Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, April 09, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, ANUIj 3017
fags ma
1 Scientific Farmiag )
f, lyCC OWtNELO.
"'; On of too greatest of too money
nabtn AAmtM.ullf Im - la Ill litmitn
.This product U Important nougb to b
considered by farmers generally.
V; Whll tomitoM ar claaaed u garden
product, I prefer to took on them
it Held crop worth. tlit beat efforts of
.alt farmer. ,- XV, A. Carr, an expert to
mato grower or sltnnespous, nss Bad
:a ylsld aa blgh aa 000 bushels per acre.
A tomsloee ar worth 11.00 to $3
bushel, tbla rata of earnings puts them
la a claaa by tbsmselves. r
; Mr. Carr advise people who bar
" no greenhouse to atart the planta to
hotbed mad out of storm wtudow
l and rough lumber. Bsrto manure can
be Ued for beat Starting early, be
' get an early crop, and tbat'a where
' Being In demand for canning pur
pom aa wtU for universal Utile
um when fresh picked, tomalaee
have become ntoixnliod u e. lead-,
bit ataiile. Kew aunlen product
are M widely used, and It would be
hard to name one that paye better.
Illustration shows tomttio picker
at work.
blu moiior la. lie relate his ex.
: perleuce lu thl wayi ;
"I plant tomato newla rb. to hi Ual-
low boxoe In the grrenbou, making
a trench a balf Inch deep wltb the edge
V of a trowel and dropping the smxI lu
, It one-half bicb art Tb treuchee
are one and one-half Invhoa apart. I
os iter One dirt over the accd wltb a
sifter aud then spread dnnip xloth
; over tbe box and leave the seed, to
.germinate, which take Ave or six
day. When the plants have two or
three leave they are irananlmilcd to
. tbe botoed. either being plunted dl
t rectly In the soil or elce In ilM'sp wood
, en boxe. four Inches carh way and
four Incbea deep, wltb loose but loin
The boxes are convenient for the aec
eud traniplaiitlug. but I am undecided
whether they nre worth the time and
trouble. If Ibtwe boxes are not used
a clump of did hIx Iik-Iii-h In tl In meter
la taken .up with the plant wheu It la
transplanted out of door, which take
plate a aoort a Ihu danger of frost la
, over. By thla llin lb nlaula are lu
, blossom and aometltuea the fruit baa
" bcgtin to appear,' tires! imiIiis must
be taken wltb thla aetoml transplant
big ; : A good way to do I to ilU
treavhe four feet annrt ami plai-e the
llt In tb trench four feet from
each other, tamping the ground d roily
-' about the roota, Water should be used
n tbla trauaplantluK. especially If the
oil g a Hltl dry. Most- of the dir.
that wa thrown out of the trench i
left lying to be turned In by the vul
tlvator, by which time It la warmed
' hy the eun and will hasten growing. '
"Tb chief enemy to watch In louia
to growing la blight which will make
Itself apparent when tbe end of the
, leave turn brown and wither. Thla
- can be successfully overcome by spray.
' Ink with bordeaux mixture. I usually
dip my plnnta In 'a weak aolutlon be-
, for tbe aecond transplanUng and then
aim to girt them a second apraylng.
; Don't be afraid of getting It on tb
fruit It wont Injur If. ,
' (twine Need a Variety el "di. Cip
; iy I" Cold Weather.
' . No one can make; ImMa pmniaire ti.v
' kfetjdiug only corn and water. w, e.lnll,v
' thla year.. Bom do uuiikel hi;rH r.i'Nrd
on that dlct but I Imvv Imd euurl
euro for a lifetime aud have tril Hie
corn feeding alone and found It very
' 4iuproniable. wrltea nu Indiana tn?w.r
In the American - Agrlcullnrlal. One
can fatten a bog on com alone, but
with no profit. By giving a variety
of food from the time the pig la old
enough to cat until It I imirkctvd yoil
O-linvd lioun and mimcle In proportion to
the body weight. ,'
. A lin'iiiii cd ttrowluu ration whlVb hint
tb required amount of protein taunt
be fed. It baa been In tbe past the
general belief among farmer that pro
tain la protelu, wherever It la found,
and that Ita aource could In no wlae
affect Ita value to tbe growing siilmsl.
