Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, April 16, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Scientific Farming )
n n v m w u w hi
10 Ml
t .j, - . - V
W l.'nru yield liuvvreuulurlybeeo K
Ml lltt'leMMnl ful flHlrtlTU '((! r III
(V from twelve to fifteen huhola W
Kl cr acre aumiHlly from lime rot Nf
Uf lug nliout 15 uni t In Ilea yew 1'.'
id in the Ohio -M'i'rlment tliuluu Ml
11 funii. Other i'rin, particularly la
iy n.ivur, lmvi mIiuw it lii.u iH ruuf !V
til rriu thtiwr li , lliu nvcruit W
VI uulu fur nil 4ll" In thwtlvo year Ml
Ml ruiulluu f corn, out, whcut, Ml
III clover und timothy Mug $111.17 Ml
tH iiu arte, or u uel prnlll of '.".It per 41
tj i'iil above the rout of til lime. Ml
VJ I. 'mo m applied In the spring Ml
VI after 4 lie 4 ad I plowed for corn. Ml
if From on to two tuu uf ground Ml
V limestone Ill uwd hhtw. Tbe Ml
4 experiment 1 ltoii clallla Mf
VI y ihui iiun" Uoulii mvr be Ml
4 mixed wltb niirt ur fertiliser Ml
if ! be plowed iiuilw, It niy nnw VI
t M'lilihy potato? lr applied to llila Mf
W crop. Ml
' Ml
H Ml K V Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml
Uii el Tubareuli Tart Beat MtK f
' Detesting the OiiasM.
Tbe only reliable way to delect tu
twrculnal iu dairy cow I by na uf
tti tuberculin imt. according (a Ir. J.
II. Hurt. associate prafewor uf veter
inary medicine In ttie Knti-a HtMn
A Krlrullvral college..
Till teat can brdly l Mdinluliitored
by the averujre person. It 4 well to
nil In the alii uf a oiuptficul wier
lunrliia ur Mum other iwrsou ho lias
bud iirtiinl iJtiirlu In tllurooalnf
Hit- dUce.
A cow lil b U afrrclotl ilb UUt-t'uluiil-4miut'lnlly
In III mure ad
vuiuiAl atak'M uf lbt llruavlU t a
MMr fmlor, ma.v coukIi and will liave
a fi'iiilrnry to Iom llmli. bill tliva am
mil alwnya aurv aympntiia of rulwrcu
ohI Tlitr may be oilier raimra von
trlbutluit lu tU mum coudlllun. If a
cow dHia allow tbeaa ytnptuuia, bow
aver. It la advlanbla to biva ber aiaa
inad. 1
TuU-rcular cona abould ba iblpp4
to tilt iMtckliiar houars bavlng guvem
nicnt Inapccllon. Hera ara apeotal
faiilltlea for handling aurb anlnnla.
Tba caroana la very rarofully cxamlnctl
by tba government limiwtor. mid If It
la found to b unfit fur food It la con
deuinrd mid undo Into fertlllwr.
tf tba illnouawl vow la au rapeclally
valuabla animal mid It la not deemed
advlnablo to dlaiua of Iter ImnKHllata-
a rvaa amtu holbtkui vow. '
ly aba abould ba aciwrated from tba
rcat of tba beitl aud cared for by a apa
clal attendant ' ' '
' It la wall for ilia dalryiuau to teat
bia bord (or tuburculoala aud ollmlnatt
all tboav auluiala tbat ara Uiaeaaed.
All aolmala tbat ara puivbuxed abould
ba teatod before tbey ora added to tba
bard. AU barua aud boualug iiuartera
abould ba properly reutllated and
maintained lit a aaultary vondltloa
tbrougbout Only lu tbla way ran tba
dalryiuau be reaaouably aura of pro
tecting bla berd aguluat lufwtlgn.
" '
Method af Laying Out Plot ta Canaarva
Spaoe and Labor. ' I
Since evou tbe avaroga garden pra
pared and planted at random urovea a
good Investment wby not lucraaaa Ita
return! by following a dotlnlte plan?
Tba poaalbllltlea from letting crop
cloaely follow ona anotber or even
overlap ara legion, aaya a bulletin of
Pennsylvania Stnto College.' , ' '
Tbere U for Brat coualderatloa tbe
I klnda of regotnblei. Theae will dopend
largoly upon tba personal taatea of Ilia
family and tba apace available. Tbe
average ilaod garden must be devototl
to green vegetables rattier than to crape
like potatoes.
