Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, October 03, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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' t iiin.f BnntTB nvaii mmti-u
rJUlM TWU -. - ...
Daily Bogus River Courier
A Independent Republican Nawa
: paaar. United Prsna Laa4
Wlra Telegraph flervlca.
A. K. VOORHIB8, Pnfc. ud Prop.
Eatered at tha Grants Pass, 0n
com. Port office aa aeeond-caass mall
Oaa Yr W.M
to Months. i 1-00
lfABtna.- 1.59
m llnnttl .10
Payable la Advaaca
' Probably heavy frost ewtern
-4- portion; winds mostly westerly.
A business meeting ot the Hashes
Alliance of Grants Pass, held in the
court house last evening, developed
that a great deal ot interest Is being
aroused among the Hughes support
ers in this district. There was an ex
cellent attendance ot both men and
women at the meeting, and all were
anxious to get into the campaign in
The list ot delegates to sttend the
state-wide conference at Portland
Thursday was completed, and it is ex
pected that this city will be represent
ed by several delegates.
In order to defray expenses inci
dental to the campaign for Hughes
In this county, a request was made
by the Alliance that its members eon
tribute some amount from 25 cents
p. A considerable sum was raised
among those present at the meeting.
There is no obligation upon members
to make contribution, and their offer
ings are voluntary. Committees, to
he composed of the central committee
man and one lady from each of the
voting precincts of the city, and one
committee at large from the county,
were provided to aid in raising the
campaign fund.
The Alliance resolved to aid the
county committee and the state com
mitteeman in arranging the first poli
tical meeting ot the sesson, which will
he on October 13, when Hon. A. E.
Clark, of Portland, will be the speak
er. Other speakers are expected to
be sent into this territory later.
A meeting of the county central
committee has been called tor this
evening, at the court house. The
nominees tor county office are also
to meet with the committee, and a
vigorous campaign for the entire
county ticket will be outlined. It Is
expected that the nominees will go
in a body and hold a series of meet
ings throughout the county.
The boys of Grants Pass are about
to be organized into a local camp of
tbe Boy Scouts. This organization
has done a wonderful amount of good
for the youth ot the nation. It has
provided an outlet lor surplus en
thusiasm, and energy that might have
found release In other directions Is
given toward the development of the
Boy Scout movement. There is an
appeal to the mind of youth in the
outdoor activities ot the members of
Hhe Boy Scout organization, and a love
of nature is Instilled snd guided along
right lines.
The machinery at the sugar factory
will be started In motion next week,
and a few days later the first sack of
Grants Pass sugar will Im upon the
market. Tbe beets are now fast tak
ing on saccharine as well as gaining
In size, so that neither the factory
people nor the farmers are in a hurry.
4o start the slicers.
It you have any doubts about the
prepondeiancy of local sentiment in
favor of Hughes for president, Just
note the number of Hughes buttons
worn by men and women over the
Wilson emblems.
I a---aaa-aa-a- MSasa a ,wMMMMMaaaaaaaat 14 , -
Don't Forget
15c TO t)0c PER POUND
Quality First
(Continued from page 1.)
as to reasons for the reported resig
nations," Sato said. "There was no
intimation that the Okuma cabinet
anticipated such a step when I left
Japan. It Is not true that Marquis
Okuma did not control the cabinet.
He was working In harmony with the
administration and reports to the con
trary are mere conjectures of persons
who sre uninformed. If subsequent
events prove the reported reslgnstlon
true, it 'will occasion no disturbance
in Japan.
"I can not understand why the re
signations should have been offered.
for the Okuma cabinet was bscked by
a strong party organisation."
Dr. Sato will be the guest of
Seattle's leading public men at a ban
quet tonight and will leave tor Wash
ington tomorrow morning.
Washington, Oct. 3. Persistent
opposition of the Japanese upper,
non-elective house of parliament to
the policies of Premier Okuma Is re
sponsible for his reslgnstlon, news of
which was cabled from Toklo today.
This is the belief of the embassy here.
Oknma's party controlled the ma
jority of the lower house, but a coali
tion of other parties In the upper
house was formed against him. It Is
said Okuma has tor some weeks felt
unable to continue the government
and face the npper house when It
convenes in December.
It Is understood the premier hss
been contemplating resigning for
some months and has been waiting
for a time when he thought he could
arrange a successor from his own
party. Viscount Kato. former min
ister of foreign affairs under Okuma,
snd now lesder of the letter's party
In the lower house. Is said to be the
candidate of that body and ot Okuma
for the premiership. Oknma's op
ponents in the npper house are advo
cating the appointment of Count Mar
shal Terauchl, now governor of
Terauchl, with the title of marshal,
has the highest rank In the Japanese
Marquis Okuma Is 79 years old and
has been premier for two and a half
years. It Is considered likely that
his advanced years have something to
do with his desire to retire.
