Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, July 20, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    P1UDAV, JVLY 90. HT.
Published Dally Except Saturday
Jl B. VOORHIES, Pvb. ud Propr.
BXNJ. a SHELDON, . Editor
ktersd at the Poatofflce, Granta Peae,
' Or., m second class mail matter.
Display space, per Inch . lac
Local orperaanslcolunia. per line 10
Baadera. ner llne. B
djulx wmvm urn ooaan
By maU or carrier, per yeer....$.0
Rt mall or carrier, per month SO
Br malL per year .....,-11.60
... ,, MEMBER ..
; 8Ute Editorial Association.
Oregon Dally Newspaper Pub. Assn.
Audit Bureau or gireaiauon.
FRIDAY, JtXY SO, 1917.
; f
'-J v.-' "
f Weather tomorrow: Pair,
-f-weeterly winds.
The federal government, through
the agricultural department is do
ing a good, and large work in In
creasing the food output of the na
tion. It is aaUng the hundreds of
thousands of farmers over the coun
try to make extra plantings and to
mse improved methods so that the.
yield per acre will he larger.
Would It not he consistent for the
government to also make the best!
possible use of the lands over which J
it has control? There is such a
thing as getting a penny so close to
the eye that the dollar bejond can
not be seen. It has been seriously
suggested that the gorernment at-
' tempt to force owners to cultivate :
and plant idle lands. It is a good
Idea In principle and might work
admirably in practice; but why not
make the rule apply to the govern
ment Rself.
There are thousands upon thou
sands of acres of first class land In
the west which belongs to the gov
ernment and which does not pro
dace even decent pasturage, which
. might be made to add most mater
ially to the nation's food supply;
some by the use of water and a
lesser area "with nothing but a plow
and a man (behind it
There are about 8,000 acres of
land within 10 miles of this city
which could be made to produce as
' much, as the agricultural land tribu
tary to the city now produces (N. B.
we say "now produces" not
"might produce"), if the United
States government would undertake
the task of putting Us land holdings
Into productive use. The Grants
Pass Irrigation district would have
no trouble In getting Its canal sys
tem built promptly If the govern
ment paid as much attention to Its
, lands and the possibilities they hold,
.' as the Individual owners do.
Here is a problem, which, like the
mining possibilities of Josephine
county, the people of this community
should tackle.
(Continued From Page 1.)
Ill these books have reached them
through the mails.
The first plan worked out called
for drawing only about 1,000 num
bers and then drawing 10 "key num
bers" to determine the applicabil
ity of these first drawn 1,000 num
hers. This would have worked per
' ' fectly "and have saved an Immense
amount of work but late yesterday
the adjutant general of New Jersey
telegraphed that, as that state had
numbered; Its registrants, , there
' would Ibe a great 'hardship worked.
In some districts the negroes had
the first numbers, and then the
whites and then the aliens. In other
districts the reveres was true, so
that In some districts the whites
stood many times as great a chance
of being drawn as the negroes. This
was due to a flat failure to follow
instructions Issued from Washing
ton. If the double drawing system were
carried out, one election district in
an exemption division might be
swept clean of all Its young men,
while an adjoining district might
not lose a man. In aother district
It might become necessary to pass
on and exempt a thousand aliens be
fore a single American was called to
service. In others a thousand ne
groes might be taken for examina
tion before a white man was called,
or vice versa.
There was only one way oat and
the department announced the whole
method of drawing devised to save
time and labor, would be abandoned
in favor of the simple and direct
plan of drawing sufficient numbers
to fix the place of the last man In
the largest exemption district That
was the original plan, and it was in
tended for weeks to draw in that
way, but the enormous amount of la
bor and the time Involved prompted
the effort to devise a short cut that
would be fair to all.
The United States civil service
commission announces that the fol
lowing examinations will be held in
40 of the principal cities In north
west on the dates mentioned. As
several hundred appointments will
be made from these examinations
applicants are urged to at once ap
ply to Herbert F. Ward, secretary,
11th civil service district. Room
303. post office building, Seattle,
Wash., for application blanks and
Information concerning the examina
tion. Accountant (men) One to two
hundred vacancies at salaries rang
ing from $1,200 to (2,700 per an
num in the financial division of the
ordnance department of the war de
partment, Washington, D. C. Ap
plicants must have been employed at
least two years as head bookkeeper
In offices employing more than two
bookkeepers, or as public account
ant, or doing responsible accounting
work in the office of a certified pub
lic accountant, or in a similar re
sponsible commercial position.
Aeronautical Mechanical Drafts
man (men) $1,200 to $1,400 per
annum. Draftsmen wanted who are
experienced In the detailing from air
Special on Firestone Tires
30x3, Plain Tread, $10.85
30x3i3, Non-skid, $15.45
This Is IS per cent less thai list
price. We are closing out Firestone
" Tires.
