DAILY BOG UK RIVER OOl'lUKR TI'liftfttanAY, MAIM'll T, 1017 PAGE FOL'R. : FER52NAL - Saturday la Chaplin day. Stf Walter Penney, of Hugo, was a local visitor yesterday. L Hulblrt left this morning tor Weed to spend a few weeks visiting friends. M. Norden, of Kerby, is In the city for a short time, stopping at the Jo sephine. Special display of fine pattern hats fcr Easter Friday and Saturday. March 30 and 31. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. Mrs. R. L. Burdtc went to Ashland today for a several days" visit with friends and relative. A. A. Porter returned to hts ranch on Grave creek last night after spending the day In town. Where did they get it? Get what? See for yourselves. "Bluffing It," Karen 10 and SI. , It Ed. Parenteau, of Selma, spent Monday and Tuesday visiting friends in the city. Nick Meithof, of Merlin, was at tending to business matters In the city yesterday. New spring waists and coats, Jusi the thing for Easter wear. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. Utf Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Moran went to Portland yesterday to spend a few weeks visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Kelly left yes terday evening tor Portland and will make their home in that city. Putnam dry cleaner. Sabin has it Do not miss the opportunity to help solve the mystery ot the missing coat tall at the opera house March SO and 31. IS Samuel Storey left this morning for Rogue River and Gold Hill on business tor the sugar company. Miss Edna Hudson arrived last night from Oakland, Cal., to visit with her father, L. C. Hudson, at Selma. Mrs. Eugene Calvert left last night for Messner, Ore., after a week in the city. Mrs. Calvert was. her looking for a location to start a bus iness and will probably return later. Harry Hull returned this morning from Portland where he spent sev eral days. Mr. Hull has Joined the aviation corps of the army and will leave for San Diego on April S when all those who have enlisted from here will he taken down. "Letters ot Rev. Anthony Goodly, D. D." hare never heen published, but you will hear about them March , SO and SI at the opera house. IS James T. Chinnock, superintendent of water division number one, left for Med ford this morning after a day in the city. He and District Water Master Opdycke had a busy day at the court house settling ques tions concerning water rights. K. F. Macduff returned today from Portland, where he spent a week at the meeting of the supervisors of the national forests of the state. Sun day the forest men were taken over tJie Columbia highway. Mrs. E. A. Rathbone returned to Three Pines this morning after a few days In the city. She was called here by the illness of her daughter, Margaret, who is now much im proved. Bijou Theatre TONIGHT 6c 15c Billie Burke In 'Gloria's Romance' HELEN HOLMES The Feurles Star In "THE LAKH OK THE Ll'M HKKLAMM" MUSICAL P1MXJKAM v, Rom Ziimwalt Director 1 Stingy Moon, two-step, nianke. a Novelette, A Whispered Thought, Johnson. ,1 My Lady laughter, waltz, Make. 4 Hs Antonio, two step, fjatnpe. The Hidden Valley Thursday night. Door open 7 Pictures 7:80 The Caldwell S LOCAL ; Earl Caid Is a local visitor for a few days front Holland. H. F. Cahill was a visitor In the city yesterday from Hugo. L. Lallemand, ot Brlggs creek, left this morning tor Portland. J. E. Turnbull left this morning for Jackson county on a business trip. W. H. Wlscarver, of Holland, Is spending a tew days in the city. Uoyd Robinson, of Kerby, Is stop ping tor several days at the Grants Pass. John Btxby left this afternoon for Medford to spend a short time before going to Reno, Nev. Mrs. Ellia Caldwell returned to Rogue River this afternoon after a short time visiting here. H. W. Parmalle, prominent en gineer of San Francisco, arrived this morning to spend a few days in the city. Geo. Esterly returned this morn' ing from San Francisco, where he has tbeen spending several days ow business. Miss A. D. Spaulding, ot Bend, has been visiting here for the past two weeks. Miss Spaulding left this af ternoon for a visit at Ashland. Son at Briggs Home A son was born this morning to Mr. snd Mrs. Ernest Briggs, 483 B street. Mr. Briggs has been working at Roseburg tor some time, returning to Grants Pass Sunday. Baby Girl Baby Iris Wilbur Williams, the two-year-old daughter ot Mrs. Gladys Williams ot this city, died on Sun day of pneumonia, having been born at Cottage Grove on December 26. 