WKDNKHD W. M.VItrU UK, 11117 u.irr.y nocri? nm:n courier PAGB THREE A Woman Detective's Story By SADIE OLCOTT I am woman detective. I was one Mt to decoy a (kwpunido who waa tusking collections ostensibly fur tb church. Ho waa Aaron llurt-h puss ed under otlier nsuiee-snd at tbt tlma waa worklug lu the town of Edgertou. I Went there, learned tliat ha waa at certain bold, aud bo waa pointed out to ma lu tb reading room. . I entered tlia room aud, going up to him, aald: Tho Re. Mr. Burt, I believe." ' "I in," be aald. rising and looking at ma suspiciously. "I bar undaratoud tbat you bav great aucceaa In rabtlug .money for churches, and 1 would Ilka to know If yon would ba willing to belp ma pay off a mortgage on our churvb at Avon dale." Arondale waa a town not far from Edgcrton, aud I bad besrd tbat one of It churches waa uuder mortgage, which the congregation desired to pay off. Hut I Intended thia uly aa a means of making Mr. llurt'a acquaintance. I described to lilm the altuation at ATondala, aiatlug that tba people there ware well to do, but needed aome per. tussive speaker to wake litem up. I added that be would be paid for hla labor, proposing that he receive the contribution himself and deduct one third of It for bliuaair. Thia I know would please htm, for there would be BO difficulty In hla deducting but third or, rather, of appropriating the wbulo contribution. He manifested a wil lingness to undertake the work, but protested against receiving ao much compenwtlou aa a third of the amount collected. On no account would be eonaeut to deduct mure than 10 er cant Ho waa ready to go to Avon dale aa aoou aa I aald the ward. I told bliu that I would ace Ihe pastor and the deacon aud aa auoii aa I could get their consent would let blm know. . I pretended to so to Avomlate, but really returned to the aherlff, who bad employed me. to arrange with blm aa to when and where he aliould eend the force lutemled to make the arrnat It waa agreed between ua that be waa to aond one picked nun to Edgrrton, who waa to paa blmaelf aa a commercial tra voter, Thia mau'a name waa Larn ed, aud I waa made acquainted with blm, and we rouferred together. I told blm to brlug the largeat aample truuk be could Dud. Returning to Kdgcrtou. I told Mr. Bart that everything bad been arrang. ed at Aroudale. but the evening eclect ed for hla appeal for fund bad been died for the following Sunday, four daya hence. He waa not plcaaed at thia, preferring that the work aliould be doue at once. The truth la be did not care to remain In the name locali ty for ao long a period. I determined, however, to bold blm If poulhle till I could aprlng my trait. I laid myaclf out to plcaae blm, attending a good deal of time with him. I knew that he waa not Inter eated In tialtera of religion and did not talk on rellgtoua autijerta. I pre ferred to chooae other toplca, lu which be would be more at home, my Inten tion being when I had gained hla cou ddouce to give blm to uuderalaud tbat I knew hla true character, that I waa one of the aame kind aa hliuaelf and dnalred to aaalat blm In plundorlng tbat I might abare the plunder. When 1 thought the time ripe I re vealed the character I w la tied him to take me for by confessing that I ex pected abare In the colloctloa I waa Little and No man would expect to hire a clerk for at day, then lay him off a month anil hire lilm again for day. Htlll, tliat'a the way many merchants hire Advertisement, They expect their advertising lo work one or two or three daya a month aim sell more goods than nil of the people In the store put together, There are some who keep their Advertising working week In and week oul calling at thousand of homes often enough to get ar. qnalnted with people, and to build a reputation for the atore. "lly keeping everlastingly at It a very little Advertisement will eventually do more work thnn the lllg Ail that works a day and lays off a month. . ... , Little Ad and lllg Ad working together make it team tliat'a hard to heat for selling goods, to bring about. 