Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, February 23, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Published Dally Except Saturday
A. B. VOORHIKS, Pub. and Propr.
W a. FORD ALLEN, - - Bailor
Entered at the Postofflce, Grant Pan,
Or., ai aeoond class mall nutter.
Display apace, per Inch Ut
Local or personal column, per Unfile
Reader, per line k
By mail or carrier, per year....,00
By nail or carrier, per month M
By mail, per year. 11.10
State Editorial Association.
Oregon Daily Newspaper Pub. Ami.
Audit Bureau of Circulation. '
PIRICES-Tk Save You Money
WKt 1.T8
4 W1UTE 80 A P I5c
Try Sandwichola
Tonight and Saturday genet- i by
- ally fair except probably snow jui
flurries northwest portion;
winds, mostly northerly.
Plans are already being laid tor
the harvest of the tourist crop in tat
northwestern states of Oregon, Wash
ington and California. Each of the
states has made an appropriation ol
funds to be used In inducing toor
Ista of the east to visit the three
states, the inducement to be In the
' 1 hjf Ma was harvested in 1916, this
WMiai birdiy more than sufficient to
pli-iltjlaul the acreage of beets required
fcjr the natural expansion of the In
dustry. Some seed was imported
"K'JIwitb rat difficulty for the 1916
Ptnill,ttlnj, tout sereral sugar factories
ricnen)liied idle because of the Insuf
IWeAldwt inrply of seed.
west has to offer. Every year the
crop of tourists has increased, fle
ers came over the Pacific Highwiy
as during the year of the Pananti
Pacific exposition,
w Vuhtonton, Feb. S3. If the navy
of advertisement of the svleid,M'PrtlwBt wi" furnlsn !'
and climatic attritions which the r"U"hin! " crW9- he Am"lc,B
line-5ii, D will Keep its ships running on
Khaihchedul t h rough all the barred
UD-KkonM oi the seaa. submarines or
peciauy a irns true oi me tooroy, ,0 ,ubmayine,. This, ir effect. It
who travels by automobile, and lul.befawecime known today, was what P.
year as many of this class of travel-!' 8 . 8. Franklin, president of the Am-
durliDUring their conference yesterday.
Itwaalcmrned at the navy depart
fflenntjem today that Franklin told Dan-
' The argent Invitation that tl Wi alis he had tried to get guns from
west is giving to the east entails u.P,'vv',rivite corporations and had failed.
Obligation upon the people of the R lw told DaM thal
, . ,A. 'e'Ne had he been successful In his
west. It carries with It the 8sauraDceL, . , . ., . .
mntarth or guns, he would have been
that the visitor, will be given a wel-Bn naWe ,0 get any one who could
come and that he will get value re-thoooii0it tkerai. unless the navy depart
ceived for his money, for the tourist i meafltae-nt came to his rescue.
leaves a trail strewn with gold ud1 17 There was every indication today
. , lhtiiiatthli government has no Intention
RTen ' I Imnnmm mediate3 at least, of complying
one or tne nrsi aemanos maoe it. i,iiiVitt.taere,11 line request.
on tne enterprising community is me n The wvernment feels there .are
establishment of a camping ground, nnnii1My questions involved in furnish-
and in this Grants Pass as a pioneer B !8 W and gunners, the most lui
of the Idea must not bring up being the danger that might
ItlsBh.rise Ironx a gunner accldentlly pre-
rear oi ,tne rocess.on. a P1'"' Cpl Wiping actual warfare, througn
equipped camp ground keeps the has aitaste or accident, leaving this gov
traveler in the city for a time, and era: mrn meat with responsibility of hav
everv business house profits by tne l( N6 hrougbt about the war. through
etav! A move has been started by irrtihtaa; merchantmen with cannon
atiitta.nd crews to man them.
Roseburg for a co-operative advertH-j R hag reBted
ing of the camp ground attraction mnuur tltn?s that he is determined
of the towns along the line, andtho eifie rennonslMllty for any war be
Grants Pass has been invited to Join, lweeit the United States and Germany
Thus the tourist who stopped ,n m'"ut rert on the Imperial government
,. . , . , , uAXnd (or t hat reason there appears
Grants Pass would be Informed mMt m ihood now that American
the advantages of also stopping ln.nnsniercnut ships wilt be armed, at
Roseburg or In Ashland, or other oi Icameant by the government.
