Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, October 02, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, OCTOBER a, 1010.
An Unknown Factor That Causes the
Planet's E'ratle Motion.
The planet of Mercury It ttia am a II.
tat of the major planet and the iirar.
at t the aim, which It circle in i
HI tie lea limn three inniittii, It reach,
a lla greatetit dUtiwco from the iuii
tt trloM about sixty days spurt Dur
lug the year Mercury h morning atnr
threo times and evening aliir three
tlllll'lt. 0lll 10 lla llCUI'lie tOtheUUU
It la never visible fur more tliun e
rlixl of about two lioiira after suiuml
or the taut loiiHth of tlmu before sun
rise. Tho eccentricity of it orblt'l great
er tlmu that of any 0ibcr major plunct;
Ha greatest ond Ita leant dlntum from
the ami differ ly nearly fifteen mil
lion mile. According to A. W. Mcs
Curdy of Hid Itoyul Astronomical So
ciety of Canada, tlm niirat remarkable
characteristic In the motion of Mer
.cury la Hint when It la nearest; to the
on It travel fiiMier Hum It xlioiild If
It moved only by tlif nttrnellon of Un
known IhhIIc of tlio solar system.
Aatrniiomira have long suuglit an ex
ltnnutlun of the accelerated motion
Homo Im'IIpvo Hint Micro are oilier p In li
ft at present unknown U-tweeii Mer
cury and tln aiiu-hodlc tlmt althonun
numerous nro too hiiiuII to I seen, Tb
movements of Mercury Imit ate an In
fliietieo t tut t nilitbt lie neeouniod for li)
the presence of another pliinet revolv.
Inu within It If such n pliiiiet
really exist. t)i is uliould cuinc a time
when It mil iiimi" an a durk pnt
moving iiiro.H Hie fine of the aim.
Another way to delect Ibi' presence
of new plunct In (he vicinity of tbv
aim U to take olmcrvatlou during a
total eelpe. If there are no rlomla
at such a time the alar become vltt
bio a Hie ami llappour- During the
total e.'ie uf tlm tui In IN"8 one
observer iiw u object that be
thouitlit nilKbt Ih- Hie b.n jr aonitbt
planet, but no other ttMrounnier Im
been shin to i (Hi firm tlm ditcovery, and
uinny now believe tlmt the bldd.'ii
source of Hie unuausl movement of
Mercury must (mi looked for elsewhere
than In the orbit of tho planet
It Doponda Upon How Long tho Lin
ing Can Rtiiit Eroaion.
The life of a fc-uu dieiid Umw tho
progress of erosion, which sooner or
later It certain to Impair the accuracy
of Are. flroslou la caused by the action
of t tie explosive gases at blub temper
alure and pressure.
According to the Iron Age, the hot
gum- a line a thin film of at)
xirb beat The film expands mid be
comes act. Upou the releaae of the
pressure It contractu, which' csuc
nilnulo cracks that grow lurger with
every discharge. Ai they lucrcsae bi
slxc they form puageways for more
hot Ka, and tlmt teuda to column them
till further. The Inner aurfuce tbu
betouies rousht'tiiHl and the banda be
frlu to corrode. Finally tho bore be
comes so enlarged that It allows the
gates to caenpe. The shell docs not
then acquire Ita proper rotation, and Its
Oltfbt becomes erratic.
All guns except small ones are now
constructed with llnlntis -In tho tube
which, when tho bore Is worn out, are
removed and replaced by new ones.
Tho coat of rcllnlng a mm Is approxi
mately 30 per cent of the coat of the
fini. There appears to be no limit to
the number of times that a (tun can be
Tho small arms uned In this country
are considered to be worn out niter
6,000 to 7,o()0 rounds have Won flrl
Small naval Runs can be fired about
1,000 times before they arc regarded as
worn out Largo twelve lucb and four
teen Inch naval guns are considered to
ba,ve a Ufa on ono llulng of from W to
200 rounds,
Low velocity guun, such as how luces
and mortars, hnro corrcsNindlugly
longer lives than high velocity guns of
the same caliber, became the pressures
they develop, and hence the tciiiern
tares, are lower. - .
