Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, September 06, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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WUDMOHftAV, 8KIT. , lvl.
High Grade
"One Fleeting Hour"
A aweet endearing song that
tells a heart etory.
"Only Few Year Ao"
A sons that will live as long
aa there is love.
I'm A-Longin' Ft' You"
A song that will never grow
old nor lose its depth ot
plaintive appeal.
Strictly High Grade Songs with
. lleautiful Art Title Pages
Dont fall to see our Window
Display ot beautiful iilgh grade
music; there are many you will
want In your collection.
Mode and Photo House
Stanton RoweU, Prop.
Triangle Program
Paramount Photoplay.
Sept 11. Monday Kindergarten
opens at 411 C street.
Sept 11. Monday School opens.
Sept 18. Monday Courier Bargain
Sept U-20-21. Tuesday. Wednesday
Thursday Josephine county fair
and celebration.
Sept 25-30, Monday-Saturday Ore
gon state fair.
- (Rehkopf. 838tt
Washington. Sept. 6. George P. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cramer return
Mlms was today appointed postmaster jed to Portland last night, after vlstt
at Medford, Oregon. . jlng here 'for a few days with the
Every person should take
pleasure in his work. Th idea
of joy in one's work has boon
often ridiculed, but nevertheless
it is fast taking root in the
minds of many and oroving its
value and merit. J To perform
th day's work joyfully and joy
eusly may not be possible, in
cases, without effort, but the
fact is being realized mors and
more that it is vary much worth
whils to develop ths habit
words, two Issues, 25c; six Issues,
50c; one month, $1.50, when paid Is
advance. When not paid In advance,
5c per line per issue.)
TRADES Hotel, $5,000, for farm.
3 lota, Fairview, Portland, cost
$1,200; 1 lot, Oregon City, cost
$650; 5 acres, Mosler, at $1,200.
All or part for small farm.
Los Angeles bungalow, $3,000, for
city residence.
Nice little home at $1,100 for close
In acreage.
Two houses, each for small ranch.
Eight-room dwelling, north
for Portland, at $1,700.
Five-room dwelling, Pomona, Cal.,
at $2,000, for mountain ranch.
Montana 320 acres at $7,000 for
ranch here. L. A. Launer. 842
DRESSMAKER, Just from Portland,
can give best references, would
take day engagements. Call at 814
North Fifth street. 847
AGENTS WANTED under our strlct
. ly new, money making plan. If
you are a hustler and making less
than ten dollars per day, Wake
COMPANY, Grand Avenue, Port
land, Oregon. 847
Temple. Office phone, 174-J; resi
dence, 341-R. Miss Harris. tf
We Sell and Guarantee
The BU Red Front
Mrs. J. D. Fry went to Corvaltls
this morning to visit tor a week.
John Fallln went to Weed this
morning and will remain at that
'place for some time.
Paul Lorens left "last night for
Chicago, where he will spend tour or
fire months visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Barrett, ot
iHugo, are visiting in the city tor a
I few days with the E. A. Coruther
, family.
Corsets, prices up to $2.50, on sale
'now at $1.00. Mrs. Rehkopt. SSStf
Don Griffin left this afternoon for
i Portland and will later go to the Coos
;Bay district.
Earl Friday arrived this afternoon
and will spend the winter in this city
attending high school.
E. ljney went to Ashland this af-
i ternoon to attend the old soldiers' en-
campment at that place. v
Ret. Robert McLean returned
Los Angeles this morning, after vis
iting friends in this city (or several
Mrs. C. V. Pike left this morning
for Glendale. after visiting In this
city for several days with the F. W.
Pruitt family.
C. D. Reaser left for his home at
Los Angeles, after spending a short
time visiting the E. M. Albright fam
ily at Waldo. Mr. Reaser states that
he will likely return here later.
The Misses Anna and Flora
Schmidt left this morning for Port
land and will spend about two weeks
visiting at that place.
Miss Marian Xlel arrived his morn
ing for a short visit with Miss
Jeanette Moss and will leave to
morrow for.Eugene, where she will
enter college.