Bods, or "patches," are wastoful of
1 apace and labor. Hows niuulug north
and south tbe full length of tba plot
are economical and convenient. If a
full row of one vegotable la not doalr
able eeveral klnda may be planted In
tbe same row, but tboy abould be eluil
lar In cultural bablta and length of
growing laaaon.
By separating tbe vegetable aelccted
Into long and abort aensou crops "com.
' pntilou cropping'' inny be pilU'tlcod.
Tlila la simply tbe planting In adjacent
rowa or In tbe lame row of early and
late maturing crops. With tbla system
at lonat half tbo ground lu n itnrdon
' may be used twice In a seiison, even
though full aouaon crops are grown.
' For example: ' 1
Cabbage plants are sot In rows thu
. ty-slx Inches apart aud twenty-four
Inches apart In tbe Vow. Midway be
tween tbo cabbage rowa and aleo be
i i f 1 1 ik -, i j i f f ;V
!. i :..,"t:ti. " lu ';t' Uui.! ,
Iii!iIik Cii'lv nulU' iHi nil flillled III
llilfwny l,i'lwn I hi' li.'li'ii. mill i'iii.
I.IIKU ii.wii
TIiIh miiili'tvilluii In Imi'veHicJ bh fu.
town: Tlit nitll-lii-n In h iniiiitb and tb
luttiirt In iwmi'II nr HkIiI week; mid
Hie entire apuie I then left In the esl
liuun, Jimt when It In netiled.
"8iidmlon oropplug" la anotber
spare Mvlng prattloa. Tbls plan fol
Iowa abort seflson cratis by a aecon4
pliuitlng of the same etgetable or
different eato(able
Progress In Horse Breading Hampered
by Scrub and Grade Slrea.
rPrsparvd by UnlUd KiatM drpartment ot
.rlrullur. ,
The una uf luferlur atalllona baa
hampered progress lu bor breeding
In tbla country to simb an etient. any
an article in the now year book ot the
United Blates dt'purtment of acrlcul
turn, that tlila ludUHtry ho not kept
pace with other furnia uf stock raUInc
Many horse owuera bare failed to real
ise that It la aa expensive to ruUe thv
kind of colt whit no one waute aa It
la a high grade one. They have
thought too much of tbe hither fee
demanded fur Ike aervka of a aouud
pure bred atalllou mid too lltUa of the
value uf the resulting foul.
Recent IrgUlallou In mauy state,
however, baa dm ' oiui b lo remrdy
tbla aituatkin. Tbla movement nmy be
said to have had II lieglnnlng in the
atALUo.s iiiiowa t itASAi-nca, bockonkhm
and cooo coxroauATto.'
Wlacoiisln law regulatlug tbe public
service of atalllona aud Jacka. which
became efftictlve on Jim. I, IfKHl Since
thai time twenty addltlounl Blules have
enacted .leKJsltlou of a almyarehaxj
The vurloua laws unacted by tbcs.i
Kliitu illlTer in detull, but lu geucol It
tnny iio said lliut Ibey have comelled
stallion onuer lo re-prevent their anl.
mala as they arc and luitp thim miide
it imsHlhle fur every runner und mnre
owner u know exactly to whut be I
breeding tils inuri-x,' A null futile effect
of such leglalatlon baa been to decreane
the Krcentte of uiiMomid and moii
grel atallloiH In the states affected.
It la probable that the mongrel atnl
lions driven out from those atatea In
which they are compelled to show their
true color ure Iwiug taken Into sec
tions where tbere Is aa yet no stallion
leglalatiou and ere there advertised by
their ovnera as grades or pure breds.
Iik such states breeder ahould exer
cise tbe greatest caution herore taking
their msro to the etalllou. They ahould
examine minutely tbe certlQcate of reg
latratlon and pedigree and ascertain
whether tbe animal Is properly regis
tered In a reliable stud book und wheth
er the description on this certltlcate
correapouda In every detail to the anl
mal In question, If there la any dls
crepancy It la evident that something
la wrong. In such cases It la much
more economical to. seek out aifother
stallion and pay possibly a higher fee
rather than run tbe risk of getting a
uoudescrlpt foul, which la expensive
to raise aud fur which bo good market
can lie found. .
Tbe amount of the fee Is indeed a
small consideration. No etalllou should
be need which will uot Improve rather
than degnule the offspring from mares.