1914. The funeral will be held at the residence. 824 H street at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon. Aimed Mines Company Stock wanted. I will buy 1,000 to 5,000 shares. Cash. Communicate with me at once. W. E. Davidson, $15 Lewis Bdg., Portland, Oregon. 13 Join Aviation Corps- Don and George Hood have Joined the' aviation section ot the signal corps of the army, leaving last night for Portland for final examination. They will pasa through here next week on their way to the aviation camp at San Diego. Holy Week Services The Bethany Presbyterian church will celebrate Holy Week with ser vices every evening except Saturday at 7:45. These service will 'begin with special Palm Sunday observance next Sunday morning. The services will be conducted by the minister, L. Myron Booxer. A cordial invitation to the general public la extended. Car of Fords Arrive A carload of Ford automdbiles ar rived today for the C. L. Hobart agency, and were unloaded this morn Ing. The cars are all sold, orders be ing placed for as many cars as can be delivered. Nine touring cars and one roadster were Included In the ship ment. Visits In Corvallis Mrs. Cecil Rowan, of Grants Pass, arrived in Corvallis recently for visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs Hugh Cnmmlngs. She will spend a week or more with Corvallis reU' tivea and will spend a short time at Philomath, where her mother and sister reside. Mrs. Rowan Is a sis ter of Mrs. Cummings and for sev eral years made her home In this city. Corvallis Gazette. Death of Arthur Coon- Arthur Denby Coon, a former resi dent of Grants Pass, died at his home at Portland, March 10, 1917, of cere' bral hemorrhage, aged 52 years. Mr, Coon was Iborn In Greenville, Mich,, and came to Oregon nine year ago, living for three year on hi ranch on the banks of Rogue river a few mile west of the city, removing later to Portland. He 1 survived by 'his wife, two son and a host of friends. First Tourist of Year The first tourist of the year ar rived In the city this morning, com ing from Sacramento. R. W. 'Dough erty, wife and son were driving a Ford machine and another party by the name of Snyder drove through In a Bulck. The car were driven a far a Hornbrook but were shipped by train from there to Ashland, from which place the trip was continued by car. They report toad road In place but have so far experienced no difficulty. They will leave soon for the north, their destination being Walla Walla, Wash. OltKtiOX V, ATHLETES CALLED TO THE COLORS Eugene, Mur. ST. Athlotlo activ ities at the University ot Oregon her wore given a severe blow today when it was learned that Kent Wilson, veteran trackman and the backbone ot the university's team, hts been called to the colors, and that three ot the most promising men In the squad are expecting orders at any time. 1 v Even if the war cloud blows over, it is doubted that the meu could gel back in training on time tor any of the coast meets, particularly the meet with the Oregon Aggies early In the spring. Not only are several ot the best men already In one ot the mil itia organisations, but others are con sidering enlisting within the next tew days. '" Something Different, "Mother," said little Evelyn, "may 1 go out aud play with the other chil dren nowr" . "You may pluy with (tie little girls, sweetheart, but uot with the boys-The little boys are too rough." "But, mother,'' rejoined the Utile miss, "It i tlud a nice, smooth little boy, can I play with nltul" New York Times. NEW TODIY (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 15 words, two Issues, 25c; six issues, 30c; one month, $1.50, when paid in advance. When not paid In advance, 5c per line per Issue.) FOR RENT Eight-room bouse with bath, on North Seventh street. $13.50 per month. Enquire at 833 North Seventh, after 5:30 evening or see S. J. Taylor. IS TO ENCOURAGE good stock we will sell to any reliable farmer a regis tered Holsteln bull calf or young bull entirely on time payments. F. R. Steel. Winona Ranch, Grants Pass, Ore. Route 1. 1 Stf FRESH COW for sale cheap. House for rent. Inquire 509 L street. 13 WANTED IMMEDIATELY Clothing for boys 9 and 11 years of age. Phone 49-Y. Cora Coutant. 12 POULTRY WIRE, cedar posts, good lumber (half price), counters, shelving, etc. Very cheap for quick sale. Come and see what I have. Globe Grocery, 40S S. Sixth street W. T. Goodman. IS FOR SALE One Barred Rock roo ter $1.00; six Barred Rock lay ing hens. 90c each; one White Leg' horn rooster, 11.00. The abov are thoroughbreds of laying strain, Phone (03-F-2. G. A. Hamilton. SNAPS 80 acres, 8 and one-half mile out, 70 acre in cultivation old building, 40 acre level black oil balance gentle slope, price 11.700. 