Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, March 11, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    SUNDAY. MARCH 11, I01T
U lb great problem hrftwe the America people.
..TIietltiversiiiMint will upend lbs hundred of mlL
llotie preparing fur your pnttectkm what are yon
ilolng to PRUI'AIIK YOl'ltHKLPr
' . '' .
..A lliuik ourotinl iMlir trtelim every ninn needs,
Our hiiumihI fliwnruil ropiOkliillliy and ettiriant
service will Inaiire uimiluie pnitwiion for your
fundi. ,
Prepare yossrnelf liy opening an suToiini with u
..either flirt-king ir saving.
Grants Pass
Diggers Will Scon
Be Out
Demaray's Jgfc,
Vltulr Kperlal newlng machine, ilrop head, 911 Mil tree, quarter
mI oak ami imllolieil, 73 Inrhe high, tihSO mirror, $10;' email oak
arm tucker, gJ.HO; HMrway failing go-fart, Ml disk, 10 IH-lnch
dinks, $!M; iM-tooth Acaite liarntw, f IQi pair holster ata-iatga, 8,600
Ih jwpncliy, CI; double iiliarel plow, g'J.lW) 7-tooth eidtlwotor, Ml
runnlMiut In itiNMl condition, gllOi feed rotter 18; corn sheiler, Wt
set heavy double hursteM, glllj wrt light harness, 010) art single
liarar, (17.
Plume em't-K-ttl
stborft. Ha T .
Il AlIuS l HIMNM .M i l l Ym m
fNri fe MrN M ttont, hOtant, AUlM KtlMI'k
ilia tripsin 1.1 .iniiii.ii
Salem, Mar. 10. After having
lient J2 of hia 61 year In the In
sane asylum here, Daniel Parks died
today. He was committed May 29,
1834. '
"Ocr.3 cn 0er, Seo
CoraFeU Off!"
1 Pat 8 Drops of Gotrftf on Last
Bight-How Watch-"
ft U you have to do la to use
your two llnKera and lift the eorn
rlaht off. That's the way 'lleta-ll'
alwaya works, You Just put on
about 1 drope. Then the corn not
only annveia, nui looaena irora ma
toe, without effecting the surround
Inn flesh In the least. Why, li e al
most a pleasure to have i inn and
rkat Waa a Oalt Ifaaeral Taa( .
Cora Had With Uela-llV
tie how 'Oeti-It' litta them off In
urry and without the limit wain. I
can wear Uf hi lioei, diinoe anil walk
aa though T nnvor had oonn." .
"(uu-lt" rnakea th uiie of tne
Irritating aalve. bumlllng bamUgii,
tape, plaatera and other thing) not
only foolleh. but. unneoeiejry. Uia
!hli wonderful dlnoovery, (leti-!t,"
or any ioft or hnrd corn br sallua.
t la the new, ahnpla, anay, qulok .
way, and It never falla. You'll never
have to cut a oorn agnln with knlvea
or lelRiora, andrun channta of blood ,
,!' polKW. Try "Oeta-It" tonlaht.
r "Oota-lt" la ald everywhere, M.
1 a bottle, or lent on reoxlpt of prloa by -H,
Lawrence Co,, Cliluago, til,
8old In Grant! Pan and reoonv
mended ai the world's beit corn rem'
dy by Qoorge 0. Babln,
M-oMMa-r, ll.m..XhrjA
III i K4 ! UM lmllkW
-'lea, MUet WMh Hit HiMto. VX
I I i. nafc
Banking Co.
Portland, Mar. 10. Today'! mar
ket quotation! were:
Wheal Club, 1(2; blueatein, 1(7.
Oati No. 1 white feed, 8(.76.
dlsrley Feed, 38.50.
Hogs Rest live, 12.50,
Prima ateera, 9.65 (.85; fancy
cowi, 8.00 tf 8.60; beat calve, 10.
Spring Iambi, 12.28.
Butter City creamery; 89; coun
try. 80.
Butterfat Unohanged.
Eggi Selected local extrai, 14 ft
Hons, 20 21; tirollera, IS geeae,
12 18.
Topper, 80.
