WF.UXKHItAV, KMHU'AltV UH, IttIT PAGE TWO DAILY KOOVM BIVBB COURIER T Published Dally Except Saturday A. B. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr. WILFORD ALLEN. - - Editor Entered at the Postoffice, Grant Paaa. Ore., aa second class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per loch lac Local or personal column, per line 10c Readers, per line 5c DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year....$t.00 , By mall or carrier, per mouth 50 j WEEKLY COCRIER By mall, per year $1.50 1 FILL IX1TKD PKKSS LKASK1) ' WIRE SERVICE ' MEMBER State Editorial Association. Oregon Dally Newspaper Pub. Assn. Audit Bureau of Circulation. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2H, 1917 OREGON WEATHER Three Grades Peanut Butter WK SK1.1, ONLY THE HKKT I.V POIXU Fancy Dried Fruits APRICOTS IlLACK FIGS PEACHES WHITE PltiM PRINKS KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Ql'ALlTY FIRST OF Tonight and Thursday north to east winds. meet the new menace. The rapid improvement of defensive methods has teen shown by the frequent fall- fair; ;ing off in submarine victims dur- ,lng the last days of the month. " t. ..? proportion to their numbers. 'merchant ships of the allied powers A GOOD APPOINTMENT The appointments announced by Governor Withycombe upon the new slate highway commission seem most acceptable to all portions of the state. From the first district conies B. J. Adams, of Eugene, centrally located within the district, and known to be man above personal prejudices and i petty bickerings. He will be especl- ally Interested In the Pacific HIgh-j way The appointment of Mr. Adams i meets with favor in Josephine county : where he Is known to many of our people as an enterprising, upright and progressive citizen. The naming of Mr. Adams will give the people of this district greater confidence in getting behind the proposed $6,000. 000 highway bond issue. Mr. Adams' can take care of themselves. It ts the unarmed neutral shipping that proportionately has contributed most seriously to the increased sinkings since the submarines began to fire on all vessels at sight. If neutral vessels arm themselves and defend their right to traverse the seas, there win be a still further drop in the number of submarine victims." GERMANS STILL HOLD Berlin, via Sayville. Feb. 28. I First editorial comment of German i newspapers on the sinking of the colleagues upon the commission are:Cunard liner Laconla. Justified this also men of capacity, S. Benson, of.,BteBl exampe of the German suo j Now York. Fob. 28. - Kdltorlul comment on the sinking of the La conla, and the International nil na tion In Keneral, follows: New York Tribune Ai last the administration faces an "overt act" on Germany's part, which It can hardly explain away. Mr. Wilson has said many times. that he would not tolerate any more such murders. He has pledged himself again and again to "protect our people In their legiti mate and iteaeefiil pursuit on the seas." Now the occasion haa come which compels him to make his words good. If those words mean anything, the administration Is bound In honor to ask congress to declare war. Nothing short of a declaration of war will suffice, New York World It Is a disgrace to congress, It Is a disgrace to the j American people. It Is a disgrace to Washington, Feb. 28. Ilow U-.the eternal principles of the repub conla life bont No. S. lu which MrB.H. t thr could have been an and Miss Hoy died of exposure at i hour's wrangling and haunting over sea, was raked and flung against the the question whether the fnlted Cunarder's portslde by a mountain-, Slates should maintain Its honor or ous swell, was briefly but dramatic- surrender abjectly to German ruth ally told today in two more state de- j leesness. There has been enough of nartment dlanatchea from Consul national humiliation. A congress I Frost at Queenatown, and Ambassa dor Page at London. Page's cable merely said the ad miralty had officially Informed him the ship was torpedoed without that Is not unqualifiedly and reserv edly American In this crisis, has make Itself the kaiser's ally. New York Herald All doubts about the necessity of the govern- for Portland, being the father of tetter marine warfare by suggesting it was : merely a carryinz out of the tier- highways In Oregon, while Mr. j mM warnlngg tnat ho8tlIe gnlpg Thompson, of Pendleton, the third ! would be torpedoed in the barred member. Is one of eastern Oregon's gone. big men. The Tages Rundschau called at- j tention to the practice of the British i admiralty In changing the