Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 24, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    81 MIA V, lK, KM1IKH SU, 1016
For those
i. . f,
you overlooked
Krrnl aoine of our floe
mounted wllii kKl views
Tlny are fine fur New Year!
greeting '
AIm Mime gift NIIKKT Ml'BIC
left yet.
Music and Photo House
and a
to oar patrons.
Star Theatre
"Foi'itxiitHTY" Chevrolet
A lltUe stock "Four Ninety"
Cberrelet won a unique contest
staged at Walla Walla, Wash., laat
At tbe annual county fair a forty
per cent Incline waa erected and
automobile dealers of Walla Walla
were Invited to compete. The little
Chevrolet reached the highest point
on tbe Incline and won tbe prise of
fered by the fair offlclals. S4
Portland, Dec. 13. All the little
nabfs that live In the and
Columbia rivers can go on a glor
ious Christmas spree this afternoon,
If they have a thirst. The sheriff
will dump 100 gallons of aaaorted
liquors Into the stream. So If your
Columbia river taates Ilka a ginger
ale hightail, don't be surprised.
Balem, Dec. 33, Beyond smash
ing four freight cr and t'in "I'
trafllo for a few hours, IMtle damage
waa dona when sis cars of a South
ern Pacific freight train Jumped tbe
track at Turner, nine miles south of
here, this morning. No one waa In
jured. Bij
Yfll sViiigllil
OU n-w
The srreen's greatest emotional
A dramatic mastery'
Seven Acts
TlllO Oi 1.1
1 5c HBO
PER52Nf1L .
U Smith went to Medford yester
day on a short trip.
Oscar Knox, of Williams, pent
Saturday In the city.
J. DeNyie went to Medford yetter
day to spend the day.
George Howland made a ahort trip
to Three Pines yeaterday.
R. I). Miller returned yeaterday
from several daya trip to Portland.
Prank P. Anderaon went to Med
ford Saturday to spend the holiday, j
Frank Metacban left yeaterday for
San Francisco where he will spend
Christmas. '
Mrs. J. M. Ilughei went' to Ash
land yesterday to visit for a ahort
time. ,
A. C. llrown arrived Mturaay
morning to spend the holidays with
his family.
For a nice Christmas pipe or a box
of cigars, go to the Waldorf Blllard
Parlors. 34
A. Goettsche left Saturday for
Oceans. Cel., where he will visit for ,
some time.
Horace Day left for Santa. Crux
yesterday to visit with his brother-in-law,
M. Jennings.
Howard FalUn artlved Saturday
from Weed to spend the holidays
with his parents.
Charlea Hansen came in from Tak-
llma yesterday and will spend Christ
mas In the city.
Darwin Ingalls returned .home
Friday from the O. A. C. to remain
during tbe holidays.
Frank South came In from the
Oreenback mine yesterday to apend
the holidays In ths elty.
Fancy flowered pettlroate In all
the new styles. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. tf
Dana A moot returned Friday
night from Corvallls where be has
"been attending college.
Carrol Cornell, a student at O. A.
C, returned Friday to spend the
holidays with his parents.
Ilobart Gllrtllan was one of the O.
A. C. students to return home Friday
night to spend tbe holidays.
Ulln. and ronglas returned
borne from Ci'n.lli to spend the
Christmas vacation In the city.
Mr. W. Williams went to Medford
yeaterday to visit during the holt-
daya with her alster, Mrs. Roy Ouyer.
Cottts at reduced prices; also wool
and (Ilk dresses. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. if
Miles Mclntyre returned Satur
day morning from a week apent In
the northern part of the state.
. Lynn Sabln la spending the Christ
mas vacation at home, having return
ed from Corvallls Friday evening.
Mrs. A. C. White returned to her
home at Weed yesterday alter vis
iting In the city with relatives for a
Mine Wllda Count Is spending the
holiday season In the city having
come down from Corvallls Friday
A fine line of pipes, cigars and(
box candy for Christinas present at
the Waldorf Blllard Parlors. 334
Miss Helen Layton arrived from
O. A. C. Friday evening and will
tpehd the Christina aoaaon In tbe
Dr. 0. D. Wtlcoxon, of Murphy,
who baa been spending the past few
month In Portland, returned home
Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bsughn arrived
Saturday from Salt Lake to visit
here with Mr. Baughn's mother, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Bunch left Sat
urday morning for tba Richardson
spring, at Ohko, Cat., for Mrs.
