Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, January 23, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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VOf. VII., No. KM.
' fx
o Other JTown in the World the Size of - Grants Pass Has a Paper With Full Leased Wire Telegraph Service.
V ... . . ; . ,
in finii
Tk,iOK lll.At'KMAlU IH Mll'NI
Warrant ft lliii Arrest U Wired,
, and He Will llo Drought
Hark In Thin Male
to Hrrve Tlm
Ernest It, Dennlson, alias Geo. C.
Huff, w!io wss convicted In the clr
cult court of this county to yeari
ago upon a charge of blackmail grow
ing out of lb case Involving "Roll"
Jackson,' haa been located In Pitta
burg, Ponn , and a warrant haa been
wired for his arreat.
At the time Dennlson ws ron
vtrted, he waa given an Indetermin
ate sentence of from six month to
two year In the Mate penitentiary,
He appealed the case, giving a eurety
bond In the amount of 13,000 for
hi appearance. The appeal wa
never perfected, tut Dennlnon failed
to appear to enter upon hla sentence
at Salem, having disappeared from
view. During the two yean the sur
ety company haa been hunting for the
fugitive and MTdsyvtfghl Proaeotit
Ing Attorney Miller received a tele
gram from the agents or the surety
company In Portland announcing
that Dennlson had been located In
Ptttribiirti, but that the Pittsburg au
thorities declined to make an arrest
unless they held a warrant. A war
rant wa therefore wired the district
attorney st Pittsburg, but word hss
not yet bee received as to the arrest
or Dennlson.
The surety company hss been
prosecuting the search for Dennlson
since the day he failed to appear ac
cording to the terms of the bsnd and
all expenses connected with the ar
rest and return of the man to the
state of Oregon and to the peniten
tiary will be borne by the company.
The rase that rultmlnntod In the
prosecution of Dennlson and his
aoclates for the crime of bluckiuall
wss one of the most sensntlonnl In
the history or local courts. Dennl
son, accompanied by two detectives,
came here from New York and after
locating "Dob" (Oslln M.) Jackson
on a ranch near Merlin, had Jackson
Jailed as a fugitive from Justice, bas
ing his action upon an old Indictment
gainst Jackson In the east, Before
taking action against Jackson, Den
nlson and his detectives attempted
to get Jackson to pyfover money to
quiet the matter, ''and the prosecu
tion for blackmail was based upon
this, Jackson refused to come
through, and pressed the case against
Dennlson to the limit. Detective
tlass, of Chicago, turned states evi
dence, and the (blackmail charge
ngnlnst Mm was dismissed. The
other detective was exonerated, hut
Dennlson was convicted and sentenc
ed to prison.
During the progress of the pro
ecedlnKS, Jackson was held under ar
rest for some time, ami Dctootlv
Flood came hero rrom New York to
tttkc him back to that etnto to stand
trlul 'upon the old Indictment. On
the day that the requisition for the
taking of Jackson buck to New York
whs obtained. District Attorney Whit
man recalled Flood, and the rase
Hgalnst Jackson was dismissed, Jack
son later returned to New York, ond
tho old Indictment against him was
quashed. ,
Washington, Jan. 23. President
Wilson this afternoon notiried the
senate that the (Danish treaty, ne
gotiated for the purchase or tho Dan
ish West Indies, lias tbeen ratified by
both Hill government and Denmark.
lalmt Party In Conference at Man
cheater Gives Spontaneous
Ovation to American Chief
Manchester, England, Jan. 23.
Mention of President Wilson's name
by President Warder In opening the
conference or the Labor jwrty here
today was cheered for rive noisy min
ute. The ovation waa spontaneous,
the presiding officer Intending only
briefest mention of the American
peace suggestions.
Aotlon of ministers Henderson,
liodge and Dames of the Labor party
In joining with Premier Lloyd
Ueorge In the formation of a "re
construction or government." waa
overwhelmingly approved by the con
vention. The action waa taken des
pite the fact that such a Joining with
other parties It In violation or the
labor party's tenets.
Arthur Henderson, minister with
out portfolio, and member of the
Lloyd-George war council, moved
adoption of the report Justifying him
self and his associates In aiding
"In the national crisis," he said,
"we felt we should consider more
what wt could give than what we
could get."
Henderson was greeted with vo
ciferous cheers.
E. C. Sanchlld, a aoclsllst-ia'borlte,
denounced Henderson, and hla asso
ciates for acting without obtaining
consent or the rank and file of the
labor party. He argued that It was
labor's duty to respond to the demaad
for peace.
Kennel, Cal., Jan. 23. Lewis D.
WoodNIl, aged 25, died here today
of a malady pronounced by three
physicians as infantile paralysis, after
three days' Illness. ' Since yesterday
morning he had been kept alive by
artificial respiration.
Another similar esse Is reported
from the Mamoth mine, The stale
board of health at Sacramento la
sending a physician' to conduot an
autopsy over Wood fill's bod and to
Investigate the Mammoth mine case
101 Paao, Jan. 23. Messages were
sent today from the Mexican consu
late here to Mexican war mlulster
Ohregon and Oeneral Murgula, de
fncln commander In the north, stat
ing that ths lint movement prepara
tory to the withdrawal of Oeneral
Pershing's expedition rrom Mexico
had started.
