,rntrAY ivxK w, 1017 Duurar trrra em f ''ft ultimo - at. Louis, Juna.sO.-Suutuenslern Mlsaourl I auffrlng from a severe apidumio or a summer complaint thai bM developed Into serious pro- portions, . ...'"'? ": " ' Mora than loo persons, - utMtljr children, no art III with the di sease, and about a fourth or these ere la a sorlous condition. Or. Harrison reported RO child deaths In Dunklin county In the last six weeks and Dr. Tata reported II In Scott county. According to raporla from the pby slclana, the epldeiulue that hava true It tha two oountlaa ara similar, mt ara not identical. ' Dr. Harrison aid tha deaths In Dunklin county wsr dua to enlerooolltli, an Infec tion or tha IntostindV Dr. Tata laid tha dlseaee In BVott county wm III ocollils, a aunimar complaint similar to nltroeolltla.' if"'.; ' ;. new ncimiuii at;. MINNEAPOLIS IH ItlvAUY Minneapolis, Juno 29, The gates in tha now M.000,000 fadarai dam near Fort Snelllng ware oloaad lata today, forming a flva-mlle "lake" which will maka Minneapolis.,- tha liaad or tha 'Mississippi river naviga tion. v .. A Wonderful Mind. a rmmiimt wmi(lir to ma," la aakl tha man with tha touted black air, a atudent of human untnre, "to how quickly tha mluda of aoma cmcti act Thara ara people who can dldo in an liuteut what It would take others a long tliua to ciialder. I net a man last uliilit who la that way." "Was be a lawyer -"I can't aay m to thnt, hut ha hail an Intellectual graa that wa marvelous, I tact htiu In the hall Juat aa ba waa reaching for an umbrella. ' 'la that your umbrella V (!o uueiuhmed. 'No.' replied I. 'In that i.vwv' he ntiuwcrvil. dralu It toward him, 'll'a wliie.".' rhllnileli'hh. Preen, .. Get thb 31185 ALUMINUM SIX-QUART KETTLE For Preserving, Pot Rotaling, Stewing, Etc Flcucnotencw aduttab! bail. Cover for thii kettle at tpcclal prica of 33c. For ONLY " aad Ike eeaaea If ereweled ea er i aeferaJMe30,l17. ' "WoafEver" aluminum uteniili - they are lo carefully made from WlJUHVti Replace utensils thst wear out wiUi utensils tbat''.WearrEverM Look for the "Wear-Evor" trade mnk on the bottom of every utensil If it U not there, it ii not esr-Evef." '. . REFUSE SUBSTITUTES , . : ' . ' Cut out the Coupon hi k f ' :' -Wear-Ever" Coupon ; . ) n HI li I umvldad nu Drewnt Oi upo ln,l)iii thw tor n or i W Itiuiiuw I ..... i . yrummmn 1 l Rogue jRiver Hdw. ; A 1)11 ' ii i awMMi iiiih. . J i-U. Laaiiai aniafii ititti TIT'"" i " '" ' " ' "" '"'I i'"jJJJj1, Ui nil iwiy.jrj GOfrll , i!li.itSI'CiiilFi.il Spokin, Waah., June 8. Henry W. F. Houieyer, round-faced native of Oernieny, la willing to fight against hie own kin.' ; ' Ha reglatered under the selective aarvlce act and. did not claim exemp tion, . -; V-... .:'.' Ha hM takaa out hla first eltlien ahlp papers and maintains b la" an American II rat, a German aecond. ; Yet, Iloraeyar today; la reglatered aa an a))en enemy at tha court bouaa nera and carried a permit so that ne may gojwlthla tba barred (One which haa (bean created around armories, forts and other federal reservations. iHomiyer'e case la one or dosens 14 which Spokane ' Germane hava been forced to get tbeaa. federal per tylta although their loyalty la unques tioned.: ' .