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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1916)
i J . . UA' 4 -MviW&S Sfefcif --v.'t' A I PAGE FOUR D.ULT ROGUE RIVKU COURIER ' UAVntV BtPTrunt'll li inm va --'"..-, mm aari... tl 1- " I Another New Big Song Hit "My Own Iona" Another on of (hot beauti ful HawaiUn Song which are mi popular now. Good words and bwuitlful melody with a good catchy swing iMk thin song one of the Ihs4 Issued. IV a copy at Music and Photo House Stanton Rowell, Prop. I. 1 , I UU.-MIU ! nun suvini niut-ililK 01 M. Luke's guild Will be held at til.' guild hall od Wednesday afternoon. The business meeting will begin at 1:30. Miss Dora Bin-hard went to Eugene , Meting of tiiilM yesterday to attend college. ! A Miss Jeanette Miws loft yesterday tor Eugene to attend the university. Rev. Q. A. Taggart returned this morning from a several days' trip to Corvallls. Elmer Howard left yesterday for Eugene to resume his studies at the University. Corsets, prices up to 12.50, on sale now at $1.00. Mrs. Rehkopf. SSStt Will Hold Lauu Social The Methodist Ladles' Aid soctoty will hold a lawn social at the home of Mrs. Sam Baker, fill North Fourth street, on Tuesday afternoon. Bittern- Donald Lucas arrived yesterday Der 13 ,t j 0.clock If wwUwr from Agness and will attend "Is Is unfavorable the social will be held school here this winter. n the church parlors. M. D. Yarger returned to his home J at Coalings. California, this morning Englewuoil Dairy after attending to business matters j The best milk, cream and Ico cream, here. I Phono 222. tf Henry Bump left this morning for! - Musk) Club Meet Ths first meeting of ths teaaon of the. Grants Puas Muslo club will be held at eight o'clock Friday evening. September 15, In the Commercial club room, There will he election of officers and a general discussion of plans for the coming year. All mem bers of the club are requested In be present and thoas wishing to Join r. cordially Invited, Commercial (lob Tonight The special committee authorlied some time ago by ths board of trustees of the Commercial club to Investigate, and report upon the pro posal of discarding the billiard and pool tables from the club equipment will report this evening. The nature of the report has not yet been made public. The committee I composed of Trustees Rramwell, Mary and fly-water. Hooks for tli grades and Uis High School now on sals. Special Announcement "The Christian." which was book oil for tomorrow, has been delayed in transit and can not arrive for our use tomorrow. In its place will bo shown an equally great production, "The Melting Pot" featuring Walker Whiteside who is known locally as the gifted star in "The Typhoon," one of the great plays presented in the local opera house during the regime of Mgr. T. F. Ban ley. "The Christian" will be shown later in the month. BIJOU THEATER , interests here. H. L. Hubbell returned to Gold I The Portland .ball club passed 1 I through here this morning on their No .More Stamp Tax County Clerk Coburn has received a letter that, effective at midnight September 8. 1918. all stamp taxes In ;H11I this morning after spending a , . - sciie.iule A and B. on document and few days In the city. . , ' h'l ' 1 ' !etle. were repealed. In the case . Mrs. G. C. Booth went to Medford a k 1 "ZL n B u . of "n"nt hW thU morning where she will meet .,h ..r Ul d,,b for a and delivered to the her mother from Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Peterson left this morning for Ashland to attend W. A. Sharp, formerly Pass week here for a few minutes friends m the depot. SCHOOL BOOKS Vena, lYncllk, Tablet and other School Supplies, Demaray'; Drug and Stationery Store wirf oxoctttod irra ttti it pl.t Kenneth Williams toiied off. . .. .1 I n(s i . Illatt ... jquir to be tam,)ea under tho tri (Visions of tho tot of Ootober 22, 191 i FLOU1K it will jmy you to sot. The Josephine Grocery Co. ix'foro Imying your winter' supply. and .and the repeal refers only to doeu jmenta executed and delivered to the of Urnnts grantees nfu r the time of repeal. where he was engaged in pros-' pectins, and recently in the service !.ITTKM!T TO HEAT TUAIN At- - lit... . 