' 'I -AUTO MOBILE NUMBER SECTION TWO DAILY 1 EDITION . VOI VII., Nik 100. HANTS PAJW. JORKPHINK VOVKTtt OMCOO.N. SUNDAY, MA HOI 'iS, 1017. . i i ' ' ' ' WHOLE KTMBGR 9010. wi TEXT BOB t, ; U PAOE3 9 to 18 , MAP 1 unu nmnimio imvo nr ur BONDING tumm to m imphovki ik thi: MKASl'IIK IH AltOITKU lY THK VdTKHM PAVEO, FOREST ANO POST ROADS Com Tnder Three lanlf teat Ion, Home lo lie lntirared Through Kedrral Aid W present herewith a revised map of the highway route designat ed by the road bonding bill. This map correct many of (he ' error made In the hastily-prepared (ketches that were puldlnhrd toon after the legislature pasncd Hi bill. It also how the cltle and town along the late highway. While till la not an official map, It baa been Inspected Informally by the mentor of the 8tat Highway Com mission, The commtafcloner are precluded by -their official position from expressing any opinion a lo iitly where the road Will go. un til audi time a they hold hearing In the different counties and take iie,h formal action a the law re quire In locating and designating the highway permanently. The kind of road contemplated. In WHBBLBR i m a n o m y s -.rrn ik. i.i i V vp STATE HIGHWAYS APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ROUTES DESIGNATED IN THE ROAD BONDING ACT SUBMITTED TO THE PEOPLE ' OF OREGON AT THE SPECIAL ELECTION. JUNE 4. 19t7 I I p iwmi wee. cmhimi not orncuu. sue torroe o tmi A 1 I the bondlni id I sl , ,,owg-n lmB tie prepare the road-beda. Thi ( . (Imply Include grading. It doe not "Paved mil" a V iNlhose deslgnal- Involve the count In the exoenae cd to be Uri-mMm "ft r tile eoun'lof cement or crushed rock foundaUo!-fedrl goverameot.. Any deelgnted!'"", '. (Continued on Page 12) a part ot the paving. I highway over which mall la or may "Post roada" are highway con-. be carried 1 tubject to classification atructed In co-operation with the HUH BE VOTED 11 4 ACT POB THB OOXgTRCCTIOS OF HH2HWATS WIT HIS THE , STATE OF OBEOOS AUTO FEES hi CUTE D PadV Highway Banning Tfcmwgn GruU Paas to Be Paved Wheat Graded By the Coamty The fuU text of the road bill (house bill 550, referred to the peo- ple)foIlows: . An set to provide for the con struction of roada and highway 1b the state of Oregon; to provide for the Issuance of bonds by the state of Oregon to raise money to carry ont the purposes of this act; to author- tie the State Highway Commlaikm to take such action and perform , inch dutiea as may be necessary to meet the requirements of thin act; to designate and authorise the con struction of certain hard-surfaced highway and certain poet road and certain forest roads, and to provide for 'other poet roada and forest roads; to provide for the letting of - contracts for the construction, par ing and maintenance of roada and highways; to make the ., surplus arising from the fees collected nn- (Continued on Page, lo.) $41S.70 We are moving into our new quarters at 6th and J Streets about April 15th. Best equippeojed Garage and Shop in Southern Oregon. ,n. We guarantee 8;e our work and our goods. Our prices arwre as low as good business methpds will permiiniit.' We want yoiiiwr business and feel sure we can please yoLiu. Expert repairs. Expert car washing and polishing. Expert tire vulcanizing. Expert service in every department. Ladies' dressing room in new garage. Make our place your stopping place. Everything for your comfort and con venience. , Our Motto is "SERVICE" (T o L MOBAET COMPANY .