Daimis EuMljrptiia ObrtinMl
Tuata aae Jaaa eoo
fication of the Colombian treaty;
woman suffrage constitutional am
endment; national prohibition con
stitutional amendment; flood control
legislation; water power bills; naval
oil lands urged by the navy to In
sure an adequate supply of oil for
the new oil burning batlteshlps; con
firmation of Dr. Cary Grayson, Pres
ident Wilson's personal physician, as
rear-admiral; rivers and harbors bill,
attacked as "pork," (a substitute
bill practically halving the original
bill will be rushed through;) Owen's
resolution depriving the supreme
court of power to declare legislation
unconstitutional; Borah's resolution,
re-afflrmlng the Monroe dex trine; ftsl
hatcheries bill, providing hatcheriea
tn California. Maryland or Virginia.
Oregon or Washington, Texas, Okla
homa, Illinois. Arlxona, New Mex
ico; Michigan, Idaho, Missouri, Penn
sylvania, Delaware or New Jersey
and Minnesota.
A number of resolutions bearing
upon the International situation ap
pear to have been consigned per
manently to the Stygian depths.
Among those are:
LaFollette's resolution against arm
ing l'nlted States merchant ships In
time of pesce; the Saulsbury resolu
tions, opening l'nlted States ports to
allied warships; the Cummins' am
endment for senate consideration of
the president's international stnnd,
and others.
In the ten remaining legislative
days the following appropriation
1llls, according to present schedule.
will he rushed through iinli-ss un
expected opposition develops, neces
sitating a compromise or abandon
ment: Army, navy, sundry civil, Indian
legislation, executive and Judicial,
pension and military academy, agri
cultural. District of Columbia, Dan
ish West Indies. Porto Rico and po-rt-ofllce.
The administration's $ i:,n,nnn,on
revenue bill will go through.
the cities north and south
from the other communities they
would learn of Grants Pass and what
this district has to offer.
while R Franklin gave Daniels to under-
ataial.tand that, if his company was pro
vld'hrided wit hi guns and crews to man
therflithem. ho would operate the ships on
There Ii,ich-d5 cbedule. Daniels eald Franklin had
nothing to be gained in playing one ask disked tor guns and crews ten days
community against another for each WJgo, explaining that he could not ob
has Its Individual characteristics and ,,lnl,Itheir. from any other source.
. . . ,. T The question of convoying the
charms, and to see Oregon right the!,.,.,, ., 1 , ., . . , ..
hliliihlps was also discussed by Franklin,
tourist must see all the attractive,,,, oK'o inch step could be taken without
cities that lie along the line of tratel.'i n renolution from congress. Daniels
But the Individual community must iDtiMntlmaled that he, personally, was
be sure that Its goods are properly "ot,oll(rt MMlrferlng asking for such a
exhibited. That is the place where "Vr68.!!!"0"
. t I 'The ilttiatlon Is entirely un
Grants Pass can get busy for she haa chMfehanN .. ald jnM. "Nothing
the goods that the tourist is looking haswau been determined upon."
olfle coast to the Atlantic seaboard.
Is said to be one of the reasons for
the present food congestion.
It la known that thoiaandr of bu
shels of wheat are being 'held In Ore
gun, Washington and California by
reason of the lack of proper shipping
It Is with the hope of getting this
wheat Into eastern markets that Den
man auggested the plan to the presi
dent. It was learned that more than TS
per cent of the ships now being built
la this country have been contracted
for by foreign governments. It Is
estimated that more than 1 500,000,
000 Scandinavian capital alone la In
vested In such ships.
Kl Paso, Feb. 23. Carrana forces
under Colonel Salvador Chapa and a
body of Vllllstaa commanded by Jose
Ynea Sulaiar. engaged In a battle
near Boca Orande, a short distance
south of the New Mexico border yes
terday. The battle was In progress
tor several hours, Salaiar'a force
finally defeating the government
troopa and driving them eastward.
(Conttaued from page 1.)
What th Parisisns Are
Turning Out For Spring.
Sugar beet seed of good quality and
In large quantities must be produced
In the United States if the hlnhtit
development of the beet sugar indui
try in this country Is to be reached,
say plant specialists of the deiiart-
V WanhloRton, Feb. 23, With the
leg !glilatlve channels congested to
n.ent of agriculture in an article In (nwhoklng, It becomes apparent today
the forthcoming year book of the de-'l" f8' imvl te BWt ,eMoD and ,rafl
. . itlo oi-le ipeed-u p methods, a formidable
partment. The domestic beet su.arvp IlT))0r(ant Wllg an(
Industry, in which more than $U,- lloaol loni will be lost In the shuffle prior
000,000 Is now Invested, was alnioit toaoo adjournment of congress March 4.
wholly dependent until the outbrok' T Time only now remains for riiHh-
of the European war on a seed li'!n.n!S1,!,!b,0Uh 'he mt Imperative leg-
lilaelasiailon fc r the running expenses of
ply from Europe. Since the normal l9 e(he g(1V(,rr, f1l,!nl and ft ,mltc(1 ,.
