DAILY ROGUE RIVER COURIER WEDNESDAY, Al'lUli 4. 19IT PAGE TWO fit ROGUE RIVER COM PnbUahed Dolly Except Saturday A. B. VOORHIES, Pub, and Propr. WILFORD ALLEN, - - - Editor Entered at the Poetoffice. OruU Pass, Or., aa second class nail matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display apeoe, pT Inch lac Im1 or Mrsonal column. Mr Una 100 Baaulaim. ner Una. .......... S DAILY COURIER By Bail or carrier. pr year.... II. 00 By Mlt or carrier, par month..... WBBKLY COURIER i By ntJL par year- ... .....11.50 FTLIi VN1TED PRK88 LEASED WIRE SERVICE ,M MESBER ; : 7 State Editorial AaaoeJaUoV Oregon Dally Newspaper Pub. Assn, Aadlt Bureau ot Circulation. WEDMBDAY, APRIL, 4, KIT 444www . OREGON WEATHER Tonight and Thursday show- -f era north, probably fair south portion; aoutherly winds. WAR AND INDUSTRY : Om ot the first questions that eomaa with tha knowledge that war la all bat Inevitable ia how buainese and industry will he affected. The call ot the country haa first place, cot Industry alto most be protected or the country could not prosecute a aneceesfnl campaign against an an tagonist Foodstuffs must be provid ed and the farms must he made to produce without a decrease ot the staples. Factories must , continue to operate, and transportation Unea will find the business that cornea to them Tastiy increased because ot the rat- flo la war auppliea and troops. Pre paredness tor war means not only the training of men ia the tactica of war. In the shooting ot cannon and the manning of dreadnaughts or sub marines, hut It means also mobilisa tion of tha forces ot Industry. This ia tha second line ot defense and stands back of the military arm of the serrice. . Looked at from its local aspect, It would Indicate that war should make bo material difference In the prosecution of the various projects. More effort will he required to main tain the farm and the mill and the railroad, for many men skilled In the various callings will take their places In the ranks of the army and the nary. These vacancies In In dustry must be met by those now unemployed, and possibly women will find a new sphere in Industrial ac tivity. The coming of war will no doubt eanse a greater activity In the copper and chrome mines of Josephine coun ty because of the demand for those minerals, both of which are essential In manufacture of munitions. This should demand the pressing forward of the building of the new railroad with renewed activity, and especially would there be need for these lines connecting the Inland with the sea. AMERICA'S PATRIOTS The patriots are not always found at the front in war time. Back In tie fields and factories are patriots Who are doing their part. Perhaps "Incapacitated for active duty In the1 ' 'battle line because of age or of in 'flrmlty, men who are thrilled wlth: tha patriotic love of the country must be left behind to prosecute a duty Just as essential In the winning of wars. Women, than whom no one gives more In times when souls are' tried, will have a part In bringing success to the stars, and stripes that ; will redound to their glory Just as! much as though they were In the trenches. America Is a nation of pa triots, but not all can serve where the smoke of burning powder fills tha sir. ' I The First Sfrawhemes We have them. WK SELL BHAXDS KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY ;'V'". QUALITY FIRST The aura and atrlpea are found dis played in practically every business house In Grants Pass, and from hun dreds ot residences the emblem ot national freedom and justice greet tha eye. The spirit ot patriotism that ia strong in every quarter doea not in any sense Indicate a desire tor war with Germany, but It doea Indi cate tha tact that the American peo ple are to he found lined up solidly behind the president In the defense ot national honor. ' The people are '.'showing their colors" like the pa triots they are. mm capital VOTES AGAINST BOQZE Madison, Wis., April 4. Drya to day claimed another victory for pro hibition as a result of yesterday's elections. Madison, the state capital, waa swung from tha wet Into thejdry column. . Latest returns show that the drya have gained more than a dozen towns, while the weta show a gain of tonr The places captured by the wets are Surperlor, Plattevtlle, Menominee and Blanchardsvllle. Among the towns gained by the drya are Berlin, Baraboo, Waupun, Merrtllan ' and Fort Atkinson. The weta held Bel olt, Janesville, Monroe, Portage, Ban Claire, Kenosha, Chippewa Falls, Hudson, Lake Genva and Beaver Dam but the drys cut down the wet lead of the last election in most every place. Latest returns