--. j Such, Is the law and they aiibmH tactically without complaint. a i coming btventn . ,, a June 2,8-July 1, Thursday to Sunday Dlatrlct meeting of Tree Melho Idlst church. . . ? June 17-30, Wednesday to Saturday -Taachara' aumlnatlona at .tha Central school. Oranta Pass.' June JO, Saturday Child ren'a atory I hour, at tba public library , at 10: SO a. to., Helena Knlps will tell the atory.,-'.. , ,.' 7.-, July 4, Wednesdays-Big celebration i at Takllraa. ', "V: 'V.': '.; II . SO DAT FREE TRIAL ' I Wa would Ilka to Inatall a two or three burnor hot plate or range on a SO Jay trial. It you ara not ut- laTled at tha and of SO daya tha ap pliance will ba removed, without any expenaa to you. Call ajid aee .ua for particulara. . OREOON OAS ELECTRIC CO. Job.pflQtjnt.pf avr; detcrjptlon jt the Courier ofllce. UMTIXO, npMltlofto MptnaotiiUte eun4 1u flnupon. Thr afur erica wUlk tut. 5 giva enduring wtisfaction becauae j thick, hard, sheet aluminum. bring it to u todnyl l aSi n aij C. What la tb difference between an honest farmer and thief T - hi rv , One tills the soil, the other soils tha tail, . .. - " . WH DWUK8 TO . MHNTION TUB FARM KB WITH SUCH DISItKPl'TAMJS ClIAItACTlQIt. BIT THE FARMKH - HHINI'IN OOMPAIHSOSJ ' WH WANT ALL FARM KIM TO, KNOW THAT WH WANT Til KIR CHOICE FAT STOCK. ' HID EH AJID AUXW, 4 FOB WHICH WB PAY THB HIOHKMT PRIOI, I!T CASH. CITY f.!i Phoae S3 ror Quick EsL'very lira "i hit M GUARD nui PIAIISQW Portland, June H. No hlgb-heel- edtahoeo. fancy dressea, ailk boae. Eliminate tba fancy etuff. . . Wear hiking duda and brlns alone your bathing auits.'.!-.'i' .-. That's tba word aent out today to tba Olrta' Honor Guard of Oregon aa the final, peeparatlona ara . being made for the guard'a aummer camp wbloh will open Sunday at Colum bia Beacb. . -K. -4 "We're going out to rough It," aald Mlaa Dorothy . Sanford. , camp commander, from her office in tbe Selling building today. "TheraH be nouae for blgb-heeled ahoee, silk hosa nor dreaay. clothes of any dea- crintlon. Every girl should tave woolen hose, biking boots, gym shoes middles, heavy sweater coat and bathing suit." , .' Military drills will be a oart of the dally program at the camp. NOTICE TO CMEXT8 I will be out of my office unUl September 1. attending the law de partment of the univeraiiy or micoi- V. A. CLEMENTS. A Finicky Trevtlor. "' "Say. that fuller In a awvll, nil rlitht," rcmarkvd tbe U'llhop In a couulry ho tel .. -'. "Hold ho had to have two rooms," anawcrvd the clerk. "Whut d'ye a'lMtae he wanted two rooma fori" ' "llo said he wonted one to go to bed lo aud tbe othor to get up In." BU mlughan Age-IIerald. . .-rTl-,,T. for Iwat rwulu Spnaf flown V, aad vgtukl. PImi ow J wi ia,f uuin'tad otkat Grasd PriM California Steels ', AUe CtkW Ctrroti, Oai'eat.' Btttt, Pm SpiMtls Turaift, . . , P" taV. it &iwn "Am t-ln., (rtt nun Oa Sale ly all ltJlad,PMUra ! , II vwr Jul.f it m4 Mrry M.im', ; Yr mUr will a r tly tnniti w. 0. 