25 acre fine black soil, old build Ings, very close In, 12 acres cul tivated, price Si. 500. one-half cash. 40 acres 7 miles out, all good prairie soil, 15 acre in cultivation buildings, balance easily cleared level. Price, $1,000. 160 acre 4 miles out, old build' Ings, 25 acres In cultivation, river bottom land, price $1,500. L. A, La uner. real estate. 12 RENTS Furnished houses, $2.50, $8, $8, $12. $15 and $20, Hats at $12.50. Unfurnished, modern fine home, corner 8th and E streets at $25 Modern bungalow, at $15. L. A. ILauner, office phone 154. 1 BLUEBIRD NIGHT Tonight at J Q Y "The Measure of Man" with J. Warren Kerrigan and Louise lively In their greatest sue rein. A stirring drama of vlg. orous manhood Interpreting the Htory "A FIGHTING PAR HON'H VICTORY," a rugged romance of a man who could FIGHT and PREACH A Rip Roaring Comedy MITXKY JACK AND (MHO ' LINK" Be and 10c p. 8. The management lias Nerured the Bluebird for Tues days and Wednesdays. Mutual for Thursday and Fridays. Universal for Saturdays. Hun days and Mondays, Kllne-Edl-son-HellK-KMsnay. You can't heat this service. II CALLED FOR The net It Jurors drawn to serve during the April term ot the circuit court In Josephine county to convene at 10 o'clock on the morning of April 0th, are as follows: W. L. Ireland, Grants Pass; An- tone A. Ilanseth, Pryden; W. W. Walker. Grants Pass: Chas, K. Wise, Grants Pass, R. F. D. 1; J. C. Ran die, Grants Pass; C. D. Welter, Grant Pass; Charlie Nash. Grants Pass. R. F. D. 3: J. H. Williams, Grants Pass; W. O. Thrasher. Grants Pass; W. S. King, Cfrants Pass; Stan ton Uowell, Grant Pass; Geo. Wells, Kerby; W. B. York. Murphy: W. R. Rogers, Grants Pass, R. F. D. 4; A L. Johnson. Grants Pass; A C. Li chen, Kerby; R. L. Newman, Grants Pass, R. F. D. I; James P. Wood son. Murphy; II. M, Webb. OrsnU Pass; II. L. Truax, Grants Pass; O. W. Light, Leland; Fred Roper, Grants Pass. R. F. D. 4; H. F. Mc- Clelan, Hugo; C. A. Wlnetrout, Grants Pass: Win, Lltehenberger Wolf Creek; R. E. Kuhlman. Grants Pass; Karl Hammerbacher, Grant Pass. R. F. D. S; C. T. Webb. Waldo; Frank Thompson. Merlin: B. O. Pat ton, Placer; John Parks, Keiiby. ' TRAPS ARE LAID BY FLEEING GERMANS With the French Armies Advancing from Soissons, Mar. 27. French sol dlers don't pull down the carcase of rabbits, crows, hawk, squirrel and the like which they find occa sionally strung on wires, dangling from rulna ot bouses destroyed 'by the Germans in their retreat. Here la the reason why: In sev eral places north ot Soissons the ad vancing French force have found that when attempt was made to yank down these dead bodies, the pull on the wires to which they were at tached set off mine Ingeniously laid by the Germans. But not everywhere have the Ger man naa sumcteni lime in wnicn 10 plant such Ingenious traps. m The French advance has been so speedy that the Germans were forced to leave before completing their work Thus 500,000 bottles In a glass fsc tory recently taken escaped the usual devastation although the Germans literally wiped out the factory Itself. It Is a commentary on the German military character that, faced by hot pursuit along the Amubeuge road and forced to choose between what they could destroy and what they did not have time to destroy, the Germans chose to destroy-irchards and leave Intact concrete shelters of the mill tary value. If anything was needed to arouse the French forces to utter fury, It was thl deliberate wantonness, not excusable on the ground ot military necessity. Certainly the concrete shelter were of vastly more military value than the fruit tree. The Ger man destruction here give the lie to Berlin' claim that orchards were cut down "solely to deprive the ene my of their military value." Today the French were pushing on around Margival In score of dlscon nected actions, the whole advance nevertheless, marvelotisly co-ordlnat ed. Bit by bit they are taking farm after farm, village after village marking a steady advance with a cor responding German retrogression. March 80. 31. Friday and Saturday Senior class play, "Bluffing It," at opera house. March 81, Saturday Cafaterla sup per In St. Luke's Guild hall from 5:80 to 7 p. m. April 12. 