Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, October 10, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PAGK roi'R.
Tl F.MAV. ,t.Totii:i in, luio.
A Few of Our
New Victor Records
lnmore.o.ue,'" played by Maud
McCormack at his best in "Then
You'll Remember Me."
The world's champion accor
dionist in two newr numbers.
Avon Comedy Four in two new
popular songs.
Two number by Conway's
Band, Including a One saxo
phone solo.
And many others. Hear them at
Music and Photo House
Stanton RowelL Prop.
Pauline Frederick
in "The Moment Before," 1i
mount photoplay, by IsraW
Zangvtill, last tini tonight.
Star Theatre
The Great 1 Barge.
8 tar
"The Moment Before.'
Oct 10, Tuesday Music club meet
ing at 7:30. Commercial club
Oct 11. 12. 13, Wednesday, Thurs
day. Friday Josephine-Jackson
county teachers' Institute at Grants
Oct 12, Thursday Supper from 5
to 7, by ladies of the ' Baptist
Oct 13, Friday Hon. A. E. Clark
Murphy, Orange hall.
Oct. 17, Tuesday Movable school,
Illinois Talley. Spence hall.
Oct. 18. Wednesday -Movable school,
Oct. II. Thursday Movable school.
Williams, Williams hall:
Oct 20, Friday Movable school,
speaks In Grants Pass.
Oct 20, Friday A personally con
ducted trip around the world by
the Women's Association of Beth
any Presbyterian church.
Kov. 7, Tuesday Presidential elec
tion Nor. 30, Thursday Thanksgiving
Job printing of every description
at the Courier office.
THOS. H. INCE'S Tremendous Spectacular
Pbotodrama m 11 Reels
The moat elaborate photo production Die world has yet known
Involving; expenditure of 91,000,000.00 and one and one-half year la making
40,000 PEOPLE
Employing In vast array every device of military and domextlc equipment that modern ingenuity has
yet discovered for war and peace.
This great sjertarlo lias set a new pace in photo production, stepping Into the place formerly held by
"The With of a Nation" as the world's mightiest production.
I Albert Williams made
trip to Wolf Creek today.
A business.
Mr. Geo. C, Knott, of Uleudale,
was in (rauts Pass Monday visiting
Bargains in wash waist. Mrs.
Rehkopf. 83Stf
Mrs. V. Truax went to Med ford
this morning for ;i stay of several
O. V. Myers returned this morning
from a stay of several day at YrekaScott. secretary.
and Montague.
Rev. V. K. Gloeckner returned
last night from a trip Into the north
ern end of the couurV.
Mrs. C. T. Cross, of Williams, re
turned tlls mornlug from a two
weeks' visit at Kugene.
Get prices from the Rogue River
Lumber company before you buy
(shingles, lath, doors, windows, glass.
rooting and lumber. 869
Mrs. Bert Hell left this morning,
returning to Etna Mills, after visiting
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. K.
: Butler. .
i Mrs. U A. Tuttle, who visited the
T. Ogden family at the Griffin ferry,
left this morning, returning to her
home at Pasadena, j
I Corsets, prices up to 32.50, on sale
now at $1.00. Mrs. Rehkopf. SJStf
Wni, Mooney, brother of Mrs. J. D.
Stlnebaugh, who visited in Grants
Pass and other parts of southern Ore
gon, left this morning for his home
at Montague.
Geo. Durham went to Medford this
morning to appear before the public
service commission on behalf of the
Southern Paciflc company in regard
to grade crossings and other matters.
Arthur E. Owen, of Brookings, left
last night on the Shasta Limited for
1x53 Angeles, having been summoned
on account of the Illness of his
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Luti arrived
here this morning from Albany. Mr.
Lutx la with the Southern Paciflc
bridge gang and will work for a time
in this vicinity.
Beet wagon dump racks, built to
order as per model. Get your order
In at once. Rogue River Lumber
Company. 874
C. H. Vaupel. O. Winter. T. K. Bol-
ton and M. F. Cyester came over from
Ashland this morning, rounding up
candidates for the coming ceremonial
session of the Mystic Shrine.