show that of 202 towns, villages and cities voting on the "no license" question, thirty-five have gone dry and 81 wet. Bun dried oysters are a delicacy in China. Japan la becoming Interested In sheep raising. Swans keep water completely free from weed. Why We Sell Alabasline We sell Alabastine because we are convinced that every claim made for it by its manufacturers is borne out by the facts because we know that it Is easy to apply, is wonderfully durable, has dis tinctive hygienic properties, decorative possibilities not found in any uiui-r lurm oi wan covering. The Sanitary Wall GatirtjJ enables roa to immM your horn at rmill mat and with little trouble. It MM In powiler form and tha puwHrr (a eimplx mud with wet -and put on with a brush. Call at our atom ami examine Uia AUbnatine lint tarda, and barn how theaa linla can be combined wlln beautiful ettmaleil dralros ao aa to produce moat artiatle ef facta. Ask (o See The Alabasline Prize Designs Rogue River Hardware m SMS, a Ue) 1 Special Tablet Sale K.XTIU VAM'KH ASH VMU'LEI) fKTH, AT l See Our rkAmoftovr'c Drug ar.d .Mutual ajr A. 1 SAUCE AUSTRIA FORCES B NEW PEACE KOVE London, April 4. A new peace move by the centra! powers, fore casted in extracta from the semi-of ficial newspaper, the Lokal Antelger, carried In United Press dispatches yesterday, has been forced by Aus tria's demands, according to Ger man information received by way of Holland today. The declaration waa made In theaa dispatches that In the forthcoming announcement, Germany would make a "worth-while offer." Presumably In the belief of close observers of German and Austrian conditions, the Teutonic officiate now realise they must now make great concessions from tha attitude adopted In tha previous peace feeler. According to the German belief, a peace offer at this time would appeal particularly to the new Russia, now re-organising, and now anxious to transfer Its activities and energies from the work of war to the work of re-construction. One English lighthouse la equipped with a lamp that can be lowered al most to sea level In foggy weather, when It would lie Invisible In Its reg ular position. The hairy woodpecker, says Amors' can forestry, likes rat irk, while a tree sparrow Juxt dotes on dog btscult. Bread and milk Is the favorite dish of the mocking bird. Roughly, ssys the Kansas City Star, the legitimate drama la where the actors do niot of tbe tslklng. The movie drama Is where the audience does all of the talking. Dutch I'bllilreu often ne I heir wimkIhi Nixies an tor iHNltX. The i-uun'lun of New York i-lfy are valued ai siirJ.uuo.miu. Wooden alnca are frequeutly used In Holland as dowerou. i More failures are due to lack of will than to lack of strength. THE TRADE MAR Ky All iVaJtfliM: and offers T Nil "ti" I V BOTH lil'LKI) . WRITING TAB. rKJiT8 EACH Window 3 Mnm Store AT mm of age Washington, April 4. On tha verge ot war, at sixty years ot age, President Wilton la in perfect physi cal trim. To tha casual observer, ha looki about til years old. and he acta the part. Exercise and re laxation In the open air. sunshine constantly employed, particularly in times ot great stress, are largely re- tuonstble. Br. Car Grayson, the president's friend and private physician, haa ulaved a prominent Pan In keeping the president strong and well. When ever a danger signal Is flashed along the president's system. Grayson "catches tt." On- theaa occasions tha president Is sent to bed to rest and keep there under orders. He and Grayson may always be seen totether when some interna tional difficulty haa been encounter ed. They may either play golf to gether, or ride about the Washington drtvea, swapping stories. Ia this the president revels as a relaxation and a favorite diversion ot such drives Is viewing In the gentle art of rhyme and Jingles. As tor every day life, the pres ident's habits are extremely regular He keeps appointments with himself with the same "strict accountabil ity" as he does with callers. He haa breakfast In his room, luncheon Is always at 1 o'clock on the dot and 7 o'clock dinner Is the rule. By holding to these tew simple rules ot living, the president finds himself a war president physical ly and mentally fit to cope with the big problems ahead. Waa and U--U- That la ever Hie different between the wise and uuwtae -1 b tatter won ders st what Is unusual: the wise man wonaora at the nattal.