i TVWItAV.JAKl'AHV 8. lit? MOB TWO DAILY BOOTS MTTKM OOCBIBB HI ROGUE HB COURIER Pwbttsbad Daily Bun A. B. YOORH1BS. Pwb, mi Prepr. WILTORD AIXJBN. - - attaa PtMtoaoe. Qraata Fas. Ora. as sscoad class mil mtlw, ADTVBTI8Cn RATSB Vlaea .lie coi ana. per 11a It DAILT OOUXIXR By esaU r carrier, par year. WEEKLY OOCRXER B Ball, par year , MM .M .11.11 IXASKD aTBsTWCT Stat Edftortal aaaoctatloa tear NtnpiMr Psb. Aan. Aadtt Bares oX Ctrcalation . TUESDAY, JASTAKY SS, tt!7 6. 0BBQ05 WsUXBXB Tonight and Wednesday part- 4- ly dowdy; westerly wiads. VOTING THE IRJGATION DISTRICT Satsrday the property owner on ta Bouts, aide of the riitr will aUte tkeir position apon the qaestion of tie formation or am rrrigatioa dis trict. Through their ballots they will register for or sgainet progress, for there eaa be mo progress for the landowner wlthoat water for irriga Hon. The lands oa the sooth aide win eoatlaae to bear only erops of tfll they are pro Tided with Gives water, they earn be made the most productive of any ia fba wast The chief argnmeot for the accept ance of the present proposition is the opportunity to co-operate with the farmers of the Jackson county dis trict la Dee of the same canal from i the intake to the Jackson county line. This will save each district many thousands of dollars. The Jackson county people are now at work with preliminary details, and as the ballots are counted Guaranteed Fresh Stock RLC-HILL PIMK.VrO A.D CSKKKN tWUC OIKKSK HETX1 8WSET. SOCR A YD MIX IKVLES UXG"S, IfOGAVBKRRY, BLACKBKRKY AVD PRAR PKKSKKVKM HAVB YOC TRIKD POM-OR.LHN COFFEES FROM ISc to 60c PKR POI XD STRICTLY FRESH HOGS KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QCALITY message M prove a violent shock to ' the horrible theory of pan-German Senator Beranger, in the Paris Mi di, declared: "A peace which baa for its "be ginning the greatest crime in history will not be a jast nor a solid peace. First, ws wish "sanctions and repara tion' if President Wilson accepts these Indispensable guarantees, the future is easy." HIS MADE III FOOD SHIE WILSON MS TO HEAR FROM EUROPE concluded his efforts. Titers Is re ' son to believe that when the time Is ' at hand to actually enter Into a con-I cert of nations for the preservation of , ; peace, be will carry hit case lo the I country. If necessary, la a teriea of, ; addresses oa the subject. j He does sot believe that time has come, however. He believes merely j ' that slowly, but surly, the world is t being brought closer snd closer to j actual peace; and a peace com em- : nted by liberals and along liberal ' Uaee; a peace not like those which j have followed secret counsels of dip lomats and plenipotentiaries. When the times comes, the preal-j dent believes the liberals of this cone, j try will join with those of European nations In forming aa International force to prevent future wars. ' i I The president was elated over the I reception accorded his address by the j . British press. The fart that English ! editors showed more caution In is-1 ! terpretlng the message of yesterday j ! than they did In editorialltlnf oa the j j note to oeinrereois, teauea 10 w out tae president oetief ana nope a expressed yesterday to Senator Stone, when he said: "I hope the people of the 1'ntled States and la Europe will under stand It la ths spirit In which It I given." He believes when the addreaa has been completely digested and the full meaning wholly appreciated, the first small hint of suspicion with which Washington. Jan. 21. I'poa lib erals of ths world "ths friends of humanity,' not individuals who hold temporal power depends whether pear la Europe is to fee based upon "equality" and rendered safe from future aggression. T"V. i. . MttiJJ tiw4v . fit conviction which prompted President ;nr P "u u regarded In entente UHnn to deliver hi. enoch-mtkins: , allied circles will have been dls- Berlin. Jan. 21. A gigantic scheme in food swindling has Just bees, uncovered through the arrest of Fran Kupfer and her daughter by police today. Berlin's first citixens. it is now revealed, hsve been swindl ed out of millions of marks in a story of financing and manipulation that rivals fiction. Fran Kopfer came to Leipzig at the start of the war and borrowed 400 marks (192) with which she opened a small office. She purchased arti ficial honey and later re-eold at a great profit. It was but a abort time until she had 10.000 marks (12.300 sad this she invested in other food products, re-selling them at extrav agant prices. Her fascinating manners gained next Saturday will proceed up-1 her hundreds of thousand of marks on of two plans. If the dis- lrMU investors ana sne imaiiy orsu- ized a 10,000,000 mark iij.iuv.uuvi concern. Almost unbelievable div idends were paid by this great com pany. Fran Kupfer forged contracts for army food and as her business grew, she established smuggling con cerns. Her brancn store in Benin was always filled