Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 03, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    INDAY, lUCfKMBKH 8, 1010.
The On Thing Nedd U Make tag-
1 1 ! the World language,.
Daring been fur yearn a teacher of
Enullxb l foreigner ami In blith
School puplla aa nail a a at ml wit tit
DknIitu IuiiuumIk'm. ilia aiilijcct of an
International Ihiiiiuhii Inli-iimta Bia
grcall)'. v s
, t'ertaliily uf the rtMir Important mod
ern tougue Kngllali la ill enlcl nod
liinptcat la, grsutmvr, having ud awful
gentler audi aw Herman ami no Unud
lul vt-rlM KUl'll uh riviit'li untl IIhIIuii.
It baa ii battling depth anil aubttetica
aa tba laat two mentioned,
tmpoaallil pwnuiiclullnu aa Ilia flint.
Tat. lu eplt or Ita simplicity, It la a,
very bard luiuitaK for foreigner to
maaler. Tula la doe, I feel, aolely to
lu anlliinitted method (or lin k uf methi
edi nf apelllug. Tlie dllhVultlea arielug
from Ibt dlffereuc between Ilia apell
Inn uf Kuicllkb word aud tbvir pro
uuutlatlou aw almot Insurmountable,
. fatal to It uulwraul dlffualon, lluw
malty iiatlvvly KuglWh asking opl
do we know, edm-aicd, nay, liiivllec-
, ttnil, wbo almply ru limit t"lll, wbo
,hav given tip trylmiT -All
over tba iiiiit Incut out heur r
Iterated with boring monotony: "I Ilka
to mtil tba English, but ii"l to apeak
tt. It I too dlllH'Ull to pronounce. ' I
ceu never It'll bow a new word abould
be Malil."; lu r'rviiihud Ueriuau cur
tatu letlerwoinblniiiioiia Invariably rep
resent certain anuiid, while llalbiu la
alwolntdy phonetic lu Itallnn echoola
there la no auclt thing aa a 'eclllr.g
teuton. Think what a aavlug of tltu,'
leiiier and urey (or la It grayi matter
thl la to ilia iirowlnit child! '
It la all very well to Inabit 0miu (La
claaalc orluin of our orthography, but
on.uir It for one moment wlib tba
Brar aud nrlaiu.'rntk.' (mit-nl of tba Ital
ian. Yet Itallnn tliTu not benltnte to
discard all artificiality.
I feel atire Hint only on thlug will
make KimlWb. wbl.-h ataada today aa
tbe ranlfih and amst-foui-lae of Ian-guagss-euly
our tbluK wIM mek It tba
nulveraal language., and -that la aim
pllfled epelllng.-J. II. Ilarrta la Xw
York Tlinee.
Th win of pleasure eeldem
laat tang anaugh ta adorn tha
brow of him whs glueha them,
far they era tha only rata
whleh do riot retain their wot
noaa after they havo loot I half
boauty-Hannah Marot
A man dt not npmont a fraction,
but a whole uumlierj ho la c-ouptet la
Waiting far Him to ttert tarn thing.
"I'm Juat waiting for my hoeband
to coaiiluUi about my trarKaac
tbli nionlh." ' i
"Itmdy to iilv hlin au ariiiimrnl,
"You bat I am. Ity mlatnka ha golf
club ibo ka camr to the bouw. and
I'ro got m.H-Ih'trolt rrt-o rrraa.
Morbidly luaploioua.
"If you wiuit to ttubt I'll bold your
coat," anld the liyqtaixtPr to the i"
relaoin uiuii.
' "tJtvat Sintt! fan't a iinm vmi
ataml In tba Nttect wllbout bavbig a
rhr-k boy try to work a tip out of
hlmr'-WaahliiKion Mliir.
A Prlie.
"Yea," aaid the lih'l who Uitikoa col
lecllmin. "It U olio of I ho lei auto
graphic I Imve In my nillei llnii." v
Hut arc yon aura It la BtMHiliu'K"
'1'iwlilve. I nil It from a tlciiraui
that lila wlfp roiflved from liliu."
