Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 14, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    tii niHtH v.jmr.MiiKu n, mio.
Bsi odious
E flu d
Some White House
Grocery Specials
WtwMHi Halad ull, large 1mi
........ $1.20
' WmuHin Halad all, medium. H4kt
On Huntl run r""ls"er I taking
Powder -.B.V
One large run (SI ll.) new
Hominy .....ISr a for IMe
(cheaper tlitut yon run make It)
DrakV Almond, hard nIwII,
id i.v
Nov Moft Kuril, No. U hhIiiuU..
mt II J: 20c
( not Hie Manrhurlan banl shell
5c Will Buy-
A St m. All Pine llurr ex
tract while they lent
A ran of INdly Prim Cleauer
A le liar of llanil gapollo
Oim parkaip- of larraxald
On package of HwlfU lrlde ;
Koap Powder .
NVw .Navel unuigea, SMJo lUU; ,
4 Or per down
New Golden date
Calarab FlgV Xniaa Candle
llatuuiaa, Mr. '
White House Grocery
Cornell's Grocery
Mora Kugar, 111 lb ...... 91.00
More r'reah Hull, roll .70
More Henna, I SI lb 1.00
More Oanberrlea, qt...... ,10
More Kmall Crlaro .85
More Peanut lluUer, 3 lb.. Jt5
More Cream of Wheat, 8 k 48
Onr an account now with Cornell's
Oet our new prh-e on Hour
4 dellverlea dally
We meet all competitor.
A Good Flow
$c .75
Per Sack
202 South Sixth St.
Friday & Saturday Specials
Frlere lHc
Beef Pot Roast ......12Hc
Rolling Beef 10c
Hanurger .. -12 M
Haulage . 12
City Marhet
Phone 52 5 per cent discount for cash
1 do aplccd ctmr pickle and 1
quart Kouer Kraut for ;
Frankfurter 8auftget er lb.
Sugar Cured Breakfaitt Bacon,
Iter lb,
No Baits
or Specials
You will find our regular price
, are uuialljr lower than the other
stores aperlal. .
Beat Jap Rice, per lb. Be
Wesson Oil, Mnall .80c
Weason Oil, medium......... 65e
Weaaon Oil, large..,...- $1.25
Heat Peanut Batter, 2 lb. for '
" : . .:.......: 2se
Japan Tea, per lb... 2.Sc
Rose Valley Batter, per roll '75c
New Crop Nut (all kind)
Xiiuia Candle 15c to SOe per lb.
Orange, New 'Navel, 25e to
10 e per docen"
The Baity Store
Pork Shoulders - 10c
Pork Steaks - 12i,c
Spare Ribs 10c
Back Bone . - 8c ;;
Phone 134
Christmas Tr In Bank.
Emplojees of a large I rust company
In New York celebrated Christmas with
a Christmas party In llio bunking rooini
of th Institution. There was a Inrite
Christmas tree In ttio Mihy Members
of the employees' club.' their wives nu.l
tlu wonieu ruiployer of ll.r linn It ncrc
IuvIImI. Two uri'lieiitriiR plnycd and
thcr wai ilhlrlbmlon of prexent. In
many larKt city dcpurtniritl itorw ibt
niplojer bar CUrlnliiinn ccli'tiratlou.
tv'IHi a tree, a Puiiin Cluux. tl niilbuilnii
of jilflH. rr )nnt lixforr ('lii'lxinmt.
(Continued front Page 1)
A Woman's Trouble.
Tronldalp, Ore
ran. " I w a a
tranbled with
f weaknuM from
'iwlilflh WflitiM nif.
for and after tak
I Ing two bottle of
rWwlnr PiflfM'a
T ravo-iie PrMorip
' Won I wa entlroly
""OjM. E. Johnson,
' Troutdale.Orcgon.
The mighty reatoratlv power o(
Doctor I'ierce'a Favorite Preacriptlon
aiccdily cauiiti all womanly trouble
to dlnuppoar onnipeli the orann to
proorly perform their nntural ftino
iloiii, correct ditplacenienU, over
come irregnlnrltloa, remove cnln and
mitery nt certnln time and bring
hnck health and ilrenuth to norvom,
Irrltnble and oxhaimtou women.
For nil dlnonwi pecullnr to women,
Pr. Tierce' l'avnrllo rrcwrlptlon la
a powerful rmtornllvo. For nearly
AO yon n It. him bmilnhed from tlio
live of ten of tlimumncln of women
the pnln, worry, inlnery and dlntre
cnuned hy Irreuulnrllleii and diseases
of a feminine cliurneUT.
What rr. rinrco'i Fnvorlto Tro
orlptlon liua donu for thnusnmls It
will do for yti. (Jet It (his very dny
from any medicine denier, in either
liquid or tablet form : or eund no cent
to Ir. l'lorcft. InvnlUls' Hotel, Buffalo,
N. Y., (or trlul box of tubloU,
Queftioni of &at Are fully and
properly annworcd In The Pnoplo'a Com
mon deiiie Medical Adviser, by It, V.
I'lerco, M. D, It contains the knowl
edge a young mnn or woman, wife or
dnnghur, should have. 1008 pages
with color plntoi, bound in cloth. Hy
mall, prepaidon receipt ol 8 dlinei
or stamps,
still oen. lie I still undetormlned.
tfe will reach no decision until he
ha confidential advices from Am
erican representative at the entente
capital. He received, with the Gor
man note, a confidential not from
Charge drew of the American em
bassy In Berlin. It was assumed
Secretary Lnslng will confer with
the president before tomorrow's cab
inet meeting. German Ambassador
von Oernstorft will probably have an
Interview with Lansing within the
next few days.
