riUDAT, APRIL T. WIT fAGK TWO daily Boom nm oorasa v. i i i Q! EOSUE BIB NEB Pabllaotd Dally Kxtapt 8atardav A. & TOORHIBS. Pab. ud Propr. Eaters at the PostofBos, Grants Faas. Or., as second clMt mall uattar. , ADVERTISING RATES Display spaoe. per Inch lac Load or personal col uma, par lta le InIni per line 1 DAILY COURIER By stall or carrier, par yar....$a.00 By mail or carrier, per month ... , .(0 ' WEEKLY COURIER By at all, per year .11.(0 IT1L CXITED PREBS LKA8KD warn RKRVicB XSXBER . 8tate Editorial Association. Oregon Dally Newspaper Pab. Aon. Audit Bureau of Circulation. FRIDAY. APRIL ST, 1T ORBQON WXATHKR ' ' Fair tonight and Saturday; northerly winds. . ON ACCOUNT OF LIMITED SPACE WE CAN MOT LIST ALL OF OVH LINE OF FRITT8 AND VEGETABLES FOR SATURDAY BE CURIOUS COME IX AND SEE THEM. THEY WILL BEAR INSPECTION KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY ' Ql'AUTY FIRST . EVERY .ONE OAK DO HIS BIT It there In any one fact outstand ing above the maao of constantly changing Impressions that come out of the vast conflict In Europe, it la that modern war la not won on the field of 'battle alone. The entire na tional life must be mobilized behind the effort to win. It to a conflict of . machine ahop against machine ehop, transportation line against transpor tation line, farm against farm. Vic tory will belong to that group of na tions which oan most successfully co-ordinate every possible element of strength behind the general purpose of defeating the enemy..- . America's share in this conflict is destined to be largely that of fur siahlng applies. Repreaentathrea of Iref"4 and France assure us that la this way can our help be made moat effective. BuppMee are of two Unas, food and dothrn and fighting weapons and their munitions. We cannot all of ua make munitions but there Is not a man, woman or child sbore the age of 10 or 12 In Am erica who can not do hla or her own little "bit tpward increasing the sup ply of food and clothing, especially food. Those qualified to Judge pre dict a real food crisis next winter. Now la the time to take steps to les sen or prevent such a result And the important fact Is that everyone oaa help. Land is available, seed Is available, time can easily be found the work la pleasant, helpful and profitable. The opportunity for real service lies at every door. To the young man It may be through crultlng stations, but to many it can be fonnd In their bark yards or adjacent vacant lots. However humble the task and the "bit." there should the realisation that such work Is a real service to the republic aiwl carries with It honor and a sense of duty well done. Will you do your Wtf ions pressing upon the people of the country tor solution. His work as president of the Chamber of Commerce has brought him In close contact wkh the business mem of the city whose respect and admiration he won by an untiring. unselfish effort to further any cause that had the welfare of Grants Pass and its people as Its purpose. His conception of civic helpfulness was not so much the building of a larger city as the making of .the city now and hereafter a better place in which to live; and of an individual cttlsen'e duty, not so much the loud protes tations of superiority with which one Identifies the typical "booster" as the dally kit of real service toward bring ing about a genuinely better, com munity life. The regret shared by all classes of people over Mr. Allen's leaving la tempered by the knowledge that he has- entered upon a broader field of service and opportunity. NATIONAL PARK MEETING BEING HELD AT SPOKANE Spokane, April S7. About twenty representatives from the western states are present today at the open ing of the Third Annual convention here of the National Parka Highway commission. C. U Morris, of Seattle, presided in the absence of W. O. Edens, of Chicago. Visiting delegatea were guests at noon at a luncheon at the Davenport hotel. - FREE TICKETS TO