Officials at the consulate announced
that the concentration movement of
American troops at field headquarters
to Colonic Dtiblan Is under way,
while one hundred and sixty truck
loads it supplies, ordnance and camp
equipment have startod toward the
Announcements by Carrnnxlsta of
ficials confirmed reports that the
American outpost , garrisons at E)
Vnllo, Charcos and San Joaquin had
broken camp and were marching
to Join the main body of troops at
Colon la Du blan.
Despite - statements by United
States olllclnts In this district that
they have no word of the withdrawal
movement, Carranslsta officials de
clared they are certain or their In
formation, which came from the
commander of the Carranslsta garri
son at Cnsas Grande.
Orders have been Issued at Chl
luinlnm City for 3,000 troop from
the command of Oeneral Miguel Dle
gues to prepare to occupy the terri
tory to be evacuated by the American
The dtiaeas of Grants paw
4 the same time make a profitable
to sunk In the UrssU Pans Beet Growing company. This eutupaay 4
4 was organised for n dual psurpose: To give cttJaeau who have no
4 beet land of their own an opportunity to engage In n profitable in-
dustrjr, and to assure n greater tonnage of beets for the sugar fac
torjr. '
There has been n fairly satisfactory response to the appeal for 4
4 subaortptloo. but at least 100 more share must be subscribed before
the company can proceed with lie plan of organisation and election of
director neat Monday. For that reason the stock subscription 4
4 paper will be kept open till Saturday night, and opportunity given 4
all who wish to become Identified with this public enterprise to do so. 4
4 The company la incorporated with AOO shares of irtork at a par 4
value of 910 per share. It is not probable that over one-third of the 4
4 stork will be called for la cash, this to be derided by the director 4
4 who will be elected Monday. The incorporator of the company are 4
4 Geo. O. Sabin, Ham H. Uaker and It. It. Miller. The business of the 4
4 company will be safeguarded in every way, and the planting and care 4
4 of the beet will be under the management of a foreman a polled by 4
4 the sugar company without charge to the beet growing company. 4
4 Manager NIMey atatre that not an acre of ground will be accepted 4
4 for planting by hi company that doea not stand every test, and that 4
4 every acre should produce an excellent yield, guaranteeing more than 4
4 satisfactory return upon the Invesmrnf A number of tracts of the 4
4 beat lands are under ronaideratlon by the company, and as the season 4
4 Is fast advancing It la essential that the stock be auhecribed at once 4
4 and the lamia put under the plow.
4 Greater than the financial consideration la the cuaraatee of moral 4
4 support which membership In this company gives to the great Indus- 4
4 try that has come here at the Invitation of the community. There 4
4 la not a business or n professional man in Grants Paw who can af- 4
4 ford not to be represented by one or more shares of stock in this 4
4 company. ,. ,4
4 Tomorrow the Courier wUI publish a list of those who have sub- 4
4 arrtbed for stork In the new company, and each day thereafter nddU 4
4 tions will be made to this roll of honor.
4 . Here is an opportunity to show both patriotism and thrift. 4
4-Mhow your confidence In your community and in the beet industry by 4
4 getting your name on the list. If nsembera of the committee do not 4
4 see you, phone Dr. Hy water, chairman of the committee, or O. F. 4
4 llraeger, or the Incorporators, and have the list presented to you. 4
444444444444444 4
Olympla, Jan. 23. Airs. Inn P.
Williams, member of the house of
repreaentatlves from Yakima, and
chairman of the house committee on
public morals Is today the acknowl
edged leader or the right to Include
ministers under the provisions or the
"bone dry" law.
The measure as drawn by Repre
sentative Halsey makes an exception
In the case or ministers pnrchsslng
liquors for sacramental purposes.
Mrs, Williams believes there should
be no discrimination in fovor or sny
A Joint meeting of the house and
senate committee will be addressed
this artornoon by Superintendent
George D. Conger of the Anti-Saloon
league, and two county prosecutors.
can perform a patriotic duty and at 4
bnsuteaa investment by calworlbipg 4
Washington, Jan. 23. A federal
steel plant to supply, wholly or In
part, the needs of the United States
navy Is "under consideration" by the
navy department. Secretary Daniels
said to the United Press today.
The recent pronounced under-bidding
by Hadflelds, a British muni
tions concern, In open competition
with American firms for the suprdy
or armor piercing projectiles for the
navy, Is understood to have Impres
sed the department with the need for
a federal steel plant
J. T. Strong and R. L. Burns went
to 'Merlin this morning to spend the
day. Mr. Strong Is a recent arrival
In the city, although he was form
erly m resident of this place.
Qresn In New York evening Tslsgrsm.
Man Who Bent l' Hoi land Neigh
bor With Rifle Hopes Victim
Will Not Recover
Mark Gates waa brought to this
cRy from Holland by Sheriff Geo.
Lewis Monday night, and a charge of
assault with Intent to kill has been
placed against him. The charge la
the result of the attack which Gate
made upon Stewart Johnson late Sun
day evening. ' 1 '.' !