13, 14. Meeting of the 1st Southern Oregon District Federa tion ot Women's clubs at Grant Pass. April ' 26, Thursday Meeting of Southern Oregon Anoclatlon of Odd Fellow lodge at Grant Pas snd celebration of 98th annlver sary of Oddfellowshlp. Mayl, 17 Tri- State Good Road association convention at Medford May 81, June 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Annual Chautauqua, Grant Pas. Dalna It Rlahi, "But my dear, If I buy you thl gown It will put me sou in atm. rnt gnot if von are aolnc In debt why not go hi Ilk a gentleman and make It a Diiuureur-i'iiogenue waei tor. Special Tablolet Sale " KXTIU VALl'rJI IK IWrt yi'll Mi-F.li AND t'Mtl'LEU WIUTUTTK( XKIU LETS, AT HI(W ttjiKlt'H See Our WnVjncSow Demaray's n jVER ILi AN It (C Creamery II Butter "And it's GOOWD Butter" Made in Grants ti Pa Ask your grocensr for it Garden fT. VALENTINE BHOOCOU IKHD ALFAIjFA AND IWV V.VKII NHKI W1Z7.AKD FKHTILIZER 18 TUB HKHT TfT NOW IS THE TIMIiTO 00 ITT IT" OX VOl It LAW.V j. PARQDEX Whsr W Get Nux Vomica. Willi (! execution of Ceylou. w bleb export a limited quantity of nus vvm k. Uritiuli India I said tu supply tlie worm. Mis vomica seeus ami w'i lugs are obtained from the pluuillko fruits of lb life. The fruit Is collect ed and the seeds washed out and drM In the sun. In the forests of Ncllw, where the tree Is common, the seeoi are washed out by a forest tribe. Ibe Yaitadls, and a tfMi price ia omamra for them. Cochin nus vomica Is col lected In the dry deciduous forests it the foot of the Trsvanenre unis amis .,,1,1 at !w H'mii-h to mull native dealers, who send It 10 ths merchant!. Not Play Per Hsr. IMIih If vnn don't love Jsck Whj don't you tell him o7 Msdge-rYV'ell, be scuds me flowers aim tines mi 10 li nnvra. i-oii know, and Kdlth- But, gracious! I don't st-e how you cm play with his uacetions rusi wij, Msilsa-lMavt I call that "worklu" tbem. Boston Transcript. A Mixsr. Tans, what Is a man who li 1 mlTarV "Any one, my son, who prefer the society of everybody else 10 mmsen Life. Strength of an Ostrich. . A full grown black ostrich 1 semi feet high snd ran euslly carry on IK back, with the speed of a horse, a tutu of averng size. . Who overcomes by force hath om come hut hslf hi foe. Milton. Job printing of every description il the Courier office. Social Dance Thursday, March 29 t the Waldorf Hall Music by the Bijou Orchestra flood floor management and I good time awrured ' Q. L. CALDWI3LL, Manager, (Drug and Stationery Store S Seeds -biters Bnauwiillli, Mastr. 27. Mayor Hiram II X) olfrittae thlst afternoon took mtsiw w 11 inn sat and In his own behalf liilbn a buow-icra't conspiracy rase, In I1H1 ilvh he, flaM of Police lie. klnit him aw 1 mil (Ul)rr- clly detect I vet are ac- cmtil btd by Ilia I'nlted States govern- Ml a l, of ulillns bootleggers to conduct lllMtaiuntlt Oirasttioni In Seattle. " traced tails cureer from the Mm lit woeoworW is a waiter here, until his iMImlrtltn 11 tasiayor In 1910, hi re-, till leal In mil, and his "come back" In lit mil, II IIIIII11I1I ttie only way he felt he (iwlil Md combe the Illicit traffic In liquor -to or m Ivy imiishing up Illegal il'iil w ilurct aind warehouses. Thl lit HMtauyi, he (Bid, snd denied that he HWC-iTcoiiiplrec-J with Logan Illlllngsley liMlliwiUiwr cnw leftuln here, to protect lila, .. HllUlltllllnililcy had testified that be MW tin ma yot M.000 for protec lion, .1. , IIIB'JIUMV m 1,1 II KI18 AltK INT-KHXKI) IN HOLLAND Th-dh llagiitP-. Mur. 27. Four thou- ul hi Qtriimma soldiers have crossed lilt li II lint Into Holland aeeklns food. iccorcfjiordlng to frontier report recelv ill Im fiifhurt Ma -a They have 'been In- Itinti-jiaed it Zw-olU, IWlACKHl'oaKOTlOW COMING THUItSDAY Aiik4ii4niikdirsi, Mar, 26. Intimation Ikil O Jt ChmwlBor von Hethmann-HoH-"I g nnle.0 another peace lugget Hon at it i mwetlng of the relchitag ThnrminrKli, wus contained In Berlin dlipittioatchei re-elviid here today, ouot- ImlM) the locla-list organ VorwaerU, Tlioinu VorwamerU, In hlntlni at such 11 omo offer, id vocalcd a proposal iCMisepitite ace with Rusala. of MI'lAKKHH WNIMH18K TUN UNITKII HTATKH llnooHoodliivemr, Mar, 27. Klfly mem Imi mi of t Japanese Asuoclatlon of Ibt ID I Hood III wer Valley are on rufiord Mif y emlnm 1ng the action of Presl tat lt Wilton In meeting th aggrei iltii ra ot Qernnany'i unrestricted sub iiifltantwlM warfamre. They offered their nidi a befits their itatui t y mpa Itirtlealltlc reildents under th proteotloo el HieilMhe Amr lean flag. r-i a rlmifoa ad will ftvs results. IH DEFENSE