Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, October 10, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Ttr.8i.v, u-;o!!i i: 10, iuki.
m mm mmmm x
Ci Hl l7
Should Um
VTfl dlrTarent frnm
U k.n In (ha mLli.
and thai matArtal mad spa nfV
higher grads.
Black Silk
Stove Polish
link brilliant, tiller Bellas Mini torn
at rub oS or dual off, ul tlx iIiIm lull
tnor UniM a king u ordinary atov
pnllah, lloxl on aautpla atova aMaulcl
by hanlwaro ami (ueary dMlara.
AU.wMatrltl. llottwiwwwlatm.
wf . liwui aa Hiwa tula Mm ralua.
aw la witMa ar aww-aaa ajuauiy,
Black Silk Stove PolUh Work
tW MmI, Mk fc.Dialaaj Ira fa
frua, MWn, t
BaiaC Wik
"Mini II ii"t It-en (of llii' n'll
I ' lU of hi' r," Mild .liiliti
Mliiaw recently, "I liellcte the
I'l-emll -uilii Would half I II 1. 1' II
nit lciuill ety "tmiigly. The
illlM'lia III I'm I- were tpille i'i.
ItiiKdiiallc nlicti ne vlUe,l ttuit
i ill "li I Id' l rip hiiuiihI I In' world,
mill i would have ilinmn mi
luinn'iie tluouit din fin' h mid.
heavy ruin which fell nil Hint
liny, i,
"ll ui'iilil iml lie Hiiri'ilHiiiit to
lll('l t 'Ulllie illlllpt till' g.HUO
ill l tin eme "f (lit IiimiIIHIc, a
Ihev in)' great natural mrt.
ui-it I .in, I; lit I he iiuiutiri- In
wlili h lhi. took In l'liiu', nml
I In' a In n't 1 1 II if III Mlil.ll 'tin')'
produced U'xut tighter of their
nu II " m
Double Cell Champion Hat a Wonder
ful Raeerd.
Clil'k Evan began Ilia career on I he
link In Itk'T. when he raptured III
western Junior and Inlerti Imlattlc ll
lira 1
In Haw ami I'.Mi be again nn the
Intcnu-holattl'' ami alao I lie Chicago
title ntiil I lie Junior In 1IX(I ami Will
In IlkKl lie alto won the wcMern auia
tnir title ami got aa far ai I lit aeuil-
Photo tiy Ainerliaii I'rtti Atauvlailon.
Cllllllt SVNH, boullt.B ool.r liUMI'ION.
liunl round In the iiiiinli'ur i liumplon
thlp nt Whoiitnu, only to bo I'llmlnated
by II. Clmndli'r ICgnu by t up.
Ill 11)10 Miimuu I'hidpa bent Uliu lu
'lhi Iliiitl runml of tin1 wentern ama
tour hi MliilkiiuiU. In (hi open, which
wiia held at tlu llevcrly Country club,
he won I lie tiniinainonl. Ilo reached
the Meiulllnnl round or the amateur at
i .. -J
Dtnnli luMlyptui Olntmtnt
at all oauo tToaia
Vs. ., V K-
a r
''.'.;'':. -.-.-.-M-.jr-Pt .
mm ''M
Tuaia bbo Jan boo
Hrookllne ami wn dnfciiled by W, 0.
Kmvnea, Jr., of Uiilunoiit liy 1 tip. I
In 11)11, at ApuwaiuU, Kvana got aa I
fur aa I lie aeiiililiinl roiiinl, whem Krrd i
llerrealmir i1Ihkmu of hint, only to I In turn liy llarolil II. lilt,
i on. ilia Knullali vlaltur. lio gut aa
fur aa Ilia llnnr roiunl In I tin umatr'ur
at the Clilfnuo (lof club In IIM3, wliru
Travvra 'lieut lilm liy 7 un and 0 to
lio won the medal In the Kvalern
niiiuti'iir at HouicwikhI In 11)13 wltb a
K iiro of 1.11 for thirty ilx Uolea. John
I). Aiiili'rwui, then from llrau Hum, j
pllmliiatiit Kvaim In Hie aeeoud round
of the iiiiiloiial amntour at Oarden
i liy liy 2 up mid I to play.