with foods. This, the rich people of Berlin bought willingly at extortionate prices. Hotels bid for a chance to purchase her products. She began quietly obtaining enormous sums on her promises for future delivery, then she was trapped by the police. Careful search was made today for a man co-worker of the fascInaK j ing frau. The Berlin Vossiche Zeit- ung declared today: address before the senate yesterday. The president Is now waiting to hear how his pronouncement is re ceived by the belligerent nations. He anticipate objections. But he feels, as was the case with his first note to the warring nations, that after the message has had time to seep Into the minds of the governments and of the peoples concerned, it will appeal more and more strongly. He believes it will sdd materially to the momen tum of peace discussion. pelled. Guarding the Bank ef England. The Bank of England la quits the best guarded tnstltuuoa In ths world. No burglar or bank thief baa ever suc ceeded la msking It psrt with a penny. The great outer doors are so finely bal anced that a clerk can. by treating a knob under his desk. Instantly shut them in the face of sny one making a daub for the street. They cannot be opened except by special machinery. In iccesace urar the doors srs bid His frank admission that he speaks den four guard la iu. who. without being for the "silent mass of mankind seen themwlrea. watrh sll visitors everywhere." which have as yet been through mirrors. .. .. u ,v.i. , Special simI ewrtly precautious are unable to spesk their real heart. ' .UH-rtm.nL shows, tt is believed todsy. where the , t J a . a a. ku.Jul I . . stated that the wbni drtitniDfM a Are you going to CHICAGO Buy your tickets via San Francisco Mors Daily Trains Uksral BtoporeM Three dally trains from Grant Pass To BAN FR A NCI BOO Shasta Limited (Extra Far).... California Express.. 9aa Francisco Express 1:29 a a. ...1:40 t. ...7:45 a connecting with Four Daily Trains Og'den Route Overland Limited (Extra Far) Pacific Limited 9aa Francisco Limited Atlantic Bxprs.................. Ask Iocs! agent or writ JIIUV II WtlTt IImmI Portland, Oi ! .... 4:19 p. m. ...10:10 a m. .... 1:40 p m. ... 40 p. . Ages SOUTHERN PACIFIC UNION PACIFIC Went Tee Far With Ad "toe. "Way dost you make your wife throw that hat away? It makes her look silly." "I agree wtik jmi perfevtly. 1 toid her the asm thing but U "And any dout )ou trad thai mo torcar of yours in for a good uusT It looks Ilk a Uiuouri rler avow." "Now. look bete: Don't you grt freaii about that car: Why, yuu'r vraaj! That car's a whng-l wouldn't take ah, good night! There' no we talk tag to a blamed fooir - Indianapniu New. Wn4 Ove an Uthm, In October. IKitt. a wonderful ma rln dlasitar occurred at L'beetl Beach Ten ibli were driven asbor. and Dine of them were amasbed to Pre wood. The tenth vessel, a craft of ( too, w thrown ly a wav over the beach from the Went bay ud floated off luto'llie ainoot h water of Portland Roads lu tbla voyaire sbort but i traurUluury- sb vrumed right overth latliniii loiig ahltb uuw run the LowIum and Houtbweatera tin and the Klutf'a blKbnay. - Wrstmllialer 0 trite. oa trlct her is voted, then the canal will be dug largo enough for the jtwo districts. If K is defeated, they wHl build for their own seeds alone. That the great bulk of the binds that win come under the proposed ditch are valueless without water 1s proved by the fact that they are still undeveloped though in many in stances held In private ownership for nearly 61 year. Hera Is the oppor tunity to give them the water. It will be easier to pay off the water bonds than it In now to pay the taxei. PARIS CRITICISES 'Berlin's first swindled out of The number of hourly." Paris, Jan. 21. The French press is critical today of President Wilson's address to the American senate. All editorials agree in the general be lief that his message is not without merit, but adjudge it Ctopian because it Is to be applied to Germany and pan-Germanism. In well informed circles it was re garded as most surprisng "that Wil son still does not recognize the crim inal from the victim." Officials who privately expressed this view held that the American president's international lsw scheme would parallel the ordinary commer cial venture. The Marin's comment was typical. "We agree with the principles Wil son has enunciated," the editorial said, "but there Is a portion of hu manity on which the fact must be forcefully Impressed that It is mere delusion to think that persuasion can be effective." 