Captain and Mrs. Geo. E. Johnson,
who visited Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Grif
fin, left last night for their home at
Los Angeles, having been called home
on account of illness In the family.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schmidt left
Hugo Monday morning for Portland
and The Dalles, the trip being made
by motorcycle and sidecar. They will
visit Mrs. Schmidt's sister, Mrs. A.
P. Keppel, and expect to be gone
about two weeks.
tendon. Oct. 10. Insurance rates
on Atlantic shipping were doubled
today by Lloyds as a result of Ger-
man submarine activities off the
United States coast.
Admission-Matinees 50c; Evenings
This Production comes in its own
special car, accompanied by a com
pany of ten people, including the
operator, "Civilization" Orchestra
and special electrical and projection
equipment. - .
Hummnire Snlo Post mined
T1h rummage wile which was to
have been given by the ladies of the
public library board on next Satur
day has been postponed one week.
Notice to It. A. inmHi
Owing to the reconstruction of the
rooms. Reamea Chapter. No. j8, will
suspend Its regular meeting this
month. By order of the H. P. A. W.
Knglcwuod Hairy
The best milk, cream and Ice cream.
Phono 222. tf
ti. O, P. Meeting at Murphy,
Republican candidates are expect
ing to be out to Murphy in full force
Saturday night at the (1. O. P. rally
and dance. The tlrsi Krt of the even
ing will be given over to the candi
dates (o make short speeches and
when they have had ;'ielr aay the
orchestra will strike up and dancing
commence, and later on the supper
the regular Murphy supper those
who have attended a Murphy dance
know what that means. Plans are
made for entertaining a big crowd.
Last Peaches
This will be your last chance to
get peaches. For the next few days
you ran get some nice Sal ways at
the Josephine Grocery company. 84
To Attend Conference
I'nder the auspices of the commit
tee on Young People's Work of the
Synod of Oregon a series of confer
ences Is being held this week at Port
land, Albany, Grants Pass and Med
ford. Rev. Wni. Ralph Hall, of Phila
delphia; Or. W. O. Forbes, of Seattle,
and L. Myron Booier. of this city,
are the speakers. Mr. Boozer leaves
thia evening for Portland and will de
liver a series of lectures on "Tearher
Training for Young People" In all of
these conferences, returning to Grants
Pass Saturday morning.
Biff G. O. P. Rally
And dance at Murphy grange hall,
Saturday, October 14. Candidates'
speeches and Jollification at 8 p. m.
Dance tickets. Including supper,
tl.&o. 89tf
Holme Attack Trainmen
Bruce Stephenson, formerly of this
city, was severely hurt at Rosehurg
Sunday afternoon, when he and other
trainmen on regular freight No. 221
were set upon by hoboes who were at
tempting to catch on the train as It
was leaving the yards. The Rosehurg
Review says: "The men fairly swarm
ed up the embankment and appeared
to climb upon the cars at a dif
ferent places. Amated at the size of
the swarm, the trainmen became
alarmed and at once began taking
measures for reducing them. The
hoboes were ordered off, but refused
to heed. The arguments were then
followed by blows and missiles of va
rioua descriptions were heaved tt the
opposing trainmen."
MuhIc Club Tonight
The Grants Pas Mualo club meets
tonight In the Commarclal club
rooms, at 7:30.
Hurler to (lo KaM Ttmlglil
II. II. Darter and family will leave
tonight for Anamnsa, lowu, where
they formerly lived, ex pec ting to
again take up their residence there
for the time being. The Harters have
lived In this district for the past live
years and have made a great many
friends, who hope they will soon re
turn to the Rogue valley. Mr. Hur
ler has been much Interested In
grange and county fair work, and
was secretary of the fair association
that has recently managed the suc
cessful exposition.
A few days ago a Portlund paper
published an Interview of C. B.
Spence, master of state grange, lu
which he was quoted as being unal
terably opposed to the full rental
value land tax and homemakers' loan
fund amendment (single tax), which
Is to be submitted to the Oregon
voters on next election day. Novem
ber " He was quoted as saying that
this bill provides for the confiscation
of private ownership in land, and, as
most farmers' property consists prin
cipally of land, naturally they are
opposed to It.
