DAILY EDITION VOL. VH., No. M. GRANT I'AMH, JOHEPH1NK COUNTx. OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 88, 1910 WHOLE NUMBER IMS. , . , ....... . MOthcr-Town in the World theJSizo etQrant Pa&: Has a Paper With Full Leased Wire Telegraph Servide. RFPnRT TWn niODML PRT IQT H Pill I 1 Commodore Fleeing, a Mail Carrier of West Fork, and Tea Rilea, of Oregon City, Searched For By Party Report came to th local forestry offlc oo Christmas day that Commo dor Flemings wait carrier on to route between West Kork and Agoess and Tom Rilea, of Oregon City." wer missing, aad supposedly wart loit oo th dlTlda between Marial aod West Kork. The laat learned Monday night waa that a searching party waa or raolied at Marlel to 'commence a rareo for the missing man tola morn lac. Slaoa then all the telephone line have failed, aod today oo word haa com from down-river poloU. ' Fleming, the regular mall carrier fross Waat Fork, left Friday morning oa hla trip for Agnes. A little later Kile, who had coma from Oreion City on th train, left over the aama trail for Agoeai, going to visit hla parent! daring the holiday msaos. Hi father la postmaster at Agness. Fleming arrived at Agnes Friday Bight hut oo report of Rilea after ta left West Fork has been received. Saturday morning Fleming started sack over the trail with tha mall for West Fork. Ho arrived at Marlel, on Mule creek, all right, and from ther started out over th divide, on Monday Bight oo further report had come of him, aod at Marlel prep a ration war being mad to prose cu a search for him. Friday morning after both Flem ing and Rilea had left West Fork over the trail, th man who carrlea tha parcel post package left for th lorg hike to A met. He reached th top of th divide, about nine mllea from West Fork, but found .condl-. tlont so bad. with a deep, soft snow, that he concluded not to continue and tamed back.. At th tint he turned back th tracks of both Fleming and Rilea continued on Into th moun- Today th win leading into West Fork, and to Mute creek and Agness have ibeen down, and nothing Is known of th day' developments. . If Rllae haa been out alac h left West Fork h ii now oft hti fourth day , In the wllda. Flaming being three days out from Marlel. Ord inarily Fleming makea the trip from one end of hla route to tha other In a day without trouble, covering the a mllaa with nark mule and saddle horses.' From Marlel to Agns th! he Addition to tha trail follow along th rlv.r at too' of trlklng baker. Tha alt low an altitude to troubled with ! tlon, to settlement of the strike, now. Th 88 miles from Marlel to j rwmatnod unchanged today. Wt Fork I over th vdlvld be tween Curry and. Douglas counties and the mow often reaches a depth of many feet Ther la not a hquse on that portion of tha trail, though tha forestry department baa suggest ed that th mall oontracor should fcuild a, cabin on th dlvld In, case of , . , ' . ,, . . - . ,; , ; Just suoh an emergeoy ,aa. Is now,. El Paso, Dec. ?. Reinforcement present. Both Fleming and Rilea are f all available de' facto troouj ro slron;, resourceful men, and unless being hurried, south to , Chihuahua accident befalls them, they will no doubt com out all right, tha heavy anow no doubt having mad travel ao difficult that they were obliged to camp out In th open. Rilea was, formerly connected with tho forestry service, ,tiii fj, ,i.. i'.Vi1 Boponrlsor Macduff of th" .-0;p.i forest, has attempted to got Into communication with, M rang irs on tha lowor river all day, and n: tf- tent a messog through Cri'c i nt lly to 1,- jVrtrded, from th", '(i ()'. Peach nnd o up the river. .Ii' K urt' log a mnn lo the Mule cre'k .-iinilon l,.Ltl- i that tha fortry flwt- in men 1 1. 