1 01 mo tteaiern union teiegrapn com-1 THE I SCAL ItESt'l.T pauy at Denver, has been appointed , local manager for that company here. ; Iceland. Colo.. Sept. 11. Three succeeding K. K. McCoy, who haa rtn. ,end and a fourth victim la dyln been made manager for the Western ; today as the result of one of the worst Cnion at Mood River. 'automobile accidents thnt ever oc- ' curred In this region. The auto- Kiit Fnll Millinery Slio lug j mobile party of four, consisting of The first showing of Tall and win-; Mr. and Mrs. James L. Hedelson and ter millinery on Wednesday. Septem- Mrs. Clara Jones, of l-oveland, and ber 13. at The Hat Shop, opposite ' Mrs. Julia A. Unt. of Eureka. Kas.. postomce. Si;, were returning from a mountain trip last night. At the outskirts of the Itetiirn From Trii city, Hedelaon. driving the machine. Parney Hall, accompanied iby Phil attempted to cross the Colorado A GIVES CP ROLL THAT STORK MAY XOT BE SCARE!) encampment at thnt place. Joe Galvin arrived this morning from Portland aud will spend a week in the city visittng friends. Mrs. Fred Guy and children ar rived this morning from Cold Hill and will visit in the city for a few days. Miss Edltha Vincent returned to her home at Merlin this morning after visiting friends In the city for a week. Bargains in wash waists. Mrs. Rehkopf. 838tf Miss Anna Calvert left this morn ing for the University of Oregon to attend that institution for the winter. Hobart Gilfillan went to Corvallls this morning and will enter O. A. C. for the coming term. Scott, returned last niitht from a trip Southern railroad tracks ahead of a Dr. H. W. Nice left this morning i to Eureka. Ruin by way of Crescent ,Pwamir southnound passenger train for Roseburz and Marshfleld. where City and returning through Duimmiilr. l car '" "truck squarely In the he will spend several days. He will .be back at his office Friday. Mrs. Margarite Provorse left yes- Chicago, Sept. 11. "Not so loud! Here, take this," said W.,JH. Lucas, labor union official, to a pair of hold up men who stopped him in front of his home about midnight, and he handed them his roll of $910. They hopped Into an automobile and drove away. "My wife's expecting the stork and rather than cause any excitement I gave up the money without a fuss," Lucas told the police. Today, still waiting the Important event, Mrs. Lucas was without knowl edge of the midnight hold-up. While at Eureka Mr. Hall purchased j,',, Mrs. Lent, fatally Injured, a quantity of machinery for his Iron as thrown lo one side and the other foundry, which will soon arrive. The,,nr,H' remaining In the automobile tprrisv fnr inhiint nH -ut infer r-1 Purchase of the machinery was nmr!e'an,l rolled over and over under tho turn here to visit her sister, Mrs. C. jnecessary by the growing business of sine I'llot were InRtantly killed aud i R. Fifleld. i the establishment. 1,n'lr botlles mangled nlmoxt beyond C. F. Blxby left this afternoon for i recognition. Oakland. Cal.. where he will reside.. Tell Your Xelirhhor. : fta"ran employes worked dewr- Mr. Blxby has closed out his pho- If your neighbor Is not a sia lography establishment here. jscrlber to the Dally Courier, you can Mr. and Mrs. D. A. G. Collie-1 render him a service iby mentioning MacNeill and daughter, Dorothy, left the Courier Bargain Day. 843 Sunday morning for a trip to Crater j lake, after which they will go to Out After Burks and Fish British Columbia. Mr. Collie-MacN'eill an. is British consul at Collma, Mexico, j.ut0Pd to different places around the ... , 1 ",,t , , nH ha hPPn hpr for . wppIc fl.hine ' ... -u... . V . department today received from (ien- - - - - - " o. .1. DU C 1U IU L'. Ill II I H 111 II H Fl I . . ' ... " ... ... ' ;erai rnnaton additional Infor some ! ately for over an hour before the 'bodies were removed from under the 'engine. j IISCKEIIT KEItHtTS OF I ACTIVITY BY VILLA Two Carloads New 1917 Model Fords Will he in this week They are the classiest car ever offered Price $415.70 C. L. Hobart Company Ships Berkshire Hog i while a try at a buck called A registered BerKsinre nog wasinf