PAGK SIX DAILY ROQini RIVER COCRIKR HVNIIAY, APlUt 1.1. I0IT Ricine, Firestose and Goodrich Tires For Automobiles, Motorryrlea and BicycJca, at BKWRB-THK. WAR PRICKS . MrlVTYKE'S GAKAGK ,. Washington, AprU 14. Enlist ment runs by sections, according to toe latest fall army and navy recruit ing figures available today show rthe oast running the heaviest, the middle west doing well, the south running low. . Sectional figures tor the army are not available beyond the March re crultlng, but all lump returns, both to the army and navy, are showing a real upward trend that encourages. While some of the navy districts overlap, stations in the following atatea show results for the week end ing April 5 thus: ; "t Maine, 58; Vermont, 15; , Massa chusetts, 119; Connecticut, 82; New York. 17$; New Jersey, 107 ; Penn sylvania, 185; West Virginia. 16; Virginia, 45; North Carolina. 8; Ohio. Ill; Indiana, 82; Illinois, 104; Michi- . can, 61; .Wisconsin, 25; 'Minnesota. 4; Iowa. 37; Missouri, 177; South 'Carolina, S3; Tennessee, 76; Missis sippi, 50; Georgia. 75; Alabama, 68; Lonisana, 26; Texas, 203; Colorado, . 55; Utah. 68; Washington. 68; Cal- : ifornia, 90; Oregon, 157; Total, 1.736. The army report for April 1 to 10, without giving very definite Ideas of state lines, shows the following re ports of enlistments turned In to de- pots and depot posts: : Columbus barracks, Ohio, 205; Jef-1 ferson barracks, Missouri, 726; Fort Logan, Colo., 298; Fort McDowell, Cel.. 241; Fort Thomas, Ky., 1.076; I Fort Slocum. N. Y.. 1.223; Fort Bliss, Texas, z; Fort Douglas. Utah, 71; Fort George Wright. Wash., 86; Fort Hnaehnea, Arix., 6; Jackson barracks. La., 12; Fort Lawton. Okla.. 21: Fort Sam Houston, Texas, 121; Fort Screven, Ga., 71; Fort Oelethorpe, Oa.. discontinued for period; Van couver barracks. Wash., 99. Total, 4.354. Army men say that recruiting to day is feeling the stimulus of the re cent instructions that volunteers mav to taken with the understanding that they shall only serve for the period of the war. . Navy recruiting is decidely on the up-grade the last few davs. running 'over 500 a day. I JEROME PRAIRIE I " - The Stitch and Chatter club was entertained at ths home of Mrs. C. C. Hamerly, Wednesday. April 11. A very pleasant afternoon waa spent and dainty refreshments ot tea or coffee with cake and marshmallows were served to the following: Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Flux, Mrs. Culy, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Prultt. Mrs. Hervln, Mrs. Dlsbrow and the Misses Myrtle Tuck er and Mary Gewlts, and the host ess, Mrs. Hamerly. Mrs. A. J. Armstrong and Mrs. El bert Tucker have been on the sick list but are much Improved at present. Mrs. M. U Thompson, of Grants Pass, spent the first part ot the week visiting Mrs. C. C. Hamerly and re turned home Tuesday of this week. Lloyd and Joe Burrows, ot Jerome Prairie, enlisted in the army the first of this week. Mr. Larson, of the Oregon Agricul tural college, will speak on the rais ing ot potatoes at A. Wylberg's Thurs day of this week. Mrs. J. A. Blsh and daughter. Eu nice, of Wildervllle, spent Tuesday of this week with Mrs. Ira Dlsbrow. Mrs. Grutter spent Wednesday ot last week with Mrs. Chas. Smth. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith and daughter, Althea, spent Sunday of this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ira May of the Leonard Orchard ranch. MURPHY ILLINOIS VALLEY I Re&dt Ferds. Tires aad Specialties Mclnlyre's Garage Married, at Grants Pass, Herbert Tycer and Miss Ruth Barnett. The marriage came as a surprise to their friends. The groom Is a son of Wil liam Tycer and the bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bar nett The yonng couple have many friends, who Join in wishing them a prosperous voyage on the matri monial sea. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Houck. on March 28, a 10 pound son. Mr. and Mrs. George Woodcock, of Foots creek,' have moved to the Chamberlain place. A dance was given at the home of Dr. Spence on Tuesday night as a farewell party to Miss Elms Eggers who has returned to her home In Grants Pass. Mrs. Doggett Is ill. suffering from sn attack of sciatica. ' Grover Grimmett has moved to the Mrs. George Houck property, while Mrs. McVay will ocenpy tn ho" vacaied by Mr. Grimmett. Dr. Spence reports the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. John Evitt on Friday. Lee Calvert came out to his ranch on Tuesday. Frank Nlckerson Is III at the Wal do hotel. A dinner was given st the home of Mr. snd Mrs. Ralph Kltterman on Sunday, In honor of the 79th birth day of Dr. Spence. The F. M. J. Club met Wednesday afternoon with Miss Winnie Osborne. Musio, sewing and refreshments help ed to make a very enjoyable after noon. An Invitation from Mrs. R. K. Woodson to meet the second Wednes day of May was accepted. D. O. Hayes has been In the valley 1 the past week assessing. Fred Virtue has moved to' the! i-anrh formerly owned by D. O. Hayes. Mrs. Dora Percy's mother left Wed nesday night for her home In eastern Oregon after visiting several months! with her daughter. A. H. Carson made a trip to the Illinois valley and reports the roads In a very bad condition owing to the heavy hauling during the winter. Pickett Woodson la on Jury duty at Grants Pass this week. The Chas. Reynolds family, who came here recently expecting to re main for some time, have been railed home by the serious Illness of Mrs. I Reynolds mother, leaving Saturday I for Missouri. ' The Murphy and Laurel grove dis tricts' have united In organising a Sunday school at Murphy with very flattering prospects for success. I'ncle Jim Gllmore Is the proud possessor of a new lumber wagon. . H. Koch and family who have I been located on the Madrona tract! left this week to make their home in I Montana. R. K. Woodson. W. 0. White and L. M. Mitchell attended the Blue lodge meeting and dinner at the Ma sonic temple. Grants Pass. Tuesday evening. Henry Haberman has moved Into the tent house on the Sweeney ranch and will have charge of the farm work this season. Harve Sparlln who has been living on the Wllcoxon place has moved to the ranch owned by Dr. Johnson, of Grant Falls, Montana. 1 .i-Vfc- i e eorsCC Fair List PrictaOSCC: 0 ac'FairTVftrmnt'yC:4 I ssn"n"sn"n"n"nssssnnBnsnniuanwnwJ(1 Where Are Those Ford Size E Ccjdeo West Coffee Comply with the law and use printed Butter Wrappers According to the ruling of the Oregon Dairy aad Food Commission all dairy butter sold or exposed for sale la this state must be wrapped la butter paper upon which is printed the words "Oregon Dairy Butter, 14 (or 82) ounces fall weight," with the name and address of the maker. To enable patrons of the Courier to easily oousiy with the rulfaf this office will supply standard sfae and weight hatter paper printed with special waterproof ink, and delivered by panels post, at the following prices: IH sheets, Id or 82 ounces 11.00 at sheets, 18 or 82 onnees 1.3 80t Sheets, 18 or 82 ounces 1.7 BO Meets, 18 or 82 onnees 2.48 Rwtra charge for special designs. Send orders iby snail accompanied by the pries as above and paper will be promptly forwarded to ye by parcel post, prepaid. We ass the best butter paper obtainable, and our work ' ssanshlp Is of the best. Rogue River Courier Grants Pass, Oregon i MERLIN ' Mrs. J. M. Mason and son, Frank, returned to their home at Myrtle Creek Tuesday morning having spent seversl days here with relatives. A. S. Rosentbsum was a business visitor in Merlin Saturday. Mr. Roseabaum was Southern Pacific agen( here a number of years sgo. Mrs. Ed. Vsn Dorn snd children hsve gone to Glendale where they will stay for some time. Vaughn Massle and Dow Olbson. two Merlin boys hsve enlisted In the nsvy, leaving for Portland. Tuesday evening, where they will receive final examination. Frank Thompson is attending court in Grants Pass this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lindsay enter tained the Organised Adult Bible class ot the Sunday school st their home on Thursday evening of last week. The evening waa very pleas antly spent with piano and phono graph music and refreshments, con sisting of cake, coffee and cocoa were served. Both the Sunday school and the Epworth League observed Easter with special programs. Sunday morning the choir rendered the cantata "Easter Memories." Miss Margaret Cochrane who Is teaching the Leland school spent Sunday at her home near here. W. H. Bayrd a former resident or Merlin but now of Glendale, spent Sunday with friends here. William