Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, March 27, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Published Doily Except Saturday
A. B. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr.
Entered t the Postoffic, Grants Pmse,
Ore,, m second class mail matter.
Display space, per Inch lac
Local or personal column, per line 10c
Readers, per line 6c
By mall or carrier, per yer.....00
By mall or carrier, per month 60
By mall, per year-. ll-BO
Bute Editorial Association.
Oregon Daily Newspaper Pud. Assn.
Audit Bureau of Circulation.
i .
' ' -
4 Tonight and Wednesday oc-
f casional 'rain, warmer east
f portion tonight; southwesterly
The garden In the back lot as an
effective means toward reducing the
high cost of living is attracting at
tention In every district this spring.
There will no douU be a shortage of
many of the staple products of the
farm as an Inheritance from the
Shortage of the present season so
that there will toe little danger of
OTerplanting any of the staples. The
potatoes and onions of the west are
bow practically disponed of, and the
price will not be lower till the new
crop comes on. But there are many
of the vegetables that are less known
In the markets that can be grow
and that will go a long way in cut
ting down the monthly provision bill.
If the hardier vegetables are planted
now they will make a fair crop with
out irrigation if the season is an av
erage one. Especially Is thIK true
if the doctrines of H. W. Campbell,
the dry farming expert are pnt into
practice. Otherwise, provision tor Ir
rigation must be made.
The Courier will publish a series of
home garden preparedness articles,
commencing with liue of April 4th,
Get your ground ready and "follow
Washington, Mar. 27. With the
suggestion that the United States
call a conference of neutral nations
to enforce the right of neutrals, Sen
ator LaFollette, republican, Wlseon
in, vigorously defends the position
he took on the armed neutrality bill
in this week's issue of his magazine,
declaring the bill means war.
.LaFollette denies he filibustered
against the 1)111. He says he did all
in his power to defeat the measure
"Insofar as permitted by the tyran
nlcal action of a majority," which re
sorted to "a perversion of the rules
to prevent speaking against the 'bill."
By "virtually placing American
guns and gunners under British ad'
mlralty orders, the bill means war,"
he asserted.
The action of the president In "at
tempting to force the Ibill through
in the last hours of congress," Is bit
terly criticized by LaFollette. An
thorlty that leaves it in the d lucre'
tions of the president to make war Is
conferred In the bill, he claims.
"The president made it clear that
he wanted to be left alone to exercise
extraordinary and autocratic powers
affecting the destinies of the country
and the world, until December until
the time for assembling the new con
Kress," La Follette declares.
"It was the evil system of one-
man power and secret diplomacy that
plunged the helpless people of Europe
into war."
' By a call to neutrals at this time
for a conference and a mere sugges'
tlon that food and other supplies
would be withheld from both sides
impartially, the belligerents would
be forced to observe the principle of
the freedom of the seas, he asserts.
Such a conference, even now, La
Follette ibellcves, would bring the
greatest benefits to ourselves, to hu
inanity and the world.
Calling cards at the Courier.
Canned in Sunny California
... i
Washington, Mar. 27. Represen
tative Lenroot, Wisconsin, progres
sive republican leader, In a formal
statement today, announced his op
position to Minority Leader Mann's
non-partisan organization suggestions
for the house.
"I ' am confident the republicans
next Monday will present a candidate
for speaker and a full set of officers,"
Lenroot said.
Lenroot declared that Instead of
the non-partisan plan there will be
presented to the republican caucus
Saturday a plan which provides In
case of a deadlock, the republicans
shall propose a provisional organiza
tion of the officers of the last con
gress until necessary appropriations
and war measures are passed.
This would Include the speaker and
other house officers. Committee va
cancies would be filled In the ordin
ary manner. This provisional or
ganization, however, would continue
only until emergency legislation had
been passed.
Lenroot was brutally frank In his
criticism of the Mann plan.
Lenroot said a deadlock would be
Just as probable under the Mann plan
as under a partisan organisation and
that vital legislation might be de
layed. He added that 27 republicans
who are now planning the organiza
tion of the .house voted for a repub
lican attempt to reorganize the house.
Lenroot denounced President Wil
son because he had not consulted re
publicans on war measures.
'Republicans are not less patriotic
than democrats, and should be con
sulted. I believe that not one re
publican in the house or senate has
been consulted by President Wilson
on the tremendously Important Issue
of war."