C. L. Hobart Company
Special Sale Box Paper
"Bunker Hiil Fabric." A Fine box of paper, 25c
craft or automobile lay-outs or as
sembly drawings.
Assistant N Director of Traffic
(men) Prom 35 to S5 vacancies
will be filled for travel In the east
ern part of the United States. Sal
aries. $1,300 to $1,600 per annum.
Applicants must have had at least
three years experience In connection
with traffic work and at least six
months experience tracing shipments
In the field.
Three vacancies also exist In the
position of assistant trafflo director
In the Washington office of the In
spection division, office of the thief
of ordnance. Applicants must have
had not less than five years clerical
and stenographic office work, at least
three years of which must hsve been
In Connection with the handling of
Stenographer and Typewriter (men
and women) There are excellent
opportunities for the appointment
of women stenographers and type
writers willing to accept entrance
salaries of $900 and $1,000 per an
num, i
Typewriters (men and women)
No knowledge of stenography re
quired Many appointments of male
and female typewriters will fee made
from this register. Women will be
paid $900 per annum, and men $1,
000 per annum. Men are wanted
particularly for the quartermaster
corps. C. S. army.
Air Praasure.
At tlie level of the M-a the pressure
of the atmosphere uu the piston f sn
engine Is atiout fifteen pounds to tbe
square Inch, but decreases nt higher el
tltudcs. As this atmospheric pressure
must be overcome by the strum pres
ume before uny work cnu be dune, it Is
evident tli:it ut tbe diminished nlr pres
sure of high altitudes mure work can
le obtained from u given pressure of
steum tliiiu ut the nmi lecl, or, ill other
won'-i. mi equally cueitive pressure of
ten III rill) be oMnliicd with the eipcnd.
iture of less fuel. The difference, how-d
ever, while of iuiuiest, U tint great
euoiigh to be of uny pnotliul Impor
tauee. Kxcuange.
Line's Buiyl
"Clye me Lyons 2443," ssld the man
at the telephone trying to get a friend
In the up state town.
','Lyous Lusy," cume the fumlllur ex
pression fn.iu l ntrul.- Yunkers States
man. Drug and
Stationery Store
g$825EGrants Pass
If you areff planning ona motorcar, be sure'to see the Regal
m before you buy.
Carloadjoff Regals onrrcad to Grants Pass will arrive in few days.
C L.
The Read to Success, and th Rtssen
8ome 6l;mn Fail.
In s story uIkmu 11 wonderful sales
man s writer ays In the American
"Asked fur IiIh views on salesman
ship and to t.-lve suggestions that
would l helpful lo others, he said:
"Auy pcraou iu sell to any man who
aunts to buy, but it takes a salesman
(i sell to the inn ii who doesn't want to
buy. It tk me five months In one
cuse to work my way hitu the cuiifl.
deuce of a wealthy limn who billed life
biNiirniK-e sgenta, mid we bsd been sc.
quit luted a mouth before be discovered
that I was selling iiuumure. lie later
bud in:' write liliu up rir a
(Hillcy, '
'"A Nairn m a ii should know his good
forward uud biirkwurd, know human
n::ti:ro llltp ho know the alphabet and
not lie. Self oontldriM'e, which Is ill
di.sHunhle to huitcsh, results from
exiii t knowledge of what you are of
fering to sell and kmiwliilgn of your
" Suliniucii soiiii'tiuifH fail bccauHe
they liuve a wt v. ay of dealing with
all kinds of people. That .will never
do. Tbey should leant to adapt them
selves to all sorts sud conditions of
men and women. I'se an easy conver
sational tone. Ite natural I)ou't get
excited or talk loud. Make strong,
positive SHuertlisis about your goods.
You must be abaolutcly certain thst
the article you arc selling Is the very
bent on earth. Then stop talking be
fore you kill the sale by talking too
much.' "
These Queer Insscti Havs a Remark
able 8snis of Small.
When an niiluiul dies In a garden or
in tbe womIh uud decomposition be
gins lurrlun bugs come from fur and
near. A (lend bird, a iiioiihc or a hnrin
lexs Kinikp wiintuuly killed by somo
wanderer provide a buiniuct for hun
dreds of Inserts. Among thece tbe
"graved Iggprh" lire found, (iiiliriicliiit
forty-three specie, twelve of which
sre found In Kurope. the rest In Amer
ica. You can Identify thene beetle, nay
the I'optilur Kcience Monthly, by the
two Jugged yellowish red or reilillhll
tiiiiiNverNe bunds upon their blucU
wing cover. Their m leiillllc naiue,
iiecrupboriiN. uieiui no more tlmii'
"biirler of the deiid." As iimtcTf nhorn
the IiiHiH't have legs eHieclnlly ndiipt
ed for dlirglng.