The Hoard of Director! of Sohool
DlHtrli't No. 7 of Joiephlne county,
Oreiion, al IU next regular monthly
nioctlitg to lie hold Tueaday evening
April' 3, 1917 at 7:80 o'clook at the
ofllre of the olerk, Kdward B' Van
Dyke, will consider sealed bid! for
the supply of 820 tiers of two toot
wood; bldi to be received for all or
liny part of the aald entire supply
and for either hard or soft wood.
All bids must be for the supply of
body wood cut from aound green
limber and free from rot, dote or
punk, and be delivered at tke re
spective school lu.lldlng! of the idle
irli t lit Hie determination of the
tumrd oh or before September' 1,
Ksch bid must 'be accompanied by
a certified cheok of 10 per cent Of
the amount of the bid,
The board reserves the right to re
ject any and nil bids.
Doard of Director! of Sohool Dis
trict No. 7. s
. By J. P. TRUAX, Vf
? Chairman.
Calling cards at the Courier.
Hr 'CaJbotui SnUrUla
Mrs. Qeo. S. Calhoua entertained
Tuesday afternoon In honor of Mrs.
U U Jewell's birthday, Tke hours
passed pleasantly xwlth Casey work
and social chat. Those present were
Meadames J. O. Pry, Eclus. Pollock,
Joo Calhoun. R. II. Ollflllaa, pen
Offlna and L. U Jewell. Dainty re-
freahments were served.
In Honor of Mra. Jewell' lUrUuUy
la honor of Mrs. L. L. Jewell's
birlkday an exeelleot (:10 p. m. din
ner was served Tuesday evening at
the Jewell home on A itreet. The
table .decorations were carnatlona.
Those who turned cooks and hot teas
es In honor of Mra. Jewell were the
yiaaes Crellln, Ray more, Katharine
Bridges, Clara Calhoun, Bertha Ket
chum, Oladys Penn, Muriel Turner
and Mra. C. H. Woodward. Mrs.
Jewell received many beautiful gifts
and declared her pleaaant birthday
surprlea oae long 40 be remembered.
Trt O dub Meet
Mies Dora Herman entertained the
Trl O club at the P. B. Herman borne
on Washington boulevard, Saturday
evening. The study topic was "O
Memoriae That Bleaa and Burn." Fol
lowing an hour of discussion the time
waa pleasantly peat in game and
mttaic. A lunch of fruit aalad dres
sed with mayonnalee, nut and can
dled cherries, caramel pie and choco
late waa served. The gueets of the
evening were: Vivian laham, Lor
ene Courtney, Ollle Moore, Esther
Qllkey, Helen Fl field, Helen Ellis.
Horace Hair, Prank Turpin, Harold
MoOee, Wallace XI lea, Loren Baster
and Don Oraham.
. a
IMbjmt Paaty a Cnnaera'
In honor of the presence of Mr.
and Mra. Bert Uagman, returning to
Redfield, South Dakota from winter
ing in California, Messrs. and Mea
dames O. H. Caroer and Harley 8ton-
aker entertained at dinner Thursday
evening at the Carner home on Wash
ington boulevard. The other guests
were Messrs. and Mesdamea O. P.
Jester, Elmer Balslger and P. B.
Herman, Misses Lela Oibert and Dora
Herman eerved the dinner.
' Kvemlng Ooewts at Orahama'
Mr. and Mra. Paul Blaochard. Mr.
and Mra. Arthur Dunn, Mlaa Strong
and Mr. Boguo were evening gueets
at Don Oraham'r homo on North
Sixth street Thursday evening. The
time passed pleasantly with cards
and Vlotrola music. Sandwlcbea and
chocolate were sacred.
Birthday Surprise)
A merry party .of about 25 young
people aasembled at the H. H. Basler
home on North Ninth street Friday
evening for a surprise party for Wal
lace Ntlea In honor of his birth 17
year ago. A picnic supper was serv
ed at o'clock. A Jolly evening was
spent with games and music.