Before Lenroot Issued his state
ment, he had a lengthy conference
with Representative Longwortb of
Ohio and Representative Towner of
Washington, Mar. 27. Govern
ment ownership is the only solution
to the railroad question unless the
roads are granted a general advance
to meet Increased operating expenses,
B. F. Bush, receiver of the Missouri
Pacific, and speaker for the south
western roads, told the Interstate
commerce commission this afternoon.
Wlllamlna, Ore., Mar. 27. Pick
ing up an electric light wire which
had been blown from a pole, Joseph
Turnldge, farmer, was Instantly
killed last night.
"The real object of mirrors," said
Mr, Plnkerton, "la to enable women to
see themselves as others see them."
"No," remarked bis friend, Mr. AnkoW
by; "I think they were Invented so that
women could make themselves look as
they wanted others to see them I"
London Globe.
"This critic describes your new book
as drool."
"Guess I must be Improving, tie al
luded to my last book as utter rot"
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Contractor-Then you won't sell me
carload of bricks on credit? Dealer
No; me an' my bricks aro very much
alike-we're hard pressed fo cash.
Boston Transcript.
Imiiglnatlou causes more aches and
pnlns tliuu all other ailments.- Ban.
A classified ad will glvs results.
Envelopes at tho Courier.
n. ' ,
Dwmhi Eoutyptus OMnwnt
Tuaia bo Jaw boo
An Oeean Cable Would Have Averted
Our Conflict of 1812.
Hud there been au ocean telegraph in
1812 there might not hare been war
with Englaud at that time. Five days
after Prestdeut Madison signed the dec
laration of war England recalled the
orders In council which bad provoked
it The purpose to recall the orders
wis uuknowu lis America, while in
Euglaud nothing was known of the
war declaration wueu the order were
revoked. This war's most Important
battle, that of New Orleans, was fought
fifteen days after the treaty of peace
had been signed nt Ghent. It was this
battle which made Jackson a popular
Idol and gave him the presidency.
The first step In the Crimean war
was Russia's Invasion of Moldavia,
mouths before diplomatic rupture with
England and France.
The firing on Fort Sumter, which
started the war between the states, is
familiar story.
The first shot of the Franco-Prussian
war was by a French soldier on guard
at Strasburg bridge a day or two before
Napoleon III. formally took the field.
The attempt on Bismarck's life as be
was walking down the Unter den Lin
den on May 7, IStiu, rallied public sen
timent to him and his policy and from
a dramatic standpoint may be said to
bare been the first shot In the Austro
Prusstau war.
The blowing up or the Maine was the
first blow In, the Spanish-American
war, which ended Spanish possessions
in the new world. Charlton Bate
Strayer In Leslie's.
When Novels Were Really Long.
Though William do Morgan wrote
some of the loudest novels of recent
time. Ills ciTortt were conciseness It
self compared v.itb the works of some
of the seventeenth ceutury romancers.
Mile, de Scudery's owe fuuious story,
"Le Grund Cyrus," for Instance, fills
five folio volumes of 500 pages each In
the English trunslntlon. and her con
temporary, Iji O'alprcnedu, was even
more diffuse. III "Cleopatra'' ruuulng
into twenty three volumes. The leis
urely method of the early novellxts is
well Illustrated lu 'TnrtheulsHa," by
Itoger Boyle, curl of Orrery, In which
the eight hundredth psge finds the two
chief characters still engaged In tho
process of Introducing themselves to
each other, begun on page one.
Whir tho Guns Kick Hard.
Duck shooting at an altitude of 14,-
000 feet, on the .Itinln pnmpa, along
the shore of the hike of thut name, Is
a sport that ran be followed In Peru.
Very peculiar effects aro noted In this
rarefied region, probably tlia highest
altitude for this sport lu tho world.
The guns kick viciously, and the shot
docs not utter promptly, making long
shots successful. This phenomenon Is
dun to tho lack of density of the air,
which Is only about eight no""'s to
the square Inch ngnlimt llftecn at sen
level. Another Interesting fact Is that
tho ducks have no llrihy tunic, as fish
lo not exist In tills altitude.
Same Old Suits.
"Where have yon been until this
hourT" said Mrs. Lawyer Towlt to ber
late returning hubby.
"I've been looking after some suits,"
atlblcd Towlt
"Yes, I know those sults-tho old dla.
niondx, hearts, spades and clubs. Well.