J. B. Pettlngill, field superintendent
at Medford for the sugar company,
returned to Medford today after
spending a couple of days In this city.
Bargains in wash , waists. Mrs.
:George Cramer and T. P. Cramer fam-
i Gets Deer and Bear
Claude Trimble bagged a fat buck
'and a brown hear while hunting on
j Williams creek, above the Cave camp,
i last Sunday.
Bathhouse May Remain Open
Should the weather remain clear
tor the next few days the bathhouse
win be opened on Friday. Saturday
ana aunaay or tnis wees.
Funeral Services Friday
The funeral services of W. H. Ryan
will be held at the Baptist church
Friday afternoon, September 8, at
2:30 o'clock. The I. O. O. F. will
officiate at the cemetery.
Norton-Letcher Wedding
Henry Hiram Norton and Miss
Isabella Letcher were married at 11
o'clock today, at the Baptist parson
age, Rev. S. A. Douglas officiating.
Only the Immediate relatives of the
bride and groom witnessed the cere
mony that united the fortunes of the
young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Norton
will reside upon the Norton ranch In
the upper Williams valley.
Women and Pain.
Tou women beur pain more heroic
ally than men." "Who told you that
a doctor?" "No: a shoemakerr'
The First Hospital.
Dedication of the first hospital took
place In Caesarea. Svrla, In the latter
part of the fourth century.
Goats and Milk.
A goat lives about ten years and will
give a yield on an average of a quart
of milk a day.
Her 8cham.
Maud It's singular Ethel Is so coy.
Jack-Not at all; her object Is to de
coy. Exchange.
Poof Jbhnny.
Nervous Mother Mary, find out
what Johnny Is doing and tell him to
stop It. Mary lie's asleep, mnm.
Dried Apples.
In making dried apples the French
use the cores and peelings for sauces
and vinegar.
A Case of Nscsssity.
"Pat, I am sorry to hear you have
burled your wife." "Sure, an' I had
to. sor She whs dead."
Massachusetts and Tobacoo.
The use of tolmcco was prohibited
In any form in MasnnchUHctts lu the
year 1040.
Always the Case.
"Take away woman, and what would
follow?" shouted the orator. "We
would!" cried a iiuiii on a buck seat.
Womsn Will Cs Logical.
Mrs. Hoyle Don't you think my boy
Is growing? Mrs. Doyle Yes; be Is
pretty larue for hU motlier'a age.
Itlrth on Jitinp-Oir-J
A boy
and Mrs.
born Saturday to Mr.
11. Stennett, of Jump-
M. W. uf A. Mecllntf
The regular meeting of the M. V.
of A. will be hold Thursday evening.
All members are urged to attend.
Consul D. A. Harmon.
Plats of Grants Pass
Blue print plats, revved and cor
rected to date, showing present
ownership ot all large tracts, tor sal?
at the Courier office, $1.50. 827tf
Sugar OttlcUls He
J. W. Tim peon, auditor of the
(Utah - Idaho Sugar company, and I
J. Clayton, bookkeeper for the tame
company, are spending a short time
In this city. They are from the gen
eral headquarters of the company at
Salt Lake and are visiting their fac
toriea throughout the country.
fju-ge Express Shipment-
What Is said to be one of the
largest express shipments received at
this place for some time arrived here
recently. When a strike of the rail
road men was Imminent the superin
tendent of the gang of men surveying
the O. & C. grant lands ordered a
large consignment of foodstuffs via
Wells Fargo. The shipment filled
three of the express trucks to capacity
and took some little time to unload.
There were 10,272 pounds of the
goods shfpped.
Will Ship Pears Friday
Bosc. Clalrgeau and other varieties
now ready will be shipped Friday or
Saturday. G overs should bring
these in at once. Will make car
Anjous with few other vsrletfes next
week. Get in touch with us at 'once.
Guaranteed advance. Eismann Prod
ucts company, warehouse No. 3.
