' : ' " : DAILY EDITION VOI VII., No. M. : GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON, ;. MONDAY, I AH VARY 9, 11T WHOLE NUMBER IMS. No Other Town in tlic World the Size of Grants Pass Has a Paper With Full Leased Wire Telegraph Service, t :: LEGISLATURE INSESSION program is carried out in ORGANIZING MOTH HOUSES OF LAW-MAKING BOOT I Ilea t Withdraw M (laadklat lor Speaker of lite Hom of Repre entail re aad Stanfeld la Elected to PoalUoa Salem, Jaa. I. Elections want through according to program when ' the Orfloo slate leglalatur convened today. . , . Following the withdrawal ot U E. Baa, of Eugene, Robert N. Stan field, of Umatilla county wai elected speaker of tho bout. 8oator Motor waa Darned president of the senate. Associate Juatic Moore of tbt atata aupreme court awora la theaa of ftclala. Bean nominated Staafleld, after having made a hot fight for . tha speakership. Mrs. .Tbompaon of Hood River and Wasco acoadad. Tha nom inations wara closed and Btenfleld chosen unanlmonaly. Stat Senator W. D. Wood of ; Washington county called tha aee alon to order at 10:10 a. m. today. Within three mlnatea after the' open Ing Senator Hawleyhad been named temporary president, John Cochran of Portland elected chief clerk and Senatora Dimmlck, Barrett and Oar land appointed aa a committee on credential. Committee for other routine work were organised and a abort reeeaa taken to aire them time to report IN CASE AGAINST BOPP San Francisco, Jan. 8. A modern Portia took her place in the court room of Federal District Judge Hunt today and held spellbound the ' enormous throng that had gathered to attend the closing aeeslona of the trial of German Consul Frani Bopp and associates of neutrality violation. Bbe waa Mrs. Annette Adams, deputy federal attorney, Uncle Sam's only woman prosecutor, who waa playing the star role of her legal career. She opened tha argument for tha government la one of the moat im portant case In Baa Francisco's his tory. Men and women fought and crushed each other la the corridors of ttha federal building for tha priv ilege of . entering the ( courtroom Promaeat lawyer and Jurists who two years ago raised their ' brows -when Mrs. Adams was appointed, ame, now to listen. 8he waa prlnolpal of tha Modoo county high school when she began to study law and detormlned to shins la a profession heretofore taken largely by men. Her appearance to- day proved she had "arrived." ' She was not awed by the attention 'cnntftrcd on her, She did not at tempt any oratorical flights, but spoke In a calm, deliberate manner and dltcuised the evidence pretonted 'To her fell the tatk of summarUIng succinctly and rapidly the hug mist rf testimony taken during tha patt! five weeks, She waa given the clos est attention at any attorney who hat appeared during the present trial. : Mrs. Adama will be followd by three attorneys for the defense, after , which District Attorney Preston will , apeak, The ease will reach the Jury ; "Wednesday night. . . 1.101 PUT Of SENATE SOU SLATE NOT EVEN CRACKED California' Ilator Who Stayed ; . . Out of Caucus PaaUhed by Loss of Patronage Ihtr . lag Beaaloa Sacramento, Jan. t. Senator Breed ot Oakland waa unanimously ohoeea preeldent pro tem of tha state senate and C. 0; Crouch of Berkeley received 78 out of 80 rotea for speak er of the aaaembly, when the legisla ture convened at noon. Tha atx sen ators and It aaaemblymen who bad chosen to atay oat of the "Johnson" caucus, realised' their hopeless task, and Toted aJI the way down the Una for the administration's slate. Tha action of Hawaoo of Fresno voting for Qujnn of Eureka for apeaker and Qulnn voting for Hawson Injected a bit of comedy Into tha balloting. In tha senate the selection of Clifton Brooks of Oakland waa made unanimous, alao tha ' selection of Thomaa Brown of 8aa Francisco as sergeanl-at-arms. Rev. laaao Dawson of Sacramento as chaplain, and Joaeph A. Beek of Los Angeles, min ute clerk. J. W. Kavanauga of Val lejo waa appointed aaaitant secretary. la tha aaaembly tha organisation required longer time. At 11:45 a committee waa appointed by Ueutea-ant-Oovernor Stephana, presiding over tha senate, to wait upon Govern- or Johnson. At one o'clock thta com mittee arrived with the governor's biennial message, reading of which started forthwith. . As a. penalty for refuting to come Into tha ."Johnson" caucus tha si senators who stayed out will ha granted only fit of the 1500 a day patronage. ,f . r . OPPOSITION TO GOV JOHNSON IS SMALL Sacramento, Jan. 8.