Iiudun Trli'irrniti. ' .
He Mailed the Letter.
Firm Woiuuii -1 it IHtor from
you ycHiiMilny nii:l II whhiIiiiimI n whole
1 wwk iiht'iiil. SpcoimI Yoiiinn-8o yon
really It. tlKMi' My IiiihIinihI uiunI
hove iwicd It tlii' vory iluy Have It
to hlin. Iliwtmi tl'liiiiNi'ilpt,
How fM,v It la for oim to nucKi'it
euro wny for hiii' ono elae to niiiimpi'
a lro(ilili'Hiimc iiffnlrl ' ' .' ,
f-itciir ui- Americas ft tit Atodcilition.
rHnvn girl at-oiitd nfi actual dlity- at
Travel Often Spelled Misery Be
fore We Had Railways. .
' . '
Oiaeemferta and Hardahlpa That Had
ta Bo Endured by the Faeeengero In
' an Old Style' Trip Atreoe the Alle
gheny Mountalne In IM1 .
Haw tra rating la ntetamorpbomd
thrao daya, to ba aura! Yet aoma utcii
"fond of bandllug tba rliiboni" and
mmo women wbo "want to aro tba
eceuery at tbelr lalaura" atlll regret
"the apaukliig uaya aud rot king atage
eiOii'b of tba paat.",.
. Bera la tba way tba Allegheny nioun
talua were i-road lu IMS:
"It wa tuldwbiler wbeu wa arrived
at WbN'ID:. and aa tba atagecoatfb
waa to alert at B o'rliH k In tbe worn
lug no one thought of going to bed. go
wa took our way through tha fruaen
atrcet to aeture through tlckt-ta to
Philadelphia. It waa pitch dark and
bitter cold -the dump, penetrating
weather that reachea tba very marrow
of our bourn. - v
"Tba Utile den. railed by eourteay
tba office, waa Oiled with paaaengera
aa damp, cold and 111 nttured aa our
aelvaa. There waa a baudful of coal
bunting In a amall grate, aud around It
wera grouiied tbe rouud abouhlercd.
nuaymiMtbetk- people wbo were to be
our fallow ttartengere. They glanced
at ua and cloned up 'all tha open apace
sear tba Bra. aa If to aay: 'You don't
get In bera. wa can tell you. Yon bare
no right to travel In our coach, any
"At una able atood a labia, and It
waa a roftaa iwt and cuia. mdm4iiu
aagea froaen atlff and an tinattnettyt
loaf of breaiK over which preatdo a
tall darky, who leaned agalnat tbe wall
faat aalecp. Wa were told that we
could get a good breakfaat twenty
mllea away from Wheeling.
"Ag tba appolutcd time tbe heavy
old coach came up. aud wa all clam
bered In and atowed ouraelvea away
pall mall. A abort way from towu
tbeiw waa a long hill, up which the
bornea tolled, ao thin gave ua all time
to act I la down for a iiiitet nap.' One
anora kfter another announced tbelr
auiH-eaa: lu a few mlnutea all out of
tba nine pnaaengpra wera olillvlona of
tbelr winery. . '
"Nut lielug elecpy, I idudhd the auor
era. A large fut uiau oppoalte ma bad
a abort, au .'ry anora. lie anored ao
loudly that bo woke hlmaelf np and
glared alxoii hlin Impudently, aa
though he boie tbey wouldn't make
that nolae aiialu!
"The old iady who waa rrttahlug me
up In the corner anored deeply and con
tentedly. "Home one off In a diirk corner bad a
genial way of joining lu aa though be
anored merely 'to oblige tbe iaaeu
gcra; but the grniikt nitia!c'.un of the
company wit oppoalte mc. I never
brard anything npproai hlug him either
for quality or coiii!n. It waa a Iwck
action mii r Hint beirau lu a bold agi
tato movement, auililenly brought up
with Jerk mid ended with a wbtalle.
