Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 31, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    HtN'HAV, DM'KMIIKIt HI, 10)41
pack rrvw l
Th bMt teller t th prat
tl m according to report! from
tit Ban Francisco Muile
Houses art
i "Mliiourl Wlti."
"Prrtty Bahy."
"Turn Back th Unlvrs."
"8h It too Sunshlu of Vir
ginia." "Jut On Day."
i "Down Wbr th Suwane
Rlvr Flows."
"Yaaka Hula."
"Down Honolulu Way."
"Hawaiian Dmm."
"Oh How Bht Oould Wlckl,
Waekl Woo."
"Bomewher On tl Rio
"And They Called It Dixie
; "I Never Knew."
You ran get aqy of tbem at
Music and Photo House
WUb the eatt and west pitted
against each other In the New Year'a
football vonteate, In botb local and
notional aport, a large amount of In
ternal la being ahown 1y local 'foot-'
tall ana. with optlmlam high for a
victory over Pennsylvania by Oregon,
at Paaadeue In the New- ear's game,
bop for a victory locally over thai
Medford stare la alao keen. . A fete- j
gram was received by manager Har-,
vey, of the local eleven, aaylng that
Medford would be here Monday with
one of the slronjteat team yet put
out. It la known that a number of
college atari are alated to appear In
the Rear Creekera' lineup, ami (Ma
but adila to the Interest of the game.
With the return of a number of
Grant Paaa athletes from collegca,
the local lineup haa been gratly
strengthened. A number of new for
mationa have been worked out, and
with the aid of Coach Miller, a for
midable team haa been perfected.
The locale have been practicing every
night for (he pant two week, and
are In better condition that any team
which haa yet Ven up ana I nut -Med-'
ford In the annual claah. It la un
derstood that a large number of root
era will accompany the Medford team
on thelrlp. ,
It ta better to back out than to be j
thrown out
Many Filipino women catch and lell j
Unit fur k living.
worda. two Issue. 25c: alt laauea,
ftc: one month. 11.50, when paid In'
advance. When not paid In advance.'
.o per ll'ie per lani. ;
FOR SALE Household gooda, home,'
Aridreaa No. 3325, care Courier. 44
7.ATIIA FITZGERALD, public aten
ograpbcr, In Dent-Fuller Realty
company office, 301 North IU
IX8T Tueaday evening, pair of gold
framed ginsse, alao lace trimmed
handkerchief. Reward. No.
2313, Courier. 939
L. A. LAUNKU, Fire Inturanc and
Burety Bonda. tf
turn nee, plate glass, accident and
liability Inauranoo. Mra. Joaeph
Mom, Mgr., 804 H N. 6th Bt. 8-tt j
NOW 18 THBIIEST tl'me'to aecura '
a bargain Id a 1913-14 or 'IS
model Ford. Small depoalt, cash
or torma. ' 504 South 6th atreet
Oranta Paaa, Ore,' 919
FOR BALK Dairy herd of It cowi
and milking machine. P, D Her
man. 944
', modern home, garage, barn and
' ga'rden In Roaeburg, Oregon: alao
5 acrei fine bottom land with
300 five-year-old DeAnJou pear
treea, 1 mlloa from town. Want
hotel In live town. No comn)a
lon. M. F. Chamberlain, Roie
; burg, Oregon. 944
FOR SALE Fine Malleable ateel
ranee, with water connection In"
good condition hnlT price If taken
. at once, Phono 833-J. 940
WANTED 6,000 tona chrome ore.
. Will buy on dump or f. o. b. con.
j See George 8. Rarton, 907 South
i 8th atreet, Oranta Paaa, addreia P.
O. 'box 646, or phone 229. 944
WANTED Room, on iflrat floor, and
tosrd for an elderly man. Apply
to Rov.. C, W.. Baker or phona
Sl. " '"' . . '.93-
I . t i M M M M t t M
O. C. Cameron, of Rogue River,
aa a vtaltor In the city Saturday.
Mr. and Mra. A. W. Btone, of Med
ford, vlalted In the city during the
holidays returning home yeaterday.
Mite Fannie Abrama went to Med
ford yeaterday to spent1 a dVy tit-
Wing at that place,
iDon't forget the New Year'i dance
at the Waldorf. 939
Mlaaea Jeanette Moaa and Cath
erine Clemena went to Medford yea
terday for a abort vlelt with frlnnda.
Frank Neely returned Friday night
to Portland to re-enter a medical
college at that place.
O, W. McCalllater left yeaterday
for Klamath Falla and will make hla
home at that place.
, Mlaa Jeanetlv Patterson returned
to Medford yeaterday after vliltng In
the city for a abort time.
W. 8. Green baa been a Oranta Paaa
visitor for the past few daya, leav
ing Saturday for to Angeloa.