1 aaw lilid atart. but be did mt take the hint opvuly, and It waa aome time before be consumed to drop the pa iion mid talk Ilka the vil lain be waa. Thou I told him Hint to gether we might reap a rich barveaL lie caught at the Idea rfud grow euthu alaetlc over it. , Uavlug won hla confidence, 1 kept holding up the rich haula we would make, 1 Joining congregations and ar ranging for addresses, to lie followed by collection. Lie would disappear, leaving m to repent having put con Hilence In a raacaL Wbeu all waa ready for my acbomo Lamed appeared at the hotel, aud a aamplr truuk of euoruioiia sit waa carried to bla room. It waa empty, but only Urned and 1 knew ttwL I told Mr. Hurt that I waa bent on tak ing money from the commercial trev. ulcr and that I waaalrcady engaged Ui teaming where be kept It The neil day 1 Informed my pal tbat Urned had gone out and left gTiOO be tween the mat trusses of hla bed, a.ug geatlug that Hurt ao Into hla room and get It while 1 watched. The door waa auppoaed to be locked, and I borrowed a akelelon key from Uurt with which to unlock It, though Urned bad pur posely left It unlocked. 1 took a poMltlou In the ball aud after pretending to hare watched for aome time called Hurt and told blm the coast waa clear, and be went Into the room for the money. He hud scarcely doue ao when I ruu lu and told him that the drummer waa coming up to bla room. "Get In the trunk." I "aald. "It la your ouly eliauee." I ralaed lite lid. aud be gut Inalde. I clapped the lid dowu on him aad locked him lu. Uruvd wua waillug In auother room, aud aa aoon aa I bad secured Uie prize I called blm. Before Uurt waa let out he waa told that he waa covered and if be renUted be would be ahot. He was armed, but the odd were ao areuliy nguUist blm that be surrendered. 1 received $ for my ahare In the arrest "0UCK1NG" IN BATTLE. Little Chance Per Dodging Modem High Velocity Bullets. Although under the altered condi tions of modern warfare both officers and men take all the cover they can get. It la still couMlikred "bad form" to duck when bullets are whUtllug ar shella screaming overhead. Thia la a survival of Ihe old Crimean daya, when men were actually punished for ducklug bulleu In battle. That the service tradition waa not alwaya strict, ly olwerved even theu, however, is an pareut from a story told of a grlaaled old veterau who, on being remonstrat ed with by a young corporal for ludul getico In thia very practice, replied, "It's all very well for you, ro'lml, hut I'm a family man." and continued to duck at each n'MirL It la on n-cord, too, that Napoleon strongly objected to It, and oil ous occa sion he even went to the length ol publicly reprimanding one of bla stuff olllccrs tor stooping over his hoinc' neck In onler to avoid the halls he heard wbhdllug over hla bead. , Ceneral Cordon, no menu authority, was of a different opinion, though. Writing In bla Journal, be suva. "For my iurt, I do not consider Judicious ducking to he a fiult, for I rvineiniicr on two occasions seeing shells before my eyea which eertuliily. had 1 not bobbed, wmild have taken off my brad." Needless to aay, however, It would he Impossible to dodge a modern high velocity projectile In this free aud easy fashion. It cannot be aeen, aud by tba time It la beard the danger la paat London Mali. M M THE HINDU DA OF LIGHT. A Festival Tbat Turns India Into a Sort of Fairyland. There la one day lu the year which la celebrated as great festival by the Hindus of India, and the uatlvea are even allowed to guinbie upou thia oc cuhIoii. Tbo great day la Ievallthe Day of Llght-whicb la dedicated t the Hindu god Ham tu celebration of bis coronation. From sunset on ward ou this day the uatlve bauiura throughout India re acinlile fairyland, for outside the bouse or li"i' of every true Hindu are placed uuuicroua Utile lumps of a very primi tive cuiistructlou. Tjicy consist merely of small aliallow, tritiiuiioretil 4jwIh. about the site of n Siiltcclln Ullml with oil lu which a wick la flouted Tho iiumler of lamps varies with the UuaiiHul etatidlug of llic householder, the wealthier liutlves dlnpliiylng them by the hundred Arcordint: In tin- tr.i dltlun, be who OUjil.iyu the ureatvst nmnlier of lights will Imthiiic encerri tngly rich, for on this nlulit Ijil.nliaml, the goddeaa of wealth, la