1AG TWO daily rogc mn ooaun T1IVIUM)AY, JI NK M, II1T mm raitn wjumi Published Dally Except Saturday A. B. VOORHIE8. Pub. and Propr. BBNJ. C SHIXDON. . Bdltor Entered at the Poeto&c, Grants Put, Or., u second clan mail matter, ADVERTISING RATES Display spa, par lhch.............lc Local w personal oolumm, per Ubj 10c Header, par Una Sc V:' DAILT COURIER . 9f mil or carrier, par year.-.l.00 Bv Mil or carriar. par month SO WEEKLY COURIER f Si mall, par ysar . Pa til member .. ; 8Ut Editorial Association, Oregon Dally Newspaper Pub. Ass. - AadU Bars of Circulation. THTRKDAY, tvm 88, 191T OREGON wkatheb ; , , Weather tomorrow: Cloudy. f westerly winds. 4 rrvs ANSWERS s Th German kaiser and hla ad Tisora wra assured many Umee ho fore America's entry Into the war. that the people of thla country would not respond to an. appeal to make war, that we were dulled to all sense of patriotism bj money-chasing, and were too "soft" to be an effective enemy. Flv times since the declaration of war, America has been called upon ' to show what kind of stuff she is made of. Five 'times she hss re sponded In magnificent shape. - The call, for volunteers to bring the army and navy op to fighting strength was met with a fine re sponse although the people as 'a whole had not really sensed whst this war meant to our country. The registering of 10.000,000 young men between the ages of 21 and 30, leaving other millions younger and older of good fighting caliber ss reserves, "was done In a - quiet, business-like manner with neither undue hurrah or any sense of antagonism. It wss a great nation lining up to an important task like business met. The Liberty loan of 12,000,000, 000 was 60 per cent over-subscribed within the limited time set. The pleasing thing about that demonstra tion was that the money came from the people In a broad sense. The 'number subscribing and the amount of the over-sribecription excelled that shown by Germany in her first war loan. And now that great organization of mercy, the Red Crow, asked the ' people ot this nation to donate $100, 000,000 to the work of carrying ' those little extra touches of helpful ness and care along with the armies that would 'be sent abroad and In a single week the amount, great as It Is, has been over-subscribed; and a lain by the common people. If the kaiser needs any further answer to his query, "Do the Am erican people mean business;" we opine that he will not have to wait 'long to receive It. Save Your Time By Using Clean Easy Naptholeine Soap , ? KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY; QUALITY FIRST POOD REGULATION The big Item In the Jood situation facing this country In not no much the. gross output as reKUlntlon of distribution. There Is an ample supply for Am erica. The question of how much we can spare for our allies who will need It most sorely, will depend up on how carefully the supply, both that Intended for domestic iiho and .'that for export, Is conserved and dl 'vlded among those who need It. The fooling among foreign Quivers Is that the supply Is far short and represen tative of several nations are out- IP bidding each other In aa effort to tee that they get their share of the too email store Available. This situation leads to an infla-! tlon of prices which seriously J threatens to advance the cost ot food 1 to a point where the poor of the country will suffer. i , , .... . , . ' ma; were is no reason in mo worm. It is to remedy this danger that rtoaW w M the administration Is asking for au- curti B a comparatively short spare BURNS, CUTS Md WOUNDS Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment ar u osuo stosis Twos ISO Jars boo thority to regulate the foodstuffs of; of time, an the countrr. The nower should be fleet promptly granted. The president has announced that he win entrust the administration ot such a measure to Herbert C. Hoover. Some Americana may feel that it is overwhelming . aerial fleet I "In irmv In Hi mir iwrlmiint and brigades of winged cavalry, mounted oa gas driven flying horses, could blind the eyes of Germany un til her gunners, absolutely deprived of rang finders, would be put out going too far to entrust such powers T ! artillery. I wTr ma'am tn rt lanst wan 1st to one man, but some om mast be, . . . m ... . trusted and Hoover", splendid worklan