Use of "a" and "an.'
Do hiost educated people nay 'Ti
unlqno example" or "un niiliiue ex
ampler In deference to the rule they
probably write "tin." but If you notice
their prononmintlon, when they ure
talking naturally and not thinking of
how they pronounce, they will almost
Invarlnbly say "n." And this Is quite
natural, or "miliiuo" begins with a
consonant. It U pronounced "yuiirck.'
Hlnilliuiy uiont people aay both "u his
tory" and "a hlstorlenl fact." unless
they drop the cousoiumt "h" and say
"an 'latorlcal fact." London Chronicle.
Holl'ti was attending her llM party
When lefiOHlimcuiN weiv served she
refused a second helping to I e crciim
'with u pollto "No, thank you," al
though her limit was wlMtful,
"Oh, do have sotue more he cream,
dear," her hostess urged.
"Mother told mo I must any "No,
thnuk you." exclaimed the little girl,
"luit I don't believe she knew the
dishes were going to ho so hiiiuII." '
. Now York post.
Vsln 6sroh,
"I've got about enough of that old
"Pony, son. Alwnyt try to seo aome
good In everybody."
"I hnve tried. Hut It gets tiresome
when you have to look for It with A
niU'roicopi'."-L(mlMvllle Courler-Juor
in I
Envelopes printed it tb Courier
'" '' I .. I I S
Why He Stopped Rseltlna One of His
Posmt In Publlo.
"At an UluMirailon of tlley'a sensl-
Ure nature," said Melville l& Dtona.
"Jim and I went alone to the theater
to see Sol Huiltti Itiusell, who also be
lougud to the Saints and Sinners' Cor
nor. II was playing The I'oor Rcla
tlon.' In the play was a scene where
Ituasell took young boy and put bint
In a barrel while he removed bis trou
scrt to maud them. The audience
roared wltb laughter at the comic sit
uation. Next to me In the box sat
James Wbltcomb Illlcy, sobbing as If
bis heart would break, lie saw uo
humor la the plight of the little boy.
To him It was pathos.
"lie, like Eugene Field, was devoted
to children, lie loved them, but be
loved them artistically. I am not sure
that personally that Is, mind you,
hanging to a man's coattallstbey ei
ther of them wuuted children around.
They lacked the patience necessary for
dally contact with children. Tllley and
Field could write heartbreaking ferae
tu respect of children and put Into
them an Inordinate amount of human
sympathy, but no far as I know this
was at arm's length from the young
sters themselves, especially In Field's
cnae. UUey was ever exceedingly sym
pathetic One evening Jim was recit
ing hla poem. 'A Happy Little Cripple,'
before a largo audience. lie bad sesree
ly begun the llnes-
"l'm mint s llttl crippled boy an' novsr
our to grow
An' git a rt bis man at all, 'caua
aunty lold ms so,
Whan I was thitt s baby ono! 1 fall
out or tho bI
An' sot 'tha eunr'tqra of tb spins' 'at's
what ths auctor aoM-
wbrn be noticed a man and a woman
In the audience leaving the hall. II
mado Inquiry am) found out Hist they
bad a little lame child of their own
much like the one he was describing.
He resolved never to recite that poem
In public again." New Tork Post.
Keep Him on the Rood That Loads to
the Highest Cltltsnshlp. j
This Is a good time to think of your
boy. If you doiiot look after him In
(be right way some one will do It In
the wrong way. licgln now.
Teach your boy to follow In the foot
steps of bis father, to resect the law,
to obey his psreuts, to regard the
rights of all men. to houor virtue, to
respect womanhood and to depend
upon no one but himself for bis ad
vancement Teach him that the Golden Rule of
life will be found In the Ten Com
mandments , They are abort Tbey
have aurvlved the ages. They stand
today unchanged and unchallenged.
They comprise the Orst great written
law given by God to man. Before
these few commandments all man
made laws fade Into Insignificance.