siipiHmcd to wander abroad and enter wherever there are aiifllclrnt lights to catch her fancy. . . . , Another method of t-utieliig the un suspecting goddcx consists of placlnu lu a bowl tilled with milk and rice a cluster of pretty tlowcra. The Hindu btlleves that to prevent a friend wltb flowers la to wish blm or ber happi ness; hence the offering of flowers to Lskshsml. Pearson's Weekly. MUSICAL TRAINING. It Should Have a Place In the Educa tion of Every Child. We shall muse no real progreaa lu music in thia country, says Bruno Uubu, until we come to consider a tralnlug In the rudiment of music aa an essential xilnt lu ihe education of our children. Too ofteu parents excuse their re iulsiic uu the uiouiid tbat taelr chil dren show uu spontaneous desire to study music. I'Ccuure a child shows no such dealre t study reading, writ lug aud arithmetic do we for tbat rea son permit blm to ntmloct totally tbetse subjects? No normal child dealrca to atudy any subject, aud a failure on the part or a child to crave a musical edu cation should not be crinllted to ex empt blm from aurb trnlulng. In my opinion the average child, abould begin to atudy mnalc at the age of eight or ulue and for at least two year devote an hour a day to the exer cise of It. After two yean the chlld'a prefer ence and aptitude may en rely be con aulted in regard to further atudy. But lu any event the two years of atudy have not been wasted, for be baa al ready learned aometbing tbat will be of use to blm all bla life. Mualcal trnlulng, especially In the home, should have a place in the edu cation of every chlld.-Excbauge. Widowed Birds. The married life of most blrda could be taken for a model by members of the human family. For Instance, the atald, diguiried-and homely baldheaded eagle never mates but once aud Uvea wltb hla one mate uutll be or abe dice. If left a widower-even a young wld- ower-tne iwiaueaacd eagle never mates again. Ue remains alone and disconsolate In the nest of the rocky Crag or la the branches of a tall pine tbat formed his domicile wbllo bla mate waa alive. No other female eagle can tempt blm to forsake hla deaolate life. With him once a widower, al waya a widower. The goldeu wood peckers live In a bappy married atate. mating but once. If the male dice bla mata'a -grief la lasting, and abe re malua a widowed bird the rest of her life. Throw Out the Line. Give Them Help and Many Grant I'sa reopt will Be Happier "Throw Out the Life Line" Weak kldneya need belp. ' They're often overworked they don't get the poison filtered out of the blood, - Will you help them? Doan'a Kidney I'ill have brought benefit to thousand of kidney suffer ers. Oranta Paaa testimony prove their worth. Mrs. J. R. Gunning, 406 S. Fourth St , Grant Pasa, say: "My back cause me a great deal of misery at time. It la one of tboae dull, bearing-down palua across the kldneya. During these attack my kidney aobiotlmea act too freely, and then again tney are congested. I find Doan'a Kidney Pills always relieve me and atop that misery In my back after I have taken a box or two." Price 60c, at all dealera. Don't Imply ask for a kidney remedy set Doan'a Kidney Pill the aame that Mr. Ounnlng had. Foater-MUburn Co., Prop., Buffalo, N. Y. "Creasing the Bar." ' Lord Tennyson's most noble death tong. "Crocslnit the Bar." I one of the three greatest death songs ever writ ten, and It cornea to us aa a sublime prayer, a humble petition, a sacred be llof of a great man. The last lone man on this terrestrial sphere will utter no grander words wbeu he set sail to tea unknown than those dropped aa. faltb'a anchor by the silent man of the yestcr age: I kopo to se my I'liot (sec to fac Worn i hsvo cross! Hi bar. Faithful Cook, j "Did you ever bear of a 'cook stay Ing with the same family a long aa tweuty years?" "Oh, yea." "1 presume she was called a Jewell" "She doubtlesa was considered one, but the family called ber 'mother.'" BlrtnluKbam Axe Hernjd. Replacing a Meat Diet. The people of tlie United States con sume fully twice as much meat per cap ita a do the people of Knrotie. Dried beans, peua and lentila may replace meat In the diet to a large extent to the advantaite of outdoor worker espe cially. Toe Late. Detective 80 I've ciiunht you In the financial district, have IT Crook Tea. Bill, but I can't dip you uotblng. I Juat got a war from a broker. -New fork Ulnbe ' Bettor Stilt. Mary Whr ihxi't yon prefer Harold to Tom? '.In mid Is rabble of big deed. Muielr Ves; hut Tom owca some. Puck. WOOD BIDS WANTED v The Board of Directors of School District No. 7 of Josephine county, Oregon, at Its aext regular monthly meeting to be hold Tuesday evening April 3. 