character of Its ships. In a summary of the operations of j ..jne Laconla," the editorial as the German submarine fleet since the ' serted, "was on the British list ot war cruisers In 1916. If she has THE SUBMARINE CAMPAIGN warning and that Austin Hoy had,n?nta taking immediate steps called at the embassy to say his the absolute protection of merchant mother and sister were native Am-vessels have been removed 'by the erlcan cltlaens. The dispatch from "Inking of the Brlttsh liner Urania. Frost said: j New York Times Casuistry cannot "Have separate affidavits Floyd disguise, nor Ingenuity palliate Ihe Gibbons. Arthur Klrby, Father Joseph crime of the German submarine Warning. Mrs. Harris and Robert commander who sank the Ueonla. Olllls, and Joint affidavits 15 Amerl- : H murdered American cllltens. can negroes. Joint affidavits six senior j Every circumstance of atrocity Is officers and Joint affidavit crew sur-, present In the case of the Ueonla. vlvors boat No. 8 and sworn mem- We are now called upon to defend orandum from Third Officer Choppln' the liberties of the nation, who conversed with the submarine j Chicago Tribune The nation Is nt commander. j the turning point of the road. The "Glllls was nhl watchman, from ' president haa asked for a painted Scotland, na'turallzed In New York,! lath to wield In a field of steel. If December 8. 1906. J congress turns away from the ob- " Deaths of Hoy women and negro 'nn need of the nation for full and Coffey, covered by affidavits, show! swift preparation, und. refusing the boat No. i was raked and flung 'by, warnings of experience, continues to lowering against port side and filled, shirk, and postpone, we sliull pay for with water at once, but floated away 'It In blood and humiliation, by its tanks: became separated from Chicago Herald -The eyes of the other boats and was picked up by , world are turned on congress. I'res- Ulgni or us . occupants '"n""'" ' - ! with assurnnce of a congress mat is announcement of the new campaign rnthlpMness inaugurated Febru- I urvlpa ijilo ts nna nfl.a mil nf manv ary 1st. It is shown that except for,. A. .j...... J'aiiceumbed during the nklit the greater destruction of neutral ,hp. mted f war.hp. one t(me "Mrs. Hoy was the first to sue-! sil l ta king o a HUhus " ' vessels, the campaign ha. accomplish- warships, then as passenger ship. , 1:10 .. m. Then the negro, this stale of m nd which make I. ... u ... u. ........ .Lt 'Coffey about 1'45 a. m.: then F. la- many willing to undertake an out- ed nothing forhe central powers, j hen a. hosp tal ships. Whether u 2 30. Irage such a. the sinking of the U- The total tonnage sunk during the J-jj. fa tactca -' -J Seve. bodies were thrown over-1 conla-the long feared "overt act." month 1. recorded as 456,817. which Jjj board during the night. but the Hoy(For congress to fall at th, . crisis: to included a total of 183 ships. Of f Q ofd 1 .bodies not until daybreak. .endure a ordsr to es- these. 110 were.British and 20 were Llp,,. "Coffey address was , care o, ; M.? , ... .. jnnH. xix wuci street. Baltimore. diihwi... . j iu iaK nuuuaiuBU i uie ur, , - ,,.,.,.... ,.rl.hl rurny s aauress was uainunuKe, .' t- under the flag of other of the bel ligerents. Two of the ships were Am- of the Berlin newspapers to make j c. . i ,A,h.,, 'editorial comment on the Ueonla. erican and 51 belonged to other neu-1 ... ,, Berllners are in entire agreement trals. Press reports from Berlin es-)n th(j eomp,ete gllcceB. of ,he gb. timated the sinkings during January j marne war ag expressed by the Im- of 228 ships, with a total tonnage , perlal chancellor In his speech before 'I of 439,500. Basing his. comment and deduc-j tions from these figures, J. W. T. Mason, correspondent for the Tnlted Press, makes the following state ment: "Germany's campaign of unrestrict ed submarining has been in opera tion a month without demonstrating its effectiveness for bringing the al lies to terms. Serious damage has been done to allied and neutral ship ping, ojit not sufficient to give real hope of victory to the German gov ernment. "More than twice as much des truction of shipping as has occurred during February must fall to the submarines monthly before a real danger line of defeat may become vis ible to the allies. "If the Germans have put forth (heir best efforts during the past mcnth, as is probable, the February record cannot be seriously surpassed while the submarine campaign pro ceeds. "On the contrary, the Increase of precautions by the allies, Including chiefly new mine fields off the Ger man coast, the most