Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, August 06, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    : - ;. - , . -v v y . y ,
VOL, VII, No, BOB. '
, GRurn pas wnram cocjrrr, obegok,
nuNK little wneral to be
Railway Employees Give Htrtke No
tice aad Only Pwiwri of Federal
Troopa Keeps MM Down
Butte, Moat Aa. e-Opea op
posJUoa to (he army draft tea ttM
another complication to the already
ebaotie roedlllon bet, AalhortUse
are open 'in tbl enreaion wf fear
ing (suable vase examinations be
gin Thursday. Uecu-ksaas oa h
alert rkal division f Um Mllwaakee
railway have served the eosnpauy
with a ao-day strike notice.
T ' " ejaas
Butts, Aug. . Beveral additional
atrikca threaten to tie up practically
all Butte Industry. TbU to t mall
f tko tyaebtng of frank UUIe.
; The, clerk's union la a 'akt a
trtks veto tonight
The street ear eompaay baa Bet
attempted ta break Um strike of Ua
aperitives. Thus far there have
beea ao earn moved alaea Saturday
Torn with dissension, strikes, ta
kortroablea, .Uwlinaaas,. ft
tag the elty wondered tonight If
the funeral of Frank W, Utile, I. W.
W. executive who died at tha hands
of Its "rlgtlsates," and the atten
dant members of the Industrial
Workers of the World bave planned
-will be the spark thst will set aflame
the smoldering tinder box ot hatred
which has seethed In tha camp for
seven weeks since tha I. W. W.
called a strike la the mines.
Excitement was allayed by the re
action which followed, and. miners
flocked , back to work. Conditions
were apparently approaching normal
when on adrlre from William Hay
wood, national I. W. W. secretary,
today the Industrialists announced
they had changed their plana, and
public funeral and demonstration
would attend burial of Little's body
here. This development coupled
with a walkout today of 180 motor
men and conductors, the entire force
of the local street railway company,
again created chaos.
Washington, Aug.' . Thomas D.
Jones a Chicago business man has
been appointed to represent the de
partmsnt of commerce on the ex
port license council to succeed Ed
ward Hurley wbo resigned to be
come chairman , of , the shipping
board. v
g. London, Aug. (.The Germans
Tiave launched a heavy counter-attack
against the British gains . In
Flanders. General tlslg's report to
day declared that the German move
ment had been ohecked nnar Holle
beke and ths Teuton's attack of last
night had keen completely repulsed.
Another heavy attack made at
Westholk under cover of a heavy
barrage, had likewise proven unnuc
ceenfnl. flcattored ml (in elsewhere
had been stopped.
Ixndon, Aug. 6, Dr. von Kuehl
mun has ibeen Installed s Germsn
foreign minister today succeeding
formnf Bocretnry Zimmerman. ,
The new post of minister of mu
nitions hss been established and Dr.
Genu hns been appointed ,t tha por
tion. '
rerucopo or Hostile trrt la
W Outside New York! . Ha.
J an V7 Cloalaf rwt
Na Tork, Aag. 4. tha port of
Naar Tork waa aloaed today aftar a
ataaaar anirliii tnm tha JUlaaUo,
raportod that auaaurtaa, wboaa
IdaatHjr it nakaowi to tha Taaaal or
to Mia authoritlaa, waa alghtad aoaM
dlataaoa drom tha port.
Tha bT7 dapartmaat aaaoaaeaa
tha nova aa a pracautloaarjr aiaaa
ura. -
PaaaaaRan Strlvtni oa tha hP
raport that tha parlacopa waa tlfht
ad about-1.000, et from tha teat.'
wharaopoa all oa "board doaaod Ufa
bolta. Ouna wara traiaad oa tha ob
Jt which quickly dlaappaared.
Thar la ajiparaatly Rood rrouadt
for tha ballaf that tha object aeaa
waa tha pertaeope of a hoatlla aub-j
marina. Altheoih local people and
tha authorities tare aot fortottaa:
tha furora eraatad by tha report i
brought to aaother port about a V-
oat ifhlad datalde tha fiarborl
woiou laiar prorea to oa a auu to.
whteh fUhlnt koaU wara aeeuatomad,
io ua, uiero aaana hmi faaarai
feeling tttat the preaeat la aot a
lar acara. ' " V.