'The whole baud wna lu .full play
wbcu we aloppeil with a tremendou
Jerk, and everybody woke tip with oatha
or Teuawxr over a had Jolt. Theaum
mlt gnlnctl. there wua a aluirp crack of
the whip, the horKce atiirted, and rv
cry body wiia Jerked vlolctitljr back
ward. 8atn the cborua began atialu
however, and I Joined In till tha couch
enme to a full Mop at the tuble where
I be bornea were to be chunked.
"SUIT anil alccpy ami lumped fron
Ittlng ao long In one pnalilcn, tbe ami
now roe nnd riiuio In nt all aorta of
pliKca, waking uud, blluillng every
body. Wlwil a (Uncontented lot we
were! And wa nil IihIihI each other! ,
"At hint, 'brehlifnat-uh. hot coffee,
bam and egga and bnckwhentl cuken:
Tho uu-iil wua not Imlf over liefora we
wcro ii bund of brother. Wa could noi
do enough for eucli oilier. ' All waa li.u
numy unit pence." ,
Nor wu tliut ull for ibey drove tiilu
.t -
Ik frtmf ta VotgeV WtxAU faking a
l'W'V. t: ImU i t K- J. '.rr-w-i
aevera woiiiiIhIii atorm and latanae
rqld, darkneaa; tba horaea fell on tha
by roadK! the alas rocked wildly In
tba wind and neur'y blew over. Twenty-four
botu-B of tlila, a driver frocan
atlff and aaalated down front tba bog.
Wa do It now In alg bourn In a com
fortable lied. In a warm, wall lighted
car. Howe "uiotlcm lmia" are mighty
good augela. , .
Our chief loaa baa been tba treat
cheerful, roaring oien Area that people
bad In tboaa daya. Tba domestic vir
tues began to decay when people ware
reduced to altdng around a bole la tba
wail or a gloomy metal reglatar. with
out arnichnlre, atorlra. aonga, grand
parents and little children routing ap
ples or popping corn-frlcuda and stran
gers dropping In an I getting a Warm
welcome, ' a ' piaca In tba circle ' and
what ftpanlards call "tha lova of the
flre.n-Bahtmora News. ;
'"" Quite a Chang.
Twenty-five yeara ago a young bos
band's wife went away for a two daya'
vlalt. Wben she returned be met her at
tba depot and embraced ber and kissed
her. Tba other day alia returned from
a two week' vlalt. . Ha met ber and
said, while be took a cbew of tobacco.
"Well, did you bava a good timer
Kanani (Ity Htar. , ' -
Nevjr let your mirth, 'Jubilation or
pleaaurea dull your sympathy for tba
sorrow, suffering, alckuaea or indigence
of other people.
Yhy, lat-e Champlain, Fresen, Would
ally Held All Ita People. .
There mo on till globe about IJiOO,
&UUKI hiluMtnn.e. Moxt of ua. wbo
tack tbe iciikc or proportion, at tha
mention of tbla Mg iiiiiiilwr are apt to
aaU of the "nrr!wpuuilin",tf the
world. ' Yet If we apare a few moments'
Ibougbt wa.aba l better buow , what
tb!s retewuis'- There la lu my atwly
mom a gcngraphle globe aboat-tfteea
luclica In" diameter. On that apbere
there la marked a little aKrt about tbe
abut uf the h lot of a tencll at any
rule, ao amall aa to make It Inipotalble
to wrte the luUutla of Ita name Lake
Cbnmplaln-i-upou It.
Yet whenever Lake Champlain
frecfea over tiers ta good ktaadlBg
room for every one of all tba lubabl
tauta of Ibe rortb, and then tbla lake
would be inttaldcrably Icaa -crowded
lhaii aonip of the buny atrevta of New
York. Indeed, atrnuge aa It may aogud.
every one. .youtg and old, would Bod
about one a)UNre yard to at and nKiu.