Don't forget to call 59 Oranta
Paaa Wood Co. 939tf
J. II. Drlaroll, game warden at
Aahland, arrived Saturday morning
to apend a abort time In the city.
Mra. C. F. Shirley vlalted hero for
aeveral daya, returning Saturday
morning to her home at Klamath
Mra. Ralph Dean returned to her
borne at Cottage Orove Friday night,
after visiting here for the paat
week with relatives.
" Oladwln Smith, who haa been vis
iting with hla parents In the city
for the paat week returned to Port
land Friday evening.
Big New Year'a dance at the
Waldorf.' 939
O. lovell returned to Gold Hill
yeaterday after spondlng a abort
lime In the city attondlng totnialnrs
J. 1), Bhaaka wont to Rogue River
yeaterday morning and will apend
the winter at that place working In
hie mlnea.
Mlaa Mary Burk arrived here Sat
urday afternoon from Tacoma to
vlalt for a abort time with Mra. W.
W. Olbion.
Fitney flowered pcltl"nnl In all
the now Htylit. Mra. K. Itchkonf. tf
C. A. I.ower and H. A. I-ower re
turned to Medford yeaterday, after
apendlng a day vlaltlng In the city.
Francla Bennett and Delbert Jonoa,
who have been In th city aa the giiest
of Mlaa Catherine Clemena for aeveral
daya, returned to Medford Saturday, '
Mr. and Mra. C. A. Walrh arrived
yeaterday morning from Weyland,
Mich., to vlalt here for a abort time
with Mra. Walch'a brother, O. H.
The New Year edition of the Ore
gonlan may be obtained from the
Oregonlan carrier on New - Year'a
day. 939
Mra. W. C. Carnahan left Friday
evening for Portland, after vlaltlng
In the city for aeveral weka with
her parents, Mr. and Mra. Herbert
Mra. Harold Doer arrived Satur
day from Fremont, Neb., to vlalt
here for some time with her parents,
Mr. and Mra. O. B. Berry. Mrs.
Doer was formerly Mlaa Ada Berry,
of thla place.
ComU at reduced prices; alao wool
and "Ilk dressea. Mra. E. Rebkopf. tf
. Vernon Basler, a aenlor at O. A.
C, apent Chrlatmai In the city with
hla parents and loft yeaterday for
Corvallla to assist In the registra
tion of the farmer who will be there
during Farmers' week.
Buy electrical gooda at the Klec
trlo ntora..' , 37tf
A claisined ad will give reiult.
The War theatre wtehe it
IHitroim a happy new year, anil
alMolullon from mental, phys
ical and flnnnclal advcralty.
By Ita photoplay looking for
1IM7, the Htar believe It la In
a ixmlthm concretely and ado.
qiiuUdy to contrflmte to tlia
community store of wholesome
Aa heretofore, all Paramount
release, Including; , the now
Paramount farce oomodlea, will
lo ahown at thla theatre) and
In addition, It haa contracted
for the beat output of the Great,
er VitAgraph, Including th K,
Hi Sotliern picture, .
Star Ttorg'
M t H f H t t .
i'55 LOCAL :
I Mr. A. Wilson visited In the city
1 for soma time with her (later, Mr.
' 0. L. Jewell, Sh left yeaterday
morning for her bom In Roaeburg.
Mra. B. 8. Lowden baa been vla
ltlng her for th put week with
! ber-parents, Mr. and Mr. Gorg
Buell, returning to her horn at
Brownsville yeaterday morning.
' Mr. J. 8. Harblaon and daughter,
Winifred, returned yeaterday to their
horn at Lafayette, Or., after vis
iting In th city for several day
with Mr. Hablaon'i brother, Fred
Smith. " ' 1 ' ...
Chicken dinner Sunday at trie
Palace from 12 to 1:30, 85c. ' 9Sv
Bruce Oldlng left Friday evening
for Ban Francisco, Lo Angeles and
Ban Diego and will apent about three
week at those places.
P. B. Delano returned yesterday
morning from San Francisco, at
which place he spent th holidays.
He left last night for Portland to re
main a abort time.
A. J. Cose, of Mesklll, Wash., apent
a abort time In the city leaving Sat
urday morning- for Portland. Mr.
Coaa ha property Interests In the
valley and leavea with the Intention
of returning here to make hi bom.
He ha been Interested in Oranta
Pa for th paat 20 yeara and notea
tbe rapid development or this aec
tlon. .
No Courier New Year's
There will be no paper Issued from
the Courier office on 'Monday, New
Year' day.
Library dom-d Monday
The Public library will . remain
cloned all day and evening New Year'a
day, Monday.
Hon Is Horn-
A son was born last Monday to
Mr. and Mra. John Harmon, of Dry
den. That Rig fiame
, New Yeara day.
