DAILY EDITION VOL. VIL, . ' V. 0- afuum rum, jcwsrmira ooujitt, oreoon, Monday, September jo, 1917 whom: jtcmrjer tisa. 4 p NOT MM aVEDEN'S ACT OVIST ACT NOT OOMMITTKt) AGAINST INITKU aVTATKH, HIT AHQBNT1NK REULL OF MINISTER EXPECTED An IMploaMMie Circles Agaat at iHs csmmrea. Sweden Mast MwIMm r Face Rerbma Trouble l4ndon, (lte dlmteh), Sept. 10. Th Swedish legation has official ly Mated that H wu unthinkable that th Swedish government wa official ly cognisant of the allegad compli cation of IU Argentine milliliter la German communication. Washington, Sept. 10. Tim Unit d 8tsts doe not Intend to break relation with 8wdn now Wcaiine f that country' allowing It dlplo matlc official to be used to rv Germany In anti-neutral relation ship. Although Sweden' explanation way alter the American potltlon, It waa mad Hear that officially the United State doe not feel herself M Injured party and hence rannol break off relation. In the aanouitoement made by th . atat department today. It wan ald U wonld probably be necessary to Vnr that Sweden ha been forwaid- tag Information Involving the Cnit d State, befota rhl oiintry .would lie Jtiitiflrd'lfT Jed a ring "war. It waa alia elated that It wa pos sible Sweden might have been the medium whereby Germany learned of the ealllng of the flrt American transport. The tate department expect an explanation from Sweden. There ws an Intimation that the depart ment believed Swedlih governmental rlrcles hould undergo a thorough cleaning. London. Sept. 10. Sweden' ac tion In tranmlttlng German cipher messages through her' foreign office I aufflolent oauie for declaration of war, It waa seml-offlclally atated here today. The act of Swedish ministers re binding upon the nation; However, the United State ha been Informed that Kngland I not disposed at the present time to en force Brltlih right to toll degree. The poMlblllty that all Scandln nvla might become Involved In the war waa teen "here a the out-growth of recent disclosure ttOI.DIKHA AltR' NO lXNGRIt NKHDKD TO GUARD FORESTS Kugene, Sept. 10. Soldiers who have been guarding the forests of Oregon with order to "shoot to kill" nil persons detected In th act of netting out (flre were withdrawn today aa .the result of a soaking rainfall Ust night. It was the' flint rainfall In this section of the state In 77 day. IIEMMY AT CAMP LEWIS WILL BE TAUGHT CAMOUFLAGE,-ART OP HIDING LAND IRKS Camp Lewi, American take, Sept. 10. They're going to hide Camp Lewis, An airman flying pver the cnu.i--largo enough (o house thousand of men n fow month from now would hnva a hnrd time to find tho camp. The system of trenches, road, m.n moving things uch as supply train nnd squnds of soldier will 'be mnrie . nil hut Invlslblo to Air iwuts. All this through camouflage the Trench art of making things which are, seem what they are not. ITALIANS STILL DI CUIIIP nill'IDP11 - "vuiii iu iu ui ivl.ii rUJlllllb UllwAllbf nmiAT nnArvriu i mil Plormt Opposition Uncn Not KMj Progr of Latin. . Aaatrtaa Port Is Bombed Prom Air Washington, Sept. 10. Italian aeroplane bombarded Pole, the Aus trtan eaport near the head of th Adriatic, Sunday, and succeeded i Inking one Austrian" submarine and on large merchant rassel loaded wltih food and munition, according to an official cablegram from Rome. Th cable message animate Aus trian to from Anguit 11 to Sep tember 1, 132,000, Including om German and Turks. The lighting t of Oorltla I very violent. Rome, Sept. 10. In aplte of a terrible bombardment by the enemy artillery, the Italian troop continue to advance along the whole of the front between Hermanda to Casia gsntisa, according to an official an nouncement Issued let today. FLOUR FAMINE DUE TO WILDING Portland. Sept. , 10. Miller of thl city report that there 1 a dan ger of a riott flour famine In the northwest due to the policy of farm er holding' up their wheat for 'high er price. " One miller today refused a pro fitable Order for thousands of ton of flour because he could not get the wheat. It 1 ipredlcted that unlen the farmer releeiie' their crop the gov ernment will commandeer It, ORKUON IMIAWM Ql'AHTKK MILMOX PROM ROAD FUND Oregonlan New Bureau, Waih., Sept. 10. The ecretary of agricul ture announced today the apportion ment of the federal fund for the good road for the next fiscal year, ending June SO, ltlt, allotting to Oregon 1339,332, to Washington, ItlCSSO and to Idaho $182,471. . m COUNTY MINES ARE ALSO SELLING Baker, Ore., Sept. 10. The trans fer of 40 copper mine composing the W. B. Macdougall group on Snake river, near Homestead, Or., wa