Johnson is still in a most setioua
condition, though it is now ielleved
that he will recover. ! Johnson's head
and face waa severely cut and bruis
ed by the beating, the upper Up be
ing practically cat off, and the head
swelled to about doable Its usual site.
Details received indicate that
Gates followed his wife and Johnson
to ' the barn on the Johnson home
stead about a mile from Gates ranch.
It was past 9 o'clock in the even
ing, and Gates entered the barn acd
turned a flash light upon the couple.
He says they were standing at con
siderable distance apart conversing,
and he at once made the attack upon
Johnson. He carried a Sl-caMber
rifle, and this he snapped three times
la an effort to shoot, but the cart
ridge would not explode. He then
clubbed the rifle, and broke the stock
off over Johnson's head. Both the
rifle and flash light were used la
beating Johnson, and when Gates
left him he believed that he was dead.
Mrs. Gates carried the Injured mas
into the house and went to Holland
for assistance.
j" Gates, 1n explaining" theaffalr "to
the officers, exonerates his wife from
all suspicion of Immorality, and
makes no charge against her upon
that score, ether In this Instance or
upon previous occasions. His charge
sgalnst her in his pending suit for
divorce was cruel and Inhuman treat
ment. Gates expresses no regret at
the beating he gave Johnson, and
stated to the prosecuting attorney the
hope that lis victim would not get
London, Jan. 23. Sixty-nine per
sons were killed, 73 seriously in
jured and 328 hurt In the explosion
of a munitions plant "In the neigh
borhood of London." last Friday, ac
cording to official figures Issued to
Olympla, Jan. 23. Governor Lis
ter hss selected Judge J. T. Ronald,
or the King county superior court, .to
hear the Everett I. W., W. murder
eases. The chief executive was called
upon to make a special appointment
by Snohomish county officials, follow
ing the objections made to Judge G.
C. Alston, of Everett.
Wsshlngton, Jan. 23. Withdrawal
of General Pershing's forces from
Mexico Is under way.
The outposts already have' been
drawn In and the general movement
northward toward the border will fol
low Immediately, It was officially
learned today.
The last chapter of the expedition
to Ret Villa Is being written. Villa
Is still at' large.
Fallowing Pershing's withdrawal,
the order lifting the embargo on arms
will come to the front. There Is no
Intention of lining the embargo, how
ever. It Is the desire or this govern
ment to furnish the Carrsnia govern
ment with all the arms It needs from
now on, but It rirst must be definitely
determined the arms will get Into
Carrania's, and not Villa's hands, be
fore the embargo Is lifted.
In Second a Teuton Veeeet . Strnck
Torpedo, and S Officers and
Were Killed
An Beeult
London, Jan. xS.Two German
destroyers were susk by the British
in two destroyer engagements fa the
North sea, the British admiralty an
nounced tonight. :
The first fight took place close to
the Dutch coast, and British.- forcea
destroyed one German veaseL, while
scattering the squadron of 'which;
this vessel waa a part The German
sea forcea Nwere "considerably van- -
(shed," according to the admiralty
abatement ; v
The second engagement occurred
in the vicinity of Schouweobank.
There a destroyer struck a torpedo
and waa later sunk by British ship.
Three German officers and forty-Tour
men were UUed. ; :
' ; ' ' ' ' ' L L" f .
Portland,. Jan. 23. Fifty ' Jitney
buses loaded with union iron workers
who have been striking here, started
for Salem today, to appear before the ;
state legislature and fight the pro
posed entl-picketlng law. , t,
Buenos Aires, Jan. 23. -The Ger
man raider haa apparently disap
peared just as mysteriously as she
arrived in the south Atlantic. Her
appearance, in some far distant part
or the world, heralded by another
' drive" on allied shipping, was to
day predicted as the next word to be
hmrd from the rover.
Rio de Janeiro reported several
vessels, which might be the raider
ano. consorts, sghted on the north
Brasll coast, but there was no trang
Ne evlderre that any one of these
were actus'!? raiders.
Rumor that the British cruiser
Glasgow had sunk the raider was en
tirely discredited today. Effort to
trace the source of the rumor were
fruitless, but it was certain R waa not
based on reliable information.
The Brarll newspapers today mint
ed a rumor that a submarine had
stopiied the Spanish steamer Reina
Victoria Eugenia yesterday evening
at the mouth of the river Platte.
' According to this report, the steam
er's papers were examined and she
was permitted to proceed.. Steamers
arriving here brought word of the
institution formed at Rio de Janeiro
of a "convoying squadron" to escort
allied merchantshlps through the
aanger sone.
Supporting the belief of shinning
agents here that the raider has adopt
ed the maxim that discretion w the
better part or valor, and has skipped
out or south Atlantic waters to et
u'e the great fleet of enemy vessels
searohlng for her, all vessels which
arrived in port today reported un
eventful voyages, with no sighting of
strange craft. 1 v :
Pernambuco arrivals had the name
story to tell. All of them, however,
saw the sea plentifully sprinkled with
war craft searching tor the raider.