Phone 344. 843
Collects Mistletoe Specimen
Dr. James R. Wler returned today
from a several days' trip to Adams
Station, where he was rolleetln
mistletoe specimens and Investigating
tree diseases. The mistletoe will be
sent to the laboratory, where It will
be examined later by Dr. Wler. He
Is Interested chiefly In the mistletoe
on evergreens and reports that he
found several varieties In this coun
try. The parasite grew mostly on the
timber which was not merchantable.
the ,arRer trpe9 MnK nearly free
O. & C. Grant Land
Blue print plats of Josephine an'
C:irry counties showing O. & C. land
grant sec tions, for sale at the Courier j
Victors Frm Philippine
I Mrs. S.vU Kidder and two sons,
jStanley and Robert, arrived In the 1 'rlbuting system In and adjacent to'Sonime the Germans made no
'city Sunday, coming from Manila.! I s Angeles, which Los Angeles pro- jcounter-attack during the night, but
P. I., and will visit with Dr. and Mrs. poses to use to distribute the electric artlllery was active on all points.
; Ed By water. Mrs. Kidder came from energy of the Owens river aqueduct, j The second anniversary of the
jRoseburg by auto with Mr. and Mrs. An additional 11,578.000 for sever-1 Marne, which turned the German tide
iJ. E. Sawyers, who with Miss Rcbs ance damages was also fixed. Com- from the gates or Paris, was cole
Wharton and Miss Gertrude PoHt.Vlssloner Egerton, who held all the hrated here today, whllo Paris took
both of Roseburg, drove on to Crater
lake. Klamath Falls and Ashland. Mr.
Kidder will arrive tomorrow. On ,
Saturday morning they will accom
pany Dr. and Mrs. Bywater to Crater
lake, where several days will be spent
on an outing.
"John," said a father to his son one
day when be caught him shaving the
down off his upper Hp, "don't throw
your shaving water out where there
are any barefooted boys about or they
might get their feet pricked."
Bijou Theatre
T7T WfTrTM fl nv f FT"
The story
JESSE L. LASKY presents the incomparable
SiiiNiitMl Iiy
Theodore Roberts
Thomas Meighan '
linked on the novel by Henry Melon Morvltimn, by arrangement
of the HK-li tattle for social ami political freedom In Ituwtln. A
trtgiu nml kih IhI unrest, told In gripping, thrilling went.
First performance 7: Hit. AdmUslon 5 ami IS COMING Myrtle
Forces lf workmen have been busy
at the hlsh m-hool for a number or
weeks past making necessary repairs
and renovating the entire building.
They will be at work for a few days
more, but when the school bell rings
on Monday morning all of the build
ings will be ready for occupancy. At
the high school massive plcra of con
crete have been built froth the base
ment foundation to the top of the
auditorium celling to support the
roof truss, and concrete partitions
have replacod wood partitions front
the basement to the first floor. The
wooden props In the basement and on
the first floor supporting the audi
torium yet remain, awnltlng a time
when the district can afford to spend
more funds on repairs. As It now
stands the building is perfectly safe
In every way. All of the rooms have
been thoroughly scrubbed and rne
desks and chairs have been elenned
and are bright with new varnish.
At the Central and Riverside
hools also the cleaning has been
extensive. Including the floors, walls
and rtpsks.'
San Francisco, Sept. 6. -The atate
Irallrnn.l rum nilnHlnn lodaV (Wed Bt
4 0()0 the Jlrt compPnatlon to
IUt? )UIU UJ wit vnj "D ..r.
the Southern California Edison com-
i ... -i-...i- ji.
psny for tne company s eiecinc um-
1 earlngs In the case, dissented rrom
the majority opinion and fixed the
valuation at 14.000.000, with sever-
ance damages of $905,521. The
Southern California Edison company
claimed $20,000,000.