reported here today. The aale Involved $126,000 and wa made to W. 8. Kuhn, 8an Francisco capital lit. Extensive development work Is ald to be an Immediate prospect, and already negotiation are being made for the extension of a power line from th Idsho Power Com pany' terminal at Homestead to the mine. Mr. Kuhn ha been Identified In the development of several mines In Idaho. Camouflage will be taught the men training hore. Those with na tural ability as landscape gsrdnei or artists will he carefully trained In this new art. Trench system will be reproduc ed on the prairies around the camp and the new nrmy given Intensive training In the sort of warfare now In vogue over sens. One of the flnit. thing the camouflage squads will do will he to dlsgulBe this entire trench system. Guns In the renr of course will be Invisible from the air. PKDun imfd V I I Jl I I 111111 1 1 III I 1111 OIIIIUJ IVIHIillHL LMVV Premier Kereesky Deposes Gessral KcrtM ea Ckargt fcc Was Plsttbg' to Assise Eckfcrol Ccrt! cf GoYcixzest Storey Days b Store for Rcss Capital Petrograd, Sept. 10. A state , of war ha been proclaimed In Petro grad. A partial civil evacuation of the city has been ordered. Premier Kerenaky ha announced the 'dismissal of General' Korolloff a commander of th Russian garrison because Kornlloff plotted1 to asaume control of the government.' General KlemborskV ha been1 named to suc ceed Korolloff. i Kerenaky has demanded that Kornlloff resign' and retire from the army entirely and -at one1.''' 5 ,,; A lark of adeqnste food, a general unrest of ' German successes t Riga, the enemy's plans for an advance on Petrograd. aa generally believed here and redoubled ectlvity of German propagandist, have canted a great tension here. Explosion In moni tion factorle have been numerous within the last few day and, as a re sult, ths provisional government has placed special guards over all aueh HOOVER MIL HELP KG APPLES River apple growers have enlisted the aid of Herbert C. Hoover, food administrator. In their fight lo have England remove the apple embargo. Britlah authorities take the stand that apple are not a necessity and apace cannot be spared on trans Atlantic liner for their shipment. Representatives Slnnott wss Inter ested in the case. He seciireu a statement from Hoover that apples were valuable as food. The state ment haa been filed jvlth the state department. Unless the British embargo is re moved. Hood River ' apple growers r threatened with heavy loss. Ap proximately 700 carload of Yellow Newton will be harvested In the valley thl fall for ahlpment abroad. WHISKY rN A k- Sw plants. Drastic regulation have been announced governing all Indus tries In any way affecting the coun try'! war-making efficiency. , , Premier Kerensky dhaa issued a statement declaring that ex-Premier Lvoff arrived at Petrograd Saturday and demanded. In tb name of Gen eral Kornlloff, that Kerenaky deliver all civil and military power to the general. . Stockholm, Sept. 10. A food crisis in Petrograd and Mosco is reported In advice received here from Pap a ran da. M. Jurenew, Rus sian minister of communications, Is said to have asked M. Ptesehehonoff, minister of supplle, to take further extraordinary measures to save these cities from famine, saying supplle on hand In Petrograd would suffice , only for 10 days and that conditions in Moscow war worse. All bread la Moscow has been dis tributed. r loasoa. Sat. 10, The Brltwh succeeded In consolidating' and tightening thslr bold on the posl tions southeast of Harglcourt during the fighting last night, according to General Halg's report today. Ger man raids were uniformly repulsed. Paris. Sept. 10. Violent fight ing In the Verdun sector was official' ly reported today. Germany made a powerful hut wholly unsuccessful attempt to recapture ground recent ly gained by the French. a WASHINGTON COACH KIMJCD BT PAUj PKOM A THKK Seattle. Sept ' 10. Hiram Conl bear. rowing coach at the University of Washington, fell from a tree this morning and was Instsntly killed. ONLY! , r . Robrt Crtr In Phllsdslphl Prsss. II Tfl IIIUI1 MM U BE Maa? Important Changes Ordered by School Board Including Junior High at Central School At a recent meeting of the direc tors of School District No. 7 the board made decisions on a number of important matters, among them be ing th following: Ths continuing of the mid-year promotion. . No child will be admitted In the llrst grade for ths first Urn who will not have attained the age of S year by October 1 or within three week aftar th opening of school In each