i;i oni
t- f.... ' vt'l Bank checks, drafts, certificates
la. 'Aug. .-CItIo eaara'lo,f iMit dl7' BO
are to be built e tha eakUUoa
cnaaad for humI Utouaand BdBiu
war refugees who are to be brought to Mm? fMm th ddd r,t ,n
from Holland noon, according t0 1 . Wh wai brtag la a. addl
Jsmes Blevla iDt of a Belgian col- j tlo' T77.O,000 annually,
onlsatlon company, who has closed 1 vM''ch chnw tb h0"
a deal for (62 acres of land neer,bm ' way of lnreaaes Is due
rwi.P ., o, n " nlt submitted to
Tw hundred and firtv
famlllea will be established on the
Dufur colony ' by November, lilt,'
Mr. Slevln asserts. He hss picked
out a 'large poplar grove on the
Dufur tract for the construction ot
the ctvlo center, which. Is to consist
ot a school house, church, general j
store, dancd pavilion, public ball,
and other buildings. Two hundred
sad fifty email houses are to be built
for the refugees. j
Portland. Aug. "-
Marqulas wu kilted, E. D. tlock
was perhaps fatally Injured and Mr.;
and Mrs. B. J. 'o.u'ss were In-
lured when aa hutomoblle crashed
over an emhanknvBnt near New Bra
at midnight. AU of the party were
from Eugene. - . ;
r,i,n 11WWH.W ,"" M
v r I a wSH?TON
Zllan. wash., Aug. .-rBlit are
tearing down cornfields and tramp-
Hug gardens near Zlllah, farmers
Warden Green man, ; A nlghtwatch-
man has been put to work to pro
tect some of the fields.
. ' ' .
HI Paso, Aug. , a. with large
Oermsn flags la their ooat kpsls.
live prominent Germaa s gents were
walking about the streets of Juares
today. They are gaests of Oensral
Petrograd, Ang. O.t-The first ds-
tAchment of ISO women sailors Is
forming today preparatory to going
to Murman coast for service In Rus-
sin's nsvy.
The apteadof the. inovement for
enlistments among Russian womsn
has boen phenotnonsl. From every
section of thA?VsW.o.untrj comes
reports of women seeking to Joln.the .
colors la some capacity or other, us-
nilly as a plain private foot soldier.
.... . . .
" r ' f- '
ran so on mi cheos
Taxed and AH
aad Tiwmwo
of tVietaae
Wahlntoo, Aug. I. 8eaator
Blmmoaa, ehaJrmaa of the eeaate
flotnoe commKtee today preaeated
tha Mil determlued upea by tha aaa
ta eeattjlttae aa a war ' raraaoa
measure, whlok propoaas to ralaaj
mora thaa a blUloa dolUra.
Tha eoaualttaa'i raaortad hiu iml
erMaee tha, maauaa ey fltS.OStr
000 over tha bill aa paaaed by the
kouae last May,
The chief Items of reveaue will
some from aa, taosme tax, 'war. pro
fits, liquor, tobacco, freight, parcel
t poet, express, transportation, tale-
! graph and telephone messages.
j There will be raised oa seeead
waas ponage, ys.vvv.ouv ana 91,
100,000 from profit . tax on aewe
pmpera. A
l Hre one cent
Tbi ' iirgim Increase is sUmatedr06' fc" W. jssrk-
con by Secretary MoAdoo since
the house passed Its revenue bill.
By Perry (Arnold
(United Press Foreign Editor)
New Tork, Aug. 4. -Three years In ons year likewise Germany has
! and seven days ago today a double been forced to chronicle Her first rs
1 murder In BareJavo snllt a blot of treei alnw tha Vim it
Wood on Kurop, lDat hM ,nce
time spreadto engulf la its red flood
..ranights ot all the world. .
dvllissd nations which ra-
maln Mutrfcl , M world trlf,
m,T B0W u eoUnted on the fingers
M t0M lrnm lh, b,,,, tne nr
i.mM .nraui ,n vnrnn..
tneB t0 tn, orient; to Asia and fin-
tally to the
.Today not a continent of the world
ltu that does not hold a nation
,,th,r at w or not ott peaking
term wlth other BaUon .
im.,i.. inrii a thM. .n ..
weight of her titanic resources In
welJln nm materials and men on
the scales to swing the balance to-
ward Democracy and against German
uutoeracy and brutality. Her action
j,ea-eBt)1 th, Bew democracy la
Russia, revived Prance's exhausted
warriors, and stimulated England's
oldlers and workmen. More-
ovw' Am,:, "tram resulted in
' vir-ui i-
I sue of the .war that the allies are
' lighting for Democracy and will not
j cease until that democracy ta achlev-
; ed and the democracy ot the rest of
the world mads sate forever. ,
The year past saw many notable
changes In the wsr. Two monarrhs,
i the last but one of the absolutist,
divine right sovereigns, were swept
Into oblivion. ' .
A new nation appeared after the
most bloodless revolution In history.