Nay, more. If tbe very young and the
very old would pleae to aland aalde on
tbe aborra of the lake tba' remainder of
tba total Inhabiting of tbe . world
could arraniw a akatlng party where
there woukl lu Icaa crowding thlin la
hh-ii on a buy winter day on that akfet
lug Mud In New Yorfc'a IVntrul park.
ftketchlug the (dcture la like vlatinlnv
big the treat trugisly of the human
ra'e tho few icoplc of tlila earth di
not Im-kIu to reallrc tbelr Immenaa oi-portunltli-a
and tbelr unum-d reaourcea:
meauwblie they bava tbe luxaue feel
ing tbut the world la "ovet-populated."
All our auleiicc. our rcllulon. our art
have not given u cowuion seuae
euough tn Iturii bow to uac tbera to
live ciuufortiilily and happily we. tbla
mere handful of liiluiltltnnta on this
Immeiifte world of our. Nor dore It
look aa if we were goluu to get to our
aeuwea before mnuy. gcncratloua to
come aa long aa we keep ou muddling
aud bluuih-rlug. a long ua giycd and
vanity, luat for (tower, the unilu Inher
itance of the utuia and thoughts of the
pnat. together with- miuio of our time
honored tradltloua, keep ua In the cold.
rcleutlea grip of bygone ages.-Froui
"Itenewlng tbe Knrth i'ritm tbe Air."
by l II. Hnckcland, In Hcrtbners.
A Help In Finding Your Baaringa at
Night Without a Compaaa.
Au English survivor of the South Af
rican war who waa often acnt on Ions
tlUlnnce night recommlNNuncrti his
worked out a system whereby any out
ran lie right at home In the dark with
nut coiujma or other Instrument to aid
ihc'acuae of direction, lie worUwl out
the exnet movement and dlre -tlon of
the Imrrat mill moxt eiislty (list hi
tUwav I
ioOrnlSy hmcaJ
giilalied light In tba beavena o that
tba least srleutlflc ey can recogolM
thrae algna by eight, and tba whole
dome of the bear ens becomes a vast
compaaa. ., .
It titer wera Br balloon or beacons
placed In tba beavena north, eaat, south
and west It would ba easy for any on
i to go In tbeee-dlrectlon by elmply fol
lowing tha sign. Similarly, if one
wlahed to go, say, a band' breadth to
tba right or left of tbe beacon one
could easily do ao. Tha largeet stare In
tba beavena can ba depended upon In
tba same way,' -v
"If you put the front buttona of your
coat on tba north atar or other direc
tion Ure," writes thl authority,
"your right and left breaata give yon
, an angle of 45 degrees from the aura
ana your euouhler a right angi.
Also, It 1 only a matter of a little prac
tice to ba abut to meaaure 10 .degree
of horizon with your band, ao yon can
get any number of degree to tba right
or left of your direction stars, and aft'
er a little practice It become second
nature to recogonlc tbe point of tbe
compaaa at tight, and yon acquire tba
tame aenaa of direction aa bosbmen,
Arab and people wbo live far away
from cMluutkm." Popular Science
' naiiiiiiiii.iiinai aa .4
' Fasting Pet-Health, ,
Tbousanda of yeara before tt waa
practiced aa a religious rite fasting
waa practiced aa a health meaaura In
Egypt, India and China. Contempo
rary to Cicero waa Asclepladee, a
Greek phyalclan, wbo atrongly advo
cated tbla Idea, and 1,000 years after
bla day Ibn 8lna. philosopher and
medical aage, argued tha virtues of
temporary abstinence on tbe ground
that It came eaaler tban couaiant mod
eration. Age and Youth.
W. D. Howell said of oh) aga at en
of hi Sunday afternoon: -
"Ag I modeater tbaa youth. I've
often noticed that wbca I .tell a mojjhci
, that her daughter la tba Imago of what
a sb waa herself at nineteen tba motaaf
Is delighted, but tbe daughter loot
! Ufa In the Navy.
! . "And what do yon aallora dor asked
. a vtattor on one of our battleship,
j "Well," responded tba Jolly tar, "wa
j doc what we please until we are told
t to do something else, and then wa doea
j that something e!e pretty dsra quick."
i Boatoo Trauacrlpt
. Buay. .