0. M0SSS 6 CO. Seedimes San Francisco IT Wi, ...HI wi J KPCr.f C9 CONDITIO?! CF THB FIRST NATIONAI RAWK OF SOITOEBN OREOON at Oraata Faas, la tha State of Oregon, at tba dose of bustneee aa ; , June 20, 1917. ' ,:. . - Baacrjeo, 1 a IoaDa and ,dlfounta .......... $3l9,(y0.02 Total loana ..,.........,.. , - IJ5.0.0J I Overdraft, .un'-ecnrM; 1417.43, S I', S. HonJs W tM liberty . a U. H. botuia aepoettaa to secure circulation s " t (par value) 12,600.00 ' f V. S. tonda and eertlflcatee of Indebtedness - , ' owned and unpledged 4,500.00 ? ToUl U. S. bonda (other thai JUberty . ' ' - ttonda) and certificates of Indebted; ., ": BOSS . I Payment oa account of aubecrlptlon for Liberty . ' Loan Bonds ; 7 Itowda, aeoarUlea, ee.i . ' b Bonda other than V. 6. oonda pledged to se cure poetal savings deposits 10.000.00 e Bonds. and aecurltlea pledged aa collateral . ; , . ; for State, or other deposits ( postal .,.'. ' ' excluded) or Mile payable ............ ' 10.0 16.7a Seeurttlee other tbaa U. 8. bonda (not In- ' eluding atocka) owned unpledged .. tf.9SS.81 ' Total bonda, aecurltlea, etc. ....... t Stock of Federal Reserve tank ((0 per cent . ,'or subscription) .i;..,....;......... 10 a Value of banking house 20,000.00 1 Equity la banking bouae ....................... ........ 11 Furniture' and tlxturee 12 Real eatate owned other than banking bouae . ... It a Net amount due from approved reaerve agents In New York, Chicago and . . St. UBta".;. ,12,717.44 b Net amount due from approved reaerye. ageeta In other reaerve cltlea... 20.J15.9S 14, Net amount due from tanks and bankers ; : (other ttian Included In It or 21) It Other checks on banks In the same city or :-: town aa reporting 4ank . 17 a Outside Cbecka and other caah Heme 1,089.02 - to Fractional currency, nicklea and centa 124.25 18 Notes of other national beake ; 20 Federal Reaerve notee ...... ....... ,' 21 Lawful reaerve in vault and aet amount due . ' ' ' from Federal Reserve Bank .......... 22 RedemptloB fund with U. S.Treaeurer and due from U. S. Treasurer 23 Other assets. Cold Duet ,......,.. Total r .; .... ;.......i -. ' ,' 24 Capital stock paid In ......... 26 Surplus fund . 28 a Undivided orofiU b Lees current expenaea, latereat, paid ........ .. 19 Clrcnlatlng notes outatandlng 12. Net amount due to banks and bankers Demand depoaite sabject to Reaerve: 34 Individual depoelta auttject to check ' 85 Certlficatee of deposit due In leaa ' (other tbaa for money 38 Certified checka 38 State, county, or other municipal cured by pledge of aaseta of tbla bank .....-.. ; Total, demand depoeita aubject to Re- , ' , serve, Items 84. 35, 88, 17, 38, 39 and 40 .. . 845.269.72 Time depoeita etsbject to Reaerve (payable after' 80 daya, or airbject to mora notice): 41 .Certificates of .deposit (other than ;, norrowea - ; .. Total of time depoeita aubject . ? Items 41. 