The Tax Liberator for October con
tains an excellent article on, the sub
ject by Mr. Spence. It Is a strong and
unanswerable argument against the
measure. He closes his article by
saying: "I believe that the full renter
value land- tax will take the larii and
with It wlil go the Improvements, and
with the Improvements will go the
toil, and savings, and capital of thous
ands of honest, Industrious people
who are living on and 'using' the
land, and who are not monopolising
nor speculating In It.
"If I am correct In my conclusions,
this measure will Injure the home
owner and home builder more than It
will the speculator, and I shall vote
307 X No."
New York. Oct. 10. With all her
lights except a small one on the fore
mast extinguished, the Anchor liner
Cameronla arrived here early today
from Liverpool. She had 671 pas
sengers aboard. She reported she
had received a warning that submar
ines were In the vicinity of Nantucket
and had Immediately changed her
course to the south.
The Creek steamship Tarls also ar
rived today from Mediterranean ports
and reported she had sighted a sub
marine off Nantucket.
Los Angeles, Oct. 10. following
the receipt of a "blaok hand'' threat
by Charles T. Hutchinson, wealthy
business man of this city and San
Francisco, detectives are watching
his home at 274 19th street. The
threats, scrawled rudely In pencil and
thrown upon the porch, read:
"Leave I'i.OOO behind the band
stand In Lakeside park by 3 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon, or we will dyna
mite your house."
Portland, Oct. 10. Two rases of
Infantile paralysis were reported to
the health office today, making a total
of eight In the city of Portland. No
deaths have occurred.
San Francisco In arguing for
maintenance of the present cost of
gas, the gas company told the rnll
road commission the vibrations
caused by artillery at the Presidio
loosened gas mains and caused the
escape of much gas, with consequent
financial loss to the company,
Bijou Tonight
A (Jront I'nmmnmit NhcIiiI Feature
"The Valley of the Moon"
" In Seven Heels
A iiiiikiiIIIi I phlorizin loit of JACK LOMMI.VM ruinous story or
Ciillfoinlii and Noiithet'ii Oregon, A virile story of Hie great outdoors
In the Ileum Mill (.citings of Hie I'uc Wrsl,
'I'bU novel liihl appeared In (lie ('uMiiopolllan Maua.lue mill luler
I'lijiyccl mi uuiihiiiil sale,
Parisian Ivory Novelties
Brushes Manicure Sets
Trays Etc., Etc.
(Continued from page 1.)
out the night, he itald. Several limes
the liner passed through floating oil.
but lie did not believe she changed
her course,
A delegation of New York city offi
cials, headed by Collector of the Port
Dudley Field Malolie, went down the
bay lu a police patrol bout to meet
the ambassador. A revenue cutter,
loaded with newspaper men, swung
alongside the Frederick VIII as tlu
putrol boat renched the other side.
ticrard'a friends swarmed aboard
the liner and escorted (he ambassa
dor and Mrs. (ierard lo (he saloon of
the patrol boat. There (he ambaaaa
dor for IS minutes smilingly parried
questions from interviewers, fired at
hint In volleys.
"Sit down; Jimmy, and rest your
self," pleaded Mrs. (Ierard. while be
was facing (he reporters.
"No, these boys came a long way
to see' me," waa the ambassador's
smiling reply. A cold wind was
sweeping across the deck as the pa
trol boat rushed up the bay, but
, (ierard and Mrs. (ierard went out on
deck at the request of the photog
raphers and posed for several min
utes. At one time seven movie men
and seven newspaper photographers
had their cameras trained on (he am
bassador, while three other movie
men, from the hurricane deck above,
were filming Die "shooting" process
on the deck below.
When the patrol bout docked, thirty
automobiles, drawn up at the land
ing, by a pre-arranged signal let
loose long blasts from (heir horns.
The din continued as the parly sped
np Ilroadway (o (he city hall, where
Acting Mayor howling formally wel
comed Ambassador (Ierard and ex
tended lo him (he keys or the city.
In the parly (hat welcomed the am
bassador were Sumner and Julian
(ierard. Ms. brothers.
Gerard was visibly affected by the
tributes paid him. He spoke but
briefly, his eyes filling with tears as
he finished.