Teach them to your boy. There Is dan
ger ahead If you do not
The universal drift of mankind Is to
ward decadence. Heredity pays ita
premium and also exacts Ita discount
The son of a good father and an affec.
tlouato mother, brought up In an at
mosphere of ireutal regard, never
will disgrace the family. ,
The boys of tndny are to be the men
of tomorrow. The dentlnles of the
A merles u eople are to be In the banda
of their sous. If the boys era taught
respect for the law (both huiuau and
dlvlnei. obedience to authority, manly
Independence aud the fear of God phis
great nation will be a noble monument
to ninn's capacity tor self government
and self control at a time when all the
world la a seething cauldron of uurest
uurvnsou and disbelief.
Tcucb your boy to rule, but Orst to
rule bltusuir.-John A. Blclcher In Les
lie's Weekly.
Now York Bsnksr on
His Wsy to Business.
L 1 LJa ;
0 v o
0 'o
Milk In the Home.
Good milk Is a, health pro-'
ducer. Bad milk makes stomach
trouble and breeds disease
The three "C's" for the proper
care of milk In the home, ac
cording to the dairy sMS'lalsis
of the United Rtttie department
oof agriculture, are:
Keep milk clean, cold, covered!
Milk Is a highly perishable
food, and the length of time It
will remain sweet and ssfe. es
pecially for children, depends,
the specialists say, almost en
tirely upon the ."ouHtsut care tt
reeelvee from cow to consumer.
Milk passes through three agen
rtos-tbe producer, the dealer
and the consumer If the first
two have done their part, clean,
safe milk wlti " he delivered,
thoroughly chilled, to the eon
sumer The consumer's restoo
nihility" boirtn rhe moment the
milk Is deilrered si his door
And Let Him Hunt For the Ingredients,
Too, Says a Woman.
Newspaper comment to the contrary,
there still remuln a few accomplish
ments In which a man may excel a
woman, and, oddly enough, one of these
Is salad making!. Indeed, there sec in
to bo In the iiuixculliio character, psy
chologically speak inn, it may bo sup
posed, something that uiskes the con
cocting of salad a man's seclal gen
ius In the wsy of humble skill.
You know the requirements fur a good
maker of sjiIioIk --"A miser fur vine
gar. a spendthrift for oil and a mad
man to do the mixing "
And there you have It A woman la
too careful, too considerate, too con
ventional, too much hamiered by de
tails Rut give a masculine lover of
good saluds coiureifTiil company, full
liberty In the use of oil, vinegar and
pcier ii nd the freedom of your re
frigerator, and you may trust him to
produce a masterpiece.
First of all, your sulud master enjoys
i the making of his dixit. Ho puts Into
It the conviviality of good comradeship
and the test of adventure. He much
prefers an exploring expedition In
search for bis Ingredients and aome
dubious uncertainty as to the result of
his efforts to a cut and dried sureness
of means aud methods. The result Is
a surprise which, as we all know. Is
one of the fW aids toward good appe
tite. Next, a man does not want culinary
folderobv lie Is hiincry, and he wants
his salad to furnish him something to
eat, ao he puts Into It plenty of oil and
good substantial vegetables aud green
things. He likes to ent; he likes adven
ture aud uncertainty; he likes piquancy
and pepiier: he likes a vigorous way
of doing things. Let him make your
salads.-Anne Rankin In Southern Wo
man's Magaxlue.
Traveling With a Cello.
Traveling with a cello Is as uncom
fortable As traveling not only with a
baby, but with a donkey. Unless In
deed you hnve an lustrumeut wltb a
convenient hinged door In the bark so
that you may pack It full of traveling
iieces-dtlos-.MSS., and so forth thus
dispelling wltb a lng. or unless you
can cork up Its "f" holes and use the
Instrument ns a canoe on occasions n
cello Is about as Inconvenient a travel,
Ing companion ns the corpse In Steven
sou's tule which would Insist on Rt'ttlua
Into the wrong box. Musical Courier
Curious Superstition.
