Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, January 02, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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To Other , Town in the World the Size pf , Grants Pass lias a Paper With JFull &a$ Wife .Telegraph Service.
' V , -ass
Sk BUUBaa SB1 gSSJS. gthv am BUaa Bi A
sm. w am w gr n n ri a
fc I .Mil I U V Lit
1 i "LEAK"
Ccrjrea Is Pertsrbed Over
Charges Tkat Result Frca
tie Grisg cf Adrasce la
femtica ca Peace Note
Washing ton, Jaa. I A storm of
charges and countercharges regsrd
tng tht reported "letk" from tht
tntt department to Wall street of
advsnct informations tht presi
dent's pesct notes, broke In both
houses this afternoon.
t Chalrmaa Henry of tba bouM
tales committee announced he would
' Mot call bit committee together for
the Investigation demanded la tht
resolution or Congressman Wood.
J la tht sensta Chairman Stone of
tb foreign relatlona committee, for
aseJlr denied charge printed br
aewtpapor that he had profited
the leak. 1 8tone blamed the preeent
7item of clvn atrrlre for leaks be
aid he knew existed. Henry Intro' In
the honse: 1 resolution wl l.n 'will
wwre'drastle power to In-
Ti-Uvtf h KeW York ttork! e
v cbange. He took this action at once
Iter a two-hours' conference with
Taomat W. Lawtoa, who claims' In
siders made 160.000,000 through tht
Coincident with' Henry's action,
tepnblloaa members of the committee
led ty Congressman Campbell, openly
denounced the "one man conference"
Wtween Henry and Lawson.
; Campten Issued a formal state
ment declaring "Lawtoa should be
liven a chanct to ten hit facta to
Ike whole committee or be shown
"If aeeettary, wo could subpoena
very brokerage house tn Ntw Tork
City and get at the root of this
thing," be said. "We demand a com
lete and ptfUlo tspotltloa at once."
Laweon and Henry differed sharp
ly la their vlewt of their conference.
"Henry has enough Information
sow to Investigate the whole damned
luslnett, tht peace note leak and
all street generally," said Uwson.
, "There has been nothing given me,
vea approaching the Information I
, ejewlre, or that would warrant calling
together the rulos committee", said
Henry In a formal statement. '
.; .'Mawson has not furnished . ' me
with a single nama."
' "Mr, Henry hat enough to con
' tlnce sny Intelligent man and Mr.
; Henry It exceptionally Intelligent
, that an Investigation ought to - 'be
i wade," said Lawson. "I look for de
welopmente this afternoon or tomor-
: tow.-
t , Lawson thoroughly , enjoyed hlm-
)f. lit smiled, smoked and swore
freely and then went downstairs to
walk In front of movie machines,
Henry would not Join, ' '
"If It. Is true' that sny publlo 'nf
Bi;lnl has, or did, use sny secret In
formation, as has been alleged, to
further his own personal Interests,
be Is an unscrupulous scoundrel,"
said Stone. "If sny man In legists-'
, live life, did 1t, which I believe Im
possible, he oiiRht to i dlsmlssnd
from office. I do nut know If there !
ny foundation umlr tlicne sonsa
tlonril reports, rtut l do know that
confidential communications to the
late department and foreign govern-
' mntt have, by some means, found
thelf way Into the hnndt of men not
authorised to recelvo them, ,
I "This could .only have happened
through tht Infidelity of employes of
(the .state department, J fear (ht be
trayal of publlo confidence Is dut to
jlht present civil service aystem. I
would have most trusted men In t hoaw
Clreuit Court Judge Oeelared
tight Heur Law Unconstitutional.
i Los Angeles, "Jan. I. Joy runs
rampant throughout tht southwest
today ss a result of Oregon's victory
over Pennsylvania yesterday and the
result Is held conclusively .to provt
that Western football teams, though
unrecogalstd by those selecting "all
Amerloaa" elevens, are as good and
better than, the eastern elevens. Ore
ion, fighting for tht west, won
greet victory, and tht husky lads
from Eugene art idolised and their
team is hailed as' oat of tht greatest
In the United States.