Corn eontalua 10 per rent protein, but
after all out of the 10 per ceut protein
that corn contalna only 8 per ceut 'la
valuable to the growing pig. There
fore I have aocu tbe improvement
made by feediug awlue materbtl that
were higher In protein.
Our . routine of feeding growing
abotea I to furnish a rye paiture dur-
Admirer of the Durae-Jersey
breed ef bogs claim thst this type
will make greater sslns on lees
feed then other breeds. The Duroe
Jeraey I of the lard type, I a -quick
maiuror and ready to mar
ket at six months. The sow are
proline and will re las two liners a
year. ..Tb BOW shown Is a Duroe
Jereey. Ing winter aad use aa slop feed one
part rye. ono irt oat aud on part
corn, ground aud tboroiiKhly mixed
Wltb thla wa ue laukace or llnaieed
meal. We alao uae short, mlddllnga
and Calry byproduct, which all pro;
mote tb rapid growth and develop
ment of tbe growing bog. In summer
hogs do nut, require much extra feed
where good clover or alfalfa pasturs la
obtainable, . e
Cbarcoal aud; suffluleut aalt are both
relished and necowary to the rut bog
W feed warm alop consisting of
ground mixed feeds, abort or mld
dllnga ouce dally nntll the bogs are
marketed. I do not think hog should
be fed slop at nlbt. for It has a ten
dency to make the bog fretful and
resiles during tbe ulghl. When they
leave their warm bed on cold morn
ings they are licatej from fretting, and
In the cold air they become chilled and
are liable to chronic aliments, which
often prove aertoue. I have tried cook
ing the alop and And It to be a very
proOtable method during the winter
when fed warm. It make th food
more nutritious, aud bog that are fed
thla cooked material regularly make
rapid gains. Mb In Bcsh aud growtb.
I bare been more convinced every year
I have cared for lia Hint a clean feed
ing pen and dry. Warm bed are all'
necessary to obtain prolltabl remilts-
. Use Pur Bred Sire.
Tbe pur bred aire I th beet means
of live stuck Improvement. Whether
good or bad, be- la half the herd and
sometime mure. Fur thl reaaou tbe
Mleotloo of the aire demauda equally
as much attvntlou aa tbe entire group
of female, and It la far mors Impor
tant to bar a good (Ire, both In Individuality-and
breeding, than to have
one or two good female. If eacrlflcea
must be made, let them occur la th se
lection of the female. Better still, let
every one be a good oue, both in breed
ing and Individual excellence. Sanaa
fa row. ' J
' Hardening the Team.
' Olvs tbe home all tbe -work possible
from now on to til them for plowing,
tb hardest work they will be called
upon to perfortu. Iteglu to feed them
full rations aud send much tlms In
cleaning to rid them of their winter
coat of hair aud dust. ,'
rrocK notm,
ft Clean, ftx-nlt water every day ft
ft for. the sheep thx'k I" bard and ft
ft faat rule. ' , . ', i ft
ft Do not al ii (T the colt .wltb ft
ft coarse fodder, If you do you will ft
ft make It dyieitlc and subject to ft
ft colic In after yeara. ft
ft Dishwater ami. such stuff ft
ft should go down the draltlplpe. ft
ft Washlug powder have no place ft
ft In th ration for th pig. ft
ft No matter what a horse's gnlt ft
ft bs should move' easily. When ft
ft buylug. think of this. ft
ft There will be loss with tbe pigs ft
ft If they are not made comfort- ft
ft able.'' .; V 'ft
ft Don't feed timothy hay to ft
ft abeep. Mixed bay or Clover or ft
ft alfalfa should bs given to th ft
,. Bock. ' Mi,,.,." , . '.:)
.... ';V' '
Fundamental! .of Culture, Espeelslly
, Under Droughty Conditions. 1 ;
8ciinl pluming) methods often must
he uteri for corn In regions where ei
ther niolxture or heat Is Insudlvtcnt.