AL. G. L CIRCUS BARNES i 10 AHA FOR 25 KIDS Are you in on It? Then get busy and send in a list of wild animal names to the Wild Animal editor of the Courier. , j Remember, .though, that in spell ing the names of wild animals you are to spell them correctly, and use only letters to be found In the first sentence of this article. There's going to be a lot of really worth-while prises tor the boys and girls that send In the largest lists of names. . The first prise will 'be six reserved seat tickets, the second, -four, the pouring in. Yon oan get papa or mamma or teacher to help you. ; Children of 7 or 8 years are Just as apt to win prises as boys and girls of 15. And you must be IS years old or under. You must live In or near Grants Pass. The Courier wants to help you win a prise. , '' Besides all this you will get to see and shake hands with Al. G. Barnes himself, the greatest, most fearless animal trainer In the world, at the Courier office when he dis tributes the prises for this paper. ilAWI TO WIND ALIBI About 80 members of the Chamber of Commerce tendered a complimen tary reception to President Wllford Allen at the club rooms Wednesday evening. Member after member spoke Is a symposium) of praise for the splendid work done by Mr. Allen as head of the Chamber and the re gard In which ha was held by cltl sens of the city generally. Through' out the remarks ran a note Indloat Ing the loss to-the civic life of the city which all felt was Involved In Mr. Allen's leaving. As a conclusion to the Informal program, Frank C. Braniwall, on be half of the Chamber of Commerce, presented Mr. Allen with a hand' some gold watch, chain and charm, "With It." said Mr. Bramwell. "goes the profound reapeet and genuine af- tectioa of the men wttk whom yog have been associated In this city," a sentiment roundly applauded by all present. Learn te Be Thrifty. Thriftliwaiiws wliloiu If ever Is ablv to seise aud iletuln upimrtunlty or to drive adviiiiuKtHjiis bargNlua What men rail luck generally Is a coiubluattoo of forfwluhl. Industry, pluck aud thrift In tb lurky mau. To save U to have, to uwu Is to pus. aea power. Property wka loudly and largely sways the cummon wealth. The thrirty contribute awst to the wel fare of the state. The purchaser ou credit pays not only for the property, but for the time It taken to complete the purchase. It seldom Is the thrifty way to "nance deals. The extra expenditure la equiv alent to the lom of so much interest oo oue'a prtnrlpal, . What kind of k meal would twelve ears of sweet corn make? The liets of names must be ac- thlrd three, the fotfrth two reserved -companled by the roupon clipped seat tickets. Besides there will be from a copy of the Courier and an- prixe of two general admls- a firth sioa tickets and eighteen sixth prises of one general admission ticket each to the Al. G. Barnes Cir cus which exhibits in Grants Pass on Thursday, May Srd, in afternoon and evening performances. There will be a big mile-long, six- band, glittering parade at 10:30 In the morning and a big, free high dive act at 1 p. m. The doors will open at 1 and 7 o'clock and the cir cus will be on at 2 and 8 p. m. But to win one of the prizes, kids, swers must be In not later than 6 p. m., Monday. And here's a tip for you. There are tiots of wild animal books at the public library to be bad for the asking. At school In the li braries are . lots more, and by look ing at these you will find the names of loads of wild animals. Now get busy. You can win a ticket to see this most wonderful circus, with 1.000 animals, each and every one trained to act. If you will use your brains youll have to hurry, for letters are and your pencil. ' WILFORD ALLEN This Mtper has lost an efficient editor and the city of Grants Pass a Valuable citizen In the leaving of Wll ford Allen. It will be hard to fill tils .place In either capacity, editor or civic worker. - Mr. Allen hss a keen sense of newt value