Oreron won fcy superior pitying
with a score of 14 to 0. They play
ed sislrst a team trained by a coach
ing stsS of specialists, while Bet
dek net alone la coaching Oregon.
Tht tsittreners also had special
coaching la western methods, and
wert accredited with a bewildering
system of attack. But Oregon suc
cessfully overcame tht ' handlcapa
and rolled up- a good score, thereby
conclusively showing their superior
ity as a team, and man for man.
In every department of the gamt
tht Oregonlant outshone their gamt,
hard-flghMng eastern rivals. . On
Straight football the Pennsylvania
backs and heavy Hne were more con
sistent In gains, whllt tht Ortgnn
iana proved their sbiltty to use tht
forward pass by using It In a be
wildering' combination to score a
touchdown, i . ,. 1 i
In punting, Hollls Huntington snd
Berry were pretty evtnly matched,
but tht' easterners' punts avcrsred
two or three yards more than Hunt
ington's, , '
While singing . tlio praises of
Parsons, the Huntlngtons and Beck
ett, the ifans are not forgetting
Borry, Mllltfr, Crane and the other
Ponnaylvanlnns, who 1 although
crushed 1y the western steamroller,
nevertheless fought hard every min
ute. ; , . j
positions, regardless of their civil ser
vice examinations, ' '. - t
"The Temark by Mr. Lawson, that
In rnne this Investlitstlon was punn
ed, It Would be' Impossible to secure
a Quorum In either the senate or
house, would lead one to suppose that
there was not an honest mtn In either
branch pt.ongross,; ,It disgusts ms
that t creature of this low typt
would msk such a statement."
Nstecf Al!idNa!issIaRe
plj to Gerca Revest Fcr
Cciferecce ' Deezed Net
Berlin, Jan. I.- Berlla's peaot
bopet art dissipated. . .. ,
Now it'is war to the last ounce
of humta blood.
; Tht alilea' note is not deserving of
a written rejoinder,, , v , ,
Summed np. that It tht BerHa
press opinion and It tvplfles tht
opinion of tht man la tht street. '
" Tht German decision Is that the
allies' peace answer must, 'be force of
arms under Hlndenburg't leadership.
Privately the editorials of sons
Berlin newspapers are more violent dorstment of tht note.
n their denunciation of the entente J When Senator Hitchcock called op
course, than their printed stories, i his second resolution, which asks
Ntw Years' alght they wert 1L at congressional approval of tht presl
thotr desks wrlting editorials. Oat dent's action. Senator Lodge blocked
of tht editors, the man writing the action till tomorrow despite a ptea
"leader for tht Lokal Anselger, waa.ty Senator Stoat, chairman of the
asked what Oermaay would do. - foreiga relations committee,, thet
"Hold out," ht flashed, back. "It
it insanity for' Europe 'to "bleed to!
deata-bof the Hies' refute peace,! Quest for prompt action, said' h was
Only one reply fan come and that not necessarily opposed to endorse
froro our armies:. Let Hladenburt ' meat of the president's 'note. He
answer." ,.
The German publlo read the f ull
text of the note on Tuesday. ..The,
dissipation of tht three weeks' peace
hopes therefore did sot occur until
after celebration qt Now Year's. This
year's celebration was every . bit as
gay as last year. , .,,;
American Ambassador Gerard has
not yet received tht official text of
tht reply for. transmission to the
German foreign office.
Today's newspaper editorials re
flected the bitterness of tht writers.
None ought to be suprlsed at the
action of tht entente nations la re
jecting peace proposals, said the
Lokal Anselgen, "but, It Is surpris
ing that tea men should have signed
a document without foundation, . a
frivolous, lying document, constitu
ting the last kernel of untruth. ,;
"'It may be the people of Ger
many will read hope of peace be
tween the lines. However, iwe con
sider H the sharpest refusal. It Is
Impossible for tht entente allies to
say plainer that peace la not wanted
and negotiations are not desired
snd this without laying any weight
upon, nor knowing our terms. We
now oan tee that the world Is full of
devils. Let everyone In Germany do
his utmosf,- so that they will f not
succeed. : ." ;
Washington, Jan. 2, Ambassador
Fletcher will soon leaVe for his post I
in Mexico City, thus removing one
souroe of friction between the United
States and Mexico, It was reported in
offlolal circles here today.' i' '
It is boflevcd Mexican Ambassador
Designate Arredondo soon will be re
placed by Consul General dl Negri,
of Ban Francisco, who will be recog
nized as Mexico's ambassador.
