DAILY ROGUE RIVER COURIER FRIDAY, MARCH IM, 1IT. PAGE FOCR. 3 .-. 1 1 4i U LI L 4 V PER52NAL . . Saturday ts Chaplin day. .4tt C. E. Lewis waa a locl visitor yes terday from Merlin. Mr. A. F. Berrle is visiting friends in Medford today. . Joseph Chambers, of Merlin, was a local visitor Wednesday. - Mrs. P. W. tommer was a visitor ta the city yesterday from Merlin. Harry Randall spent Wednesday attending to business in Medford. . Robert Koonts spent several days In the city, leaving Wednesday for Roeeburg. Charlle Patterson left Thursday evening for Seattle where he will vis it for a short time. B. F. Skillman left today for Al bany and Portland for an Indefinite siar. J. T. Blevens left Wednesday even ing for Wolf Creek where he la work ing for the Southern Pacific Resinol soap. Sabln has It. 15 Mrs. Bert Dyer returned Wednes day from Central Point, where she pent the day. Wm. Pomeroy, of The Meadows, In Jackson county, was a local visitor Wednesday and Thursday. C. W. Martin, of the California Oregon, Power company, of Medford, Is a local visitor for a short time. Mrs. R. F. Courtnage, of Williams, left today for 3acramento, where she will spend a short time visiting. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harney went to Treks, Cal., this morning for trip to last several weeks.- H. J. Anderson went to Rosebnrg Ust night to spend a few days at tending to business matters. Misses Elenora Sauer and Caroline filbert left Wednesday for Portland ' for visit They will be gone in definitely. L. W. Crocker, who has been here as an engineer on one of the Southern Pacific engines, left Wednesday night tor Roseburg to work. Ed. Bostwick, proprietor of the Tnion StsMes in Medford, is In the city (or a few days attending to bus iness matters. Special display of One pattern hats fcr Easter Friday and Saturday, Jfcrch SO and SI. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. Mrs. P. Swanson and children left Thnrsday for North Bend, Ore., where they will remain. Mr. Swanson pre ceded them to that place. Mies Hattie Mills, of upper Evans creek, was in the city Wednesday on her -way to Gold Beach, where she teaches school. Mrs. Amos Smith went to Rogue River yesterday to spend a few days visiting with her sister, Mrs. F. D. Eismann. The Rev. W. F. Gloeckner returned Thursday evening from Klamath Falls where he has been spending the past week. j. Hayes returned to Glendale on Thursday evening. Mr. Hayes has been rn the city for the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd M. Saunders, of Hawks. Mich., spent a short time In the city, leaving this morning for California. Josiah Rhodes and son, A. M. Rhodes, of Selma. spent Thursday in the city, returning this morning to (heir home. New spring waists and coats, jusi the thing for Easter wear. Mrs. E, Rehkopf. 11 tf J. A. Thomas left today for his mine at Rogue River, the working of which was discontinued during the bad weather. James T. Chinnock, superintend ent of water division number one, returned to Salem this morning after day In the city. "(HJrea of the Feci" Triangle feature In S parts, with -Dorothy Gish Also a 2-reel Keystone comedy "Crcsked to the End" With Fred Mace STAR Tonight Only B LOCAL O. Samuel., of Merlin, was a local visitor yesterday. Miss Edltha Vincent, of Merlin, Is spending the day in the city, orphan children in charge to be plac ed in homes at those places. John R. Kelaey was local visitor in the city today from Gold Hill. M. E. Young left this afternoon on a short business trip to Medford.' Mrs. M. U Opdyrke left last night for Portland and Beaverton with four John Carlson left this morning tor Portland after several months In the city. R. W. Clarke left this morning for Berkeley, Cal., to spend a short Hme visiting. N. F. Macduff, of the local forestry office, spent the day attending to bus iness In Myrtle Creek. i. . Pettingill. field superinten dent for the I'tah-ldaho company at Medford. left last night for Glendale. Mrs. V. Baer returned to Medford this afternoon, after visiting in the Hy for the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Metschan. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Noble, of Mer lin, returned this morning to their home after a short time in the city. Miss Leone Raymore returned to her home at Portland last night after visiting here for three months with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Woodward. Mrs. C. V. Badger arrived ' this morning from Los Angeles for a. vis it with her sister, Mrs. E. P. Hughes. She will leave shortly tor her home In Mill City. Alex Nlhley spent Thursday in Medford. He passed through here last night on his way to Independence where a large number of farmers are planting sugar beets for the local factory. 4 - Appointed Administrator Elmer O. Morey has been appoint ed administrator of the estate 'of Mary A, Morey, deceased. The Patriotic Meeting Arrangements are toeing completed for the monster patriotic meeting at the opera house Sunday afternoon. The Chamber ot Commerce is In charge of the affair, and the G. A. R., W. R. C. the choirs of the city churches, the orchestra and citizens generally are co-operating. The doors will be opened at 2:30 and the pro gram commences at S:00. There will probably be a record attendance. Curnetiere at the Oxford Mrs. A. True Lnndy, corsetlere for the Nu Bone company, will be In Grants Pass Sunday afternoon to Tuesday at the Oxford. Cal) or phone. 17 Man Dead In Cabin The man who was reported some days ago as found dead in his cabin, near Holland was Cheto Rodenglns He was nearly 65 years ot age, was born in California, but came to Ore gon when a small boy, -and had made his home rn Josephine county since. He left a sister who lives in Califor nia, Ibut her address Is not kndn. He was a member of the Kerbyville lodge, I. O. O. F., and was burled by the lodge. Monday Luncheon Subject The discussion at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon Monday noon will be on the general subject "How can business man and farmer help one another?" Prof. C. C. Cate, county pathologist of Jackson county, will lead the discussion, followed by rep resentatives of the local agricultural society and (business men. Prof. Cate's talk will give some ideas of the dollar and cents value to a com munity of careful experimental and inspection work In agriculture and horticulture. Remember Saturday Is "Boston baked beans day at Moore Bakery. 1 5 The Immigrant in the V. H. ' A large and enthusiastic gathering at Bethany Presbyterian church last evening enjoyed a live and Interest Ing program. The Americanization of the foreign Immigrant was plain' ly set forth In a numfber of addresses and In which some who took part were the living demonstration of the successful life of our foreign popu latlon. A realistic touch was given the study of Japan In the decorations of the room, which carried the audience to the land of cherry blos soms. A playette by the young people- of Bethany church, "A Mission ary's Day," was a delightful contri bution to the evening. Mrs. T. P. Cramer and Mrs. H. S. Prescott dem onstrated that people will sit up and take notice of a missionary meeting. faxes Soon Overdue ' The first half of the IS 18 taxes wilt; be overdue on April 5, and those hot paid on or before that date will be charged with interest at one tr cent per mouth until paid. If ' I ;. A, It. and W. K. IV Attention i Members of General Logan Post and V. R. C. are requested to meet j at the Woodman hall Sunday after-1 noon to march In a body to the n- trlotic meeting at the opera house at S o'clock. By order of Post comman-1 der and Corps president. ; Ifcm't Fall i To eat health bread and rookies, ! fresh daily at Moore Bakery. , U Fuel IValer Investigates 11. P. Edlefsen. or the Edlrfsen Fuel company of Portland, arrived In the city this morning, and Is looking into the possibility of developing a fuel supply in the timbered country adjacent to the new railroad. He ts being shown around the country by R. B. Miller and others ot the C. & O. C. railroad company. In Offleer' Training Corpa Word received from Vernon Basler states that he belongs to the officers' reserve training corpa at Corvallla, and in case of war he will have the rank ot an officer Instead of ibelng a private. Mr. Basler is a lieutenant of the cadets at the O. A. C. and should the nation become Involved In war, he would be detailed to train recruits for the army. Dark Again at HahlnV Those 23c chocolates, nut goods, frnlt creams, nougats, better than ever. Not more than two pounds to a person. Saturday only. Sabln the Druggist. 