hAiLX moavm sins coacal . 'M'KIMT, HHPTKMIIKH l, 1M Every good citizen at this tijne should do his share toward strengthening the Fed eral Reserve Banking System with its billion dollars of resources which our government has created to stand back of its member banks and all their depositors. You can contribute directly to the strength of this system, and at the same time secure its protection, by depositing your money with us, since part of every dollar you deposit with us goes directly into the new system. This is a suggestion tor prompt action. The First National Bank : ,. of Southern Oregon FppjysfiLaWjgjSI ft Union Pacific K SYSTIrVf mv-;vr. ----- v Low rare Round-Trip Tickets I Jackson County fair Medford, Sept 1 7-22 1 Agricultural Exhibits, Fruit Exhibits, Live Stock Parade, Hogs, Cattle and Poultry, Farm Machinery Exhibits, Public School Exhibits and a rattling good time Low Round Trip Fares will be on sale from all sta tions Ashland to Glendale inclusive, to Medford and return from September 17th to 22d, 1917. Return limit, September 24th. Ask tool agent for parti culm John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Southern Pacific Lines RED CROSS TO HELP AMERICAN PRISONERS Washington, Sept; 8. Americans captured and held in German prison camp ara to toe, looked after by the American Red Cross. Already, a prisoners' relief eommlttee ha been organised, under supervision of El- Ms U Dreael, of the American lega tion at Berne, Switzerland. ' The German policy of giving vprls onera poor and scanty rations la to be counteracted by shipping - food pareela to American prisoners. Each will contain post card, to be sign ed as a receipt and returned, as means or making sure the Ameri cana get the aid Intended for them. These package will contain ten pounds of meat, a quantity of but ter. Jam, coffee or fea, salt, rice and dried food. The parcels will be sent three times In a fortnight. Arrangements also have been made permitting sending clothing, money and letters from the fatuities j-ln this country of men taken prls i oners. once and that ah abundance of fer tiliser wouM be .ready , for the fara era- this fall. TAXILUA hool Books t War department orders have As signed the Oregon militia to the training camp at Charlote, N. C. The Chamber of Commerce of that en terprising city has extended the glad hand to the Oregon troops In the following letter: ' September 1, 117. To the People of Oregon: The United States government hss selected Charlotte. North Carolina as Mr. Montgomery was reported quite sick this afternoon, but Is on the mend at present. Bllva White la bare from Califor nia visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Clemens. 1 , Mrs. Ernest lleckeudorf. of Wal do, Is visiting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Haselrlg, Chaa. Long snd Fred Nelson came down from their copper prospect al Preston IVak last weok. They are expecting some mining men to look their property over Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bd Hanmim are spending a few days at the cavs. Joe Sowell has begun uncovering some very rich copper ore In the past 10 days. Mr. and 'Mrs. Koy Mark wero Grants Pass visitors Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. J. A, Dopert. and children of Welda, were visiting at the homes of L. D. Corbett and Clay Ramsey Sunday. ' Mr. Bass Is here visiting his sis-1 ter, Mrs. Geo, Fife. Kd Baney and wife are now llv-i tng la Takllma having moved here! a few days ago. j Mildred Tucker was operated on for appendlcltea lst week tint Is; reported getting along nicely. 1 B. F. tlogue and Chss. Long still extend Invitations to the ladles of Takllma to feed on chickens. If they will furnish the chickens and do the cooking they boys will fur- nish the wood and stove. , . Clay Ramsey hss been quite sick but Is able to be up again, j Mrs. Ida Veatch and daughter are visiting friends In Kerby this week. K. J. Khoery Is In Takllma this week from Crescent City, but In- m School Supplies a Clemens The msi store TAtUMA riUUOlI OIK. l)elmr Trlmpls, pastor. All social TO HOIiIUKK rNHTIVITIKH; activities of Camp Uls. Amartna Taooma. Wash., Sept. H.The 1ke, will be weIHimeU ( In tho llrst Methodist church will, be j church bulling, which has , ai-oom-social center for soldiers, according' modntlona for soolitl