Germany reached the climax of her
terrorism and brutality In Inaugu-
ration of unbridled submarine war-
fare on the seas, and of slavery ot
the Belgian civil population,- It was
this arrogance of supposed might1
thst brought Oermany and her allies
such powerful enemies as the United
Htstes, Braill,. Cuba,,, Panama.. Bo-
' crnzBwt , ',
PoiiralERT 'mn
taenl AwthoHUea PUa Vlcorons
Aottoa Lookaag to Cwum ef De
aerUoai Igatot Drift Mae
Bhawaee, Okhv.. Aug. I. late)
thla afternoon a diapateh wai re
wired here ataUac that draft rw
alatara ware drnamitlng; aad bora
lag aouth of Shawnee. A special
train with a aoase of IS mas left
here' for Ramnlna whan mmriaam
trouble baa beam reported. .
r Holdenrllle, Okla., Aug. I.
"Shoot every mea who wean m
white shirt," were the orders ot th
leaders of the antl -draft rioters, cap
tured members stated today.
A Special train with El -aptured
members of the so-called "Working;
Class Union" were tokaa to HcAllIa
ter today. - tf ( -
Thaa far there are three, dead and
several wounded as a result of the)
riots. Posses ,hava cleared most ef
tha sections ef the rlotora,
The first move of balf . doiem
to ore-salae and slva batik ha
ing eiass anion ana. "Jones tamuy-
members, appears to bare .broken
the back bone of the move meat to
start a rebellion against the aatloa
within the eoaflnea of this stats.
In addition to the danger . et
' treacberons shots from amhssh.
("Continued oa Page I)
II Hit
livla. Guatemala, liberie, Honduras.
Nicaragua. Baa Domingo and Slam.
natter ot "strategy" according to
her military chiefs but It reieusd
thoussnds ot acres of desolated,
blackened land tn rrM and .hM
tn, Mln ftruck ,B roMowlng Bp
that "strateglo retreat" the eneny
y, tt norc
.u . ... i. -t.f.k -t. ...
power ot the German, war machine
avalllngly. Verdun survivsd desplU
all Germany could do. So did ths
Chemls-des-Dames. aace bore
both ef thM. iBockBi
rv. .... v.. nv i.. i,
practical abandonment ot one of the
weapons whlob three years ago Gw
many boasted would win her the war
the Zeppelin dirigible. In her
"baby killing" expeditions over Eng-
land bow, Germany uses aeroplanti.
The Zeppelins proved too unwteldly.
la tbe year Just past, hunger wm
enlisted as a wsr weapon by both
sides. It was to "stsrve Bnglasil
oui mat uennany lnvoaea ne auu
marine piracy. It was to draw doe-
er the blackade around the central
powers thst America soon after hr
entrance Into the strife. adopted
stringent plans to prevent her food-
stuffs reaching ths enemy,
In the year to come It will be Am-
erica whose horde of money will be
poured Into the war machine, and
American Ingenuity on which th
looraolea of the world will rely
,or "'"Hon of the submarine prob-
''N- America's vest industrial ni-
ch,n xPtsd to produc
VMt ".""tltlea of munitions, of
roplanes, of guns. And Amerlci'i
r,oh wn,,, 08 r,le UDon ,0
'urnl,A ' which In large part
,,,,, Br
America has already begun hsr 11-
" " (Pwatlikued sa Pat A)
t 4
Road of Prlase faiportaacw to Valley
IMecaaaed by Off da Is Heat Week
Tha Mg' talk U Dal Norte county
at Um prssaat time Is the eomatrue
Moa of a first etose heavy trsc
highway from Cresceat City to
Onato Pass. Oa the lltb ef thla
awata Oevaraor Stephens sad warty
an awpeeted here to land aU the of
ficial asmstaacd they caa to ear pro
Jeot The people here are sow sai
isOsd that sir traasportatloa prob
leat caa be made mach leas bardea
some If we have a boalerard from
here to our neigHboiiy city la Oregon
over whsoh eaa be seat at aU times
of the year the products and needs
of both terminals. Every merchant
In Crescent City knows that such a
highway means s vast Increase la
his business. All of as arc working
hard oa tha project -Creseeat City
courier. ; ' ; : ,! r ' .;
,Tbe above Item. refers to what
the people of Del Norte county plan
to make the banner event of the
year la that section. The fmport
sace of a good truck road betweea
that dty and OraaU Pass la hard to
estimated from the standpoint of
either community. A grade caa be
established by running up Elk creek
that , win cross the summit at an
elevatloa 100- feet lower-thaa the
present wsgoa road's summit.. With
ths large funds available to ths Cal
ifornia, read . bulldlaa- .aataorttlea
I where the value "of 'good roadr tss
beta' leaned by actual trial, that
state may reasonably be expected to
do its share toward suck a road.
The local Chamber of Commerce Is
planning to send a delegaUoa to that
Silverton, Ore., Aug. . Falling
mm a raft la the mill pond at
Scotta Mills Saturday, Beulab Dale,
t. daughter ot J. E. Dale; Athol O.