Hints Saturday that General' Per
blng's troops may be soon wtu
drawn developed Into a near-certainty
today. ; The American members of
the Moxlcsn-Amerlcan commission to
day discussed Carranra'a last note
that accompanied the rejected pro
tocol, Tht commission announced
this afternoon It might issue a form
al statement at S o'clock,
..;: .( ,
Actica cl htzSWizzi
h ; Attest to Sl War
Wash ngton, Jan. 1. Tht senate
agsln today refused to vote on a res
olution endorsing President Wilson's
"peace rotes" to belligerents.
The house later also refused to
endorse the president's note.
Washington. Jan. J. A third at
tempt to have tht senate endorse the
president's peace note, was made to
day by Senator Hitchcock. He called
up for consideration his second res
olution, seeking congressional en-
there bean Immediate vote. .
Lodge, la opposing Hitchcock's re-
said ht merely) tbongbt "longer coa
. slderatloa be given a matter which
Involves sll the nations of the world.'
' Aberdeen, Wash., Jan. 2. Invita
tions are- out today for tht confisca
tion of two thousand dollars' worth
of perfectly good liquor by Chief of
Police Schmidt la this city Thursday.
The liquor, which was taken from
bottles, was mostly shipped by boat
to Aberdeen and over 1,500 quarto
will be burned on a vacant lot tor all
cltlsens to witness. - ' v !
, Captures of , large n ambers of
prisoners la western Moldavia aad
round Kwnaai, reported la today's
official Germaa etatMneot, indicate
con tin acd success la the rapid Ger
man occupation of all Boumaala
Brail still resists the Germaa pres
sure.' , . ' ' .' .
Althonoh reported within ranae of
)jWTOil aad Bulgaria, cannon a week
ago, there have ,been bo reports, of
boinbardnent of the city of Braila
aad apparently the Teutonic force
are still hurling Infantry masses at
the bridgehead of Marin, 'opposite
Braila on the Danube. ' ;
': Today's Berlin statement frankly
admits the enemy still "maintains"
the teMgehead between the Buseu
river and the Danube on the west of
the city. : The lack of any bombard
ment rvport may come through the
fact that the . Gcrma&t advance has
been so rapid that heavy siege guns
could not keep pace with the infantry
Snd cavalry. '. V
Though Bmlla still ItouUs. the Ger
maa statement indicates the rapid
progress of the other wings of the
German army Is not being held bark
Today's statement mentions
proarh of Germanic forces "to the
bridgehead poHlUons near rmaiiir
premimnbly on the Putna river." '..
Capture f 1,800 priHoners In this
section Is also rciortl. Sofia re
ported rapture of I, BOO prisoners In
the Doltrudja flKhtlng against the
Mm ln bridie)iead, . guarding Braila
from he east. Farther to the north flee, In the political uprising of farm
In western Moldavia, German troops ( ere, committed suicide by shooting
appear to fce having success in the himself In the Burleigh county conrti
Trotua valley, '.,' ':' ?. I nouM yrd today. ''..-I
tells M Own VeeHt te Ka
pler Unknown Upper Amazon.
t'twto by A me if in. I'rff Auucmm
' Jfbeonix, Arts., Jan... J. Today
Arisona has two governors, two ex
ecutive offices and will soon have, two
staffs ,ot oppolntivt. state officers.
This situation will continue . . until
Thursday, at least, for attorneys for
Governor-elect Tom Campbell and
Governor George W. P. Hunt reached
an agreement today that tht appli
cation to tht supreme coart for a
peremptory writ to oust .Hunt will
not be made before Thursday. )'
i ma morning uampoeu made - a
fresh demand for the executive of
fice. This was refused. .. Now Corns
bell is preparing, to open his office
la a caprtol corridor or elsewhere, ,
' In the meantime all business of
the stats la. deadlocked. ArUona's
warranU srlU not be recognised and
two set of officials, will seek to per
form (he came duties.' ; ., , ,., ...