Importation of seed was Interfered lor Her ol nif-nmiros which the admlnls-
wlth by hostilities, efforts have been Irat ji ration de;rns absolutely eHsentlal.
made to grow the necessary seed In! lAl ,Am tne more Important, iiiea-
thls country, but though the prodiic "IM" llrc' rh rertuln iU're
art sure
tlon from approximately 4.000 ami ,, ,.Um.mI ,,,,.,.,,,,,. ,..
Washington, Feb. 23, An amend
ment to the revenue bill, empowering
the president to seize foodstuffs
"wrongfully held for the purpose of
unjust Increases In prices," In viola
tion of anti-trust laws, was Intro
duced In the senate today by Senator
Lewis, administration whip.
The amendment aimed at the cold
storage Interests which the federal
trade commission Is known to hold
In part responsible for the present
food situation. The amendment pro
vides that foods thus confiscated are
to be at once sold by the federal gov
ernment "to those whose necessities
are first to be relieved,"
Prices for re-sale of the foodstuffs
to the needy are to be fixed by the
government and shall be limited to
the actual necessities of each purch
aser. In an effort to get Immediate re
lief fnmi the acute food situation In
the east, Chairman Denman rf the
ih'.v federal shipping Ntard r.onlcri'i.'i
v ih President Wilson toJay on a
plan to press Into coastwise trade for
ln vessels eonstrtic'H or under con
stritctlon In American shlpyunlH.
These would be lined to replace the
fleet of merchant ships which desert
od the coastwise service following the
outbreak of the war.
The fact that it has neon necessnry
to ship by rail largo quantities of
wheat and other foodstuffs which pre
viously went by water from the Pa-
W'bat Is lost lu the width of the new
skirts for spring 1 added to the length
In the proportion of a yard to an Inch.
Skirts are now Inches louger aud cer
tainly yards uarrower. Where they
were ten and twelve luetics from the
ground, they are now six or seven. As
If this were not change enough, there
It a new silhouette introduced, and
that Is oue that closely resembles a
barrel as fur as the skirt Is concern
ed. This Is proUbly Inspired by the
Turkish skirt that was shown by sev
eral of the couturiers last spring. AI
any rate, there are a number of the
largest creators lu Psrls who show
skirts of this description.
Tsquln uses It lu an afternoon go wo
with a Itusslau blouse effect lu the
fasit'iilngs of the buttons dowu one
side. Otherwise the f rot k tins straight
Hues that Is, I bo waist Is tint fitted
snugly as It Is lu many of the new
spring creations
Jenny fashions a coat with litis "ton
neau" or barrel skirt of light tray
broadcloth, made wltb the trimming
of many rows of stitching In a darker
shade of gray. The barrel effect Is lu
troduced between utriilKbt panels In
the front, sides mid luick of the coat
Even coat suits nre showing the bar
rel skirt, and one sponsored by an
exiiert Is of check of blue and white,
trimmed with UouiiiuiiIhii embroidery.
The Jacket of this suit I hip length,
as are muny of the suits for spring for
this house.
Pretnet uses this type of skirt In an
afternoon frock of two materials
They are Joined Just below tbo Dips,
and at this point the skirt Is much
wider than at tho bottotd where It U
drawn In considerably.
From these various couturiers It will
tie seen that thero Is every chance that
klrts of tills description will lie very
much the mode for tho rnrly spring
frock. They ure not unattractive, cs
Declally If they aro not exnggernted
in line. Most of the frocks with such
s skirt aro sure to liavo llio waist fit a
bit mbre snugly, for the outline then Is
Wider at the shoulders than at the
waist, when the line goes In, and It un
dulates from thut point to greater
width at the knees and narrows con
siderably at the bottom.
Diggers Will Soon
Be Out "
Demaray's su&a
said more lliau million tuns of ships
have been diverted to the use of
France alone.
It was In this couuectlon that lite
premier made forceful, Impassioned
pleas fur more tonnage "not only
for ordinary needs, but for military
necessity. "
"The gravest measures are necessi
tated," he declared solemnly, "other
wise there will be disaster."
1-ondon, Frfb. 21, "Oraveal mea-
aures are necessary, otherwise there
will be disaster," Premier Uloyd
Georgs declared In the house of com
mons today, discussing the shortage
of British tonnage.