I.lNtliig, or planting In furrows, Is the
most common and best method or
plaining roiii lu a lingo part of the
leuilutld area. It Is not only econom
ical, It poi'tulls hirge uereaitu to be
llnml led lit 'the leant cost but it also
places th planta to tii best advantage
to withstand drought. As tbe furrow
6V 1 1 o
A western Kansas corn field, Vhow-
ma rows Mvefl ret apart. Wide
spaoes between rows retain S part
of th soil moisture for the erltlcaj
or ear formlns period. Cultivation
end the drilling of wheat, pea or
bean In the corn sre made easier,
a well aa the hsrvesilng of, the
corn. - .' ;
ar cloned by cultivation, tbe plant
roots are placed well below tbs sur
face. A deep aoll mulch can be main
tained without Injury to tb roota.
The planta ar more aecurely braced
to withstand winds than when surface
planted. ' '
In some senile rid section early un
msr condition ar favorable for rapid
growth. Tbe plant make a tender.
rapid growth aud become larger than
tbe utter moisture supply will support.
Luting retards tbla rapid early growth
and la often a decided advantage on
this sccount .".
Where tbe season sre very short
surfsce planting is better than listing,
aa tb retarding of early growth leaves
toe planta Insufficient tlm to reach
maturity. Where surfac planting Is
practiced on fairly level laud It la
usually advisable to plant In cbecke to
permit cross cultivation. Cross culti
vation makes weed snd grass control
easier. It also assists cultivation, dry
big and warming a larger part of tbe
soil surfsce.
A tbln stand of planta hi sn essen
tial feature Of auccessful corn growing
In regions of limited moisture supply.
Wbon plsnttug Is done wltb a lister In
rows three to three and one balf feet
apart tbe ptauta should be one In a
place and from eighteen to tbirty-stx
Inches snarl, deoeudluir ndou the rain
fall and the fertility and tbe water1
holding capacity of tbs soil. In sur
face plautcd corn wltb the bllla three
and one-balf feet apart each way tbe
atand ahould not be thicker than two
plants per bill. Kveu with tb best of
seed mors kernels should bs planted
tban the number of planta deslredVl
Some youug plants, mostly the weaker
ones, will imrtnli. , , ,
Tbe usual dlatauce- betweeu corn
rows' hi about three and one-half feet
which la a couvoulent dlstsuce for cut.
tlvstiug. With the rows at tbla dis
tance tbo roota meet betweeu tbe rows
and occupy all of the upper eoll be,
fore tbe com comve Into tamel.
In certain droughty sections, where
tbs sesson sre comiwratlvely long, la
creasing the width of row to seven
feet and doubling tbe atand In tb row
baa been found to be aa advantage.
When the summer are long other
crops or another crop of corn can be
planted later In the season between
tb sersn foot rows If the seasonal
rainfall proves sufficient - -
Corn should not bs covered with
mors, tbsn oue and one-half or two
Incbea of aoll except wben tbo aurface
la dry and It I necessary to plant deep
er to rcscb moist aoll. In cold, heavy
soils ore Inch b sufficient
ft' ""ft
ft ; . . ", ; ',.v.(
ft C'il out all deud Irev about ft
ft ibo place, ind msks firewood of S
ft them. .., .., .
ft Oue quarter ai re of berries will ft
ft not cost much to plant, and It ft
ft will give an abundance of fruit ft
ft- the season through.
ft There Ik "till time to do some ft"
ft root grafting of apples. The clou ft
ft ahould be two or three times ss ft
ft long ss tb root
. Plan to do some topworklug ft.
ft tbls spring. This Is a good wsy
ft" to get returns from unproductive .
treos that ar thrifty. - . ft
ft ' Wben ordering aeed for. he ft
ft garden try some vegetnble you
have nut ued before. Salsify;
Swiss chard and endlv ire good ft
ft sort to try.. .; . -.s ,
ft. Th Wealthy la one of the.most
widely grown and proDtabls.'or.ft
ft the fall apple, It la a money ft
ft maker, even In apple dlatrlcts, ft
Pursly Surfao Indications.