Bunoh'a health.
Buy electrical goods at the Elec-
trlo store. 327tf
Mr. and Mrs. A. Blah left yeater
day for Aahland to visit for a ahort
time. They have tooen visiting here
with Mr. M. A. Powers.
Open Christmas day, Monday.
Smith's Racket Store. 934
Miss Lora Pummel arrived yester
day from Riddle to spend the holi
day with the Oeo. Riddle family.
Mr. Mollle Boldlng and son, Don,
loft last night for California, where
they will remain until the first of
the year. They will visit the fair at
San DIbro, witness the football game
at Pasadena between Pennsylvania
and Oregon, and will also visit In
San Bernardino,
Mrs. Oscar Wilkin and Mrs. J. W.
Deal will arrive this morning from
Vancouver, Wash,, and will reside In
the city. Mr. 'Wilkin Is already
here, being In the employ of the
Utah-Idaho Sugar company.
Mr, and 'Mrs. Chai. H. Miller ar
rived yentorday from a trip to the
north and will visit here for a short
time with Mr. and Mr. Oorl Qont
ner, returning later to tholr home
at Weed. '.
Hell Meia ('
' J, K, Manuel, Met agent, baa aotd
a car to F. 10. Barrett, of Kerby.
Turkeys Ittmnted 20o
Bring tbem early. Bakery cloaoa
at 1 p. m. December 26. Moore
Making company. " '(34
Htm Arrived KluUy
A ion waa born Saturday morh
inc at tba Qood Samaritan hoatiltal
to tbe wife of Gilbert Erl, of Wolf
library Will Clone ClirlaUii
Tbe public library will be closed
all day and evening Monday, Christ
mas day.
Xmas Dunce at Waldorf
Monday night. December 25. A
good time la assured. Dance from
a to 1; tickets $1.00.
So Itobekah Meeting
There will be no meeting of the
H,!b((kll( jjonj.y evening, being
postponed until tbe first1 regular
meeting night in January.
He Winks Out
Who? The Old Year at Murphy
Saturday night; 11.60 with lunch.
Tree Program Itontpoaed -. lt-
Because of the Inclemency of tbe
weather, the municipal Christmas
tree program haa been postponed till
Tueiday evening.
Attention, Meusbers ut the U. A. Ik
Tba funeral of Comrade, W. F.
Uyrne, will be held at Hall's Chapel,
Sunday, at 2 o'clock p. m. All mem
bers of the Post, and old soldiers,
are requested to make a special ef
fort to be present. K. A. Wade,
commander; J. E. Peterson, adju
tant. KngltMviHMl Dairy
The best milk, cream snd ire cream
Phone 22i. tt
(filing (lirlsUiuMi Mail-
In order that all who desire, may
secure their Christmas parcels be
fore Christmas day the Granta Pass
post office will fee open, for the .de
livery of mall from 3:30, to 11
o'clock a. m., Sunday. Patrons who
usually have their mall delivered by
carrier are requested to call at the
carrier' window between the hour
named. The carriers will make one
delivery on Christmas day and the
stamp and general delivery windows
will be open from 10 to 11 a. m., ,
Auto Hlla Stand
Last night the confectionery stand,
owned by Chas Hallowell, waa struck
by an auto driven by Herb Sampson.
The stand was In the usual place on
the corner opposite the Josephine
County tiank and the auto was ap
proaching over the tracks. Another
auto swung In and 8ampeoh,in order
to avoid striking this, ran near the
curb, hitting the stand. The enow
had collected on the front of the
wtndahleld of the auto and this was
probably responsible for the acci
dent Hallowell waa Inside but, ex
cept for a shaking qp, was not hi'
Job printing at the Courier. .
A classified ad will give results.
