Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, March 25, 1917, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE FIFTEEN, Image 15

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    SUNDAY, MAIltfl S3, 1017.
J. W. Morris, Consulting Engineer
Oregon Slat Mater Association
On June 4th Oregon will lie put to
ttit test. The people will b railed
upon to Mttlt fur lone tlm to
eomo whother tho trail and dirt
road which have served tha psat
generation ara good enough for tha
present day. It la not a question
of whether we are auy letter than
our forefathers It la simply a rant
that wo hav progressed to a point
in tha development of thin Mat
where our tersonal convenience and
our commercial enterprise demand
belter transportation facilities.
Thar ara people who will vote
aalnat tha $(,000,000.00 bond Issue.
Strang to relate, ninety ver cant of
tha opposition vole will come from
thoaa who will not ha called upon to
pay ono con l toward tho construction
of highway. Tho voto anion auto
mobile ownara will lie practically
unanimous In favor of the 'bonds.
All of the opposition that haa devel
oped to data come from those who
do not own cars. There la only one
way to account for this they do not
understand, If every voter In Ore
gon la made acquainted with tb pro
visions of this act, the positive vote
will be (he greatest ever recorded In
U'ts lay aside prejudice and half
formed opinion and look this matter
squarely In the face. What doe
the bill provide? Simply this the
license on automobiles are doubted
and the money obtained therefrom
will to used to pay tha Interest and
principal on the bond. Not one
penny of tax Is called for. , You who
cry that your borne and your farm
will have to meet the burden are do
ing so out of Ignorance. ' The law
says AUTOMOnrUS not housenot
farm. The man with the automobile
need not squirm the double llceno
act was passed by the iMt legislature
and will be In effort whether or not
the bonda are voted. The revenue Is
already provided. All that the voter
are callod upon to settle on June 4th
la how the money will' be spent.
Don't overlook thl tatemcnt you
are not called upon to vote a licence
or a tax. Thla has already been
done. All you have to do I to say
that the money provided shall be
spent In Immediate road construction
made possible by a bond Issue of
$8,000,000. Otherwise, the money
will be upent In driblets of three or
four hundred thousand dollar
year scattered over many hundred
miles of road. With the ibondi, w
can have the aame result In three
year and can enjoy the use of good
highway, lessen the cost of get
ting our product to market and have
attraction to offer to tourist, some
of whom will like our climate and
our paved roada o well that they
win niake their home among us.
Perhaps some one haa told you
that some future legislature may re
peat the double license and that
property will then have to be taxed
to pay the bill. Set your mlnda at
rest on thla point. When a bond
I sold the purchaser and the state
enter Into a contract covering uch
sale. Thla contract Is sacred and once
made can not be Impaired by future
legislation. If you doubt thla state
ment, ask your lawyer. You do not
hesitate to sock his Judgment upon
a personal matter Involving a hun
dred dollar, therefore be equally
careful In a $6,000,000 deal. It
wont coat you anything. v , i
Another voice we hear come, per
haps from a district where a pro
posed road la not shown on the state
map. Some selfish follow says
"They are not going to build any
All sort of ridiculous and untrue
stories are being set afloat. It is
said by some who are misinformed
that the county must put on the!
crushed rock otherwise macadamize
before the state will finish the Job.
The language of the bill as it re
late to Josephine county Is very!
plain. Paragraph 9, section 7, say: I
"Provided, that If the counties of!
Douglas and Josephine, or either of
them, shall prepare any part of the I
aald Paclflo Highway, and make same)
ready for paying according to the re
quirement of the 8tate Highway
commission, then said commission
shall Immediately pave the road so
prepared ." The greater
part of the mileage paved in Jackson
county has been with concrete where
no crushed rock I first needed, the
concrete being always laid directly
on the dirt On aaphalttc pavements,
the concrete base Is likewise laid on
the dirt. If a crushed rock fcsse i
used, it Is "bid upon as a part of the
pavement and is part of the pave-'
merit and la not laid by the county
in advance. State Highway Corn-
road In front of my farm and I mlssloner E. J. Adams made thla
wont vote to build a boulevard for very plain while in Grants Pasa last
the Joy-rldera." How allly. Did you . week. ; ',
ever hear of a railroad company
building the branches before the
construction of the main line? Ia it
not reasonable to believe that the
longer the building of the main high
ways la deferred, the longer you will
have to wait for your branch road!
Furthermore, If the county is re
lieved of the burden of keeping up
the main highways, wont they be
able to apend thla money on the leas
Important roadsT
Cletz Fibre Grip Gearless Transmission
A Marvel of Power. The Only Flexible Drive. v
The owner of a Mela car remarked, in deacrlb
Inn the MHa Wot Jrlp jearha TnuiKitiimlttn,
11 Is pretly smooth."
Yes, It la smooth; In fact, It shines, It Is pol
ished. The aurfocee look as If they would tilde
over each other like skates on Ice; but that
Is where they fool you. Sllp'm? Say, you could
n't do It any more than you could slide down
' an asphalt sidewalk with ruMx-ra on your- feet.