London, Oct. 3. The Roumanian
force which invaded Bulgaria Sunday
is believed to be moving southward
against the Important Kustchuk
Varna railway. Tbe size of the army
tbat crossed the Danube is not known
here, but English military critics to
day declared they believed It was
composed of at least 20,000 men.
They pointed out that a smaller force
would be pinned against the bank of
the river by the Bulgars and would
meet the same fate as the Roumanian
iheSianJard Oil ibr Motor Cars
P.MI..J..1 I 1
garrison that attempted to retreat
across the river from Tutrakan for
tress. .
At the same hour that Roumanians
Invaded Bulgaria, the Russo-Rou-
"""I r "
series oi nr.vj uai-.i. mpiwrsuur mm
. tw,..,. .Mfti
forces from that region. The battle I
Is going on, with the Russo-
Roumanian, exerting heavy pressure
...... tha aansamv flanVl
T wi ,,-. nV..u f V-
fighting In the Balkans has shifted
f.m n.
Somme offensive and also from the
finnt vrhapA flffhttnff
is reported.
Along the Somme rainy weather
again hindered operations yesterday.
,niuiv umilV fiirvns SCfTK
lanthracnoae do not under any eon-
A note
Sen Francisco, Oct. I
from Lieutenant Immelmsnn, famous
German flyer, delivered in Australia,
brought Edward Grimwade, Mel
bourne millionaire, to San- Francisco
today, on his way to London, where
he will seek the release ot bis son,
Frank, from a prison camp In Ger
many. Immelmann's note told how Frank,
who is a British airman, had engaged
the German aviator in a sky duel and
how the Englishman, sorely wounded
and with his observer dead beside
him. brought his aeroplane to the
ground, where he was taken prisoner.
Immelmann and hla associate Ger
man aviators, moved by admiration
for their defeated antagonist, risked
their lives to deliver a note address
ed to Grlmwade's father. With shells
bursting about them, they flew over
the allied lines and dropped the mes-
ssge, which wss delivered to the elder
Grimwade In Melbourne many weeks
He started east this afternoon.
Weill What Was Itf
Speaking of fame, what was the
name of Molly Pitcher's husbandT--Boston
Do It Yourself.
Hokus "Do It yourself' is my mot
to. Pokus That's rltUL Don't let otb
ers make a fool of you. Town Topic
Good on tht Borrow.
"Is his credit pxmIV" "It must be.
I understand he owes money to every
body." Detroit Free Press.
A Dog's Ago.
Tbe age of doi;M raises from twelve
to fourteen yenrs when they receive
projier care.
Always tho Way.
This world has u plnee for every
body, but there's usually somebody
else In It. -Cleveland Pluln Dealer.
When a man pays us he goes he al
ways gets a welcome hack.-Philadelphia
A timitsd Always.
"1 always agree with my husband."
"Very sweet of you." "Except of
course, when be's wrong." Exchange.
Tho Shrinking Sun. '
The sun's diameter decreases st the
rate of five miles In a century. Its
present jJIh meter Is 800,000 miles.
The First Ttltgraph.
Professor Morse successfully operat
ed the first telegraph Ime'Miiy 27, 1844,
between New York and Baltimore.
Competitive Awards
st both the San Francisco snd
San Diego F.xponttioni, were
given toerolene an oil nude
from asphalt-bite crude.
Sold by dealen everywhere snd
st all Service Stations ol the
Standard Oil Company
Orants Pais
There are a few cases of flrebllght
scattered throughout the county.
Some ot these are apparently dried
up, while others are yet active. Un
less these Infections are aU removed
and burned there will be some cases
that will hold over and rtovelop new
infections next spring. 1 consider It
of the utmost Importance that this
matter be looked after carefully now.
Do not be content with cutting out
the Infected portions, but rut back
at least two feet below anv appar
ently diseased portion and then burn
aU cuttings.
It we are going to continue the
fruit game In Josephine county, an
thramose must have closer attention
than It has had during the past few
years. The present price of blue
vitriol may appear to offer some ex
cuse for omitting the Bordeaux spray
this fall. On the other hand, the
. ,
present outlook for better returns
on hould ?ff"
jrower w -
' trM thn w
V Ollimillira UU HUl irmiw vasw
.l.iana.s t f thin Ai dstkSlA T Til It If In V
that us evil enecis are connnea
!the tre ,1ne
Such Is not the case.
Tn manv Inatantwa anthrarnnae will
aeveiop in ae iruu auer u nao u u
In storsge for some time and cause
serious loss, and consequently a great
deal of trouble In adjusting matters
iDBiweeu snip-r mm u4m..
"'deration allow the Increased price
of blue vitriol to keep you from ap
plying the Bordeaux sprsy this fall.