Q Star
JBSSB U. LASKT present
Mae Murray
Theordore Roberts
Earle Foxe
A story throbbing with human
InUuvMt, ami highly' dramatic
Performanoes T:30
Admission five
COMING llaxel Dawn and
! J'o i'vuvlrv Tnnrrow Night -
In order to allow the members of
tb Courier force to celebrate Chrlst
niii there will lie no paper Issued on
Christmas day.
Much Hnow at Hugo '
Mrs. Jennie BeverldKe, front near
Hugo, waa a vhltor In tne 'lty Fri
day. Mrs. BeverldKe reported that
she had come to Hugo by sHgh,
there being elfV. Iii.-Ii-m of snow In
thtf district
K. T. Christmas OlMrvanee
Members of Meltta Commandery,
Knights Templar are requested to
meet at Masonic hall at 11:30 a. m.
Monday, for Christmas observance.
An Invitation Is extended to sll mem
bers of the order.
Adjudged lm
8. J. Butler and Henry C. Gilmore
have been adjudged Insane and taken
to tbe asylum at Salem for treatment.
Hayea Reunion si Murphy
There will be a Christmas reunion .
of the members of tbe 'Hayes family j
at Murphy tomorrow. J. D. Hayes ar
rived yesterday from Portland for
the festivities. Mr. Hayes was form
erly superintendent of schools in
Josephine county.
Christmas Weddings
Licenses to wed have been Issued
from the county clerk's oOce to the I
following couples: Walter Hans Jen
sen of Portland and Miss Lydla
Daphne White of Grants Pass; Bertie
U Eggers of Tskllma and Miss Alice
Statriger of Waldo; Alfred Carl Gen
try and Gladya Edith Ages of Grants
pass; Chaa. Bigelow and Mrs. Lv M.
Wlttorlf of Granta Pass. ;
Buy Bljoa Tbeatoiv
J. M. Casey purchased tbe BIJon
Theater yesterday from Clark Morey,
who baa run the show house for
the past few years. Mr. Casey will
take charge immediately, and an
nounces that after the first of the
year Important changes will be made.
Mr. Morey will continue at the house
for the present ss operator.
Program at Selma School
The Selma school, of which Earl
Beat Is teacher, gave a Christmas
program Friday night Selections
were given "by the pupils and two
solos, "The Glorious Star" and "Holy
Night," were sung by J. G. Ander
son, who Is now s. resident of Deer
creek. Mr. Best came In this morn
ing to apend tbe holidays with his
Transferred to Grants Pas
Samuel Story, who has been lo
cated at 8utherlln during the past
season in charge of the field work
for the Ttab-Idaho Sugar company,
has been transferred to this city,
where he will make headquarters
for the future. He will still direct
field work In the territory ' from
here to Sutheriln. Mr. Story's fam
ily will arrive within a abort time
to .take up their residence.
Xmas Gift to Employee i
All permanent employes of the
Utah-Idaho Sugar company will re
ceive a Christmas present from the
company of a iM per cent bonus
upon the amount of their annual
wage. The employe of the company
who were transferred to the factory
here from other places, and who have
been with the Utah-Idaho people for
a year, will profit by the bonus.
& Mod.
and 0:43 o'clock.
and 15 cents.
Moore, in the great stage success,'
cover." ' : . '
Christmas Evening
From 5 to 8
We will serve a real
old-fashioned dinner at
50 cents a plate ?
Grants Pass Hotel
Address Books ,
Book Racks
Card Cane
Cash Boxes
OorrespaDdeace C'rr?
CriMwge Board
Desk Pads
ChUdrea'a Books
Dictionary Holder
Rngraved Chrtttiiia Cards
, Demaray's sSilr,
Kerby Maa Seeks Divorce -
M. W. Gate, a resident of the
Illinois valley, haa brought action In
the circuit court for divorce from his
wife, Maggie Gates. He alleges that
he haa been humiliated by hia wife
In stoentlng herself from the home
upon various days and nights, the
care of the children being left to him.
The couple was msrrled at Kerby In
1S93, and 10 children have been
born. Mr. Gates asks for tbe custody
of the six youngest, and that Mrs.
Gates be not allowed to y interfere
with bis management of them.