Mlaatooary Tea
Mn. 8. A. iDonglia entertained' the
Missionary society of the Baptist
church Tuesday afternoon at the
Douglas home on B street. Miss
Blanche Crane was the teacher for
the afternoon, the study topic being a
chapter from the book "The King's
Highway." An Interesting aa well as
a profitable afternoon was reported
by all present. Tea and cake were
Wedding Aixr.lveraary
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cougle enter
tained several friends Wednesday
evening In honor of their 14th wed
ding anniversary. X bountiful sup
per was served at S o'clock, follow
ing which the evening passed pleas
antly .with recitations, games and
music. The guests were Mr. nnd Mra.
Grant Thrasher, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Stovall, Mra. Olive Rowley, Misses
Berntce Stovall nnd Eleanor Cougle
and Master flWPh Cougle.
All Day Meeting at CVtattaa Clinrrh
.The Ladles Aid of the Christian
church met Thursday for an sll day
aeeslon. Dinner was served t noon
and lunch at (. Quilting and social
eonversatton oocupled the time. About
18 ladles were present and reported
a well spent day. N
Joint Meeting of "Half Century','
and reaft" Clwb
Mrs. Louesa Dtxon and Mra. B.
Crockett entertained the "Half Cen
tury" club and the "Oregon" olrfb at
the Dixon home on North Sixth street
Monday afternoon, 'The , 'Oregon"
olub members present were Mesdemes
J. T. Tuffs, .Catherine Gray, . m.
Reymer, w, B. Dean, Louesa Dixon
and P. Thompson; the "Half Cen
tury" members present were th Mes
damea le Calvert, J. 8, Wendell, H
Crockett and the' guest of honor 'Mn
R, 9. OUflllan, the day being the
anniversary of fcer birth. The gueets
of th afternoon were Meadames no
lus Pollock, J. D. Pry. Oeo. 8. Cal
houn, CO, Orlme of Portlsnd, snd
P. M. Anderson of Portland.
The afternoon passed rapidly with
flying needles, and Interesting talk.
A luncheon was served. .
Pa NobU Grand Meet
The Past Noble Grands of the Re-
bekah lodge met at the borne of Mrs.
Louesa Dtxon, Friday afternoon. Pol-
lowing a short buslneaa meeting the
time passed quickly with needlework
and Interesting topics under discus
sion. A large percentage of the so
ciety waa present and report an ex
cellent afternoon. Pineapple pie and
coffee were served.
Birthday Party
Little Miss Sidney Carber waa host
ess at a party given In honor of her
4th birthday Friday afternoon. The
time passed quickly In various games.
At lunch time Mrs. Oarber served the
youngsters to hot bsked potatoes,
sandwiches, Jello dressed with whip
ped cream, and a birthday cake. The
guests were Lucy Cass, Elisabeth
Fl field, Francis. Wiley, Joseph Ham
ilton, Carlton Wiley, Lela Feldmaler.
Luette and Bertha Wallerman.
"t'p and Doing"
Master Howard Flfleld entertained
the "Up and Doing" class of the
Methodist Episcopal Sunday school
Wednesday evening at the C. R. Fl
fleld home on North Tenth street.
Business of the class was transacted.
Including the election of the follow
ing officers: President, Adolph Kel
ler; vice-president. Gardner Knapp;
secretary, Howard Flfleld; treasurer,
Waldo Baker. Following the adjourn
ment of the business meeting the
evening was spent In numerous stunt
and games. Crystallised pop corn
was served throughout the evening. A
lunch waa aerved later. The teacher.
Mr. Rees, pupils Ggrdenelr Knapp,
Waldo Baker, Booth Holmes, Adolph
Keller, Honta Johnson, Owen Holmes,
Bobbie Rees, Norman Kendall and
Howard Flfleld, host, were present.
Dinner Gueat at Bturtevanta
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dysert and
daughters, Alberta, Evelyn and Grace,
of Waldo, were dinner guests at the
M. G. Sturtevant home on Meade
street Monday evening. Following
the dinner hour the evening waa
spent In vialting.
Rogue River Grange Entertains the
Pomona Graage
The Rogue River grange entertain
ed the Pomona grange Saturday even
ing at the Grange hall of the former.