affair of any to the announcement today by Itev.jklnd. the Site of one of the mobilisation . tends returning Saturday to his pro- cataps and the war department has decreed tbaf? the troops from yonr state will be stationed here. The Charlotte Chamber of Com merce, the Charlotte Ministerial as sociation snd the Toting Men's Christion association take occasion, therefore, to express their pleasure at this derision snd to sssure the I troops and all those whose Interest j In them is closest snd affectionate j of the welcome which awaits them. 1 ' We wish the troops who come to us to use the offices and facilities of ! our organizations freely in whatever I way may be of advantage to them. We extend the same Invitation to, ! those who visit the soldiers In this ' i camp and we pledge the hospitality ' and hearty welcome of our entire I citizenship both to the troops and to their friends. ' I Very sincerely, j CHARLOTTE CHAMBER OF i COMMERCE. By David Owens, President. perty there. Chss. Hansen and wife are park ing up to move to Portland soon, where he Intends to work In the ship ysrds at that point. . IR,ega! Automobile $825.00 Grants Pass Se them on display at the C. L. UohurtUarttgf J. H. DENISON Karri Ci I ' I eral deposits of llmerock. Men Newspapers 5 & 10c Bundles- Couner.2ttj:ttttt r r they Intended to begin operatloi UME BOARD IS DOING Roseburg, Sept. . 8. Citizens of Douglas and Jackson counties in terested In lime deposits which they had hoped the state lime board would purchase are beginning to think that the members of that board have no Intention of comply ing with the provisions of the Isw adopted at the last session of the state legislature, with refernce to furnishing the farmers of this state with Hme fertilizer at t reasonable ' coat, Is the belief of many ranchers residing in Douglas county. Senator B. L. 'Eddy, who was one f the most ardent supporters of the lime bill, stated this morning that nothing was being done by the board up to the present time.- In order to lend the ranchers whatever, assistance as was possible, Senator Eddy a few days ago wrote a letter to Warden Murphy, of the state penitentiary. In which ha. asked the latter member of the lime board what had been done with reforence to carrying out the provisions of the act appropriating money with which to crush llmerock snd place the same In the hands of the farm-, ers. Senator Eddy recolved a reply from 'Mr. Murphy to the effect that, he had referred the letter to A. Ii. Cordley,- chairman of the board. Senator Eddy then wrote a letter to Mr. Cordley, but hss received no re ply. A few weeks after the legislature adopted the law, the members of the lime board mads a tour of Douglas and Jackson counties and found sev eral deposits of 'llmerock. Members that operations at Cotirifcr Day SEPTEMBER I i The above announcement means money saving to hundreds of Daily Courier subscribers, for Courier Bargain Day has become an institution and an increasing number take advantage of it from year to year. . Courier Bargain Day occurs on September 18, the Anniversary of the es tablishment of the Daily issue of the Courier. On that day, and that day only, the price for one year's subscription is reduced to FOUR FIFTY Strictly in advance.. Present subscribers may take advantage of this op portunity to save money if their subscription is paid to at least September 1; others may secure this privilege by paying all arrearages at the regular rates, These rules are held to strictly, and no subscription will be received at the $4.60 rate after the 18th unless sent by letter, the postmark bearing the date of the 18th. To accommodate those who can not rely on their own memory, we will ac cept checks now, but they will not be cashed nor receipts issued until the 18th, although subscriptions may start at any time. $6 per year Rrr-n.! fW 50c per month m &mi 1 vx1 Saves you 25? On previous years $4 was tlio rote, The Idci-mso In price Is made necessary on account of the Increase In cost of production, the white pn per alone costing 70 cents per ycur for each subscriber 'more than In previous years. Last year dozens were disappointed, owing to forgetfulness, and were obliged to pay the regular price. This year they will remember, but others may forget. If you forget, it costs you money. . Saves you $1.50 'V