That fibre wheel clings to the aluminum com
position dlau closer than a brother. And yet,
when power la applied too suddenly, It raw give
a bit; Just enough lo cose the shock on engine
and tire and start the oar gently.
Examine the cut of tho transmission; or,
better still, watch tho transmission Itself In a
Mots chassis; you will catch the Idea at oneo
That special fibre surface possesses an affinity
for the composition disc. They cling together
and cause every ounce of power In the pngloe
to 1e delivered to the driving wheels.
The puss of thst fibre wheel Is uncanny. You
can scarcely believe your own senses when you
see and feel It. Just place a Mela oar on one of
the steepest side hills you know of, on a traveled
road; stop It there; then apply the power by a
alight shift of the fibre wheel away from the dead
center. Your oar, louiled to lie full capacity
perhaps, starts up the hill with such a reserve of
power that It will feel to you aa If some mighty
giant were pushing It along. There Is not a sign
or the grinding, Jerky, wesrlng effect so often
seen when a sliding gear and clutch do not work
In perfect harmony.
Kvory person who drives a car knows how -often,
especially on a hill, a clutch does not re
lease Instantly, or a gear refuses to mesh pro
perly; possibly your car cornea to a full atop or
starts to back down the hill, Power Is applied
too suddenly with the Inevitable result; you strip
ymir gears, stall your engine, or, if everything
else holds, you start up with a Jerk which causes
Ma to swallow her fulse teeth.
The Mela fibre grip gearless transmission is
the simplest thing of Its kind to be found on any
car. There la not a weak or delicate part about
It. It don't run in oil; It 4s positive, quick to
respond to the shift lever, flexible, lighter than .
any gear transmission, requires no clutch, and
la the most reliable transmission known. It
gives seven apeeda forward and one reverse. The
reverse speed Is slow, safe and powerful.
M us take a common-sense view of this mat
ter. A transmission la a moans for conveying the
power of the engine to the drive, or rear wheels.
There are two popular forms of transmission
the gearless, as used In the Mela, and (he eliding
gear aud clutch. An automobile engine la posi
tive and continuous In Its action, Ha speed
depends on the amount of gas supplied from the
canburetor and the rapidity of the explosion as
controlled .by the magneto. Within certain
limit the power developed depend on the rate
of the revolution or the crsnk shaft, This power
must be conveyed lo the driving wheels In some
manner which will make It possible to reduce
ipeed with Increased .power, or to change speed
at will, or to atop the drive wheela without ston
ping tha engine, This Is the province of the
transmission and clutch,
In the Mela tienilcM Transmission no clutch
Is required, the power being removed from the
drive wheels when tha fibre wheel I disengaged
from the dleo, Hears are not required becauso
J. K. Manuel, Agent
the movement of the fibre wheel toward or
from the renter of the disc reduces or Increases
the speed of the drive wheel. -
In a sliding gear transmission there are a
number or cogwheels which engage each other to
produce, usunlly, three speeds forward and one
or two reverse. These are called "sliding gears"
because they can be moved back and forth on
their shafla to give the necessary selection to
change apeeda. They usually run In oil. Aa
these gears are Inflexible, a clutch ia required to
detach the drive shaft from the power.
It should be clear to anyone who understands
these forms of transmission why the Mela
taCMrlesa Traiismuwion ho enabled the Met car
to win endurance tests, hlll-cllmbing tests, '
and. In fact, every test to which any car not es
pecially built for racing should ever be sub
jected. In passing through the (rears some of the
power of the engine Is necessarily lost by fric
tion; some power Is lost In changing speed or
shirting gears; some Is lost by releasing the
clutch and allowing the engine to run free.
There are many ways by which power and mo
tion can be and is lost in running a car fitted
wit If grcor transmission and clutch.
In the Met ftau'lesa Transmission, on the
contrary, when shifting speed, If such becomes
necessary, there Is no moment when the engine
is not performing Its full duty. The power Is
continuous. It ia raised or lowered gradually
while the duty of the engine ia unimpaired.
The movement of the fibre grip over the alumi
num disc Is quick if desired, but gradual. The
power la never lost, the engine never stalled,
(be car and Its occupants subjected to no sudden
Jerk or Jar.
Listen, Mr. Auto-owner, when you shift speeds
with your gear car you release the clutch (losing
all power), shift your gear (which often mesh
hsrd or fall to mesh perfectly,) then apply your
clutch again. In doing thla, your engine It sub
jected to at least two severe strains; one when
you release and another when you apply your
clutch. Your driving gears, rear axle, rear
wheels and tires are all subject to strain which
tend to weaken them and wear them out. Ami
(don't overlook this) If you strip a gear or
even break a cog, Rood night!. It la a long haul
to the nearest garage.
Now with the Mela fibre grip gearloxa trans
mission you have:
1. Positive and constant power and action.
2. Simplicity and direct drive.
S. All engine power applied to the rear wheels
aa driving; power.