The ancient believed that the mar
row contained in the human backbone
often ti'unHfovuioi) , Itself Into h ncc
pcuL , ,f
Pliny ("Xntuiul History." volume 0.
pugn 00) says Hint the morrow of a
ninn's luirklioue wl breed to a t-'iuikc
The Chinese (Worde-'s "ICaKtern Trav
els"! burned tho backbone to "destroy
serpents that might hatch therefrom'
Cue or, but Trus.
"It's a e.ueor world." .
"Stand' up and say that riches don't
make for happiness and everybody will
agree with yon heartily."
"That's so."
"And everybody will go out and
keep right on Tying to net rich."
A Thing of Surprise.
"Opinions differ," remarked the .mu
seum guide, "ns to what period this ex
tinct animal belong to."
"That nulmal doesn't belong to any
period," commented the prnmumrlun.
"It belonits to nn exclamation polnt."
I'lttshitrgh Chronicle Telegraph.
Know thot "Impossible" hns no place
In the brave umu's dictionary. Car
How to Hsve Plenty of Hot Wstor
Without a Firs,
It Is dlHnnrccnblo to keep n flro dur
ing the warm summer months merely
for hot water.. Hnve the tinner make
a Jacket out of Ktilvunlr.ed Iron, give
It a II n In u of asbestos ami place It
around the hot water tank, The Iron
Is of such width that two pieces will
oovpr the entire lank and extend far
etuiuKh above to hold a layer of ashes
The water will ' stay hot twenty-four
Portland, Oct. 2. Today's market
quotations were:
Wheat Club, 1.27; bluestem,
Oats No. 1 white feed, 28,
Barley Feed, 33.
Hogs Beit live, 9.85 010.
Prime steers. 7; fancy cows, 5.75;
best calves, 7.60.
Spring lambs, 8.75.
Butter City creamery, 85; coun
try. 28. -
Eggs--Seiectcd local extras, 40.
Hens, 15; broilers, 15 017; geese,
11 11.
Copper, 28.
, Hse Words Cam True.
The squad had been particularly stn.
pld. and the drill Kei'fc't-iiiit wn exus
pcrotcd. After taluly attempting to
Induce theiu to execute some move
roents he Kuye the order. "Stand at
eae." Addressing them ;rloiuily, ha
said- "I remeinlxT when I was a small
boy I had a set of toy soldiers made of
leud uinl tin. One day I lot them, and
I wpt bitterly My mother told uie
not to fret; that some day I would And
them again, mid. Iy gum. 1 have!"
Vancouver World.
A Penny Saved
Is a Tenny
The wise housewife
faves many a penny read- I
ing the newspapers.
if there is a bargain
advertised she'll not miss
it. She constantly is
looking for it.
It is up to the mer
chant, Keep the house
wife posted. Let her
know through the news
paper what you have to
offer. Incidentally men
today ransack tre news
papers for bargains as
assiduously as do women.
If - you want to sell
your wares advertise.
Advertise in the best
medium, ihe newspaper.
Also if you want to buy
successfully read the ad
Of the Rogue River Courier, pub
lished daily at Uranta Pass, Oregon,
required by Act of August 24, 1913:
Publisher, A. E. Voorhlcs.
Editor. Wllford Allen.
Managing Editor, A. E. Voorhles.
Unfitness Manager, A. E. Voorhles.
Owner. A. E. Voorhles.
Bondholders, mortgagees -and other
security holders, holding 1 percent
or more of total amount of bonds.
Average number of copies of each
Issue of this publication told or dis
tributed through the malls or other,
wise, to paid subscribers, during the
six months preceding the date shown
above, 830.
( Signed ) A. E. YOORHIES.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 30th day of September, 1916.
Notary Public.
(My Commission expires
. December 7, 1916.)
The California and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
(The. Oregon Caves Ronte)
Effective Monday, May 1, 1916.
! Train 1 It. Grants Pass 7:00 a.m.
Arrives Waters Creek...... 8: 00 a.m.
Train 4 If. Watera Creek.... R:00 p.m.
Arrives Grants Pasa 6:00 p.m.
