.! " DAILY EDITION X VOL. VII., No. Sift, r GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON FRIDAY, AUGUST IT, 1917 WHOLE NIMBER USX 1 ' v U. S. TROOPS Vlli HANDLE I.W.W. SffilKE fEDERAL GOVERNMENT PLANS IUGOH01 B MEASI'IUCM TO SUPPRESS THOt'BLK leoor of Agitators UUU Jailed (MMta Mtut Be lleteaaed or Slrika WW He lulled r WASHINGTON, D. O, Aac. Hj mow EOVEfiSMENTWORlMUSTGOOH The War Depart! today asserted!"0 thee. If - iwi lMM-OUMo company, which Is con- saw, st niiuimry. reoerai troupe ,trolUd th, Mom0B ciharch. Un- eroSM be sent lata the northwest ikt y,, pl(lB( th, utah-Idaho com- cwrfc I. W. W. trouble If the threat pany will lay aside 15.50 on each ned striko Is railed. . SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 17 The threaded strike of I. W. W. work wrs celled for next Monday has been Ignored by the governors of the four states to whom the threat was ad dressed. Secretary James Rowan, however, asserts that the strike will become effective unless their mem bers, now held In Jail, 'are released before Monday. WABtUNOTON. 0. C, Aug. 17. V'?". Crave .menace .,te lndustria.:w$oe continuation at high speed le deemed vital, to the prosecution, of the war to eeea by offloials here ja the grow ing activities of bd'natrlnl 'Workers of the World .leader oj the Pacific '.' cosst end Is .the tar northwest, Swift and drastic acton to check the movement, Insofar aa It would cripple Industries or curtail produc 1 tlon of oommodltlee neeessary for .war Is planned by department of Jus tice Officials. TO DRAFT MARRIED MEN WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug;. 17. President. Wilson todsy wrote Sena tor Weeks of Massschusatts. stating that he would take un acaln, with the War Department, the question of exemptions of married men with families. SAMMIES TO HAVE BUREAU TO KEEP T OF ; WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 17. Kvory Sammy In France will have a secretary to write letters to his folks If ho le too badly wounded or too busy swatting the Booties to do It himself. ; ' Ad i utant General . McCain .has . ar ranged the name eeoretariat system for the first 187,000 draft Sammies ta cantonment camps In this coun try thla fall, iAnd for the militiaman likewise, . 1 - Our plan to enable friends and rel atives of American soldiers to get prompt Information as" to their wel fare, ssld Oeneral McCain today, will require for every million men, 'about 1,200 officers, enlisted men and field clerks. ' World headquarters for this organ isation, whloh Is already at work, 'wlll'iba In the State, War and Navy (building In Washington. f It Is now known offlclaUy as "The Statistical W vision." - In addition to writing letters and postcardf. the duties of members of the division will Include: Gathering Information ronoornlTit Individuals at general, divisional, reel mental and oompany headquart- raSeld ibaee-hospitals, ports of em barkatlon and camps In this couutry BEET GUS SHARE PROFITS Utah-Idaho Sugar Company lasng , aratoe a ProSt Sharing I'Ua for . Growers Supplying Factories SALT LAKE CITT, Utah, Aug. 17 Sugar beet growers la C-lah, Idaho Colorado, Montana and Oregon will hereafter receive a abre In the prof It on lunar, according to announce ment mado todey by the Utah-Idaho Sugar company, whloh controls feo tori throughout this section. Tho announcement alao will bar material, effect throughout the Uni ted States wherever sugar beets are crown. The new scheme Is the echo of as old tight existing (between the Amalgamated Sugar compear, own- ed by the Rcoles estate of Ogden, I . ... M X Ik. associated 100 pounds of sugar manufactured aa the cost of manufacture and profit All profits over this figure will be split equally between the company and the farmers. The farmers writ continue to receive ST J a ton for beets. The above press dispatch from Salt Lake, ir authentic, will he good news for the large number of beet grow er In Southern Oregon whose beets are sold to the Create Pasi factory of the company Banted. l. - A PACIFIC PORT. Aug. 17 Alter a four-day round of entertainment, the Japanese mission left, here to day for Washington. "We now know that nothing our enemies may do to divide us can succeed." ' This was the declaration tonight of Viscount K. ,lhll, ambassador extra ordinary