Every Met agent la glad to demonstrate the
truth of all we aay albout our car.
Kvery man who owns a number of cars should
have at least one Meta In haa garage. It will
give him faithful service when his high-priced
rare are unavailable, - ,
Equipment Includes Gray & Davis electric
starter and electrlo lights, Instant one-man top, ,
bulltln plate glass rain vision wind shield, 35
horse power water-cooled motor, high tension
magneto, 8 3-Inch artillery wheels,, SVi'lnoh
Goodrich clincher tires, automatic signal horn,
speedometer, gasoline gauge, tools etc,
the Met High-Duty One-Ton Truck Is the 1st
cut product of the .Met factories. . it the ile
lluht of every miui who necls a sturdy truck .
Not n dear, Not n Tear... Not a Fear
Price uiNl.OO including demountable rims ,
1)04 South Sixth Street
1'hone JW7-H,. Jtes. I'lumo iMil-Y
The benefits of paving are so well
known to all of us that it seems
hardly necessary to go Into the sub
ject Down at Med ford there are
two auto-stage lines running to Cen
tral Point and Ashland over paved
roads. Two more are running to
Eagle Point and Jacksonville over
the old fashioned Oregon standard.
The same make of light cars are
used and the same kind of tlrea are
in general uae. The machine run
ning over the paved roads are get
ting 7,000 miles out of a set of. tires
while those over the unpaved roads
are barely making 3,500. The av
erage tire costs $18, and the annual
mileage per car is 30,000 miles. The
owners of the cars running over the
.pavements save $274.48 per car per
i year in tire cost alone to aay noth
,ing of the saving In wear and tear I
(on the machines and of the less
I amount of gasoline required. Ex
perience in Jackson county doe not
bear out the argument that pave
ments are for "Joy-riders." Many
people may drive over the road for
.pleasure but this does not Interfere
with the general utility of the pave
ment. . The farmers and fruit grow
ers between Central Point and Ash are using this road every day
j right along with the automobile and
j furthermore are able to haul double
, tho loads with less tiring of their
j teams. What should also be noted ia
After that long Automobile
trip you will want a good
Bed to rest in
U & llolnian
have the best beds best springs best mattresses
--best EVERYTHING in Furniture Rugs Lin
oleums. J ' ,
,' Remember the 1. 0. 0. F. Anniversary April 25th
jthat since this pavement waa finished
.the county has been put to no ex-
.pense for upkeep and the money sav
ed has been used to good advantage
in more remote districts. Win not
iJoBephlne county be able to do the
same? Everyone known tre Crescent
City road needs work. In the past
30 days the Impassable condition of
10 miles of this road haa cost Jo
sephine county $40,000. You say,
"to the mine owners?" 'Let's see
about that. One hundred miners at
the protection, which opening a Checking Accoant
with thla bank i
Protection and Good Service) are desired by the
large and small depositor alike and thl bank
gives tjotb. "
Your account I cordially Invited.
Cl)e first National Da;;!!
Of SoKften OregM
$3.50 per day have been laid off:
23 team at $5.00 each per day; 5
auto trucks at $20.00 each per day.
On top of this the team owners have
been out $1.00 per day per team for
feed: the mine owners have lost
$500 per day; the suspended traffic
in lumber and other local commodi
ties will easily bring the total ' to
$40,000. And think of It All of
this loss to the county in one month
when the ten miles could have been
graveled for half the sum. Is this
good business? Wouldn't you or I
spend one dollar It we knew we
could get back two in the .place of
it? ' .
Maybe the county did not have
the funds. AH right, let's turn loose
the money now needed to keep up
the Paclflo Highway and make the
fellow with the automobile foot the
bill. ' That is exactly what we will
do when we vote for the $6,000,000
bond Issue. And the auto owner
wont kick either he win make back
hit extra license on tire saving and
upkeep on the machine and the
county funds will "be freed to build
and repair the side roads.
Will you please tell me the advantage
of wire wheals?
Wire wheels give a car a snappy ap
pearance. They are more resilient
than wood wheels, effecting a saving
on tires. . TJhey will stand greater
strain than wood wheel in case of ac
cident or severe driving. They are
lighter than wood wheel, tha reduc
ing the amount of unsprung weight
$35(0) and a
Makes this
One-ton Truck"
r 1 jar k M . ,w ,"f.
SanEsT" vti i
Smith Form-alrucli
If you have any need for a horse-wagon delivery you can save money by
buying a Kmlth frNirm-a-Truck. , ' s
' Here's what you get! Speed of easily 12 to 13 mile per hour under full
load, 13 to SO miles per gallon of gasoline, depending upon load and ,
.conditions. Twice the work of 4 teama at half the cost. ,
Specification accommodate standard nine-foot loading body, or any spe
' rial body, and Include truck wheels, Firestone nolld tlrea, special axle ami
springs. Tho wonderful time-tested Ford Rear Axle become the Jack,
uliuft without a single change or ait additional penny of expense.''
C. L. fiiobart Company