A griivudhrKcr beetle lis a niNt ex.
truordliiury mciihh of Hiiiell. lie can
detect the peculliir odor of deeomiiosl.
tlou a long distance away nnd llles to
the dead thing u straight us tin ar
row. Ills reiiiiirldibly keen nose Is elf
Hilled III bis cltililike fi'elem.
As u rule severnl gmviHllKgers lire
found near n deiid body, They crnwl
under It mid scratch the supporting
earth away, so Unit the body soon lies
In a hollow. .Gmdimlly the body Is
lowered until It sinks below the sur
face. Then It Is covered with curlli.
The fcmiilo luys her ckks around the
Interred form, thus Insuring for the
newly hutched lurvan a plentiful food
Emsrslds and Ptryli.
. There, Is no di'i lliui lu the vngiio of
the eniernlil, lining the wyird nut In tlip
generic sensa nf the trade, but for n
beryl of the accepted green emeruld
hue, I'lnu NpfclineiiH always cuiiho u
Agency for
duller lu the sm-tlou room, for 'the
very' gol ivsaou tbut iIio.h' sre ex
tremely rare. Perfect slone sre an
coNtiy as flue rnlilcs and. of course,
much more so relatively tbsii dia
mond. The Duks of I'evonsblre owus what
Is Ix'llevod to tie the lurgiMt and near
est fuultleiuuietui In eklnleme, and It
enmo from Nuto, In ('obuibhi, the main
soun e of modern examples. The su
dent emerald of crest uingiil(ude wo
read of were probably not beryl at all,
and, indeed, "orlenlul ciiicruld'' Is tiie
delgnalloii of tbe grH-n coriiuduiu,
Iindon Chronicle.
Hew to Bsoin the Day.
ftcglii the morning by tci;. lag to thy
self: I shall iiiivt thin duy wiib the
ImiyliiHly, the ungrateful, the niTouuiit,
ilei-eltful, envlou. iiMMwhil, ' All I bene
thine huppiii to them by itiimom o?
tbelr U'liornui e of wtml ' il and
evil. Hut 1, who hnte wen the minim
of the K'mmI Hint It I lcnHfi'l and of
the bud (hut it I tl :ly, eniinnt U- Injure I
by any of them. -Mnreii Auielln.
Making II Pleasant.
How cany II I for one benevolent
being to diffuse pliaure around bliu
uud how truly Is s kind heart a foun
tain of ghidticMS. umking everything lu
lis vicinity to freshen into miiIIc.
WsMhlngton Irving.
A classified aTlbrTngs results.
California Summer
Shasta Resorts
San Francisco
I... . v
t hm
A round trip ttltrl, with stop-over privileges, will emihlo you to
visit all of these places, making a delightful summer outing.
Ask local ngent for piil'tlciiliir
John M, Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
Southern Pacific Lines
Kggplnnl and Meat I'le
Cook touethur In a baking
pan alternate layers of egg-
plant and chopped cooked meat
salted to taste. It raw meat
only Is available it may bQ
filed until brown beforo baking.
Tomato Juice or pulp, or a few
ttliced tomatoes may be added 4
If desired.
mt in Ksrsisn ussss.
lr. Hveu lledlo, describing his over
land Journey to India aeroas tbe Per
slsu desert, give a graphic sccouut of
the oskcs where hi party ovalonally
ciiuiiKsl under pnliu tree. There Ibe
lnglug bird wlilcii twitter during the
day lire silent at night, but the "song
of the doHcrt" I continued during the
iHUirs of darkuc by the melaiicbiily
nerenade of the Jncksl. These oases
are Infested by three objectionable and
dauireroii liihaliltnuls-a deudly snake,
black and white scorpions and a poison,
ou tarantula spider, which, although It
live out In the desert, Is nttructed to
the onsc In iiumber by tho light ef
the csmpllres.
Job work at the Courier.
lieilgluftil pbices for a vacation out
ing. Hluuttit HpringN, fiimoii for
their water anil many other moun
tain resorts along tho Hncramonto
Canyon. Here you may hunt, fish,
climb mountain peaks, or rest In
comfort, to your heart's content.
A stop In tills city is always a pleas
nr. The cool summer climate, the
nlr of bolicnitnnlasm, the flno hotels,
restauriuits, mrks and Ismlevards,
all contribute to the enjoyment "f
the visitor, -
Along tiie "Itoad . of Thousum!
Wonders," from Hun Francisco n
mnny dellglitful bench reaoiis. Hoi
of (lie most enjoyable nro Hontn
Crux, Del Monte, Monterey, 1'nclflr
(ii-ove, Hnntn llnrbora, Iong lleacli
nnd Venire, whore tho rnrefree
throng bnsk In tlinCnllfomla sunshine.