and plenipotentiary, head of the Japanese diplomatic .'mission to the United States. "What more can I aayf" he asked. "Neither your latwiiage nor mine supplies me with sufficient vocabu lary,' adequately to express my sp preclstlon of our welcome. The gen uine sincerity of the greeting you have given us. I csn assure you, re- olprocated In the senee of obligation ' and appreciation felt by the entire Japanese nation." E where troops are mobilised and -und er training.; .. ... , 5 v Handling Inquiries concerning the prisoners, both German prisoners In America and American prisoners In Germany. A big training aohool for these Sammies' aeoretarlea hat (been sitao- llshsd at the war department and Is on a fair working basis at present. Officers of .the division are being sa; lected from ' the officers training camps and will ibe sent to Prance and to places In this country as soon as trained. ' The organisation will finally be completed by having a regimental section with eaoh regiment, This will be In' charge of the reguler ad jutant, assisted by the chaplain," Qeneral XtoCeln wishes all Sifn mles, their relatives and friends to make full use' of this secretariat dlv lelnn. Word can be gotten home, he teela, more expeditiously by the Sammy,' tfiroaxn one or the divisions than by any-other means except ex- pensive cable, . Postcards are to ba furnished by each division whloh are official and not sinojeot to aeiays ana censoring, If .unable to write himself, his sia- - ' HstUwMlald secretary will glidly do it tor ins nammy. RACK HUD' CANADIANS HOM POSITIONS ABOUT LENS PBHP1TK TEK RIFIC TBITONIO FTItK com -on m mm Waves Upeei Wares of ttenaas) Are Mowed IMnra la Prultlciie Cltargee Aaainee HflJ'.Kaaiber Seventy The British Prowl la praacei Aag 17 (I Ate IMspateh) HIU No. TO lit, rally ra with blood of Gerssaa div- tatoae aacrMred today ta n hat vsea eCorta M rCcwpters ' this Isspertsest deeninaclait Ndght the Oanadle . Along the entire aew buttle front of the Lens sector the saoet desperate tghtins; has taken place daring the past IS hoars. All of -Ihese attacks were repassed by the Canadians, who I ta addition, retook Cite BC Aagaate front which were rorea last aight. " ..: . The a amber of prisoners will prob ably greatly exceed the' first e m. The Oermaas cVeened a aaatber of large gans. . Ton great praise ranaot be'gtvea the Caaadlaa troops, aatoag whosa a large aamber ft Aasericaae for their heroic attacka. They held onto every position taken with a balklog tenacity whir the repotted waves of Teatenn harled against theaa eoald not ehakei ;i'i.--jL-.''-: LONDON Aug. 17 General Halg report today mentions only a eerles of German counter attacks along the Icbi front, trying to retske some or the ground the British captured In their late drive. The attacks were repulsed except that one of the ad vance positions' secured during lest night wss evacuated because of Its unstrategle position.- ' ' The latest blow In the Ypres area was on a front or nine muee ana only on the extreme right were the allied forces unable to make prog ress. ' The Germans resisted etub- bornly, suffering heavy losses but on the greater part of the front they were forced to leave valualMe posi tions In the possession of the allies, POPE tlKNKlHCr 1KPIUCRRKT OVER ANTI-PEACE OUTLOOK ROME, Aug. 17 It la reported here that Pope Benedict Is greatly depressed over the unfavorable re ception which has ben accorded bis peace appeal by. the nations gener ally. The Pontiff le spending mot of his time alone. YAKIMA BEET CROP WILL TAX FACTORY Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lance, or Yakima, tarried a few days In Med ford, the gtifets' of Mr. and Mrs. C B. Ferguson, old-time friends, while looking about the valley. Mr. Lance gives a good, account of the crop conditions In the Yakima valley and declares that the farmera and fruit growers will have Occasion to ac count this a most prosperous year tor them. The sugar beet crop of that region this year will lie greater than the local milt, whloh has a cap acity of BOO tons dally, can man a faoture Into sugar In a six-months' run; so part of the crop win neve to ibe shipped to the mill of the Idaho- Utah Sugar company at Grants Pass, i-Medford 8un Th, octj ugar fMt0ry bellevus 4 the above statement es