Charlotte came Into the yard looking
very eweet and pretty and tpilte con
scious of tbe fact. , , '
' "1 am prettier than you, ain't I V she
said to man who was working lu tliu
yard. : ' . t - .. '
'That depends ou how you behave,",
he replied. "If you don't behave you
won't be pretty." ;
She looked blm over critically,' ex
pressing as her conclusion, "My, but
you imiHt have been uaUKlHyl"--Chrl
itiau Herald. '
Calling cards st the Courier.
aDante IiiMryptM Ckrtmani
Tuns aeo rf 60 "-
Portland, April . Today's mar
ket quotations wsrs: ;
' Wheat Club, 178; bluestem, 1(2.
Oats No. 1 wblt feed, 45.25.
Barley Feed, 44.7$.
Hogs Beat live, 14.66.
Prime steers, 10.00; fancy cows,
S.SO; best calves, 10.00.
Spring Iambi, 13.60.
Buttetr-City creamery, 44; coun
try, 14..,':: :, ! ' v -'
Butterfat Unchanged.
Eggs Selected local extras, 10.
Hens, JJ; broilers, So 9 40;
geeae, 11 & II. .
Copper, 30.
- Msking Heme Comfortable.
An eastern Woma.i let-turer on hit
rlor decoration suya tbat Imltatioo lace
curtain are In lied taste and rocking
chairs should lie done away with. -She
sounds like a womsu who'd throw bcr
husband'a carpet aipcr away and
make blm aumke his ilic on tbe kitchen
porch.-Detroit Kree I'ress.
An Heneat Label.
A cynical minded Ketiiloman was
standing in front ; an exhibition f
local lift talent lulu'.eil "Art Ubjerts."
0 "Well." he aniioHi i-rd to the attend
nit In clmrKc. "I hIiouM think Art
woiJd object, ami I ran t say tost I
blafue her."-Harpi-r'a Mnuaxlne. 7 ; ,
An Exehang ef Ceurteelee.
"You farmer buy s good many gold
hrlckK ebr ,
"Yea, snd you city fellows buy s good
deal of swamp laud. I guess thlnfts sre
shout eveu."-Kanan City Journal
Always Araund.
"Opiwrtunlty call- once at every
man' door."
"(lard luck 1 a whole lot more socl
hle."Plttn:mr;:h Pnt. -
Modest Request.
Jmlge -Hlx nioutli In Jult with bard
ilr. Hot -Kuy. Judire. can't yer dou
ble de time nu' i-nt oui de labor? Bo.
ton Trniiwrlpt.
Hcaiemlier alwaya one toilay I worth
two toiiinrniu-a
China Herb Store .
' Herb cure for earsche, headache,
catarrh, diphtheria, sore throat,
lung trouble, kidney trouble, stom
ach trouble, heart trouble, chills and
fever, crampa, cougha, poor circula
tion, carbuncles, tumors, , caked
breast, cures all kinds of goiters.
Medford. Oregon, Jan. 18. 1917
This is to certify that I, the un
dersigned, had very fevere atomach
trouble and bad been bothered for
several years and last August was not
expected to live, and hearing of Glm
Chung (whose Herb 8tore is st 241
South Front street in Medford) I de
cided to get herbs (or my stomach
trouble, and I started to feeling bet
ter as soon as I used them, and today
am a well man and can heartily rec
ommend anyone afflicted aa I waa to
see Glm Chung snd try his Herbs.
(Signed) , W. R. JOHNSON..-.
. Witnesses:
M. A. Anderson, Medford.
8. B. Holmes. Esgle Point.
Fri-nk Lewie, Eagle Point. ,
Wm Lewis, Eagle Point.
W. U Chlldreth, Eagle Point.
C. E. Moore, Eagle Point.
J. V. Mclntyre, Eagle Point
Geo. B. Von de Hellen, F.nle Point
Thos. E. Nichols. Eagle Point. .