'The declaration moves In the serene domain of theories," declared the Echo de Paris. "Our friends across the Atlantic Imagine our conn try Invaded and bleeding, must feel and will understand, It Is Impossible for us to Join unreservedly la this voyage Into the axure." te Journal declared: "President Wllwn Is haunted with the fixed Idea of Inaugurating the golden aie of universal brother hood." "As it I Impossible to eliminate Ormsnr." commented Ie Figaro, "there Is no chance of bringing this msgnlflcent Wilson Utopia nearer except by trying to conquer. His citizens have been millions of mark, her victims grow Condiments I. Douglas Jerrold once went to a part; t which a Mr. Pepper bad assembled all bis friends snd on entering the room said to hi butt. "My dear Ur Pepper, bow glad ou must be to ace all your friend immiervdT BRECKINRIDGE LONG. Vaults fit. Lsuis Lawyer I elect ed sa Aitant Secretary ef guts. president expects to get the needed support for his program. The president did not prepare his address suddenly. On portions of it he had worked "for many days" 'Many of the Ideas he has voiced be fore. Such phrases ss "government derived sll their Jut powers from the consent of ths governed." echo from previous utterances in which he said "lasting peace was only pos sible when powers of making war . rested with the people snd not alone j in select groups of men." But it was not until he received : replies from the central and entente j power that the president apparent)- j became convinced If the war ia io end equitably, without the sting of, resentment snd "fires of hste" re-j mainlng. the liberals of the world must bring It to pass; the liberals of ! the world and not divine nght i monarch must bring it about. His declaration that there could ; not be a vlctoriou peace, was drawn I from the declaration of all belliger-1 enta that they do not wish to crush their enemies. They resulted In hi : appeal to "friend of every program of libertv for "concelon and sacri fice," and the appeal carried urh "lrberal"pbrases as "mankind 1 look ing for freedom of life, not for equi poises of power," and "there can be ! no stability where the will Is in re-! bellion." The address Itself waa received 1 with wide difference of opinion In both official and diplomatic circles here. Teuton diplomat plainly voiced be- j lief that Germany would Immediately , approve it. j In entente circles the speech w described as "slightly pro;Germn." , Belief In these qusrters were expre ed that the American people will never sanction a league to enforce teacp. Congresw t today greatly dlntttrbed over what part it I expected to play In the proceeding. As a matter of fact the president does not expect anything from congress. He used the senate s counsel with whom and through whom to discus with the ; American people what he has In mind a the baaln for a peace which this country will tiark up. Today hundred of telegram and letters reached the White Home In i response to his addresa. It was stat ed a vast majority endorsed the pres ident's words. No one believes the president has 1 -.- J submerged every night In several feet of water by machluer). The same ma chinery would le alm et In actioo au tomatically If at any time during the day the place were tampered with. London loi. Tee Hts Advice. -Ue loM bi wt; sbe uugbt to take cooking leasoos" -Did ber "Well. yes. 8b sent for her mother to come and glv ber a three, months' course." PORTlI MARKETS Portland. Jan. II. Today's mar ket quotation were: , Wheat Club, 1(0; bluestem. US Oats No. 1 white feed. 36.50. Barley Feed. J.50. Hogs Best live. 10.85. Prime steers, 8.50; fancy cow, 7.50 ti 7.0; best calves, 7.00 it 8.00. Rutter -Cltv creamery. It. coun try. 19. Egga Selected local extras. 33 6 14. Hen. 17 e 17 H; broilers, 30; geese. 12 fir 13. Copper, 30. I e sr- :&!rh I mi t -r- ArA Good Travel Insurance Every foot of the Union Pacific System between Portland and Chicago is protected by Automatic Electric "Safety" Signals. Go EAST via the famous Columbia River Route and enjoy the security from delay and annoyance these sentinels assure. WM. McMURRAY. General Passenger Agent. PORTLAND C3 y ua fea y ROBERT L HENRY. Heoae Rule Chairman Find Lit tle In Lawn'a Peace Net Lssk. HP i y ron wmt, CUTS an. WOUNDS Drama EueaiyrtM Owrtmant t au onua sTosta Tuat M Jans son A' - ''ii.,-t-'-;.'--v.H: " 1 1 A Comply With the Law and use Printed Butter Wrappers AceordUg to ths rallng of too Oregoa Dairy aa1 Food Coensslsssoa aTl sVdry batter sold or axposwi tor sals ra this stata avast ha wrapped hi batter paper apoat whidi la prlated tits words "Oregoa Dairy Batter, 1 (or M) owaces USX weight," with the aeae aad addreaa of taa To eaable patrons of ths Coarier to easUy coap!j wMh the rsllag this offlca wUl eapply atasMlard atas a4 weight batter paper printed wtth apsdal watatassuf ask, aad delivered by parrels post, at the foOowtag 100 Sheets, Id or S3 oaacea .41.60 XOO Sheets, It or 89 oaacea . IM MO Sheets, IS or S3 aoaras l.T 800 Sheeta, IS or 83 oaaesa t.44 Rxtra charge for tpaclal final gal, Bead orders bj Baa 1 1 accompanied by the price aa ajbovs and paper win b promptly forwarded to yoa. by pareel post, prwpald. We ae (bo best batter paper obtainable, aad oar work maashlp la of lb best. Rogue River Courier Orants Pasa, Oregoa