'i-jthiin line oaa ut into STATE OFFICIALS WARTISAtl Seattle, Dec. J 6. A whirlwind flolsh la oo today to secure 10,000 signatures still needed, for the ini tiative till to make tha state non partisan In all except national elec tions. Councilman Ertckson, president of th (tat league, haa Issued a call for tOO volunteers to clroulata tha peti tions on downtown streets aad pub lic markets aa well as In the resi dential districts. Tha signature must be obtained by Thursday night. Should th compalgn be successful, and the total necessary, 40,000 oamea obtained, tha legislature will be compelled toact upon It The legislature meets January 7, and favorable action by tt would mean that Washington would ba th first state In th union to lct It governor and legislature and all th other st st and county officer with out reference to party affiliation. S. S. MARYLAND IS REPORTED SINKING New York, Dec It. Th steam ship Maryland I reported sinking about ISO mile off Sandy Hook, ac cording to wlreleea message picked op her. ' . . , ,,v Four vessels are now oa their way to aid her. Th steamship Savannah, tha cutter Acusnet from Boston, th cutter Seneca from Newport, and th cutter Mohawk, which picked up tha distress signals at sea. . , . Wlreleea messages said th engine I room of th Maryland ware rapidly being flooded. Ther are two steam ship In the maritime register named Maryland. On of these la a British vessel of 8,(01 tons and olhe other I an American veasel of 1,800 tons. Th latter waa laat reported on De comber 88, leaving Philadelphia for Liverpool or London. This is be lieved to be th ship in distress. , Tha other Maryland la owned 'by th New Tork, New Haven a Hart ford railroad, and when the left port Snday for New London aha carried a cargo of miscellaneous merchandise., She laat reported her position aa 71 mile ast of th Fiv Fathom bank lightship. . .Because . her wireless was weak no message giving eauae of disaster could be Interpreted at wireless station her. Th posi tion reported, however, la' latitude 8vAangltud,.87.l.lft that region where allied chipping waa recently raided by th German , aubmarine U-58. Buenos Aire, Deo. 80. Fear of a bread famine Increased her today TO RESIST VILUSTA ATTACK city today In preparation for an ex- prcted attack by VUlTBtas. Govern ment troops under General Gonsale liuve stai ted south , and pait ot the .. arcs garrison 1 to follow. United States agent her stated 1 ut vJ-uoral Margin wired his broth ii i arcs ; i) send all the troops mil l span to strengthen tha Car- racist forocs at Chihuahua City, as ' n largn body of Vllllstas south of the waa reported advancing north- ward. . ... " . M ' , , . mlsjlfin, a 1 fa aid In thi for iho'two mc".' 'n? h-.lng concerning thr n. rc arch j r,'i:: t i V PREPARE illLM LUII IV I liU I IIIIIUL STORMED BY BOATS SUNK GERMANS BV RAIDERS Roumanian Village Captured By the Teuton Troops After a Hand to Hand Ccsffict With F.laay Prisoners Taken Berlin, Via SayvUl. Dec. 88. Oer man and Austro-Hungarlaa troops stormed at the point of th bayonet the tenaciously defended village of Flllpestl in Roumania, today'a official statement announced. Th statement road: "During engagements In the Great Wallachlan plain and on th edge of th mountain south of Rimnlcul Sarat during th last few days 5,600 Russians hare been taken prisoners. "Yesterday an often-tried German division, with annexed Austro-Huo- gariaa battalions stormed at tha point ot tha bayonet th Unacloaly . , . f J loaaty lnjaiwdi - On of hi shoald- d-ded vill... of FtlU on VSSS ot'T. StlSS J??"" ,!lBT!ttoir,U "! -blocked the way of our ron. a!!1' on both street of th village, and .n.mKf mrtm' mmh.r. !wfte iwlwtawlder msISbm captured the strongly entrenched Russian positions." r . '1 n.MM.j ru. v.: Mi. Ronm.nun ' f tJ after It had been act oa fir by ar tlllery shell, wu admKted In today'a - offlelal statement Enemy attack along tho line from Lichkotlanka to Flllpestl had been repulsed with ' great loasea. the atatement aald. Fighting haa been very desperate around .Flllpestl. Tha attacking force along th whole line were heavy. , In th Moldavia (Roumania) val ley, at Kasso th Roumanians Jy a daring attack regained heights which they had lost yesterday. Washington Deo. 80. Hasty exam ination of Germany' reply to Presi dent Wilson' peace anggeetlona, aa contained In despatches from Berlin, led on ot th foremost administra tion officials today to state hi belief that th entente allies will not be satisfied to meet th Teutonic pro posal. ' ,... .i . This offlelal declared ho la strongly ot th opinion that "tha proposals would be unsatisfactory to the en- tent allies insofar as hop of ar ranging a peace conference at this time la concerned." . , , r He expressed th view that th , allies would not consent to a peace : meeting based on any such answer aa waa given In th brief reply by Germany. He held that Germany had ; directly dodged th request Of th privately expressed tn hop that pr-T United States tor aomethlng specific