Win. F. Byrne Passea Away
William F. Byrne, aged 68 years,
two months and 37 days, died ut the
home of his nephew, Fred Roper, In
this cKy, Friday, December 22nd.
The deceased waa born at Qulncy,
Mass., on September 28th, 1848, but
had been a resident of Oregon tor
many years. He served In the civil
war, and waa an active member of
tbe Grand Army of the "Republic,
having been elected commandant of
th Southern Oregon Veteran's as-
oclatton at its last encampment. He
had never married. The funeral ser
vices will be held at Hall's chapel
at two o'clock, this afternoon, with
Interment at Granite Hill cemetery.
Don Calvert returned Friday from
Corvallls to spend the holiday sea
son In the city. .
Period Furnishing.
"Period fumlNhlng is splendid wben
Intelligently done, xalil a decorator
"A regency drawlmt nmni, an empire
dining room, a Charles II. library a
boUNe so f urn lulled hi delightful.
"But you must buy your period
tbliiRs from doaleix who know their
buRlness. Some dealers don't I once
beard lady wy to n dealer:
"'Tlilx chair Is touts XVI.. but my
drawing room, yon Know, la Louis
XIV. Would Hint clulr tu In It. llieu?
"'Sure, nintlam, mire!' wild the deal
er. i.ouls XIV and IiiiIb XVI. a!
way go toiretliT Von -weo, thure's
only two years lietweeii "ein ' "-Wash
liigtmi Star.
Envelope at the Courier.
ron (
Dennis Euoatyptui Olntmant
T au druo eTOie
Tuats bbo Jaaa eoo
FUtaf Caeca
frVMBtaa Pea
tooaa Leaf Books
Maaheare Seta
Parisian Ivory
Playing Cards
Sealing Wax Seta
Scissors Seta
Scrap Books
Toarist'a Tablets
Waste Baskets
Water Colors
. Berlin, Dee. 33. "French
martial hare sentenced to death two
more women," the semi-o metal news
agency stated today. . "One Is named
Dusays and waa born in Calls of a
German mother and Luxemburg;
MM ... , . M
i Bluer, id ovuer is a wiuuw uun,
Tichelly, of Swiss parentage. - They
are accused ot informing Germany
about operations ' of the French
army. '
The statement declares the French
probably will shoot both women, "a
they already have done In numerous
other cases." )
Object Lessen In Phonetics.
The Arabic, which boasts three sep
arate sonnds resembling the English
letter "h." lacks the eoulvslent nf "n-
therefore "p" and b" are often con-
rosea. Tne late venerable Dr. BUsa of
the Syrian Protestant college once en
tered a classroom where a natlv
teacher waa trying In vain to teach a
student tbe difference between "p" and'
V aj the Christian Herald. Dr. Bliss
undertook tne case. Gathering up some
chalk dust In his hand and boldlng his
hand to his lips, he spoke to the stu
dent: .
"Do yon see this dust la my hand?
When 1 say b' I do not expel my breath,
and the chalk dual stays where It Is.
Bnt when I say V I blow the dust all
away He did. He blew It all over
the enlightened youth.
Coed Advice.
Mr. Woggs Somebody wrote to tbe
editor to ssk bow to eat corn off the
cob. Mr. Woggs-What does tbe ed
itor ssy? Mr. Woggs He says, silent
ly. Somervllle iMaas.l Journal.
(CLASSIFIED 'in hatibr R
words, twn isausa. IKn- hum
50c; one month, $1.50, when paid fa
advance. When not paid In advance.
oc per line per issue. I
WANTED TO RENT Small Irrigated
dairy ranch, with stock; cash or on
shares. Can give references. F.
H. Virtue, Murphy, Oregon.
L. A. LAC'NBR. Flra Insurance and
Surety Bonds. tf
surance, plate glass, accident and
liability Insurance. Mr.' Joseph
Moss, Mgr., 204H N. 6th St S-tt
LOST Old fashioned cameo brooch
Reward. Mrs1. B. A. Blanchard. 83
FOUND -Lady's fur. Owner apply
No. 3302, care Courier. 831