-Emerson Clotheslines. When the i-lnttimllne needs rleanlnx wrap It sntniiil the wa'libuard and arruh It with a liruah In ananeiida. WHEN HERBACK ACHES A Woman Finds All Her Energy and Ambition Slipping Away Granta Pass women know how tha aches and palna that often come when the kidneys fail make life a burden Backache, hip pains, headachea, dlaty spells, distressing urinary troubles, are frequent Indications of weak kid neys and should be checked In time. Dosn's Kidney Pills are for the kid neys only.- They attack kidney dis eases by striking at the cauae. Here's proof of their merit In a Grants Pass woman's words: Mra. M. A. Brlggs. 724 East L St., Grants Pass, says: "I used to have a great deal of backache. At times I could hardly get about, aa my toack felt so weak and lame. Doan's Kid ney Pills soon overcame that misery and made my back feel as strong as ever. Now whenever I am In need of a kidney medicine I take Doan's Kidney Pills snd they never fall to do me good." Price 60c, at all dealers, . Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan'a Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Brlggs had. Fnster-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y, STATEMENT OF OWNEIINIIir, MANAGEMENT, CinCVLA. TION, ETC. Required by Act of August 24, 1113. Ot tha Itogue River Courier, pub lished dally at Orants Pass, Oregon, for April 1. 1117. Publisher, A. E. Vonrhlos. Editor, Wllford Allen. Managing Editor, A, E. Voorhles. Business Manager, A. E. Voorhles. Owner, A, E. Voorhles, Bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds. None. Average number of copies of each Issue ot this publication sold or dis tributed through the malls or other wise, to paid subscribers, during the six months preceding the dste shown above, 130. (Signed) A. E. VOORHIES. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of Aprl, 1,17. ' L. A. LAUNB-R. Notary Public. (My commission expires August 21, 1120.) TIME CARD I jThe California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company i Effective December 6, 1116 Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays I , "" Trsln 1 Iv. Orsnts Psis.. 10.00 a. m. Train S Iv, Waters Crsek 1.00 p. in. I All trslns leave Grants Pass from tha corner of U and. Eighth strsets, opposite the Southern Psclflo depot. For all Information regarding freight snd psssenger servloe csll at lha offlcs of the company, Public Ser vice building, or phone 111, for ssms, an- Qsscfed Advertising POM B&ML ' STRICTLY FANCY SEEDS Alfalfa, Red Clover, Tluiothq. Scarified Sweat Clover, Rye Grass, ate. Ralph Waldo Mdan, Central Point. Oregon. . , MUt TOR gAUQ (-room house plastered. with hath and toilet, 711 I street, two lots 60x100 each, barn and outbuildings; or will axohange for small house. Addreaa No. Ill, care Courier. s , MM rOR BAUft -h. p. motor, 1-inch pump, three transformers, 106 feet Mnoh galvanised pipe, II feet 4 lash pipe, out switch, one belt. Inquire a P. Jester, at Grants Pasa Banking Co, IMtf FOR BAUD Baby chicks 10 cents each; also eggs lor hatching. brown and white leghorn and ban- tlea. Mrs. F. O. Wilcox. 407 Rogue River avenue or telephone lll-R. SI ANGEL. CAKES supplied la any quantity on abort notice, ftOo each, Phone 110-J. Iltlf FOR 8 ALE One Sit Peter ShutUer wagon, nearly new. with good wagon bed tor 1100.00; one. 1 horse wsgon, to excellent condl tlon, with heavy atngle harness tor 175.00 Grants Pass Hdw. Co, TO ENCOURAGE good stock we will sell to any reliable farmer a regis tered Itolsteln bull calf or young bull entirely on tlma payments. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch. Orants Pasa. Ore. Route 1. Ittf FOR SALE M.axwell runabout In good condition, good tires, for 1100. Inquire SOS Weat H street. FOR SALE Timber claims; tbe NEK. Sec. 12, T. SS, R. T W. of W. M.; also WH of NWK and Wtt of BWH. Sec. 14, T. SS. R, 7 W. of W. M. Tha above As cribed timber claims" are four miles south of Glendale snd two miles from Ruben on the 8. P railroad. Will aell for 11.800 a ' claim with terms. J.. M. Watson Turner. Oregon. II FOR BALE Is pr. step ladders, two extension Isdders, II pieces seo- tion Udders, six iron ladder jacks, 1 set 40 foot falls, 1 set cornice hooks, two two-wheel carts, one wheel barrow, one lawn mower, all In fine shape. .Mint be sold by the 7th. Call at S01 Weat I street. II TO EXCHANGE , 111 ACRES of land, between 16 and 20 acres la cultivation, good old and young orchard, at Wolf Creek, to exchange for city pro perty. Address Ed. Jordan, Wolf Creek, Ore. " 18tf TO KENT r OR RENT Nicely furnished bouse, close In, 116 E street. Inquire 8. E. Coffmen, Grants Pass hotel, or L. B. Coffman. 066 North 6th St. KOl'R ACRES of apples and pears, standard varieties, all old bearing trees, adjoining the city limits of. (Irants Pasa. . For rent for the tuxes on H-acre tract on which same sre plsnted. 