In This comtectlim 'the article already
mentioned .point out that It la well
known that atalllona of tmpuro breed
ing lack (he prepotency of the pure
bred and fall to stamp their offspring
with breed 'characteristic and often
even with Individual merit.
Newborn Animal Rsqulra Close
tsntlen to Avoid Loss.
Now bom- lambs arc delicate
clone attention muat be gtjen the flock
it all are to bo saved, especially If tbe
weather I cold and damp, says Pro
fessor J. B. Hitch of Kausai Agrlral
turnl college. - '
Tens four feet square ahould be pro
vided tbe ewe at lambing tlwo. These
protect the young laraha from the rest
of the flock and keep them from be
coming soiwmuil from tholr mothers.
If the attendant ace that the young
lamh geta up and nurse by tho time
It I ni'tveu or twenty minutes old there
wilt ho llttlu used of giving It any fur
ther attoiitlon.
Twins and triplet are nut uncom
mon, mid the ewe sometime rcfUHC to
own the weakest one. In t'ii uf twin.
If the Mtnmtrer Inmh I remevnt fur n
hour uf two, rlievwe will tnm ber al-1
laullmt to the ulber liiiuli, mid wbon the
itrongvr one i pnl buck nlie will own
them both. . "'
In c one of the ewe lows her
lamb and another ha twin or triplet
one of them should be given the "ewe
that has lot her lamb. Due to the
fact that tbe ewe recognize her lamh
by scent, there la Hoiuetlintw a little
dllllmlty In getting tbe fotr mother to
accept ber new charge, hut If ttie scent
of the dead lamb la ruhlied on the fleece
of the lamb that In being changed tbe
ewe will quickly rtnlm It a ber own.
Kp Calf Clean.
Everything about the calf ahould be
acrupiilouM v- iloiiii. Milk from Infected
con; or ft mi a creamery should be
pateurlml before It I fed.
j. ,, ., .,, ., f r, ,. . .,
Use Soap la an Emarganoy, and It Will
Prevent Infection. '
The duuger uf liifii'tluiia, even from
light ubrimloim of ih,. ;ii, op.
prechlivl hu thuruiiKlily 'ttxlny that no
Intelligent iiernou will wllllnuly nele't
slight cuts or brulMp where It I I km
olhle lo give iM'h Injiirle II rut aid
.irciitiuunt with koiiic kind ot Unnlii:,'.
r'reipiently, lumever, there ure none
of I lie nminl reuiidlM ut hand, hut, u
enke of nojip i almoMt always avail
uble, uud till huIikIuikv make m'. r.i
cellcnt drctw-lug. a RurnH-an army
ntrgeon tentlfy. '
The favorite miltnu of the iur-Ut-on
far i'li'imiiig wmiiiil before tlm
ibiy uf antlMi-pilc diiiwliie woh u hu
lutlou of cunlile .kii. The iwual meth
od uf drnwliig u wound at I hut tiuio
wun to waxli It llioii,i!:r.y n-;tli the
wpsmla, allow the siirfii.e lu dry und
thru apply llnl mid luuiduce. Tlie
oawud rrmovefl tbe germ from the
wound, but a the Ihiii 1 ve ami drrw
iuc were uot tluwe drewilug
fnsueutly cuiitalneil bucleria which in
fri'tcd tbe wound. Ifsbu urgeou hud
gone one step further with hi cant lie
oap drvMalug and dlpiied hi lint Into
th vnuixuiU tH'fore aiilylng tbrm ur
rubbed the moistened soap Into the
lint hi treatment would have beeu
much more effective.
Every one should bear In mind, there
fore, that any klud of soap makce a
good emergency dressing and abould
be need a a covering for freshly in
jured surface If nothing better Is
available. A atrip ton! from a hand
kerchief, with the moiKtened oap rub
bed into the meshes and bound over
the wound, will prevent Infection from
outaldo source. And If the wound ha
been thoroughly cleiiUKed with soap
suds it la probable tbat no other draw
ing will be required.-!. Angeles
A classified ad will civ remits.
cm rm'so
s 'Milna Herb Htore
. Herb cure for eairhe, headache,
catarrh, diphtheria, sore throat,
lung trouble, kidney trouble, stom
ach trouble, heart trouble, chills and
fever, cramps, coughs, poor circula
tion, carbuncles, tumors, caked
breast, cures all kinds of goiters.