15 Show Odd Fellows Welcome The Chamber of Commerce has of fered the services of its organisa tion, committees and secretary to the Odd Fellows lodge In helping to make the convention of southern Ore gon Odd Fellows to be held in this city on April 28th, a real success. The city has a good reputation as a host which the Chamber intends shall be maintained. Former Resident Here- George E. Good, of LaGrande, ar rived here yesterday for a visit with his daughters, Mrs. Ernest Lister and Mrs. Tom Galvln. Mr. Good Is well known In this city having at one time been mayor of Grants Pass. He also conducted the Josephine hotel. Un til a 'short time ago, he has owned the Sommer House at LaOrande. Mrs. Good hss been here for several days and will return with 'Mr. Good to LaGrande In a few days. Corporal Rroderick Arriv Corporal J: A. Broderick arrived this morning from Portland to relieve Corporal Morton, who has had charge of the army recruiting office here for il.e past month, Corporrl Broderick states that only a few more men are needed for the aviation section of the signs', corps of the army but that a few men with a knowledge of gas oline engines can still be used. This branch of ths army la comparatively new and has been filling up rapidly. Bijou Theatre SATURDAY Charlie Chaplin In One A. Me" A Laugh Producer and One of ' His Rest A Mnstang Feature "The Courting of Calliope" "The Little Troubadour" Orchestra Program I The American Roy, Thimi Hon, a Elves Overture, Mohre. i EHpnnllta-MexicMnn, 3, Mus Ml, 4 Laughing love, II, 1ir. tine. Ross .uipwHlt Director Come and drive away the blues and- forget, about the war .Matinee 8 p, m. Night Show 7 Coming Sunday and Monday "RIO TREMAJXK" A stupendous wonder-play, fea turing Harold Lockwood and May Allison as co-stars. Carson-Fowler Lumber Co; OF ASHLAND, OREtJON Buys business of Rogue River Lumber Co. Remember the name. Irup around anil "get acquainted. We shall endeavor to keep a neat, up-to-date lumber yard and In time hope to n able lo furnish any tiling lu the building line. Our mt In Ashland I QUALITY and SERVICE" We liooe, lii time, to give you both In (Jrants Pass, We will lie pleased to figure with you. t'AHNON-FOWLEH Ll'MIIER 0. Put Out Fish Bulletin The Southern Pacific. company has started Issuing a fish bulletin every Thursday with reports of fishing con ditions in the beat angling resorts of the state. A report ot the weath er condition ot tho water, kind of fish caught and the lure Is Included in the statement. Itiver Threatens Dam The high water of the past few days has endangered the old dam be low the steel bridge on Sixth street. In a few places parts of the dam are missing and should the river become much higher. It Is Improvable that it wilt be able to withstand the pres sures- Trout Hraiwm to Open The trout season will be legally open on Sunday, the .first day of April, and according to reports this will be a good year tor the fisher man. During the winter months, the ban has been put on the catching ot trout under 10 Inches, but after the first of the month the limit will be cut to six Inches. Senior Way Tonight The farce comedy, "Bluffing It," which la being staged by the seniors of the local high school, under the direction of Mrs. A. H. Gunnell. will open tonight at the opera house for a two-night run. Mueh work has been put on the play by the mem bers of the cast, and a good show is promised. According to box office figures, a large crowd will be in at tendance. SEEK RECRUITS FOR MUST DEFENSE Representatives of the naval coast defense reserve are In the city for the purpose of enrolling cltlsens In that branch of the national defense. Re cruits from this section would lielong to the 13th naval dTstrlct and be as signed to duty on the cossts of Ore' gon and Washington. No service or trsining Is required In time of peace. If war Is declared and the reserve Is needed they are railed to duty within this district. On active duty, the pay Is the same as similar rank pay of the regular navy. Men are enrolled for work In prac tically the ssme line ss they follow In civil life. Especially doea the ser vice desire mechanics, machinists, blacksmiths, atesm and gns engineers, electricians, drug clerks, clerks, book keepers, and In fact practically any trade or profession. Women are en rolled as stenographers, telegraphers and telephone operators. The reserve offers a good chance for cltlsens to serve the country and state In time of national emergency without the troublesome require ments In