effective arm ing of merchant ships and the hast ened construction of new ships, ought to give a slowly Increasing advantage to the allies. "Germany's largest totals of vic tims occurred during the early days of February before the British gov ernment bad mads fully ready to Y. Douglas Adams' address, 18th street, Newport N". "All survivors except fo.i hospital cases left Cork at 4 P. ni the 27th and will reach London rmrnlng 2Mh. Ueonla carried 17 won en and live children, all saved ne Hoys london tomorrow. London." Gibbons is In the reichstag yesterday. This session of the reichstag was a notable one. One new feature was a plan by which all newspaper correspondents admitted to the galleries were furn ished "Journalist's cards," on which were photographs of the man thus accredited. The tribune, from which the chan-i ' cellor made hi. speech, wa. not over- j THEATRE AUDIENCES, crowded with official, as customary In such big speeches. The chancellor , a fermon Far Those Who Arrive Lata was accorded enthusiastic applause. and Otpart Early. He spoke nearly an hour. It H one or our iimxt hallowed na Announcement was made last night tloiml i'IihIomik not lo go Into n tl (er that there wa. a case of an infections "'"til tho inriiiln bus risen. If by some disease In the town where the prls- i tlil blunder we Imve urrlved punc- nnar. 1 UIIIIIV we SlIIOKe II CIKII IU III IIIV brought Into port on the steamer Yarrowdale, were Interned. For this To refuse to support :,7s,,the president would be little short of a calamity. St. Uula Globe-Democrat The sinking of the Uconia is striking and convincing proof that ib tier man government ts putting unre stricted submarine warfare Into op- "Hosnltal cases all due to trans-i eration. If tne president weie sur shipment from boats to admiralty v. s-1 rounded by strong official advisers, sels and then to danger by heavy whom the people could trust, there swells In the darkness. I would .be less perturbation, 'but he Mrs. Harris Is well; will reach , minus ami Bci mono aim rn. Patriotic Lectures Romanism Revealed OH Twelve ivaaoit why I denounce The Itomiut fatludlr tliun Guy Fitch Phelps Author of, "The IUak Inuhe4" "The. Momji or The Til" "Tho llMtle Hunt" ami The Mountains of The Morning" The "HIiMk Pnipliet" lou hreu termed "Th I'ncle Tom's Cabin ol CmhollcUm" Wed., Thurs. & Fri. evening t 7:;H CHRISTIAN CHURCH KKKK KUKK ruin. The president Is entitled to . the undivided support of congress! and the people. ! Portland Journal - An undivided : America can give strength and power to President Wilson's representa tions. An undivided America would ! bs en impressive and convincing ar-; PORTLANDjyiA RKETS gument with the Gorman chancellor. IN REICHSTAG TODAY Portland, Feb. JH. Today's mar ket quotations were: Wheat t'lilb, Km; bloenteiu. 161. Oat -No. t white feed. 3 . 2 &. Ilarlcy- Feed. SN .5(1. Hogs - Ileal live, 12 ST.. Prime steers, 50 9.SII; funry cows, S.:0; best calves, lO.tlU. ttpring In in Im, 13.00. Hutter t'lly creamery. II; emm- ry. ;h llutterfat I' n 'hanged. Knurt S.'li'ciii',! linn I entras, ifi Berllu, Feb. 8H, At today's meet ing of the reichstag, Chancellor von lU'tliiiinnii'llullweg, in a mil li-sp-pluudud speech, reviewed the pollll cal, naval and milllury situation as developed since the beginning of un restricted submarine warfare. The bouse wax crowded, ulmonl all diplomats staying in llcrlin being present. "The chancellor beKanrhls speech in a clear, loud, ringing tone. The chancellor spoke In the iiioni vivacious fashion, with eNpei'ial en ergy and brilliancy. Almost every sentence was accompanied by expres sions of general approval on Ihe part of his hearers. Frequently .members of parliament applauded. After he had concluded there was general applause and hand-clapping, Joined In by the galleries. II. nx. IS ' I 'I. bliilleis. :'0; aeese, U" 'H 1 3 flipper. 30. POSITION LOST IS Why Catch Th.m at All? Au Indianapolis man recently saw for the llml time a "flock" of flying flub III the I'm Ilk' m-eilli, "I am perplexed iix to ihu projier thing to do In the esse of living Anil," be writes. "Should one ciilib them Willi H honk mid Hue, b'"'l tbem or use a bird in f.1" I u iIUi uti I1m New. falling cards at th i fourler. llerlln, via Sayville, Feb, S. "U the Am re sector, Infantry engage ments In the forefleid of our posi tions look Ihe course desired by our commanders," declared today's of ficial statement. "Kngllsli recnnnollerlug advancna SKalnnt some places on the Artola front were repulsed," the statement continued. "West of the valley of , the