Ibis Is the lust night I'll let you out.'
Ruffalo Express.
Cvory Drop'
Oct a eon today treat
your hardware or are
ovy sloolsr.
i w
I - Wlrvworm Control
The Trap Crop Method This
j method takes Into accouut the pref-
ereih'o of tho wlreworma for cor
taiu foods and also tholr huhlta of
feeding. Potatoes are a favorite food
! plant and wlrewormo tend to feed
! on one host to the exclusion of
others so long as this food Is avail
able. As early In the spring as the
ground begins to warm up the pre
liminary treatment should be given.
This consists of planting pieces of
: potatoes In rows 60 feet apart and 15
feet apart In the row. Choose fair
sited solid potatoes, and cut them
In hair. Cut small wire In 18-Inch
lengths, dip one end In white paint
or mark with white tape ao these
guides may Ibe located easily In the
field. Hook the opposite end of the
wire firmly around the piece of po
tato. Plant with a hoe In rows as
suggested above, putting the potato
down Into moist earth. One week
later go over the field, digging up
the potatoes and removing the wire-
worms. It conditions are right for
the activity of the wireworm, fre
quently as high as SO to 75 may be
collected from' a single potato. If
few worms are found, replant and go
over the field again In a week. As
soon as the worms do appear active
however, this preliminary planting
will give a ready Indication of the
centers of heavy Infestation. As
soon as these centers are located, a
second planting should be made over
the same areas. Prepare the pots
toes and wires as before. Plant In
rows 15 feet apart and the potatoes
6 feet apart In the row. These plant
ings should now be visited weekly
until the collection of worms no lon
ger warrants the visits. Usually four
to six visits will suffice. A few extra
potatoes should be carried along to
replace any that might be badly eaten
of beginning to decay. Pick over the
soil Immediately adjacent to any bait
because frenuentlv worms will be
resting there.
Where this work has been carried
on In California as many as S3 wire-
worms have been taken from around
one bait, and 50 to 75 Is not uncom
One fact to Ue taken into account
Is that if this work Is undertaken
It Is well to see that It Is properly
and thoroughly done. jOne tteat
ment will practically rid the ground
for three Uptakes about that
time for the worms to mature and
transform to adults.
Rye draw
An Oregon seed company has
stated that It cun use 500 tons or
Oregon grown rye grass seed. Here
Is an opportunity for those who have
low land that Is not particularly well
drained to grow a profitable crop.
Preserving Eggs In Water Glasn
Eggs spoil because of the growth
of certain kinds of bacteria Inside
the shell and are best preserved by
means of water glass solution that
prevents entrance of bacteria.
Only eggs that are sound, clean
and fresh should lie selected for
preservation. If eggs are dlrly when
taken from the nest It Is not advis
able to wash them for putting down
later. One "rot" put In 1y mistake
with fresh eggs will In time render
all the rest useless.
Use sodium silicate, water glass,
one part to 9 parts of water. This
is a heavy liquid, slightly alkaline
and nearly colorless. Tho water
should be boiled five minutes and
then cooled Just before using.
Karthonware Jars make best re
ceptacles, and metal ones should
never be used. Thoroughly scald
your receptacle Ibefore using It and
always keep It covered when In use.
It Is not necessary to put all of the
eggs In the solution at one time.
They may be from day to day but
the Jar should always be kept cov
Eggs have been known to be kept
perfectly 'or two years, however, It
Is not advisable to keep them more
than one year.
Eggs can be preserved In this man
ner for a cost not exceeding two
cents per dozen, so It Is economy and
will materially assist In the solution
of the question or high cost or liv
ing ir every house wife, whether In
the city or country, will put down
eggs at this season or the year for
winter use,
Copenhagen, Mar. 27. King
Christian formally bade his former
subjects In the Danish West Indies
farewell today, wishing them "a
happy future," under the United
States flag. Ho Issued a formal
proclamation, thanking residents of
the Islands, now sold to the United
Htslos, for the "centuries of loyalty'
A Class
Jor Home Dressmaker's
V Are buttonholes really hard to make ?
No. 1.
No. 1.
No. I.
The first step Is to strengthen tho buttonhole edits with strands at
How to hold (ho work and take Hi stltrhos.
Mow your finished buttonhole should look.