time of peace. The enrolling party consists of Lieut. H. C. Fraier, Dr. R. G. Davis, I Chief Quartermaster J. E. Groat, Chief Pharmacist J. J. Mitchell and Mechanic's Mate R. M. Parker. They ' will be at the rooms of the Chamfber of Commerce today and tomorrow .Those desiring Information on tin subject are urged to call. CAFETERIA Hl'PPKR I St. Luke's Guild will serve a Cafe teria supper in the Oulld hall on Bo'l- urday evening from t: SO to 7 o'clock. They solicit a liberal patronage. Menu j Roast beef with brown gravy Link nailing Mashed and escalloped potatoes - Fried Apples Spaghetti with tomatoes Salads Tea Rolls Coffee Pies Cakes Pudding. IS Envelopes at the Courier. Calling cards it the CourJsr. Duy Your Meat From Us IT IS OOOD MEAT. IT HAM THE ItKUIT FLAVOR. IT D TKMlF.lt. IT IM KAMY TO DIM-XT. IT IK A RELIEF 1X1 THAT TIRED, OVERWORKED AND DISORDERED STOMACH. IT ME.IXH LIFE Our Prices Are: IlKKF llrisket Rolling - 10 Kjiuckle for soup Ac Short Rlba !.lle Plat Deef lie Flank Dref lie Pot Roast ,t -llHic I'rime Rib Ron 15 Rump Itoaat, first rut ......15c Rnmp Roast, last cut liiHc Hound Steak I He Sirloin Steak ISr T Hone Steak UOc Href Liver IOC Deef Heart He ' SMELT Temple a COM1H0 EVENTS 4 March 30, 31, Friday and Saturday Senior class play, "Bluffing It," at opera house. March 31, Saturday Cafaterla sup per In St. Luke's Guild ball from B:S0 to 7 p. m. April 12. 13, 1L Meeting of the 1st Southern Oregon District Federa tion of Women's clubs at Grants Pass. April H, Thursday Meeting of Southern Oregon Association of Odd Fellow lodges at Grants Psss and celebration of 98th anniver sary of Oddfellowshlp. Msy It, 17 Trl- State Good Roads association convention at Medford. March 31, Saturday Cooked food sale by Women of Woodcraft at Public Market. 15 May 31, Juno 1, 2, 3, 4, G, Annual Chautauqua, Grants Pass. July 7-14. N. K. A. Convention, Portland. NEW TOD4Y (CLASSIFIED AD RATES.- 26 words, two Issues, 2Gc; six Issues, 60c; one month, fl.SO, when paid in advance. Whan not paid In advance, 5o per line per Issue.) FOR SALE Fancy Newtown apples wrapped and packed, $1.25 per box, while they last. K. Hammer bachor, phone DOO-F-23. IMf WANTED Man to work on ranch. 'Must board himself, Quarters, fuel and garden furnished. Phone or write C. P. Kuhnhardt, Merlin, Ore, " 16 CENTRIFUGAL PUMP WANTED A 114 or 2-inch centrifugal pump, Will buy, or exchange a 2 H -Inch pump. Wn gul re ot Wllford Allen, or phone 30R-J, 16 WIN, SACRIFICE high grade piano rather than ship. Owner moving from city. Phone 219-J. 16 THREE WORK HORSES and harness for sale cheap, W. F. Woodstock, Rd. No. 4, Grants Pass, Ore. 16 CEDAR POSTS, good .lumber, half price. New il-foot ladder, Very cheap for quick sale. Will close the place Monday, Globs Grocery, '408 South Sixth street. W. T, Goodman. 15 GOOD BICYCLE for 111, cash or will consider trading for good kodak, Phone 104-R, or see WM field 011- key. 15 - VEAL Veal Stew Ill is Veal Shoulder I V . Veal Steak I.V anil IHc Uiln Veal :...iiOc Rump Veal IHc Whnte lcg of Veal Joe PORK Pork has gone nearly. out of, rearli but we are holding the price level. Pig Minks lOe Pork RoaM In and IHc Pork UHn and Rib 90e Leg Pork IHc Dry Halt Pork -..-In llrklrd Pork Sc I .art! Xo. A V Lard No. 10 v 91.00 Excellent llama SIAr Cottage llama .'. UOe llreakfaot llaron ......2.V to 0c .V per lb. Martlet Evidently a Baeheler Murgisr. "Did you get her Jewelry 1" s'Ucd the outside man,1 ' r "No," replied the burglar. "I couldn't find It nowhere." "Where Hid you look for It?" "Searched Wr Jewel cane slid every drawer In the bureau, and It wsau't there." , "Did you 1 1 Nik lo sea tf she bsd It oo r "Yep. She was skIccp, but she didn't have no rings on her lingers." "Shucks. Vim don't know nuthlug about the ways of wumeii, Why didn't you go Into the hnthroouiT You'd have found the whole out lit where she left It on the wsahtad."-Detrolt Free Press. Why are meat shops and barber shops alike? Because they both cater lo your t face. NOTHING TAKEH THE PLACE OF MEAT -TO 01' ELL THE APPETITE! AND NO MEAT WILL Tl'IIN THE TRICK EXCEPT THE MEAT THAT'S RIGHT, IT'S THE ONLY KIND OF MEAT TO IH?Y, AND HERD YOU'LL FIND IT WAITING, m THAT HERE'S Tlfft PLA(T i FOR YOU TO H1H, ADMITS OF NO HERAT INO! HATI'RDAY Hl'ECIALM , T HONE HTEAK DOT " KIRMHN HTEAK IHc City Market Phone M for quick delivery A per rent discoant for rash 'si I f v'