Alsne, one of our river proteo j tions was surprised by the French ; but by a counter-thrust the outpost I iiosltlon and the garrison came Into our hands again. j "On the left bank of the Mcuse. I French, partial attacks failed." Job printing at the Courier. A classified ad will give results. reason the prisoner, are still kept In the town. It I. recognized that neutral, cannot be expected to per mit the American prisoners to enter their country with the danger of In fection present, therefore the Am ericans have been temporarily held in quarantine. It I. officially stated that none of the American, are Infected and that they are all well. When Not to Smoke. By exhausting the salivary secretion smoking before meals prevents the physiological action of the saliva on starchy foods. Hmoklng Just before going to bed Is often followed by In somnts, lie'sime the sinmnch contains a jnn Ut.v of liuni'iiiniiU'cil Juice, which Irritates Ihe uui'iisa slid gives rise to s aeiisntloii nf hunger. "This distress lug roiiNeqiieiico limy be n veiled by Inking either some llihl fond or s lit tle tilfsrhouate of sous liefnre retiring to rest In order lo ntilr.llx the seore Uou. I.iuhIoii l.sicet, I lobby Ho Ihu cunning pluyw right tukesenre not to slurt his Klory until at Icnxl live minutes Inter. Ho occupies I hew live minutes with s colorless sceuu of some kind Juki to keep Ihu groundlings amused. In Home ciimcs ho will hrglu each ii' t In l lie sumc. viiy. It ileiiciuls on how faslilonuhle bis iniillcin e is and bow Ihlrxty, For u coin emu ri'iixnn be must lliilxli bis pluy live iiiIiiiiIcn Im foru Hie fliiul ciirlnlu falls Anolber of our uiilloiiul ciimIoiiis Is to leave Hie theater the moment Kd win bus emlu'iiiiil Aiigellnn, although the author miiy Iinvs reserved a quaint comedy touch or a dramatic surprise for Hid actual end It Is no use altering the hour of per formuiice. Ileglu at midnight If you like; we ahull not come until five min utes after, Leave off st 10; we shall go out live minutes before. II 1. In tho bliNxt. The Men that sn audience owes any consideration to authors or iielors Is entirely foreign lo us. Tim very suggestion of II I. almost nn Imperil nence.-louls N. Parker lu New York Times. Envelopes at the Courier. U. no Indication of Infallible wisdom St. liOiils Republic Presldep'. Wil ton should be free. Congress should yivs him power. We are, In short, In a situation such that the ex. u tlve branch of the government must be strengthened. iA lioard of man agers may sail a ship In fair weath er, but If they are wise they will de fer to the captain when a storm threatens. Kansas City Journal They (the Germans! a're liable to miBtake dla cusslon for weakness and lack of loyalty. Nothing could be further from the truth. Kan.a. City Star-In this crisis there Is no time for hesitation. Con gress ought to go tho limit In back ing" Ihe president n energetic step, for safeguarding American rights, Hocky Mountain News (Denver) Congress should give tlm president every lola of power for which he slakes up to the limits provided 'by the cmiatltutlon, llut It Is our hope thul the president will also grant to congress Its fair place in the task that the sinking of the llrlllsh liner Ueonla brings appreciably nearer that, he will call the new congress In to session that It muv, with new blood and new Ideas, overset the old Inertia. Portland Oregonlnn The pen o nt any price or avoidance of war at any cost propaganda Is the counsel of cowardice and Ignominy. It cannot and must not be heeded. Ife means national loss, decay, degradation, Knock at Our Door! California In February means Springtime. The golden oranges ure on the treoa. Ilirds are reluming from the south. Illossoma urn appearing on many ot the trees. Just the right kind of weather tor out door recreation, You can afford to spend few weeks In Southern California. The change of climate, surroundings and amusements will Improve your health and HICAI,TII IH WEALTH. Southern Pacific agents are well equipped lo give accurate Infor mation regarding a trip to California, llouklots describing alt parts of the state. Information regarding hotels, beach and mountain resorts, scenic attractions, stopovers, round trip rates. Ask for booklet "Wayside Ni'ck" and "Hid Trips." Call on our agent Mr. J.' M, Isham, Agent. Grants Pass, Oregon. John M, Scott, General Passenger Agent. Southern Pacific Lines From Frost to Flowers In a Few Short Hours Shasta Route Three Daily Trains (J HA NTH I'AHH to HAN KltANCIHCU ii:20a. m. 7M5 a. m. IMOp. m. CA1.1FOK.VIA OIIAXGK HAY, MAKCU 10