BUgglna aaya a mau ought to attend
to hi own busineaa." . .
"Tea. But he think It'a hi business
to abow everybody elae bow to attend
to hi business." Washington Star, '
j How It Ended.
"Ua and pa bad a terrible argument
laat night."
j "How did It end r . ,
"Mi'i going to get a new dreae and
opera cloaks-Detroit Free Press.
Why Sslt Causes ThirlL '
- Salt ba been described aa a natural
; stemsnt of tbe blood In about tba name
' proportion a In tbe water of tba ocean.
Under general condition w do aot
, feel the existence of aalt In our bodice
j because ita effect la counteracted by a
due proportion of water. ,
I When wa eat au 'exceaslve amount
' of en It thlrxt I (-rented by the demnnd
. of nntur that we ulso take a iror
i tluimte amount of water ami dilute the
aall to Ita proper relatlre anioant Any
food thut tenda to nbmirb the molatnrc
of the ImmJj- will inose Ibiral 1t the
same rvaaon that our phynlciil welfare
requlrea a balance)! tiuiiiitliv f wntei.
1 Scared by tho CUpr.ant. ' .'
, Tradition ba It that I'aesii hrotiL-m
! elephanta with him in Hrlniln miiI ilm
j they i-oiiirllmieil ! hia itiioiici ( im
. lalund llnclim iin-'ir.iwsfnlly iiilciiifl
. ed lo crow the TIiiiiiii-h i'mi-hi t'Ulii.n
I Inrce turret on ait elephant ami t
IliK It wllh IhiM'Iiii-ii him I -tlllivi-r-dered
llieui In mm Ilie ireinn rt Ui r
I uikiu the ItrlloiiH. icirilbtl at ttie
1 of the unknown uioiihu-i nvd m --.mfii
, alnn -Loiidnn rhrouli-le
! Tahfcy ,
"Tabby" ai ouuhi iu in- n-Hir
I "atahe." belnu derlveil froin "atai- '
; tbe name of a famous Hired In HiVvihiU
whleh used .to lie the urt-nl nmrK."
for allka A latiti.s. cafa !: n
, thought to be like the wav' nlHrklllu
i of watered allk' '
j . .'...... :
! iConn.enl tkuo.taticn.
jf "The riiKlimnn for w-u.cii 11 iv eel
1 til) g mure Youthful eu'i'y your," fom
mented one uiuii. .
"Doc Hint meet with your dloap
provalT" .
' "Not a bit If It goes on thl way
a few acaaona more my wife will be
willing to give up ber automobile and
ride In a baby carriage," Washington
tha Courier office.
Cowt. Railroad Comtmny
BffeoUv November it, Kit.
Train 1 lv, Grant Pass 7:00 a.m.
Train i lv. Waters Creek... .10:00 a.m.
- Dally except Sunday .
AU train leave Grant Pas from
the corner of U nnd Eighth street,
opposite tba Southern Pacific depot.
For all Information regarding
freltht and nasaenaer aervlce call at
Mb omc of Mm-eowiian-, r .i V.t S f -
vice bWldfns, , cr phone ' 131 r
aama. .
lANOkX CAXES Phoa ordsrs to No. U 0. CLBMBWT, . at OPnotie
J- ;.. .i ' .:: ; mt United to AuMaaes of tba ay, ma,
ALFALFA, RED CLOVER and all throtL OUaaae ltUd-
graa seed are cheaper now tbaa """f on, ?u -.
,lUr. Writ tor sample and N""Jt-' oa.
price, gtrfctly fancy atock. Ralph Phoa Igg-J. ,
Waldo Elden, Central Polat, Ore- g. LOUOHRIDOB. M. D.. PkygMaa
goa. . v 80tf aad surgsoa. City or eoaatry eaZ
FOR BALE Bungalow, strictly mod- "leaded day vt adgbt Beat lien
era la every way, convenient and Po M; oee aaM Jli.
wll bnflt, ala rooms, Baa location. 4 H. Tafil Kij.