8ee W. P. Quin tan st once. 22 FIVE ROOM modern house for rent, garage, 403 I street, corner 4th. Phone 211-R. ' 17tf WANTED WANTED 600 pairs ot shoes to put rubber soles on all In one day. Wm. Hayes, 111 South 6th street. MEN AND TEAMS WANTED Want aeveral men with good teajna for orchurd cultivation, Also several good men for general work. Write Rogue River Orchard Co., Merlin, Oregon, or phone 600-F-2. lTtt THE HIGH. SCHOOL authorities are anxious to find a place 'where a young man student, a fine athlete, 'can work for hoard and room with a little additional, while attending school. Strong and wllllngwork er. Communicate with principal of high school. ' ... . IS WANTED Woman to care for chll , dren. Phone Mrs. Ltila Stone, U Grants Pass hotel, II AS8AYRII8 E, R, CROUCH Aisiysr, chemist, metallurgist. Rooms 201-208 Pad ' dock Building, Orsnts Psss. Her Father Do you think you ran make my daughter happy, air? Suitor -Why, I have already, haven't I? I've asked her to nmrry me. Boston Tran script, ' One ot the must common of errors Is that of confining hnpplness with the means of happiness, gacrlflclng the run for His attainment uf the aecond. nmiciANs . U. CLEMENT, M. D. Practise limited to diseases ot Us aye, ear, boss aad throat. Olaeset it ted. Office hours 1-1 1, M, or on ap pointment. OSes phone. IS: resi dence phono Sll-J. "loUOHRIDGM. M. D., PhystoUa and surgeon. City or country sail attended day or olht. Residence phone III; offlco phooo lit. Sixth aad H. Tuffs Building. J. P. TRUAX. at. D Physictaa and surgeon. Phones: Ofloo SSI; resi dence SSI. Calls answered ot oil hours, Country cells attended to. Lundburg Building. DR. ED. BTWATER Specialist oa diseases ot Uo eye, ear, bom anC throat; glsssss fitted. OAee hoars: I to 11a.m., I to I p.m. Phono Residence SS4-J; offloe SIW, Schmidt Bldg. Orants Paaa, Ore. A. A. WITHAIf, U. a, Phystatai M surgeon. Offloe: Hall Bldg., comer 8!xth and I streets. Phones: Offleo 111; residence lll-J. Hours: I a. m. to p. Be. 5 SS DENTISTS B. C. MAC. D. M. a Flrst-elaeo dentistry. lOIVa South Slitk street, Orsnts Pass, Oregoa. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorney-taw Practice la all Mate aad Federal Courts. First National Boak Bldg. COLVIO WILLIAMS Atteraeyo- st-Uw Orants Pass Banking Oo. Bldg, Oranta Pasa, Ore. , , B. 8, VAN DYK1, Attorney. Fraction In all courts. First National Bank Building. EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Office Ifaaonlo Temple Orants Pass, Ore. W. T. MILLER. A tioraey -at-Law. Counly attorney for Josephli County. Office: Schallhorn Bids. O. 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney-ot-Law Oranta Paaa Banking Co. Bldg. Phone 170. Grants Pass, Ore. V. A. CLEMENTS Attoraey-at-Uw Practice la state and federal courts. Ttooms I, sad S, otot Oolden Rule store. BLANCHARD A BLANCHARD, At- tome) a, Albert block, phone SSI-J. " Practice In all courts; Isnd board atlorneya. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPeVhaNoTnO, graining, petal Ing. For tha best work st lowest prices, phono lll-J. C. O. Plait. South Park street. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION J. 8. MACMURRAT, teacher of votes culture and singing. Lessons gtvea at home of pupil It requested. Ad dress 711 Leo street. ISltf IHIAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMlbfERc7Al7TTAlFER CO. AU kinds of drsysge and transfer work carefully snd promptly dona. Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot. A. Shads, Prop. F. 0. I3IIAM, drayage and transfer. 8afos, pianos snd furnlturs moved, packed, shipped snd stored. Phono Clark k Hoiman, No. 60. Real dence phone 12-K. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros,. Trsnsfer Co. Phone SI7-R. ABSTRACTS THE JOSEPHINE COUNTY AB STRACT company makes reliable abstracts st reasonable rates, ln vestlgate our work snd prices, It may save you money. Twelve year In business. Maionlo Building. SS HoVXnoTiTthat tltleT Ao abstract from Granta Pass Abstract Co. will answer the question. Better bo sure before Inventing. Offices Al bert Bldg. Opposite Postofflce. SI VETERINARY SURGEON" DR. R. J. DBBTUl! Veterinarian. Office In Wlnetiout Implement Bldg. Phone 113-J Residence Phono 805-R. DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING Do you want aa advanced style early spring suit, afternoon and evening gowns and waists for stl occasions T Remodel ing done-. Reduoed prices for IS days. 216 North 6th street, cor ner D. Phono 120-R. ACCOUNTANTS IVAN L1VINGBTON, Incorporated Aooountant. Bookkeeping systsms, accounting and auditing. Addreaa 116 A street. . . St