hapa tha offlelal text, on lta way here In. the way of peace term. ... .,, , ! through Ambassador Gerard, may ba Th German answer squared with , supplemented with confidential la Ambassador BernstorS'a recent state- formation that might clear up these ment that Germany I willing to state ' point. her terms-at a round table session. More Important than any other Preliminary examination Indicated consideration aa regards success of to administration offlelal that th entente allies will be unwilling to join auch a session unless they can get something more definite on which to operate. All offlolals cxri'-rawd frank plea-1 sur over Gorrnnv's very Immediate response to the nresldenfa not, Thoy declare It "a "gum well," since, It mean Gcr'ny nbviously went . Immediately t" "t m her answer, . While man n'.tdly were die- appointed at '"",ti rfor T1 apecltlp term asked t-r - pointed out (haj ny i" -'"wlona at tbl Acro-Hcnanaa Destroyers RzidStra:t5 c( OtraifoVi . Rest Fleet of Enemy Ships Says Vienna Report Berlin, via SayvUl, Dec. 16. Four A astro-Hungarian destroyers made a ' successful raid in the . StraMa of Otranto, aank two patrol boats and, oa th war tiackv routed alx enemy deMroyer of superior type and speed, a-Vienna official statement declared today. ... lover four times la th downward On th night of December 88-88, 1 Plunge, and thejnen war dlatribn the statement said, "tour - Anstro- tM along th hillside, only one of Hugarisn dtroyr. on a raid In tho "taring- with tha ear dnr Otranto strait, sank two armed pat- wild plunge, and he waa tha rol boats after artillery combat "On th war back." th atatement f "l-'uw"" set Bflrt and thro other wer sv- mi mi m hi nine, im nor' for, amoag which ther waa one veasel ot stronger, nn- kBown type wer routed- , :"Of , our. detroyr. on received tw hlu ta th tunnel; another waa B,t the auperstructuro. Our losse one man dead, none wounded." "'" " "' 8KXD 8HKLM AS XMAfl GIFTS TO THE KNKMT Paris, Dec. 80. Active .artillery action Christmas night on the Somme front on the Lehlon region waa reported in today'a official statement tiro and for some time to coma cia om ofBcjal drclea tt waa point, ed out that -while Germany did not make tha frank "declaration of oh jMtiv,? which President Wilson ought from all belligerent, neither was ther anything In th reply .tit indicate that Germany I committed. hiimiiIvmi.i! -i.vfc-.ji' unequivocally to .withholding any term for ."round table" conference At the White House there was ao disposition on th part of tho preal dent' advtaera to b pessimistic hut ther wai aoma disappointment over faliuro to answer ipeclfto auerlos of ,lhprtfidnt Soma officials, in this connection. the president' negotiations, la th fact that Germany decline now to discus futur guarantees of peaoe. The government, offlelal who talked with the United Press . pointed to this, after a mora careful atudy ot the note, probably precluding any tet-together at thla tlm. . He hold that the allied nation rely on' the, lubjet of future guarantee as the!; big trump card at thla moment , Bene Germany's refusal to discuss such guarantee now is death blow to gay American hope Tor a a,ulch pcacr. iu his opinion. AUTO AND Hill not N GRADE With Its load of eight men from th Greenback . and . Copper, , King mlaaa la too Grave creek district, a heavy Speedwell aatomoMl belong ing to th managers of tha Copper King rolled off the grade near tha Mackln ranch, two mile from Lsland Sunday morning, and seven, of the occupant war more or less . ser loauly Injured Th men. war . a rout to Lelaad to take th train tor Grants Pass wbar tha wan to pass th Oirlstmu hoUtUy,. Ia aacead Ing th grade near Mackln', th rear whel of tha auto skidded oa th narrow roadway. - To machln waa brought, t- a standstill by the driver, bat lipped over th grade and roll- ; ed to th bottom of,tha..0-Sooto j bankment It turned completely 'only one of tha eight to escape in- tar"' Homer lamaa waa th moat aer- 'Ramoetek had abrokaa collar , ajari TaanahlB waa aormaly Vrataad ATLIACKI aa4 A. Cj-ayloT ha a nnmrtP7Oe4BgrTw hothlsBSt teeth tooeeaed. Joseph Syphon and , George Hyde Buffered painful bruises. ! Mra.. torlnd .aad 8oyplMrs, who wer connected, with the Copper King j mia wer taken, to tha haapltal at . Glendala. ' The others wars brought on to this dty.oa tha Boathera. Pa cific and tho injured