"Mr. Straus, Mr. Acting Mayor and
"On behalf of both Mrs. (Ierard,
who has so nobly stood by me during
(be last (wo years In Orrmany, and
myself, I want to thank you for this
reception. There la np recognition
like the reception of the city where
a man has passed his life, and no city
can give a more splendid recognition
than the great city, of New York. I
feel very highly complimented that
you gentlemen should get up at this
very early hour of the morning, with
two ex-ambassadors, who In the same
great post made splendid reputations
Mr. Straus and Mr. Mnrgenlhau
and pay us (ho compliment of coining
down to the boat. I am very glad,
Mr. Straus, to hear you speak words
of praise, which reminded me so
much of the phrase of Addison, thai
'Approbation from Sir Robert Stan
ley Is praise Indeed'! you who nearly
30 years ago, In the difficult post at
Constantinople, so nobly upheld all
the best traditions of our American
diplomatic life. And I thank you be
cause you have also mentioned my
staff In Tlerlln. 1 It Is largely owing
to the devoted efforts of that staff
that we have been able to be of some
small service, not only (o America,
but to the warring nations; and It Is
ami ill
Drug and
Stationery Store
I my niil.v rcgie( Iliut no part of that
'staff, be, aiine lliey ure all so occu
' .led In Merlin, lias been able to be
here and hear I ho kind words which
you have spoken of thole work,
j "(ii'iiilciuen, I thank you,"
l Former Ambassador Straus tender
ed high praise to Ambassador (Ierard.
IMsuld, In part '
1 "Your countrymen all feel the
greatent pride III the maglllflient
; imuincr in which ymi have perform
ed your enacting and responsible
duties, ilrst. when the war broke out
In lM, when scores of thousands
of your fellow ltlcits .returned to
'their native land and made demand
'upon your official services such as
have never been Imposed upon a di
plomatic representative In (lie his
(ury of (be country. We know how
-different your task has been. We are
proud lu (ratify, and we express the
opinion of all America (hat you have
In such admirable manner performed
your dudes a ambassador from the
greatest neutral country of (lie world
In (he nature of Impartiality which
your country has endeavored In every
l way lo preserve."
New York. Orl. III. The (ireek
steamer I'atrls, arriving from I'lraeus
today, reported .lie was slopped Twice
yesterday by a submarine. Whether
she encountered one or (wo aiibmer
slides her commander did not know.
A cannon sho( across her bow at it
ill. m. yesterday brought her (o a hall
220 miles off Sandy Hook and off
Nantucket. The submarine Inspected
(he I'atrls by aid of a searchlight and
then disappeared. At four o'clock
yesterday, while off Sandy Hook, the
Pelrls again sighted a submarine,
which made no effort to slop her.
Mexico CKy, Oct, 10. A decree,
signed by Carranaa, prohibiting bull
fighting and announcing a death pen
alty against bandits and highway rob
bers, was published In todsy'a news
papers. San Francisco It Is now Illegal
for women to return goods after they
have been sent home on "approval"
by stores here. The city supervisors
have Just passed an ordinance for
bidding such practices.
in.ingirinn in hitch .
words, two Issues, 25c; six Issues.
tue; one tnnnta, it. do, when paid la
advance. When not paid In advance,
So per line per Issue.)
FOIl SAI.K-llolsteln bull, two years
old. Pedigree and price on appli
cation. A bargain. F. H. Ilnstay,
ttoule I. 87tf
llOirSKKKKPINO ROOMS for rent.
Apply 210 South, Fifth street.
Phone 41-R, ' ' 872
WANTKI) Drop-head sewing ma
chine. Must be standard make, In
good condition, and cheap. Ad
dress Box 93, Route No, 3. 873
SQUASH FOR 8 A LB For stock or
table use. Delivered or In field.
Grant Cox, Route S. 870
Feature Program
Le Barge
' In musical milliliter on ninny
illMl'IIIIICIIlN, lllipi'l'SONIltloilN,
cliiiracieiliillitiiN, vocal num.
hero, iiinulc anil Illusion,
.Mr. I.e hin ge Is an accomplish,
cil ah 1st anil received an im
usual reception Inst night.
jnazMMUua'jMiH'Ba'i'ii n ania