lit IliH h Kna iNiuien In lh flrat
round of the amateur tournament at
i:iinnok by KIm-ii M. Hyera. In the
went, howevcir, he hud lietter luirk, d
ft'Ntlng Jamea I). HtiimllHli, Jr., of De by II and 0 In tha dedal v round
uf the aeitloiml tntiiuaineiit at I ha
Kent Country elnli, where lie alao cap
tured the uiediil In the quallfylug
round wltli a arorw of 14. Iln repeat
ed thit following year In the weatern
uiiiBleiir at Mnytlrlil. vhere lie agnlu
iM'al Nlandlab. lilts time liy 7 and 0.
lie waa Jixt a atruko U-hlnd Walter
llaeen of i hetiT In tbe national
oH'ii inuriiatiient at Midlothian laat
yenr In the nuinteur at lirtrolt D. B.
Sawyer iH-at hlui by 0 up andTi to play
In the flrat round. About three moutlia
no Kviiiih out xt rliMMl a field contain
ing the cream of the profeaalonala III
the linlloiiHl ieii cliainioiiahlp tour
nu iniit at Mlnlknhda, returning a 72
hole n or of L'sil. Later lie won the
amateur rhauiplotiahlp at Merlon.
Job For C'armany Bchulti. :
Adolpli (lieriniiuyi .Siliulm, former
renter of the Unlveralty of MIHiIimu
foot bull teuni. linn Iwu mimed hk(
ant athletle director of Knunim State
Aurli illl iltnl i-ullese, He hua been Hue
o.Hi'h at the Ciilvendty orwiaconaln.
Fottil Marvalt Ctiew the Draary
Watlet ol Arctic Siberie.
I.lltlv diH the (nneiei think be
dibet oer the dniirj waaieN uf khow
and aeea nu llvluu lliluit nhb lliean'tle
(ox. the raven noil Uiu aiiuuy mvi ilmt
the ground uvlou lilm l tun kvU full uf
the reuiulim uf I'lmriiioua miiIiiihIm that
have iiei'tnlied In amiie m, terluii man
uer. Such ui'Willii'ii'io. Ik Hit ellia
oidlnury fai t, atulea "SlU'i'la and the
Polar Hen."
The whole of northern Slherlu from
the Dial luoiiutnliiN to llerlnu oinilt. It
one vatt graveyard. The Ihuiix teetb
and akullt are lhue uf cii'iilmntH,
rhluoeeroaea. bulTalutit and uiuskuteu.
They oi-cur everywhere They are
found uu tbe imnka uf the rltvr. Iii tbe
plain, uu lining ground mid lu frozen
vllfft. Ou the eborea of tbe Aretfc
oreau there are eloping baiika of lee
Tbeae are tpllt and furrowed lu all dl
rei llont with deep t-haauia. and at tbe
traveler luoka down lulu their dark
deptha from above be ee that ibe
loner purtloua uf tbeae k y i baint are
111 led wltb foMMlla.
In other placet on I he northern euaat
uf Klberla frouilng the An tic m eun tbe
low clllTa that rle alxne the beacb aud
are foruied of earth and clay are full
of the I Minet of nlephanta and rhino
ceroet lu the liHef tiiuuner, whlc-b
hardly laata for tlx week", portloua of
Ibete earthy dlffa ibaw and full on tbe
lieacb below. Then ll la that the trar.