Dally except Sunday.
All trains leave Grants Pass from
the corner of O and Eighth streets,
opposite the Southern Paclflo depot.
For all information regarding
trelg' t and passenger service call at
the office ot the company, Public Ser
vice building, or phone 131 for
Train will atop on flag at any
point between Gran's Pass and
War Creek. PaSMSC" vr '
every da In the week.
ROOM AND BOARD Pleasant front
room In private family, suitable tor
one or two young men, good board, I
Call at 615 North Fourth.
Letterheads at the Courier.
rost slut.
ANGEL CAKES Phone ordera to No.
1J0-J, 787tf
want the most pork er lb. of feed,
get a Winona Berkshire for your
next herd boar. Spring pigs aver
aged 100 lbs. each at four months.
F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Rural
Route No. 1. SJOtf
M-ROOM bouse, partly furnished, lot
75x100, on Sixth street, for aale
real cheap, or will trad. For par
ticulars Inquire D. A. Williams, 821
0 street 878
FOR SALE at a sacrifice, modern
seven-room bungalow on north
side. Have reason for selling.
Need 81,200 or f 1,500 aa first pay
ment Address No. 1709, care
Courier. 856tf
120-ACRB RANCH for sale, build
ings, small orchard, 40 acre heavy
timber. Five miles from town.
87.50 per acre. Will give time. See
O. J. Knlps, 616 South Fourth
street. ' . 863
FOR SALE Good milk cow, plow
horse, good two-seated spring
wagon, double back harness, new
steel wheel truck. J. W. Osborn,
R. F. D. 1, opposite county home 66
FOR SALE CHEAP Large iron safe,
made by Mosler Safe & Lock com
pany. Size 12x18x24 Inside,
24x30x36 outside. Inquire of W.
R. Nipper. 864
FOR SALE 20 head young catUs :
a bargain If taken at once. A. E,
Dixon, route 3, Grant Past. At
Jones Creek bridge. Si
FOR SALE Two small males, light
wagon and harness, $175 cash. In
quire P. J. Rush, Takilma, Ore. 6S
TO TRADE Two lots in Marshfleld
and some cash for second-hand
Ford. Address No. 1730, care
Courier. - 864
80 ACRES, two miles from growing
town, with ood irrigation water
rights. Will exchange for stock of
merchandise or a going business.
Write owner, Wm. Sullivan, 609
11th street. Modesto. Cal. ,868
GOOD HORSE, buggy and harness to
trade for young fresh cow. Call
at 911 Orchard avenue. 864
WANTED AT ONCE First class,
strictly modern, furnished, flve
or six-room bungalow. All im
provements, including gas, north
aide. Will lease for six months,
. with option ot longer period If sat
isfactory. If you have something
meeting these requirements, tele
phone at once. Will pay well for
right place. Phone 280-J. 871
splendid line ot fruit and orna
mental trees. Good teris. Good
territory. Good prospects. Cash
advanced on orders. Albany Nur
series, First National Bank Bldg.,
Albany, Oregon. J 64
LOST Between the foundry and the
Fashion garage, crank for- automo
bile. Finder return to Josephine
hotel. Reward. 865
LOST -Between , Grants Pass and
Wildervlllei 50 ore sacks. Finder
please leave at Grants (Pasa Livery
stable, with Peter Gravlln. Re
ward. 864
LOST Thursday or Friday, on East
school grounds or between there
, and North Second Btreet, child's
gold necklace, with initial H on one
i side, heart-shaped locket, Reward,
j Phone 145-J. 863
DRESSMAKING and Bewlng ot any
kind. Will care for children at
your home evenings. Mrs. Llxrle
'Wright, 713 North Eighth. 864
CRYSTAL SPRINGS water ,put up In
5-gallon glass Jars and dellvereC.
st your door, fresh, pure, sanitary.
Telephone 29S-R and watei wagon
will call.
TAXI STAND at the Mocha Cafe. Any
where In town 10c. Phone 181-R.
Residence phone 24H-L.