to ahloments from! Yakima to , the Orane Psss factory must be a. mistake arvtve distance la prohibitive. ' However, the Yakima crop, where ample. Irrl. ration has been available 1e remark- ewy una. mmw RUSSIA FAILS EVEN THE BOCIA LISTS ACKJfOW IJCKJE THAT OONSERVATIVK ' IDBAS MUST CONTROL General Koralloff Expresees a New . OoaAdeoos la Anay Morale ' FoOowlag Beocgaalaatlna MOSCOW. Aug. 17 Socialism has failed In Russia. Premier Kereaeky recognisee this fact. The great con ference of all Russia to begin u this city August. It will mark the end of the Pan-Sbclallstle Russia' end the entrance of new elements of conssr- vatism Into the goverameat. ; Many of the leading socialists realise that they have failed In their attempt to govern the empire single- handedly. This result has been brought About largely because the socialists of the cities have taken such a radical attitude toward the question of money values and prlees that jtha more conservative peasant population have refused to sell them food,' forcing the more radical city element to come under the more con servatlva country leaderantp. -, PBTROGRAD. Aoff. 17 General KoraUof today expressed a new eoa- Sdeaee !n the military aituatlon, fol lowing an extended conference with Premier Kereaeky. , "Recent measures hare consider ably strengthened the army's com (bat I re n ess and morale. I confidently hope that the army may soon be completely regenerated and give account "of Itself, is which all Rus sians may take a sincere pride," de clared General Koralloff. iuBSBUPOII LONDON. Aug. 17 Thaadmrral- ty announced today that many tons of exploelves had been dropped on enemy aerodromes and railway sta tions. Several Bras among these buildings were observed following the raids. Ostend and Thounont railway ata- tlons and the aerodromes at Chle tellea, Uytkerke, and Engel are among those which have been (bomb ed. - The bombing fleet also attacked transports along the . wagon roads. working havoc among several lines of communlcstlons for enemy sup plies, r WILSOM MAY, REPLY FOR ALLIED NATIONS I)NDON, Aug. 17 The allies will probably delay their reply to Potte Benedict's peace offer until after consultation In. which all of the en tente allies will participate. It was stated today that some of the allies prefer to let President Vin son answer for the entire allied group of nations. Lord Cecil, who announced that the allies would hold a consultation on the peace, proposals, was unwill ing to make .any joomment on ,che terms mentioned In the Pope's letter pending ea official . decision. . The suggestion that President Wil son should mske reply for the silled cause, shows the exceptlonelly fav orable position America hoMs at a spokesman la such matters. Lord Cecil . stated that Presldert Wllson could' reply la a way that wotiU be a genuine peace more, 00 COUIITY TO TALK ROADS Boosters Proas Coast Ooaatlee WOl Be at Crescent City Good Roads . Meet ta Force f.; Chairman Benson sad Commis sioner (Adams of the HlghwayCom mlssloa will reach this city tomorrow ea route to the Crescent City road conference. Governor Wlthyeombe will come down on the Sunday morn- lag train sad will start for Orescent City at oaea. . ;. ( , . It Is expected that eight or 10 auto parties from this city will make the trip.', Some win return Tuesday bnt most will remain over for the important road confers aeee oa that day, returning Wednesday. , The following aewe Item la the Portland Journal under a Marahfteld data lice indicates how the people oa the tvi regard the forthcoming Crescent City road eonfareaee: Msrshfield, Ore.. Aug. II The satire county court, county road- master and a large delegation of cH Isene' will go to Creecenr fJlty' oa August iS, sad 10 to. attend the meeting When the governors of both states will be present to discuss the coast', highway. -. Carry . county will also send a delegation ! and both counties will urge that the California highway fee extended north to -the Carry coanty line from Crsaeeat City to oonaect with the .coast road la Carry sad Coos. Plaas of these eoantles win be set forth. t BT.tEHiEl mmm WASHINGTON. P. C Aog.c If. The Federal Trade. Commiaeiom has completed .Its investigatioa Into the cost of steel production and will sub mit a report to the president soon. It la