The United Press learned today
from source of authority that Pres
ident Wilson' greatest problem In
the German note li to Indicate, be-!
yond question, Amerlca'i desire not
to "Inter-meddle," while at the same
time to perform the humanitarian
part of eliciting from both aide some
official data a to the preliminary
terms upon which each regards peace
as possible.
The administration hope that the
allies will not flatly reject the Ger
man note without Indicating in some
fashion their minimum ot conces
sions and maximum ot demands as
the IwhIb for peace. If these prelim
Inary concessions and demand's' are
estulillHhed hy the allies, the admin
istration regards It ns certain that
Germany will respond with a like
Thus a starting point will bo es
tablished from which nt some tlmo
In the future peace may come. There
Is no Idea In official circles that peace
Is near, and thore I no Idea of at
tempting to expedite a settlement.
.It Is recognised thnt such action
I on the part of this government would
probably VffiJCaValMlJl"'1- 11 11,80
renognlacd, howovor, thnt some tlmo
the first draft of the demand must
he submitted nnd It la looked upon
ns In the IntorestoJ.uumanlty in gen
' oral that this prellmlnnry stop should
i he made iis'early as possible.
London, Dec. 14. The caution,
"watch out; take care," sounded by
Premier Brland In hi address to
the French chamber of deputies, will
also be England's guidance In scrut
inising the German peace proposals.
After the first shock of the news
of Germany ' peace plan and the
first and Instantaneous decision to
reject It, there came today, with a
strengthening ot this determination
not to make the peace Germany
craves, the belief that England and
her allies ought closely to examine
the' circumstances of the Teutonic
move. Press and public alike were
more than ever convinced today that
some. "German trick was behind the
proffer." ..
Most apparent In the German peace
terms Is the attempt to "gain the
sympathy of neutrals.. An attempt to
create dissension among the entente
allies is believed to be one consid
eration of the note and the chancel
lor's speech.
Lastly the British publlo believes
the Herman government desires to
make a play to the German people
to support the oft-repeated assertion
thnt Germany Is only defending her
self from the enemies who forced
the war on her.
an qtrve cut to fit thtsheuUcts
perfectly, cthtscacn.bjoryy
' CLIIETT, BOPY ft. 001 INCflUtw
There is indication of popular un
rest in Germany, due to shortage of
food and the staggering losses of
men snd material which she has
undergone since 1914.
England and her allies, therefore.
Intend to reject the peace proposals,
hut before that rejection, they In
tend to scrutinlie every word in the
note and the chancellor's speech for
hidden meanings and to weigh all
circumstances ot Its delivery care
fully. ,
Popular approval was emphatical
ly registered to the first official an
swer to Germany's bid for peace
made for France by Premier Briand.
He spoke to the chamber of depu
ties, outlining the alms and policies
of the reconstructed French govern
ment an4 In connection with the
explanation took occasion solemnly
to warn Ftance and her allies to
watch for the "poison" In the Teu
tonte offers.
By William Philip Slmms
v With the? Canadian forces at the
British front in Franco, Doc, S. ffly
cable, delayed.) A wilderness of
mud, a cold, clammy drlnle, a con
tinuous drab along the battle, front,
finds the spirit of the Canadian
forces utterly unchanged. The battle
xono from the sea hi Switzerland Is
one continuous loblolly, nut the
Canadians are contemptuous ot the
elements, apparently Indifferent.
They reply to rommlsseratlng re
marks "lint Kiits has It Just as bad
as we do." .
Utterly unemotional, the Canadians
accept orders for rest and orders to
go over the parapet, In rain, mud,
and drlxxle in the same spirit of
readiness they accept Instructions to
go to dry billets. . ,
In the middle of a muddy road, I
met a sergeant wounded In the
shoulder. It was after the Cana
dians had stormed and captured the
German trenches. '
A staff correspondent stopped and
questioned the sergeant. Despite the
fact that he was direct from a hot
action, and wounded and tired, he
answered all questions with the same
careful precision that might he ob
served In a court room when a star
. witness was on the stand.
I "Did the Germans quit" he was
; asked.
"No sir."
"Did they put up a hard fight?"
"No, they fought fairly well, sur
rendering when cornered."
"Were the prisoners glad to be
"I'd hardly say that."
With a group ot officers,. I stood
by the roadside while relief was go
ing on.- One column was going in,
one coming out. The fresh column
was fairly immaculate as to uniforms
and equipment: The other was cov
ered with mud from head to foot.
But the spirit In both was identical.
Jokes passed from one column to the
Hello, Mickey," yelled an out-
Koing mapie learer to one or bis
brothers going Into action, as they
came abreast, "Where's Ye going?"
"I dunno, Bill," was the reply,
"but I think there's a war on some
where." ., ,
The condition of the foreign troops
Dot NotRik
V . Ltag as Ottos
HP, (.'In, i . .Sam Vifc.
Get a Can Today
is most splendid. They are certainly
well fed. ; '
The Canadian field forces not only
have the beet staples but they have
also plenty of "palate teasers." In
the shape of sauces, pickles and other
dainties to break the monotony, of
regular fsre.
The relation between the Canadian
officers and men is similar to that
often marked In the French army.
There is a cordial understanding be
tween both. Everywhere I found the
Canadians confident of the outcome.
an expression of the Vancouver boys
summing up the common belief
"It's merely a question of time.
We've got Frits' number."
A classified ad will give results.
Job work at the Courier.
A line of useful and neceewtry article for the business man and
for the home, 'Included are!
Card Case, lllll Folds, Purses, Collar Boxes, Cigar Ot, Ad
dresa nooks, Tourists' Tablets, Dealt Pad", etc.
Drug and
Stationery Store