1917 at T:30 o'clock at the office of the clerk, Edward 8. Van Dyke, will consider sealed bid for the supply of 320 tiers of two foot wood; blda to be received for all or any part of the said entire aupply and for either hard or aoft wood. All blda must be for the aupply ot body wood cut from Bound green timber and free from rot, dote or punk, and be delivered at the re spective school buildings of the dis trict at the determination of the board on or before September 1, 1917. Each hid must 'be accompanied by a certified check of 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. The board reserve the right to re ject any and all blda. ' Board of Directors ot School Dis trict No. 7. , . By J. P. TRUAX. ' Chairman. EDWARD S. VAN DYKE, Clerk. Coffee . To keep coffee fresh on its way from the roasting: plant through the grocery store to your kitchen was 'ong an unsolved problem. The airtight tins in which Schilling's Best is packed have solved it . They keep all the flavor in; and all the odor out They make such fine cof fee practicableand ec onomical. It -oi (urtnec Schill ings Best Classified- Advertt VOM BAiJt STRICTLY FANCY SEEDS Alfalfa, ' Red Clover,, Timotbq, Scarified Sweet Clover, Rye Graaa, etc. Ralph Waldo Klden, Central Point, Oregon. ; -; ' . H7U FOR 8ALE S-room bouse plaatered, wltb bath and toilet, 711 I atreet, two lot 60x100 each, bam and outbuilding; or will exchange for small house. Address No. 291, care Courier. ' f8ltf FOR 8ALE a-h. p. motor, 3-inch pump, three transformer, tti teet ' t-lach galvanized pipe, S8 feet -Inch pip, one switch, on belt Inquire O. P. Jeater, at Grants Paas Banking Co. ISitf FOR SALE Baby chick 10 cent eacn; aieo egga lor Batching, brown and white leghorn and ban ties. Mr. F. O., Wilcox, 407 Rogue River avenue or telephone I23-R. . , gg A.NOEL CAKES supplied In any quantity on short notice, SOe each. Phone 190-J.' 992tf REGISTERED roan Durham bull for ale. R. F. Gorham, Rd. No. 2, Oranta Paaa. H FOR SALE One 3 Peter ShutUer wagon, -nearly new, with good wagon bed for $100.00; one 1 horse wagon, in excellent condi tion, with heavy single barnesa for $75.00 Grants Paaa Hdw. Co. FOR SALE Cow wltb calf one week old, also several bead young stock. R. L. Coe, 804 Washington Boule vard. ..- ', t is FOR SALE 132 acre ot t timber land and sawmill with log wagon; also 640-acre farm -for aale or rent for cash. All the above pro perty la within nine milea north of Granta Pas.' For particulars addreaa W. J. Savage, R. F. D. 1. Box 54, Granta Paaa, Ore. IS FOR SALE Span light driving horse. Weight about 900 lbs. With or without harness and light aprlng wagon. Address H. B. Reed, Kerby. Ore. ' . " 15 A BARGAIN 8ALE Modern, slx- room house with two lots, fine lo cation, at 220 West B street. Only -- 11,500.- See N. E. Townsend, C21 A street. , H TO ENCOURAGE good stock we will sell to any reliable farmer a regis tered Holstein "bull calf or young bull entirely on time payment. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Grants Pass, Ore. Route 1. v I2tf FRESH COW for aale cheap. Houae for rent. Inquire 509 L atreet. 13 FOR SALE One Barred Rock roos ter $1.00; alx Barred Rock lay ing hem, 90s each; one White Leg horn rooster, $1.00. The above are thoroughbreds of laying strain, Phone 60S-F-2. G. A. Hamilton. TO RENT SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE " and aleeplhg tent for rent. Telephone 235-R. 08tt FOR RENT Five-room cottage at C and Second streets, bath, gas, etc, .Inquire N. E. Townaend, 621 A atreet. i FOR RENT Eight-room house with bath, on North Seventh atreet. $12.50 per month. Enquire at 832 North Seventh, after 5:30 evening; or see 8. J. Taylor. 