-Openlng the forty-second seasloa at noon today, the state legislature was practically In complete control ot Governor Hi ram. Johnson, champion of California. There is some opposition to the governor, but it Is faltering and feeble. Democrats and "anti-Johnsons" of previous sessions winced when they received copies of the ad ministration's cauous call. To get la on the administration caucus they are required to sign a thorough and un alterable endorsement of the admin istration's ideas aad policies aa set forth by the governor during tha past six years. ' . But leave it to wise 01' Hiram, he has "counted notes." and realises that ha can run both breaches area It the "anils" aad democrats unite against him. . The ."antlt" realise this, too, and. when the time cornea, some of them will swallow tha pill. Tha governor, It Is known, wants an organisation oa which he caa de pend and those who balk are due for a characteristic Johnaon whipping. IS IN THE SADDLE Phoenix, Arli., Jan. 8. The third state legislature convened at noon today the anti-Hunt wing of the democratic party 'barely .'succeeded In organising both houses 'by the el ection of D. H. Clarldge of Graham county,, preeldent of the senate, and A. A. Jones of Yavspal, speaker of the house, , .' Both Campbell and Hunt were In the oapttol, but neither was recog nitor! id any waty by either house. The exolted flash on the floors were averted by an eleventh hour caucus. : Both houses adjourned un til tomorrow afternoon after effect-' Ing a partial organisation. ' III BY HIGH COURT DECISION DENIES RIGHT OF RAILROAD TO CARRY LIQUOR .INTO DRY STATES ,V' RECOGNITION OF STATE LAWS Supreme Tribunal Holds ' Congreaa Ha Authority to Prevent 1st-' ' tetwtato Commerce of Liqnor Waahlngton, Jan. 8. Constrnlag tha Webb-Kenyoa act, the supreme court today affirmed a ' Maryland court's decision refusing to penalise the Weatern Maryland railroad and tha Adams Express company for re fusing to ship liquor Into "dry" West Virginia. , Attorney for tha distillers argued that eolicKIng ty nail and delivery by aa express company did not con stitute sale within tha dry state, which It forbidden by tha Webb-Kenyoa act. The lower court reverted itself after reopening the case aad dealded that It did. Tha Kenyon law. by the supreme! court's decision, waa held constltu tlonal. Tha decree la of nation-wide Importance', affecting every dry atata. Chief Justice WhKe. who read tha opinion, upheld the law in Its broad est sense. Congreaa. lie aaid. has the undoubted bower to prevent' In - Jteratate commerce from being used to violate laws. The structure of government, he said, rests on eo. operation ot state and nation. The decision It a severe blow at distillers, who had contended Inter state commerce laws do not have any thing to do with state laws. PORTLAND REAR AWAKE FROM WINTER'S NAP . 1 , . Portland, Jan. 8.-Aroused from their wntcr quarters by. unusually warm' weather, bears at Washington 1 park too today walked ia their sleep, wobbling lastly around the . cages, Naturalists believe tha bears will soon resume their long sleets, Washington, Jan. 8. The name ot eroes-examlnatlon, Thomas W. Law Jamee W. Gerard, United States am- ton, who. was aot present when his basaador to Berlin, was mentioned name waa first called,' entered tae for the first time before tha house room.' Tha committee recessed for street of advance information of the peace note to belligerents, while Pre- Ideotial Secretary Tumulty waa being croas-examlned. ' TumuWy had made a oodlprehen slve denial of reports that he waa concerned In the leak, supported by an authorised statement from Presi dent Wilson that the eeoretary knew nothing of tha note, i He had testi fied that' President Wilton wrote the note himself on his own typewriter. Representative Chlppertleld asked Tumulty whether he had ever visited a local atock broker, o ' 1 Tumulty replied yes, and after fur ther questioning, he said he had In troduced Ambassador Gerard at, the offices of W. B. Hlbba ft Company. Tumulty Mid he visited Hlbbs & Com pany's office