believed that thla announce ment marks the end of a conf usion and delay In the governmeni'a steal construction program. It la expect, ed that the president will fix prices lor all ateel products entering Into government contracts, at once, which prices will be based on the findings quoted in the commission's report IDAHO V OPENS LATE ' TO HELP. HARVESTING MOSCOW, Ida.. Aug. 17 So that atudente of the University of. Idaho can assist In harvesting crops of the state,, the opening of the fall sem ester hes been, postponed, until Oct ober 1.' ' FIT FOR mDOUS RESPOKUTIES WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 17. If you have pictured President W11 - son careworn, haggard and breaking . , . . , . under the strain of hi. tremendous war problems, change the portrait. It's 'we wrong. ! On one of his unannounced strolls from the White House to Secretary Baker's office In the State War aad Navy building he gave press men an opportunity for a good close-up of Woodrow Wilson la war noott. Swlnglng out from Baker's room and down the tiled corridor, the president's physical health. Par president had more the manner of a mental diversion and rest he turns maa who had Just concluded a pleas- from the problems of war to latrt ant chat with an old crony about cate, complex end quite thrilling d nothlng In particular, than of a at- tectlre stories., . . ; ' ' tlon's leader who had Just discussed' Most of his newspaper reading la , ; a vital world problem whose eolu- done for him by Secretary Tumulty. tlon he must find. . ; Thousands of pspers from all over. Clad In, snowy ,llnenoat and the country are carefully gone over trousers, , a flat-topped, broad-brim- for aewe of Interest to 44 WWte mii etraw hat set squarely on bis House: and whatever' le deemed serf- ' head, the president moved at a brisk flclently Important to bring to the 1 pace toward the stairway. There was president's' personal attention he eprlng In his step. - His smile was gets In the form of pasted up clip genial, hit cheeks uddy with the plnrs at the proper time. "' glow, ot . health, ; ,, .) I He has caret And worries and bar-' Realising; the vital tni'portanoe ot dens galore, has the president, bat I keeplag ktself (It, the president le he toa't breaking dowa uader thaaw,.. AUTO DEALERS MUSTS 1WPK REAL COMMUNITY PICNIC TS RANGED FOB VISITING TOVaV ISTS FROM METROPOLIS Gfarte' Honor Ganrd sad Band WS Help EatertadB Thnrsday Party Visit Oregon Cares : There will be general eommaajt plcalo at the City fwrk oa the ewsav lag of. Wedneedsy. Angnst IS. as which all drJaens of this coaimsnttp are Invited.'? '. ' The eecaatoB will be la the aatene of a recepBoa 4o abeot viattSxS ante dealers aad their guests mat Peruana. - A ptcnle luncheon will be serrsi for the visitors by the Girls' Hone Guard; bat because of the sscertata ty of the aumbe of Ideal people wt might want to stMBlsp sack a acs ale luncheon service, the girls WOl provide only for the out of ,towav visitors, which weans that local pea pie are expected to bring thetr owa well-filled leech haskebx y - j .The ") hoak" qnartet Is e eompaaylag the auto party sal , tV with two or three other entertt;- coming from Portland, aaststet ty local talent aad the ever weleos Grasts Pats band.-will make, aw bregraai which sheaM be eaJaraO to, an. , .:, . u'. .v..- 'Remember the "date Weduisday. Aagust It averyhody lnvltad. aw erybody come. v i: 'J:'"f.' : . TOKIO. July 10 (By Mall The specific cause of ' typhus fever, av , problem which has baffled the efforts of the beet medical men ta the woiM op to thla time, has been discovered by a Japaneee scientist. Professor Kenso Futakt. of the Imperial Gov ernment Research Laboratory., Th name of the germ which causes ty phus Is ae wonderful as the discov ery. , Prof. Futakl calls it Splre choeto Exanthematotyphls. Full oe talls are to be forwarded td the) Rockefeller Institute In America. exceedingly careful to play with hkt . wort. . r, Brlr Terr "". long betwra most Washlngtonlans are so mack ow tteIr Bap pr,gldenl M out 4l knickerbockers and off around the , golf course. Mrs, Wilson usnaO accompanies him, A couple of hoars JJ may ro!"B the White House grounds In one at th Mr wlth th, wldea ,B , tM m tt, doop , I 0oU walkUf ,,Q otBOT M 0rms of exerdse take care of the). Si: