vvni IUMU A u( J V J f DAJXT HOOVU RIVER COURTJCB PAGB THREE "The Sin Ve Do," powerful five-part Triangle drama, with Frank Keenan, Margery U'IImhi, Howard liioiuiuut and lj-)fim.i ' Thompson, and ' a twu-itxl Keystone comedy, with Mk Swain, tonight UTAH TIIKATKIl : FER52N1L Saturday Chaplin day. 994tf Geo. Light returned to Lelaud last night after a week In the city. Or. J. r. Roddy aoent Fridav at. lending to business In Medford. K. W. Allen Is pending a few day in Portland attending to builneai. Bicycle cleaned and repaired at Cramer Brot. It It. 0. eparlla Ml Saturday worn Ing (or Dorrle to spend the summer Id the mills. R. B. Miller and 0. W. Morrow li'ft last nlicht for Portland to spend a few days. When you think of lumber, think of the new firm -Carson-fowler Lumber eompsny. It W. M. Llnhtenbcrger was a visitor In the city for several days return ing to Wolf Creek last night. J. 8. Miller, who has bu apend I. Ing the past two weeks In ihn city, returned last night to Timber. Oyster shell at Cramer Bros. It P. E. Reed, of Kansas City, who bss been In the city for ll.e psst week, left last night for Portland. Miss Jeanett Moss will return to day to the University of Oregon, af ter spending the past week visiting here with her mother. Hens and poultry houses kept clean with Ilea powder and lies liquid old by Cramer Bros. 2 Mrs. Thomaa Stott and son. Thomas Jr., are spending a few weeka visiting Mrs. Stott's brother In California. , , , Bert Anderson left Friday for Day ton, Wash., having received word of (he serious Illness of his father, who la not expected to live. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Srsrbrough ar rived yesterdsy from Tort; Collins. Colo., and will remain In the city for the summer with their daughter, Mrs. F. O. Yoirogblood. Bicycles at Cramer Bros. II Mrs. R. Cherry returned to her home at Spokane this morning after pending a week In. the city, She waa called her by the death of her mother, Mrs. J. D, Palmer. O. L.,Ragen, of Saltm, will leave today for San Francisco to take up his new duties as salesman for Davis Brothers. Mr. Ragen has been vis iting here with his sister, Mrs. R. T. Ludden. - - Chirk teed at Cramer, Proa. II S. D. Williams, who ' has been ponding a weak In the city on bus iness, left yesterday for his home at Portland, He stopped off for a abort time at Merlin where he ha property Interests. Orlando Hiller returned Friday from Crescent City, where he was snowed in during the winter. He pent eight weeks In the coast city on account of the heavy fall of anow ' In the mountains. Garden seeds in bulk and packets t Cramer Bros. II Mrs. J. D. 8trnebHgh left yester day morning for 'Marshalltown, Iowa. She was called there by the Illness of her lather, 8amuel Mooney. ' Mr. Mooney is well known here, having visited in the city on numerous oc casions. JOY Theatre Tcsiglt ad Mcsiay IILUKUIRR PHOTOPLAYS, Presents "TkeSibt Battle'' ;: ' In five, gripping Mia with - J. WAKKKN KKIUUGAN -, IXIH WILSON, MAUD OKOIUIK and A SELECT , , ; ,ITMPANY OK CAMERA. STARS How a Brilliant lawyer Fought and Won Ills Lire's Rattle Against Hereditary Appetite for Strong Prink. VNot Temperance Play, But ' ' Drama, of Great Human Appeal to the Masses. LOCAL : R. M. Miller, of Eugene, Is spend ing a few days in the city. N. I". Macduff, of the local forestry station, spent Saturday at Gallre. Charlie Hansen, of Takllma, Is pending a few days In the city. Nororosa cultivators at 60 eenU and 11.00, at Cramer Bros. Mrs. Nellie Utley loft yestordsy morning for Portland to spend a few days. Tyrell Oarner will leave tonight for K u gone to resume his studies at the university. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Runysn, of Booth Ferry, were visitors In the city yesterday.' F. F. Chlldera, superintendent of the Oreenback mine, Is spending Sun day In the city. Mrs. C. 1 Johnson left yesterdsy for Dorrls. where she will remain for seversl months. F. F. Williams, of Glendale. ws In the city Friday and Sal unlay slop ping at the Josephine. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. McClellsn re turned to Hugo last night after sev eral days In the city. Miss Rlsm he Rpperly went to Placer Friday evening to spend a few days visiting her parents. The Joy theatre has secured ' a Fox feature film for this week. 28 Mrs. Anna Ahlf left yesterday morning for Portland, r-K she will visit for several weeks W. D. Hunt, of Kerby. was in the city Frldsy and Saturday, stopping at the Grants Pass hotel. Mrs. Chartea Hansen returned last night from Ashland, where she has been visiting her daughter. W. O. Mercier left Friday evening for points In Idaho, where he will re main for the next six months. Miss Anna Calvert will return to the University of Oregon today after apendtng the week In the city. W. T. 'Reed, of the Oountrj Club orchards, returned to Merlin Isst night after a few days In thi t ty. Lawn fertiliser at Cramer Bros. Chicken dinner, 25 cents. Palace dmlng room. 28 A. C. Rpperly, of the Columbia mine at Placer, was In the city Frl dsy. 'He reports that the work at the mine is progressing nicely. Mies Edltha Vincent la spending a short tim In the city visiting with Miss Anna Calvert, who la spending the spring vacation in the city. "Orchard White." Sabln has It. 28 Miss Berenice Clark returned to Olendale Friday evening after spend ing a few days visiting In the city with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. DeGenaulL Lawn seed at Cramer Bros. 28 C. P.' Ferrin, Eugene Kimball,' James Zimmerman and Ell Bailey will leave this morning for Falloa, Not. where the Utah-Idaho Sugar company haa a factory located. The men will spend about two months getting the fsctory In shape to use for the present year. Would Join Red Cross The local recruiting officer statea that the young ladles of the city arc applying at the recruiting office for Information concerning the Red Cross. A nunvber of young ladles from Medford were Inquiring yes terday about the work. Rand Haa Rehearsal The first rehearsal of the reorgan ised Grants Pass band was held Fri day evening, at the Chamber -of Commerce rooms, with about 20 play- era present. Th members arc trickl ing down to work with t vH and promise the hest band the city has aver had.." ) swsassBsaasjsa) Loren Rasler Honor Guest ' -Don Graham entertained at his horns on North Sixth street Friday evening In honor of Loren Easier, who left Saturday morning for Brem erton. Chocolate and doughnut were served to the following, Misses Dora Herman, Vivian Isham,' Esther Gllkey, Ulda Bailor, and Loren Courtney, Mrs. H. H, Basler and Mrs. Graham, and Harold McOee, Frank Tnrpln, Horace Hair, Loren ' Basler and Velton Basler. Let I'a Tell You About our wall Boards-Upson Board, the board with the blue cen ter. Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. 28 Rebrkahs Invited To the members of Etna Reboksh lodge, you are Invited by the Oolden Kule Lodge to sttend a meeting In the I. O. O. F. hsll on Wednesdsy evening, April 18, 1817. Grand Master Westbrook will be present. Mollle Beldlng, secretary. Another Chevrolet Record Gene Hayes, of Stockton, recently piloted a stock model Chevrolet tour Ing car over Flnley Hill, near Mil ton, Cat. Four, six and eight cyllu tier cars hsd all tried to make, the grade hut failed and the Chevrolet I the only car ever to top the sum mit In high. 28 Dry Slab Wood Williams Wood 137-R. Yard, phone ' 26lf VIslU In City Bert Presley arrived In the city yesterdsy from Cotvallls for a vis It here for short time. Mr. Pres ley Is a cadet at the O. A. C, and recently passed examination for first class private, of which there are only four in each company. ' He stales that the young men of the college .are enlisting In the army rapidly and that the attendance at classes Is fsst diminishing. The ca dets are expecting to be called out at any time. "Ambulance No. 10" "Ambulance No. 10." Is the title of a book Just presented to the pub lic library by the American Ambu lance Field Service. These personal letters from the front were written by Leslie Buswell, a young American volunteer serving In the ambulance corps In France. Henry , Cabot Lodge cells this unususl book unon the war, "one of the very few really worth reading." H. H. AUyu In Auditor's Office H. H. Allyn haa been placed In charge of the office of the city auditor and police judge and will administer the duties of thst position during the absenoe of Judge Basler. who has been ordered to report for duty at the C. S. naval station at Bremerton. Assisting la the office will be Mrs. Bernard Hall, who la familiar with the duties of the position. Judge Basler expects to leave for Bremer ton Monday. Whethtr or not his position with the navy department will ibe permanent or only temporary be does not yet know. Trustee Hold Meeting At the weekly meeting of the board of trustees. Grants Psss Cham ber of Commerce, held Saturday noon, the monthly budget of bills wss audited, a committee aoDolut- ed to take up with the directors of the Northwest Tourist Association the listing In their advertising cam paign of Josephine county tourist attractions and Industrial resources. and a committee also named to de vise ways and means to further the use of vacant city lota for "gardens In compliance with the urgent recom mendations of Governor, Wlthycombe. The Bijou TONIGHT a KMMYWKHLHN One of the moat beautiful and gifted actresses of the stage or 'screen In . "The Pretenders A great Wonder play In 8 arts A Comedy He ream , "THE FUTURE MAN" SPECIAL MUSIC PROGRAM By the IMJou Orchestra Rosa Bumwalt, Director 1 Tower of Jewels, March, J, A. MacMeekln. . 2 The Oolden Days done By, MacMeekln S Hawaiian Breeaes, Mac Meeldn 4 My Heart la Calling For . You, MacMeekln. The sheet mualo sold by all I Dealers , Admttttlon 5c nd 10c . . . . . 'COMI.XU TUESDAY "THE SECRET KINUDOM" Ue Trial Is Delayed. . The case of W. C. Peck, charged with the larceny of copper plates from mines In this county, wss put over till the latter part of this week, when the Judge will return and the Jury will be assembled to try the case If witnesses wsnted are found by that time. Otherwise, tbe case will go over until the next jury term. Birthday Celebration . ' Thursday, .April 6, Mrs. Ransome Orme entertained a number of friends at her home in celebration of the birthday anniversary of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Wilcox. Music visiting and games filled the after noon hours, after which a lunch was served, then all enjoyed a speach by Mrs. Wilcox, who wss the receotant of msny beautiful and useful gifts. Died Yesterday Merle Spalding Thompson. 1auch- ter and Mo. and Mrs. William Spald ing, died st the residence, 602 West B street, yesterday evening nt 6 o'clock. The csuse of death was tuberculosis of the glands. The d ceased was 81 years. 6 months an 1 daya of age. The funeral will be held Monday at tbe Newman M. B. church, at 2:10. Rev. Wire officiat ing. Interment will be made at the Granite Hill cemetery. Sends Contribution From Grants Pass, Ore., comes sn unlooked-for contribution to Robert Smith, the blind man who sells lesd pencils on Portland street corners. Moved by a local news story pub lished a few days ago. that Smith's 17-esr-old son hsd enlisted, A. Daw kins, Instructor of the commercial class In tbe Grant Pass high school, sends The Telegrsm 81.50 with In structions to invest the sum In Smith's lead pencils and mail them to him. Portland Telegram. Storage Battery Service Station BenJ. M. Collins, of the Maxwell garage, and Carl Centner on Satur day made arrangements with the Prest-OsLlght storage battery peo ple whereby they will maintain a ser vice station in Grants Pass, and they have placed an order for a charging plant and service batteries, and will have as copiplete a plant as can be found In southern Oregon. Mr. Oentner will hsve supervision of the charging and repairing departments. Mr. Underwood to Talk The. merchants of the city are tak ing an unusual interest in the talk to be given at the Chamber of Com merce weekly luncheon Monday noon on "Trade Acceptances," by E. M. Underwood, late president of the States Credit Mens' association. A highly (beneficial departure In handl ing credit business Is being urged upon the business men of the na tion by the Federal Reserve bank which will be fully explained at this meeting. ITof. Peck Here Prof. A. L. Peck, of the O. A. C, spent Saturday in the city. Prof. Peck 1a' a well known - landscape gardener of the college, and' while here gave numerous pointers on the care of the city parks. During the forendon the clvlo committee of the Ladies Auxiliary was given Instruc tions on the beautifying of the cKy. In the afternoon he explained the care ot parka to the park board and laid out various changes that could be made. Saturday night he gave a stereoptlcon lecture at the Chamber of Commerce assembly room, which waa well attended. Tries New Experiment W, C. Long, who has a ranch near Merlin, has recently tried out a new experiment, In which the resi dents of Merlin are much Interested. Mr. Long had several hundred cords of wood on Jump-Off-Joe creek and decided to try to drive it down the creek. There waa a lack ot water until last week, however, and when the experiment was finally tried, U Notice. Tickets for scats for the Damroach New York Symphony orchestra and Efrem Klmballst, soloist, at Medford April 17 now on sale at Horning' re maining unsold at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon, tuust be re turned to Medford, as there are calls for these tickets there, Inasmuch as the overwhelm Ing majority of persona going" from here prefers to travel by automobile, the management has been compelled to ooncrl tho special train. . . " -v UKORtiE ANDREWS- INTENSE SUFFERING now exists among the great masses of honest hard work ing people in the European Countries which are involved in. the great war. During times of peace, manv of these people were happy and enjoyed the luxuries of 'life which, were available to them when they were prosjttrous; but many of them are now destitute BECAUSE THEY FAILED TO OPEN A BANE AO COUNT AND SAVE THEIR EARNINGS In what kind of a position have vou placed vourself to meet adverse circumstances you! . A T?;ink Aiwnunt. l' flip KJifVrv-valvo fnr ororv man anA woman. Onen an ftwtunr. which will insure your comfort and happiness in times of 8 tress. We give you protection and efficient service. The Grants Pass Banking Company CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $66,000.00 proved successful. Tbe wood was cut about eight miles above Merlin. It la being taken out by elevator. about a cord every 10 minutes. If this method eaa be applied to other creeks, It will save much expense in getting the wood to market. Mollo Oris Verdict of $1,75 The jury that heard the evidence In the action brought by George and Barbara Mollo, against the Rogue River Orchsrd company, brought In a verdict for tbe plaintiff in the snm of $1,750. The amount sued for was 17.100. Mollo contracted, as he alleged he supposed, to purchase a tract of land of the defendants, and later proceeded to clear and develop the lands. His supposed contract be ing only a lease, he sued for the re turn of money spent In clesring, orchard, personal services, etc., in all a claim of $7,100. The Jury grant ed judgment in the sura of $1,750. . NEW TODAY (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two Issues, 25c; six issues, 60c; one month, $1.60, when paid in advance. When not paid In advance, 6c per line per Issue.) JOS. MOSS AGENCY Fire Insur ance, plate glass liabiUty insur ance. 201H Sixth street. tf PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Gene vieve McCracken, In Best-Fuller Realty company office, 20( North Sixth street. 22tf $160 WILL BUY the Waldorf dance hall. 28 FOR SAiLE Early Magoon and New Oregon strawberry plants. Plants are well rooted. Phone 603-F-12. FOR RENT 7-rooni house, water, bath and electric lights, cor. C and 8th, $7.60 per month; (-room house and barn, West D street, $5 per month; 6-room bouse and barn. West G street, $4 per month; 4-rooiu .house, cor. C and Third, $3 per month; S-room house, West L street, $ per month. Inquire Otto J. Knips, 616 South Fourth street. . 33 FOR SALE Sire stallions, champion stock, bred right; none better at any price. Will consider trade. Address Morris Koon, Junction City, Oregon. 61 DRESSMAKING Do you want an advanced style early aprlng suit, afternoon and evening gowns and waists for all occasions? Remodel ing done. Reduced prices tor 60 daya. 115 North 6th street, cor ner D. Phone 120-R, 33 FOR RENT 6-room modern bunga low, with sleeping porch, close in. 811 D street: 83 WANTED To lease a good hay farm with option to buy. Address No. 71$, care Courier. 33 FOR SALE Dewey hotel business. Glendale, Ore., fully furnished, good Ibuslness; sickness necessi tates change; $400 cash. Address Henrv Stephens. Glendale. 29 WANTED 'Married man for farm - job; must ba competent teamster. Phone 610-F-S4, or address Box , 48, R. F. D. No. 1. 29 HIGH 8OH00L girl wants place to work for board and room until school closes. Address No, 731, care Courier. 18 should misfortune overtake rnriav and niimn1ato a fund' CHER M Sixteen of the prominent business men of the city gathered at the Chamber of Commerce rooms Sat urday and resolved themselves into a membership committee of the Cham ber with the avowed purpose or se curing forty additional members that number being required to main tain the work of the organixaUon as planned. Citizens are urged to help this committee in Its undertaking. The people of the city are beginning to realise that the Chamber of Com merce is a general clearing house and active agency for any community welfare activity, and that it is de serving of loyal support NOTICE FOR BIDS . t , , TO HAUL ROOK Notice is hereby g'.ven thst (be Board of Supervise) t of Del Norte county, will receive sealed bids up to anl Including Monday, Appl SOth. 1J17, at 10 o'clock a. 111. to haul 6,000 yards of rock more or less, from South Fork Bridge toward Crescent City. Tenders to be on the basis of so much per yard per mile. No rock to be hauled more than I miles. Successful bidder to. deliver not less than 75 yards per day. Con tractor to furnish all bonds and com pensation insurance required by law. Certified check In the aum of $100 to accompany each bid. Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Attest W. U NICHOLS, Clerk. OOMIHa EVENTS 4 April 14, Saturday Stereoptlcon lec ture at the Chamber of Com mere rooms Iby Prof. Peck, landscape gardener of the O. A. C, at I o'clock, p. m. April 26, Thursday Meeting st Southern Oregon Association of Odd Fellow lodges at Grants Pass and celebration ot 98th anniver sary ot Odd fellowship. May 16, 17 Tri- State Good Roaas association convention at Medford. May $1, June 1, I, 3, 4, 6, Annual Chautauqua, Grants Pass. '; July 7-14. N. E. A. Conventlen. Portlsnd. DIAMOND TIRES MORE MILKS rX)R LRSS MONEY DIAMOMD TUBES Will outlast several We prefer selling Diamond tires because they are better Grants Pass Hardware At your servlee