Be there. 939
1 81. Luke's (luild Meeting
A called meeting of St. Luke'a
, Guild will be held at the close of the
eleven o'clock aervlce, 8unday morn
ing. In the Guild ball.
tlnjilrtviMKl Italrjr '
Tbe boat milk, cream and Ice cream.
Phone Hi. " tf
Attention A. V, and A. M.
All memhera of the Oranta Paaa
lodge No. 84 A. F. and A. M., and
vlaltlng brother! are requested fo
meet In the lodge room at 10:30 to
day to attend In a body the services
at the Methodist church. A. K. Cass,
W. M.: E. G. Ilarrla. aecy.
i4um ttt North Yakima
1 Gorman .nncnun ana wue,
vlalted In thla city during the holi
day eaon, returned to their home
at North Yakima last night.
Saturday Wedding
Norman Mitchell Green, of ShasU,
Cat., and Mlaa Sadie Eula Prince, of
Waldo, were married at the Baptist
paraonaite, Saturday afternoon, at
3 o'clock, Rev. S. A. Douglas officiat
ing. Mr. and Mra. Green will make
their home at Waldo.
Big New Tear Dance - r
Waldorf, Monday, January 1.
Everybody com, good time la as
sured. Dancing from 9 to 1. Tlcketa
11.00. - 939
Steal Wearing Apparel
Clothing thieve are again busy In
the city. A quantity of wearing ap
parel waa stolen from tbe clothe line
at th home of Dr. Kobert Leslie,
who live on North 2nd atreet The
robbery ocoured Friday night.
Ana and PrefU Will Meet
The 80cloty of Art and Craft
will hold Ahelr annual meeting at
th horn of Mrs. Clevenger, 715
North 4th street, at 2 o'clock Tuea
day, There will 'bo election of of
ficer. Successful Hear Hunter
j ' EHJnh Davidson, whose chase 'after
a wounded Itear about 40 yeara ago
reaulted In th dlacovery of the Joae-
phlne cavea, wai' a Saturday visitor
In th city, bringing in hi catch of
fur for the first portion of the trho-
' ping leason, .The Interesting part of
Mr, Davidson' catch were the nlnv
1 bear skins, he having taken twr
black, two brown and flv cinnamon
bear during the winter. . .He ano
had lx bobcat and one coyote, Mr.
Davidson' trapping grounds are on
the slope of GraS'back and along the
upper tranche of William creek. :
That Big Game ' i ei
New Year day. Be there. 939
Muale Club Meeting
Tuesday, January 2, at 7:45 p. m
bualnea meeting of th Oranta Pas
Mualo club will be held In th Com
mercial club roorpa, to which all
member of the club and Cbriatma
chorus are requested to be present
Mr. Davis, who I to be director of
the chorus, will be' present and lay
before th club plan for th aprfng
work. v
More Dairy (Ws for Leonard -Twenty
bead of the dairy cow that
wer formerly part of th Feldmaler
herd wer driven out to the River
bank ranch of the Leonard Orchard
company Saturday haying been pur
chased by that company. Tbe dairy
herd or the Ieonard Orchard
company now number )50 bead. Tbe
Feldmaler herd, which conaiated of
35 head, waa purchaaed by P. B.
Herman, and the aale of tbe cow to
the Ieonard Orchards was made by
Mr. Herman. The balance of tbe
herd la now held by Mr. Herman on
the Hood ranch west of town, Mr.
Feldmaler having retired from the
business. In the deal Mr. Feldmaler
came Into poseeaalon of acreage
property west of town in tbe valley
which be will crop to bay.
fine Musical Program
Haa been arranged for tbe fellow
ahlp hour at the Presbyterian church
tonight. 939
H. H. IHikaUsr I "repair
The teama that are to represent
the local high school upon the ros
trum during tbe contest on the
southern Oregon debating league thl
year are putting In full time In prep
aration. Included in tbe three
cornered contest thla year are the
school of Ashland, Medford and
Grants Pass, the debate to be held on
January 19th. The aubject will be
that of "Health Insurance," and each
achool will be represented toy a team
to debate the negative and the af
firmative aidea of the queatlon. On
the evening of tbe contest the team
having the affirmative will meet the
Medford team at Medford. The
Oranta Paaa team will 4e Raymond
LeRoy and Hubert VVIlklns. On the
aame evening the local team, Frank
Turpln and Paul Day, will meet the
Aahland team here upon tbe nega
tive aide of the question. Another
triangle of valley. debaters to discuss
the tarn queatlon on the 19th will be
from the Central Point, Phoenix and
Talent achool.