Use the B-S-BO and put It on Just
ss soon as possible after your picking
Is done. One sprsylng may not era
dicate it entirely, but it will keep It
In control.
County Agricultural Agent.
Kansas City. Oct. 3. With butter
selling at 40 cents a pound and eggs
at 35 cents a dozen. Kansas City
housewives lodsy were paying higher
prices than their sisters In Chicago.
The flve-cent loaf of bread has been
replaced by the seven-cent loaf and
the ten-cent loaf reduced In size. Milk i
prlct's have not changed.
Rome. Oct. 3. A Zurich dispatch
today asserted tbat the kataer has
personally appealed to President Wil
son to end the war, but that the
president had refused to Intervene
at this time.
Olvos a brtltnt artosar shlno t
dots not rub oSj or duat off thai
nnetls to Iho Iron that laata tour
tlmas as long as any othor.
Black Silk Stove Polish
li In ft cUi by lUell. It'i mora
cartful ly marie nd m.ul4
from tVZr mattrmu
Tit It en yoar parlor
Btovs), your cook ituvt)
or rur cm nnn,
if )roa don't And I
rvr a ivd, your
hardware or
uthiriMl to nr
fund roar
Inrj Or0"
inn nltn
The California and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
(The Oregon Caves Haute)
Effective Mondsv, May 1,
Train 1 Iv. Orants Pass 7:00 a.m.
Arrives Waters Creek 8:00
Train 4 Iv. Waters Creek....B :M) p.m.
Arrives Grants Pass 6:00 p.m.
Dally except Sunday.
All trains leave Grants Pass from
the rorner of O snd Eighth streets,
opposite the Southern Paolflo depot.
For all Information regarding
frelg' t and passenger service call at
tbs office of the company, Publle Ser
vice building, or phone 181 for
Train will stop on flsg at any
point between Grait'S Pass sji4
hat t
vary da) la tha weak.
Classified Advertising
ANOHU, CAKES Phone orders to No.
want tht moat pork per lb. ot feed,
get a Winona Berkshire for your
next herd boar. Spring pigs aver
aged 100 lbs. each at four months.
P. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Rural
Rout No. 1. MOtf
14-ROOM house, partly furnished, lot
76x100, on Sixth street, tor sale
real cheap, or will trade. For par
ticulars Inquire B. A, Williams, til
O street 171
FOR SALE at a sacrifice, modern
seven-room birogalow on north
aide. Have reason for selling.
Need $1,300 or $1,500 as first pay
ment Address No. 170s, care
Courier. SSttf
fX)R SAIE Good milk cow, plow
horse, good twarseated spring
wagon, double hack harness, new
steel wheel truck. J. W. Osborn
R. P. D. 1, opposite county home It
FOR SALE 30 head young cattle at
a bargain If taken at once. A. B
. Dixon, route 3. Grants Pass. At
Jones Creek bridge. 8(3
FOR SALE Two small mules, light
wagon and harness, $175 cash, In
quire P. J. Rush, Takllma, Or. 68
FOR SALE flood six-room house
near Riverside school, two lots,
fruit. Price reasonable. Or would
lease unfurnished or partly furn
ished to responsible party. Ad
dress No. 1771. csre Courier. 803
FOR SALE Largo site hand cider
u,lll. In good condition. Cheap.
Phone 103-R. M
80 ACRES, two miles from growing
town, with ttood Irrigation Water
rights. Will exchange for stock of
merchandise or a going business.
Write owner. Wm. Sullivan, 09
11th street, Modesto. Csl. ' 868
GOOD HORSE, buggy and barnesa to
trade for young fresh cow. Call
at 311 Orchard avenue. 8(4
WANTED AT ONCE First class,
s-.rlctly modern, furnished, five
or six-room bungalow. AU Im
provements, including gas, north
side. Will lease for six months,
with option of longer period If sst
Isfactory. If you have something
meeting these requirements, tele
phone st once. Will pay well for
right place. Phone 380-J. 871
splendid line of fruit and orna
mental trees. Good terms. Good
territory. Good prospects. Cash
advanced on orders. Albany Nur
series, First National Bank Bldg.,
Albany, Oregon. 8(4
WILL CONTRACT for your beet pulp
at Grants Pass sugar mill. Address
Clinton Cook, Murphy, Oro. R09
M)ttT """"
LOST Between tho foundry and the
Fashion garage, crank for automo
bile. Finder return to Josephine
hotel. Reward. 865
LOST lletween Grants Puss and
Wilderville, 50 ore sucks. Kinder
please leave at Grants Puss Livery
stable, with Peter1 Giavlln. Re
ward. 864
LOST Thursday or Friday, on East
school grounds or between there
snd North Second street, child's
gold necklace, with Initial II on one
side, heart-shapad locket. Reward.
