1MUUI IWUIC Jill Ul I.VIIU&H Daily Bogus River Courier A Independent Republics News paper. United Puna Leaned Wlr Telegraph ftentoa. . B. YOORHIKS, Pah. aad Prop. WILFORD AIXXN. Uitor , Catered at tha Grants Paan,Om ton, Postottce as secoad-claai nail attar. Onn southern republic. In prlrate con versation, however, he talked moat In terestingly or affair ta troubled Mex ico." Re said that the most distress ing reports vers ancolored, and that the truth was many times worse than tha general publto really understood. And it was rapidly growing worse, h said. The Mexicans had lost all fea of the Catted States, and Amer icans In Mexico occupied a plane little higher In the public wind than the peons. But the feature fraught with greatest danger to the tnlted States, said this diplomat was the certainty SUBSCRIPTION RATES Tear ! tlx Uoatfas. . Mi Tkx Viatka J 1 Lit ga.inai sooner or isier some nuroiau la Month. SINDAV, OCTOBER 8, IMC OREGON WKATKKIi : .. , . ' Sunday fair; westerly winds. nation wonld demand protection for IU cltlsena In Mexico, a protection that the United States seemed unable or unwilling to offer. Then there would be a mighty howl about the Monroe Doctrine, and grave possibil ity of war with th European nation. 'Tor It America will not protect her citizens my nation ts going to see that those who still claim allegiance to Its flag get the protection that w have, under the operation of the Mon roe Doctrine, looked to this country COAST HIGHWAY PROBABLS There seems prospect that the much discussed highway from Grants Pass to Crescent City, by way ot the Elk creek and Smith river route, may ' gu4nuteft WctAMt asm M f 1 Ik 1 i t r HaWAtltlY the county court presented the ques tion ot federal aid In the repair ot the road over Oregon mountain to the department, assuming that the road now in use most be maintained If there 'was no hope ot action upon the proposed new highway. Now comes word from Crescent City that there is belief that the Smith river route may soon be estab-i,rBment 1DTth,ng but rdlcuIe. Ushed. and through state and federal j aid the road be readily constructed, j Nothing could please the people of I Josephine county more than to give all possible assistance In the making ' f this new highway, which would eliminate most of the grade on the This visitor said that the time was not . far distant when some nation must step In and bring order out ot the chaos in Mexico. America had been given her opportunity, and while she had stepped In, first at Vera Crux and later through Jhe Invasion from the north, each was a farce that fail ed to impress the Mexican people or .to bring to the United States gov- y HARVEST FESTIVAL coast road, produce a scenic highway that could be traveled the year through, and that would not be ex pensive to maintain after once con structed. n"he county court ot Jose-' j . The Salvation Army Is to hold lu .annual harvest festival celebration from October -7 to 13. For this pur pose Its officers, soldiers, and friends are now busy collecting all sorts of pbine.tb.as stated, that H fill co- frum Ma vegetables, . fancy-work, operate to the fullest' extent, and will groceries, chickens, ducks, guineas, lead every assistance to Del Norte 'fee and other saleable articles, county. : Josephine wl even forego not turn down,even gift. i. i ., 'of sheep, hogs or cattle and, of course. Its elalm upon fta federal aid in theharf u a,wty lccepttoto lnd construction of this road, permitting , ometiines preferable. All these ar it all to go upon that portion of the 'tides are to.be gathered into the Sal vation Army hall, where they will be arranged Into an artistic setting and background for the harvest festival celebration. Songs, music, .exercises and ad dresses will be in keeping with the road In Del Norte county, and will construct an equally goodshlghwiy to the state line at the Elk creek and Smith river divide. It can well afford to do this, inasmuch as It will do away with travel over 'Oregon moun- j occasion and a most joyous and inter tain and farther expense need not be "lng time I. anticipated. All these . . A. M services will be open to the public and put upon that portion of the road. a ,nT,utioIl teB(Jed t0 the The Del Norte Development aso-' t BUCtion sale which Is the happy elation has addressed the Commercisl 'closing event of the festival, club ot this city, asking eo-operatlon ! The Income accruing from the sale In their efforts to get state aid upon 'and from cash donations is to be used for the prosecution of Salvation Army the highway In question. California, Jn Mg M of Is to vote next month upon a bond brancneg whlch will be assisted by the Issue of fifteen mlllion.dollars for the harvest festival are Women's Rescue building of stste highways, and It is work. Children's Homes. Colleges for already assumed Uhat the Issue will training Salvation Army officers, sick and disabled officers, corps and Insti tutions which are not self-supporting 'P 'and the local Salvation Army work women's res cue homes and maternity hospitals, 124 men's industrial homes, 79 Josepmne worvinirnipn' hotels. 16 slum Hosts carry. Acting upon the assumption, iV ..... .mil. rm ... nW In TWl ' IHV Slav; ruftium, . " " ' y - Norte connty preparing to make loca-j Throughout the United States the Hon surveys of the road up Smith Salvation Army has In operation 946 river, but 'of course there must be the rP n'1 outposts, assurance that this read will connect with the highway In eounty. The president of the Del and nurseries, 2 industrial farms and N'nrt nclatlon savs that "from In- homes for boys and girls, besides formation which t have received. I numerous relief departments, free ... ... '.. ,, . 'employment bureaus, free medical feel ante positive tnai oy con n n ng n-r. Muii.c i-udi ( v, dispensaries, antl-sulclde bureaus, de- otJr efforts we can succeed In gettlni? 