"There Is a shortage of tonnage,
not only for ordinary needs, but for
the military necessities, as well," he
declared. "More than a million tons
of llritlsh shipping haa been assigned
to France as Its share.
"The gravest measures are neces
sary, otherwise there will be dis
aster." The premier addressed a special
ly called meeting of the house of
commons on the question of restric
tion of Imports. Ilia speech had
originally been set for Tuesday, but
was postponed. It wu announced,
because Interchanges between Eng
land and ber allies on the subject
matter had not been completed.
The premier asserted thai "enor
mous sacrifices" will be required by
the llritlsh people to achieve a vic
tory. Such sacrifices, he said, would
"test the national grit."
"There is no sure road to victory,"
he said. "We must find ships to
bear Iron ore at all costs," the pre
mier asserted.
Continuing IJoyd-Oeorge proposed
to dispense with si) non-essential
Importations, Including timber. He
announced a minimum wage of 2T
shillings weekly to all farm work
ers. In addition to timber, l.loyd
George announced that Importation
of tomatoes nnd fruits would be prohibited.
Get a Can
'From Your
or Grocery Dealer1
Naples, tlhe bad aboard general
cargo and In adltlon &00 horses for
the Italian army. Two hundred
steerage passengers and about 10
cabin are making the trip to Italy on
board her.
The Aecanla aud Carpathla. Cun
ard liners, were expected to leave to
day for Liverpool.
The Uraafaxe from Cardenas and
the Htentor from Liverpool made up
the list of ships sailing today for the
war aone.
Portland, Feb. 23. Today's mar
ket quotations were:
Wheat-Club. 113; blueslvm, US.
Oats No. I white feed. 3d. 00.
Barley Feed. 3.00.
Prime steers, (.00 j M0; fancy
cows, 7,00 (j N.00; best calves, N.OO
W 8.10.
ilogs Best live, 12.35 i' 12.60.
Spring lambs, 13.00 ti 11.00.
Better City creamery, 42; coun
try. 14.
Butlerfat- No. 1 sour, 43; No. 1
sour, 41.
Eggs tfoleoted local extras, 31.
Hens, 18 H U 19; broilers, IK ft
20; geese, 12 it 13.
New York. Feb. 23. The Italian
liner Verdi, delayed since last Tues
day, sailed from New York today, for
Halifax. Fet. 23. The Fredorlck
VI II' bearing Count von llernstorff
and his party of Uerman consuls and
their entire families. Is lying at a
rallrosd pier here, having been mov
led down the harbor from Bedford
J basin. The pier Is In charge of the
authorities. The object of the re
moval has not been stated, hut It
, Is thought likely It Indicates exam
ination of the ship's cargo.
Early Vegetables an J
should t itartsJ now. Plant
Mon Grand Prize Carrots.
Cabbsge.OnioDi, fiestf.Pssa,
SaisMhtidTurnipi. Abo Mora's
i SwMt Pt sad Ptaiin.
All art nleetcd
fornia Seeds
Don't Ukt ldi iKit art "juit tt
motl" Ctt Morn's.
Os 8iU kr sll Lodiitf DmU :
If yiw ittUr iw sot firry MotWf
Sodi, MS dfrrrt for our flUlefiir Prfi.
Ymr (rSw will rrnillr UUmiU U.
a G. MORSE & GO.
Seedsmen San Francisco
Comply with
the law and use
printed Butter Wrappers
According to the ruling of the Oregon Ihilry aiad Vood
( onimbutlon all dairy butter sold or exposed for sale In
tbla Ktnt must be wrapped In butter paper upon which
la printed the words "Oregon Dairy Butter, 10 or 82)
ounces full weight," with the mime and address of the
To enable patrons of the Courier to tswlly comply wlta)
Mae rullnx this office will supply standard siae and welaflit
butter paper printed with aiieclal waterproof . Inkvxand
delivered by parcels post, at the following prices! ,t "
1 00 Hlieets, 10 or '.ti ounces 91.00 ,
itOO Hheets, 10 or iU ounces MM
.KM Hheets, 10 or IV! ounces 1,70 .
MM) Hhecls, 10 or ill! ounces 11.40
Klin charge for speelal designs,
Hend orders iby mall iiccoilipanled by the price as above
and paper will be promptly foruardeil to you by parrel
post, prcald.
We iino the lies! butter pnper obtainable, and our work
nisnslilp In of the best.
Rogue River Courier
(.rant Vnnut (iTft( '