Manner was a visitor to Grants Pass, Tuesday. IS Another high gear record has been annexed for the Chevrolet. At Portlsnd last week a little four cylinder Chevrolet, carrying stock equipment throughout and three passengers In addition to ths driver, climbed Hill street hill in high gear. The time was two minutes and seven seconds from a standing start at the bottom of ths grade. Ths climb Is three-quarters of a mile with the grade ranging from nineteen to twenty per cent in the renter of which Is a narrow hairpin turn, The run was official observed Iby Portlsnd newspsper men snd the Crevrolet was awarded the record of being ths first car to negotiate Hill street hill on high gear. For sale by W. S. Maxwell. 28 A Joke. 8hs-l strongly disapprove of leavin ths word "obey" In the marriage cere, mony. Ue-Oh, leave It there, my dear. it puts a little needed humor lu inn solemnity.-Hill luiure American. BLACIC SAFETY TREAD TIRE8 We Called Back? "Bring back any Goodrich Black Safety Trtad Tint you feel have not given you the right lerufce." Thus ran our 1917 mes sage to the world. If there were such tires we wanted them back and we said so as emphatically as we could say itparticularly to the owners of Ford automobfles. From the thousands of Ford Sin Goodrich Tires sold we, had .a . right to expect a certain number of tires to come back. Our tires have come back loaded with a surprise. Read this letter from your town that cams with a Sue Goodrich Tire sent back: Grant's Pass, Ores, Dec, 0, 1818. The B. F. Goodrich O., Seattle, Wash. Gentlemen t I have ased four Goodrich tires on my machine all season. They have traveled 81187 miles, not Including little pleasure trips In and around the city. The front tirea look as though Ihey were khk1 for a couple of thousand mllea yet. My work carries nte over all kinds of road, sometimes where there are no roads. When I make renewals they will be Goodrich. Yours very truly, M. U OPDYKK. Water Master, District 18, Bute of Oregon. SksTifinJiwciiW Comfort, ualetu and durabllltu you are sure to get for your Ford car if you demand Goodrich Black Safety Treads of your dealer. The B. F. Goodrich Co. AKROH.OHIO u I I A IslwlwshO lira Mai m4 kr M. L 0sk, Ask Test Dealer tar Tata Also saaksf of the tires en which Dario Rests won ths Official 1818 National Auto mobile Racing Chant a4oanln Silvortown Cord Tires. TEXTAN la a fibre sole NOT rubber. It is water-. Drool, stub-proof, flexible. 1 matches your shoes per tectly and outwear any leather sole you ever wore. Ask your dealer. as - aa OTBnwSNMCajrSJ nuny The B. F. Goodrich 'Company Akron, Ohio tho gOODBIgtA Sole : GOODRICH TERES OLDING'S GARAGE PHONE 45-R . CUP MILE FROM I Fill In Picture Puzzle No. 14 1 UIMnCMDIIDl? IlkIC 1 . : J With the British Armies In France, April 14. Another mile of the Hln denburg tine was taken by the Brit-J Ian onslaught today. I'll Number 6, to the north of Ulvenchy, and pit Number 11, east of Double Crss sier, were both captured. This ex tends 'by three miles to the north, ths front slong which the Germans' tins Is now broken. , The Arras position, on which the Germans swung pivotal-like in the retreat to ths Hlndenburg tinea, Is now turned to a distance of nearly sight miles southeast of Arras, I-enn, most Important of France's coal cities Is likely to fall at any moment. Brit ish troops are encircling It on two sides.' Advance posts Jf the British forces were today pushed a considerable dls- tancs toward Quetnt and Pronrllls. Wsshlngton, April H The schoon er Kdwln II. Hunt of New York, wss shelled by a submarine April 7, off Cspe Osta snd her master, Nicholas Miller and her crew of eight, were landed there. A report from Consul Ossaett at Malm said ths crew had 'been landed at Almerla hut that ths fsts of ths schooner was unknown. ft J5 Tlin ostrich, ths Isst picture you draw, Is o big and queer tooklng bird, Isa't . It, ohlldrenT Tour mamma may harassed ostrich plumes In hsr hat The kink of ths ostrich Is ss bsd as that of ths mule. Titers ars many oatrlsh farms In Tscsrsnd California. Now; the next bird 'the you can draw, If yos get out your soft penotl and begin at NO, 1, is spsllsd with only- three' Utters. It lives In cold regions. Ths treat auk's eggs ars almost as raluabls as diamonds.