41. and 43 46 Postal savings depoaita . ' Total of U. 8. depoalU not eerve Total If"' Btate of Oregon, County' of Josephine, I, Qeo. K. Liundburg, Caahler of awear that the above statement la oeiter. , - "'..T 'v.''".." OE. E. LUNDBTOO, Caahler. : Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day or June, 1917.' C. A. HARRIS, Notary Public for Oregon. V (My eommiaalon expiree May 16, 1920.) Correct Atteat: . ' H. D. NORTON, , JOHN D. FRT. J. C. CAMPBELL. ' ...it.,,--... Dlractora. NOTICE .., Notice Is hereby given, That . tbe county court will consider bids tor tba electrical flxtoree for than new courthouse which Is being erected at Oranta Pass, Oregon, -according to plana and apecifloations on file la tbe office of tba county dark, at Grants Pass, Oregon, and at tha office of B. B. MoClaran, architect, 515 Lum ber , Exchange . building, . Portland, Oregon. : -.'.I,': .':! - All Mda muat be filed on or before It o'clock, noon, of tba 10th day of July,' 1917, and a certified check of 5 per cent of the amount of tbe bid must aooompany the same, made payable to E, L. Coburn, county clerk. x:.. .,' ..' The court reserves the right to re ject any and all bids or award tha same to the beat tnteresta of the county. , . . , 'i.- By order of tha county court of Josephine county, Oregon. ' a. u coburn,'- .'. '""' County Clark. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given, that tha county court will consider bids tor tha construction of that portion, of the Pacific highway, commencing ,ln Section Four and running eaaterly from Station 108 to the Jackson county line, said road to ba cleared, graded and culverts constructed, ac cording to apeclttoatlona on flla jln tha office of tha county olerk, aa pre pared by the atete engineer and all work to be under the supervision .of the' state highway engineer. ' All bids must be tiled on or before lb o'clock a.' m. on tba 8th day jot July, 1917, and a certified ehaoktot 5 per cent of the amount of the bid must aooompany tha same. . . ..;,f , Tha court reserves the right to re ject any or all bids or award tie contract according to the best Inter eat bt tha county. ,)' V ;! - By order of the county court 4of Joaephlae county, Oregon. ' ' 101 E. L. COBURN,' clerk, ' . 417.4J ihmde of lt7)r 17,000.00 6,600.00 51,974.57 2,250.00 20.000.00 S.700.00 12,200.00 42,033.40 ' 6,75.48 1.012.H 2,094.17 1,080.00 896.00 40,240.98 . 825.00 833.84 3675,902.83 $ 50,000.00 25,000.00 10.153.27 7.878.53 and . taxes . .. 2,874.74 12,500.00 137.97 307,893.24 27,851.48 - 26.00 than to daya borrowed) depoaite ee- " 10.000.00 30 daya or , for money.' . to Reaerve 133.843.9S 133.843.95 8,478.45 .'. aubject to Re- .... 8,478.46 t576.902.8t aa: the above named bank, do aolemnlr. true to the beet of my knowledge and - '- ' x ' ' . -s , . IIICIIESTER S PILLS as-aa a aa a umwa mm i reft MMkiMiMk4L htmL Alwswkailafate SSU BY tSVfi&fSTS kEKVCS - The strictly well proportioned none should take up a third of the profile from tbe commencement or the bslr to the tip of the chin. , ; . Seventy per cent of the 400 brlgbteat stars are redder than a normal star, and 85 per cent of the 400 faintest ara more blue than normal DIAMOND TIRES MORE MILES FOR LE88 :-'t, MONET DIAMOMD TUBES ' WIII, otlaet several caalnga We prefer aeUlmg Diamond .tires beat oee they are better ; Granb Pass Hardware . ' ,. At. yoaw aervtee ' Standard makes of Typewriters . For sale or rent v I Mclatyre's Garage . CC3 Couth eth Street : S2fW O. C. dRliCr XAi-tiue print Plata showing