combined with a strict devo tion to the press Ideal of giving to (he readers pf this paper the . real news, clearly, concisely and fairly presented. The same feeling of duty and pleasure in serving othd which guided him In' public-spirit -ti work, kept him from using his power as an editor to shape public thou it nlom the lines of his own, nroferrlng to serve to his readers facts, simple facts, with Just enough ec'ltorlnl comment to Incite thought and stud" rf the multitude of Import mt qiifs- The Courier Wild Animal Prize Conteet. To the Wild Animal Editor: Jf,T I hereby certify I am not over 15 years of age and I submit....: names of wild animals In your prize contest fur free tickets to the Al. G. Barnes Big Four Ring Wild Animal Cirrus exhibiting In urants Pass on Tb.nfv.day, May 8. Name Address ..j....... (Pin one of these coupons on your list) Bjl Corn meal, of course! THKKK MAY BR ;rtK.m:ir iiakiwhiph THAN TO UK OBLIGED TO GO W1THOVT GOOD WHOLKHO.MK MEAT FOR EVEN ONE MEAL, BIT WR CANT THINK OF ANY JlftT OFF HAND , , DONTDOIT! IT I8NT NECESSARY WE SELL THE BEST OF MEAT!' At the City Market Phone S3 for Quick Delivery inniniiiininnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiH cor. 3 - I I 1 I&iB ( hi E.'Ywi.fWwjt! -'rnV "III match my carbon copies against any in town for neat ness, lasting legibility and uni formity. I always use TTtAOC Urn MAW a Carbon Paper Bmy oar tjpmtrUktf apsJfe C. H. DEMARAY IRRITABLE NERVOUS Wm Condition of Indiana Ltd Before Beginning, to Takt Card-o-i, the Woman's Tonic. Kokomo, Ind. Mrs. H. Hankemeier, oi this town, styi: "I look so well, and am to well, that It does not seem at II I ever needed Cardul. But I wu not al ways this way ... I think I have taken a dozen bottles . . . before my little girl came. I wu reeling dreadfully bad, had head ache, backache, alck at my stomach, no energy . . . I wu very Irritable, too, and nervous, I began taking Cardul about 0 monlha before my baby came. Aa result all those bad feelings left me, and I Just felt grand, Just at II nothing at all wu the matter, and when the end came I wu hardly lick at all. Since that I have never taken Cardul at all ... It hu done me good, and I know It will help others, II they will only tfy It.'! 1 Many women have written grateful let ters like the above, telling of the good that Cardul hu done them. Why should It not help you, too? If you aulfer from any ol the ailments so common to women, and leel the need ol a safe, reliable, strengthening tonic, we urge you to be gin today and give Cardul a lair (trial. Your dealer sells Card-u-l. EU 10 Brants Pass (o) Tliupsday, Day QJ) COG MOPtl ataW f T - - l aTAawak. 2 III IPlCIAl TRAINS TSAIKK3 ItaslTiMWM Aeta Art Meat l&itiJ EDUCATED AW I MALI C.AtL ACTORS) TsajlsSi laVraaTaLlawa, Xaaara, Maaaay,nt. ThrUIIIUtS All Aatars 40 Mb-TteMIss AjMassJCtwww GAno'on; AvuTiorruoN: Cams Ttsrtlts.ot Wm Wll, Wraetllag rtezry, tbsms Daaslaar'Naroas. fsraa Csasoiw lUpbaats, Narso.ftldla Uost, i sat saara. svv as unary MIsk-DMas; iaasstec . ;o!y Roal WIM Aalaaai;Clraas Bsrtb jMWMQ4t,Wimi9l,mlB9.U. PwOfS 0sw, 1 aat T D0DGC-BR0TllErv5 t:oToa car It Spiaks for Itself C. L. Hobart Company Garden Seeds 8T. VALKNTINB BROOOOU fUBBD ' ALFALFA AXI) CLOVKR HRHD WIZZAIt FKItTlUZBR 18 THK IlKHT .OW IS THK TIMK TO FIT IT ON VOIR LAWK MPARDEE Costs Little More to go Eait VIA CALIFORNIA Before selecting the route (or your ant trip Eait cosiWer these three important thingi: SERVICE , Steel cars, through standard or touriit sleepiag can, aexcellsd dining cars. , SAFETY : Rock ballait, autoraatk block Mgasli, heavy iteel rails, can.- ' iitrat speed. SCENERY Known throughput the country ai "The Road of a Thousand Wonders." uberal stopovers ; . Our I Agents are well informed. Aik them regardiag tram Khedulei, or write . . , . ' , '. JOHN M. SCOTT, General PsMenaer Agent, Portland. " I ; Portland Roie Festival June 13, 14, 15 Southern Pacific Lines 4 . " V o 11