Phone 14C-J. 863
DRESSMAKING and sewing of any
kind. Will care for children at
your homo evenings. Mrs. Llule
Wright, 718 North Eighth. 884
CRYSTAL SPRINGS water ,put up in
6-gallon glass Jsrs and delivered
st your door, fresh, purs, sanitary.
Telephone 29J-R and water wagon
will call.
TAXI STAND at tho Mocha Cafe. Any
where In town 10c. Phone 181-R.
Residence pbone 24R-L, tl
ENLARGEMENTS made from your
negatives or photographs, portraits
or views, In alses from Dx7 to
14-17. Prices from 20o to ft. CO,
In black and white. Col6rlng extra
Paddock . Photo Co., 310 North
Sixth street. 864
. K. UlLK'tll, Aasayer, chemist
metallurgist. Rims 1101-208 Pad
doek Building. Grants Pass.
Job printing of svsry description
at tba Courier office.
iT67ciMieNT7 M.T1rA-iiouow
limited to diseases of the eye, tar,
nuse and throat Qlassea fitted.
Offlce hours Ml, !. or o
polntment Offlce phone, II; res)-
dence phone I5M.
rToUOHRTDOM. M. D.. PbraMaa
snd surgeon. City or country oalla .
attended day or night Reside
phone III: offlce phoae 111.
Sixth and It Tuffs ftldg.
, p. Truax. M. D., Physician and
surgeon. Phones: Offloa till reel-,
dene 114. Calls answered at all
hours. Country esUt attended to.
Lundburg Bldg.
DR, ED. BTWATTR epeciauai oa
diseases of eye ear, bom aa4
throat; glasses fltt'd. Office hoara:
t to II a. m 1 to $ p. m. Phones:
Residence IH-J; office 157-J.
Schmidt Dldg, Grants Pass, Ore.
7ATwiTH7.irrMrarphysiclaa as
Surgeon. Offlce: Hall Bldg., com.
er Sixth and I streetc. Phones:
Offlce 111; resldonce SIS-J. Hoars
t a. m. to p. m.
DR. II. WARREN NICE, Osteopathia
Physician, Cbronlo and nervona
diseases specialty. Rooms 1 and I.
Lundburg Bldg., opposite post
oOoe; phone 141-R. Resldeace:
Colonial hotel; phone U7-J.
E. C.
MACY, D. M, D. Flrst-classj
dentistry. 101 South
street. Orants Pass Ore.
ern dental work. Maud B. Brad
ford, dental assistant. Rooms 4
and 3, Golden Rule Bldg. OraaU
Pass, Ore. Phone 16B-J.
if D. NORTON. Attrnoy-at-Law
Practice In all State and Federal
Courts. First National Bank. Bldg.
st Uv, Grants Pass Bsaklng Co.
Bldg, Orants Pass, Ore.
eTsTv aN ; bYKE.lTttoTneyr PrsoUea
In all courts. First Nstional Bank
at-Law. Offlce Masonic Temple.
Grants Pass, Ore.
W. T. MII.LKR. Atloruuy-al-Law.
County attorney tor Joaophlna
County. OOlce: Bihailborn Dldg.
O. S. DLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Law.
Grants Psss Dsnklng Co. Bldg.
Phous 270. Grants Pass, Ors.
I'ractl'O In state and federal
courts. Rooms 2 snd 3, over
Golden Rule store.
Ilelglan school of violin playing.
13. R. Lawrence 215 1 street.
J. S. M ACM IJIUt AY, teacher of voles.
culture ami singing. Lessons given
at homo of pupil If requested. Ad
dress 716 le street, 851tf
kinds of drayags and transfer
work carefully and promptly-dona.
Phone 132-R. Stand at freight
depot. A. Shads, Propr.
F. U. IBIIAM.Traysge'and Transfer'
Safes, pianos and furniture moved,
packed, shipped and stored. Phona
Clark t Holman, No, (0, Resi
dence pboni 124-R,
Hunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phona
GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84 A. r.
A. M. Stated Communica
tions lat and 3d Tuesday.
Visiting brethren cordlalb
Invited. A. K, Oaaa, W.
Kd. a. lurri., MoretaiT.
GOLDEN RULH I5oBNbi78, 1, "oi
OO. F meets every Waa
nesdsy evening In I. O. O.
F. hall, corner 6tt and H.
Sti. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially
Invited to be present. Etnll Gebera.
N. O.; Clyde Martin, Secretary,
nwoH.vroifH and painters
PAPBRHANOINO, graining, paint
ing. For the best work at lowast
prices phone 29S-,' C. O. Plant.
South Park street.
DR. n, .1. RK8TIJL, Vstorlnarlsn.
Otnre In Wlnetrout Implemsnt
Dldg. Phona 1 13 J. Resldenea
Phons S05-R.