steelhesds anil hrnnW tmnt shipped this morning from Winona . recorded, but the bucks seem to have 00M50 KviNi ranch, going by express. The animal jed a charmed lite, though Carl Wll- i was shipped to Covington, Louisiana. Hams sent a bullet whistling near the Sept 15, Friday Business meeting of i ears of a big fellow. Others who Music club, in Commercial club , Leaves for Holland jmlssed have said nothing about It. room, at 8 p. m. sharp. j N. F. Macduff will leave this even-punting will be better when there hag 8epL 18, Monday Courier Bargain, ing for Holland to meet J. E. Hoff- been sufficient rainfall to make the -ay. !man. Mr. Hoffman is inspecting wood less noisy. Sept 19-20-21, Tuesday, Wednesday- brush areas in the national forests' . Thursday Josephine county fair and is now working in the forests and celebration. Sept. 25-30, Monday-Saturday Ore gon state fair. Natural. "Let- play house," suggested five-year-old Alice to her twin brother. Ned "All right." he agreed: "you pet the broom and lie the mother, and I'll get the newspaper and le the fatber."-Exclniiige. near here. Mr. Macduff will probably be gone three or four days. NEW TODAY (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two Issues, 25c; six issues, A Layman in the Pulpit At the Baptist church last night R. K. Hackett addressed an interest ed audience on "Evangelism from the Layman's Viewpoint." The October revival meetings in the large taber nacle to be constructed were men tioned as one of the great opportuni ties for the laymen to prove himself a profitable servant. In conclusion he stated that "in order to be an effi cient worker in any phase of evan- 50c; one month, $1.50, when paid lniKdism the layman must be trained, and it Is up to each individual mem ber to bo prepared." advance. When not paid in advance, 5c per line per Issue.) FOR SALE 160 acres timber and agricultural land, at a bargain, 1 mile to station. In Josephine county. Cruise 3.000,000 one-third pine. I will ibe in town only two or three days and will offer this property, worth $3000, at $1300. $500 will swing the deal. Call room 24, Palace Hotel. 2t. Job printing of every description at the Courier office. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, 829 Orchard Ave. Phone 370-J. 2t WANTED-Wlll pay $.1 per ton for .15 tons of clean, bright straw, baled. To be delivered at Grants Pass. Address Illahee, Grants Pass. 6t matlon Hlnralltlnir rannpt. n t Vllllatn n..l..l : from their homes. Some good catches i, . , , . I. . . ,L . . . . itles. Funston s message Includes the following from General Pershing; "Reports regarding Villa's move ments north received through Kl Paso authorities. So far these reports can not ibe confirmed here, although every possible source of Information la be ing used. Patriots at San Lorenzo, from EI Valle, reached Santa Clara canyon and about thirty miles on Chihuahua road but could hear noth ing of Villa nor any movement of Villlastas. People had heard rumors of Vllllstas at Satevo, but nothing of any action north of there." Remember the lHtti Bargain Day means the Daily Courier one year for $4 In advance, provided you are paid up to date. 43 Mines Employ Many Men H. M. Pfefferle, of Waldo, Is In the city, being called as a witness In a case before the circuit court. He re ports that the mining operations In the Waldo district are fast being In creased, both the copper and the chrome mines putting more men on the Job. The Collard & Moore chrome mine on the Althouse now employs 18 men, and Is hiring more, while It has 25 teams hauling the output to the railroad at Waters Creek. This mine has uncovered a seemingly In exhaustible body of ore and Is now arranging for mining during the en tire winter. FALL OF IK INCHES FRACTCRES MAX'S SPINE New York, Sept. 11. Matt Mc- Grath. famous weight thrower of the Irish-American -club, and a member of the New York police force, Is In WILSON FLAYED FROM THE PULPIT St. UiiIh, Sept. 11. President Wilson was Hayed from the pulpit of the Pilgrim Congregational church by his own kin yesterday. The Rev. 8. H. Woodrow, a cousin of the chief executive, attacked the passage, of