: ENLARGEMENTS made froiii your
! .,.). u- ...i..
or views, in sizes Xrom 5x7 t0
14x17, Prices from 20a to 91.50.
In black and Vhlte. Coloring extra.
Paddock Photo Co,, 310 North
Sixth street. 864
a,, u v. hvi Ui, Asuayer, chemist,
me'.ftlhriust. Roma 801-303 Pad
i dock MuDdlng. Grants Pass.
U O. CLEM2NT, M. D. Practice
limited to dUeasss of the aye, Mr.
nose and throat Glasses flttad.
Office hour 8-1 J, 2-5, or on ap
pointment Office phone, 62; resi
dence phone 1 6 8-J.
S. LOUGHRIDGE. It. D., PbjatcUa
and surgeon. City or country calls
attended day or night Resldeaea
phone I6; office phon 183.,
Sixth and H. Toff Bldg.
J. P. Truax, M. D., Physician and ,
surgeon. Phones: Office 838; resi
dence 324. Calls answered at U
hours. Country calls attended to.
Landbdrg Bldg.
DR. ED. BTWATR Specialist oa
diseases of eye ear, bom and
throat; glasses fitted. Office loan:
9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 p. m. Photuss: e
Residence 2S4-J; office . 257-J,
Schmidt Bldg, Grants Paw, Ore.
A. A. WITHA1X. M. D., Pbysldan and
Surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg corn
er Sixth and I street?. Phones:
Office 116; residence 282-J. Heart
a. m. to 4 p. m.
DR. H. WARREN NICK, Osteopathia
Physician. Chronic and nerrona
dlseates specialty. Rooms 1 and 3,
Lnndburg Bldg., opposite post
office;, phone 149-R. Residence:
Colonial hotel; phone 167-J.
E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-class
dentistry. 109 ' South Sixth
street. Grants Pass Ore.
era dental work. Maud B. Brad
ford, dental assistant Rooms 4 1
and 5, Golden Rule Bldg. Grants
Pass, Ore. Phone 265-J. .
H. D. NORTON. Attorney-et-Le,w
Practice In all Bute and Federal
Courts. First National Bank Bldg.
, .. f ,,'..;
COL VI Q . k WILLIAMS Attorneys-
at Law, Grants Pass Banking Co.
Bldg, Grants Paw, Ore. .
E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practise
In all courts. First National Bank ' '
: Bldg."",, ;..: t:
EDWARD a RICHARD. Attorney-at-Law.
Office Masonic Temple, '
Grants Paw, Ore.
W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law.
County attorney for Josephine
County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg.
O. S. BLAN CHARD, Attorney-at-Law.
Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg.
Phone 370. Grants Pass, Ore. :
V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-Law,
Practice In state and federal
courts. Rooms 3 and 3, over
Golden Rnle store. .
Belgian school of violin playlag.
E. R. Lawrence 215 I street
J. S. MACMURRAT, teacher of voice'
culture and singing. Lessons given
at home ot pupil if requested. Ad- '
dress 716 Lee street. . 851tf .
kinds of drayage and transfer
work carefully and promptly done.-
, Phone 1S2-R. ' Stand at freight
depot A. Shade, Propr. ' ' j: " ' -
F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer.
Safes, pianos and furniture moved, ,
packed, shipped and stored. Phone
Clark & Hclman, No. 50. Resi
dence phonj 134-R.
THB WORLD MOVES; so do we.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone
GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84 A. F.
A. M. Stated Communica
tions 1st and 3d Tuesdays.
Visiting brethren cordially
Invited. A. K. Cass, W. H.
Ed. G. Harris, secretary.
O. F., meets every Wed
nesday evening In I. O. O.
N F. hall, corner 6th and H.
St s. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially
Invited to be present. Euill Gebers.
N. O.; Clyde Martin, Secretary.
PAPERHANGING, graining, palnt
Ing. For the best work at lowest
prices phone 295-J. C. G. Plant,
South Park street
DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian.
Office In Wlnetrout Implement
Bldg. Phone 11 3-J. Resldenee
Phone 305-R,