A most delightful evening waa en-
Joyed by all. Miss Dorothy Gllfillan
won a beautiful quilt In a quaint
quilt contest. Following this waa a
short program constating of a recita
tion, a piano solo by Miss Louise
Hammerbacher and a reading by Am
anda 8tel. A bountiful lunch waa
served, followed by an hour of danc
- MIm ItaraMle Hoetea
Miss Lulu Darnetlle entertained on
Friday evening at the H. L. Darnetlle
home on South Fourth itreet. The
evening waa spent with games, music,
cards and dancing. Refreshments
were served. The guests were Mlasea
Gertrude Berry, Ollle Moore, Edythe
Robinson, Avis Knlps. Eleanor Bo-
cock, Lulu Darnetlle and Messrs. Gay-
lord Smith, Ted Blrchard, Frank Tur
pin, Wilbur Bearas, Allen Underwood.
and Juel Beatul.
Copyright ItlS YhtFfctn AdvartlssnwBea: If
ww vwy,
fidure Tells.
Yard Phone 187-R
Res. Phone 876-T
Everything of
Merit In
Oregon "
Cement Sewer Pipe
Tile Co. ;
New and Used
' at Klght Prtoaa
Manuel A Heaton
804 South (th
TonM Strictly Cnah
But see what cask
, . will do hex
400 South (th St
th . soiswes i' at
(rhlok 1a very way
Office Houis
10-11 and 14
ftuou OsBsroigk EntoasnalBed '
Mrs. MvltaoalmWWtrt,BJ th
Sunshlni tltb tl hj( bc-an on C
street, Tbundif iftiraoon. Music,
fancy wort uf g puanut coaveraa
tlon, pouwdtbillnnli UmtAiM 4:10 when
a three toiw l:s IbkImb. cosilstlng
of Chlneu iolHtjItli iccoampsnled by
chop stlcki, Nl law ,j ulAt crocolt and
cak wuMrrodby hyftoliosartesi.Thooe
present nrt Mel Ultiiatm Thorpe,
Smith, Tiyler, Cain!) c,n( atcy , and
Gllmore tod H'Mtb,,,,,, Albert and
Bruce B01IH, tidtiii, mw. Msrgaret
aeey. Kn, Tbomjhcrp, ou Brtl
prise for Mtlii loot DMdla Jtn the most
rapid aniirwliil lnn lweT Mrg. Cal-
well secoio pnse.
Kvenlni flouls U ntMatfrn' 1
Mr. and Mn. S. . A, pitenger en
tertained 01 MlirHwnt ng it tbelr
borne on luplism1Bl Norh Tenth
street, la tow of ofjir.snad Mrs. By
ron TerellllBf, 3 th, guents
of honor Unrtitra.nVeMIMelnt Mr, -nj
Mrs. U. A. OriOs, I , Mn. Cur
tlss Wllty, Hn. H . it, srounKblood
and the host ltd hoittaaai. Mr. ind
Mrs. Plttenor, 1X1 ijjtt re-freshments
were servtd,
eft '
Faiwrfl for : 14, B,liiBviyer "
The frleads f ( j(r, an( Mrs.
Floreni Brdlwni, ! a Krulldale
Friday evenisg In U tte amKe hall aa
a farewell to tbo n,, Breltimavyen who
Intend to remove iVg i mcrhi.,,, thu
month, it tlibonoiftonte tuv ppr was
served at 1:10 id liaduiwamn Intereat
Ing progru iu rtj, Tfn eo-natBtlDg of
selections bjtbfnl rmiiem orchestra,
vocal aoloobjlltl, -tirs. HirryClirk and
Kowt Mirrit, I piq pinoic-lo by Mlaa
Berenice Qulolu, 1 lgrettUtftonbyMiaa
Ruth Breltotfit, an ,Mj nimalc by the
Neilson three-plNe ; orcbewtra. The
remalnini hours test wtrtlpeaat In danc
ing. Abom IH wen DrePnt. .
Rr.P,UJ , u.Mwt,,
The Baptist TonaiiitouM p(01pie'i anion
met in the church itB won Friday
evening for 1 "ollrxlkiij p," The even
ing was aiixnt villi ninth (tirades, gsmea
and music. Doris ih, finmlX read and
Ruth Smith, OeasOrjenerlire Pattillo.
Stanley Sammrn S-ji , j HaMrTy Bdger-
ton aang nwil o 14 rttcby swlectlona.
Sandwlchei, mtlcasn-lMi aa C0COa
were aerved.