I IKY are really the most fssclnati
lnif ihtiigx: And. while the
ntltch I a the same for every kind
of buttonhole, there are all sorts of
I'.lfTcreiit ways of beginning your but
tonhole. ,
The single strand of thread you see
In No. 1 Is one way of strengthening
the rut edges. It doca very well for
materials of a firm weave. Hlmsy
materials, or thewe that ravel easily,
should hare the edge lightly overcast
to give them sulllclt'iit firmness.
On coats, where there are several
thicknesses of material to be worked
over together, hold these thicknesses
flatly together by placing a row of
machine stitching along either side of
the line where you Intend to cut your
buttonhole. These will take the place
of the strands you see In No. 1. With
out this your buttonhole would not be
No. 'i allows you the buttonhole
stitch belter than uuy Words inn. It
.V British Port. Mar. 26.-(U.jaS tty. more were uniy ao pas
liiyed) rsasenger upon the Amerl- seniors."
can liner St. Iuls, first American Arrlvul or the Ht. I.ouls created
armed ship to brave the submarine ' no excitement In this port. The
tone, found tho voyage disappoint- townspeople and officials seemed to
Ingly dull and uneventful. The only regard the sufe arrll of the ship as
diversion was the dully gun practice j a foregone conclusion. There was
with Icebergs substituted for tar- no crowd nt the docks and no dom
K(., Illustration from the few that did
Philip Klein, aon of the dramatist. 1 linger around.
Charles Klein, who lost his lire
through the torpedoing of the Lusl
tanla, was one of the passengers
olooard the St. Ixiula. He Intends to
establish In london theatricals, and
on landing today declared he never
felt any fears of sharing his father's
fnte through the voyage.
C. J. Modderman, a British sub
ject, Insisted It was a very "disap
pointing trip."
All passengers agreed, however,
that the St. Louis' lire boats were
Comply with
the law and use
printed Butter Wrappers
According to the ruling f (lie Oregon Dnli-y and Food
Commission all dairy butler sold or exKel for sale in
this state must lie wrapied In butter paier upon which
Is printed the words "Oregon Dnlry Butter, in (or 112)
ounces full weight," with the rmme and address of the
To enable pat ions of the Courier lo easily comply with
the ruling this office will supply standard sixe and weight
butter paper printed with H'lal waterproof luk, and
. delivered by parcels post, nt the following prices i
loo Hlieets, 10 or IIJ ounces $1.00
aoo Hheels, 10 or iU onnces 1 ,11ft
.KM) Hlieets, 10 or Mil ounces 1.70
500 Mirela, 10 or UU ounces 1MO
lixtra rhnrgo for special designs.
Hend orders ihy mull iiccompaiiiil by the price ns above
and paper will bo promptly forwarded to you by parcel
poet, prepaid.
We use lite best butler paper obtainable, and our work,
manshlp is of the best,
Rogue River Courier
(irants Puss, Oregon
U ST r .. Ik K
also shows how to hold the work. Be
gin ul the Inner rod, the end farthest
away from the edge, and work away
from you. not toward you. Make lbs
end near the edge round, and finish
the Inner cud with a straight bar of
buttonholing. The round end Is to re-1
reive the slisuk of the button. A
lengthwise buttonhole, on the other
hand, has Mb ends finished with
straight bar of buttonholing.
Finally whip the buttonhole edges
together, theu pirns them well ou the
wnng side under a damp cloth. This
will bring them Into perfect shso.
Never use cotton thread for button
holing unless you are working ou cot
ton materials, where the luster of silk
would not be desired. Ou silks, wool
ens,' chiffons, etc., you do want lbs
luster, however, and not only does Ibe
buttonhole silk twist make a far
stronger snd better looking buttonhole,
but It lines tiot fade or gather the dust
the way toltoti does.
kept slung outward from the davttt
after tho fourth day from New York.
The ship was kept utterly dark at
nights and no passengers allowed
on the decks.
"It was an awfully lonesome trip,"
remarked Miss Mablv Null, of Kan-
Just before port was reached, how
ever, tho Ht. Louis passed another
steamer, the crow or which lined tho
rails and gave rousing cheers lo tho
American flag and the first armed
American liner.
The consul at the British port
where the Ht. lx)ul arrived accom
panied the British Immigration of
ficers uhiiunl her as she entered the
Job printing at the Courier.
1 3