eler who walkt along the ahore wit
ueatpa au attoulMblng ipeclaele Not
only doet be olKcrve IcebrrKt ttrtnded
ou the beach, bill be alto tcea the
titttit and iMiuea of letibanlt ithe
maminntbl lying on the alnW
If be lea vet the Arctic ocean behind
and Jnurneya Inland the tame l:hl
i-oiittantly niwl bit tKtoulluil gate,
lie comet, ll limy lie. to n plnfli where
for Hrhapt half it tulle I lie -whole
ground teeuit to be formed of tnaatea
of tuk. teeth and the iHinea of ele
phiiutt a'ml rhluoeeroaea welded to
gether In one confuted niana lu the
fi-or.en toll. Thete nilgbiy Iteatta muat
have lieen deMtroyed In herdt, but how
they perlthed u one knowa Still umre
aniiir.liig la the ful I lluil the IhIu ncN In
the Arctic ctenn uiirtli'uf Hlherlu lire
eiUlly full of tbe nitkt mid bouea,
and on the tlnuet of thee Island In
the polar tea the tnlia of elcphuntx
um lie eon tth-klim up In I lit frozen
HtniiiKer i IH ii'iuiiih I lie veiy
IhhIIi"! of thete ureiil elipbiiuia. wllb
flenll ll ml hnlr peltVcl, me wen Maud
lug iiprluht In no l'i'j'ii ciilVt Wheu
the cllITi ibaw the Imdlca uf lliexe
it itii I elcphnulH lull In Hie ui-uuiul mid
are to perfect, nfter Mm entiuuiiitl
for thoiiKiindt of yeiiit'ihnl Hie w-ulvea
ent the lletli:
There are tntiuy who nuilniiiln thai n
great fitlurt' It before Kurlu. owing to
lit vni mliicl nl wen It h mid It com
producing power 'I'M tippllet to the
mio.lhcrii illxti'lcta. but lint nothing In
tin wlih I lie regliitia of awful detola
.Hon to which we have referred.
"You apenrt entirely too much money
on dreat," Mitld the limn of tbe liousu
"Thai uluiplo llltle frock Mm. Pmytho
Hiiro liiNt nluht looked n gt'ciU dun I
belief Hutu Hint t'lithornte guwu' of
"(If couiHti It dlil. my dear," replied
hi wife Nweelly. "Tlint tlniplu llltle
fiork, n ,vnu. will II. cott $:hki. while
mine conI only $IM)." i
"Well, Ihi'ii, go out n ml buy one
about twice .aavululmrnte nt the one
you've got, Miiybe you inn get It for
untlilug."-Nmv Yuili World,
German Wrltsr Tells of Week's
Visit to Air Giants.
Flrtl Doaorlptlon ef the Heme ef the
Big Air Craft Hat Bean Carefully
Guarded Since Outbrttk f War
Have Confldenoe Inaelring Number,
. Fendrioh Ataerta.
Anton Kendrtch, w ho la about to pub-
Ilth a book on the war, li giving to
tbe German public Ita flrtt real view
of the German air fleet, which be Wa
fted "among the aand duuea." Here
la hit atory In part:
"Rome where amid the white aancl
June and the aalt meadow weed
dwell the mariner! of the air who have
brought tome notion to Albion that It
no longer ta an taland. I waa taken to
a group of building, dark tlrthlp ball,
ellhouetted agalntt tbe aunaet cloud
In great Ibiea of modern atecl coimtrnc
How many?' I benr the queatloii
atked. Quito a confidence lutplrltig
"The eonimnndcni were alttlug at a
(lower decked hottetlioe tupper table
not all of them, for toino were tinder
way. from tbo wall tuilled Hie Kua
Man Oouiit ZcpM-lln, wlihnut wbote
decade of atrtiggllng all till would nev
er have been.
"Thete ineu were molly between
thirty and forty yeara and already bad
many a time pirticliiatcd lu a wild
hunt throned tcHn lillchtaand hurtling
thelH, and. tbotigli they lived among
thete peaceful loeudowt, thoauie keeu
look of tbe buuttuiiin nblch nun find
at lh" front wnt m t u in ;k- t ou their
"It wat nildnlfrbt a' we approached
the dark atrii'-ture with brightly Illu
minated w indow, which, at tint broad
and red, ain alirnnk to narrow thin
mg lllt a Hie, whole ball turned
on lit til In order to bring the air
ahlp Into Hue with tbe wind.