Medford, Oregon, Jan. 18, 1917
Tbla la to certify that I, the un
dersigned, had very severe stomach
trouble and had been bothered tor
several years and last August was not
expected to live, and hearing of Olm
Chung (whose Herb Store Is at 241
South Front street In Medford) I de
cided to get herbs for my stomach
trouble, and I started to feeling bet
ter a soon as I used them, and today
am a well man and can heartily' rec
ommend anyone afflicted aa I waa to
see Olm Chung and try hi Herbs.
(8lgned) W. R. JOHNSON.
M. A. Anderson, Medford.
S. B. Holmes, Eagle Point.
Fri nk Lewis, Eagle Point.
Wm Iewts, Eagle Point.
W. L.' Childreth, Eagle Point.
C. E. Moore, Eagle Point.
J. V. Mclntyre, Eagle Point
Geo. B. Von de Hellen. Fnrle Point
Thee. E. Nichols. Eagle Point.
John 0. Orth. Medford. .
To keep coffee fresh oa
its way from the roasting;
plant through the grocery
store to your kitchen was
'ong an unsolved problem.
The airtight tins in
which Schilling's Best is
packed have solved it "
They keep all the flavor
in ; and all the odor out
They .make such fine cof
fee practicable and ec
onomical. ,
1 , It tots further.
' Best
Portland, April l.Todav mar
ket quotations were: , ' '
. Wheat Club, 20J; blueetem, 21 J.
Oats No. 1 white feed, 19.00.
Barley Feed, 48.60.
, Hog Beet live, 15.85.
Prime steer, 10.1 S; fancy rows,
ft.76; txist calve, 10.00.
Spring lamb, 15.00.
Butter City creamery, 44; coun
try, 85,
Butterfat Unchanged.
Egg Selected local extra, 32 H
33. ' .,. .. .
Hens, 22; broiler, 35 H 50;
geese, 12 0 13.
Copper, 30.'
Clsvsr Coral Fisher.
Tbe coral beds of Japan are worked
by clever divers. In the employ of a
matter diver, who receive tbe take aa
It come In, grade It and, when a anhV
dent quantity be been obtained, asks
for bid ou the lota of each grade.
Representative of tbe loading export
ing and wbolcmile'Orm are alway at
band during tbe sen son tbe beet coral
Is taken to Inspect tbe take and proffer
bids. Tbe total annual take la about
05.000 pound, jralued at 8700,000. ' Tbe
color of tbe coral baa a great deal to
do wltb the value placed upon It The
most expensive la "boke," a pale
quince color. Single bead of tbla col
or, aultable for manufacture Into orna-
jnental holrplna. bring from $10 to 850
eacu. me next coior in vaiuo m puis,
followed by white, light red and dark
red. .'
Commonplace Term.
A humorist aw an announcement In
a hardware store. "Iron sinks." and
be went In and told tbe man tbat be
knew Iron sank. "Tea," said tbe man,
"and time flic, but win vault, gran
lopes and music standa; Niagara fall,
moouligbt walk, beep run and boll
day trip: scandal aprcada, atandard
weight. Indlarobber tire, tbe organ
stops and tbe whole world goes round;
trade returns." "Ye. said tbe bo
murlst. "and marble busts!"
Tbe English agate derive Ita name
from the river Achate, on tbe banks
of which, according to Pliny, It was
nri found (tut uk' agate are met
with In mniiy conntrloM, this stone;
whli h l of the iiiiirl family, was
iloiibtleiw from the curliest limes
known Hi I he nullon uf the orient
Watsr Lilies.
'.Vutei llllcH bate n uhlnlnu appear
Mice lieeiiiiHe of nil nil mi the leu vex
which ' prcvetiN water i -iii: !iinit on
lliem ninl clo-.'!ii-; lite iii.hiI !i- ur k!ii:i.
IcIih, lliron;:li aiilrll the Tn itt luv-ilhr
The Irn vi' nre l.irjje. tti; r. t,l nearly
round '
Notice la hereby given that the
regular annual meeting of the stock
holder ot . tbe Rogue River Fruit
aV Produce Association for the elec
tion of directors and the transaction
of such other business as may pro
perly come before such a meeting,
will be held at the Public Library,
Main street, Medford, Oregon, on the
8th day of May, 1817. at 10 o'clock:
a. m. 1
TION. By R. C. Woahburn, Pres.
A. C. Flero, Secretary.
Dated Medford, Oregon, April 7th,
. ' . 2-9-5t
Rumors of cases of measles not
being properly Isolated ot quarantin
ed have come to my notice. The law
provides that all rases ot contagious
diseases shall be . reported to the
Health Officer.' Any person knowing
of u case of contagion rtUcisc and
not reporting the same is practically
a violator of tbe law. Parent send
ing their children suffering with a
contagious disease to school or other
public, place are guilty of violating
this law and should be prosecuted.