William K. Ilyrne
William F. Byrne was iborn in
Qulncy, Mass., September 25, 1848,
and died In Oranta Paaa, Ore., De
cerning 22, 1916 of pneumonia. Tbe
deceased came to Oregon In 18S4, and
lived here until hla death. He en
listed aa a private in Company K,
48th Massachusets Infantry In
1862 at the age of 14 years, was
honorably dlcbarged on' September
30, 1863. On October 1, 1863, waa
enrolled aa a private In Company A,
4th Massachusets cavalry to serve
three yeara and waa honorably dis
charged November 14, 1965, at Rich
mond, Va. He leavea to mourn hi
loss, one brother, three nephew, and
two niece. James Byrne, Bur
llngame, Cal., Fred O. Roper, Grant
Pass, J. A. Luae, Marahfleld, Ore.,
H. H. Luse, North Bend, Ore., Mra.
Fred Wilson or Marsh field, Ore., and
Mra. Richard Wrenn, of Burllngame,
Wj wish to express thanks to the
many friend and to the Fruttdale
grange for their kindness during the
Ickneu and death of our beloved
uncle, William T, Byrne; also for the
beautiful Aortal offering from the Q.
A. R., W. R, O. and friend.
- MR, and MRS. F. O. ROPER.
A Keystone
Q -ii'Stttr M C)
Iferfe Dcro
Thecdsre Rcbsrts
Tbsaas fJdgbn
Be and ISe; performance brgfaa 7:80 atd 8:M.
COMING Rita olivet, is
In Greeting
Nineteen Seventeen
The White House Grocery
extends to all its patrons
and you a most-
Happy New Year
(Continued from Page 1)
proceed. When he got back to the
canyon where he had had hla fire,
the flame had ail died out and he
had no more matchea. So during
Sunday night, and until Tuesday he
lay In the canyon with hla strength
fast failing because of the cold and
from the pangs of hunger. Tuesday
morning he thought It beat to return
to the trail where rescue might be
more probable, or where hla tody
could be found if he was not rescued.
During the last hour of his travel he
was able to proceed but 15 feet. .. He
waa near enough the trail, however,
that he could make himself heard
when Chas. Pittlnger came down the
trail shouting, and was aoon sur
rounded by the members of the res
cue party.' He was given such nour
ishment as he could take In-, bis
weakened condition, and was then
assisted to Marial, arriving there at
11 o'clock Tuesday night. Wednes
day he was taken on down the river
t6 Plttlnger'a, and the next day ar
rived at bia parents home at Agneaa.
Commodore Fleming, tbe , mall
orler, was not lost at any time, for
npon finding the depth of the snow
too great open the divide he return
ed to Martal and remained there
with hla pack mules till Friday.
(Continued from Page 1)
offensive was an Indication of her
future defeat was suggested here to
day. The Morning Post took this view;
"The Moral 1 that the
battle was scarce ended," the edi
torial declared, "ere Germany aaked
for peace."
Quoting Halg'i word, the editorial
concluded: "In theae simple words,
which must resound in German ears
Tonight and Monday
The Fare of a Thousand Emotion la ;
"The Patriot"
.' The story of a atrong man' devotion to the alar and (tripe.
also, "Maid Hid" with Lcsis Ficc;ia
-Am bstenaUowd Marriage."
like thunder, lies the whole explana- .
'tlon or the German proffer. There-'
1 tore, all that the allies, need to eoaw
alder Is to whether or not Germany
! will concede the objects for "which
the allies arj fighting or will pre
fer to continue to resist until her
resistance is troken. It follow also ;
that any suggestion made on the part
of neutrals that a compromise might
be effected, l, In fact, an attempt to ,
pare Germany and Austria, and I a ;
violation of neatrallty," . . "- -'
.Pasadena, Cal. Dec. 30. Pen-
ylvanla, tupporter sliced down their ;
odd somewhat today when R became
known thai Clement Urquart, th
Quaker left-end, would not be on the "
line to receive forward passe and;
aniear up Oregon playa New Year's t
day. The blood poison resulting from
an Injury to hla foot 1 worse today,
and Crane la working out in the posi
tion. One Pennsylvania man here
states the local betting Is 10 to 8
with Pennsylvania th favorite. In
Loa Angelee the Oregon supporter
are rapidly covering all 5 to 3 and t
to 1 bet olered on Pennsylvania.
There i confidence in both camp.
Today the boy saw sights of Interest'
In and aronnd Pasadena, and rater.
Folwell' charges are In secret praev.
tie and th Oregonians are holding
a light workout at Tournament park.;
Tegart. Oregon's right-end, arrived
today. 'He kept in training while
In the north and easily hit hi old
tride. j
. . t. " ' , V;" . j
!" Vry Eay. 1',.
Why la It that truth will rts agate j
when crushed to earth?" "' ' i
f Because of Ita elasticity, of course, j .
Don't yon knnwv bow way It la to:
stretch the triilhJ"--RoHton Trail-
crlit. v v , ' ;