Hurricane From Propallara,
"The turning of a alngle t-rew ou
ibe ocher yellow iwdy of the air erula
er filled the glaut hull Willi the roar
ing and buwlltig of a burrl'-nue.
"In front of the almoat unWIIcvably
thin ateel roda to wbh b were ntllxe I
Ills ti-rew pnn'llera were high wood
en plutform un will. Ii mecbniiica cow-
ered and w al lie I the whirling pM
pellert. These wooden propellert, each
aa tall aa a man. toon becntue viaible
again, turne-l awkwardly n few time.
then atopped. A mechanic adjutted n
few acrewa. hammered a few built,
and then Ibe aleiider thin wooden
bladea again roared. The mechanic
notea the fault flrtt n)wH.t with the
ear only, but arlcrniir l ' dltcover
them wltb the eye. 10
"Sciw they had ca tight ''(he'rlgbt tone.
'The ahlp la rlenr for anlltng.' the en
gineer reHirtetl to the coniniHiider. -.
Hut outtlde waited tbe night wind.
Uno knew It well from patt experience.
Therefore a hundred hard teameu'a
flata grablied It outside, to picveut cap.
The Air Giant la Off.
A thrill whlttlexnnd all tbe acrewa
began their Ftorm aong. A few men of
the landing battalion tlunik ibeintelves
like wet dog. They bad got on their
head a apout of the water with which
tho air crulter lighten Ittelf. Lightly
the alender rolotsu floated upward
:iud It teemed awallowed up by Hie
night, a dnrk thadow agnlnat the
(irent Plpper. . -
"We (lew. Tho deafening unite milk
ing cotivertntlon InipoMlile, I at llrtt
notlceil nothing. The comniandaut
thowed me the mnuipulntiun of the
tteerlug gear for elevation nnd direc
tion mid all the other technical eiptlp
incut. "We flew over wood and meadow,
and over nlrtlilp hull nnd barrack
mid tbe canopy of green"Wim toon lot
to tight. . .
"Through a aumli hui'lr.ojitiil lrnu
pnretit pnue, built like nu nlcove In
the glntt wall of the coiuuiandiiiit'H
tfoiiodolu, your eye can see ttrnlgli'
ilowuward Into tho depllit below.
"Purlng the we'k I wn wltb the
air cruiser In which one of the com
nuindiiula lind lu live ibiya tpeut
elglily-elght hour In the nlr and lind
lopt only twenty-four In bla bed.
"Another olllcer. cotuituinding one of
I lie older ahlpa with open gondo'u, re
turncil an frown that It wnt ucccttnry
llrtt to knock off wllb. tttcka the Ice
from the fur clothes of him nnd hi
men before they could midii',
"Hut, In my mind, I took off my but
mot of all to the one whote flrt
word na he leaned nut of bit gondola
were! ' , "
" 'I haven't been aide to got rid of
my eggt!' lie mennt- the bomb with
which hit Zeppelin wna provided.
"Me hnd order to attack an Iron
foundry, From afnr be tnw It gleam
ing below, but the lnercaltig ttnriny
wett wind prevented hrfn from getting
over It.. The home journey led him
over many u town aiul.vlllngo of tbe
land which teek to Mnrve out tier
mini women nnd children, but he flew
over tli cm with nil lilt bomba,
"I town on tho water front every
where atanrt new and gigantic alrthlp
Newport, ft. 1., Oct. 10, Although
Admiral Cleave received a radio
from the Conyngbam that two of the
mlatlng crew of tbe Klngaton bad
been picked up off Nantucket light
ship late yuaterday, they had not been
landed here at an early hour today.