otBerf. aT,lMon ,nd ,rtniery. They are co-operating elementa In a fighting army, and against an enemy a flying machine Is s terror and a menace to big guns. That aero planes are positively essential for di recting artillery fire Is an axiom In Belgium, where he was thoroughly tested, and found trustworthy, should satisfy critics on that point The money saved would not come out of the pockets of tha producers the farmers. It would be prevent-1 among military men who hav seen ed from going into the socket's of action In the sort of battles being the speculators, who In the last five months have grabbee a quarter of a MlHon dollars from the American people. The machinery for putting thla law ln,to effect should be ready before the harvest begins In July. Congress Is wasting a lot of precious time In discussing the details of the question. This is no time for words but tor action. War demands prompt, deci sive action. The man who delays such action at a Juncture like the present is playing into the hands of the Germane. TRENCH TALES "This is my third time home with wounds," said a young Irish ser geant through bandages which came near covering his entire head, "but Its not going to be the last though they've made a pukka mess of me this time. They've fairly peppered me with shrap. There aren't many of the old crowd left with my battal ion now," he said, adding that he bad been in the "fun since Mons." "My company got a new draft not long before we attacked and the new boys went over the top like the rest of us older ones. ' That's the sort of thing that used to surprise us regu lars, we've got over It by this time. It's all the one game and the new ones play It like good 'una. They're up to beating Fritz any time." MICWCE (Continued from Page 1) can qualities to our brothers in arms at their maximum efficiency. "The answer gained Is aeroplanes and yet more aeroplanes, Every young American worthy of a name would be keen to Join our flylnx army. The game ideally suits our national temperment, With the wealth we can devote and our un qualified facilities for manufactur fought on the western front. "The magnificently obvious thing, then, is to knock out Germany's eves by a thrust through the air. But my Idea would be something vastly larg er than a thrust. An Inundation of aeroplanes would better express the idea in its magnitude. Sweep the Germane from the sky, blind the Prussian cannons and the time would be ripe to release an enormous flock of flying fighters to raid and des troy military camps, ammunition de pots, military establishments of all kinds The firing upon troops from machine guns from aeroplanes la be coming commoner and more accu rate. Once given an upper hand In flying machines become frightful en gines of destruction. "The greater the air fleet the safer It becomes to the aviator con nected with It. and the more deadly to the enemy to) which It Is sent. "Six hundred million dollars looks like a lot of money. Considered in the terms of winning the war, it Is a positive bargain. England la spend ing $39,000,000 a day for her share in the war. At such a rate per diem it would take something like a fort night to more than pay for the air fleet which we are planning to construct." STATE RED CROSS ( Zontiujed from page 1.) fvffll Th In. compel ruble Jluby Food. Mfc delimit "A.aruf tn Mnhn' Milk IWIDEMANN'S, PURE. UM?Wr.TtNIt. tVAPORATIO GOAT MILK rti 'J'-' Il W J . i AT UIADINO Dfliir. ilOTO fcy! Tl. WIDEMANN ROAT MILK CO. phlne and Union raised 111 per cent more than their quotas. Other high counties were Doug las, 104 tier cent excess; Crook, 92 per cent excess; Wallowa, 104 per cent excess and Baker, 76 per cent excess. Jackson county Is credited with 54 per cent over their quota of $1R, 000. Lake, Just to the east made a very poor showing with a deficit of 7K per cent. In view of the heavy war purchases of horses and stock from that section this Is hard to un derstand unless It bo that the city has strained Its aiMllty to give in buck ing the Strahorn railroad project. CARS ARE NEEDED TO AVOID COAL FAMINE 'Washington, June, SS, Acconllim to testimony offered before the In t'TMtnte Commerce commission to- d:i.v, the pnor people "f tlm 'Oiinlry! will sulTnr untold misery due to a fuel famine unless the railroads sup-J ply cars for