John S. Orth, Medford ,
. Coffee
To keep coffee fresh on
its way from the roasting
plant through the grocery
store to your kitchen was
'ong an unsolved problem.
' fhe airtight tins in
which Schilling's Best is
packed have solved it
They keep all the flavor
in; and all the odor out
'They make such fine cof
fee practicable and ec
' It goes further.
Schillings ,
eel"l awfl
fUtt - 0A1A
Red Clover, Tlmothq, Scarified
. Sweat Clover, Rye Grass, etc.
Ralph Waldo Eldea, Central Point,
Oregon. . 47tf
FOR SALE 150 feet (-Inch galvan
ized pipe, 40 feet J-lncb. pipe
Iaquire O. P. Jester, . at Grant
Pass Banking Co. ft(2if
FOR BALE Baby chicks 10 cenU
each; also sggs for ' batching,
brown and wblt leghorn and ban
ties, Mrs. F. O. Wlloo. 407
Rogue River avenue or telephone
128-R. . ;,. ; 18
ANGEL CAKES supplied In any
quantity on short notice, toe each.
Phone 110-7. 92tf
FOR SALE One SH Peter SbutUer
wagon, nearly new, with good
wagon bed. for f 100.00; .one 1
horse wagon, In excellent condi
. tlon, with heavy single harness
for $75.00 Grants Pass Hdw. Co.
TO ENCOURAGE good stock we will
sell to any reliable farmer a regis
tered Holsteln bull calf or young
. bull entirely on time payments. F.
. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Grants
Pass, Ors. Roots 1. 12tf
cluding beds, chairs, book case,
dining room furniture, some farm
Implements. Also' three-year-old
: colt. Phoa'e 603-F-J. Mrs. P. C.
Bosma. '.24
NEW HATS and novelties arriving
' each week at Mrs. M. P. Ander
sons, 708 E street. 24
BUGGY, saddle and harness for sale
cheap if taken at once. Anna
Reiscbl, phone S2C-J. - 26
FOR SALE: Hay, both grain and
clover, f IS and $20 per ton. E.
H. Richard. 27
FOR SALE Baby buggy, cost 265,
sell- reasonable price. Phone
236-J. - 23
116 ACRES of land, between 1 and
20 acres in cultivation, good old
and young orchard, . at Wolf
' Creek, to -exchange for city pro
perty. Address Ed, Jordan, Wolf
Creek. Ore. ' 18tf
rQR RENT Nicely furnished house,
. close in, 315 E street Inquire S
E. Coffman, Grants Pass hotel, or
L. B. Coffman, 655 North 5th St.
FIVE ROOM modern house for rent,
garage; 408 I street, corner 4th.
Phone 210-R. 17tf
for rent Phone 235-R for par
ticulars. " 27
FOR RENT Nicely furnished bouse,
close in, 315 E street Inquire 8.
E. Coffman, Grants Pass hotel, or
L, B. Coffman, 655 North Fifth,
street. . ...- ' 27
FOR RENT Five-room modern, bun
galow; has sleeping porch. v811
Esst D street, or phone 384-J. 23
FOR RENT Furnished seven-room
. house, with sleeping porch, 1 20
per month. Inquire Mrs. M. T.
Utley. Phone 312-J before Thurs
day. v: 21
LOST On Friday on' I street, one
Aquapelle horse blanket. Finder
please notify H. iA. Tate, 245 West
H street 81
WANTED 500 pairs of shoes to put
rubber soles on all la one' day.
Wm. Hayes, 111 8outh 6th street.
several men-wlth good teama for
orchard cultivation. Also several
good- men for general work. Write
Rogue River Orchard Co., Merlin,
Oregon, or phone 600-F-2. 17tt
The California and Oregon
uoast ttaiiroaa company
Effective December 5, 1116
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturday
' ' 1 ". "'
Train 1 It. Grants Psss.: 10.00 a. m.
Train I Iv. Waters Creek 1.00 p. m.