A radio dltuatch - to Admiral
KJleavet yetterday atated that the
Conyngham bad picked up two tur-
vlvora, but the admiral aaid today
that therw hud been error in trans
inltiilno. and that to far a he knew
no aurvivnra of tbo Brltiah ahlp had
been found.
Naval officer united today In ex-
preatlng the opinion voiced by Ad
miral Uleavea that only one German U
boat Im renpontlble fur the tlx mer
chant ship,
Yetlerday no word of the German
raider reached here. The American
deatroyer which returned late latt
night reported no Blunt of her or of
her acllvltiea.
A ri-all order tent out late luat
night by Ad .ilral Gleavea called all
but one of the destroyer baqk from
Nantucket and they began arriving
here just before daylight. The po-
Nihility that the acarch for the Klng
tton a crew would be renewed from
here today depended largely, nav.!
officers Haiti, on weather conditions.
Xo official Information as to today's
movement of tbe dcttroyers was opt.
A report that 10 Chinese, member
of the crew of the Strathdene, were
being brought here, proved to be
without foundation today.
The pretence of an unusuul num
ber of Chinese aallor along the
water front accounted for the rumor.
To Whom It May Concern:
Wbereaa, tbe Chinese (torquatns)
pheasant of and In the State of Ore
gon are being threatened with ex
tinction from excessive shooting and
otherwise, and
Whereat, the State Board of Fish
and Game Commissioners of Oregon
Is desirous of protecting the Chinese
(torquatus) pheasants of and In the
State of Oregon;
. Now, therefore, notice Is hereby
given 'by said State Board of Fish
and Game Commissioners of Oregon
that the open aeason for the shooting
of Chinese (torquatus) pheasants is
hereby eloied to shooting of any kind
in the said State of Oregon on and
after sundown October 15, A. D.
And it Is and shall he unlawful to
hunt or shoot Chinese (torquatus)
pheasants anywhere In the said State
of Oregon on and after said date.
Anyone found violating the provi
sion of this order will be prosecuted
aa by statute provided.
Dated at Portland, Oregon, this
30th day of September, A. D. 1916.
By James Wlthycombe,
By C. F. Stone.
By I. N. Flelachner.
By Marion Jack.
By F. M. AVarren.
8 lit
Itnn.lull M.v wife piny and ilngn
and revile . linger II a she auy
other defects? Life.
Tho Ijiwyer-Tho precedent arc
agnlntt you, Hindu iu. The Uidy-Well.
sue the in. tou. I hen.-Huston Tint)
script. -v ,,
Mlttrctt Klleu. how long would you
tny wltb uie If I con Id u I puy you'.'
Muld-As long it m you'd keep uiu If I
couldn't cook, itiiitu.
Mound triivcl through dry uit hi
the rate uf (Yet a M-cnnd. throned
wuicr ut "ii lect u f mid uml lu Vice,
w ire ill loei a aeeotnl
"Spi'iiklng or" hiiiiiorliilliy. wlmt'tthc
unittei with the IiciiV"
"tio ou '
"llei 'ton never tota."
Knlfker-.My wife It nlwuya prnllt!g
the men she I'cJis ted lor ine IbM-ker '
Never mind; the will pi'mxe yuu to bet
second hunhiind. New York Hun.
Au lOiiKllthmiiii lias developed a
method 'foi' ginwlng lawn giiitn ou
such it fnmidiitlou that It can be hnu
died aa u enrpet ur rug.
I1iIiiiick ta ru l her ji uegiillvu than
a piinltivo term In till world and i-ou-slHts
uhuc lu tbe mIikcucc of some
thing tluiii lu tbo uveiK-e uf other.
