department rommissinn n twining camp activities holies vS bring out sport phcnnniH of man ' jaS SEPTEMBER (o) (o) 'jj great common American cltlrenrihi-'i Is senrilne hundreds of thousands of' k.- :dent:f!ed i'!i i yonns men Into the army -with t he . try attending, same spirit of democratic eqmtl'tv j The 'loi.ii;on u n.J,.r liit: and natrfotla loyalty that actuates ; a:j.!.-e of the .Vat!on::l Safely the voting men mentinr'v! alu.ve 1... 1 - , V. . ,.!.! B n'a no i.'iumr nr jioui " dnV3 Amerlran'sm and the spirit of genu-! Prominent .afty e:ii:!ne.-ir Ine dnmorracy has upon every clans' tnmliti? point on that 'j'vilir to indii"-them mi track and field. Join ro.'l- ' '!! and the fot y, ami will inn i ii co:'tiuii) tor ri v. the in the Vnited States. It takes a ' r t!i:11 thonsandH of omen ami crisis to lirintt to tho surfaee the real trv Tliif r-Ulo lu al hfint Tho I result mirrors a nnlti'd, determined, loyal nation of lnO.OOO.nnn people. ! nn'ralned men nre lakini: the place of tho men who ko to tlie front, safe'.y precautions are moire ne es siry than ever, before An Interesting series of exhibits A SAMPLE TASK Some Idea of what is Involwd in putting a nat'.iiii on a war "..' . -.t.i' also how splendidly Anicrira Is r!h tag to the stupendous t-isl:, nriy !. gained from tho st.tte'iicnt of a fe farts connected with the hnlldin' M the Ifi eantontnnnt ramps for hous ing the new national nrniy. An army of practically ISO.OUrt men was employed In the construc tion of these ramps. A typical cani calls for, in round numbers, 15,enn,. 000 feet of lumber. Each canton ment required a complete system of water rnpply and sewerage disposal, "No set pronram of Inter-'.!. 1 contests lias heen arranged," sal'! FolieU, "hut the boys will tie ,i' inweil to develop their own fou!ba!: hasnbnll, track and field lea mi ft' Intir-camp and Intro-camp meets." OWK ADVKUT1BKI.IKNT Wfl. NOT MAKK YOU A FOHTUV HUT 11' WIi.1, KERVB A.'-i .' STONE IN T1U1 FOUXT.-ATiO OB' BUaiNiWrt BUCCL.iil :: Tlie above annciincemcnt meuns money saving to hundreds of Daily Courier subscribers, for Courier Bargain Day has become an institution and an increasing number take advantage of it from year to year. Courier Ear&dn Day occurs on September 18, the Anniversary of the es tablishment of tho Daily issue of the Courier. ,0n that day, nnd that day only, the price for one year's subscription is reduced to FOUR tit i"' Tens, Dtber KiMikN for tlie icmlcs nnd the Iligli SIiihi1 now on wile. Pencils, Tablets School Supplies. BOOKS emaray s Drug and Stationery Siore Strictly in advance. Present subscribers may take advantage of this" op portunity to save money if their subscription is paid to at least September 1; ctl?er3 may secure this privilege by paying all arremes at the regular rates. These rules are held to strictly, and no subscription will bo received at the $4.50 rate after the 13tIA luiloss sent by letter, the postmark bearing the date of the 18th. To accommodate those who can not rely on their own memory, we will ac cept checks no-.v, but they will not bo cashed nor receipts issued until the 18th, although subscriptions may start at any time. $6 per year MSMSMMsaMMNSHRasMBMaflMSBWIMMaMWWW 50c per month Day Sives you $1.50 Saves you"25"h 1 On picvloiiN ywi.N 1,11 vin l Ik" I' .ilr, Tlie IiiciviImi In price In nmile iiercfeuiry mi mvoiinl of the inci-cuKc. tn cum of piiHlncllon, the nlilte pa- MA HON IP TGMI'LK, bit A NTS I'AHH per alone coMIni: 7tl routs pec year I'or eucli sulicilii'r none tlinn pievloiiH yearw. Ill Last year dozens were disappointed, owing to forgetfulness, and were obliged to pay the regular price. This year they will remember, but others may forget. If you forget, It costs you money. 3C