All trains leave Grants Pass from
the corner of G aud Eighth streets,
opposite th Southern, Paolfle depot
For all information regarding
freight and psssenger service call at
the office of the company, Publlo Ser
vice building, or phone 181 for
The world's supply of black opals Ii
practically exhausted. . ,
Chins has the world's oldest chain
bildKO lu existence. ... . V
h. O. CUCMK.VT, M. D. PractlM
limited to dias of th sy .
nose and throat Glasses fttsi.
Office hours ft-12, 2-1, or on ap
pointment. Office phone, (2;
denes phone lls-J.
8. LOUOHRIDOE, M. D., Phyatofcaa
snd surgeon. City or eonntry calls
attended day or night Resldeaes
phona 161; one phone lit.
Slith and H. Tuffs Building.
'. P. TRUAX, M. D., Phystdaa aa4
surgeon. Phones: Offiee 121; rsss-
- dene 124. Calif answered at aO
bourn. Country calls attsndad an.
Lnndbnrg Building.
DR. ED. BYWATER Specialist a
diseases of tbs sys, ear, no aaC
ihroat; glasses fitted. Ones hoars:
I to 12 s. ., 2 to I p. as. Phones)
Residence ' 234-J; offte 217-J,
Schmidt Bldtv Grants Pass, Or.
A. A. WITHAM, If . D.. Physician and
surgeon. Offiee: Hall Bldg., eornsr
Sixth and I streets. Phones: Omcs
116;. residence 2 8 8-J. Hours: . I a.
m. to 4 p. nv.';: ; ' . '
E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-class
dentistry. 10 M South. Sixth
street, Grants Pass, Oregon.
H. D. NORTON, Attoraey-at-law
. PracUc la all Stat and Federal
Courts. First National Bank Bldg.
COLVIG A WILLIAMS Attsrnsya-at-Law
Grants Psss Bonking Co.
Bldg, GranU Pass, Ors. '
E. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practle
In all sourts. First National Bank
Building. -'-'.'
EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorssy-st-Law.
Office Masonic Tempi
Grants Pass, Or.
W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law.
County attorney for Josephine
County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg.
O. 8. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-Law
Grants- Psss Banking Co. ' Bldg.
Phon 270. Grants Psss,' Ors. -
V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-Law
. Practice In stats and federal
, courts. Rooms 2, snd 3, ovsr
Golden Rule store.
torneys, Albert block, phone 236-J.
Practice in all courts; land board ,
. attorneys.':. ''.'".' '.- i- .';
PAPERHANGINQ, graining, paint
ing. For the beat work at lowest
prices, phons 295-J. C. G. Plant.
South Park street.
J. S. MACMURRAY, teacher of voles
culture and singing. Lesson given
at home of pupil If requested. Ad
dress 716 Lee street. . . , 851tf
kind of drayage and transfer
- work carefully and promptly don.
Phone 181-J. Stand at freight
depot A. Shade, Prop.
F. G. I SHAM, drayage and transfer.
Safes, pianos and furniture moved.
packed, ablpped and stored. Phone
Clark A Hoimsn, No. 50. Resi
dence phone 124-R." v
Bunch Bros. Trsnsfer Co. Phons
387-R- ' .
STRACT, company mskes reliable
. abstracts st reasonable rates. In
. vestigste our work snd prices. It
' may save you money. Twelve years
in business. Masonlo Building. 21
HOW ABOUT that title? An abstract
from Grants Psss Abstract Co. will
snswer' the question. Better b
stir before Investing.. Offices Al
- bert Bldg. Opposite Postofflce. It
DR. R. J. BH8TUL, Veterinarian.
Office In Wlnetrout Implement
Bldg. Phone 113-J Residence
Phone 305-R.
Accountant Bookkeeping systems,
accounting and auditing. . Address
115 A street. - 31
E. R. CROUCH Assayer, chemist,
metallurgist. Rooms 201-203 Pad
dock Bulldlug, 'Grants Psss.
TAXI 8ERV1CE Phone the Mochs,
1S1-R, for city and country trips.
' P. J. Houeer. v " : 26
.1 f