Iaicr-Mun,v a wlo word la apukeu
in Jet. .llmoii-Yc,' but tliey t-nu't
cotuimio with the uumber of toollsb
line Hint are apokeu lu earueat.-Kx-cluiuge
hull. On tin' day t left tho first of
anme new nml tple'idld monsters cam
flylmr from It iili-whlp ynnK '
"Woe tn you, Tnt-I! Woe to you,
T.nndnn, when Tnnr dny eometl"
Classified Advertising
ANOBL CAKES Phone orderi to No.
10-J. 787tf
want tbo most pork per lb. of feed,
get a Winona Berkshire for your
next herd boar. Sprint; pigs aver
aged 100 lbs. each at four months.
P. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Rural
Route No. 1. S30tf
14-ROOM bouse, partly furnished, lot
75x100, on Sixth street, for sale
real cheap or will trade. For par
ticulars Inquire B. A. Williams, 121
0 street tit
seconds. Newtown. Bplttenberg,
and Ortley. Leave orders ft Wine
trout' Implement bouse. 871
SLIGHTLY USED Chevrolet car,
model 490, five-passenger touring
car, In first-class condition, wltb
extra equipage, for sale at a sacri
fice. W. 8. Maxwell. 87tf
flS ed"m6ney t liooo win" bar
160 acres of land within five miles
of tbls city. No agents. Owner
only. Box 764, Grants Pass. 872
FOR SALE Five acres In Grants
Pas, home-like place, good build
Ings, will stand Inspection, title
clear, taxes paid, can give imme
diate possession. Cash down
11,000; balance of $1,500 to suit
purchaser. No agents. Apply -to
owner, H. E. Gethlng, Oakland,
Oregon. 879
gilts eligible to registry
months old pigs for sale at reason
able prices. Phone or address
Frank Hill. Murphy, Ore. " Phone
Provoltr central. 869tf
FOR SALE On liberal terms, a
small hydraulic placer mine hav
ing pipe, giant, reservoirs, house,
garden, etc. Address Grants Pass.
Post Office Box 7S1. . 874
11,600 BUYS comfortable, neat, four
room cottage, with acre of splendid
garden ground, berries, some fruit,
water for Irrigation, pump on back
porch. Rogue River avenue. Terms
to responsible party. For particu
lars, inquire No. 1818, car
Courier. , 870tf
COWS WANTED I will pay cash for
four good Jersey cows that will
come fresh between now and first
of year. Write O. W. Meeker,
Kerby. Oregon. 871
WANTED T6 buy good milk cow,
fresh. Must test at least 4 and
give two gallons or more at a milk
ing:. Phone 500-R-2. 874
WANTED 600 tons lump chrome
ore. Chrome ore 18 per cent mln-
, Imum and seven per cent maximum
silica content. John Hampshire,
rooms 203-204, Public Service
building. 875
SThJAYED Jersey cow, three years
old, wearing yoke when lost about
September 1. Finder notify' No.
17S2, care Courier. 871
ABSTRACTS by Grants Pass Abstract
. company to Josephine county prop
erty are prepared, by owner, W. E.
Hanson. Have some printed stock
with low price. Old abstracts con
tinued. '- . . 894
TO LOAN 12,000 on improved farm
. Innds. VV. A. Clements.; , . 871
CRYSTAL 8PRINGS water .put up In
5-gallon glass Jars and delivered
'at your door, (reali, pure, sanitary.
. Telephone 293-R and water wagon
will call.
TAXI STAND at the Mocha Cafe. Any
where tn town 10c. Phone 181-R.
Residence phone 243-L. tl
The California and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
' (The. Oregon Caves Route)
Effective Monday, May 1, 1916.
Train 1 It. Grants Pass 7:00 a.m.
Arrives Waters Greek 8:00 a.m.
Train 4 I v. Waters Creek....5:00 p.m.
'Arrives Grants Pass 6:00p.m.
Dally except Sunday.
All trains leave Grants Pass from
th corner of G and Eighth streets,
opposite tbe Southern Pacific depot
For all Information regarding
frelg'-t and passenger service call at
the office of the company, Public Ser
vice building, or phone 131 for
Train will atop on flag at any
point between Gran's Pas and
Water Creek, Patscss?! .arice
every da In the week.