lands In Josephine county, tl.50. AdMsa , A. E. VoorbJes, Oranta Pase1 ': tf FOR SALE 13 one-year-old white wyndotta hena, (1 eaefc. , Inquire of C. O. Gillette. i tf WINONA EiiviSHIRlU One 14 1 montbs-old pig by Laurel Cham pioa weighed ttt iba. J Want that kind?' FR. Steel, Wiaona Ranch. R. F. P. No. 1, Grants4 Pass, Ore. FARM LANLU Tbe government . needa farmers aa weiraa fighters. Two million three hundred thou sand acres of Orcgoa California Railroad Co. grant lands. Title revested la United States. To be opened for homesteads sod sale. Containing some of beat land left In United btate. . Large copy righted map, showing land by sec tions and description (or soil, cli mate, rainfall, elevations, -; tem perature, etc., by counties. Post paid one dollar. Grant Landa Lo cating Co., Box 810 Partland, Ore- FOR SALE 7 acres sod B-rooai house, 9 miles dow&i the river, aibout t acres In fruit, also some stock. Fred Snndellr S. F. D. No. .2, Box 57. j--'V"'V '.- 92 ANGLE cakes 80e; order by phone. No. 190-J. t : 87tf O. k C. LAND GRANT! MAPS Big ones, good onee. Each map covere more than two counties. Price $1.00 at Oranta paas .Abstract Co. FOR 8AX.E A team of honsea, wa gon and harness for 1225. Phone ::eot-F-ii. yy-'--x.-f .-.. FOR SALE at low price, east halt of nortbweat quarter', and ' north- - weet Quarter of nortbeaat quarter of aection 8-33-5. 8. S. Stowell, Pukwana, 8. D. 100 FOR SALE 600 feet 8-inch .Irriga tion pipe and 40 feet 3 H -inch wrought Iron pipe for '.about half price. Aa good as new. Inquire of A. Olgler: ;., --"! ;;r:' 91 FOR SALE Young horse, Clydes dale, good . worker, single ' or : doable, be is a dandy; also a young Jersey cow, good' milker. Address Gustow Poyer;-' Rogue River, or call Birdaeye creek. 98 FOR SALS Buggy had harneea for sale cheap. Inquire 1004, East D street..: 97 TO RENT FOR RENT 3-room house and fine garden spot- aa river bank. 4 v blocks from Sixth afreet, at f 4 per month. Inquire at Chas. Mor rison's grocery. 60' Soath Sixth 1 street. "' .. I . 11U FOR RENT Five-room house com ' pletely furnished, hot and. cold water, bath, electric Ughta, large water, bath, electrifc lights, with . or without Tine garden. Phone 802-F-4. -A; ' ..,: 'V, 97 FURNISHED t-room j cottage and aleeplng porch for , rent, f none 235-R. 'j-.. Hi' -V1'1'.: 92 WANTED ' GIRL WANTED for general house work- Address Mrs. H. I Wil son, Olendala, Oregon. ' 93 WANTED Young man for Prma . nent farm work. Good place. '! A. N. Parsons, ' '. ' t WANTED Poaitton aa cook In mlm- . Ing camp by unlncutnbered widow. Write In care of NO. 1234 Courier office. '. ".. : t ' , 93 WANTED Woman to cook and do family waah for five adulta and three children at rcountry home near Weat Fork. Electric washing machine and iron. jFare paid. Call manager Pac Tel. ft Tel Co. 83 WAiNTBD Young ..men years and! over. All eighteen aummer , work. Good pay. J Box factory, Fruit Growera Supply Co., . Hilt, FOUND. ' FOUND Collie, with black, noae. Inquire Henry Breake, Frultdale, phone 603-F-3. J2:. L MlSCKUiANEOUS . , " PHONE 344-R, Lewis Art studio, 420 F street, on block west, of ; First National bank. A: T. Lewie. Prop. '' :' ', .''