Hlckox. IS. daughter of E. E. Hlckox
and Myrtle Cooper, 15. daughter ot
Jobs, Cooper, were drowned..' The
toodiss were recovered. Ethel Bhllts,
daughter ot J. M. BhUta, aa older
Ctrl with tbe party, narrowly escap
. One atory ot the tragedy , ta that
the raft tipped oa end when some
boys who were bathing in the pond
Jumped on It
v The victims were daughters ot
well known famines. The accident
bias east a pall over thla community.
Washington, Aug. 0. Commis
adonsr W. 1 Chambers, or Assistant
Commissioner C. W. W. Hanger, ot
tbe federal board of conciliation
will go to Ban Francisco to hear both
Ides In the controversy betweea the
Southern Pacific and Its trainmen.
San Franolsoo, Aug. 6. -Mediation
baa been, accepted as a means
of settling the threatened strike of
railroad 'brotherhoods sgalnst the
Southern ' Pacific company. ' Both
aides agreed to accept the offices of
tbe federal mediation and concilia
tion board.. The strlks has been call
ed off bending a possible settlement
by the. federal medlstors. ,'
Berlin, Aug. 8. The 1 Russians
have prepared tor battle between the
Dneliter and Prutb rivers, It Wsa an
nounced hers today. '
M nmncne
call cocirnr ArTowrrr to -',
ntroBTAJra coxvzzxacM , ;
If Posttloa of T-fii 1 Tu ilaaisl Is
Loa fht Is rrobaMe
Vstfsrtslsv ;. '
' . Oregon's . attesaey gessral.
M. Brawa, baa tailed the eistrlot at
torneys of tha state tomes with
bias aext Tuesday ta Batom to esav
atder whether tbe state -shall col
lect taxes doe from Um rorerameat
oa tha O. C. great leads aad ttea
make a aaparato etort to soHeot In
terest aad peaaHles oa ths ausa.
Mr. Browa receatly ststod hs
poalHoa oa the matter la a letter
from which the f allowing is aa ex-
When I Brat took ap the saatter
ot tbe taxaUoa aad coflscttoa of
tbe same, upon these leads, it waa
generally understood by every
thai we. could eoileet-B tha Talsa
tjon of tbe railroad eompaaya la
taresf la tbe laad; that Is to any. that
they eoatd only be taxed aaoa tbe
assessed Valaatloa ef SM pwris?rjf-r'
I Insisted tbat we could collect apoa
the valuatloa made by tbe lawful ae
sesslng officers, which claim was fin
ally recognised by congress, ead tbe ','
Cbamberlala-Ferria bin provided for
the payment of S- taxes, aaaaasad
against the laada. to the railroad . :
compeay. The Cbaarheriala-Vwrria r
act provided for tbe taxes accrued
and remaining unpaid. That bad "
been a difference of oplaloa as to
whether or aot this meant taxes so-
crued, inclading penattlei. and la-j :
tereat, or otherwise. , ,.: ,
Tbe department of Justice baa, y ',
the assistant attorney general, T. J.
Kearful, advised the. Interior depart; ;
ment tbat the amberta!n-Ytorrtt '
bin provided for the payaeeit of
taxes without penalty and interest ' jt
I have mailed eoplea ot thta opts-'
ton -to all district attorneys of the'
state ot tbe varloas counties where
the land grant Is situated. :
Ton understand that a bill passed '
tbe senate ot tbe United State, aad
Is now In tbe bouse ot sspreaenta
tires, which makes provision for the , , ..
payment of penalty and tntsrest upon
these taxes from the time inch taxes V
became due until they are paid. Tbe
Mil baa strong opposition in, the,
house. - - ,- '.'.v-lr.v.f.'
Since the supreme court of. the 4
Darted States baa upheld the Cham- :
berlala-Ferrls bra, there It no ree
son In the world ' why ths ' taxes ' '
should not be paid, and paid now, rf -
provided the counties are wining to
accept the taxee , without penalties , ,, .
and Interest. :
This office la anxious to act for
the best Interest of tbe counties "
where the lands are altusted, and v
win confer with the several law of
leers ot tbe counties on Tuesday
Bext . .. . ' .-, .. ,
Payette, Idaho, Aug. (.Three
are dead and three are Injured, two
probably fatally aa the result of an
automobile accident between Payette
and Woods Spur this morning.
The dead are Frank Hon, a atock
man ot Council, Idaho; Mn. iftoa,
and son, Frank, aged IS, another
son and two daughters wers Injured.
The local psssenger trail struck
tha' automobile' while the litter was
trying to get across the track frhead
el tbe trala.
.i-r-. :
; I-
"i ((..