once. "Gerard wanted to buy soma bonds and asked me If there waa anybody I could recommend." I told ' him 1 could recommend Hlbbs, so I took him there and introduced him." , . ; Just before Tumulty finished hi OFFICIALS PAY CONGRESSMAN SEEKS TO HAVE PRESIDENT AND OTHERS RE IMBUR8E SPECULATORS ' Would Place Responsibility of Loss of Million Because of Pra tnator lafotuaaUoa Vpoai ' . Governmeat Heads Waahlngton, Jan. 8. Assessment of the salary for one month of the president and each aad every repre sentative, senator, cabinet officer, stenographer and clerk to help pay lossea of Wall street speculators on the leak In tha president's peace note, waa proposed today In a reaolatlon by Congressman Kent of California. The resolution provide that all losses of e peculators from December 18 to De cember 14 be paid and that the eon tigent fund of the noose be drawn on If necessary to- help" tha officials pay It ;.v-; -Si'l4r i;. .. Kent declared there had been fric tion between tha co-relative branches of the government located respective ly In Walt atraet and Waahlngton. fa,-bila. the- Waahiagtoa branch inougni peace aaviaaoie, Watt street believed la war. Special Assistant Attorney General ' Hffrman, M argument began, filed a brief in the auoreme court, de nouncing the railroads for "trying to delay the test of the Adamsoa law and asking a reversal of tha lower oonrt'a decree holding the law un constitutional." . I Railroad attorneys immediately filed a brief ia answer, denying they ' had tried to delay the ault and atat- Ing that a "promise not to test the government, waa hinged on the paaaage of the pretldent'a whole rail- road program, Including particularly the atrlke prevention measure, Davis, opened argument for tha government, held congress aa the undoubted power under J supreme court opinion to legislate both hours of eenrice and wage. after Tumulty left the stand. . I secretary, of State Lansing wai called aad gave a history of the pre paration of the note, y . ,, ,, Lansing said there never had been any violations ot his confidence by newspaper men at least "net until now." He admitted three mennot reporters were present when he made his confidential announcement He named the three as C. H. Snow den, New York; R. Oalyord) civil engineer, United States nary, and Dr. M. T. MoLean, United States,1 navy. Lansing aald he never dealt In Wall street. ' The committee next called Lawson, who stepped smilingly to the chair. "I have reason to believe I will be , (topped," ' Lawson complacently re marked.' Asked his occupation, Law- son paused, then aald - "Well, we will call It farmer," and a roar ensued. . J . , .:,.- After explaining bis lawyer had (Continued on Page 1) $11 m THREE ARE KILLED JipDfCK Conductor and Two Trade Laborers Loa live and SU Other -" Are Injured oa Waeh ' : ' ''K ' lactam Road.'- I: l Port Angeles, Waah., Jan. I. Three were killed this afternoon aad 81 Injured when a saw track fill oa the Twla River railroad extension cared in. BU of the Injured will die. .:. Tha dead: r .: ' ' Conductor Clyde Glbeori, of a work train, aad two track laborer. When the fHl coUapaed. a loco motive aad one of the cars rolled 188 feet dowa an embarkmaat' The dead and Injured were brought to Port Aageiee this afternoon. - ' fireman' Ferguson ; wag tarrlbty hurt. ' His skull was 'crushed, wrist broken, aad entire body acalded. , Engineer Harry Lagear proved the hero of the wreck. BadlT aealded. he climbed from the debria and raa half a mile to the nearest telephone to call nelp. ' ' ' Oonstrnctloa Foreman Gibson had both' legs broken Conductor Gib ton, tiled, was canaht nnder a hnrs boulder, 'which amashed through tha wreckage. Those of the . crew who escaped pried the rock off his body. It -waa' almost ; nnrecocnliaMT mangled. .;;.: 'h-' 1 1 Xi-Ur ' at; . TO PST F03' UfE Portland, Jan. 8. Edward (Bar tholomew, convicted of killing John Linnd, concealing the body in a trank and dumping It into the Willamette river, was sentenced to lite imprison ment today by Judge Davis. As he stood up for 'sentence Bar tholomew made a speech, in which he protested hit innoaenca, but ad mitted, that he might be called aa accomplice in the murder. . The "green trunk mystery," which resulted from the slaying, startled Portland a year ago. Linnd, a