the eight-hour law in a sermon, "A Menace to Free Government." Rev. Woodrow, who said he spoke as "a free American cltlien, In bond age neither to capitalists nor labor itnlonM." He said (he settlement'of the recent situation was "enough to cause alarm to every thoughtful citi zen and believer In free government." The chief points of Dr. Woodrow's sermon were: "The most pitiable exhibition was it. a m . mat or a president and congress frightened Into a blue funk by tho de mands of a small portion of the cltl- orers, can go to Washington and de mand concessions under threats. "It would be better for tho people to go on short rations. There are worse things than being hungry." NOMINEE FAIRBANKS TO TAKE THE KTl MP Chicago, Sept. II. Republican Vice-Presidential Nominee Fairbanks will open a western stumping tour with a speech at 8prlngfleld. Mo.. late today. He will speak tomorrow i at Oklahoma City and later at Tulsa, Okla.. Lawrence, Kas., and Kansas City. Mo. Announcement was mnde at west ern republican headquarters today of the appointment of F. K. Chandler, Chicago University student, as organ liser for Illinois of the Hughes' Col lege cluibs. a serious condition today as the result ""nshlp. of a fall of 18 Inches yesterday. while he was trying doors on his beat. (iKUMANS MSE ADVANCED TRENCHES TO ItlllTISII Berlin. Sept. vnnced trenches He Loss of to the British ad-be- We Sell nd Guarantee miiwttm TOOLS and CUTLERY ROflUE RIVER HARDWARE The Biff Red Fro ALIVE tvitli geniiiN, and poftsONfting a IM'i'sonulily that enthrUlls, a new and lMauiirul photoplay actress Hushed acroHN the vision of (iiuulH I'iimh playgoer at the STAR theuier liixt night, when Lenoie t lrlch, of "Tlio Bird of PiinuIlM'" fame, appeared In Hie Pnmmouiit-pulluN feuture, "The lleitit of Puiila." Sk-ihI thin evening, or Tue. da) i-veiilng, ut die, STAR, und see the new wonder-girl of the art-evil in this HMverfii dminu of old Mexico. Hughes Alliance I At the rate Hughes supporters are (Signing the membership roll of the i Hughes Alliance to be organized here Tuesday evening, Grants Pass will have the banner alliance yet organ ized In tho state. Walter L. Tooze, !of Salem, who Is here directing the i organization, states Hint already not less than 250 have added their names to the list, and the taking of signa tures has not yet been pressed. Rose burg, with 302 momibers on the list j at the time of organization, litis the i largest organization to date, but this j will undoubtedly be exceeded In this city. Mr. Tooze says that with the sentiment as he finds it here, the roll should find 400 voters upon It Tues day night when the organization Is completed. The organization meeting will be held In the Moose hall on Sixth street. 1 "This raises the question whether wMiBr-nn is any longer a neiiiierate , tween Olnrliy and Cnmbles In f.,ri. He Is In a hospital with a frn-tnred ,body or a servant of the chief execu- ous battlo was admitted by the war spine. McGrath was first In the 68-( tire, or of any mob that goes toiofllco this afternoon, pound weight throwing and second Washington with clamor and threats, i Fighting for possession of the vll in the 16-hammer throw at the senior "Oh for a dozen Tom Reeds In (he lHgo of Olnehv enntinim. championships of the Amateur Ath-. halls of congress today. ' South of the Rhnim. . r, i. ieiic union ai .-Mewara, . j., atur- 'i trust we never a day. again may fejd In the village of Berny have been ro. any group, cither of capitalists or lab- captured from tho French. ' Bijou Theatre Where everybody goes Thai everybody knows ir I I THE REST TRIANULE PIUXiltAM WK HAVE SHOWN IV SEVERAL WF.EKM Bessie Ban iscale In " Not My Sister " A story of unusual beauty and lower, ful IntoiiHity, A young wife and former m-tlM's model who llmres n secret of her enrly life In wiving her itlstei' from (Horace. TIkin. II, luce Production Ills Mll.cty Don Alfredo St. John Master performer In tlio Kingdom of Mirth In a Keystone Masterpiece The Moonshiners Polks, don't miss these Inlnillnhlo Keystone: Comedies. They're the one bit lii.igU i ,' the week. First performance TtilO 99 ---------- I 'I