semester. No child will be admitted in the first grade for the first time after the first two week or school In each eemeater. ' Aa opportunity will be given to put in .the teacher training course instead of elementary teacher train ing course. To' Inaugurate fully the Junior High school in the Central building, to be known a the Junior - High school instead of the Central school. The teaching of manual training, do mestic science,' domestic srts, draw ing, etc. the same a "In the tflrh j school, anf the school to be run' oh the departmental basis. In the Senior High school Spanish will be offered this year. TACOMA BRIM: HAS SHORT MARIUKlli 1JFE Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 10. Mr. Thorn H. Stacy, 18. is Mabel' Wa terworth again today. Only a few months after her el'uo ment to Seattle with Stacy .ah aired for and won a divorce decree. She alleged Stacy claimed he waa well to do, but that after the' marriage she round be bad no money. The girl ran away with Stacv last May without the knowledge or con sent of her parents. Rome. Sept 10. General Hlnden- burg is reported to be very III. It Is also reported that the Injuries sustained' by' Quarter Master Gen eral von Ludendorff, In a" railroad accident in Belgium are much graver than were' first supposed. OXH CONVICT KILLED IN RIOT AT JOLIKT PRISON Jollet, HI., Sept 10. One . con vict was hot, three guard and a number of convict were wounded In a riot which occurred today at the state prison. GRKSHAM PAIR DRAW8 PRIZE STOCK ANIMALS Greaham, Ore., 'Sept 10. The Multnomah county fair will open here tomorrow, closing September 16. Hundreds of registered animals were gathered here today and big exhibit buildings are crowded to the doors. niiunn IU INAUGURATED HINDMgi . DOG USED ftSIMESSENGER BETWEEN ' HOSTILE TRENCHES!! FLANDERS HELPED IN RESCUE London, Aug. 20. (By mall) The Canadians called him Mutt. H was all dog. He used to run back and fortl across No-Man's Land, a neutrn with the widest privileges. One day the Canadlana went over the top In a raid, and a Maple Leafor fell wounded. , ills friends wanted to face cer tain death to bring him In, but of ficers held them back. Then Mutt came swaggering down EMflT SOCIALIST LEADER OV REICH- STAG A88EBT9 WILSOJf SEEM OXLY l'XVERflTA!TT4XG It PreiUdeai AoorerUUd s'tuJn la Genaary lie V orld W.ii Uewbt's Petle,s RetpWaib'ilty Berlin, (By special C,- P. corre- pondent) Sept. 10. President WO son can bring an immadUU peacs U b will prove by bis acts that faith In the German people -which ha ex presses la words. This wsa th statamsnt of Philip Scheldeman'o, leader of th Garmaa socialist" majority party, In an a dusive interview rtven the Caltaa Pre todsy. ' . Scheidemana declared that fur ther bloodshed waa unnecessary tt America beHeve and does not aa-der-estimat the reichatag por and th strength of ths Qarmaa movement which Is pushing Irrisia tlbly . toward a democratisatio of all German public Ufa. Scheidemana added that he. in common -with most all Germans, consider this' th last war among civilised nations. - K3T; FC!T.T ' i;r7 raaio Paris. Sept.', 10. The- failure of Premier Ribot to form a new caolnet has1 been: formairy announced and his resignation, together with an the . other members of the cabinet, la believed to hare been submitted to President Poincaire. ' , '. M. Palnieve,' the present' minister of war, may b Intrusted with th task of forming's new cabinet:' ' WASHINGTON BKLIEVES THAT GEKMAN1T WANTS' ARMISTICM Washington, Sept 10. It U offi cially believed here that Germany Is anxious to arrange an armistice with the United States. In the same statement,' It is made plain that th United States will not now grant' aa armlatlc. PORTLAND DOCTOR BOUND ' FOR FRKNOH WAR WORK Portland, Sept. 10.- Bound for France to help battle scurvy, rickets and alcoholism raging among the children In the war-devastated dis tricts. Dr. Charles U. Moore, Port land specialist in children's disease. will sail from New York the latter part of this week, Mr. , Moore Is taking up the work In Franca at the request of Dr. Lucas,' head of the children's division of the Red Cross In Prance. . the trench. A Tommy seised him and held him while an officer scrib bled thl note: "Will you allow u to bring In our wounded man?" .' Mutt wa shoved over the : top with the note tied to his neck. He sauntered over to the Boche lines. Soon he came back with the reply; i .i i . i i . i . i ., In tour minutes stretoher bearer brought back their man In safety. ' Then both sides returned to bus-. Iness. ' . . : '