Inatead or making thla a matter of
foaelp all cases of contagious di
seases should be Immediately, report
ed to the Health Officer. Thle officer
wilt make an Investigation and Quar
antine Immediately all contagion
The Health Officer solicits the co
operation ot every cltlsen in this mat
ter. F. D. STRICKER,
29 , Health Officer.
BicVcIes,' Tires Supplies'
VpandTRepairs f t!
Mclntyre's Garage
Classified Advert?
Red Clover,' Tlmothq, Scarified
Sweet Clover, Rye Graae, ate.
. Ralph Waldo Elden, Central Point,
i Oregon. ' 947tt
FOR SALE 150 feet 6-Inch galvan-
' Ued pipe, 40 feet 3 -Inch pipe
Inquire O. P. Jester, at OranU
' Paaa Banking Co. 982tf
FOR SALE Baby chick 10 cent
each; also eggs for batching,
brown and white leghorn and ban
tie.' MA. F. O. Wilcox, 407
Rogue River avenue or telephone
"828-R. . 88
ANGEL CAKES supplied in any
quantity on short notice, 60e each.
Phone 180-J. 2tf
FOR SALE One 3 Peter Shut tier
wagon, nearly new; with good
wagon bed for $100.00; one 1
horse wagon, In excellent condi
tion, wltb heavy single hornet
for $71.00 Grants Pass Hdtr. Co.
JOU SALE Cheap, 8 6 0-1 b. mare, 2
t rated bock and harness. U. L.
TTpson, Jr., phone 223-L. 82
FOR SALE One . mahogany bed
room suite, one oak sideboard, oak
book case, two oak. rocker, aeed
potatoes. Mr. P. C. Boema, Frnit
dole, phono 03-F-l. ... II
PASTURAGE for all klnda of live
atock. - For particular phone
601-R-l. - $1
FOR SALE Early Magoon and New
Oregon atrawberry plants. Plant
are well rooted. Phone 603-F-12.
FOR SALE Sire atalllona, champion
. atock, bred right; none better at
any price. Will consider trade.
Address Morria Koon, Junction
City, Oregon. . St
FOR SALE Dewey hotel business.
Glendale, Ore., fully furnished,
good business; sickness necessi
tate change; $400 cash. Address
Henry 8tephena, Glendale. 29
116 ACRES ot iand. between li and
20 acres in cultivation, good old
and young orchard, a( Wolf
Creek, to exchange for city pro
perty. Address Ed. Jordan, Wolf
Creek, Ore. V 18tf
FOR RENT Five-room house at
727 North 5th street, bath, sleep
ing tent and chicken yard. Call
at corner of 6 th and Evelyn Ave.
for key.- i 48
FOR RENT 8-room bouse North
7th street, electric lights and bath,
good barn, one acre - land, good
garden land, berrlen, $12.(0 per
month. Inquire at 832 North 7th,
or see S. J. T.'ylor. ' jj
FOR RENT 7-room house, water,
bath and electric, lights, cor. C
and 8th, $7.50 per month; 6-room
bouse and barn, West D street,
$5 per month; 5-room house and
barn, West, Q street, $4 per month;
4-room house, cor. C and Third,
$3 per month; 3 -room house, West
L atreet, $2 per month. Inquire
Otto J. Knipe, 616 South Fourth
street. . " 3S
FOR RENT 5-room modern bunga
low, with Bleeping porch, close In.
811 D street. , f - - s3
WANTED 600 pairs of shoe to pot
rubber soles on all In one day.
Wm. Hayea. Ill South 6th street.
TEAMS WANTED Want several
men with good teama for orchard
cultivation. Write Rogue River Or
chard Co., Merlin, Ore., or phone
600-F-3. 1 ' i I7tf
WANTED To lease a good hay
farm with option to buy. Address
No. 719, care Courier, " B3
WANTED Married man for farm
job; must be competent teamster.
' Phone 610-F-34, or address Box
' 48. R. F. D. No. 2. 29
DRESSMAKING Do you want an
advanced 'style early spring suit,
afternoon and evening gowns and
waists tor all occasions? Remodel
ing done. Reduced prices for 60
days. 215 North 6th street, cor
ner D. Phone 120-R. ' 83
HOW ABOUT that title? An abstract
from Grants Pass Abstract Co. will
answer the question. Better be
sure before Investing. Offices Al
bert Bldg. Opposite Postofflce. 81
DR. R. J. BE3TUL, Veterinarian.