Arteid(isBrMeKlmg '
A most latertftlnsnltting mating of the
Arts andCnfU oot society at 00k place
Thursday iftertooDLSKtog thea home of
Mrs. C. C. Presley, ,fcy, on Noarth Fourth
street. Toe evolutliJt ution of toook bind
ing waa the Hod; fy topic and waa
thoronghl; dleciueitjMi, vr-a. Macduff
and Mra. Klocker tf pri .Interesting
talks, telling ol thou) the rery beginning
of book Xtlndlng to og0 the mo-st modern
methods. .The iftittteroow was pleaa
antly apeat with hinii hand worOk and dla
cusslona. A lumbeaod her of the branches
or the AruiDdCntarattiior-lc are pre
paring exhibits lortli j, the ouentlng of the
Federated Wooinm,)M' cmuba to
be held In thli ell U fcy In AprlB. .
' t
W. a T.l'.ra.. Matured
Mrs. C, W, CoorsstaurtMr e3dtertalned
the W. C, T. II, a .r, ,t ibe Courtney
home on Orchard aat itenue Mrlday af
ternoon. The iludrln udr topics was on
"Sate, County and futnd Local Work."
Rolls, honey, cooklea4liei and c-ocoa were
served. Thou prsairewat wre Mea
dames A. B. Pratt, O ,, 8. Lous bridge, E.
E. 'Blanchard, J. H, .Hh. Rorno3ds, M. P.
Oraham, J, I Chrlsalurlatllrt, J S. Wen
dell and C, W. Counucourtaey,
Harold lihtn enot eiterUlnv d a few
of hie frletdt it U t the J. M. laham
home on Wuhlnrtooljgtoii bouleevard Fri
day evening ThUI Aime iptsd by with
game and music. - A luncara of cocoa
pickles, sandvlchci aB md cake waa
served to the follow lnoowlig: VI 4a Moore,
Hilda McChotka, K liable Peterson.
Ruby Kenyan, Ollvvlllive Usteer. Waldo
Baker, Mu Lewis, jUg, jack Scott, Le-
Roy Hestoa, Arlhuaiufhur and Francis
Close, Mr. and IrwibaJro, hhanm, Vivian
Ishnm and Arda lahwlsl laham.
tolntwr wjw Pirij " ' ' '
'The "RNrclaij elan of the Pres
byterian church . entertained the
"King's Sus"ftdMs!idaHrnang at the
Dr. U O. Clement . . loot bout on Wash
Ington boulntn, The rooma were
most artiBllcally arrsaiurranged Inn the hues
of the rainbow, Wild With streamers se
cured In the center o ie ol tht r-oom, each
guest waa uted It si to ontongcle rain
how. in search of thoill the nrthecal pot of
gold in this cits, , u tH-tBay sucker
proved to be it thi ftthe foot oC tht rain
bow. .ThebjliiMuttottmor -tbsuesta
were.arraniedul bond vote wer cast
for th pntlleet.tY. .Baby ob Beatul
and little nortace M Diwtlaai received
the highest irabenier of rotes. Pine
apple sherhet and O Id cike wesre aerved
the following: tlelelilelet Bobealen, Flor
ence Riddle, Dili w la Andemaon, MoMe
Hanseth, Mamie trnH Bnnum. Ima An
derson, Dorothy 0110 Ollflllaa. -Mildred
and Florence Dttkl:llikln,JoB. Wright
Ruth Glesler, HobMQbert Bcwul, : Juel
Beatul, LslerCalhaDiinh(in,QTald Prea
oott, WllfotdAIIrt JLfn irTdl Blrchard,
Earle Voorhlot, JoeeoOoa hrdoo. Arthur
Cramer. Mrs, , J, .1 J. Beatu,a and Dr,
and Mrs. detoett, ,t. '
PO gfL
. Red Clover, Tlmothq, Scan fled
Sweet Clover, ttya Graas, te.