. ''.'';' ' HU8UAN1) PRKTBN1W TO UH INSANE) WIFE 8K8 DIVORtTK ; Portland, June , 89. Friend hue band drove her from, home by pre tending h wa InBane, and , refused her admlaalon to hpr , 0UM when she tried to return, according to the complaint, o Mary, B. Rowe on file bere today ;agalnat Ruther ford Rows. She aik for a decree aad alimony. L. I). C. ., . Ilu .H t ' ae a.i tw. , ' G2ce hours 9-;, : ... ( olntmeaL Ca ; deate phoaa 819-J. S. LOt'CtiniDCB, u. d : aai isi-jtoTi. Cl.yerei atteodad day or iV.t. ' phone ,889; aCja tl" a Sixth and H. TtZi tz". '' 1 DR. ID. BYWAa ; diseases of the r, throat; gtaaca tit" I t to 12 a. m., 1 1 I p. u. K Rcaldaace 2:; it ScSmldt Kii, C i I's-i. C A, A. WITHAM, V. L., rty: . i surgeon. Offlea: K-U f.. x, c Sixth aad I atreete. H:: :: C 118; realdcnce 18 1-J. :..; It. m. to 4 p. m. E. C. MAC i, 0. i. U.. ...m .dentistry, , lflVi t i I street, Oranta Pan, C - a. A... II. D, N03TC:l, A Practire la all lJ t II. " Courts. First Kt-.- i COLVIQ WIUJA- j A. at-Law Oranta Paaa LrtUj I. Bldg, Oranta Paas, Cre. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney; Fr; . in all courts. First National t Building, DURHAM 41 RICHARD. AKori v at-Lsw. . Office Masonle Tar. Oranta Pass, Ore. W. T. : MILLER, Attoraey-ct-1 : ? Couaty attorney for Jos' " Couaty. OOc: Schallhora T O. S. BLANC HARD, Attoraoy-f., : Oranta Paaa Banking Co. r Phone 278. ) Oranta Pase. Cre. V. A. CLEMENTS A ttr--?-t.t . Practice; in state anl M courta. Rooms 2, aad t. a Golden Rule store. BLANCHARD 4k ELANCUAL-). torneys, Albert block, ftot tZ Practice In all courta; laxl I attorneys, V" . ' 1 1 I. DR. R. J, ErUL. Offlc; te itc ' iw-t r-" Bldg. Pooae U, I Phone 106-R ." DRAYAGSC AND TXM COMMERCIAL TRAJiU C J. AU kinds of vdrayage aal trxestit work carefully and promptly Phone 131-J. Stand at L-'-t depot. t A. Shad, Prop. F. O. ISHAM, drayage and trt r. Sates, pianos and furniture a . packed ahlpped and atorel, r;" C:rk 4t Hoiman, No. 50. t . 1 .ascc phone 134-k. 1 Hi, WORLD MOVES; so d wa Junch Bros. : Transfer Co. 1 koaa ! 897-R. ," '- :-. ' MiaiCAA. IXSTICUC. i J. 8. MACMURRAY, teaciir cl v :ie culture and atnglng. La; j . aa at home of pupil If reqneC.1 Ad drjaa 718 Lea street. IZl'J AssAxr: E. R. CROUCH Aawyar, ehe- U metallurgist. Rooms 201-158 11; dock Building, Grant Pass. 8TAAY EST RAY There astrayad f a ry place three weeks ago, smaU t .ck mare, German coach type, forrtpp , ollpped.-aUr" and anip , on noee, branded 2L on front right shoul- der, shod. M. - M. AiusworUi, Murphy. Oregon, phono, 801-F-H i. TUUS CAK1 The CaWernla zzi. Cre i " Coast RaHrcoi C,::;ir;- ; ' Effective June 1, 1917. Dally except Sunday . Trala 1 Iv. Oranta Paas.. 1:01 p. rv Train I Iv. Waters Creak l:tl p. ti. ' All trslna lea re Grants Pass fr u the corner of O and Eighth tit , opposite tbe Southern I'aclflo d. t. For kit ' Informatloa regar' freight and paaaenger eorvlce ca 1 , 1 the olBce or the company, Public f r vice buildings or phone 1C1 11 same. Circu!:rs :-:.Sr;;::r.:i: f;; . . pan I"' "' We Make a Study of Ce 4" Couipelllng Kind and IV : .' Quickly., , ,.,..,