Some of tht officials appointed by
Hunt art arranging to have their
offices occupied day and night to
prevent Campbell's men from get
ting Into the valuta and records. .
, Attention is sow turning to the
legielature which convenes Monday.
Aa attempt will be made to secure
an adjournment for six weeks. It was
said today, and this will precipitate
a new battle. Hunt, It la claimed
will control the lower house. .: The
senate Is strongly anti-Hunt
Malcom Fraxer, of El Paso, has
been appointed private secretary by
Campbell. A heavy guard was main
tained around the capltot last night,
but there Was no trouble. ' . V:
Cleveland, Jan. 2. -"No V strike
vote Is being taken, and, so far as
I know, no such vote will be taken,
pending action of the supreme court
on the Adamson law," said W. G.
Lee, head of the Brotherhood of
Railway Trainmen, today, :'. 1
Other railway brotherhoods r
fused to add anything to their New
York statements. Since their return
to Cleveland, they have kept very
quiet. '.'!' ".
Blsmark, N. D., Jan. 2. States
Attorney Berndt swept from his of-
Tr::;j h Lrr:i TJj
iSi cf ts kz Trzn
' El Paso, Jan. 2 Defeat of a dir.
Won pf Vllllstat numbering COO mea,
with a loss of 25 dead and the capture
aad execution of 140 prisoaers by
Mexican government troops at Tor-'
rerao yesterday, avas : offldaUy aa-r
aoaaced at the Ifoiru ' ninm
here today.;, A targe quantity of,am-
mumuoa, and supplies, part of the
loot from Chihuahua Cttr a month
ago, was recaptured, a bulletin from
uenerai aiurgaia, carrsatista com
mander at Chihuahua City stated.
Torrent- Is TO miles south of Oea-
eral Pershing's outposU. ! ( .
London. Jan.' t. There was JbV
creasing belief today that in the re-
PV.of President Wilson's note, the
allies hart the opportunity, aa Ger
many's indefinite peace proffer aad
reply to America, to put Potsdam at
a disadvantage. ,v'
The allies' answer probably an
other Identic ante of the same char
acter as that to Germany will also
be issued from Paris. England and -France,
It was said, hare already
greed on a Joint draft, which la now
before the other nations of the en
tente. On their approval, the aot
will be handed to American Amass
sador Sharp..
A course of plain speaking and
a dear statement of the terms on
which the allies would consider neaea ;
negoUstions, is what tht ' British
press hopes tat note will indicate.
England is convinced that the al.
lies' "etsrvation blocked." of niu
many and Germany's apprehenslve-
nesa of defeat on the western front
next year, combined to Inspire Berlin
to aut for peace. It It pointed out
ua-offlcial. Hst of ' concessions
which Teutonic deplomats la neu
tral countries .have . suggested the
Identical characted of these sucteV
tlons Indicating their origin at Ber
lin waived much that ' Germany
would have demanded a year ago. '
In the Joint reply to America, tht
alllet probably .will subscribe to Rue
sla'a frank ambition to oust Turkey
from Europe and obtain the Dard
anelles as being collateral With the
Italian ambitions as to Tyrol aad
Istrla and the French ambitions aa
to the "lost provinces" of Alsace and
Lorraine. There Is reason to believe
these hopes of the allies will ha
classified under the category of "re
paration and guarantees." o '
In many quarters, it Is held that
In reply to America, the allies should
proceed even more carefully than ta
their answer, to tht German peace
proffer. ; Some dissatisfaction was
evident in. the choice of Words em
ployed in the reply to Germany dut
to the fact that tht English trans
lation; from the french original text
showed a number of 'weak" words.
The Manchester Guardian suggests
the text be published In English ap
parently' had been written In, tht
Russian, translated then Into tht
French and later into the English, '
J. 0. Rings left this morning tor '
Montague to spend several days at
tending to business matters.