Location notices, Courier office.
U 0. CLEM2NT, II. D. Practice
limited to dlreases of tbo eye, ear,
nose and tbroat. Glasses fitted.
Office hoars 9-11, 2-5, or oa ap
pointment. Office phone, (2; resi
dence phone J 5 9-J. ' y '
and surgeon. City or country calls
attended day or nig bt Residemos ,
phono 169; . office 't'boae 111.
Sixth and H. Tnffj Bldf.
J. P. Truax, M. O.. PhyslcUa aad
surgeon. Phones:-Office III; resi
dence 124. Calls answered at all
hoars. Country calls attended to.
Lundbarg Bldg. ,
DR. ED. BTWATTR Specialist oa
diseases of eye ear, - nose as4
tbroat; glasses fltUd. Office boors:
9 to 12 a. m., 2 to S p. m. Phomee:
Residence 284-J; office 287-J,
Schmidt Bldg, Grants Pass, Ore.
A. A. WITHAL, U. D., Physldan tA
Burgeon. Office: Hall Bldf, eorav
er Sixth and I streete. Phones:
Office 116; residence 282-J. Honrs
9 a. a. to 4 p. m.
E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-class
; dentistry. 109 South Sixth
street, Grants Pass Ore. -
;' era dental work. Hand B. Brad
ford, dental assistant. Rooms 4
and 5. Golden Rule Bldg. Grants
Pass, Ore. Phone 265-J.
H. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-Law,
Practice In all State and Federal
Court. First National Bank Bldg.
at Law, Grants Pass Banking Co.
Bldg, Grants Pass, Ore. ' ' .
E. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. . Practise
In all courts. First National Bank
Rids. ' i t
at-Law. Office Masonic Temple,
Grants Pass, Ore. ' '
W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law.
County attorney for Josephine
County. Office: 8cballhorn Bldg.
O. 3. BLAN CHARD, Attorney-at-Law.
Grants Psss Banking Co Bldg.
Phone 270. - Grants Pass, Ore.
V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-Law,
Practice In state and federal
courts. Rooms 2 and S,
Golden Rale store.
,'IOUN INSTRUCTION Franco--'Belgian
school of violin playing.
"E. R, Lawrence 215 I street.'
J. 8. MACMORRAY. teacher of voice
culture and singing. Lessons given
at home of pupil If requested. Ad
dress 718 Lee street - ' 851tf
kinds of drayage
and transfer
work carefully and promptly done.
Phone 1S2-R. Stand at freight
depot. A. Shade, Propr. '
F. G. I SHAM, drayage and transfer.
Safes, pianos and furniture moved,;
packed, shipped and stored. Phone
Clark .aVHolman, No. 50. Resi
dence phoni 124-R. i.
MOVES; so do we.
Transfer Co. Phone
Bunch Bros.
GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84 A. F."'
A. M. Stated Communica
tions 1st and Id Tuesdays.,
Visiting brethren cordially
invited. A. K. Cart, W. M.
Ed. Q. Harrissecretary.
O. F., meets every Wed
nesday evening tn I. O. O. '
F. ball, corner 6th and H.
Sts. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially
Invited to be present. Emll Gebers,
N. Q.; Clyde Martin, Secretary,
PAPBRHANQINO, graining, palnU
tog. For the bet work at lowest
prices phone 295-.'. C. 0. Plant, .
South Park street. ,
DR. It. J. DSTUL. Vetcrlnsrlan.
Office In Wlnetrout Implement
Bldg. Phone 113-J. Residence
- Phone 805-R.
assay Kits ,
E. R. CROT'CH, Asiayer, chemlsi,
metallurglat. Romt 201-208 Pad- '
dock Building. 'Grant Pus.
. Mining blanks at the Courier office.