Office in Wlnetrout Implement
Bldg. Phone 113-J Residence
Phone 305-R.
L. O. CLEMENT, H. D. Practice
limited to disease of the eye, ear,
note and throat. Glaatea fltteaV
Office boon 1-12, 2-5, or on ap
pointment. Office phono, 62; reiM
denca phone tSt-J.
8. LOUOHRIDOB, M. D., ParsteUa
and snrgaoa. City or country call
attended day or nlghL Raaidsawe
phone 269; office phone 1S2J
Sixth and H. TnSa Building.
J. P. TRCAX. 16. D., PbyHcUa aad
snrgeoa. - Phones; OSee 135; reat
denee 224. Calla answered at aO
hoar. ' Country cell attended to.
Lundborg Bnlldlng. - ' u. .
DR. ED. BTWATER Specialist oa
: disease of the eye, ear. aoee tmt
throat; glaasea fitted. Office bonis):
9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 p. m. Phones
Residence lt-J; office 267-J.
Schmidt Bldg. OranU Pane, Ore.
A. A. WTTHAJf, M. D., PhyslcUa a4
snrgeoa. Office: Hall Bldgi, corner
Sixth and I atreet. Phonea: OSes
...116; residence 2 8 8-J. Hours: 9 A.
m. to 4 p. m. w'-rtti . ,f- .
B. C. HACT, D. M. D. Ftrst-claaa
dentiatry. 199 tenth Sixth
atreet. Grants Pm, Oregon. '" "
H. D. NORTON. Attoraer-aXJ
Practice la ail Stat and Federal
Court. Firrt National Beak BldaV
COLVIO ft WILLIAH8 Atterneya-at-Law
Grants Paaa Banking Oe,
, Bldg. GranU Paaa, Ore.
E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice
In all courts. First National Bask
Building. ' ' - - . -i
EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorsef-at-Law.
Office Maaonle Temple
Grants Paaa, Ore. ?
W. T. MILLER, , Attorney-t-Law.
County attorney for Josephine
County. Office: 8challhorn Bldg. 1
O. 8. BLANCHARD, Attoraey-t-Law
. GranU Paaa Banking Co. Bldg.
Phone 270. Grant Pass, Ore.
V. A. CLEMENTS Attoraey-at-Law
PracUce Ih stats ' aad federal
eoorta. Rooms I, and 3, - over
Golden Rale store. -f i
torneys, Albert block; phone 236-J.
PracUce In all courts; land board
attorneys. .
PAPERHANGING, graining. " paint
lug. For the beat work at lowest
; prices, phone 295-J.; C. G. Puut.
South Park atreet. ' "
J. S. 1IACMURRAY, teacher of voles
' culture and sieging. Lessons give
' at home of pupil If reqnested.rA4
Clsii 716 Lea street ' ISItt
kinds of drayage .sad transfer
work carefully and promptly done.
Phone 181-J. Stand ; at ' freight
depot. . A. Shade, Prop.
F. G. ISHAH. drayage and tranafer.
. 8afe. pianos and furniture moved,
packed, shipped and stored. Pboaa
Clark ft Bolmsa, No. 50. . Resi
dence phone 124-R.
IBM . WORLD MOVES; so do we.
Bunch Bros. Tranafer Co. Phone
"397-R. -. " r '" "
IVAN LIVINGSTON, , Incorporated
Accountant Bookkeeping ayetesas,
accounting and auditing. Address
115 A street. 81
E. R. CROUCH Assayer, chemist,
metallurgist. Rooms 201-2Q1 Pad
dock Building, OranU Pass.
The Flrrt Ctook. '
Tbe earliest complete clock was
made by a Saracen metal worker In
the thirteenth century . v s; . .
.... i. .i . i
The California and Oregon
Coast Bailroad Company
Effective December 6, 1916 i
Tuesday, Thursdays, Saturdays ,
Train 1 Iv. Grants Pass.. 10.00 a. m.
Train 2 Iv. Waters Creek 1.00 p. m.
All trains leave Grants Pass from
the corner of G and Eighth at reels,
opposite the Southern Paclflo depot.
For all Information regarding
freight and passenger service call at
the office of tbe company, Public Ser
vice building, or phone 131 far
ssme, "' ( . ?
..... i v't ) I