rancher, who had come to Portland with money to invest In land, waa known to have roomed " wKh Bar tholomew. After a year'a search. which extended all over the United States, Bartholomew waa arrested la Seattle, brought here, tried and ooa victed of second degree murder. There Is no first degree murder and capital punishment ia Oregon. WOULD LIMIT NUMBER ' OF PUPILS TO TEACHER Sacramento, Jan. 8. -vA maximum of 40-pupil to a teacher It proposed In a bill today framed by Assembly man Baldwin. "In many cltlea la California the average ta 80 pupils to a teacher." Baldwin say, "and thla ia neither fair for pupils aor teachers, because they cannot possibly do their , best work." . . ' '; ' CHINESE LOTTERY AGENTS ARRESTED IN PORTLAND Portland, Jan. 8. Chinese lottery agents were placed under aurvell lance by police today In aa effort to locate the murderer ot Lew Sua, tailor, beaten to death In his shop. Lew waa evidently attacked with a gas pipe club, His skull was Shush ed. .Scattered around the corpse were many lottery tickets, soma represent ing' heavy winnings, i i. . ; Detectives . believe the man - was ktlle after having made a olean-up. LANSING ASKS GERARD s , FOR COPY OF BERLIN SPEECH Washington, Jan. 8, The state de partment today cabled Ambattador Gerard at Berlin requesting a copy ot the epeech he la aald to have made at the banquet ot the American As sociation ot Commerce and Trad at Berlin last Saturday night. , ; JOSH'S MO NEW GRAND ' JURORS' DBAWt, f BUT BOOT ADJOURNS TO APRIL 2ND Admlaltrator of Eetaie of Um Wh .' waa- KKM by Traaa Tear p.. Ag Bring Acttoax .: Tha first business before tha cir-t . cult court which convened this morn ing for a jury term waa ta ). Uon of a new grand Jury which will " n in charge of tha arobf aa Into tha . co ad net of the eftiaen ot Joaephlaa " county during the aext ate moatha. The aevea petit Jnrora whoa aamaa; were arawa ware A. B., Ragaa, Jos. SehmHt J. C Dutches J. M. Sey ferth. J. & McFaddea. F. 'A. Top- ' ping aad 81a Kaadorf. 1 There being' ao buatuata to coma before the body at thla time, the jury stood adjocra ed i April lad-.v:'-.;; ' The 'flrat cas to be called, upoa " the docket waar that In which tha " Southern PadfUs Railroad company -la being sued for damage for tha killing of C. F. Dillon, who lost all lif when hbr aatocnobUa wai strcck by a trala at a crossing near Hugo" a year ago. Tha actioa la broagbt ; by E. E. Blaachard aa adminlrtra- ' tor for the Dillon ertate. The lurr j to bear thla case was aot completed - till a late hour thla afternoon. , Floyd Overstreet who had beea ' held In the county Jail for some time upon a charge of perjury, aa Jndlet- - meat having beea returned by tho grand Jury, wa arraigned before Judge Calkin and entered a plea of , guilty. It waa charged that Over-, street had made false affidavit as to his ago whea he had Honor ahlxmed Into the city, h not yet being of age. He will be sentenced tomor row.. '' ' . ' ; .;. "... . ' .... 3910fuO!i:;Ll: TAil luuiO Berlin, via Sayvtlle,' Jaat 8. Foe- saal waa captured by tha' Qermaaa yeateray, with 8.810 prlaoaara, to- , day's German offldal statement aald. ; Forcing back of Roumanian force from the atrongly fortified " mala pass ot (Mgr Odobest to Pataa aaV " storming In bandto-haad ' flghtiac ' of enemy potlUona south of MHcora, waa reported. '!Ptishing beyond we gave' tha ana-'. my ao time" to settle in second line1 ' positions on the canal between Foe-'' ' aaat and Yareetea,'" the' atatameat continued. . 'This position was plero- ed and pressing farther, wa croaaad the road ifrom Fooanst to Boloteatl. 'This morning (January T) Foo- sanl was captured. From tha coa quered fortification we took 8,818 prisoner,, three heavy cannon aad several machine guns." 1 Focsant lies nearly 100 mile north ot Bucharest. It Is aa Important strateglo point attnated exactly mid-' way between Hungary and Russia In the narrowest part of the neck which connects Roumaaia with the northern province of Moldavia, Roumaaia. The city la nearly 80 miles northwest of Bralla, recently captured by tha G mans, and which la their northern-; most point on the Danube, I '.. - Don Jolly arrived thla morning from Montague, where he hat beea ' spending the patt tew months. He ' will leave tonight" for. Portland.' ' J BYGffi ;vC ;