'partmenti for tracng lost and miss the road located as desired, thus re- ini friends, orison work and other llevlng your county of the expense of j helpful activities, maintaining the mountain road and j leaving'the way clear for us to bond for an intercommunicating system of highways for the county." Whatever is done, It Is Imperative that adlon be prompt. As soon as the votes are counted and the 915, 000,000 of California funds are avail able, there will be plenty of places to put the fund, and the Smith river highway should lie early In the lists.' FRANCE REJECTED UNCUS SAM IN MEXICO , , Recently a diplomat who represents a great Eropcan power in Mexico spent some days In Grants F'ass. vDur Intf his visit here the gentleman was off duty, but was careful to make no remarks that could be Interpreted a) either unfriendly or unneutral In his discussions of conditions In the (Continued from page 1.) any attention to tlie German victories in Koumanla. In Berlin there Is some depression, but the faith In the ability of the army to hold out Indefinitely has not been shaken. Every one In Germany keeps maps of the battle fronts nnd watches the fighting closely. The most amazing faith In von illn denburg and von Mackensen. exists. The Berlin newspapers emphasize the shortage of British tonnage. They declare food prices have advanced as much in England as In Berlin. Frame, Berllners believe, has exhausted her reserves and her army Is weakening dally more than any other army, The streets of Berlin, Frankfort, Bremen and all large German cities 66 47W 99 IT'S the password to the best suit of clothes that it has ever been our opportun ity to offer. Sa$"4790"toOneof; Our Salesmen- and he will do the rest. He will show you a dark-blue serge, built on easyi flowing lines-r-easy to wear and easy to look at a suit you will feel at home in from the start, in the office, at the club orNit informal evening gatherings. Waiting for you to jump into in the morning, it will give added zest to your awakening. You will just hate to take it off at night. And during the day well, it will just give you a feeling of being "there? ' all the way, all the time. $25.00 npTJlJl Gl?P'Rl?fr 18 inside, sewed on the lining of the rout. It is the COlr 1 Hi DjVviyEi X LEOIAN label, which stands for u number of things : first, tin; real goods as to fabrics; seroud, careful tailoring by men who know their trudo; third a design combining comfort vith class. , See Window J)isplay PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. CASH CLOTHIERS "Cuh fluyi Cheaper Than Credit" "If Men Wear lU We Nov It" are full of soldiers all the time, re futing the oft-repeated statement that Germany -has exhausted her re serves. "The allies are losing 5,000 men a day fn the western front," was the way one Oerman put it. "I suppose our losses are great, too, but we can keep It up as long at they can. We will hold out until the allies get enough of It." ISIIXI.VUH HKNTKXCKD TO MFK IX IMUSON San Francisco, Oct. 7. Warren K. Billings, convicted . of planing the preparedness parade bomb, was today denied a new trial by Superior Judge Dunne and sentenced to life In Kol som prison, . A notice of appeal was filed hy At torney Maxwell McNult. I Murine-Nine I iim'iJ In pi (V.lti liliti Did .von tell linn i m,s ti"IHK tu be Oj'UTit'd' ti'iu.vie I i' illil Murine l)ld tie Hk how koiiiiV i ni, we No, lie nuked how long At the pri'M'iii ink of liicicNse lu the consumption of unlive lumber in .New .eiiluml It Is estlmuled that the supply of standing timber will lust not more than thirty years. IliK'on-And you say your brother lint settled In Cniindn? Egbert No, I didn't say so. I think he went there to get out of suttlliitf.-Yonkers Hliitcs man. The natives of New Guinea are thq shortest lived people In the world, and tbls result Is attributed to their diet of tlio larvae or certain beetles and their prnctlce of drinking sea tviifer, l.oliiloti Tvleirriipli Ircb Is the commonest tree la Ira land. ' An elepbaut's truuk contains 40.000 muscles. Kadluui Is valued ul nearly tl.OOO.Oun per pound. The ulgbt jKilIre of hevlllv itrri sjiears as of old. " The Portuguese language U used li) hoiit :tO.MM'0il persiNia - An I in It it t It i bone for cutlery nan tiles In nmile of seaweed Mica deptnlts itimVlciitly litres to de velop cilitfTTi twenty slates. Crime luiTeusrs til the rule of '.V per cent every twenty years. Britain hn grown uliroutl to seven ty-eighr times her area nl, home. ' Moiv I him '.'7.000 ions of lionef an produced yearly hy the Amerlcsn bee Ella Age before beauty. Stella -Von are always getting ahead of me, Natives of Algeria bury with thcli dcud all the medicines uted In their last llluessk l.lnen wus tlrst referred to In 171(1 li. C. It man ii fact ure started In Eng. land lu I'j:kI The working bee lives six months, the druiio four months and the femnle bee four yearn, ( v i'IioII.v-'J'Iihi dog knows as iniicb as. I do! Kthul-Well. thnl's enough for s tiouse dogK fuck, "Mow louit hnve you been III love with liliut" "Kver slurp I rejected lilm " Tendior-llolili.v, spell "yesterday. " liobby (with his vyv m (ho calendar) W e d n e-s-d ii y.- IIohIoii Trntiscrlpt. ATLANTA WOMAX IS NOW mn.V t'HAMI'ION Hoston, Oi l. 7. Miss Alexia Sterl ing, of Atlanta, Ga won the woman's national golf title today when she defeated Miss Mildred Caverley, of Philadelphia, two-up and one-to-play. Walnut Creek Tel. While lliten Ing to the evidence In an automobile- ste here, the six women Jurors con tinued their knitting, only pausing long enough to return a verdict for tho defendant. Job printing of every description t the Courier office. Joy Theatre Old Lyceum and Gaiety Stand 505 G STREET Starts Monday Evening Watch For Big Program In Tomorrow's Paper ADMISSION 5 AND 10 CENTS