are telng eared for -at tha hospital aad at th Palace hotel. - .!....;! -, . . .. There w, a,. falluof wbouti alx. Inch cf snow opoa th ground where the acldent oocurred, and tola acted as a cushion to aavo th men. from injnric that might have been much more sever. The car la a wreck, WEDDINGS NOIEROU8 IN CHRISTMAS SEASON Portland, Dee. 88. Christmas week was a busy one for the marriage llceneo ,j?lrjF o.t, Multnomah, county. j Oregon, and Clarke county, Wash? tngton, serosa the Columbia river, o "d, H located, over SO coup ttttttS , 1- tatlM b" carried th. Past tew day. .. ' Yesterday , a , prospective bride groom telephoned Clerk Coffey ot th local license bureau, asking that ha com to hla offlc and iuu a license. Evidently aomethlng went wrong, as Coffey kept a lonely vigil tor several " LT "JZ hour., only to. discover that hi wait had been in vain. -O0ES NOT PLEASE Washington, Dec. 26. Germany's reply to President Wilson's peace not doe not augur for "very rapid aavance in tue ' pi ogress toward peace," British offlelal at Great Brit ain's embassy said, when shown the text of th United Prvss .despatch. These officials said: "There Is nothing new In the mea--ago, uor do s it answbr the presi dent' or Lloyd-George's reqest tor upucltlo definition of terms." The suggestion that the question i' an uuaui.ation to inuvent wars us uol to b ouusldo.vd until peace .1 l II. .. nfttvo. .il ' ti u, a.sj met M.-Iasii i ti.Uass), with t thC . Thl atrd. i' "ti in- 1 i',M. REPLY MADE (icrrReiiy b !:ct l& bgUVwfi Ira 'Ihw-1M ' Berlin, via BayrUl Deo. 80r-, many, today proposed a meeting of belligerent in her answer to Presi dent Wilson' peaco note. Her form al reply to the American peaco ena' geetlon was made la a Soto handad ' to Unltad Stataa Ambassador Gerard ; at Berlin, nd, at th. aama ttsao. tha American, diplomatic representative, at th capitals of tha other central power Vleana, Sofia,' Constaain ope;''"'', '" i ' Tha aoU alao hint , that rtt great work of prevention of futur wara. can ba. Aetna oaly after ,th end of th present atrnggl of aa tlons," and declares 'When thtt m& ment shall hav come," Germany wHl be "ready with -plaassM to boUator-v at entirely wtththa United State at. ipia wienaq iass.i--,, oppropriat road to reach tha desir ed result ii an Immediate meeting ot delegate ef helllgerent atatea at a neutral peace." t Berlin.' via SayviU. bo, it. Germany today handed to' United Stat Ambassador Gerard, for transmission to Washington, Ger many's answer to President Wilson"n recent' peaco note. " " ; ;: . jiw iu ' American diplomatic repreaeatav tlves at Vienna and Cottstantinopto war alio handed th aama reply Th text reads: -i - m . ).: "The right minded uggeatlona made by th president of tho Unltodv State of America, la order to creat basis for tho establishment of last ing peace, haa bean received aad 4 aidered by the Imperial in th friendly sprit which pressed In the president's oonusuuV cadonv'- ;' - a-yi,,-.-y.'ag "Tha president- '-potato hut that which n haa at heart and lemVaa open the choic of road". '' ' 'f To th Imperial govarnmont tho immediate exchange of rlawa a the most atproprtat road la ot . to reach th desired remit - It thwro tor begs, tn the ensa ot lta dec laration.' mad oa December which offered Ra hand for pMraV' goUatlon to . propose immedtote meeUngs of delegate of th balll-' erent states at a nentral-phtoaM 'ur ,. "Also tha imperial rtveramen la of lh ophrtoa that the groat wora) 6t prerentlxjn ot future -war oaa ti begua only after tho end of th pree- ent atruggle of nations: j ernment will) when thla moment hall hav com, be ready with pleay sure to eqllaborat entirely with th United State at this exaulted task.". Th answer finishes with tha us ual term of International politeness. The text as transmitted over 8y- vllle wireless, by the offlelal pre bureau la Berlin, doe not contain any peace terms. Whether thla a the entire text ot tha not not. mad clear In the wireless des patch. SPOKANE HAS TOCCH w. , . OF BELOW ZERO WEATHER J.-t'Mm i- ; .ii. i, ... iv! vi ffilV ',' Spokane,1 Doc 8t.-6pokaae ndH- sen awoko this morning to ftadt $ six-Inch mantlo ot snow covering ta city and surrounding country and ta Weather Int nsoly cold.,. t'At nliSO right Inctiii ofsnow had fallen, aaa (he thormetii tor registered algbt d rw brVyt..:'ii,o with th mercury ellll dropnlup , ;