Ralph Waldo Bldan, Central Point,
Oregon. ttf
1800 rOH COTTAGE and wall; 1100
for .shMk, brn4 chicken " house
and wood abed, i acre greuad
thrown In free; 121 Rogue River
Are. Key across the street i 04
FOR SALE t-room house plastered.
with bath and toilet, 711 I itreet,
two lot (0x100 each, bans and
outbuildings; or will exchange for
email house. Addreas No. 291, care
Coorter. ISltf
FOR SALE t-h. p. motor, 8-tnca
pump, three transforxeri, 1(5 feet
(-inch galvanised pipe, IS feet 4
inah. Dip, one awlUh, on belt,
f nqulre O. P. Jester, at Orants
Paaa Banking Co. , 982tf
BARGAINS in Petal a ma Incubators
that have been need and thro
oughly tested, 12( egg,, I1S.O0;
218 egg, $18.00; 824 egg. 121.00.
Every machine guaranteed. Cramer
Bro. 09
A TWO CYLINDER Maxwell rue-
about in good condition for sale
Cheap at (125.00. Just the car
to use in canvassing. Inquire at
Cramer Broe. - 09
IP YOU WANT White Leghorn baby
chicks, place your order early.
March and April hatches all sold.
Still have to sell; May 1, 150;
May It), 2(0; May 14, 100; May
24, 160; June 1. 250. Hatching
eggs, $1.00 per 15, by th Hun
dred, $5.00. K. Hammerbacher,
Route 2, phone (Oej-F-lJ. 02
FOR SALE Baby chick 10 cents
each; also eggs for hatching,
brown and white leghorn and t)an
tle. Mrs. P. O. Wilcox. 407
Rogue River avenue or telephone
222-R. 4, , 88
ANGEL, CAKES supplied In any
quantity on short notice, 60c each.
Phone 190-J. 892tf
week's special: One June 22, 191(
son of Laurel Champion out' of
great English blood brood
son. Berryton Belle (1st Ready for
light service. Winona , Ranch,
Route 1, A-Box 10, Grants Pass,
Oregon! F. R. Steel. ' 998
FOR 8 ALE Team of Shetland po
nies, buggies, two set single, '6ae
set double harness. M. C. Ament,
phone 252-J. (58 North 8th St.
FOR SALE CHEAP Grant, siircyl-J
Inder, five pasaenger automobile.
Has run only 8,407 miles. Inquire
at Maxwell Garage, 701 G street.
FOR SALE 10-stamp mill, lnqlud-
Ing two 5 -stamp . batteries, two
4Hx9 plates, two concentrators,
two ore feeders, shafting and pul
leys. Address W. L. VanHodten,
Gold Hill. 00
MAXWEI.b RUNABOUT for aat, 1
40 h. p. Oldamoblle and all kinds
of parts for 1911 and 1912 model
Maxwell. Pope motorcycle, ISO.
602 West C street. '998
table, chairs, rockers, steel rahge.
mattress, springs, sanitary cotich.
oil atore. 639 North Second St
Phone 146-L. 998
J. S. MACMURRAT, teacher of voles
culture and singing. Lessons given
at home of pupil it requested.' Ad
dress 71( Leo itreet - tfilt!
.MAN WANTED ou ranch all sum
mer; must work cheap and board
himself. Quarters, fuel and (gar
den furnished. Write or phone
C. P. Kuhnhardt, Merlin, Oregon.
DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian.
Office In Wlnetrout Implegieat
BIdg. Phone 11S-J ' Residence
Phon 306-R. '.' i
Aftenioon Gnesta for Mm, JeAtTll .
In honor of Mrs. Isaac Jewell from
Illinois, Mesdamea W. R. McCracken
and M. Murphy entertained on Wed
nesday afternoon at the McCracken
home on North Third atreet. The
many guests declared It an enjoyable
afternoon. ' A IlKht luncheon of salad.
waters, cake, tea and coffee : Was
served. :
Riirprlso tor MIm Doerner 1
A few 'of Mlaa Cella Downer's
friends discovering that Tueaday was
the anniversary of her birth, surpris
ed her at the E. O. Harris home, on
A atreet on that afternoon." Those of
the party we're Mesdamea Geo.' P,
Cramer, Longehecker, J. H. Hathway
H. 8. Preacott, H. D. Norton and
Mlssea Edith Bannard and Burrell.
Many 'dainty and useful gifts were
received by Mis Doener..
W O. CLKMC. , tj, raaO
limited etic ,1 ti sy. r.