coal shipments, The, blnine Is laid at the doors of the railroads by those giving the tcstl-j mony. ; T AHD KILLED BY ACCIDENT ' .Dave Cotterell, a prominent stock man of the Meadows district was shot and Instantly killed about T:80 Wednesday morning, by a close per sonal friend Md fellow stockman, Lano Wyland. There Is no question but that the shot was accidental. The two men were on the range with their cattle and had taken their guns to kill pre-1 datory game. How the shooting oc curred has not yet been reported. The bullet passed through the unfor tunate man's neck. 1 Cotterell waa about- SO and Wy land about &) years of age. Both men had families. IT UNI BAPTIST FROLIC Yesterday was picnic day for the Baptist Sunday school. , About ISO gathered In Rlverolde park at noon tor the picnic dinner and spent the afternoon tn games and sports. The special features were the baseball gamee, In one ot which the boys un der 15 years, captained by Asa Pow ers, detested Prof. Wardrlp's mar ried men by a T-6 score. The ladles, likewise, won from the men, S2-S0. using a code of baseball rules that Ur. Spalding never heard of. A new game, volley ball, waa In troduced to Grants Pass, and as every one can qualify for this gsme. It waa Indulged In by a large number of players. The accommodations at the park for thla kind of an affair are very satisfactory and the picnic waa a happy success. TELEPHONE MEN LEAVE T0J1 The south-bound Southern Pacific passenger train this morning car ried about 150 members of Co'. E, 8th battalion, reserve signal corps, made up of practical telephone men, recruited from' the ranks ot the Pa cific Telephone and Telegraph Co., nearly 100 of tpem from Portland and the rest from the cities south of Portland. R. E. Riley of the local telephone force Joined the company this morn ing and proceeded with them to Mon terey, Cal., for military Instruction. The families of the men are assured their regular Income, aa the tele phone company pays the difference between the government pay and each man's previous salary. NOTICE TO CIJF.XTS 1 will be out of my office until September 1, nttenditg the1 taw de partment of the t'nlverslty of Michi gan. V. A. CLEMENTS. IiOlll) XOKTHaJFFK MAY VISIT OIUXiON L.lTKIt San Francisco, June 2ft, There t possibility that Iord Northrllffe will visit the Paclflo coast. He wired Brace Porter, chairman of the Kas aovo day committee, here today thai while his task of co-ordination Is of uch magnitude that he will be un able to leave the east for some time, he Is planning to make the western trip later. AMERICANS NOT AT , SWISS PEACE MIIKT Washington, June 28. The Am erican Federation of Labor has re fused to participate in the trade union peace conference In' Switzer land, September 17, It was announr efl hare today. t ITALIA MIX1NTUY GIVEN . VOTE OF CONFIDKNCfc' Rome, June 28. The chamber of deputies voted to extend Its support to the existing ministry for another month. The vole Indicates a strong support of the Bosblll government. Overhauled and repainted FORD ' ROADSTER $275 Term3 Mclntyre's Garage 606 South 6th Street n, Boys and Girls Uanfod Rogue River Orchards want women, boys and girls for Loganberry Picking Good accommodations for camping. Matron in charge. For information see MRS. JOS. MOSS , 30H N. 6th The Best is Cheapest TOIVER BANRf lii Creamery Butter 0 "And it's GOOD Butter" Made in Grants Pats Goodyear and Federal Tires Are Economy Tires C L Hobart Company KING OEOROE INSPECTS BRITAIN'S Hl'GE WAIWHII'H Ixindon. June 28. King Oeorue, whose war apprenticeship was serv ed In the navy, has just returned to Buckingham pahice after a five days' tour of Inspection of the grand fleet. The king watehed the batteries In practice and Inaperted all the new de vices and returned home felly con vinced that the Tlrltlah navy Is prim ed for the vlggest fcattla la Its history. letterheads that will ptoses you, at the Courier. A classified ad. bring result. NOTICE A Big Battle on in Grants Pass and Josephine County DON'T HKI,I; VOl It Ol.ll IKON Olt OI.I M.tCIIINKItY 'TIM, VOl IIIMIt I IIOM MK KKATIIKIIH OK AM, KINDS WANTKD STATU AHOI'T WHAT AMOl'NT VOl IIAVk'oN HANI) J.J. POWERS (JltANTH PASS, Oltl tJON. iiox Htm, FOR APHIS "BLACK LEAF 40" is cheapest and most i efficient i Demaray's Drug and Stationery Store 4