, of the river have drawn so close to
Portland, Sept. 6. A. S. Rosen- the Chaulnes-Peronne railway that
baum, agent for the Southern Pacific the lino at communication Is now un
rallroad at Medford, has been ap- dor hot Are and useleHS to the Oer
pointed claim agent for thut company, mans.
with headquarters at Portland. The Germans attempted an attack
The Most Daring
of an artist's model, featuring one of
most beautiful women,
nr an to)
& Thursday
Tke Sowers'
Chicago, Sept. Nlue I'nltcd
States senators today wired western
republican headquarters here offering
their services to stump middle west
ern and far western states In support
or the candidacy or Presidential Nom
inee Hughea. The announcement was
made by Fletcher Maddox, In charge
of the speakers' bureau.
The senators who offered their ser
vices were Cummins and Kenyon, of
Iowa; Dorah or Idaho; Weeks or
Massachusetts: Wadsworth of New
York; Harding of Ohio; Curtis or
Kansas: Sterling of South Dakota,
and Jones of Washington. Former
Senator llnrtoti of Ohio also tendered
his services. .
Frank Hitchcock, of New York, Is
expected here within a few days for
a conference with western republican
leaders. It Is planned to have Hitch
cock vjslt Montana, Nevada, Colorado.
Arlxnna, Nebraska. New Mexico. Okla
homa apd North Dakota to- study
conditions and report.
Paris, Sept. 6. Repeated German
attacks against the newly-won French
posltlona south of the Homme Mere
broken up by French bnrrane fire last !
nlitht. It was officially announced to
day. The Herman assaults reached their
greatest violence at Denlecourt und
Berny-en-San Terre. North of the
stock of tho new successes on the
Somme. The principal celeibratlon,
however, will be held next Sunday.
(n ,n,,,r advance since Sunday.
uot, north nn, H01llh of ,he Souuw,
'the French have scored some of the
jtnoHt Important gains of the whole
Somme offensive. They have Increased
the pressuro on Peronne and south
Where everybody goes
Thai everybody knows
Picture Ever Filmed
with llrNr Av llmtlient. A story
narrative of IliiRMlnn political In.
Hto.liimn, In "The Wild Olive"
Uniting Learning and Labor
In its Sit Schools and Porty-elght De
partment! la eiiKKd in the great work
ol uniting learning and Labor.
Forty-eighth School Year Opes
SEPTEMBER 18, 1916.
Degree Courses requiring a four-year
high school preparation, are ottered in
the billowing.
AGRICVI-TUKK. 18 Departments;
COMMKRCK. 4 Departments; I'.NGIN
KKRINO. II Departments; MINUS, t
tVpnrttiirnts: I'OKK.HIRY. 2 Depart
menu; llOMK hl'ON'OMlCS, 4 Depart
mciit;n.l 1'IIAHMACY.
Vocational Courts requiring an
Rigtitli Cmdc prrwruou for entrance
are offered ill Ajjntiilture. lUiryllig,
Commerce, Porr .trv. llutne Mutter, and
Mrcluiiic Art Plmnn icy with a two
year hi(h cbHil rntr ini'c iriiurrnient
SCHOOL UP Ml'SUV- I'Uiio. StritiK,
Hand and Voice Culture,
('i'"'ii mill !.-,.uu(ul Illustrated
booklet free.
Vil i:cv Tuv '.l ''.lTK,
lw I U IM.I; M.l C'lill ai.i.i- okkcon
ou FUniry, northeast of Verdun, last
night. French fire held the enemy to
their trenches at most places. Forty
prisoners were taken. In Ixirraln a
surprise attack by the Germans i
Portland, Sept. C.Suitar dropped
i j cents on the Portland market to
day to f7. This Is one of the higxest
I breaks on record.
- Precocity.
"Mercy!" exelsluied Mrs. Dlggs. "The
baby Is chewing, on ymir iockct edition
of Kplctetus!"
"indeed." replied Professor triggs,
with a proud ami happy look, "let the
child alone. It la cdmi that a mere
Infant allow kik-Ii a pronounced taste
for the cUihsIcs." Illrmlngliatn Age
Herald. Tomorrow