. d taroa Cr: fttai.
.Oa ars l-ii, ., r a j a
poUtaaeaL OfloS aooae, ft; rest
dene phone KM. j
t. wwHWii. m, a, n?stm
andsargeon. City or eeaiury aC
attended day or aighL tmLZx
phono: 1(9; Cm pboao 188.
" Sixth and & Tafs Bn&Uig. ! .
J. P. TRUAX. U. Iknlrtaa art
surgeon. Phones: Oflee (2S; jrast
dene 824. k Call laia'ind aB
benra. Coaatry aIU ittenoUf 9a
Luadburg Bulldlag. , J
BYWATEaV-fpeeladhi a
1 of th eye, ear. awo;aa
throat; glaase Itud. Ota hours:,ttow.a, mease)
Realdeae 284-J; UW,
chaaldt BUg, Graats.Paas; Or.
A. A. WITHAM, M. D Pkysieiaa mil
surgeon. Offlos: HaU tMr. earner
8UU aad I etreeta. Psoaee: 03e
IK; residence lll-j. Bonn: a
m. to 4 aw aa, f .:,"-;
B. C. MACY, a M. D. Fliwt-ctau
deatlatry. 109 tostti llsta
street. Grant Pass, Orefon.
IL D. NORTON, Attoray-at-ta
Praetlc la aU state and Pedsrai
Court. First NaUoaaU Bank EMg.
COLVIO ft WILUAM8 Atterneys-at-Law
Qraata Pass Basting Co.
BIdg, OraaU Pas, Or. , x
E.S. VAN DT&3. Attorney. PraeUe
In all oarta. Pint National Bank
EDWARD H. RICHARD. Attavaaf-at-Uw.
OOe . Masonic Taanyte
Grants Paaa, On. ,
W. T. MILLER, Attorney-atUW.
County attorney for ' Joaenhtae
Coaaty, Office: leaaUhera Elttg,
a 8. BLANCHARD, Attoraep-alVUw
GranU Pass Basking Co. Eldjf,
Phono 270. Orants Paaa, Ore.
V. A. CLaU(ENT8-ttoraoT-t-Law
, Practice , in state v aad fwaeril
, courts . Boose 2, sued I, evnf
.. , Golden Hal atore.'
.Jng., For tho best work at laireft
; prices, phone 195-J. . a O. Ptant.
SouU Park atreet. ,.
The CalifomiA csd Crtca
Coast EAilroad Cccy
Effective December S, 19K
Tuesday a, Thursdays, Saturdays
Train 1 lv. GranU Paaa. 10.M a. m.
Train t Ir. Waten Creek 1.00 a. aa.
All train leave Grant Paaa from
the corner of tt aad Eighth atreet.
(opposite the Southern PaclSs "t.
For all laformatioa nw 1
freight and pasaenger serf tee sail al
th office of th company, PwbU Ser
vice building, or phono ill to
B. R. CROUCH Aasayer, chaaaSpt,
metallurgist Rooana 101-lot raeV
dock Building. Grants Paaa.
kinds of drayage and treuafwr
work carefully and promptly dope.
Phone 188-R. .Stand at rreight
depot ' A. Shade. Prop.
F. Q. 'SHAM, drayage aad tranatwr.
Safe, piano and fumltar mt4,
packed, shipped and stored. Phoae
CTark ft Holtaan, No. 60. Resi
dence phon 124-k.
Bunch Bro. Transfer Co. Phono
Woinaa'a Aaaodatioa Meattag
The Woman'a Association of the"
Presbyterian church met in th par
lors of that church Wednesday af
ternoon for a business and"' social
meeting-. "Followlntth adjournment
of an exceedingly Interesting 6u41nea
meeting the afternoon waa pleasant
ly spent with fancy work and ioelal
chat. Sandwiches and coffee !wan
served. . 1 ..."
Eastern 1 Star Taffy Pall f
The regular meeting of ,tbe Order
of the Eastern Star was held (Wed
nesday evening." Following the ses
sion of lodge a taffy pull waa la
order and the sticky, hot stunj waa
order. .
1 1 1 .e ;
Envelopes at the Courier. 1
T" "
Calling card at thy Courier