, easjrterms. Very reasonable. Also J. p. Trnmy at. tl, rkyw ati
ome furniture. Telephone ltl-Y lurgeoa. PaBa; OScaBXS; rest-
or call at BOB West C street. 123 deace tit. CeJla aaawareal at 3
FOR SALE 17,000 building; brick. Caaatry ealls attaaded t.
Inquire at sugar factory or phoaa . "4bars VUg. . '
" ' ' - ' 1B DR. ED. DTWATTR pedaUat aa
FOR SALE One gentle 1200-pound ot aye ear, aeea aad
work, mare, in excellent eondlUoa. "tt'oAt; gtaasea Bttd."OCo b:
Cneap at $60. A.. N. Parsons, til to p. as. Paams
; Raaldeae 2B4V; ofBoo JIM. .
BEVEW milk cow., Jersey, and Dur- BW filMto Ore.
hat, one work horse, two bog, - -
three pig for sale. Inquire X. L. A- A..WITHAM, at It, nyatelaa aad
! Shsrp. two miles from city on Mer- 8rg eoa. Ofloa: Hall Od, ra-
lln road. til r Blxth aad I atreete. rheaas:
: 2nd. 1111, how dsaghtera of "
Laurel Champion out of Berryton 0K3rZB7S
Belle list, a Une ribbon sister ot B, C. MACT. P. at D.WwUaaai
Improver B. Winona Ranch. R. 1. intMr7m 1M aoath ca,
A-Box. GranU Pas. Ore. . tl2tf Oiasta Paae Ore,
FOR SALE-Good driving nag that BBRT R. ELUOTT. D. It Da-
da .not fear train, ontomoblle. (ra dM(al wor(.
Si M,nLh,or,, V- 801 ford, deatal aadataat Jteessa 4
Rogue River. Or. t2 d B, Qoldea Rale Bldg- Oraata
FOR BALE Good Jersey milk cow. Pass, Or. Pbene 1IM. .
Inquire at 811 Orchard Avenue. 17 -T . .' .. '
CHANCE! FOR SOMEONE starting la VT ' ,
, housekeeping. Purilture. dlihaa H. :D. . NORTOM .-. Attcra7-'I r ,
and cooking otnIla. cheap. ; 504 Practice la aa.le aad Ft".
West Q street. I - tlB Cimrta.' Flrrt WsttoenU EaO:
FOR BALE. OR TRADE for'automo- COLTIO ft WILUAXS Attcrt r-
blle, three gasoline donkeys, eight ' tlw.' Giants Paae aUaata'Oa.
wheel scrapers, Noi 3, one gasoline Bldg. Grtata Faat,' Ore.' '
revolving ahovel, on S5 h. p. boll- : T T
r and engine. M. C. Ament 118 a.B-V1AW ?W.jUteraaqr. fnm
. la all courts. Pint Nattosal Beaut
FOR SALE Toung Jersey ow. "Call ; Bldf. v v .
at 501 West Rogue River Av. Ill r'"'':"'"; "' '''
- - EDWARD H. RICHARD. Atteraar--
TORBALE-Falrbanka-Morseapeclal OmfZ
six b. p. gasoline engine. Has had n... q-. . . , ;
but' little use. Price 1110 csh- ' ' ' " '
Inqulr at Room I. Masonic build- W. T. MILLER, Attornay-at-Law.
tag. r 120 Coottty attoraay .for Jeespkiae
; - ' "" ' " - County. 7 !OSos: Scaallbora EUa.
FOR 8ALE Five bones (three can ' w""w:."11-
be driven lngly); three cow, two O. 8. BLANCBARD, AtteracTHU-Law.
helfr;( wagon; farm, Implements. GrtnU Pas Banking On. El,
Will trade one team for good Ford. . Phoaa 37. Oraata Pass, Or.
Phone Oeerge Morria, V. A. fJLKMENTS Attoraey-st-Law.