13 WANTED WANTED Two men with team to cut and haul wood, eix months' work; gas engine furnished. For particulars write L. A. Eldridge, box 26-A, Rd. 4, Granta Paaa. 14 POULTRY WANTED We are In the poultry .business and are in the market tor all klnda ot poul try. Temple Market. . . 15 AtXXH'NTANTS IVAN UVINUSTON, Incorporated Accountant. Bookkeeping systems, ' accounting and auditing, Addreaa 115 A atreet. $1 MISCELLANEOUS DON'T WAIT for a week for ahoe repairing. Win. Hayea finishes work the same day. Halt or full aole Neolln; also best leather; 111 8. 6th atreet. v $5 AS8AYE1IS K. R. CROUCH Assiyer, chemist, metallurgist. Rooms 201-203 Pad ' dock Building, Grants Paas. TAXI SERVICE TAXI SERVICE For comtort, call a Met at the Bpa confectionery. City and country oalla. Service until 11 p. m. Phone 262-R. , Residence phone 343-R. E. W. In- man. ' 16 PHYSICIANS. l. O. CLEMENT, If. D. Practla limited to disease of the ay, ear, nose and throat Glasses fitted. Office hour 9-11, 3-5, or on ap pointment. Office phone, $2; resi dence phone S59-J. . LOUOHRIDOE, M. D., Physician aad surgeon. : City or coantry ceil attended day or night Residence phone $89; ofle phoM 181. 8ixtb and H. Tuff Building. J. P. TRUAX, U. D., Physician aad surgeon. Phones: Offle 325; resi dence $24. Call answered at tdf boots, uouniry caus anewaoa a, Lundburg Building. DR. ED. BYWATER Specialist oa diseases of tho eye, oar, bom aa throat; glasses fitted. Office hoars: 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phones Residence 234-J; office 257-J, Schmidt Bide, Grant Pass, Ore. A. A. WTTHAM, U. D, PkyataUa aad eurgeom. Offlos: Hall Bldg eenur Sixth aad I atreet. Phones: OHee 118; residence 288-J. Honrs: t sv m. to 4 y. m.- DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-class dentistry. 109ft South 8ixt .atreet, Grant Pass, Oregon. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON Attoraey-oIav Practie in all Stat and Federal ConrU. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIO 4b WILLIAMS Attorneya-at-Law Grant Pas Banking Oo. Bldg, Grant Pass, Oro. , . " E. S. VAN DYKB. Attorney. Practiea In all courts. First National But Building. . EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Office llasonle Tempt Grants Pas. Ore. W. T. MILLER, Attoraey-aX-Law. vouniy Buoraoy icr ' joaepuiaa County. Office: SchsJlhora Bldg. - O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Law Grant Pasa Banking Co. Bldg. Phone 270. Oranta Paaa, Ore. V. A. CLEMENTS Attoraey-at-Lw Practice la state and federal Golden Rule store. v i BLANCHARD ft BLANCHARD, At torneys, Albert block, phone 238-J. Practice In all courts; land board attorneys. ' DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANGINQ, graining, paint ing. . For tho beet work at lowest prices, phone 295-J. C. G. Plant South Park street MUSICAL INSTRUCTION J. S. MACMURRAY. teacher of vote culture and singing. Lesson gives - at home of pupU It requested. Ad dress 718 Lea street . 851tf DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. AM kinds ot drayage . and transfer work carefully and promptly dose. Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot A. Shade, Prop. F. G. I SHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, piano and furniture moved, packed, ahlpped and stored. Phone vim ft m uuiuiau, ..u. uv. denco phone 114-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 397-R. AUSTUACTS THE JOSEPHINE COUNTY AB STRACT company make reliable abstracts at reasonable ratea. lav veatigate our work and prices. It may aavo you money. Twelve years In business. Masonle Building- 25 VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarlas. Office In Wlnetrout Implement Bldg. Phono 113-J Kealdese Phono 806-R. I TTMECARD The California and Oregon : Coast Railroad Company Effective December 5, 111$ Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays Train 1 It. Grants Pass.. 10.00 a. m. Train 8 It. Waters Creek 1.00 p. av All trains leavo Grants Pass from the corner of Q and Eighth street, opposite the Southern Psclfio depot.' For alt Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office ot the company, Public, Ser vice building, or phone 131 for same. '