R. F. D. 1. Grants Pav. , 120 Practice' la atate and federal
' . TuHKST ' : Room t and 3,' over
,..r" " T ZTrn Golda Role atore, '
FOR RENT Six-room home, SOS C .- .-. .
treet, opposite Central school; 10 MCBIOAt IKSTRCOTION S
per month. Inquire on premise, tf - - . '
. .rr .... a.-JL J. S. 1IACMCRRAT. teacher of voice
FOR RENT Nicely furnished house ca)tur and singing. ' Lessons gjvaa
at 315 E street. Inquire ot Mrs. ' at hollle of pnp ,f ,,,4. A4.
L. B. Coffman, 655 North Fifth 4reaa 711 Lee rtmt'r.-'-'Wtt
..,tr"" . L 91 JESSIE & KNAPP Piano and voice
FOR RENT New and ued planoa Chorna aad choir directing. Studio
and organ. On year'a rent to realdenc. 114 North Second street
apply on purchase price. The Music Phone 62S-R. BSItf
and Photo House, Stanton Rowell,
proprietor. ' ; 937 URAlfAGK AND TRANSFER
j ' " ''.'"'.',w'Aotct.7'T.7'' COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All
I -rr-rT-T- , ', ", kind of drsytge , and . traaafar
WANTED A capable and reliable work retaHy and promptly don.
! man to canvass Josephine county Phone 1SI-R. Stand at freight
j for us. Permanent If satisfactory, depot , A. Shade, Propr. . ,
Write us today foe parllculat.' Ore-
goa Nursery - Company. Orenco, ISHAM, drayags and tranafer.
I Oregon. Largest fruit aad orna- Safe, planoa and furniture moved.
mental aursery In the we.L 840 ckd' b'T4 "V10 5?
, : Clark Holman, No. 50. lleal-
I DRESS.MAKNG Will go out by the jenct phont 134-R.
i day or will take sewing at home. -- ' :.. 1
j Ladles' anlta. top coats and gown. THB ORLD MOVES; ao do we.
i 417 E street. Phone 212-J. Mra. B"ncn Bro ?r,,,8,er Co. Phone
! Catherine M. La Trell. ' 916 l'"B' . ' '
' MAN AND WIFE want work cooking LODGES
In mining or lumber ramp. Address c.iUNTS PASS Lodge No. 84 A. F.
j ;Nu. 2131, care Courier. . 1S A.-M. Stated Communlca-
; OLD PAPERS We by Tleanlold- ' ...tloaa lat and 3d Tueadaya.
"' ed newspaper and old magjiaines. fQi Visiting brethren cordially
j . I'nlon Junk Co., phone 21-J, 503 V Invited. - A. K. Case, W. at.
1 South Sixth street. 919 ' Ed. 0. Harrl. secretary.
' for all kinds of furs. Inquire at O. F. meota every Wed-
, City Market. . ' 919 f HBaday eveauig la I. O. O.
...... .. .... "-:-.-rrii Vn-' " F, ball, corner 6tb and H.
! Sta, VuUUng Odd Fellow oordlaUy
j WILL THE PARTY, who picked up a invited to be present. : Emil Gebers,
I lady' black fur scarf last evening N. Q.; Clyde Martin, Secretary. '
1 please notify No. 2146, care ...
! Courier, or phone 21 2-L. v 916 MISCELLANEOPB 1
DR. R. J. BE3TUL, Veterinarian ,B t0:" IMf
: Office in Wlnatrout Implement Rnoe phone 14 -U . tt
' Bldg. Pbone 113-J. Realdeaee urants PASS ART STUDIO 604
i' Phono 80B-R. ' South Sixth street. Office houra.
PAPERHANQINO. graining, palat- ' i ',. . "i
Ing. For the beat work at lowest ASBATERS '
price pbona 195-J. 0. O. Plant, B. R. CROUCH, Asiayor, cbamUt,
South Park street metallurgist. Rom 201-208 Pad-
, . , r dock Building. Grants Pass.
'. A Toait WNEir" ToibOAN
or tw iteiicd -and their hearts never
etmerf to ni''wrktteea! Mf.
HAVE CLIENT with money to loan
on first das security. O. S. Blanch
ard. , , " IKtl